HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC02/12/2008 12:53 7723404r5 q1 PIONEER SCREEN CO II PAGE 02 EDWIN PA. FRY. jr.,, `RK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SA,NT LUCIE COUPf�- FILE # 3'171281 ^2/2012C09 at 03:54 PM OR BOOK 2940 PAGE 1186 - 1186 Doc Tyre: NC RECORDING: $10.00 The undersigned hereby Sim nodoo that IatpmvementV V be made to calafn rent property, and in aeeordm= with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the Mowing laf m adim is provided in tie Notlee of commmoommt. 1. D19SCBJ3:'TZON OF)MO»RTY (Lags( desmipdon' tad atrset address) TAX F0110 NUMBEJI: '3� Si1DbL 101 BLOCK-1 20F.NF.J3AI,D>SSC�T1oNbFIII�ROi'Ei4�NT:Tne!-nZl Screen I Pbb�. �'�iCZbSLtz'� 3. OWNER INF RM7 N., a Nsmo g b.Addresse,interestinproptry .._ d. Natno and address of fen simple titleholder (rTather 1 Pan owns) ,^ - 14.CON1'RACTOR'SNA M,ADD3tUW NDPRON1:NUit''J Epj.Fioneer Screen Co Inc II „UlLS'W $il.tmore Street. Fart Saint Lucie FL 34984 (772) 340-4393 S. SUItBMS NAM, ADIMUS AND FROM NilDfMAND BOND AMOV ": 66 LENDER'S NAMA ADDREM AND PHONE NUM 3M 7. Persons wilt the State ofFlorida designated by Oama upon wbma motives or other dove may be Served us pravibd by Section 713.13 (Ixa) 7., Floadda Sratnuv NAI1lE.b»�� AND P8t]T�]YOIVPDEiL• 8, in addt m to himself or hersc% Owner desigtzatw &c I dlowmg to r,scxive 13 copy of the Licnoes Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1)(bj, Florida Sta uft; NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUNI ak 4. F.ttpitWon date of notice of camm==Mdat (the =pirad ]n data is I yeaftOm the dalo 017=01ding naives a ditfrreni date is of O mer Osmer's Print Mlle and Provide Signatory's T OWIViea State of Florida tmty The.foregoirig himiment was adaimledged beibre me this lisp of By �Cl G�CZ ec �C �r l P as L i� (l i e �pq ) (1ypd ofeuthmily... g. Owns, officar, trumee. al may in fact) (Name afpa* on bahati' of wham instrument wee =MUD Fersoutatly iCaawn or produced the following type ofID:. -._- / - . Kevin J Stswert w ? --- : • My Commission D0354413 Expires October 29, 2006 (Ptmted Name of Nancy Public) Cswat a of bl&;wy Public) (seal) Undor penalties of pedwy, I declare that I have road the fo tgaiag and that the the in it am true to the best of my }aowledge sad belief (swore 91525, Florida Statnies). Slfflature(s) of OWnar(s) or Owaer(Q' Antht rized OSiicer/DirectorlP4rtuerBwtneger who signed above: -aCr/Mi* e- (Printe+iNanu� awom"MoeerBma?