HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs PERMIT# ISSUE DATE e' FI.MiMWG&DEVELOi'IVIEW'SEk.'WOES Building&Code Comp]—nee Division Q - 8 ]BUDDING PHEW= SMCOI T CTOR AGREEMENT (ft� Z e 7r, c- have agreed to be (Co any Name/Iudividuai Name) the l ec-I't,z / Sub-contractor for W!y rm .e t)e&e_ too-11+ ew,. fc 1/f (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For.the project located at ��- \ J �-e� R (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Co&Regulation Division of St.Lucie County wffl be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) 4WICOWRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) ki PRINT NAME PRINT NAME of e COUNTY CERTWATIONNUMBER COUNTY CERTINICATION NUM�E�R� State of Florida,County of �V'�l,�r State of Florida,County of B B i s+c -L T[ie forregoing instrumentt was signed before me ibis day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this^`- �day`off 20Q ;2017 byVJ�Q�ICA V� U c who is personally mown or has produced a :+-.,. who is personaily hngwnY/_or bas produced a as identification. . as identifieation. STAMP STAMP Signature ofNotary Public Signature of Notary Public zfzl cc� 4 i t PelitName oMotary'Public Print Name of Notary Public t t8 4f Fi0rida ,�2a; q".. for r Notary NOW ' LAURE4R.CiJbBEDGE ' � Keck BudKa, s543 ;: ommissaorr#GG.92076 • nny comet► i FF s� o:l+atpiies Ocober2l 202D Revised I1/I6OM off. Expirest1512t�2920. '•�'dr';i9;:'�p���TM�T 11'1��� ��tlHNIA WINO.Y�IYYI�F��!!Y9���Y7'��� • . 0 Rim sub Of�� � ow m6ndomw PrOJO4 tho 00djag BW cod@ qg"Won IDJAW00 of st,Wo Quotywidf to ROW puffigmt to ft -Aling of w OwngoofSabremnor xrotice. �1�A����R'T•. .d�Ra!lf�sr�. __._..-._.�..__... 4'17B=. - .. . : . ��'l�i�i�itR�a�k���. . ...m_. , ..- malow,Lyle Wynn@. Robert Ludlum WOMAN R W26 Lugle ftle of El9FMP GgA!aq of_, i �''�B fA!'B�la�lm6ilfRNil4RR avt+s �bR�ORg:au�tl�fs'� �nt �'�'!!lC�9��811�)�Sl�'�199RR�3YR.,5�I�ASI��RFA!'@ PIIB 1�1�9��&�'Nl' t A344 F§Ahl4!!� +48�A AF!lo prPoNBR(!s_ . vrwk Psas'"!!y fa2aaro�0bm pkeda.c9d a„� as idsRllY�ealisn, as#;�sau#�ua�n. '' ' _ ATAA1T' STD - -...._.. Rhonda LOW FIT -.l�_..._ ... . ala�e pKlNptary�'MkJi� TI�n t �m&eX:>vataty F&I kj.— w DOROTHYANN BASIN ' `t, MY COMMISSION#GG 030.145 RHC*DA'WFEW EXPIRES:6CIObef2,-2020 MD' Milt# 72� 11 ! �l� l� OF F�������Bondgd ThN Ndtery Publ(c Underwriters PERMIT# LISSUEDATE iWldiiiolg`&` od tLoi�aplmcei 'iisio�t $ O]1TIiAt` i1 A1RE �UX ,I�i Comfort .�o-n.trral •of St. 'Lucie Caunty, Irac.. have,agreed•to'be I -•(Coritp�t�NgaaeliailividuaTN�p13) • to H-VAC Sub-ac6a odor gory. ('se of Ttdde) \2�1 (�rimas3+Coxwtractoi•) - For the&6jeol ldeat6d at_ _- \ J ` �� Ts, - .'(Fioject Street A�d• s or? pertq Tax ID�) It is undersfaod th t,if there is my change of status:ragarding'e&p"cipatiori with t ie abo' mentioned.. •PrOjeat;the BUildift and Code Regirlatibh Division of St.Lucie County will be advised Puismg.to the . fli,g-ofa Change of tb-cofit ctor-notice. CQN�'�A�['ORS�GAfA�'[)I�E(Qite6fferj. — ��Y:O - - IGNA�'Ult,L(Qu�ifier) . 'M.-a.'i�I7ety Lirle Wynne PAW.WAlI,(E FMTNAM C+DTJWCEBMC,ATIONwor COUMYCERTMrATIONM3MSER Sate 0YP't4rida,aOty Of-2 zi c E State of Florida;County of Si aci The fo►�going instsbnrersttvs�s.tighed before me this day of +, The fbreplmg indramentwbs sWQI-bd&e me oY 1���.c .z���yy'` .+��,l�` L•1���;�,,.s1, �c�'J9r,�t.