HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval - Siding File Copy' MIAP°II: E MIAMI DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION i :• 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENYOF REGULATORY AND-ECONOMIC•RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD.AND CQDE ADTIiATYON DIVISION, T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 .. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE(NOA) , •ww.miamidade.gov/economy James Hardie Building Product,Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana,CA 92337 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing;the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County:RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where-allowed by-the Authority-Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration.date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of'such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use'bf such product dr�iaterial within their juts d otion. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, CounTy Produ if it is determined by Miami-D'ad'e ct`Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the r"equirem,•eri%of tlid�applicablerbuilding code... This product is approved;as described.herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, - _ including-The High Velocity Hurricane-Zone.• DESCRIPTION: "Hardie" '"Cain"and "Peevail"Tlanks and Panels Fiber Cement Siding and Soffit APPROVAL DOCUMENT:Drawing No.PNL;PLIK&:SOFF,titled"HacdiePanel,CemPanel,Prevail Panel;HardiePlank,CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding;Hardie Soffit,CemSoffit'Panel;TnstalIation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction",sheets 1 through 12 of 12,dated 04I24/2013,prepared by the manufacturer,signed and sealed by Ronald I Ogawa,•P.E.,•bearing the-Miami-Dade'County Product Control renewal stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact'Jtesistant LABELING: A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,Plant City,Florida,and the following statements: "ASTM C 1186 Type,A compliant"and"Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved"is to be located on each siding plank or panel and per FBC 1710.9.2 and 1710.9.3 on soffit panels. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of ibis NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews NOA#15-0122.04 and consists of this page 1 and evidence page E-1,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M.Utrera,P.E. NOA No.17-0406.06 M1AM1•DADE COUNTY Expiration Date:May 1,2022 Approval Date:May 4,2017 /� ��O17 Page 1 t James Hardie Building Products,Inc. V .NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBNHTTED A. _DRAWINGS,"S'ubmitted under NOA 913703IL07" Drawing IVo:.&L,PLK& SOFF,titled."HardiePanel, CemPanel, Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, CemPlank Prevail Lap.Siding; HardieSoffit;,CemSoffit.Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction' sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013,prepared by the manufacturer, signed and,sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA #13-0311.07" 1. Test reports on 1)Uniform S.tatic,Air Pressure Testj oading.per.FBC TAS 202-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 = along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of HardiePlan c, HardieSoffit and HardiePanel,prepared by Intertek.Testing Services NA LTD,Test Report No. 100733361COQ-004, dated 08/24/2012,with revision 1 dated 04/25/2013, signed and sealed by. Rick.Curkeet,P.E. "S ahmitted under NOA:# 02-0729.02" . Latierattory Report Test Date Signature 2. ATI-164234 PA-202.