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Fire Alarm- supporting docs- Notifier-FRM-1-Relay-Control-Module
01234987650T ENSONESADDRESSLOOP9876543210987654321101112131415ISOLATED QUADRANT01234987650TENSONESADDRESSLOOP9876543210987654321101112131415 N500-47-00 1 I56-1170-04 FRM-1 Relay Control Module INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Before Installing This information is included as a quick reference installation guide. Refer to the appropriate Notifier control panel installation manual for detailed system information. If the modules will be installed in an existing operational system, inform the operator and local authority that the system will be temporarily out of ser- vice. Disconnect power to the control panel before installing the modules. NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment. General Description The FRM-1 Relay Control Module is intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems where the individual address of each module is selected using the built-in rotary switches. It allows a compatible control panel to switch discrete contacts by code command. The relay contains two isolated sets of Form-C contacts, which operate as a DPDT switch and are rated in accordance with the table in the manual. Circuit connections to the relay contacts are not su- pervised by the module. The module also has a panel controlled LED indicator. This module can be used to replace a CMX-2 mod- ule that has been configured for Form-C operation. Compatibility Requirements To ensure proper operation, this module shall be connected to a compatible Notifier system control panel (list available from Noti- fier). Mounting The FRM-1 mounts directly to 4″ square electrical boxes (see Fig- ure 2A). The box must have a minimum depth of 21 /8″. Surface mounted electrical boxes (SMB500) are available from Notifier. Wiring NOTE: All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordi- nances, and regulations. When using control modules in nonpower limited applications, the CB500 Module Bar- rier must be used to meet UL requirements for the sepa- ration of power-limited and nonpower-limited terminals and wiring. The barrier must be inserted into a 4″x4″x21 /8″ junction box, and the control module must be placed into the barrier and attached to the junction box (Figure 2A). The power-limited wiring must be placed into the isolated quadrant of the module barrier (Figure 2B). 1. Install module wiring in accordance with the job drawings and Figure 1. Removing rotary switch stop: Figure 2A. Module mounting with barrier: A78-2611-11 Figure 2B: A78-2610-08 A78-2318-07 Specifications Normal Operating Voltage: 15 to 32 VDC Maximum Current Draw: 6.5 mA (LED on) Average Operating Current: 270µA (LED flashing) EOL Resistance: Not used Temperature Range: 32˚F to 120˚F (0˚C to 49˚C) Humidity: 10% to 93% Noncondensing Dimensions: 41/2″ H x 4″ W x 11/4″ D (Mounts to a 4″ square by 21/8″ deep box.) Accessories: SMB500 Electrical Box; CB500 Barrier appropriate wiring diagrams. 2. Set the address on the module per job drawings. Note: Some panels support extended addressing. In order to set the module above address 99 on compatible systems, care- fully remove the stop on the upper rotary switch with thumb in the direction shown in Figure 1. 3. Secure module to electrical box (supplied by installer), as shown in Figure 2A. 12 Clintonville Rd Northford, CT 06472-1653 (203) 484-7161 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 012 345 6 7 8 9TENS ONES ADDRESSLOOP 0 7 8654321 9101112131415 www.PDF-Zoo.com MODULE FROM PANEL OR (+)(–)TO NEXT (+)(–)DEVICE (+)(–)CONTROL CONNECT MODULES TO LISTED COMPATIBLE RELAY COMMON 1 RELAY COMMON 2 NORMALLY CLOSED 1 NORMALLY OPEN 2 NORMALLY CLOSED 2 MODULE DOES NOT SUPERVISE CONTROLLED CIRCUITS NORMALLY OPEN 1 CONTROL PANELS ONLY PREVIOUS DEVICE COMMUNICATION LINE 32 VDC Max. SHIELDED-TWISTED PAIR IS RECOMMENDED 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADDRESSLOOP N500-47-00 2 I56-1170-04 ©2001 Notifier All relay switch contacts are shipped as shown in Figure 3, but may have transferred during shipping. To ensure that the switch contacts are in their correct state, modules must be made to communicate with the panel before connecting circuits controlled by the module. Relay Contact Ratings: Figure 3. Relay module wiring diagram: A78-2286-09 CURRENT RATING MAXIMUM VOLTAGE LOAD DESCRIPTION APPLICATION 3 A 2 A .9 A .9 A .5 A 1 A .5 A .7 A 30 VDC 30 VDC 110 VDC 125 VAC 30 VDC 30 VDC 125 VAC 75 VAC Resistive Resistive Resistive Resistive Inductive (L/R=5ms) Inductive (L/R=2ms) Inductive (PF=.35) Inductive (PF=.35) Non Coded Coded Non Coded Non Coded Coded Coded Non Coded Non Coded IF ANY WIRING TO TERMINALS 3 – 9 IS NONPOWER LIMITED, THE CB500 BARRIER IS REQUIRED. THE CB500 INCLUDES A NONPOWER LIMITED LABEL, WHICH MUST BE PLACED OVER THE POWER LIMITED TERMINAL INFORMATION ON THE NAMEPLATE LABEL. www.PDF-Zoo.com