HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERM T # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building arc Code Compliance Division BUELDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AG"tMENT St, Lucie Coui ity Contractor Certification Number: �� I1 S IK9 J State of Florid a Certification Number (Wapplicamr): z(f�1L° • have agreed to be the (Co pany Name/individual Name) Rd i Subcontractor for t`r1+�on1$ Cs�,.�bi"I�uCrtis (Typ of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the proj tet located at RICO � i *-'C- (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) 3-Z% 1- `?:a.I - ex�a 006' It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I v Change of a: —r - -1 �'We')1III W. Business Nat Address: City/State/zi Phone: SIGNATUP immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a notice. (,Form: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) QUALIFIER (Dame of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) SIGNATURES ARE RUQUIREID STATE OF OLORIDA. COUNTY OF l `E? W h I °L PRI— NAM l l[' ,f a •i DATE TIM FORE DING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED DEFORE ME THIS ,_J—.LQ_ iDA,Y OF =�H iQE , 20,_,� BY I WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN 09 HAS PRODUCE1 AS liDENTIFICATION. (STAMP) SIGNATU QP' NOTARY PUBLIC PRINT NAWK OF NOTARY PUBLIC SLCPDS: ; ,o�,,; KAREN S. NIELSEN IN Commission # FF 115637 My Commission Expires June 12, 2018 PERM T# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie Coui ity Contractor Certification Number: 767366 State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): GrCi f `t Z f j 5 iq 1MNS -i-C,/Z of have agreed to be the (Company Name/Individual Name) Ti lu Sub -contractor forks �(�•{����� ��.,5,— c��o� (Type of Tra a) (Primary Contractor) For the proj ctlocated at LC1 4-Z CAZITt�� C'cu,,iTW e57JyVU5 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) 3 Z 1l — 'io 1- Goo q - Cara — 7 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I wip immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a Change of Stub -contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) NOTARtZEO SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED Business Nam : MSTE iz> Address: City/State/Zip �jTU Oar�2 ► l 3 �� 9 �� Phone: . Z— �% — Z_3 ((., email: SIGNATIME PRINT NAME DATE STATE OFF ORIDA, COUNTY OF ��� `� C✓�`' THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF v� , 204 BY\ WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN OR HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION. (STAMP) NATU OF NOT Y PUthit PRINT NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC \ SLCPDS: 12/ 6/2013 YP 114WA.000DW * * MY COMMISSION # FF 101341 �F EXPIRES: March 12, 2018 YenWTmBudgdNobryServlcee Pf`F2 # ISSUE PATE PLANMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Iluifding & Code Coinplianee Division . BUILDING PV MIT Sun -CONTRACTOR AGREEMI ENT St. Lucie Coun y Contractor Certification Number A Z State of Fjoeldl CertifleadonNuaMber (tfapplicaMe): IF—C nyName/IndbAdual T have agreed to be the Sufi -contractor for F-�': cLE�ir' �J �1� 1��C`C"1�'i,� (Primary Gont utor) For the project located at 18100 Wk-46 ' -r*z. (o .4Tr- : - +� (Project Sheet Address or i mpeM Tax ID #) 3 Z, ( t -- 701- 000 -T Oc o - 7 It is underst< od that, if there is any change ofstatas regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I v4i i immcAawly advise the )3uilding and Zoning Department of St Lucie County by filing a Change of Sib -contractor notice, (Form: SLCcp"%► (No, 004-0) BUSINE+ QUALI MR gftme of the Individual shown on the Con>aacwes License) NOTARIZO SIG NAT LTRES ARE Ii19QUM0 Business Naas : V:�l �� (--, P. I Address: L '2T) VA( A-r-v ��_ city zip_j—=j::j P� & vr-r- e-L� &2 Phone.Z. email• t V �G r, _ 3 Zss � - • 1`p � SIGi�[A PRINT NAME DAT 1E STATE OFF UORIDA, COUNTY OF wm p, THE FO ING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS j!DA-Y OF .20 -IL-1 BY WHO IS PFASONA).Y KNOWNOR HAS PRODUCED AS IDENMICAilON. (STAMP) . _ SIGR TB tD]F NOTARY PUBLIC PRINT XA.NM OF ROTARY PVOLIiC A f 1 *@ MY CQMMISSION FF0060* SI,CI'DS:1Z 16/2013 ,•. EXPIRES: Ma ,� ...a ,• Y 16 017 -.Rf,�`` _- Bonded Thru Notary P66Go Tracy D Steele A/C Inc. 772-336-4171 p.1 i PER # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance bivisiOn DUU DING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGRJEEMENT St. Lucie Cou y Contractor Certification Number: � -:Es StueofFlorid Certification NumberUtfapplimbld , c-R =J •3 5 3 have agreed to be the kA (C any Namc/Individuai ame) G Sub -contractor for totA'RA6eMn 13a Q04§ j. na is (Type o f Trade) (Primary Contractor) 1~or the prof ct located at 11wito aA to = •- Iat+it'- I,.o kZ.. TES (project Street Address or Property Tare rD #) 3 ZI, - 701- It is Understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our panicipation with the above mentioned project, I wi I immediately advise the. Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a Change of S b-contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) BUSMIS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) NOTARIZE SIGrNA,T1.MS ARC Yl EQU1R'ED pp BusinessNemt : �+\ C 1 =�: �� l �+f Address: �� - Y ( ^, CirylState/bip 'f-75B Ph e: ? 7 rR - S-3 6 '-p CY email: 51GNATU PXW NAM DATE STATE OF ILOMA, COUNTY OF THE FOREC DING 1NSTRVMENTWAS SIGNIED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF J.at,I c � // , ao BY ; /r C - - WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN 7� OR HAS PRODUCE AS IDENTIFICATION. I Imo)= NAVIIE OF SLCPDS: 12, 1612013 I t+o M-0 a MUM F STACEY MY COMMISSION #FF081088 EXPIRES February 23, 2018