&203 03/18/96 A.N. Reeves P.E. 3. ATI 16423`-2 PA 202&203 03/18/96 A.N. Reeves P.E. 4. ATI 16423-3 PA 202 &203 03/18/96 A.N. Reeves P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Econonriic'Resourc 1.es(RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEiYIENTS."Submitted under XOA#I5-0122.04" Statement letter ofcode conformance to the 5 h edition(2014)FBC issued by Ronald L'Ogawa'&Associates, Inc.; dated 10/26/2014, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa,P.E,, o� 27 zo17 4 Carlos AL Utrera,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-0406.06 Expiration Date:May 1,2022 Approval Date: May 4,2017 , a r, + e WALL,LENGTH PRG4UC�7 SCRlP710�,1 Stud S DETAlLA pacing at 1V,O.C. AI HardiePanelO,CempanelO,& B-E I ( i pmcg}Panel Siding rrtaterlals are If, ...r 5!8'tlhlcic J 5 ply APA rated nonasbestos fiber-cement products r ail � ,1,11 sheatiiirr ,n, tested In accordance with ASTM T ,; ` F>; d g" C1186 Grade 11,TypeAand meeting t `y E 't� ; `,.;.' t'•�. aocodance with F$rlda the reqUirements of the Florida ' ��k' 1�•' '� h 1c++j Buiid-ng code.s6cft '.. j r Building Code. 23223 - EL D1M S S WALL i il"', Il.t� �,� h "fit (, ` Water-resistive Width Length Thickness HEIG 7 i 'l7 ,�, , �� ` barrier per Florida ,{'' 8,9,10' 5/16" Building Code Section 1404 2 $�GtJ PRE$St1�FBATiNQ S'jQilAl- 2`X 4"S-P F lristailadon Design Pressure iL!__ ► i I i';.�,���-i_ Mad Studs. Wood Studs -78 psf PRODUCT REMEElIIIIED -n! } Ii rdiePatlel, Impad Resistant_ as complying with the Florida g K I I �EC�p�S� pane0, Planks installed over 50 thick f 5 ply Building Caere., NeAs at 16"p.G:"(typ.) pMvtj Panel; APA-rated plywood sheathing NOA=No. - 17-0406,06 3/8"Minimum Edge 01sfiance Sktirig Expiration te0$10912022 Proeluct ^ By 91L 1. E2D9E,� [ I C1 Mp N)✓_tl,PR�Vg1�AI�P�ElL 9L?L STAL i TIOH DETAILS _ She2thingiastener;•as desctlbed in Miami-Da Control �'� Note 1 ■ All insta{ration shelf be done irr conformance wifli this Notice of Acceptance,the manufacturer's insYaAation recommendatiolls,and the appl cable'seciiflhs oftitie F7onda Buildmg_Cade..' 1Noad sfiuds where HardiePanel, Gempenet,F'revall Panel Siclinc twill i7e irtstalted shall be 'r Panel fastener,as described in .deli tied b an En rneer orArchitect rthe Florida Sttilclin Coiie.and the ie utre-rnents dthis Note 2 9 Y $ G �/ M ]=aE [Mote,1150 thick!5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to ttie stgds.in. ] *ja I Wflaift accordance YAth Florida Building Code Section 2322.3. The siding panels shall be installed over 5/8°thick 15 ply APA rated plywood`sheathing supported No , HardiePania Cempan uvo el, by a minimum of 2!J(4°S-P-F od studs spaced a maximum of 16"O.C. ` ? F� 4 Prevail Pane¢Siding Note:21 The siding panel fastener;stian be a 2"long,0223"head:diameter,0.092"_shank... ' diameter,corrosion resistant siding nall;:the fasteners shall bespacedat6"O.C;.atpanel edgesand intermediate studs;the fasteners shall be driven through the 5/8"thick 15 pty AAA rated .plyvvoodsheathing into wand studs located at 16"O.C_ ery eSistive barrier per Fasteners shall have aminimumedge distance of 3J8"and a minimum cEearanceoda Building Code Sectioncomers. 