HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of Geotechnical ExplorationE Nuffing g . En sneers of Florida Inc. I Established 1967 . Your Project is Our Commitment Geotechnical • Testing • inspection - REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROPOSED TAYLOR RESIDENCE LOT 67,5012 WATERSONG WAY FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA FOR COASTAL CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN, INC. 235 NE ABACA WAY JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA 34957 PREPARED BY NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 ORDER NO. 18600.1 FEBRUARY 2019 Huting E Eng!Ueeffs of Florida Inc. i Established 1967 Your Project 1s Our Commitment Geotechnical & Construction Materials Engineering-, Testing, & Inspection Environmental Services Offices throughout the state of Florida www.nuttingengineers.com info@nuttingengineers.com Nulling Engineers of Florida Inc. I Established 1967 YourProjectis Our Commitment February 28, 2019 Geotechnical & Construction Materials Engineering, Testing, & Inspection Environmental Services Offices throughout the state of Florida www.nuttingengineers.com info@nuttingengineers.com Mr. Mario Arbucci Coastal Construction and Design, Inc. 235 NE Abaca Way Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 Phone: 772-260-7514 Email: marbucci@comcast.net Subject: Report of Geotechnical Exploration Proposed Taylor Residence Lot 67, 5012 Watersong Way Fort Pierce, Florida Dear Mr. Arbucci: Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. has performed a Geotechnical Exploration for the proposed residence at the above referenced site in Fort Pierce, Florida. This exploration was performed in accordance with the written authorization to proceed provided by Coastal Construction and Design, Inc. dated February 18, 2019. This evaluation was performed to obtain information regarding subsurface soil conditions which along with proposed construction information was used to develop opinions regarding earthwork procedures and foundations for support of the proposed construction. This report presents our findings and recommendations based upon the information examined at the time of this evaluation. PROJECT INFORMATION We understand that plans include the development of the vacant lot for a new three-story _ residence at the site. We also understand that a new pool and pool deck will also be constructed. The residence is proposed cover an area of approximately 5,500 square feet. We note that other various ancillary structures such as patio decks, walkways, site walls, and other smaller features may be developed at the site. It is anticipated that the new construction will consist of concrete block and poured in place concrete. Plans for the new construction were not provided at the time of this report. If this information is incorrect our office should be notified in writing in order to amend our report. Due to the fact that portions of the main residence will most likely be located east of the i Coastal. Construction Control Line (CCCL), the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requires that a pile foundation system be used to support the main residence (habitable structure). Discussions with your office indicate that the residence is proposed to be support upon approximately 40, 14-inch diameter augercast piles. 2 1310 Neptune Drive • Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 • (561) 736-4900 • Fax (661) 737-9975 - Broward (954) 941-8700 Port St. Lucie (772) 408-1050 - Miami Dade (305) 624-0060 We note that future structures may be located west of the CCCL, which are not required by the DEP to be supported upon a deep foundation system; however site subsurface conditions may warrant a deep foundation system to be used for the planned construction. Based on similar mappings within the subject area, we have estimated an approximate eroded profile from a major storm event for this property to range anywhere from +0 NAVD to +4 NAVD, which will need to be verified by others. Based on this information pile designs will need to be determined using the soil material encountered below this elevation. It is not known if the new pool is also planned to be supported upon pile foundations. Based on existing site elevations it is anticipated that approximately one to two feet of fill may be required to bring the site up to finish grades. We note that the final building pad elevation shall be determined by a professional architect, civil engineer, or other qualified Ply• We should be notified in writing by the client of any changes in the proposed construction along with a request to amend our foundation analysis and/or recommendations within this report as appropriate. GENERAL SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Soil Survey Maps As part of the geotechnical exploration, we have