HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information "--LC--F-11005 SOWEI\A -(Er E R Y O*TER 300 state R6ad 401. Cape Carnalfwas �3os lda S2S20-c?Ea��= �� FSEC# s306A. OCT s lle Lsod jul 991 Agiaiherm i...='dussi .ies, !-"Go Bois_ a' 735` e5 1985 Rutgers u'.?ve si ty -R vd o 171,o-D=L-ectox Pooh to veood,_Fay vt_sey -09701 ea% g System The system listed bi§low was evaluated by the Floride,Solar Energy Cen'Wr(,FSEQ in accordance with tht F I o r 1 d a Standarda Progra_rn for Sola_s Dornevzc-Tate,and Iooi Fearing SJ?Sze rins iFSEC GP--80-7)and vura; found to !aWit tha minimum siasrdards estabiished--b PS E 0. ss;, 9 Collector- Model €fi fts T otF-,i e . e100-i aw yea ae 36,80D 3tz 2 moo-:- s Sa7 a-t- - ==s ':0{}Z � �SflrJ 3-=. 3 AcragEheral s So7 gar-.!,d-a -a i r ti'r3c e 'S SCi 2= _= mot Se ;3 `•�' ze _ �.'00 SQL. 'Tank Model yet -6p-p]Y cabl a Q Int lea "t Exch. 2- Pump Model - Poorser D ravv Rated pavye: 4 Controller •i oriel 0 OiMerearlda! !eMperea-ttre 2-02 El T hermosiphoh 3 YmdeDe-nde-nit x g C3.5 la�co: IQ Other 4 Solarmetr cs S IG/8pZ0 _t eege "o:.aGecz rot? by aT-T come-6-1c cat?Qs-Cv= drainIn -whap. Other i Major Componen,s 7 Flo-7iiactor =i4 in addition to above 2 net?oi=-ar�e RZo-Te er y� yc A . � t�1 �v9i 7 3 213o -val-we APR 10 2017 oe�a vat us • - PERIL#ITTIf�lG • St. Lurie �:;c:m:�jr, FL farther ir}7© itiarr.is recciired you n2y contacf the Florida Solar Energy.Center v the above addrtsq. I 1! SUMMARMM � s L 191DA SOLAR �N c Safer ehdustass SFPS. - (adar P=4 Heys L.-I'e>i om-11, €ftpf J'amey mil. rims.Soler esll r r:2s ql.ZiUERM is►1 S3�:: '�i"*�'?t'�> t;- Corte,I�tafi&_ Vnex pt�ei the .t s t y�r�e=s affly. €�vat ai i is not a g"mwant�a 8F log Lga p&JbMajm or r�. � . P - asom - ..� Gsm Dapff, 9.049 mram =U morass_ A33_;, ��� �e}�F3 - 4._r.T.M fjuws teat i rans}s � rs� ='tom _ d ► squams�z � i aga IP 1 aim s a .l ofts illfasght{es3mU} g, it -ma 21.3 pamirs +hair 4a £ic_-Almricabb POW patm_m Forced C-Arcufavan t er FbFg Ti�br-- n%T yy.-AM MRIALS s - cR 'tGIasi33c NOM None, t astae per��R gCI (RA IM) COPY I '�t;tiien��f a�taias _ 88 - _ 2 MT P t €�i : ` _. i 3 -3 �� - r Ts)Tt]2 umm ar i i Tdi we c�.1 WaRA€iz o f x-f a am S-La/1111-412 RAMON andays aajr b goes: um. ma[Ian iFs 'r=?€�i �Imlaa G=uc siilerm mtngs MN IN Caftoiof, elf m tra BWday fY?; 1T3icEiF Y:'aci � °�L`= . f3�Qo gtWday tics Y loviurm Lim 3 - aS+JA R i=i=t{���13E f=ems„'^'jrr. ,,�+� s-�r _ ODDS ��G...� Z.J•J„i.•?j ✓s„+:4pf'ri����rr F7`.7,: rr.��"=i�,t�"-'��.t��y IN -'f STTI'T'+ii I OnPUS R a- n4 r yam: r.' :v� ✓zi•Y: 1:.;�✓ c_ t++r,+r"� 1�!jll�i� `iiJ!I;il1��t=�� �'v`}.-'`-=i: � _ ��:r=3•-��. ���`�"��^,;-:.- j- r.: =tsGAP +si , vil:i�:Lhti.E c ? is 3 ISOisELECTROM10 I. FLOW i'['JG! �:^�i:{i �y •��f1:t 1 is WV1.0p oaf IiZ PAU VALVE t• ^''`^.,__.�-•�.� .f y t".Jj 1yiGn�.:R'��-:.F>SS ptimuol Lot=11 ���^`_' `_-� - - = LLiil is• �r:7•rin\ �Ldi-`.`_l 5�,,�f�i _ i•!E:� a 3� ±-�-i� r~o,=.ter--•-•--'� ••- _ - -_..._-...:::._._� �-.-_._•^�..-----_-----,--�-i•s'�=ax �I CR To i\ COLIZOTORS POOL NMI {�. 4r�"-,jt s P7 I-! ](1 ���F�3C�-a`•=. �`VCt�::a t_-cl�Ls� tc7.ativ{t -� ff v.r c=34•�t•�.�. ter. F'� t~ _ -oar : ^fir !� .�. s.•:o ...;.� }c w:..:SY��t`➢�ai�sz :' �i'S��Li v-��`ei `1•'y�.'-e�i 1. _ � G+a��J���J��•���� -_ 1- .".-a'a eZ - �-ac,1wLiamerm j£l rLZf7-�v.'*w pv !l xttomtip