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Approved Gulf Rib product approval
BCIS Home Logln UserRegistration HotTopics Submitsurcharge Stats&Facts Publications Contactus BCISsite lv Product Approval USER: Public User Product__Ap.pro\/al Menu > Product or Ap.plication Search > 4p.p.I.icatipn List > Application Detail FL# Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archjved Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Techn ical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FL33818 New 2020 Approved Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing, LLC. 4020 S. W. 449th Street Horseshoe Beach, FL 32648 (352) 498-0778 Ext 0565 jared.pearce@gulfcoastsupply.com Jared Pearc:e jared.pearce@gulfcoastsupply.com ROofing Metal Roofing Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Zachary R. Pri.est PE-74021 Keystone Certifications, Inc. 12/31/2023 Steven M. Urich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Fl_33818 R0 Col GCS20002a 2020 FBC Eval Metal Roofir frfupdf Standard ASTM 8117 ASTM G 155 FM 4471 TAS 100 TAS 110 TAS 125 UL 1897 UL 580 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products 3818.1 Emits of use Model, Number or Name Method 1 Option D 10/11/2020 10/31/2020 11/05/2020 12/16/2020 Te_sri Metal Roofing Systems (HVHZ) i Approved for Llse in HVHZ: Yes ! Approved for use oLitside HVHZ: No i Impact Resistant: N/Ai Design Pressiire: +0/-164.25 i Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. i GulfLok, VersaLoc, 5V Crimp, GulfpBR and Gulf-Fn-stalTaEri;tiL== EL3_3_8_1_8__RO_II_GC_SL2_0002b 2020 FB_C Eval Mi fiJulpdi Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation FLepolts E±33SIELBalAELGCS20co2b.__2.02o FBc Eva.I i\fiulp2if Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Metal Roofing Systems (nonHVHZ) imits of use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for Llse oLltside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +0/-164.25 Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. Gulfseam, MegaLoc, VersaLoc, 5V Cril ulfRib and Gulfwave Installation Instructions i FL33818 R0 11 GCS20002a 2020 FBC Eval M NQ_nHVHzjin_al.p2d£ Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Created by Iridependent Third Party: Yes t Evaluation FLeports :, .Fi33818_ __RO==A_E_G_C_S_2m2_a 2o2o FBC Eval h `\NonHVHLZ±2d£ ( Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Eihi Contact us : : 2601 Bleir Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 8504S7-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EE0 employer. £anyright 2007-2013 St:ate of Florida. : : E!:i±£afy.Statement : : Accessibility Statement : Under Florida law, email acldresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records electronic mail to this entity, Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.£ Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effectlve October 1, 2012, Ilcensees llcensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Departmen if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public rec to supply a personal address, please prctvide the Department with an email address which can be macle available to the public. To de licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click be!:e_. Product Approval Accepts: ERE rna RE E ill Credit Carc} Safe CF2EEK TECHNICAL SERVICE§. LLC EVALUATION REPORT Certifilcate Of Authorization No. 29824 17S20 Edinburgh Dr Tampa, FL 33647 (813) 480-3421 FLORIDA BuiLDiNG CoDE, 7" EDrrioN (2020) Manufacturer:GULF COAST SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING, LLC 14429 SW 2m place. Siiite G30 Newbeny, FL 32669 (352) 498-7852 Manufacturing Locations: Alachua, FL Sebring, FL Montgomery, AL Quality Assurance: Keystone certifications, lnc. (QUA1824) ScopE Issued October 22, 2020 Category: Subcategory: Code Sections: Properties: REFERENCES Roofing Metal Roofing 1504.3 Wind Resistance Eniky Force Engineering & Testing rrsT5328) Force Engineering a Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing rrsT5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Englneering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing (TST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing IT§T5328) Force Engineering & T8§ting rrsT5328) Force Engineering & Testing (TST5328) Force Engineering & Testlng ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) GCS20002a ReDort No. 72ro3i 3T-06A€ 72-01 98T-07AC 117-0033T-05 117-0053T-05 117~0062T-07A-C 117-0062T-07D-F 117-0062T-07 G-I 117i}062T-07JK 117-0065T.07A-C 117-0076T-12A 117J)08gTJ)5.1 117-OO89T-05.2 1 1 7-Oi 02Tro5 117-0165T-11 B 117-0238T-09D 1 17-0238T~09E 117-0238T-11 A 117-0248T-07A,B 117-0284T-09A FL33818 Standard UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL S80 uL 1897 uL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 uL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 FM 4471 FM 4471 FM 4471 uL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 Page 1 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3, The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality a§§urance changes throughoiit the duration for which thj§ report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not speclflcany addre©ged h6reln. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICE.S` LLC Entity Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing CrsT5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing rrsT5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing (TST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) lntertek-West Palm Beach (an ATl company) FTST1527) lntertek-West Palm Beach (an ATl company) ITST1527) Intertek-West Palm Beach (an ATl company) rrsT1527) lntertck-West Palm Beach (an All company) rTST1527) Interfek- West Palm Beach (an ATl company) (TST1527) PRI Construction Materials Technologies ITST5878) GCS20002a GULF COAST SUPPLY a MAr`luFACTURING, LLc Metal Roofing ReDort No. 117-0285T-09A 117-0301 T-10A€ 117-0330T-10A-B 117-0331 T-08A 117-0331 T-08B 1 1 7-033 1 Tro8D 117-0337T-10 117-0378T-11 A 117-0378T-1 1 B 117-0378T-1 1 C 117-0407T-09 117-0407Ti)9A 89000.01450-18 C0308.014sO-18 DO818.01450-18 D 1692.0145044 G7287.01450J14 1272T0005 FL33818 Standard UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 FM 4471 FM 4471 FM 4471 UL 580 UL 1897 uL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 uL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 uL 580 UL 1897 ASTM E 8 UL 580 AS" G 155 Page 2 of 6 This evaluation report ls provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61620-3. The manufaoturor Shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC Of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the dill.alion for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specirlcally addressed herein. E E |{ GULF COAST SUPPLY & MANUFAC*eut:.IE:;:,:: a TECH CALSERVICES LLC - Gu'fRib P ofile:3/4 in. ribs at 9 in. o.c.; 36 in. coverage D scription: :.Non-structural, through fastened roof panelMin.29ga.ASTMA792AZ50orASTMA653 G90: Optional Fluropon© paint-aterial: ; finish: Fy = min. 80 ksi., Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 €z^nefi:,;t:r§t¥~.. ' ` rfe-` -` -`aTtng`t-1#€:3,4Ti:- Ir`\•¥.#`.9" '1 Gulfwave Profile:3/4 in. comugation: 29 in. coverage Description: 'Non-structural, through fastened roof panel Material:Min. 26 ga. ASTM A792 AZ50 or ASTM A653 G90; Optional Fluro pon® paint finish; Fy = min. 80 ksi: Shall conform with FBC section 1 . .!Eiilllililiiiiillii-I- • . . `,`", h-(.t.```,.1,+ -.-I ,,,.i f ,`, .A I:;.$4i 1-I.i- !v`-I ;)t- .`, B 1,' •1-`t,i 3.. 'tiky `. :,.-J! '.}, `- `` 29 Cover g GCS20002a FL33818 Page 5 Of 6 Thl§ evaluation report ls provided tor Stale of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20.3. Tn6 manufaGluror §riall notify GF{EEK Techriical Services, LLC Of any product cnarlges or quality assurance changes tnrougnou[ the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC LIMITATIONS GULF COAST SUPPLY a MANUFACTURING, LLC Metal Roofing 1. Fire classification i§ not within the scope of this evaluation. 