42 HARDIEPANEL,CEMPANEL,PREVAILPANEL PA rated. INSiALLATIOtV bETA[LS WOOD Sfllb CON51 RllCT10lVg fastened in accordance with Florida Building James Hardie Building Prcdfjcts,Inc' 10901 Elm Avenue Code Section 2322.3 Fontana,CA.92337 2"X 4"S-P-F Wood Studs The wall and soffit frames are tO be designed phone:90"56-6300 srzE FscM NO awc NO rkv by the Architect or Engineer of Record in Fax 909-427-0634 A PNL PLK--SOFF 1 compliance with the Florida Building Code. Creator~E.Gonzales SCALE 1/2.=1'-0° Date:4/241201 s aHesr 1 OF 12 Fastener Spacing per Ftorldi Cladding Building Code.SecIion 23223� 16.OQin. fFraming. e[ttxx3Ci tEYI�l� . Fastener Spacing per Florida Sheathing:' eooiewithQteFla�ida Building Co ctson 2322.3 de Se PRODUCT REV12S n PRODUCT RENEWED o` as eouvbft vAdl tha fleffida as complying with the Florida 940.ft do t �(/ Gib Building;—Code:{ N NOA-No. f 7-®QQg.06 4 \ ` Ezpiratlon a®5/61f2®22 µ tik Product fntr63 . •I f � ETA Miami- a duct Control I 'f " '�'S (�• 11 ■ NOMINAL 2"X 4"S;,1'-F W04b S GUDS 16°O.C.FASTENED FOP,METAL AND WO0D STUD,'$ PROVISIONS FOFt I�IAPHR GM ACTION AND GRAIl17Y 10A[5 AFtE WITH 3-i!2°46ci,COMMON NAILS(2.P.ER TOP AND NOT r dr•'f H APPI�OVAE:(NiIJSI'pROV1A1�AL ERNATE'PROVlS10IdS:�OR.THESE LOADS) BOTTOM GONNCTION) .... THE WALLAND'SOFr]T FRAMESARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR EN13INEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE i :RHE�INO • NOMINAL 5/8"THICKI To.PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD @, in HAKDiEPANEL,C>:MPAI=1;PREVAIL AANC SHEATHING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA SUILDNG COb1+SECT1O'N2322.3 INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD:STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie BuIldingProduct%Im. THI PANEL IS FASTENED WITH 2"LONG,0.223"HEAD DIAMETER,0.09Z SHANK DIAMETER,CORROSION '10801 Eim`Avenue RS:SI8TANT SIDING NAILS,PLACE NAILS V�1'O.C.AT Fontana,CA 92387 PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS Phone:909-35P300 $1ZE KSCia No Dian No REV Fax 909427-0834 A PNL-PL"OFF Creator:E.Gonzales 'soni.e V=T-0, •pate;4/24/2073 sHM 2 OF 12 WALL LENGTH SEE p�ODUCJ� $t�ttfS}�t Stud Spacing at 16"Q.C. DE-TAIL A iiardlePanelS,CempaneIV,&PPevailg S{ Panel Siding materiels are nonssbestos 6/8"thick/8 ply APA rated fiber-cement products tested In _ _�_ � ___ ._i r._ -_, . ._�._..,,_, .....ti._. r� accordance with ASTM C1186 Giade It, I y i i t �N�il�i�i � ( plywood sheathing fastened 1•' i i 1'0 �o��f ,Q G �' to metal studs as desalhad Type A and meeting the requirements of the Florida Building Code.:. i inNote 1 ! Pro to 6, 'I i•I �' ��� � � ..�: Watetireslstive .P-�9.1�•4.�l�L�LQI�S 1 / fl•�J v Width Length Thickness`.; _ WALL i , i � No. Z barrier perFlorida 4' 8,9,1Q'.. . • 5116 HEIGHT Quilding Code �• Section 1404.2 STATE IG_N�RE$Stli _ . installation Design Pressure OR _ `�' toga,3-5l6"x I-M" Metal studs -104 psf i i t •'' Metal C stud Impact Reslstaiit-• H rdlePane- a E � G ,� • r campanel, Panel installed over�l$.thick./5 p[y 13 -J f C_nc N APA rated plywood shsatl4iilg Nalls at T O.C•(typ.) Prevail Panel - 3/8"Minimum Edge Distance siding l_RD!)BAN L_CEMPoJr4_PR-EVAII.P�NEkSIDII�G ITS p!_L,47iC1i1 DETAILS ■ All installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Acceptance;theamanql"acture(s D_ TAa,9 Installation recommendations,acid-the applicable sections-of.the hlorlda_Bulldfng G©de Metal studs where HardiePanel,Cempanel,Prevail Pane(Siding WWI he installed shall be Sheathing fastener,as designed 15y an Engineer or ArchIte6t,P0r the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this �U KJ Ep described to Note 1 " [Note dj'5/8"thick!5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to metal.studs at.e"oe TO ilic-Flinkla \ at panel edges and all InterrnedWe supports using a No.8AS,0 315"head diameter x 1-1/4;long _ Panel fasteneri as described In Note 2 g bu le[lead screw 'Q p 7 t The siding panels shall be Installed 518"thick 15 piy APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum 20ga,Nominal 3.