•r�01 by �su�.�swi�� • • null.imo A ✓or hag ro�ditcca a lio i diisomili kIIdwn �r d c _ - wHo is Feto Y �' p w s P 9 bag pro a epltt as ldcntification. ag idea wAtion, STAW Sigo'sture M'lYoit��..�c Signa�itire o Now. e Agri sklo PiriMrTacileoY2Votar9 blie PrintNameofNotaeyPublic DQROTHYANN BASKIN .' . EE: DOROTHYAI�N BASKIN ice.. .. MYCOMMI$SION#GGU30145 YCaMMi$SION:#GG030i45 ; EXPIRES;OctoW2 20X, o t' EXPIRE$ OO bber2,2026 . Of F1.1� BondedilluglfOP1�Wl�'�{�Irnica^!•,.$ ._.. .. Revisr~dIl/Y6f2016 edThNNof�ryPtib6ciJrtdellytite . L66-d Z000}ZDOfld VLO-1 9g9L$L8ZLL- daoG su i p j i n$ euuAm -wouA g vZ L 9 L i-60-Z ' Adli-i �Ci'' >ot v>rsiar i 1����f°�fi:g:•: �. . .. . .. �.. : .��Yea����tt3<bir 'Rz '�:£ :t�:g: tm Slab-Oon or° ir' 1sz •.n .e :r ; oara: Trare . priirratyaier<iJ 'S :tees; a•:. ddtsirsr' •If °' i��>�s�c�adt�a�;;%�t����'�ai��'°��ia��'�;.��:stas;�� �-�a"a±`:"°a�t%� '-'a`o��ii����. - :' abase mn : aid egi la 4 D zt i : t. tit ie o it:::: v bea,adu%sed. test au t fl+ .. : .. ..�Q4tifi'":f. .. A .. ;► . :.. erg:: T. `l�a�t-��:�twrr�::;��r�:�. ���>:x��.��. .. ..:�:x ::a•n-'�•N�a:�,:4��� . Iv1�JA :. . .. :>lErTlii rL1 AO �.. CUC2 i1Y EitTIC?lC 'ON:1�'? 1�i2B 4CQU1 .r HK �C�`" O IsN(7NiB)vR° <,SiBYI� fluFia i.(rOUAjr'Q :� 't�{.LGtC $37it2.�txttoi75A lvQIY' : .0 C G!.. mod. . 7i�foregoinainsh�tnmrnt:was:y�gpe ;tiefq wilds : -:,•49yof• :.:: Tkeii�rcggiri iris#cpioleti�was %g�veillteforem0':tliis:� yb£ � � gC1[ai;3 Esona k4�owR� ••�/ni��os•:�r�cjgC�ii:�;: ... �wlia`ls.persoiaa�ty�kaoivn:✓-0-?iasprailuc�tT�,:. •�si�IguUi?ca. asaz5euti�icarians STAMP ::.. ..:...:. '• �t;�!acp_rc�ofl!fut';`' �ii.l_it .::...-.::�- .. .. :... . . -'Si�nstu'i'�•o`f.•�d'fatcy' ublis:. . .. . ... Zo.i o-rl4_`f .gz'n dJ &ei.N j�7r:2o'r7.t-y...lq-NN �ASKI ��1�'iot`1!I81fC�of�dt9(C}!:Piiblic . :. . . •ti::ya• DOROTHYANNBASKIN DOROTHYANNBASKIN f3 MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 EXPtRE$:OdtobeP 2,2020 r; MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 �IkOFF��pa,,BondedThN r(otary_PubGcUndenvriteis = �o; EXPIRES:October 2 2020 R�vi§etI1"YYSt2t116 ,•,aa...,•• Bonded3hru NotarypubU Undenvrit s aa.aa ST: LUCIE COUNTY . BUILDING & ZONING i 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE;FL 34982-5652 772-462-1553 FILLED`LANDS AFFIDAVIT I, the undersigned, am the owner of the following described property: #1 306-1 1 1-0001-000/0; 6.17 34 '49 n l 1 tbat sari- lying (Tax ID/Legal description/Address) northeasterly of I-9 5 for which I have applied to St.Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit,BP Number ' ,I acknowledge that as owner of the above described property,and in accordance with Section 7.04'.01(D),St.Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property,St.Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide,for,or maintain in any form,adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. Matthew h yl T. �ynnP Property Owner Name Property Owner Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTY OF S t_ L U C 12 ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 20- BY Matthew Lyle wynncz WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TOME OR WHO I4AS PRODUCED AA r AS IDENTIFICATION. NATURE OF NOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC TITLE COMMISSION NUMBER EKE State of Florida 'n GG 038942 2020