2. Thisreportis notforusein the HVHZ. 3. The roof deck and the roof deck attachment shall be designed by others to meet the minlmilm design loads established for components and cladding and in accordance with FBC requirements. 4. Roof slope shall be in accordance with FBC section 1507.4.2. 5. Reroofing shall be in accordance with FBC Section 1511. Recovery versus replacement shall be evaluated in accordance with FBC Section 1511.3. 6. Installation of the evaluated products shall comply with this report, the FBC and the manufacturer's published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sollrces, the more restrictive and FBC compliant installation detail shall prevail. 7. All prodiicts listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61 G20-3. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT :::e?r:8uEC:;tj:¥a('goai:iahse:ejjndebnyc::::::::;fepr:::t:dpa:;:::ent:esT8:i:r::egyct:::I:amn::::t:utfhaect::::.daBu"ding *---%S#,;:# CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE 2020.10.22 15:51 :16 -04'00` Zachary R. Priest, P.E. Florida Registration No. 74021 Organization No. ANE9641 CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not have, nor will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturlng or cllstributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services, LLC is not owned, operated, or controlled by any compeny manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufactiiring or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have` nor will acquire, a financial interest in ariy other emily involved in the approval process Of the product. APPENDICES 1) APPENDIX A -Installation (5 pages) 2) APPENDIX B -Approved Roofsystems (7 pages) 3) APPENDIX C -Design wind Loads (4 pages) GCS20002a FL33818 Page 6 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida producl approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC; Of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addr©g8ed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES` LLC INSTALLATION GULF COAST SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING: LLC Metal Roofing APPENDIX A Note -Feeferto lhe ` i t, i `-i. i section ofthjs report for specifiic installation delajls of a selected system. Unless otherwise specified in this report the following installation details shall be met for the named products: Component Product Installation Detail Fasteners ee-15 HWH wood screwwithsealingwasher Shall penetrate through the sheathing a minimum 3/8 in. Shall be corrosion ro-1 5 HWH woodzAcScrew #10-12 Pancake Type AScrew resistant in accordance with FBC section 1507.4.4. #12-11 Pancake Type AScrew #i2-8 HWH woodgripXGscrewwithsealingwasher 1 /4-14 HWH ZAC lmpax Installed at panel side lap; Shall be corrosion resistant in accordance with FBC Lap screw section 1507.4.4. Clips Gulfl_ok Clip 24 ga. in-seam clip :I-H--,-::-3,--,,if ,, ``L,- J\,r-, Fixed Clip 18 ga. in€eam clip I ``.I`-- : •1' i i .. .::.!. --, `,,,,:,,,.``-::`-i ; ,``` , i, 11 `., -:` .`.. I I GCS20002a FL33818 Pa Thls evalualion report ls provlded for Sta(e or Florlda product approval linder Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer §hall notify CREEK Technlcal Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration /or which this report ls valid. Tliis evaluation report does iiot express nor imply warranty, installation. reconimended use, or other prodlJct attr!buteg that are not speciflcally addressed herein. CF3EEK TECHNICAL SERVICES` LLC GULF COAST SUPPLY a MANUFACTURING, LLC Metal Roofing APPENDIX A Component Product Installation Detail Clips (Cont'd) NC€3003€ Sliding Clip + 0.78 r L-', I 41/4 - 2"1 L,te-,,, vl" .t±i=:;:\?, L--- L 1500SC Slldlng Clip 22 ga. top.,16 ga. base; in-seam clip '1 ' `5,-fit; `, „----,,1`'- , ,,,i-, =-ii-:--3]=::I-T:-F=| ' " , `.F±:I Sealants TiteBond WeathermasterMetalRoofSealant Shall be applied in 1/4"-5/16" continuous beads on lhe male rib along the seam Fastening Details Nomenclature Attachment GulfLokrTrae 1 {L fr]i,~-._ (1) #10-12 X 1" TYPE A PANCA /` GulfLek Overiap -,- i : i i, I .4 '.,. ==,=- •-li 1,-,-~,1t- r-i,t..I.