-5/8"X 1-5/8"Metal C-studs spaced a maximum of 16" O.C. 1 HardiePanel®Sidin [Nate 2]The slding panel fastener shall be a minimum'Nb:8-18i:0.316"head diameter X 1-518" t ' ' g long`ribbed bugle head screw(nor SCr51NShall h&ve at least 3 full threads penetrating metal t fra' ming);the fasteners shall be spaced at 8'.',:O.C.at pan I edges and Intermediate studs;the fasteners shall be driven through the 5 "thick 15 piy A rated plywood sheathing 8 into metal Water resistive barrier per- studs located at Ili"O,C. \� Florida Building Code Section'. a Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of.31W and a minimum deerance of 2"from / 1404.2 comers. HARDIEPAN4t,CEIVtPAtVEL;pREVAIL PANEL -- "! 5/8"thick/5 ply APA rated iNSTALLATIO:N'DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION PRODUCT RENEWED plywood sheathing fastened as complying with the Florida to metal studs as lieScribed James:Hardie Suflding Products, Inc, Building Code •10901 Elm Avenue HOA-No. 17-0406.06 in Note 1. Nor ` Fontana,GA 9=7 Expiratlon D /0112022 20ga,"XI X 14/8"Metal C-stUd The wall and soffit frames are to be designed Phone.909-356•.6300 —SIZE FSCM No DM NO Rev Mi by the Architect or Engineer of Record In Fax 909-427-0834 A PNL-I'I.K-SOFT 1 MiamA�P_ ProducE Control compliance MAth the Florida Building Code. Creator-E Gonzales scALZ' 1/r"61'.0" Date:4V/2013 sH r 3 OF 12 Cladding 6.001n. 16.00In.. s.00 � .i �.►; !.I I•i Framing ! II ► I I I : ► � i I I I ` PRODUCT RENEWED • I•I Sheathing is camplying with the Florida l Ey�•) Building Code ►`j I+I I NOA-No. 17-0406.06 J I I I Expiration te05/0` 1/2022. 6.00in. I I I I Warn a Product controlAi���d� 1 I l l >t+ t. •aGA VRl7pt�CT REVISED + agwith the F1 - I•I i•� y,4�1�� �; ,• AooGpmaeca Tio f" 1/Gr Ab t✓C I I 21 ` f I I.� O'. e BY l Producteontmi �° + I i I STATE OF FG • NOMINAL,.20 GAUPE 3-50 X 1-5/8"STEEL STUDS 16/1.,O.C: FASTENED"WITH-518ff WAFER HEAD SCREWS(2 PER TOR, AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED, FOIE 4 j',AL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS"FOR DiAPHkAGM X60N AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE, BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECOF2D IN NoT I'ARTOF THIS APPROVAL(MUST AROV{[�E'ALTRhtAl t P20V6St()NS FOR THESE LOADS) , COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE g NOMINAL 518"THICK15 PLY AP/j RATED PLYWOOD :$HEATHINGTO'MErAL STUDS ATWOCAT PANEL, ; EDGES AND ALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS USING'A" " FIARL}tEPA11EL,CIVIi'ANEL,PREVAIL PANEL ""'NO.8-181 0,395"HERD DIAMETERX 1-1/}°LONG BUGLE;':' - iN$TALLA7tON i}EiAiIS M}~TALS'fUA CONSTRUCTION HEAD SCREW CLADDING ' :r` :James Hardie Building Products,Int THE PANEL IS FASTENED WITH NO,8-18,0.31511 HEAD`' 10901 Elm Avenue DIAMETER X 1-518 a LONG CORROSION RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS(SCREW SHALL.HAVE AT Fontana,CA 92337 LEAST 8 FULL THREADS PENETRATING THE METAL Phone:g 6-6300 size Fsom NO OM No FUN FRAMING),PLACE SCREWS 6°O.C.AT PANEL EDGES FaX 909A27-0634 A PNL-PLK-SOFF 1 AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS 1 Creator.Iw Gonzales SMV 1"a 1'-0'1 Date:d124/2013 sFc 4 OF 12 Stud