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Ft Pierce Inlet State Park permit info
,_ € t. `i l V I let i & fir, Inc. „cad a1c tat as t q phone W Email address customer Name,, � � Location p-xisting Sew ice Feeder Eire: " 2. E 1, Existing Patel Size: ' Hairs Breaker Size; — PAS, p _ Number of Breakers: aq, t X 3 vattsper sq, ft..,,,,,..a.................. ass Minimum 2 Appliance cit. @1500 waits each.., - 7000 watts au rcit. ,�, 1500 watts each ........ ......... as ens,8kw........ ......... � watts -.-I—Dishwasher ishwasher and disposal # 15 watts each... ,,. Iwo watts JWall mounted i rouli ve @ 2000 wafts, 1000 watts a r; serf 4.5 kw ............ watts _-L—Dryert ,, 5 kw, ...... .......,.,, s �� watts Extra retri r @L5W r�yart .................__—Watts —Sprinkler Pump...... ............. .............. ..... watts tt1er —Other ............. —Other -..�........... ... ..... wads ,.___ urrrt ......_w,_... ... __.Meat purer watts � Chl`armc generator.,... watts ,.....a.. Cattif, .,.,... .. .., watts ....... -.other lel �wdttt • watt —other watts --------Watts ---..-.._._watt _�Rernamder@ 4001 ..., .....�,. watts Watts -- A/C@Ioo,/% 1 watts Total wgtt watts PrePartil thy. CIOV ". �.... Div►"ded bY 240 volts � Date.- •paAaasaa s;g2u IIV uosreaddV Xpodoad [qunoO aion7 IupaS I ZOZ IgBia.�doO pp �Iueaaem Niue lnogliAA popinoad si pue a$uugo oI Ioafgns si Inq °atuil sigl it loeaaoo aq oI pana1laq si uoiluuuo3ul IIV ITS as3A slTufl /�Id Swall paeA pup sainjead lepads I :IunoO SuiplIng Tejol b'Z£0`999 :Us) aziS puln 6Z'9 I :(saaou) ozis pueZ :(as) 0 eaaV pogolaNS ssoaO :(dS) 0 11V Iopufl/pagsiuid seaab lejol :sao013 6aeunad :land IeaH %0 :% PaWAS 0 :aooid/I8H $AV :adds, IsaH %V/N :% PalsaH JIM\ tut XJ9uI!Jd m4oalg %0 :% D/V uluQ aoiaalul :I1eM XaupuooaS 0 :sliufl -oil :IgBLOH tiols V/N :aeaA aA?Ioa,IJg :apuaO :auzua3 :adf,l $uiPP.ng :aanloruls Joo2T :aano0 Jong eleQ aoualxH ad/Cs, ,IS 0 :saaV pogolaxS ssoto 3S 0 :SuTPTInq snp jo eaaV pagsiui3 uoljeuaaojul guipline fuetu'Jd 0$ aoud JOjImD paaQ apoj ops a9udploog AJ04SIH ales 0 :SUPPEAuH 0 :sglug ITnd 0 :suzooapag :11uM tC amid V/N :Ilmg asaA :ma!A 006I-TO-TO op(I 0$ 008`£8Z`Z$ 008`£8Z`Z$ 008`£8Z`Z$ 81OZ 0$ 008`£8Z`Z$ 008`£8Z`Z$ 008`UtU 61OZ 0$ 008`£8Z`Z$ 008`£8Z`Z$ 008`£8Z`Z$ OZOZ 0$ :alg8X'oI 008`£8Z`Z$ :suouduaaxg alquxes, suoildLuoxa passassV Ia3laejN/Isnf aeaA OOS`£8Z`Z$ :passassV 008`£8Z`Z$ :Ia�asyWlsnp aeaA-£ sanlen le:)i.IOISIH sanleA luaunj (9££l-LIZ N0) (OV OI'9Z) 66£Z£'Id `aassuqulle.L -0££-Zt7t UO NI SV VTV 2TOd AV'd'I(IQV .LVHs. SSH'I-VTV PAIS gltuaMuouzuzoO 006£ 2dS d0 S KI 8 CIMV L S.LO"I .LAOJ 9O I'dVd ILVH.I. Ot b£ 9Z puns Isms, dwl Iut iL uopdp:)saa legal dlysaaunnp ,Clunoo aion-I IuieS :uolloipsunp OOZ8 :adds asn opmpsul :8uiuoZ S9Z/bt :(II &W 9-000 SOB/Sb£/9Z :QSumJ/u/AoZ/oaS L9Z6 :# Iun000V -Z000-0£b-9ZbT :QI 130-18d Qgs :ssaappV aIN u011e:)lJIIuapl ,KVadoad 'paAaasaa Sjy6la IIV -- aaSieaddV AIJE)doad Ajunoo aion� juieS -- duo U11juej j allayolA