-..-t-i.- 'L\ ,1-.''l'-.JE `-` -- - -a,rw+ ----' `-`.-`'`.`r|L,r=[r``L:`,'':::-:L'L`> ..,.._1, i,._,,," J GCS20002a FL33818 Page 2 of 5 Tnl§ evaluation report ls provided ror Stale of Florld8 product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer Shall notlfy CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, ingtallatlon, recommended iise, or other procluc` attributes that are not specirically addressed herein. CF3EEK TECHNICAL SERVICES` LLC GULF COAST SUPPLY a MANUFACTURING, LLC Metal Roofing APPENDIX A Fastening Details Nomenclature Attachment SV Type 3 . 12„ i 12„ , , ]RT---------TT:-I-=I|-=fro#,7,i'(1)#9-i5xH/2"HWHw/segivfigrwasher GulfpBR Type 1 #"4X7/8"Lepscre,wofzi'ocMaxALP_a_::'Lap-i./ `-"' _\| ---12"+z-1 -12T'/; `` (1)#9-15x|-„ Z GulfpBR Type 2 Z#i/4|4xW8' Screw@24coo.C. Max.--``,-` \ \ T5"i-7" ;; 5"T7" , 5"~7"|\5"I \-` (1)#9-15xl-1/2" GuitRib TyD5 1 T9" 9n 9o Ai?nane,try/ i( I :I #0- 15 x I - I jE2. vy/Sealer Wrsncr T65|2.5"T6.5|5"T65.'|2.5"T-6.5'|5"GulfRib Type 2 /1`#9-15"2.w/eealerwashei GCS20002a FL33818 Page 4 Of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under RIIle 61G20.3. The manufac[urer gh8ll notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC Of any product changes or quality @sslirance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report cloes not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes lhal are nol speoncally addressed herein. -tJ'It; %9 Lr'®toLO in V, +i;LaV}®ZJ) r.r`=e q 9 rep ®CP a)0'£IaI0Eee 0EJ= tJa :aT=.a ® =c=.aX.t.O*__.=o'CL-._X®N.5 NE NE -C N=T®i+Tco cot-® ==LA cJ=C)\i;u ELF)=±=E3€E =o €o •:E II® E8 '58 'S8 gg Eg i; 908a §S €i a,toE:'=aU) a) dy%a-=u £i6£-tl 0cO ®.90i€E t-<-a -C CL a,a}EE ¥®Di J=a#±uJlLJtr0•ai;Ci: 0L£®8 6JgSg !E =?dIa:Ca Off 08 !!§8,0 a,a tDd3 tD®U) tE :i.J=!f !j 9a0aqDE0a-8iPJ=j3& Ba -a a.g a,c,0-0d.i 1)a;i ICa a=C,a:Od,aCJ C»®XT cooa-.E® ISaJEa±Ia ?±•S€=X=X=cOCOCOr®Iu.&aaU)8 J=Lr.c3CV0-®a, aa) ® 0d 0 L I®u LL a)LL 3Q££E a}0}0 - cO >CLa,CL a.a ® Ea a 0 0 |J 0IJ=9 9 a)-?a,|JC IJa aZJ'a}It}a,i5>a cOB9£a I cO<a)a I€L¥aC|at5Iea I L L La<®®a}a,II'E 'E 'E t} a JcoC JOE Jqc I to C:CO'==€€=€€=-:=€£tI0 0a)g=E Q==9'E OEE ffts 0 Ere E%.g Eg E%.:-oig oa=C)98 oa5 g9aaaaU)J2eai<<i JE0 a tJ 1=tJNONONOCW0 :E!aE|®0 ®0 ®0 coo E!i ei Ei Eia,a .a .a .ii .a ® ±£±==::E IaagC.Qii E I Cu CT',a' ®c;===I-92 i ¥i in>.•.acOJJJ0)i erIa-Ei;C)tE®9a,J3iIZ •C I ILOX a)C C I Eeq7 I,9X|LJ .gria cO'S=|LJaa;ZJ£L,aaTOa0=®>a0£aa=UJLa:-a,X|LJ .adi CqD-a .9XLLJC' cO+aa C)5Z 5Z Ii<8 a30Z a5Z aa 30Z a:J=a0a J£0aC)t C)aC}a=Jr0a,I)B II,a,a Z=8a =0a,C)t aaa 8=9a0aJ aa=a00=taa a= =Q'La 9a I =La 0>a 0>>a aJr=Ia Ea®ag®>LOI .E a0=COBIa >a±:9Ia 0a e;I0 aaa i ) .,\ I tDIt:XuJLa:ZJEa®ata=I0aI)gIaI,J2aeRcOe0>aIa.1i Q`c ro 0 Lf,CV tt t»I-0'II0=aZ-J*a0aTOa£La,>090=I®LeUE£iroa39aaa a-c=10 §±®a a a §5 ao~®t®a rTTi-- I 0a U}3 0 0 I 9;9C,S £Iu'v,e ® 36 |J aa 8"a)J= IE 8t3=0 =='V)=§ =a Ic.I=I=.=3t» T%=e!ur)a Ij aa E±XO0 |r) cir 3 8S.®E a.=-a,±g S-i 'eE=a,E 6:8I95NJ=- =®I0 8 '5 .±aq •!£?:3-_J= •€TB 'Sc;£=;a=E8 E.±<®9t a,i.a i.i gB gN ®%88IJ=u, !i I t- a to ®£?a a, c, a CL CJto a-a: %€=E £%I cV'5 CVu)a ®®a £!£:S Sa0 CDItn •-,§ Ja€ §ca a S a P a0®/I ® J2 :9 J=J= ®C a) :g =B i9 :3Ito09090909 aL o'8 aj8 ch8 a`8 0tL 0 t5 a,J=a,~t3,J=DJ=qu a0C„c,a,®0 ®0 a 3gCENErJNCC`E C,Eco=®I'_a =8 cnd=cO Cr 'cO.~ 0 a 0 0 -0DCZ)Cn aDILLLLLL coa)E La'CL a) a,C|0 I®LL.La)C| >C|E0Ia)09I 09 e9 >0I I® aC=t,®JtJ®Itra)a,0 ItrIILIa)®<®<un<cO<I cO< -I:=£±t£a .§=£=.®.a?.9III -E.a a:=€-E =£.§ai5 -z6Qc--'c--l== 8==8=¥a.E¥-aB Zi;=mJ9!¥i.g 5¥:E¥.g 5¥:Jt^a?iiI-a is -a 0s?a ±£oa@t}Q C|a.i.i0eC|C|Q.C|i <i < iaa) CV:#;g:I §Ei §%i J*u §1afE€8cO a'C] f£ E 0>a \i\ - £o'=i E96 i 9.Z a Ia 9.Z > CO CE iE cO = \ a a mr\'rnrq ro I 0 ^'11' mr\'in in ~inr`® r, I - ®in ~r^ T- N. cr]. a. 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