HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuction Outlet Safety Compliance Data SheetAPSP/ANSI-7 Suction OL11jet Safety'Dompllance.i Data Sheet. (One sheet for each drain oe set of drams in the s.ystem). Job Name: �C Address: _ �oW THIS DATA IS FOR THE: POOL AUXILIARY (Spa, Feature(s), etc,) SUCTION OUTLET(S) Are there drains: yes _ no4,ti x: ' (If no, go to truck & return pipe size) Single unblockable ` Two or. more ` Drain make & model: �,I�' 1 FILE C - PY Listed cover flow rate: 00 gp"1 SYSTEM FLOW RATE - System flow rate: ' too gpm REVIEWED FOR Method of determining system flow; CODE COMPLICE `f a L� DOE C®U NTY Maximum flow from the pump curve � ®cc 'Total dynamic head calculation (attach calculation sheet Simplified'total dynamic head- (attach pipe length + filter + heater res stance) PUMP SELECTION Pump make& model: . —I Ay2M ` L r)d L 2- (attach pump performance curve,.Indicating flow as calculated above.) SUCTION PIPE SIZE Branch piping size Inch @ 6 fps or lower Truck line size %inch @ 8 fps RETURN PIPE Pipe size inch @ l0 fps 0 Engineer of R • , Q���f�RFF/% Z `` g` a 14o.16668 1 * ° $TATE OF i®`• �-� f: 111 I I B 1 �`�� • and Seal IN Job Name: Address: APSP/ANSI-7 . Suction orai:let safety Cdirpllmnc�� Data Sheet (One sheet for each drain De set of drains in the system TI-115 DATA 15 FOR THIS: POOL - AUXILIARY (spa, eatur �), etc,) SUCTION OUTLET(S) Are there drains:.yes_ (If no, go to truck &return pipe slzI Single unblockable _ '� Two or. niore Drain make & model. - Listed cover flow rate; gpm SYSTEM FLOW RATE System flow rate: _7(i gpm Method of determining system flow Maximum flow from the pump curve Total dynamic head calculation (attach calculaticm.sheet ��'1Simplified'total dynamic head- (attach pipe lenr;th + filter + PUMP SELECTION Pump make-& model: ti GvyiUUlllld�(� l (attach pump performance cuive,.indicating flow as calculated above.) SUCTION PIPE SIZE Branch piping size ---- inch @ G fps or lower Truck line size 2-- inch @ S fps RETURN PIPE Pipe size 5-� inch @ 10 fps SEP IN 2020 .w • \\\111111//0� No. 16668 ' ° — ° STATE OF a �41Z :A N\!� Selz '9/®NA1. 1 ^�� 1111111 Englneer of�d akd ��al \ry' tin EL-SID ENGIN)lERING, PRO.I ESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEERS T . Q:) !, ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION MGT. C:L- P.E. , SIDNEY ICOVNER6� � N "No Job Too Sivall" S ' (561) 386-4385 (561) 352-5086 '• � (561) 622-6820 Fax ! z N a n: 139 Isle Verde Way J roc, elsideng@c0mc8Lnet i Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Q .� Lw Ln IL) � L D'y k C � CISLCULAT��:�5 CO.� a� _ rn 2 o m m Lu G L y ';t R Eli 810 IL -IT f", Ll Zq �- w l S0% ke 4 r. s . EL; ENG]NEERING,INC" s_ PROFESSIONAL CIVIL, ENGINEERS ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION MGT. SIDNEY KOVNER, P.E. "No Job :Too Small" (561) 386-4385 (561) 352-5086 (561)622-6820 Fax -p 139 Isle Verde Way Li elsideng@comcastnef Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 c O L DyiJAVIIc AFAD CALCULA110 0S Q fp 2- 2'1 -_ 3. o (off' r i (�d' g0p f)° _._ 2 L. F 75 l' = 70 - { -- T 1 < ) o E W o TU 1 00 i CO C3 oC zw Lu W N s ; tL �.`. two <` O C) _Z 40 3 LL k- K Super efficient —and. so quiet you can hear the savings pile up. ADVANCED ENGINEERING DELIVERS WHISPER-G.UIE T OPERATION. Quiet means you enjoy a more relaxing, satisfying pool and spa experience. That's why we worked so hard to make the IntelliRoO it and i2 Pumps the quietest pumps on the planet. Each model has a totally enclosed, fan -cooled (TEFC) design and a permanent magnet motorthat virtually eliminates unpleasant, high-pitched noise. At low speeds, you might not even know it's operating. 