reviewed available Soil Conservation Service (SCS) survey maps for St. Lucie County. These SCS maps provide information about potential general shallow soil conditions in the project vicinity. This information was derived from approximately 6-foot deep manual auger borings, aerial photo and surface feature interpretation at some point in the past (mid 1980's to early 1970's). The SCS data may or may not reflect actual current site conditions. A review of the Soil Survey for St. Lucie County -revealed that at the time -the survey was- conducted, the soils at -the site were ' - described as Canaveral -Urban land complex. This complex consists of nearly level, somewhat poorly drained to moderately well drained sandy soils in low dune -like areas near the coast. These soils formed in thick layers of sandy fill material that were placed over low, wet mineral soils to make the areas suitable for urban use. We note that the maximum depth of the survey is six feet. We note that mapped due west of the site is Kesson-Terra Ceia soils which consists of saltwater marsh and muck. Subsurface Exploration NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. performed two Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings (ASTM D-1586) to depths of forty feet below land surface in the area of the residence. The boring locations were identified in the field using approximate methods; namely, a measuring wheel and available surface controls. As such the soil boring locations should be considered to be approximate. Nutting Engineers of Florida Inc [ Established 1967 You? ftlectis Ou C=rnftment Test Boring Results In general, the test boring locations recorded a surface layer of dense to loose gray to brown. sand with some shell in the upper eleven feet underlain by very soft dark brown organic silt or peat to a depth of fourteen feet. Below the peat soils medium dense gray silty sand and shell was encountered to depths of eighteen to twenty-three feet, underlain by very hard to very dense gray limestone to gray sand to a depth of forty feet, the maximum depth explored. Please see the enclosed soil classification sheet in the Appendix of this report for additional important information regarding these descriptions, the field evaluation and other related i' information. Rock Formation Note: It is possible that the sandstone/limestone encountered may be present in areas other than recorded in the test boring. Generally, rock in the South Florida area may include limestone or sandstone which has irregularities and discontinuities including vertical and horizontal solution features, varying surface and bottom elevations, and varying degrees of hardness. The rock features may also contain intervening sand and other material filled lenses. The standard penetration test borings executed in this evaluation were performed in accordance with the normal standard of care in this area. Despite this, this process may sometimes fail to detect the presence of rock strata by passing through solution features. Solution features can be very common in rock strata in Southeast Florida. Also given the brittle nature of some rock strata, rocks may readily shatter when hit by the split spoon. Despite this, these strata which may not be depicted in the soil boring logs may present significant resistance to excavation. Laboratory Testing and Results Soil -samples. obtained from -the drilling -operations were preserved injars-and visually -classified in the laboratory by a geotechnical engineer to confirm the field classifications. Selected samples of the organic soils recovered from the borings were subjected to testing to determine natural moisture and organic content to estimate the engineering properties of these soils. The tests were performed on- selected samples believed to be representative of the materials encountered. Results of the tests are tabulated below: LABORATORY RESULTS Test' _ _ Soils Sample Depth Moisture Organic Boring Descrrptroj Intetvrl Confenf `Canteri,t B-1 Dark Brown Organic SII-,T 13 —14 63 10 B-2 Dark Brown Organic SILT, 13 —14 80 15 Trace Peat Nutting Engineers of Flodda Inc I Established 1967 YbwPmJectis Our Commitment 4 The moisture contents suggests that the soils are highly compressible, while the organic contents suggests that almost one -fifth of the soil is made up of organic material that will naturally breakdown and decay over time. In general, fill placed beneath buildings and Y, roadways should not have more than three to five percent organic material. Groundwater Information The immediate groundwater level was measured at the boring locations at the time of drilling. The groundwater level was encountered at an approximate depth of seven and a half to eight and a half feet below the existing ground surface at the time of drilling. The immediate depth to groundwater measurements presented in this report will not provide a reliable indication of stabilized or more long term depth to groundwater at this site. Water table elevations can vary dramatically with time through rainfall, droughts, storm events, flood control activities, nearby surface water bodies, tidal activity, pumping and many other factors. For these reasons, this immediate depth to water data should not be relied upon alone for project design considerations. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The borings performed for this project revealed that the site subsurface soils consist mainly of an upper profile of loose to dense sands and beach sands underlain by a three to six-foot thick peat and organic silt layer. Below the organic soil medium dense to very dense gray sand with some limestone was encountered to a depth of forty feet, the maximum depth explored. Due to the fact that portions of the main residence are anticipated to be located east of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL), the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requires that a pile foundation system be used to support the new residence. Therefore, we recommend that the main residence be supported on a deep pile foundation system. Due to the presence of organic soils, the floor slab system should be a structural slab supported on the pile foundation system. Once plans are more finalized for the proposed construction, we should review the plans to determine whether additional details or changes to our recommendations are warranted. We note that the structures located west of the CCCL are not required to be supported upon a deep foundation system as per the DEP; however due to the soft peat and organic silt layer it is recommended that any structures located west of the CCCL should also be supported upon a deep foundation system. Two types of pile foundations are typically used in this area; driven, precast concrete piles and augercast (cast -in -place) piles. Due to the vibrations transmitted during the installation of driven piles, we recommend that an augercast pile foundation system be used to support the proposed structure. Based on our understanding of the proposed construction it is estimated that piles with compressive capacities on the order of 30 tons will be needed to provide an efficient foundation system. Nutting lE Engineers of Florida Inc1 Established 1967 rourPral.,fis Our CM.Voa of 5 - I Augercast Pile Analysis Special Vote: It has been our experience that the coarse sand and shell fragments that are - present in the upper twenty feet of the soil profile can produce difficult auguring conditions when installing the augercast piles for the project. It is highly suggested that a fluidifier be added to the grout mix in order to maintain fluidity of the pile to allow for ease of construction. If this is not performed, all parties should anticipate that the addition of grout well beyond sufficient amounts needed to construct a pile will need to be used in order to maintain fluidity of the auger hole. This condition can greatly increase costs of piling installation. As part of the pile analysis for this project, we anticipate that approximately two feet of fill will need to be added or removed in order to bring the site to construction grade, subject to confirmation by others. Due to the consolidation settlement of the organic soils induced by the addition of fill material, a negative skin friction (downdrag) will be imparted to the piles. We estimate that approximately 2 tons of downdrag will be generated during consolidation. In addition to the down drag, we estimate that the ground vn.11 settle approximately one to two inches over a 10-year period due to the added fill with possible additional settlement beyond this time span. This will require periodic filling to maintain the ground surface. The following recommendations include this force as part of the analysis. The results of our analysis indicate that compressive pile capacities on the order of 30 tons may be supported on 14-inch diameter augercast piles installed to a tip depth of 28 to 30 feet below the existing ground surface based on the surface elevations at the test boring locations. The actual length and depth of the pile should be expected to vary depending on proposed pile cap elevation and the drilling conditions encountered during installation of these piles. The floor slab and other site habitable improvements should also be structurally supported on the pile foundation system. If capacities other than 30 tons are needed, we should be notified so that we may provide the capacity analysis based on revised loading information. The piling contractor shall submit the proposed pile design to Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. for our review and comment prior to proceeding with pile installation. Due to the soft conditions within the soil profile the piling contractor should anticipate the addition of more grout than what is typically needed -to complete the -pile. - The Florida Building Code (FBC) requires that any piles designed for greater than 40 tons should be load tested in order to verify the pile capacity. Therefore, a pile load test will not be required for this project as described in the FBC. The following table presents our pile capacity analysis. 