HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite Treatment (2) l �..Ow r r� �w >fl s r r�l■��, rt: -OEM AF�w ;w w M:r MEW-w w-r FO.BOX 5455•Lighthouse Poiit,FL 33674 '(954).ti70=5307:�561 883<3884" Fax:(954)418-3982•www.pipterrnite.ctim 4850 N.Federal Highway,Lighthouse Point,FL 33064 - Remit To ' TERMITE CONTROL.SERVICE-AGREEMENT Ri.R ❑COMMERCIAL VRESIDENTIAL-- DATE'OF TREATMENT: / LIMITED. AFIRANTY Lighthouse Point,FL 33074 NAME/ADDRESS OF OWNER/AGENT....::: .:. ALL BLDGS/STRUCTURES INCL••"UDEDiN ' EATMEN''." ADDRESS TO BE BORED: 7., C L : Customer E-Mall Lnnl BILLING ADDRESS:. COMMENTS:,.,I!.�IS vc a:-. ..•`Cs> _ ilC In orderto schedule ahyTerrri te:work:50%Deposit lwdue at,time.of acceptance•of this agreement P.i.P.>is hereby authorized'to:treat the'premises det bribed�above..for the•conttbl�of:- ❑DrywoodTermites ❑Control of Existing(Live) 1,Initial Treatment'Price S '� .,W.SubtorraneanTermites ❑Presumptive:Evid 2.Other Fees S." J FreConstjuctionlWarran J�P.reyention,of ubterian66 ,D ty. rywood 3.Sales Tax 5; JWAnnual:Rein"speotlon Upon Request(No Charge) ❑Fumigation/:VAU t .Um gallon; 4 Total Price S _ ❑Spot Treatment Only. ,B Exclude Powder Post Beelle -5.Less Cash. $: Exclude Formo"sanTerrriite gWhole Structure Warranty/Transferable 6.Unpaid Balance Due Monolithic Slab ❑Crawl Space ❑Stem Wall ❑Tent with Liquid:Partial?Full SERVICE AGREEMENTS: ❑QUARTERLY MONITORING SUBTERRANEAN BAIT STATION PAYABLE: ❑5YEAR RENEWABLE SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑NO GUARANTEE ISSUED pniount Paid$ 1 YEAR GUARANTEE LIMITED RETREATMENT ONLY I TRANSFERABLE THIS CONTRACT CONTAINS DISCLAIMER'S LIMITATIONS,OR EXCLUSIONS ON BACK PAGE Cash Receipt$, Check Number YOU,THE BUYER,MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY ITEM Credit Card: Master Card Visa PRIOR TO`MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD(3Ro)'BUSINESS DAY AFTER card# THE DATE"OFTHISTRANSA tON: . Expiration Date,.,- GVC# __ Code of Bailing Credu Card SPECIFIC AREA TREATED :.2F. s_>�xv -ell l / This.agree`ment sh211ae comprised oft, Document,the`General Terms and Conditions as they appear on the reverse side,and the a mpanylnp gtaph and specifications and addendums atfacted. This property was not*treated for the presence of-health=related molds or fungi. P.I.P.will'detomilne what '.type of treatmenY.wll be used to treat wood.destroying organisms,'additlonal"charges will apply to any fumigation work:Buyer agrees to pay a-WeCharge the lesser of$%00 or 5%of the amount'dueo'per month,:ii not.paid within 10 days of due date. In the case of default in the payment for more than 30'days,RIcP or its assignee may elect to declare the entire balance to be-immediately due and payable together with all costs of collections,including reasonable attorney's fees. CONTINUOUS tOTECTION AGREEMENT A pted_byi Subterranean$ /�/y4. Drywood$ N The type of Service Agreement checked above will be issu'd to the Buyer upon completigt of ini(lai tteatm ent,My Annual Renewal paymenCcurtently Buy or y r s A r gdrA ent/Verbal Ailtftorization/Emeit 'lus`taz whefdapplicable,,but maybe increased fay P.I:P.by 0 g' g„ notice before the renewal hate.My Annual Renewal payment..rain written no will not increase'for 5'years after-the data of-initial treatment.After 5'years' Date ' it may be increased by not more than 20%per year or the annual rate of Inflation(CPI),whichever is greater.If'RI.R does not Increase my Annual ' Renewal rate in any one or more years,atthe next increase,P.I.P.may PI.P include any amount it would have been�permitted to increase In that prior FU3EsPAiVE ATTIC ACCESS year or period of years.Change ImLaw:In the event of a change in applicable N tics of Treatment has been affixed Federal,State or local Law material in the manner in which P1 delivers its 0 services or discharges its obligations under this agreement,P.I.P.reserves the right to increase the Annual Renewal Fee,with"out the above mentioned\ -limitation,-or terminate.this`a'roorlant_...___-- NOTICE:See other side of this Agreement and tho'accompanying Graph and Specifications for importantflt-E