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Mechnical seam
2.110 0 dal J At '"T, JB&B ENGINEERING, LLC DYNAMIC AfETALS, LLC CONSULTINC EN AVERS 5203 Silver Charm Terrace 32Or SE Dominica Terrace H'es(e� Chapel. FL 33544 Stuart• Florida 3.1997 Phone (813)545-1323 Email TSiulhvartertgl:!)nuiii.coai FL Certificate of Aulhonzation #30903 —1 I DYNAMIC IY2" MECHNICAL SEMI 24G � I I I i i D romingS I i L ►-ii1 I 14S I Ran©I Praile I . I I Panel Profile . I 9 - - "�— '"'T" F.71P 15n1J FIfilf: ('i 6'YK!iEI1.K• 2-Panel Up FrDflic I,+rxlttui.+ DESIGN UPLIFT PRESSURE=I 68 5 PSF - ``6SPaCED A'• FROm ENDS & 15` 0 C S D. ,4� o °•,!°° `/L¢d MAXIMUM DESIGN UPLIFT PRESSURE=s 98.5 PSF E °s•° o CLIPS TO BE SPACED a•• FROM ENGS � Z' O C No 5, 358 'X w. A G.en! Nome. DYNAMIC t.!EtALS• LLC a - ��L Protect nlome DYNAMIC 24 GAGE MECHANICAL SEAL!-GALvaLUME TrC A •%UYCwnf a.E ° �! FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 5TH ED. (20!4) Pro ® Ii FL RI . ect ACCress FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL t so° �' •Q�`i ct*. .102 NO. 215-1050 GATE 09-05-2016 Tl,r JIt 1716Y'J' SHrOP DRAW1111MIG REVIEW ip"E C 0 R IR C',T'M,'. N01 ED ITEM N1 F T 11 E -S, CON- TO BE CON: FiRMED AND CORRELATED AT THE JOB SITE; FOR INFORMATION THAT PERTAINS SOLELY TO THE FABRICATION PROCESSES OR TO TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION AND FOR COORDINATION OF THE WORK OF ALL TRAbEt. FINNVOLDARCHIT�CTIJRE, IW, DATC.� j;4/g�14� gy��'F ._._ JO&B EII(iinricrinci Consultants,LLC 520 Sib,'Cr 01.11"n1 TffraCC V-Sesiey Cluipel,Fl.21354.1 Phone 8,13-545,1323 Enrail: Florida Certific- Me ization',130903 ,MA13,110, 9.0 Installation Instructions: 9.*.Pei rnarIt1faZtUrcr*s installation instructtalls and fastertin.g pAlerns described hialeill '10.0 DeM(is Procedure:Based 011 the dimensions of the stiucturc,appropriate vvirid loads are determined using Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code 201,;for roof cladding wind loads These component:rind leads for roof cladding are comil;lTed to the allowable design pressures listed herein. The design professional steal!select VIC the aijOlopeinte erec.1ron details to refercrice,in his dravAngs for proper fast,_-ner attachment to his1her StIUCI.Ure and analyze the panel fasteners for Pullout and pullover. Suppo I Iframing must be in corriplizincewi I I-.Florida Building Cede 2014 chapter fo,,steel.chapter 23 for W00d and Chdl)lel 16 for SIMC(UMI loading. -11.0 Limits and Conclitions of Use: '1 1.1 Mmirilurn allmvable design pressures listed in this report 11.2 [-ire classification has not been wn-5iclered and is outside the scope,of tilis rijpcij 11.3 Panels Nxere not evaluated structurally to resist sheai diaphragm axial,tr;virvc1r.r.or racking loads 11.4 Altematc condilicris net specifically addressed by this Lipprovat shall he desqjned by a regiqelred Florida Professional Engineer orArchilect 11.5 The structural adequacy of the substrate hearing Ilhe wind 1,9adS SLIPVirnposed by this product are the responsibilA-1 of others 11.6 UncNailayment shall co-oply wiffi the Florida Building Code:''cdilicn f20 1j:) 11.7 9"Ailli.111.1111 SICile,shall CCMply:with the Florida Building Code V'edition(2014,including section 1507.4.2 and in accordance V.01 the,MAllufacturem,recommendations.For slopes fess-titan 3-12,lap sealant musi be used in the panel side laps 12.0 Quality Assurance Entity:-me manufacturer has establisitecl compliance of to!,,(panel pfcidl.105 III daric accor z c with the Florida Building Code and Rule 6 IG20-3.005(3')for manufacturing under a duality ,asuranc e ss program audded b t an8;)j)F0Ved CiLlah a ly .