130 Nutting Engineers of Florida Inc.I Established 1967 YourPmlecas Our commitment 6 AUGERCAST PILE CAPACITY TABLE Pile Location Pile Depth Below All. All. Minimum Diameter Exist. Ground Compr. Tension Grout Strength (Inches) (Ft) Capacity Capacity (psi) Tons) Toris 0.30 f'�) Ground Floor 14 28 to 30 30 12 5000 —(Existing Grades) Pile Observations We recommend that at least four production piles within the proposed residence be installed in the presence of the Nutting project geotechnical engineer. Final pile installation criteria will be provided at this time. It is important that the installation of all piles be under the full time observation of a representative of Nutting Engineers. Pile Reinforcement We recommend that at a minimum, one full length #6 reinforcing steel bar utilizing centralizers be installed in each pile. Additional reinforcing may be required due to the lateral forces, which needs to be defined by the project structural engineer. Piles should be spaced no less than 3 pile diameters (center to center) from each other, or a reduction in allowable pile compression/tension capacity will result if piles must be spaced less than 2 pile diameters. Our office must be notified to discuss reduction amounts. The structural engineer should be consulted to determine the spacing and locations of the piles, and discussions should be initiated between the owners, structural engineer, contractor, and Nutting Engineers to provide detailed specifications for the foundation installation work. Fill around Pile Caps/Grade Beams New fill materials needed to bring the site to construction grade must be placed under the supervision of a Geotechnical Engineer. The fill should be inorganic granular soils free from deleterious materials and approved by our firm. The fill should be placed in loose lifts of no greater than 12 inches thick, and each lift should be- compacted to a minimum 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the modified Proctor compaction test (ASTM D- 1557). In restricted areas where a small compactor must be used, the lift thickness should be reduced to 6 inches, as directed by the inspecting Geotechnical Engineer. Backfill placed adjacent to the pile caps and grade beams should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557). Below Gracie Construction/Retaining Walls For any below grade construction or retaining walls that are greater than five feet in depth to nearest adjacent grades, the excavation should be sloped or shored in accordance with OSHA and State of Florida requirements. Based on the results of the soil borings, the sidewalls should be cut at a 3:1 slope to maintain a safe excavation area. Nutting Engineers of Florida Inc j Ettahlisbed 1967 Yowprofeda of"commftment 7 f The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations. A representative from Nutting should be present at the site to observe that the subsurface conditions are as we have discussed herein, and that earthwork activities are in accordance with our recommendations. Estimated design geotechnical soil parameters were developed from the results of the test j borings. The following table summarizes our recommendations for the soil parameters and the lateral active and passive pressure coefficients to be utilized for construction. The design of the support system shall include hydrostatic pressure acting behind the wall at the highest anticipated water level during construction, and/or design life of the structure. Also factors of safety should be applied and will vary depending on the application. We note that the Department of Environmental Protection may require frangible wall and slab systems for structural elements east of the CCCL. The structural engineer should be consulted- to evaluate this condition. SUMMARY OF DESIGN GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS SOIL SOIL UNIT WEIGHT ANGLE EARTH TYPE (PCF) OF PRESSURE INTERNAL COEFFICIENT SATURATED SUB- ACTIVE PASSIVE FRICTION MERGED (DEGREES) (Ka) (Kp) SAND 115 52.6 30 0.33 3.0 PEAT It 32.6 0 1.0 1.0 The above recommended values assume that adequate drainage is provided behind the walls to prevent the buildup of excess hydrostatic pressures. We recommend that the groundwater table be maintained at least two feet below the bottom of footing elevation during construction. Excessive compaction of the fill behind the basement wall should be