HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPLICATIONuuuuotul EilVgrulrg tu. uDOUtruuu _uoED_+zt q-ouwa_uu t EDZAW t J I I AIIAPPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPTETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTEDp.1.. Feb 9,202j Permit Number: Plonning ond Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division Building permit Application 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort pierce FL 34gg2Phone: (772) 462-1s53 Fax: lttZl iii-rcta Commercial Residential x Property Tax tD 6. 3535-334 -OOO3-210-4 Site plan Name: lsland Viilage Lot No. Project Name: lsland Village Block No. New Electrical Meter _Mechanical _ Gas Tank _ Gas piping _ Shutters _ Generator Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Windows/Doors _ Roof _ Pond_ Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Constructio n: $ 12195.25 Utilities: _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height: lfvalueofconstructionis2500o..o'e,,REcoRDEDN lf value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECoRDED Notice of commencement is required. PERMITAPPLICATION FO_rloN FoR: ;ppact Windows PROPOSED I M PROVEM ENT LOCATION, Address: 9437 s ocEAN DR 64 Jensen Beach FI 34gs7 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORI(: - second Electrical Meter Additionar work to be performed under this permit - check a, that appry: CONSTRUCTION I NFORMATION: OWNER/LESSEE: J',16ms Robert S Flotz Address:9437 S OCEAN DR 64 City: Jensen Beach State: ZiP Code: 34P57 Fax: phone p6. 631-455-0915 E_Mail : robfl005@aot.com Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) CONTRACTOR: Name: Thomas Scaglione Company: T-Con Group, lnc. Address:3246 N Powerline Rd City: Pompano Beach Zip Code: 33069 Fax: phone p6 561-702-3600 E-Ma i I thomas@tcongroup.com State or County License CBC1251999 state: Fl - 32195 6 x uuuualg| EilVClUpe tu. UDOUruuu_vaEo-+zt E-DUWO_,'t EOZAW tJt l SUPPLEM ENTAL CONSTRUCTION t I EN LAW INFORMATION:ENGTNEER@ Zip: --Tt,*u MORTGAGE COMpANy: I_ N"t Appil=..bi"Name: Address: Zip: ----pt.lo*l FEE stMPtE TrrLE Horoen'@ Name: Address: BoNDINGcoMpANy, @Name; Address: Zip; ....--..---.-- phone:owNER/coNrRAcrmA I certify that no work or instailation r,., .o,rlrlun.ed prior to tt,u irr*nce of a permit. i1r'fi;J;;',U'|[Tff[]?[',-ftrr",','HB'f!ffii"ilfl?ih!,s,"i#?ifli,t#lHJfi"y,',s"'fffl;,*lU+:*L?i#iii"d.,,,r#Ji'ri,r,iiir?, ln consideration of the gSntitg of this requested.permit, ldo hereby agree thatl will, in all respects, perform the workin accordance with the approu;d prrni, iri" iioria, ariiJing c"J., ,lis,. Lucie county Amendments.The following building permit applications are exempt. from undergoing a fuil concurrency review: room additions,accessory structures' swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen;;;;r and accessory uses to another non-residentiar useWARNING To owNER: Your failure to Record a N-otice of commencement may resurt in paying twice forrmprovements to your prope.rty' R rvolit" oi c;;#!rent must oe recoroed in ihe pubric iecords of st.Lucie Countv anr rarirh ran"ro "'^" ^1P.".t^t"d o1 tfe jobsite before it'.t" iiiit inroection- rf vorrinranrr rn ^r-.+-i^ r;-^--:.- Lucre Lountv and oosted on the jobsite befo,:.J1il,;ii'iil=":li";:h"'"ii:?:x"riIJ[,:fJfx:{:,;Jiil::li ncement] STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY ep noriaa Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of-- Physical presence or x Online Notarizationthis sth day of r"o,ray ,2020 by- 17 Lessee/Contractor as Agent Name of person making statement. Personally Known Type of ldentification OR Produced ldentification x (Signature ot *o,u 'coftLoo EoodedTh{ signatureorcoffi STATE OF FTORIDA COUNTY Qp rrorioa Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me ofx Physical presence or --- Online Notarizationthis gth day Of r"ilun,y Name of person making statement. Personally Known x OR produced ldentification Type of ldentification Produced-.-___- mmiSsiOn No. cc234378 FRONT COU NTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TU RTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW Thomas ScaglioneRobert Flotz