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Manual J RV 2.22.21
Residential System Sizing Calculation Summary PETER BRIDGET JACOBSON Project Title: PALMETTO DRIVE SYNERGY JACOBSON RESIDENCE FT PIERCE, FL 1/1412021 Location for weather data: Fort Pierce, FL - Defaults: Latitude(27.48) Altitude(25 ft.) Temp Range(L) Humidi data: Interior RH 50% Outdoor wet bulb 78F Humidity difference62 r. Winter design temperature(TMY3 99%) 40 F Summer design temperature(TMY3 99%) 91 F Winter setpoint 70 F Summer setpoint 75 F Winter temperature difference 30 F Summer temperature difference 16 F Total hatitting load calculation 48836 Btuh Total cooling bad calculation 43840 Btuh Submitted heating capacity % of talc Btuh Submitted cooling capacity % of talc Btuh Total (Electric Strip Heat) 63.5 31000 Sensible (SHR = 0.75) 105.3 36250 Latent 113.5 11750 Total 107.2 47000 WINTER CALCULATIONS Winter Heating Load for 2551 s ft Load tom onent Load Window total 488 sgft 3923 Btuh Wall total 2483 sgft 8460 Stub Door total 60 sgft 828 Stub Ceiling total 2551 sgft 2459 Btuh Floor total 2551 sgft 10797 Stub Infiltration 85 cfin 2799 Stub Duct loss 19569 Stub Subtotal 48836 Btuh Ventilation 0 cfrn 0 Stub TOTAL HEAT LOSS 48836 Btuh SUMMER CALCULATIONS Ia"h`�"' Summer Cooling Load for 2551 s ft Load cDmuonent Load Window total 488 sgft 7859 Btuh Wall total 2483 sgft 5632 Btuh Door total 60 sgft 856 Btuh Ceiling total 2551 sgft 2459 Btuh Floor total 0 Stub Infiltration 64 cfrn 1120 Btuh Internal gain 5780 Stub Duct gain 9786 Bluh Sens. Ventilation 0 cffn 0 Btuh Blower Load 0 Stub Total sensible gain 33491 Stub Latent gain(ducts) 6466 Stub Latent gain(infiltration) 2682 Btuh Latent gain(ventilation) 0 Stub Latent gain(intematfoocupardslother) 1200 Stub Total latent gain 10348 Stub TOTAL HEAT GAIN 43840 Btuh WeJls(12.8%) Ooars(2.0%� IML(B.7%) Ou0107.I %) EnergyGauge4D pyst m j 8th Edition PREPARED BY: is DATE: EnergyGauge®! USRCZB V7.0.00 Ceifings(6fi%) Windows(t79%) tstmt ing2.7%) tnLGw(132%) I System Sizing Calculations - Summer Residential Load - Room by Room Component Details PETER BRIDGET JACOBSON Project Title: PALMETTO DRIVE SYNERGY JACOBSON RESIDENCE FT PIERCE, FL 1/14/2021 Reference City: Fort Pierce, FL Temperature Difference: 16.0F(TMY3 99%) Humidity difference: 62gr. This calculation is for Wont Case. The house has been rotated 315 degrees. WIndOW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Walls Doors 1 2 Ceilings 1 Floors 1 Type" Panes SHGC U InSh 2 NFRC 0.15, 0.26 No 2 NFRC 0.15, 0.26 No 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No 2 NFRC No 2 NFRC 0.24, 026 No 2 NFRC 0.15. 0.26 No 2 NFRC 0.15, 0.26 No 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No 2 NFRC 0.19. 0.31 No 2 NFRC 0.19, 0.31 No 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No 2 NFRC 024, 0.26 No 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No 2 NFRC 021, 0.30 No 2 NFRC 0-19. 