Spacing at 1ta"O.C. ALL LENGTH SEB= p�p� G D1^scgl�CLd>`1 Preval10 Plank Lap Sitling materials ; ``� 6/8"thick 16 ply AaA a nonasbestas fibec�cement t_.. ;I— —-- , { rated plywood products tested in accardance with sheathing in ASTM G 1186 Grade 11,Type A and i 1 I �iiirua�)�,� accordance wdh meetlrig tl1e re-quirements of the Florida Building Code A da'$uiltiiAg Code. as col with Fb6m s Co;9a I {i ��� _[ SecNan 23223 pA[JEA DJ1V� S10�I5 HEIGHT i; i+ Water-rwls&e--_Width %tenpfh. Thickness " 7j 1 . �* + �barrier per Flotida Y ���' auUdtng Code = i I.I ad- t i Frod�t Control +� ++ �t Sactian 1404z P! SU E R/17 NC3 P. "`+ + ' * 2"X41IS-,P-F instal)atloil.. .,j)eslgn Pressure wood Suds—. Wood studs �2 psf Lap Siding. Impact ReSlstaiit v / Planks installed over /8"thick 5 ply y 3/4"Minimum Edge Distance Naffs at 16"O.C.(typ.) "'''����,rr�Nur SEGO • a 1�1/4°tau X Via"-APA rated plywood sheathing thick starto strip Sheathing fastener,as NAR�I P►-+ S�CI � .HK��R II J-�P SJ17� o_I]JsZAI-l.�rioRDJU described in Note 1 r. All lnstallatlowshail be done Mconformance wlth-thla Notice of Acce tanoe,the manUfacturei'S ' ... p In stallation_recommendations,and the applicable secttans of the_FlondaBu+Iding.Code Wood.studs where HardiePfank,Cemplank,Prevail 1.ap.Sfding will be iris4alled shall be designed by an. Engineer or Archited per the Florida Vuliding Code and:the requ remenf§of this.N,Q.A_ \\ $idtn fastener, [Note 416/8"thick 15 ply APA mated plywood sheathing shall be attached to tits studs in accordance / 9 as with Florida Buildng Code Section'2322.3: d M Cr J„j - described in Note 2 k Planks shall be applied horizoritally;commencing from.the bottom course of the wall with 1AM wide a' aqW,Ang w' florids laps at the top of the plank such that the ekposure,area of-each plank is S 8-1l4"vertically. HardlePlank F " [Note 21 The siding fastener shall be a 2 112d Iong,'0.223"head diameter,0.092"shank diameter, Cemplank,p'rsGaiC = �n orlon-resistant siding nail;The siding ls,fastened,,4_8-1X'O.C.vertically and 18"O.C.horizontally, Siding ' ._7 fasteners are driven into.wood studs�througlt dS`!thick J:S ply APA rated plywood sheathing fasteners ` are placed in the overlapping area approximately 3!4 from the bottom edge of the overlapping plank., XG ink. f'eesidi ,/ Y• Vertical Joints shall be placed over studs / Water-resis'64 barrier The planks shalt be Installed over5i8'thick/5'.ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a et Florida Burtdin minimum oft-X4"S-P-F wood studs spaced a maximum.of 16'o.C_ p g Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/6'. \\ /' Code Section 14042 " -. 5/8"thick/5 ply APA rated ,HARDiEPLANK,CEMPLANK,PREVAIL LAP SIDINQ ---�`"" plywood sheathing fastened. INSTAL_LxnON[-MILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION PRODUCT RENEWED .in accordance with,Florida James Hardie Building Products, foe. as complying with the Florida Building Code Section Building Code 10901 Elm Avenue 2322.3 NOA-No. 17-0406.06 Fontana,CA 22337 Expiration e05/01/2022 2"X 4"S-P-F Wood Studs Phone:509_356-6300 size FscM No ova No REV By G ` The wall and soffit frames are to be designed F 90927-0634 A PNL-PLK-SQFF 1 MlaFn a Product Control bY the Architect or Engineer of Record In compliance with the Florida Building Cbde. Creator:15, Gonzales sCALZ 1/2"­1'-0' • mate:4124/2013 SHEET 5 OP 12 Fastener$Pacing per R0683 t BuIlding Code Section 2822.3-7 161n.OC Cladding � I • Framing FastenerSpacing per Florida PRODUCT RENEWED Sutlding Code Section 2322.3 Sheathing as complying with the Florida '1 Building Code - NOA-No. 17-0406.06 0.75in .. Expiration D e05/07/2Q22 -Miami- adfi Product Control - �Ii1JiWt'3'SEi�iSF.Tb aF wfqoYin3 wa..tf r rkright BmldCuod6s 0/+y _ ,.Qa/�� $Y PftC�IJCT-a£VIISED 58,251n. zuet. aAe Prmducx Cbaftof «.roysi with z tFYa £i►^ ,�� 4 - i� ` No � f - Bra'-; STATE OF i .fie s FRAM141C� - - ? ��•'-•.LORIOP.