avoided since it could result in the development of lateral pressures which exceeds that used for design. Any additional lateral wall loads resulting from surcharge loading, such as adjacent floor loads must be included in the design of the walls. Nutting Engineers of Florida Ino1 Established 1967 Yourpmlect is our Commitment 8 j Settlement Caused From Site Fill It has been determined that the additional fill brought to the site will cause settlements of approximately one to two inches to the entire site. In order to reduce the amount subsidence of the ground surface during and after construction, we recommend that fill be brought to the property as soon as possible so that the consolidation process will begin before construction starts. We estimate that approximately one to two inches of settlement will occur after _! approximately three months of the fill being on site. We note that due to the general settlement of the site, the site utility lines should be appropriately designed for the anticipation of settlement. It may also benefit to have utility lines supported from hangers or other appropriate methods. GENERAL, INFORMATION Our client for this geotechnical evaluation was: Mr. Mario-Arbucci Coastal Construction and Design, Inc. 235 NE Abaca Way Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 The contents of this report are for the exclusive use of the client and the client's design team for this specific project exclusively. Information conveyed in this report shall not be used or relied upon by other parties or for other projects without the expressed written consent of Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. This report discusses geotechnical considerations for this site based upon observed conditions and our understanding of proposed construction for foundation support. Environmental issues including (but not limited to), soil and/or groundwater contamination are beyond our scope of service for this project. As such, this report -should not be.used or relied.upon for -evaluation -of environmental -issues. f If conditions are encountered which are not consistent with the findings presented in this = report, or if proposed construction is altered or moved from the location investigated, this office shall be -notified immediately so- that the condition or change can be evaluated -and---- - ----- appropriate action taken. No pile shall have a tip elevation higher than the recommended elevation without first contacting Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. in writing so that they may analyze any proposed changes. If Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. is not contacted regarding a change in pile tip elevations (or pile diameters) as indicated in this report, the geotechnical engineer/ piling contractor initiating this change will be responsible for the redesigned pile capacity and performance. Furthermore, if the tip elevation is raised, a pile load test shall be performed at that location where the test borings indicate the least favorable conditions. If the pile design is changed without our knowledge, Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. is no longer the geotechnical engineer of record. Nutting Engineers of Florida Inc.1 Established1967 Yourpmlectis Our Commitment 9 Prior to initiating compaction operations, we recommend that representative samples of the structural fill material to be used and acceptable in -place soils be collected and tested to determine their compaction and classification characteristics. The maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, gradation and plasticity characteristics should be determined. These tests are needed for compaction quality control of the structural fill and existing soils, and to determine if the fill material is acceptable. The vibratory compaction equipment may cause vibrations that could be felt by persons within nearby buildings and could potentially induce structural settlements. Additionally, preexisting settlements may exist within these structures that could be construed to have been caused or worsened by the proposed vibratory compaction after the fact. Pre- and post conditions surveys of these structures along with the vibration monitoring during vibratory compaction could be performed to better evaluate this concern. The contractor should exercise due care during the performance of the vibratory compaction work with due consideration of potential impacts on existing structures. If potential vibrations and impacts are not considered tolerable, then alternate foundation modification techniques should be considered. Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. shall bear no liability for the implementation of recommended inspection and testing services as described in this report if implemented by others. Nutting has no ability to verify the completeness, accuracy or proper technique of such procedures if performed by others. Excavations of five feet or more in depth should be sloped or shored in accordance with OSHA and State of Florida requirements. The Geotechnical Engineer warrants that the findings, recommendations, specifications, or professional advice contained herein, have been presented after being prepared in accordance with general accepted professional practice in the field of foundation engineering, soil mechanics and engineering geology. No other warranties are implied or expressed. We -appreciate -the opportunity to"_be_of.service.on_this project._. If we can-be..of-any further assistance, or if you need additional information, please contact us at your convei)ience. Sincerely, NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. - V ` Richard C. Wohlfarth, P.E. Director of Engineering Attachments: Test Boring Location Plan Test Boring Reports Limitations of Liability Soil Classification Criteria REP COASTAL CONST TAYLOR RES LOT 67-5012 WATERSONG FT PIERCE CCCL PILES ORG CEG Nutting Engineers of Flodda Intl Established 1967 Your Project Is Our Commltmen t IH ' � •'• J ��' � ,T4 4 Jl4 •• 4 1 _ a S•, n,-.. Ids 5 _ e _ �` al � t e _�I• ,uY kv 4.1 Iq 4 3 f 4 p't .1` l,C, �Y N� ,1`,,� _ � � s � � � � • _ .. Fes- y� �{ i i� �4 `. tl •' . �%J`t8+tR' T y. .`�' `G,ti� �°'' ,t'c r' �r i L�,1'8a��agle'� -:mow ' t Hiitling 1310 Neptune Drive BORING NUMBER B_1 I� 7 L Boynton Beach, FI., 33426 EngolleerS Telephone: 561-736-4900 PAGE 1 OF 2 of Florida Inc. i Established 1967 Fax: 561-737-9975 YourProJectisourCommitment PROJECT NUMBER 18600.1 CLIENT Coastal Construction & Design, Inc. PROJECT NAME Proposed Taylor Residence PROJECT LOCATION 5012 Watersong Way, Fort Pierce, Florida DATE STARTED 2/20/19 COMPLETED 2/20/19 SURFACE ELEVATION REFERENCE Approx. @ Road Crown DRILLING METHOD Standard Penetration Boring GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY Dancor Group CHECKED BY C. Gworek ZZAT TIME OF DRILLING 8.2 ft APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF BORING As located on site plan w ♦ SPT N VALUE = U 10 20 30 40 PL MC LL ~ a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w m Blows m p J a ] Z 20 40 60 80 z O FINES CONTENT (%) O 0 20 40 60 80 Brown fine SAND, trace limestone and root SS 1 3.5.13-21 18 ♦: , Brown fine SAND i 2S 37 ♦: Brown to gray fine SAND, trace shell 5 SS 3 18.16-14.20 30 4 4 13-10.10-9 20 5 5 12 '. :♦ 10 Gray organic SILT, some sand SS 6 11 16 18 20 34 Lt. gray fine SAND 15 Gray fine SAND and SHELL, little limestone SS 7 18.20-38.30 58 » 20 SS 8 38.23-24.19 47 25 A. » SS 16-25.30-31 55 30 SS 10 50 3 5 twnnnuea roexr rage1 , Disclaimer Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. accepts no is >lity for the consequences of the independent interpretation of drilling logs by others. i 1310 Neptune Drive BORING NUMBER B_1 i Boynton Beach, FI., 33426 EngoneepS Telephone: 561-736-4900 PAGE 2 OF 2 of Florida Inc.I btablishcd 1967 Fax: 561-737-9975 r ,a,ojecu,o,.commume"` PROJECT NUMBER 18600.1 CLIENT Coastal Construction & Design Inc. PROJECT NAME Proposed Taylor Residence PROJECT LOCATION 5012 Watersong Way, Fort Pierce Florida ♦ SPT N VALUE = E--F W 10 20 30 40 PL =C LL W ¢ O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Blows O ia� z ?Q z 20 40 60 80 " ❑ FINES CONTENT W ❑ 35 Cf) 20 40 60 80 Gray fine SAND and SHELL, little limestone (continued) SS 11 13.14-19.14 33 40 :' -X Bottom of hole at 40.0 feet. o c� Z � z C9 ui U W a 0 W Q O In Ir W � Q a N O U Z — W fE O } Z N w G W C U F N Z - O U I Q U) O U = d 0 W J � W 0 O m O _. Z z Z H Disclaimer Nutting Engineers of Florida Inc. accepts no liability for the consequences of the independent interpretation of drilling Iogs by others. a ; F i I� i 1310 Neptune Drive BORING NUMBER B-2 I� Boynton Beach, FI., 33426 Telephone: 561-736-4900 PAGE 1 OF 2 Fax: 561-737-9975 PROJECT NUMBER 18600.1 CLIENT Coastal Construction & Design, Inc. PROJECT NAME Proposed Taylor Residence PROJECT LOCATION 5012 Watersong Way, Fort Pierce, Florida DATE STARTED 2/20/19 COMPLETED 2/20/19 SURFACE ELEVATION REFERENCE Approx. @ Road Crown DRILLING METHOD _Standard Penetration Boring GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY Dancor Group CHECKED BY C. Gworek -7- AT TIME OF DRILLING 7.8 ft APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF BORING As located on site plan = w ❑ 0 U Q O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ra rx aCQ n z CQ Blows v j z ♦ SPT N VALUE 10 20 30 40 P1 MC jL 20 40 60 ao ❑ FINES CONTENT ("/o) ❑ 20 40 60 80 Gray fine SAND, trace root SS 1 2 6 11 13 17 Lt. brown fine SAND i Brown to gray fine SAND, trace shell 2S 12.12-14.10 26 i 5 SS 3 13.14-11-11 25 7 SS 4 B-7-4-3 11 SS G 4-1-3.2 4 10 Dk. brown PEAT SS 7 15.17-19.17 36 15 Lt. gray fine SAND 20 Gray silty fine SAND SS 8 4•W.O.R.