0.31 No 2 NFRC 0.19, 0.31 No 2 NFRC 0.01, 0.18 No Window Total Type Overhang Window Ares(sqft) HTM IS Omt Len Hyt Gross Shaded Unshaded Shaded Unshaded No NW 1.0ft 0.8ft 50.7 0.0 50.7 7 14 No NE 1.Oft 0.8ft 21.3 0.0 21.3 7 14 No NW 1.0ft 0.8ft 33.3 0.0 33.3 9 19 No NE 32.Of 0.1ft 33.3 0.0 33.3 11 25 No NW 12-Of 2-Oft 33.0 0.0 33.0 9 21 No NW 12.Of 5.5ft 101.3 0.0 101.3 7 14 No NW 12.Of 5.5ft 40.0 0.0 40.0 7 14 No NE 1.Dft O.aft 12.0 0.0 12.0 9 19 No NE 1.0ft 0.8ft 4.7 0.0 4.7 9 19 No SE 1.Oft 0-8ft 23.6 4.5 19-1 9 18 No SE 7.Oft 3.08 16.6 16.6 0.0 9 18 No SE 21.Of 0.511t 8.0 8.0 0.0 9 20 No NE 7.011 0.5ft 16.6 0.0 16.6 9 21 No SW 1.0ft O.8ft 4.7 2.2 2.5 9 20 No SW 1Oft 0.8ft 4.7 2.2 2.5 9 20 No SW 1.0ft 0.8ft 16.6 3.2 13-4 9 18 No SW 1.0ft 0.8ft 16.6 3.2 13.4 9 18 No SE 21.01` 2.Oft 50.7 50-7 0.0 3 4 Concrete Blk,Hollow - Ext Concrete Blk,Hollew- E t Concrete Bik,Hollow - E t Concrete B&,Hollow - EA Frame - Wood - Adj Wall Total Type Insrdated - Exterior Wood - Garage Door Total Type/Color/Surface Unvenfed AttidLight/Shingle Ceiling Total Type Slab On Grade Floor Total 488 (sqft) U-Value R-Value Area(sqft) HTM Cav/Sheath 0.12 6-0/0-0 2986 2.4 0.12 6.010.0 8641 2.4 0.12 6.010.0 150.4 2.4 0.12 6.010.0 928.0 2.4 0.09 13.010.0 241.3 1.4 2483(sgft) Area (sqft) HTM 40.0 14.3 20.0 14.3 60 (sqft) U-Value R-Value Area(sqft) HTM 0.241 0,0120.0 2551.0 0.96 2551(sgft) R-Value Size HTM 0.0 2551 (ft-perimeter) 0.0 2551.0 (sqft) Zone Envelope Subtotal: Load 730 Bruh 307 Btuh 636 Btuh 023 Stuh 678 Btuh 1459 Btuh 576 Btuh 230 Btuh 90 Btuh 391 Btuh 150 Btuh 74 Btuh 342 Btuh 69 Btuh 69 Btuh 275 Stuh 275 Btuh 157 Btuh 7331 Btuh Load 705 Btuh 2039 Btuh 355 Btuh 2190 Btuh 343 Btuh 5632 Btuh Load 570 Btuh 285 Btuh 856 Btuh Load 2459 Btuh 2459 Btuh Load 0 Btuh 0 Blurt 16278 Btuh EnergyGsuge® / USRCZB v7.0.00 Page 1 Manual J Summer Calculations Residential Load - Component Details (continued) PETER BRIDGET JACOBSON Project Tide: Climate:FL_VERO_BEACH_MUNICIPAL A PALMETTO DRIVE SYNERGY JACOBSON RESIDENCE FT PIERCE, FL 1/14/2021 Infiltration Type Wholehouse ACH Volume(cuft) Wall Ratio CFM= Load Natural 0.16 23724 1.00 63.7 1120 Btuh Internal Occupants Btuh/occupant Appliance Load gain 6 X 230 + 4400 5780 Btuh Sensible Envelope Load: 23177 Btuh Duct load Average sealed, Suppy(R6.o-Attic), Retum(R8.0-Attic) (DGM of 0.413) 9568 Btuh Sensible Zone Load 32745 Btuh Windows July excursion for System 1 528 Btuh Excursion Subtotal: 528 Btuh Duct load 218 Btuh Sensible Excursion Load 746 Btuh EnergyGauge® / USRCZB v7.0.00 Page 2 Manual J Summer Calculations Residential Load - Component Details (continued) PETER BRIDGET JACOBSON Project Title: Climate:FL_VERO_BEACH_MUNICIPAL_A PALMETTO DRIVE SYNERGY JACOBSON RESIDENCE FT PIERCE, FL 1/14/2021 Whole House Totals for Cooling Sensible Envelope Load All Zones 23706 Btuh Sensible Duct Load 9786 Btuh Total Sensible Zone Loads 33491 Btuh Sensible ventilation 0 Btuh Bower 0 Btuh Total sensible gain 33491 Btuh Latent infiltration gam (for 62 gr. humidity difference) 2682 Btuh Latent ventilation gain 0 Btuh Latent duct gain 6466 Btuh Latent occupant gain (6.0 people @ 200 Btuh per person) 1200 Stuh Latent other gain 0 Btuh Latent total gain 10348 Btuh IMTA1 retN 43840 Btuh 1. Central Unit # 47000 Btuh •FCey: Window types (Panes - Number and type of panes of glass) (SHGC - Shading coefficient of glass as SHGC numerical value) (U - Window U-Faclor) (InSh - Interior shading device: none(No), Blinds(B). Dreperiss(D) or Roller Shades(R)) - For Blinds: Assume medium color, half closed For Draperies: Assume medium weave, half dosed For Roller shades: Assume transWoerd, hag closed (IS - trisect screen: none(N). Full(F) or Half(%)) (Ornt - compass orientation) Version 0 EnergyGaugeO I USRCZB v7.0.00 Page 3