-= ■ NOMINAL 2"X 4"S-P-F WOOD STUDS 16!-O,C.FASTENED cS' WITH 3.112"16d COMMON.NAIL (2 PER TOP AND d�S��NAL.E ,It. BOTTOM CONNEGTION) FOR METAL AND WOQb.STUDS,.PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND G{*O OAD ARE, s THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARI;TO BE DESIGNED NOT PART OF Tams APPRQVAC(l1fILJ.ST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) BY THE ARCHITECT OR 5NGINEER.OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDINGS CODE SHA'T�Q ■ NOMINAL 6/6"THICK/5 PI Y APA RAVED PLYWOOD SHEATHING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH.FLORIDA -HARDIEPLANK,CEMPLANK,PREVAIL LAP SIDING BUILDING CODE SECTION 23223 INSTALLATION DUAIIS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCT10N PLANKS•OVERLAP 1-1/4" • ■ Jambs Flardle 13ufiding Products;irie, THE EXPOSURE IS s8-114" ■ THE PLANKS ARE FACE NAILED WITH 2-1l2"LONG,0.223" E0901 t=1m Avenue HEAD DIAMETER,0.092"SHANK AIAMETER,CORROSION Fontana,CA 92337 RESISTANT SIDING NAILS,-PLACED 3/4"UP FROM THE Phone'909-35"300 IgS°M No DV%G NO aev BOTTOM EDGE OF THE PLANK AT EACH STUD LOCATION Fax 909 427-0G3d A PNL-PLK-$OFF Creator.E.Gonzales SCALE 11-0" Dale:412+412013 SHEET 6 OF 12 Sind Spacing at 16'O.C. WALL LENGTH S1=E 1 onIJCT tr ,SC G DETAIL A HardiePlanW,Cemplanke,and 518"thickly Ply APA Prevail®Plank Lap Siding materials _ are nonasbestos fiber-cement J ._ .. -�-------.-•4_,_..._...._..__..�--`_----- � . rated pIy+woed t I sheathing fastened products tested In accordance with i i'c ° i' �': I 1�. ASTM C118e Grade 11,Type A and i { ! fr�rr,«r��,, to metal studs as meeting the requirements'of the ' i' 4; described In Note 1 Florida Building Cede. I Ie 1 (j i i { �e dyirxgw SdoQido i f tilt; �� i `►/ Watei resistive WALL J 'barrier per Florida PLANK DlgE 0 S.- HEIGHT :.I r'; �'r p ��� Building Cade Width Length Thickness, Section 1404 2 5 9-1/20 12' 5/18: i . RE5IG CIS Metal Gstud ,`� Installatjon Design,Aressure e� Hardfeplank, Metal Studs -92.psf ' -- 1 - Gempiank,Prevail ` B !-- w- . � w�� � •.......,••' � t Lap81d1ng Impact Resistant E—+3/4"Minimum Edge Distance Nails at�10"O-C,(typ,) �%�IQNA r "C� 5116° Planks installed over.5/8"thick 15 ply ttnck starter stnp APA rated plywood sheathing QETAII. _i IAF�DIEPLA K C�IVIPLANK REVAiL LAP$iC�ij�G ItJB��I,�A7JSZ _DEf�&A All installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Adoeptance,.the manufacturers heattsin fastener,as recomme;lotions;and the applicable�seatfocls of tha Florida Building:Cod6 9 desalbed in e--1 Metaf studs where HardiePlank,Ceniplank,Prevaif l:ap Siding will be-mstailed,sh.A be designed try an PRtJ't7t`i _ VISFai * 1y11 n r c per aFlorida e nd rernents of this N,O A gT wr o Ar.hitect th Building Coda the r t� `rWte 1 f 6/8"thick/5 ply APA.rated plywood sheathing shaltbe.attached'to metal studs at&oo,at panel fllooeQ ae: IS- J Siding fastener,as:: , :edges end.all intermediate supports using a Noa3-18,,0:31 "head dlaineferx 1­1/4"long bugle head:sorew ji described in Note 2 "' P finks shall be applied horizontally commencing from the bottom course of the wail with 1-1/4 wide laps at -the trip of the plank such that the exposure area of each.plank is s&1/4"vertically. i > I • . Jhlate.2)The siding fastener shall be a minlmum No:8-18,0.315"head diameter;X 21/4'long*bugle head hlwfti r''�Oi ; screvVover-metal studs(*or screw shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal:fram1ng);The siding Is E lardiePlank, fastened s 8-1/4"O:C."vertically and 16"O.C.horizontally;fasteners are driven Into metal studs through 5!