HomeMy WebLinkAboutMyrtle Sub Agreements 2-22-2021ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES S d = il Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT W t" ` M I 1 d • have agreed to be (Company Nanic/Indiv'du I Name) the Roofing Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO Homes LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) trvl (jam � For the project located at 5& oq // / Lf ✓ 2 '1JI�qf4_e) PICA. ft. (Project Street A s or Property Tax tD # Jy98Z It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the filing of a and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the of Sub -contractor notice. aa4l: Cw_'CGI I LIS COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Slate of Florlds,Counlyor&, W(AL, Q,}t� The foregoing Instrument wns signed before me this(L_ day of wbo Is personally known has produced a as ldentiBcalion. ,t � � � A• / STAMP Signature of Notary Public 5 ' — Prin ame ofNotnry Public ay 4�1 Aleese C. Keleyy COMMA69249f0 Expires: October 22 2M Revised 11/16/2016 �'t -'•7 E'n ' �Am �N SUBCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 3',460hzn &ikk PRINT N ME 00d, 13Z 7.3Z,3 COUNTI• CERTIFICATION N__UMffIBfRra.���yr State or Florida, County ar�L4nq 1..�"eh 'I he forcgeing in.Hrumrnl wns signed before me this /J' do / of 1�.:n2q,,,. �-f'2. ylPY1 iQ1Pa L�t� who is personally known fu//r has produced a STAMP S dlurcof NotaryPublic � Afle- Mon Print Name of Notary Public u� CN0.19TINE MONGOU f®4f;` Noury Nhllc•Stata of Flatlda ,�1 Comml.slon I NN 7990 9r-PBo MY Comm. 19bn Jun 17, 20i/ Bond through Natlonel Notary Assn. z 3 q 1 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ridgeway Plumbing have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for C,le-6k C tV t "_ m e r G t e (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at SL9 lfiU Yt/e lqe !T i >°%Cio Yq—p (Project Street Addr r Properly Tar ID 9) ' It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buil ing and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chanj of Sub -contractor notice. CO\TRACT G. E(Qualtaer) 'NTRAbT SI RE (Qualifier) Greg9f. an PRINT VA 1 PRINT NAME. Mac f.', (W— C)S H (iS 19-15354 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER sate or Florida, County of��tCi Sbtle of Florida, County of Palm Beach pp The foregoing instrument wn signed before mtJ,,e this .y or The foregoing loo,o—ol was signed before me Ibis 241h do, of JC("UQ 20R'h1Wlfl`GM t0did December ,2ato,hyGregory Kozen who is pmon.ily knmsn �or has produced ■ who is personally known AZor has produced . ns ideollk.li1on.. It -A, KNV�h/ f \TAbIP gn.1u. orNulary Public Print N.—I'Not.ry Public a l� YPIp,, Aleese C. KeHey _,�,_������.Cffoo,,m,,,m.#1369�244f9700» BM Revised 1II16n016 c r :nO llRer 22t 20a �`6 a`�tiy'� OOU Am l;l as iiddd,mir-titi.e.STAMP Sioxta�re or Not. ypublic Linda Paz yrh NNery PUdeSuiw of Flwga print N.mr.r N.t.,y Public to ",no Cemmisslon RB.0V12 pw� Eagtes 0a/t 012021 PERMIT 4 1 Zol D_ b23 9 I ISSUE DATE I PLANNING &: DEVELOIINII-.NTSERVICI:S Building, S Code Compliance Division s IIt:11.DlNG PERMIT sGli-(•OIN'I'RA('1'Ult ,%(Ilti:ENili.\'r sL €ie*-hII -6� AV• have agreed to be ICanlp; ny Name. Indi`vitILIA KamrI C, the-—C' _Sub-contractorlinp(\t\-PS L.LC ITypc of lladel (Primary Colmaclor) For the project located at �96o �• _ ; 1 ProJecl Sirect d css or Propart� Tax ID/it ?