-1.2 1 7. 100+ Gray LIMESTONE and SAND SS 50/1" 9 25 100+ >> SS 50/5" 10 30 Ltgray fine SAND and SHELL SS 11 14-18.20-20 38 35 ' ♦: quonunueaivexrrage Disclaimer Nutting Engineers of FloriInc. accepts no lia ility for the consequences of the independent interpretation of drilling logs by others. C W 0 O i�� 1310 Neptune Drive BORING NUMBER B-2 l� Boynton Beach, FI., 33426 PAGE 2 OF 2 Via Telephone: 561-736-4900 of Florida Inc. I Established 1967 Fax: 561-737-9975 'OU.Pfcjwi'0°'C..ndf—nC PROJECT NUMBER 18600.1 CLIENT Coastal Construction & Design, Inc. PROJECT NAME Pibposed Taylor Residence PROJECT LOCATION 5012 Watersong Way, Fort Pierce, Florida w ♦ SPT N VALUE = v 10 20 30 40 CL w v a- O < MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w a Blows � PL MC LL 20 40 so ao ❑ FINES CONTENT W ❑ 35 20 40 60 80 Lt. gray fine SAND and SHELL (continued) SS 12 33 40 I 1 I i I Bottom of hole at 40.0 feet. Disclaimer Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. accepts no liability for the consequences of the independent interpretation of drilling logs by others. LIINIITATIONS OF LIABLILITY WARRANTY We warranty that the services performed by Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. are conducted in a manner consistent with that level of- care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession in our area currently practicing under similar conditions at the time our services were performed. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made. While the services of Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. are a valuable and integral part of the design and construction teams, we do not warrant, guarantee or insure the quality, completeness, or satisfactory performance of designs, construction plans, specifications we have not prepared, nor the ultimate performance of building site materials or assembly/construction . SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished by test borings; test pits are sometimes employed. The method of determining the boring location and the surface elevation at the boring is noted in the report. This information is represented in the soil boring logs and/or a drawing. The location and elevation of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree inherent with the method used and may be approximate. The soil boring log includes sampling information, description of the materials recovered, approximate depths of boundaries between soil and rock strata as encountered and immediate depth to water data. The log represents conditions recorded specifically at the location ? where and when the boring was made. Site conditions may vary through time as will subsurface conditions. The boundaries —between different soil strata as encountered are indicated at specific depths; however, these depths are in fact approximate and dependent upon the frequency of sampling, nature and consistency of the respective strata. Substantial variation between soil borings may commonly_ exist in .subsurface conditions. Water level readings are made at the time and under conditions stated on the boring logs. Water levels change with time, precipitation, canal level, local well drawdown and other factors. Water level data provided on soil boring logs shall not be relied upon for groundwater based design or construction considerations. LABORATORY AND FIELD TESTS Tests are performed in general accordance with specific ASTM Standards unless otherwise indicated. All criteria included in a given ASTM Standard are not always required and performed. Each test boring report indicates the measurements and data developed at each specific test location. Nutting Engineers dR.'Ame r sr ec,r_e rsn Your Project Is Our Commitment ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The geotechnical report is prepared primarily to aid in the design of site work and structural foundations. Although the information in the report is expected to be sufficient for these purposes, it shall not be utilized to determine the cost of construction nor to stand alone as a construction specification. Contractors shall verify subsurface conditions as may be appropriate prior to undertaking subsurface work. Report recommendations are based primarily on data from test borings made at the locations shown on the test boring reports. Soil variations commonly exist between boring locations. Such variations may not become evident until construction. Test pits sometimes provide valuable supplemental information that derived from soil borings. If variations are then noted, the geotechnical engineer shall be contacted in writing immediately so that field conditions can be examined and recommendations revised if necessary. The geotechnical report states our understanding as to the location, dimensions and structural features proposed for the site. Any significant changes of the site improvements or site conditions must be communicated in writing to the geotechnical engineer immediately so that the geotechnical analysis, conclusions, and recommendations can be reviewed and appropriately adjusted as necessary. