HomeMy WebLinkAboutproject info-Bruce Bussell Engineering Manager Palm Harbor Homes, Inc. 605 South Frontage Road Plant City, Florida 33563- 563-9934 Phone: 813-752-1368 Ex1.756 Fax 1: 813-754-8675 Fax 2: 813-71919-368989 E-Mail: bbussell®paimharbor.com March 22, 2017 To: Building Department RE: Palm Harbor Home, Serial Number #20735, Model 340TL40483A Savanna Club, Site 7513 Dear Plans Examiner, The site -beam, which was installed by Palm Harbor Homes, and is approved by HUD, Manufactured Home Construction & Safety Standards, is constructed to receive on -site additions that are built and designed by others to accommodate such amenities as carports, sheds, and screen rooms. The on -site structure must be designed by a Florida, registered, engineer, to the Florida Building Code and all local codes. This plant - installed site beam is of adequate design for this purpose as long as tie downs and piering are per page 1 of Section 11, Misc. & Final Inspection section of the installation manual (attached). The attached details, EW-216.2 and PA69-EW-31, are approved by the Manufactured Home Construction & Safety Standards. And, the design loads for the plant -installed site beam, as well as the supporting structure and anchorage are from the FBC and ASCE 7. I can be of further assistance at the above contact information. Sincerely yours, 17 f'tuz# UI UC6 1J U$JCII Engineering Manager Palm Harbor Homes Option 1: using 2x4 let -in into dadoed 2x6 wall stud Metal Secure Hoof Panel Header Into 2x4 as approved by the manufacturees instailet1w Instrutalo rs. Roor Panel Header Lap Rau Lap Sir Caulk Truss 2w4 03 "' Letan Festan Into each wall stud with $ oo, 0.131xT nab, or a -es 7/1W 112 d5P staples. AIL- 448X3' screws approved sheathing Le.: T horvnopiy. Thernmosheath OSS or Plywood. Option 2: using 2x4 installed on top of sheathing and exterior wall studs Typ. Secure Pod Panel Header Inio 2x4 as approved by the. manufecturses Installation insbur#Iun6 Roof Panel Hsader---^ Lap ReceWer Lap Siding otnn C. Doeden, K Pngineefng, Aluminum flat stock shaped around 2x4 and sacuted into soffit and stleslhtrg w/ metal aerews. 2w4 N3 S-P-F Fasten u to each Wall stud with 4 ea. f1&W SOMIt". osa or APPROVED PFS Corporation PALM HARBOR HOMES, INC. Madison, WI - 1 15303 DAL -AS PARKWAY. SUITE 800. A[)OtSON. TX 75001 Yntit. DAMas/ta/oo OCT 0 3 2000 Screen room and Carport attachrtlent am Factory prep options v'kc ea EW — 216.2 HUD Manufactured Home Construction & A. iMND ZONE 2 & 3 cad—r12 tsunumg i oue vnnne Page 1 of 2 ProductARP-royal-Mg_u_> Product or&plicron SearCh>A liceti pp, FL # FL5500-R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Elite Aluminum Corporation Address/Phone/Email 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954)949-3200 dk@dokimengineering, net Authorized Signature Frank Bernardo frank@engexp.com technical Representative Bruce Peacock Address/Phone/Email 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954) 949-3200 bpeacock@elitealuminum.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category g Subcategory Rng Lai'oof Compliance Method Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received -- - Florida. Engineer or Architect Name who developed Frank L. Bernardo, P E, the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-0046549 Quality Assurance Entity QAI Laboratories Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Jorge A. Pomerantz, P,E. Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL5500-„R4 COI Indep pdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards ' Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL5500, R4 Egmv E,quiv pdf Sections from the Code " - 104.11 .2 1709.3 njP\N -Af https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx'?paramwGEVXQ WtDgt2gTKEgbCB... 