�y It is understood that, ifthere is any change of status regarding our panicipalion with the above Incnlioned project. the iluildi [('Sub-00IItI-JCLor and Code Regulation Division of St. Lu(• cie ounty will be advised pursuant to the filine of a Changenotice. I-fY iFtil sli cl:iiTn:a'cllD`�i1�ili1laa Stine of Fluritla. (nunit n1.SLou e I'I:r fnrcl;ulnrt In�lrunlrnl ,,:n �iFuuA Uellnv me 16ic (/•_ dot of JG�vy_=11�tjI �:ul�crn .t1�.ltrr ulm I, prnunali) I.nnnn✓ ''r tin, prndncal a,-- _-- n, Idenlifiealinu. tiiCnalure nof�\ynlnry �l'�ubli R—I-- --- YiXi'P Aleese C. Kelev Comm.#GG9249fo Expires: October 22 2023 IIe, I.ed 11 to :ul'• =' i:„„o`�� Bonded jhru A ►w 5111-CON"rIIGN\rt'RC ualiarrl ._- .. PRI NTNA\if: f'Il1'\'I'1't'lili'1'IFI['•\1'll).��1 ?IBF.It - SmmofFlorida,!'cunt,ul-_indieq- uc+r 'fbe b,rel;ob,4lnaln,ulrnl nu. ,il;neA I:rfarr nu• Ihi. �% Ilnfnl' nbn I. Ornunuilf ANo pr &-d a �. idenitliraliou. S'I A\il' tiil;nalnrr nr Nnuiry l•oblie .__._. I'rinl Nnnu• of Nnlar, Pubac .p`';_ VICTORIA L CLOS MY COMMI SSION F 60070543 3'SAlk, EXPIRES F.b—,y 07.2021 PERMIT# 20 b, 0 2_ 3 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT �CfY1l�(ICC2f 1 1 " I�t�ti ICt PCy6 cfS have agreed to be (Company NamFJllydividubl Name) ,(� 0 / the 1 Mcl_�-ber� Sub -contractor for UC I��L �O/y) es I� (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at ��d ' 1 U P_ Ij �� ��CT f C—• (Project Street AddrPs Property Tax ID #) 3 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division ofSt. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Filing of a CI7arta of Sub -contractor notice. COUKfYCER'fA A'1'1 O�1 Ey O5 sw. urnurido, County or�..�Cn� The f�go]ng instrument wu slenlrJ•Ibef�re me Ihia� day of �z6 20�, by_�A/ • �Q 11��P/ who Is personally know. JeL_-r has produced a SUB- (GNAT RR(Qualiri ) Oeral& 'Plg c_Yq— PRINT NAME COUNTY CER'11111CATION NUMSEIt Slate of Mudd., County of 0049e_ 9 hci The foregoInstrument was slgucd before me IhIrL?'_. day of �cJ" .2021 by Garaid &'.Xg7ff who Ix personatly Imuwa ,or hoe prodored a as ldenllaeatlon. otdesliaealon. �� _ SCAMP rA-P l or•e �o:!— nnlarefoorNglaryPublic bl i4lfeft ILP y �or,4 Auef^ ]'riot Nnme of Nolary Put," -. _ Print Name amatory Public ,u Aleese C. Keliey COMM.N624910 i MYCOIMISSION # 6GGG 087080 P 'N,Suot'��•�' u�f0i Revise111f162016 K '� ?,.. C,,,,.,,,,,, E•October22 ftOP acMW llva Buo0o17i01a6'SOM(4f Bonded lieu Aaron Notary PERMIT # I , % O _ D 2, I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AC Quality Electric have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Electrical Sub-contractorfor GHO Homes (Type of Trade) (PrimaryC�on=tor) For the project located at S� f / f N tDe- • Y-/'�" I i e c-( (Project Street Ad r or Property Tax ID� ?tl� It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the BuilIle ing and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing c a Chan of Sub -contractor notice. SINS COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER � Stale of Florida, County of � ' wWt T`h-e foregoing instrument was signed before me this Mayor lU202J ny Qtd1Lf' who is personally know. _or has produced a as identification. Signature officiary PublIct "fir M& ta6eI " SUB -CONY OR SIGNATURE (Qualific (' r " �VhN PRINT NAME , COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ^ c ,J The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this 2_L day of Derv,.,bli 2oZJby (•zA•a`i R 6JANi who is personally known)or has produced a as idrntincaean. STAMP STAMP siguuturc of Notary t Print Name of Notary Public 'AWw C.yy E�sC,yoWmmA.a.�G9�24910 Revised I I/16/10i6 ;liv:OeUltlll22,2 • Bonded T ru Aeon Notary EmN PEREZ o• State of Floridafon a GG 98' 742024xpires May ben.ational NotW