4 — ic, �e%ems 1:11_ PENTAIRJ AN ECO SELECT' BRAND PRODUCT The IntelliFlo it and i2 pumps have earned the Eco Select brand distinction as one of the'cr_enesC and most efficient choices from Pentair. Eco Select'products are designed to help you save energy. . conserve water, eliminate or reduce noise, or otherwise contribute to a more environmentally responsible equipment system. The ENERGY STAR Certified IntelliFlo i I and i2'pumps from Pentair meet strict energy -efficiency criteria set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. These pumps save money, reduce energy use and protect the environment. IN 04P.E N TA IntelliFlo it Performance Curves 90 Er d] PUHPS U. J]SDFM® 1�35DHPHm ^A+ l0`AFPN� k`.DFGHo J�RM® z9sDFrH ,==�- I I I I I ___I I I _ r� a 0 io zb ao Lo so 60 90 eo 90 100 _ 110 lzo W-r Flo. Rate In U.S. Gallons per Mi... IntelliFlo i2 Performance Curves 90 ==IIMt45M== RIEW - NER'REM 11 NOW A�\MINE m IJOTE: The charts above demonstrate performance- rates at factory preset speeds of 750 ?PIA, 1560 RPM, 2350 RPM and 3110 RPNI. Howevar, flow rates can also be custom programmed between the ranges of 400 RPM and 3650 RPM. 9 1620 HAWKINS AVE, SANFORD, NC 27330 800.831.7133 WWW.PENTAIRPOOL.COM All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair or one of its global affiliates. IntaRiFlor, EasyTouch', IntelliTouch`, ScreanLogic `and Eco Select, are registered trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa. Inc. and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. Because we are continuously improving our products and services, Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without Prior notice. Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. pumps e filters heaters e heat pumps e automation e lighting e cleaners ; sanitizers , water features e maintenance products 3/16 Part # P1-185 ©2016 Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. All rights reserved. NSF G0. Installed in more pools worldwide than any other variable speed pump. RELIABILITY AND SAVINGS..THAT'S WHY POOL BUILDERS, RETAILERS AND SERVICE PROFESSIONALS COUNT ON PEN TAIR. THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR VARIABLE -THE PUMP GIVES YOU ALL THE FEATURES �'OU I ABL E. , SPEED PUMP IS ALSO MORE VERSA I ILE.. � ".2 AIAN T AND THE SMARTER CHDicES YOU NEED. If your pool is in an area that restricts fhe rate of flowThe 1nteltiFlo i2 pump provides all the great features i on replacement pumps, the IntelliFlo0,i1 Pump may that. have made our flagship IntelliFlo pumps `the, be your ideal choice. Its hydraulic design reduces best-selling' industry standard. But, the IntelliFlo i2 flow rates while providing th'e significant energy pump is"hydraulicalty engineered to provide maximum i savings you'd,ezpect from a Pentairvariable speed performance 6n.a,15-amp breaker. It has a maximum, pump: The it pump also has a maximum rating of _ rating of 11.8 amps, which makes retrofits easier in r amps, which helps make retrofits p p fits easier in applications that are limited, by existing wire gauge app ications that are limited by existing wire gauge Size. Energy efficient,'auto'mation ready and size. Plus, it's just as quietand reliable as ever, technoloaicatly advaticed—now that's a smart choice.