-,SLIraVC0 -13.0 coltificate Of Independence:Pursuant to IN,requirements of 61,3203 F.A.C.I hereby certify iltat this Florida Rrofesstonal Engineer,performing this evaluation.(10cs not have riorv.-;Il acquire an interest in arty comparly manufacturing or distributing 1);,;.;ducts fO;Which VIC I'Cl."011 is b0ing iSSILIed.This is also Ice certify that this Flulicla Professional Engineer,does nol hlve.moi will acquire at financial interest in any other entity involved in the applovil process of this product. 14.0 Certification:In the Imfessionai opinion of this evaluatwp engineer the product. moils the requicrerlititids of lhe Flaricia Building Code 2014(5!h edition),specifically si-ctions 1504.3.2 and i 504.7 for use in wheri utilized withir.the limits of use noled herein. E Al ra No 55,35, • It STATE6F N JB&l3 Engineering(3011SLINO111S,I.1_13 5203 Silver Charm Terrace i.NcOI Chapel.FL 335,14 Phnne 813-545-1323 Entail:1, ;:.liw;:n,,`ri ;`ir;,, 1=10dda GeNificatE of Akiltlotization 00903 Product Evaluation Report Dynamic 1.5"Mechanical Strang 211 gage Galvalume Nnn-l-IVI-OZ 1.0 PrOdUCt Nlanufacturcr:Dynamic N".c:tags,LLC 3201 SE Dominica Tinrac: Stuart,Ft-34S,97 2.0 Code edition:Florida Building Code 5th edition(2014)-Suilcir.3 Vol;!me•Aton+I'VHZ Sections ;5G4.3.2 and 1594.7 3.0 Evaluation Method.Engineering E+,:-aluation(method :D)in accordance.-with 61G20-.1.005 F.A.C. 4.0 Product Category:Roofing •1.1 Product Sub-Category.iLletai Roofing 5.0 Product Description: 5.1 General Description.Dynamic 1.5'Mechanical Szam 24 gage gal'J81LV'Wa rion-structural deck 5.2 Min Fy=50 ksi galvahinle and Ronda Guildiny Cade 5"'edition(2014)section 1507.4.3.Paint filiS'h OPIiIJ1181 5.3 Panel Thickness,24 Gage(0.0276")mimmum mated ih,ckness 5.4 Corrosion Resistance to cn,aply tvilii Florida Building Code 6"'edition(2014),section 1507.,1.3 5.5 Width: 16'MaxR11Um coverage 5.6 Rib I-lek-iii: 1-112"majo-.rib height @) 16"o.c. 6.0 Panel Fastener:26 gage galvanizied steel x 2"long clips spaced 4"frorn each end and 16'o.r,.for field installations anci;rem 4'barn each end and 8"o.c. Each clip is secured with 1'2)!J 10 x 1'pancake had fastener.Corrosion resisla:ic9 p.ur Florida Budding Code 5"edition(2014).scctions 150C.6 and 1507.4., GA Substrate Description: : layer of 30f1 organic fell paper over nuni:mim-Mg"USB(or 15132"4-ply APA piy:vood)over 2 x SYP rafter's s;xlced no more than 24'o e.SLIbStHI must near-t 111 ap;:)Iic9lale remilfemcats and be designed with the Florida Building Corte 5"edition(2014) 6.2 Design Uplift Pressures: 6.1 Field InSMIlation 337.0 10/2=168.5 psf{gips spaced 1r"ox.and 4"from ends) S_Corner Installation 397.0 psfi2='ISM psf(Clips spacc.•d fi"o.r.and 4'frort,ends} 7.0 Code Testing Performance Requirements: 7.'I UL 560-OG=res't for Uplift Rt_�sistance of Rooi Asseillbiies 7.2 UI. 1897-04-UpbIll Test for Roof CovtI Systems 8.0 Performance Test Results Summary: 8.i Archli:ectural Testing,Inc_+A`est P;Arn t3eacn.FL(7S:T 1527), Repoil 7G1 195.04,450-44 S.1.1 SignediS'eete(l I;y Charles Anderson,P.E on August 25"'.21)16 8.1.2 LJL580.OGJ U1.1897-04 field Installation(-337.0 psf} 0.1.3 UL580.OG1 UL 1897.04 Corner Isis tallatIan(-397.0 psf) > JB&B ENGINEERING, LLC DYNAMIC METALS, LLC CONSULTING ENGINEERS j 5203 Silver Charm Terrace 3201 SE Dominica Terrace Wesley