$" �c Gempiank, thick)5 ply , A rated plywoad.sheathing,'fastenam are placed in the overlapping area approximately 3/40 Prevail Lap Siding :from the bottom edge of the overlapping plank: * Vk.cal joints shall be piaeed over studs. \� /f Water resistive The,planks shall be Installed over 518"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum 20ga,Nomrnal:3-5/87 X 1-5/S"Metal C-studs spaced a maximum of.16"O.C.: barrier per Flcdda Fasteners shall hays a'Minimurn edge distance of 3/6'. Building Code Section 1404.2 HARDIEPLANK,C>;MPCAN1z:P EVAii.IAP SIDING 518"thick!3 ply APA rated (B INSTALLATION DETAILS IVIi~TAC STUD CONSTRUCTION PRODUCT RENEWED plywood sheathing fastened to .lames Hartle Building Products,Inc. as complying with the Florida metal studs as described In - 10901 FJm Avenue Bulldin9 Cod® NDA--No. 17-0406.06 Note 1 • 9 Fontana;CA 92337 Expiration 05/01/2022 20ga,3-5/8"X 1-5/8"Metal C-stud Phone:909-356- 00 $[ZE Fscm No owe No REV • The wall and soffit frames are to be designed Fax 909-d27-0634 A PNL-Pt-K SOFF t By ^by the Architect or Engineer of Record In 7 OF 12 Mlaml duct C d Proontrol compliance vritlt the Florida Building Code. 'Cre8t0r.E.Gonzales recce 1/2-11`-0" bate 4/24/2013 StsEeT • n , J' B.00in. �a— II 161n•CC Cladding B.00in. i Forming f PRODIdCT fftEM11E1M1E® S.Opin.00 I Sheathing I ; .. as complying with.the,Florida Buliding.Code I f 0.751n �Explrati toD 5/D1/2D22 on 12 By a el;vcslrEv e iN/esd�a i -• � - .. � qt°y:4°� to comoyire aai,t IFIrn ia�a p ging`Ab#be Fiasi& = NA Al STATE QE •�• ,� - 1 rn eJatk{'roQ�acx W, = - NOMiNAL 20 GAUGE 3-6/8°X 1-5/8"STEEL STUDS 16". '`'•�i,•r i�r 'O.C.PASTENED 1MTH 518"LONG RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS:(2;0ER TOP.AND BOTTOM CONNECTION): ■:. 1-14 WALL'AND SOFAT FRAMES ARE~TO BE DESIGNED .` F.OR METAL AND-WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTibN AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE" BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD'1N` NOT P?ART-. TI!IS APPROVAL,(MUST PROVIDE ALTF_RNA r.E'PRQV[5101�15 FQR THESs»LOADS) COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CCTISE. NOlU11NAL6/8"THICK/5 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD SHEA7Ii1NG TO METAL STUDS AT w OC AT.PANEL - EDGES AND ALL IN115RMEDIATE SUPPORTS USING A, 0.31511,13EAD DIAMETER X 1-1/4'LONG BUGL>~ HEAC)kREW HARDI£PLANK, EIVIPLANK;'PREVAIL LAP SIDING c[ i3t� C INSTALLATIONDETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION ti PLANKS OVERLAP 1-1141 R 71.11=.EXPOSURE IS S 8-1/4" 'Hardie Bullding Products,.Ino. THE PLANKS ARE I;ASTENED WITH NO.8-18,0.3151' 109D1 Elm Avenue enue DIAMETER X 2-1/4'LONG CORROSION- � Fontana,CA enue RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCRI�WS(SCREW $HALL HAVE AT LEAST 3 FULL THREADS Phone:90FG 00 SIZE FSCM,No Mr.No REV PI+NETRATING THE METAL FRAMING),PLACED 3/4"UP Fac 909-427-0634 A PNL-PLK-SOFF 1 FROM THE BOTTOM EDGE OF TH15 PLANK AT EACH Creator.E.Gonzales scpu 1"_�1-0" Date. s STUD LOCATION! r;Er 8 OF 12 VIIAL.L.LENGTH SEE PR OMtLC.gMs-c-op-RON ' Stud Spacing at 16"O.C_ DETAILA HardieSoffiK9&CemsoffiW materials are 134-:, nonasbestos fiber cement products tested in s_ _._,,,:_.