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION Construction observation and testing is an important element of geotechnical services. The geotechnical engineers field representative (G.E.F.R.) is the"owner's representative" observing the work of the contractor, performing tests and reporting data from such tests and observations. The geotechnical engineer's field representative does not direct the contractor's construction means, methods, operations or personnel. The G.E.F.R. does not interfere with the relationship between the owner and the contractor and, except as an observer, does not become a substitute owner on site. The G.E.F.R. is responsible for his/her safety, but has no responsibility for the safety of other personnel at the site. The G.E.F.R. is an important member of a team whose responsibility is to observe and test the work being done and report to the owner whether that work is being carried out in general conformance with the plans and specifications. The enclosed report may be relied upon solely by the named client. SOIL AND ROCK CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA SAND/SILT N-VALUE (bpf) RELATIVE DENSITY 0-4 Very Loose 5 —10 Loose 11 — 29 Medium 30 — 49 Dense >50 Very dense 100 Refusal ROCK CLAY/SILTY CLAY N-VALUE (bpf) UNCONFINED COMP. STRENGTH (tsf) CONSISTENCY <2 <0.25 v. Soft 2-4 0.25 — 0.50 Soft 5-8 0.50 —1.00 Medium 9 —15 1.00 — 2.00 Stiff 16-30 2.00-4.00 v. Stiff >30 >4.00 Hard N-VALUE (bpf) RELATIVE HARDNESS ROCK CHARACTERISTICS N> 100 Hard to v. hard Local rock formations vary in hardness from soft to very hard within short verti- cal and horizontal distances and often contain vertical solution holes of 3 to 36 inch diameter to varying depths and horizontal solution features. Rock may be brittle to split spoon impact, but more resistant to excavation. 25< N < 100 Medium hard to hard 5< N < 25 Soft to medium hard PARTICLE SIZE Boulder >12 in. Cobble 3 to 12 in. Gravel 4.76 mm to 3 in. Sand 0.074 mm to 4.76 mm Silt 0.005 mm to 0.074 mm Clay <0.005 mm DESCRIPTION MODIFIERS 0 — 5% Slight trace 6 —10% Trace 11-20% Little 21 — 35% Some >35% And Group Major Divisions Symbols Typical names Laboratory classification criteria Well ar : DFA ,L3o)" _ " = GW -graded gavels, gravel -sand -o e 1. _ Ca — greater thin 4; C = betweenl and 3 z � a w o mixtures, little or no fines a V u D D XD IO 0 60 o a a O ^ C'P Poorly graded gravels, gravel -sand '•�" „ 'm °m m o = U mixtures, little or no fines Z v Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW d col O o a C ° i? S GWa Silty gravels, gravel -sand -silt e N u Atterberg limits below "A" u Z ° £ c mixtures is Z h N y line or P.I. less than 4 Above "A" line with P.I. _ " = a 3 s0i ° E e 3 between 4 and 7 are border- GC Clayey gravels, gravel -sand -clay Atterberg limits above "A" v '° a w - U c m `m line cases requiring use of dual symbols. y °y ? `- o mixtures o' a O O .o line with P.l, greater than 7 m Well -graded sands, gravelly sands, 2 �) Dig 30 mL, c . i m ° a i ` v W c SW little or no fines c i a ; �- Cm = greater than 6; C� _ between 1 and 3 � $ � _ '-- Dto _ D1oXD60 SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly ° m m m L! r v $ V sands, little or no fines c `o c a a Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW ° s d y`oZ c smi a o m^ .. d Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures Atterberg limits below "A" �a ° ° s = r of •` `a e " - ° M ° line or P3. less than 4 Limits plotting in hatched zone with P.I. between 4 7 cE •; -aa 'o E m m ? o and are borderline cases requiring use of dual system. Atterberg limits above "q" w° ¢ c SC Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures = rn line with P.I. more than 7 Inorganic silts and very fine sands, o MIL rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands H e or clayey silts with slight plasticity 60 m a u Inorganic clays of low to medium ' m - 50 c " CL plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy, 0 N „ •E clays, silty days, lean clays at d in v OL Organic silts and organic silty clays 40 -_1E of low plasticity L, 30 h Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatom.. a OH orf MH e E ., MH ceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic 20 V`ce P O1- ° silts LL a `u R A/ E v °m CH Inorganic clays or high plasticity, fat 10 0 o w clays r a ,E ML a d OL Cl-M u ? OH O organic clays of medium to high 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 so 90 100 i'T plasticity, organic silts m ? Liquid Lima S PT Peat and other highly organic soils Plasticity Chart Nutting Ingineers al ❑or'?a mr.l rskKnhed 1n7 ft.fti-4ourCammh—