- e, e Super efficient . and so quiet you can hear the savings pile up.' ADVANCED ENGINEERING DELIVERS WHISPER-Q-U1ET OPERATION. Quiet means you enjoy a more relaxing, satisfying pool and spa experience. That's why we worked so hard to make the InteltRoO il`and�J2 Pumps the quietest pumps on the planet. Each model has a totally enclosed, fan -cooled ITEFC) design and a permanent magnet motor that virtually eliminates unpleasant, high-pitched noise. At. low speeds, you might not even know it's operating. 'ri 0 Y � i y-w eel +I�PENTAiR AN ECO SELECT- BRAND PRODUCT The InlelfiFlo it and i2 pumps have earned the Eco Select brand 'distinction as one of the-oreanest- and most efficient choices from Pentair. Eco Selact Products are desioned to help you save energy, conserve water, eliminate or redyce noise, or otherwise contribute to a more environmentally responsible equipment system. The ENERGY STAR- Certified IntelliFlo i I and i2 pumps from Pentair meet strict energy -efficiency criteria set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. These pumps save money. reduce energy use and protect the environment. ; P.E N TAT. IntelliFloil Performance Curves 90 Q 7[ 3 60 =s E 60 00 20 W I 1cs RH pins I F9GRT1� ,••eRraa� IspRwl® •1seRM �� IeARR:I® I� 1 I I I "n Iw� I- 0 a lg zo 00 sp so 60 to eo 90 too no 12o Water Flow Nate in U.S. Gallons per Minute IntelliFlo i2 Performance Curves 90 NINE �■■■■ NOTE: The charts above demonstrate performance rates at factory preset speeds of 750 RPM, 1560 RPtA, 2350 RPM and 3110 RPM1. However, flow rates car. also be custom programmed between the ranges of 400 RPIA and 3450 RPM. 1620 HAWKINS AVE, SANFORD, NC 27330 800.831.7133 WWW.PENTAIRPOOL.CONI .Sll Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair or one of its global affiliates. IntaniFloe, EasyTouch', IntelliTouch". ScreenLogicI and Eco Select' are registered trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and 503, Inc. and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. Because we are continuously improving our products and services. Pentair reserves the right to change specifications . without prior notice. Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. pumps e filters o heaters e heat pumps e automation e lighting e cleaners e sanitizers e water features., maintenance products 3/16 Part # P1-185 ©2016 Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. All rights reserved. NSF GO. InInstalled in more pools worldwide than an other variables speed pump, Y p p p RELIABILITY AND SAVINGS. THAT'S WHY POOL BUILDERS, RETAILERS AND SERVICE PROFESSIONALS COUNT ON PEN TAIR. 3 THE WORLDS MOST POPULAR VARIABLE .... PUMP IS ALSO MORE VERS�T iLE..:' I THE PUMP GIB/ES,YOU ALL THE FEATURES YOU !AIAN T AND THE StMARTER.CHOICES YOU NEED. 'SPEED . . , 1f your'pool is in an.area that restricts the rate of flow Thee IntelliFlo i2 0ump,proyides all the great features on replacement pumps; the IntelliFlo" it Pump may. that have made our flagship Intellifl'o pumps the be.your ideat choice. Its 'nydraulicdesign reduces best-selling industry standard. But, the'lhtelliFlo i2' 'flow rates while providiog'the significant energy " ,_ pump is hydraulically engineered to provide'maximum ' savings you•d,expect from a Penfairvariabte speed ,:. performance on.a 15-amp breaker. It has a maximum pump. The it pump also has a maximum rating of rating of 11.8 amps, which makes retrofits easier in 7 amps, which helps make retrofits easier in applications that.are limited by existing wire'gauge applications that are limited by existing wire gauge size. Energy efficient, automation ready and size Plus, its just as, quiet and reliable as 'ever. technologically advanced —now that's a smart choice. '