Chapel. FL 33544 Stuart. Florida 34997 Phone (813)545-1323 Email TSultivanengOgmail-eom FL Certificate of Authorization y309O3 DYNAMIC 1Yz" MECHANICAL SEAM .032 AWMINIlM j pra"I-0 I' 11; Coverage -( t t•j:2 t.7;Tt: f Panel Profile CJf S�!cEZAI CLIP P Fpc a"Panel Clop Profile -77 I Feu Vart.u..n...l b:.vu. MAXIMUM DESIGN UPLIFT PRESSURE=131-0 PSF CLIPS TO BE SPACED 4" FROM ENDS & 16" O.C. offs" A d® !l�sr D. SJ MAXIMUM DESIGN UPLIFT PRESSURE=213.5 PSF ` �•' •a e•n t;/ I CLIPS TO BE SPACED 4" FROM ENDS & 8" O.C. I o et 10EN L� a • r No;° 5358 m CItenl Nome: DYNAMIC METALS, LLC �a to � ,y ®'+�o, _Kic L_;� • R m Project Nome:DYNAMIC 1.5_ MECHANICAL SEAM (0.032" ALUMINUI. st1 VfA c r THOMy�p{SLLLI�N. P. �` OOMPLIEI LORIDA BUILDING CODE STH ED. (207a) Project Address: FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL ;o ••. 0 6° J� NO. 215-1050 DATE.09-05-2016 •-=' SHOP DRAWING REVIEW f . NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN IOAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED REASE AND RESUBMIT REjECTED SUBNM�l SPECIFIED ITFM CHGOVING 15 �"?F OqTH TwE DYSIGN CONCEPT OF Viiii1ri THE Q!VL ii=%. CM TRACTOR 15 RESOONS-,'LL TOR D!MENISION"- BE: CON, FIRMED ANT)CORFELATED AT]HE JCr,' !SITE; FOR INFORMATION THAT PERTAINS SOLELY TO THE FABRICATION PROCESSES OR TO TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION; AND FOR COORDINATION OF THE WORK OF ALL TRADES. FINNVOLDARCHiTEECTURL, INN DATE OP+ By, I JB&B Engineering ConsultanN,L.LC 5203 Silver Charm Terraoo Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 Phone: 313-54 5-1 M k (Tlatl: `_rlf€11��.11. -?i fY.g fl?!i.t:C);t'a _. _..-.p. ,. � ._ Flciitt .0 its fe to cif 11,utC . f39 3.--- Product Ev aluation Report Dynamic 1.6 Mechanical Seam 0.032" Alkatlrtfnum 1.0 Product Manufacturer:Dyna'mic.Natals,LLB 320$ SE Dominica Terrace Stuart, FL 34997 2.0 Code edition. Flarida building Cade 5th adition (2014)-Building Volurne-Non-f-lVHZ Sections 1504.12 ,and 1504,7 3.0 Eua1"-111 11 Whod: Engineyerinri,Evaluation(melhod 113)in au:o►'ttance with O G20-3_00C F.XG. 4.0 Product Category: Roofing 4.1 Product Sub-Gategery., Metal Roofing 5.0 Product Deser'iptiow 5.1 general Descripation- Dynarnic'l.6 tvlechanical Searn 0.032`aluminum rion-struclura1 deck 512 Conforming to ASTM 3105 H24 and:Florida Building Code 5"',edition(2014)section 1507A.3. faint finish optional 5.3 Pavel Thickness:20 Gage JO.032")minimum coated thickness 5.4 C-orsosion Resistance to comply with Florida Building Code 5''-edition(2014).section 1507.4.3 5.5 Widtb 16c ttla.cimurn coverage 5.6 Rib Height: 1-1f2"majoi rib height @ 15"o_c, 6.0 Panel Fastener:26 gaee galvanized steel x 2"lung clips spiced 4" from each end and 1S°o.e. ivy field snstatt Lions and from f"front each end and 8" o.c. Each cikp;is secured Lvi.th (2)410 x 1" parx. lce head fastener. Corrosion resistance per Florida Building Code T"edition (20,14), sections 1506.6 and 1,507.4.4 6.1 Subsirate Description: 1 layer of 308 organic fell paper over minimu9nt 7/16" OSB(or 15132'4-p ly APA plywood)over 2x SYP rafters spaced no more than 24"ox. Substrate rausi meel all applicable requirements and be designed with the Ftorida Building Coyle 5t7 edilitln(2014) 6.2 DOS1,911 Uplift Piwsures: 6.1 Field Installation 262.0 p)s(/2=131.0 psf(Chips space(j 1.6" o:c. and 4'froth ends) 6.2 Corner Installef on 427.0 psf12=213.5 psf(Clips:spaced 8"ox- and 4'from ends) i 7.0 Cade Testing Performance Requirements: 7.1 UL 580-GB-Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies 7.2 UL 1897-04-Uplift Test for Roof Covering Sy stands $.4 Performance Test Results Summary: 8.1 Architectural'resting.inc.West Palm Be-ach,.FL (TST 1527). Report#GI195.65-450-14 8.11 Signe€tlSealed by Charles.Anderson. @_E, on August 251. 