4/12/2017 R EPS FOAM CORE ROOF PA ALUMINUM / ALUMINUM SKIN. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN TABLES: 3" Panels 4" Panels 6" Panels Live Load: Deflection 0.024" 0.032" 0.024'. 0.032" 0.024" 0.032" Wor Uplift Limit Aium Skin! Alum Skin Aium Skin Alum Skin Aram Skin; Alum akin 1-lb EPS '� 14b EPS 1-lb EPS 1-Ib EPS 1-Ib EPS 1-lb EPS 10 psf�I L / 120 14'-0" 96'-3" 19 0' 19'-0" 23-2' 23'-9" 12 psf L / 120 13'-2" 15'-3" 17-12" i 17'-11' 21' 9' I' 22'-5" 14 psf L / 120 12'- " 14 -6" 17 1' 17'-0" 20'-8" 21-3" 16 psf L / 120 Tj1'- 13 10" 16 4 16'-3' 19-10 20.4" 18 psf L / 120 - " 13'-4" 15 8' 15' 8' 19'-0' ` 19 -7" 20 psf '', L 1120 11'-2" 12'-10" 15-2 15' 1 18'-4' 18'-11" 24 psf t L 1120 10'-6" 12'-1" 14-3 14'-3 17'-3' 17'-5" 28 psf L / 120 9'-111, :, 1 V-6" 13'-5 13 -6" 16'-V 16'-2" 32 psf L / 120 9'-3" 11'-0" 12'-6' 12'-7" 1515' 15'-1" CLEAR SPAN TABLE USE INSTRUCTIONS: I. DETERMINE TYPE OF ENCLOSURE TO BE COVERED (OPEN, SCREENED WALLS, OR FULLY ENCLOSED). 2. DETERMINE THE SITE SPECIFIC REQUIRED DESIGN WIND PRESSURE PROVIDED BY SEPARATE ENGINEERING, BY A LICENSED ENGINEER OR REGISTERED ARCHITECT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE FIFTH EDITION (2014). 3. FIND ALLOWABLE COMPOSITE PANEL CLEAR SPAN IN TABLES FOR APPROPRIATE PANEL DEPTH, FACING THICKNESS, AND EPS SEAL JOINT CONTINUOUS _ CAULKING w H °°O0°°9O°O° e°oQ0000°°°°o°o 00 0O0 a W a Ci O0O0 °°o°o°°°°°o. °°°o°o°o°o°o°°I CROSS SECTION AT TYPTCAEPTNEC-rRTERMCK EPS ROOF PANEL SPAN DETAIL: 0.024" OR 0.032" ALUM W MAX WIDTH PER INTERLOCKING PANEL TOP & BOTTOM FACINGS. (1/4" PER FOOT MIN SLOPE) 0 0 0 o EPS CORE (1.0 PCF) G 0 0 x f\LL,Li CLEAR SPAN (L) INSIDE TO INSIDE F EFER TO ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SHEETS R LOADS, ROOF CONNECTIONS, & SUPPORTINGRUCTURE DETAILS (BY OTHERS). THIS SHEET _ CERTIFIES ALLOWABLE ROOF SPANS ONLY. 3" Panels 4" Panels Live Load. Deflection 0.024" 0.032" 0.024" O.G &Air Uplift. Limit Alum Skin; Alum Skin Alum Skin',, Aium 1-lb EPS j 1-lb EPS 1-lb EPS 1-lb E L 1180 10'-9" _ 12'-5" 14'-7' 14'- 15 psf - p L / 240 9'-9" 11'-3" 13'3' 13'-. L! 180 10'-3" 11'-10" 13' 12' IT-1 17 psf L 1240 9 -4" 10 9' 12'-8 12'- L/180 9-9" --11 3' 13'3' 20psf L / 240 8 -10" 10'-3" 12 -0" ._.. _ .-24 L / 180 9'-2" ,_. 1O,_7" 12.5.. 12'-. psf L / 240 8'-4" 9,_7" 1 V-4" 11'-; L / 180 8 8" 5 10 1 , 11 10" 11'-1 28 psf L/240 7 11" 9 2' 10 9 L 1180 8 6" 9'-101. 11 7' 30 psf L / 240 7'-9" 8'-11" 10'-6' 10'-i - L 1180 8'-4" 9 7 11 -4 7 1 T-: 32 32 psf L / 240 7-7" 8'-9" 10 -3 ' 0'-: L ! 180 8'4" 9'-5" 34 psf L 1240 7' 5" 8'-7" 10' 1" '.. 10'- L/180 -7-11" 9-2" 37Pat L/240 T-2" 8-4" 9-10, _.. 9'-9 __.. ........_-. I 7.-..._._.. T_9'• :- ......__ . 8'-11-_" 10'-6" t0-1 40 psf �Ll80 L/240 T-O" 8'-1" 9'-7" 9'-6 - L 1180 - 7 6" 8'-8 10'-2" _ 10=: 44 psf L/240 6-10" T-10" 9-T 9'-3 _ L / 180 1-3" 8 -5" 9 11 9'-1( 48 Psf+ L/240 6-7" 7-8" 8-12' 8'-1 L / 180 T-1" 8'-2" 9� 7" R-7 52 psf ':: L 1240 6'-5" 7'-5" 8'-91 8' 9 L / 180 6-11" 7 12 9 5 9'-4 56 psf :, L 1240 6'-3" - T-3' 8-6' 8'-6 L / 180 6'-9" 7 10" 9'-2 9'-2 60 psf L 1/240 6'-2" 7-1" .. 8'-4 8'-4 DEFLECTION NOTES: 1. USE L/120 FOR ALL MEMBERS SUPPORTING ROOF ROOM. 2. USE L/180 FOR ALL MEMBERS SUPPORTING ROOF AN ENCLOSED ROOM. 3. USE L/240 FOR ALL MEMBERS SUPPORTING ROOF ENCLOSED ROOM, PER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: ri.FRONT OVERHANG MAYBE UPTO 3'-0" WITH VALI UNSUPPORTED SIDE OVERHANG IS 25% OF LAST PANEL WIDTH). ROOF PITCH SHALL BE AS PER BUILDING CODE RI OPTIONAL o GUTTER OR DRIP CAP :•DIq 7C/90[CI _ 36" MAX O/H AT FRONT & 25% OF LAST PANEL WIDTH AT SIDE' (UP TO 12" MAX O/H AT SIDES)