• .___ accordance with ASTM C1186 Grade 11,Type A and meeting the requirements of the Florlda Building.Code. i i. i. 2"X 4 S-P-F ! ! ;'� �' }' dth Length..,Wi Thickness WALL 'i E,i I i'! I'! i wood studs 4; HEIGHT • l 'i �I II p�.$ttx►_'�Ei. �U�E�TJI1� HardieSofBt, Installation Dpsign Pressure I !•1 i i• Cemsoffit _WobdStuds -70psf ! i �typ)ladttfT3i3Cd"1 VL'4F.0 ODtICrREvtSEp ..e Nails at 4"O.C. ee �Z 3/8"Minimum Edge Distance Fiwktx "*°0*""&with dh*ODd& it pow#Yfftsawmias cD 9uRi C04e N0: ' 21. , rb dl Af p .. oALA t E. '-ira HAR:QIESoY Xs_0Y_�T_MNEL.�I9�TA�LA_JJ9_ _Z.AILS Soffit fastener,as All installatigrrshali be done In conformance with this Notice of Acceptance;the manufacturer's / described in Note 1 installation rebommendations;and the applicable sections of the Florida Bu!lding Code. PR®DQJC"f RENEWED ' Wood studs whereHardieSoff!t,Centsofft will be.installed shall be designed by an Engineer or as complying with the Florida 1 Architect per the Florida Building Code and.tho rdgi.nrements of this N.O.A. 8aildtgg Code: The sofrd shall be installed over.mInimum 2!'X4""-!Rw000 studs spaced a maximum.of 16"O.C, HOA-Wo. •17-0406.06 HardleSoffiI,Cemsofflt: [Note 11 The soffrf fastener shall b a 2"tong,t�.223"head diameter,0.os2"shank>diameter,= Explratton eQ5/01/2022 t corrosion resistant siding na!l;the fasteners shall be spaced at4"O.C.at panel edges and intermediate studs;the fasteners shalf be.drive'n mto:;wood studs located at 16"O.C. Bey. �` Fasteners shall have a minimum edg6,diatanee of3/ "end a minimum clearance of Z from corners Miami- a e • Product Control i -HARDIESOFFIT,CEMSOFFIT PANEL INSTALLATION..DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION Minimum 2"X 4"S-P-Mood Wood Studs James Hardle Building Products,Inc, The well-and soffit frames are to be 10001 Elm Avenue min Fontana.CA 92337designed by the Architect or Fontana,CA 92337 Engineer of Record In compliance Phone:909-356-6300 size FscM NO owe too REV with the Florida Building Code. Fax 909-427-06M A PNL-PLK-SOFF 1 Creator.E.Gonzales SCALE 112"=1'-0" Date:4124/2013 sHEer 0 OF 12 4.00in. 16,Obin Cladding i Framing ORCDIICT RENEWED • as.gotnplying with the Florida - DWIding Code INOA-No. 17-0406.06 IE*pkatlon-Date 05/01/2022 4,00111.1 Miarni-116 Product Control • r AK(9�iJC'T I3EYISED • PROI�17.�• OY/'�� r� ' w d,`wowing W11a the Fsori& a&comtlyi gwilt&0 `1 ., �i�t�irt$Oa& Bdvldug� ,� \• ' r r > k STAT-Of X tjt�10 Vi N0MINAL2"X4"S-P-F°WOOD STUDS 16"O.C.FASTENED WITH 3-1)7 16d COMMON NAILS-(2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM FOR METAL ANb.WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTJON'AND;GAA.VITY_LOAD ARE CONNECTION) NOT PART OF THIS AP_,PROVAL(MUST PROVIM ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR-THESE LOADS) THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE'TO BE DESIGNED BY . THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE THE SOFFIT IS FASTENED WITH Z LONG,0.2W'HEAD HARDIESOFFIT,C£MSOFFIT PANEL DIAMETER,0.092"SHANK DIAMETER,CORROSION INSTALLATION DETAILS W00D STUD Cbh§'TlIUCTI0N RESISTANT SIDING NAILS,PLACE NAILS 4"O.C.AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS .lames Hardie Building Productjnc:-.. _ 10901 Elm Avenue ' ® Fontana,CA 92337 Phone:509-356-6300 Sue FSCMNO W&NO RF v Fax909-427-0634 A PNL PLK-SOFT" i Creator.Iw Gonzales SME 1 =1=0" Dale:4/24/2013 SHEer 10 OF 12