201r 8.1.-2 IJL580-061 UL'9807-04 Field instafiation{-262.0 psf) 8-1.3 UL580-06/UL '18 -04,C orner Installation(-427.0 psf) Aft FIU wpy JB&B Enoincerin€J Consultants,LLC 5203 Silver Charm Terrace Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 Phone: 613-545-132.3 Email: Famid<r Cerlific ja of, WhDri7al►on 4.3`0903 9.0 Ills tallatio n Instructions: 9.1 Per raan(rfucttrrer s instnllaticn instructions and fastening patterns described herein 10.0 Desigzr Procedure: llased on the d'rrnonsions of the structure,appropriate wind loads are determined using Chapter 16 of the Ftcrnda-Puilding Code 2.01.1 for roof'cladWng v4ind toads. These Component svland loads for roof cladding are compared to1he allowable-design pressures listed herein. The design profes.siortal shall select the the anpropriate erection details to reference in his drawings for proper fastener atlachnie til to hislt�er structure and analyze the panel.fasteners for pullout and pullover. Support framing must bra in onrpliance�'vjith Florida Quilding Code 20 d4 chapter'22 for steel. chapter 23 for vroad and chapter 16 for structural loading, 11.0 Limits and Conditions of Use: 11:1 Maxirntrrrr allo-W,able design PrYsstrre!S l 5Wd in this reWrl 11.2 Fire classification has not been considered and is outside the scope:of this report 113 Part,els were tool evaluated structurally to resist shear diaphraon),axial,transverse or racking loads 11.4 Alternate condition$not specifically addressed by this approval shall be designed by a registered Florida Professional Engineer. or Architect 11.6 The structural adequacy of the substrate bearing,the wind leads superimposed by this product are the responsibility of others 11.6 Underlaynient shall comply with the Florida Building Cade 5U'edition(2014) 113 Minimum slope shall comply with the Florida Budding Code 5"'edition (2014, including se£tian 1507A.7 and in accordance will-1 tho manufacturers re-ctammandations: For slopes less than 3:12, lap sealant must be.used in the panel side Lips 12.4 Pualit-y.Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compiiance of roar panel prorducls in accordance with the Florida BuAding Code-anti Rule 611320-3.005(3) for niantifacturing Linder a qualKy assurance program audited by an approved Quality assurance agency. 13.0 Certificate of Independence: Pursuant to the requirements of 61G20-3 F,A.C, I hereby certify that this Florida Professional Engineer, pertbrming this evaluation.does,not have nor v�ill acquire an interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products far.which Vie repot i is bring issued, This is also to certify that this Florida Professional Engineer, does not have,nor will acquire a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of this product. 14.0 Certification. In the professional opinion of this evaluating,engineer the aforementioneed product, meets the requirements of ifie_Florida Building Code 2014 (5th edition), specifically,sections 1504.3,_2 and 1504.7 for use in non-HVHZ, where utilind within the limits of use noted herein, . PIS sa�C-l1Jg` ` t 4.s EN �. R-No 5535€3 f _Boa STATE OF T hen °D. Sullivan, P.E. gyp'Cj 1 f Total fA ;O R O. �����