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St.Lucie County, FL
B*f0me Login i useeRegistmtiorf HOTdpics# �Ubinit:W6arge State-&"Facts 1: Publlcatlons I FBCStaff'1 'BCIS'SfteMap I 116ke $earch }
1 Product'Approval '10,�.i.1lgl-/f
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`oiodaU 400roval MEnu>Pr w4a or Apo ka i nR Search,s;Aoa11r4Von.List>AppRea FJ�6t
FL# FL17443 Id-,VIEWED
Application Type New DATE SST BE W O"+
FR14T 1liL E.
Code:Uersioi zoia pT,ANS A1��p• � BE��D
Application Status Approved: OF, 0�SpECT10.�
Product;Manufaci user ]A TAYLOR RO0'1 tE p�NS AND ALL.PROPOSED WORK
Address/Ph', V/' all 302 Melton Fl gJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS
A9M ?„ALLkylewhite228PLy WAPL CA6LE CODES.
Authorized:Signature :Kyle Taylor
Technical Representative:
Address/Phone/Email �[�
Quality.Assurance.,Representative ���Ego�Q� �t -
Address Fh9mAinail EM
Category .Roofing
Subcategory Metal Roofing
Conpiiance McEhotl fvaluation'Report;from;a Fiorida'Reglstered Architect or a licensed
Florida'Professional Engineer
14 Evaluation Report—Flardcopq Received
:Florida Engineer'or.Architki:Name Who developed' Locke.Bowden.,
.Florida license' P..E=49704
Quality.Assurance:Entity Keystone Certifications;Inc.
Quality-Assurance';Contract Expiration Date: 04/11/2021
widated`6y Hermes F. Norero,:!P:E.
W daf(om;Ghecktist-Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence. Fl 17443`RO'COI Certificate:of Indeoend Locke Bowden PE,iodf
Ref,e enced'Standard and-Year 0f:-Standard) Standard. Yeas.
U ubo- 2006
Equivalence of P.,rodUCt Standards
Certified By.
.sections from the Code
'File C®py
Product Approvai.Method Method 1 option'D-
Date'5ubmitted; 03/02/2015
Date;Validated 03/02/2015'
Date'Pending FBC Approval 03J05[2015
Date Approved 04/15/2015
SumifharVO Products
FLIP. Modeii;Number,or Name Description;
17443.1, S V Crirnp_ 26GA 1/2"'rlb height':over 15/32'plyWood°
.Limits°of Use: -installation instructions
Approved ionise-in HVHZ :No FL17443`R0'II 5 dGrlpio Fastening QQtail,pdf
Approved f6r„use,out5ide'.HVHZ:Yes' Verified By'.'PR!ConstructionMaterialS Technologies,.UG
Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:'Yes,
Design'Pressure:+N/A/-129i25- Evaluation Reporus
Other: 129i25>@ 61'o c:-69.25 @16"d.e. margin of safety F-j 4g w AP"' 17443]:-A-.Tavlor-g4frio 5 V Crimp
2:1 with-24"max:coverage Instan'per manufacturers d6tall Report ss odP
Not for-use.,in HVHZ. Created by Independent Thfrd Party Yes
.Back Nex;..
contact Us 2601 OfatrSlone koad.Tallahassee.FL32399.Phone:-8S0=487-1824"
The State:,&Florida'is.an AA/EEO e-iiiployen C6b4rloht 2007<2013 State of Florida: Pdvacv sw6rnerrt AccecdW►ltv Statem<_nt Refund statement
Under Florida laws ema[1 addresses are public records;tf-you do notwant your;e-mail address feleased In response to a public-records request,do not send electJonic
mall:to this entity Instead,contact theofflce by'phone or by:tradidonal':mall..If you,have any questions,please oontad B50 4871395.*F ursuentto Section;
.4SSMS(1) Florida%Statutes-:effective odober 1 -2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 4S5 F.S.must provlde the Department with-in ess email addr If 60:6%ie
one.The emalls;provided'may be used forofficlaf communication with the licensee.HoWevereinaii addreses`are public record.If'you do rio[wish t'supply'
personal:address please provide the DepartrnenfQth an emall,addnr whlclrYan be'made availabie.to the,publla To determine if you area licensee under chapter
Produet Approval Accepta-.
® ;®
Locke Bowden,PE.
8456 Alysbury Place.
(Montgomery,AL 361,17: FL# 17443
JA Taylor Rooling,bc
302 Melton,Drive
Fort Pierce,FL 34982
5 V:Crimp thru;'Fastened 1/2" rib-at each panel edge'and.one in the center of he;panel,.24"net coverage,_
2kTA'min_,6ver min 15/3T thick CDX_plywond decks.
Compliance .Florida Building'Code(FBC)2014; Section 1504.3.1 Section 1507 21 Section 1507 4:3
UL580"Tests for Uplift Resistance"
Description:.Architectural metal roof panel,26.gauge metal panels;over min. i 5/32"CDX plywood
and: shall;-comply with:Florida'Building.Code 20�14,Section 1507:4.1
-Installation: Install per inanufacturers.install.details Maccordance with FBC 201.4,.Section 15QT4 2
Deck Slope 2:12 or greater.and shall be compliant with Florida.Binldxng Code 2014,S.ecdon 1507.4:2.
Des gn;Pressure: ,129.25:psf @ 61?o.e.;and�69. 5psf@16"o:c.;,Fasten.along the crown of the rib in the
center of,panel and along.the hap.Design.pressure includes safety factor=2.'0 First fastener to be within 3"
of panel.edges,Min. 84,x 2"annular nngahank nails spaced 6'o:c.reroofing,with-less than..19/32".plywood
9min 15132"1,.this attachments to.be:used in addition to.existing attachment.Deck attachment to be by
other desigrrprofessional.
Underlayment;.approved product in compliance with:FBC20:1:4,Section 1507.28
Thru-fastened over min.15132"plywood
Fasteners: #9-15 HWH corrosionTesistant fasteners with sealing Washers,metal;to wood connections with
fastener length to penetrate,5/`16"through substrate per Florida;Building Code 2014,Section 1507.4.4
Conditions of Use:Not for,use in,HVHZ:Install per manufacturer's nstritctions and:niust be designed
Incompliance with Florida Building Code,,2014;.Manufacturer is compitant`w th.Rule 61_G20-3;wherein
manufacturer complies under a quality assurance;.program:-audite.d.by approved
Quality„Assurance`Entity;Keystone Certifications_ valid thru 4/1.1/2024
Evidence Submitted:
a. UL 580/TAS 125'Tests for Uplift-Resistance
b. Reference�Test.Report 0224-0501 0.6 Hurricane Test Laboratory <«1i1ftiff-P
c. "Test equivalency standard the:Ul.58U 94"test standard is equ`* n o8{� �4�0=06
d.: Quality AssuranceProedures and Documentation 4•°'''° a cr '�;
FL _
This report ifaes not,guarantee or warranty'any product validated or-installed,Wnufacturer'smarranty;applies.
IPV Crimp
Fastener-09-1.5 corrosion.:resistant w%sealing washers
Fastener.#9 x 15 corrosion resistantwith sealing washers"
in Compliance�with 2014 Florida Building Code;_Section. ', 07.4.4,
Perimeter fastening;6b.c.
Mam Field_fastening.12"6.c
Panel 1Nidth::26'
Panel Coverage:,24"maximum°
26 GA: rchitecfural Metal.Roof panel