HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contract AgreementsPERMIT # 201 2_0 Q2 ISSUE DATE Dec. 21 , 2020 COUNTY :F.L O..R 1 D PLANNING: & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERM11' SIIB-CONTRACTOR AGREEi41EN7' Strada Services have agreed to be (Company Nanie'IndividualName) the Electrical Sub -contractor for R G Hair Inc. (Type of Trade) (Prinrlry Contractor) For the project located at 7964 Plantation Lakes Drive, Parcel # 3321-803-0013-000/4 ( Project Sweet Address or Propciu Tay ID #) It is understood that, il'there is any change of status regarding our participation ,kith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division ol' St. Lucie County "ill be advised pursuant to the filing ofa Change of'Sub-contractor notice. - - - -- CU`l'RACTUIi S1CY \ I'l ItF (Quulilier) St. (3•C'Ov'rI2AC"I OR SIGx.\ F: (Qunli—fic—r) __INT_/_C,U1 _ -__ Joseph Strada iNAME ('O `I l (:EfYI tl'ICATION NI WWII Sr:,rc of Florida, (minty ufIJrULIw 1 he rm•egoing instrument nas signed before me this - t9 d:ry of �10fU(,� ram— .-, 2u�1, b� �.Q�g, •� __.�s� _ who is persooall) known -- nr ha, produced :r 1 idcnliricnlion. 5ignarlurc of \mart' Puhlie of Nolan• Public Re.,sed I lilh"2016 rou�i'� r.el(-rrnlrArlox �t,ul)ett slnle of IJoridn, manly of _�� •>l�U �; I he foregoing inslroment was signed before me thin dny of e b ---- w2o2t.A _T� � e ��� S AV )& ho is personally known X or has produced CARRIE ELLEN IWANKO k&jtyPubI1c • Sute of Fla Commission M HH My Comm, Expires Jul ,unc or Nular) ANASTASIA M. LEWALLEN Commission # GG 344155 ' . o Expires June 12, 2023 PC! Off'' Bonded Thru Troy Fain Insurance $00-385-7019 S'I ,U11' PERMIT q ��()����ISSUE DATE C ,��� a e)a (� COUNTY F L O R I D A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGRUMEN'r have agreed to he (Company Nanwhl'iviLIyI Name) / the rn-&iNApjLak— �'� VA �------- dub contractor tor � • � (Type of' Trade) (Primarryy Contractor) -7 4C�� I Qni� 1 r� For the project located at l 1 -? (Project Street Address or Property Twt 11) 41 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. - - --- _ C'ON RAC90R.'IC.\alr'RF.(QwltOer) Sl' TR.%C' VATVRF.IQualificrl PRINT N%%IF. I•RINI'\.U1fF: U l lsz 1��-- -- - Cm N'11 CF.R'I'IFIC %.110" %t'%IRF.R state of Florida. County of __ t The foregoing Instrument -A as slt;ned before me thiy%cloy of t 1tlDrN :(4L�, by��Q a i �,__ who Iss'peerrssonalTh knoon V or has produced a____ _. C'01 \'l Y C6R 'IFI('A1IO\4l'\tl)F:R SInic of Florida, County of"e- The foregoing Instrument %as signed before me this day of aho is personally knussn Vor has produced a • 'dentilicrtlnu. %� `D` w rntl0calion. _ &PUllic \(tiI lhll' nature o \ot•. 'u the Print \attic or N ary ublic Print Namc o1 \otun Public N,WV public Saab of F1of14ts P Notary Publc SUb or FirWs Tracey R Mascde Tof R Mion GGEX Corr 04r,* 4 8Se t34 1,4y Carartne►on GG t)58134 '��n �pZ4 p�t)24 Resi�edIt 10121115 PERMIT 2012-0492 ISSUE DATE Dec. 21, 2020 C0 NTx IF .1 .D R 1. D •All.....,- PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BLILD1\G PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT _chd-fJ- aj- �' 6 /—? _ have agreed to be (Company Name Individual Nanl_ the Rooting _ Sub -contractor for R G Hair Inc. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 7964 Plantation Lakes Drive, Parcel # 3321-803-0013-00014 (Project Street Addrm or Property Tax ID 0) It is understood that, if there is an} change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change Ot Sub-conb-actor notice. CO."'rit �croi: sic � i irfflir'0 PRINT NAME: (•011iV7'Y C•FIYrIFIC:%TION' vt %II31:R state ur Florida, Counq of —o e I'hc forcgn�uing inslrurncnt..as si •ned berure me ttItis zrrr ism of who is personally known or lows produced :. —E—, . •rs idcntific 'on. � 1 �I Si trc Nmary Public _ � ��_ I I Print titmt of Notary Public ,bl t • .ON 1'RA(. I'OR SIGNATU'RF: (Qt. I r) 1'RIN'1' \A�IE C OL;NTY CIiIATIFICAfION NUMBER - - -~-- So Ric of Florida, County (if e-,1 ��� The foregoing instrument ..assigned before nu thiat-7(TI av of J4 11 vict( {•.' .29g. hN -4 4�2N1_f— .. ho is ersonwll ' known ored N r y — r _ a. idemifteation. STAN11' Sit;nxturc of 'ot ry Public Print None or %obtry Public `;�P; b �•;•. 1110A A. C=2�74452 i aioComms.tzpifns NoRevrud IUIhi2glci °�..^ t,`O N'-'&,z7Aa? � r EXPIRE.$: Pfbrwly>70, 2024 9006d ihru = pub STANIP PERMIT# OI B l�9�, ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES �� J• = -" Building &Code Compliance Division • BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Coastal Plumbing Services, Inc. (Company Name Individual Name) the Plumbing (Type of Trade) For the project located at Sub -contractor for R G Hair Inc. (Primary Contractor) 7694 Plantation Lakes Drive (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRAC rOR , GNATURL (Qualifier) R-m(e"&r 6;- 10e PRIM' NAME 0,471! 91d6kc COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida. County of The fort -going instrument was signed before me this ay of TN , 20'2I by wh41. ersunall own _or has produced a as iit!cation. STAMP Public of Notary CwW4 E. Berrero Pinto Notary Public State of Florida Comm# HHOO9064 Revised t I/IG 2016%T. Expires 6/10/2024 SUB-CONTRACTR SIGNA7 URE (Qualifier) Chris Rogers PRINT NAME CFC#1428462 COUNI I CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of `�� Lk C1 e_ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1i day of 2o_ , by who is personally known __Xor has produced a as identification. uixz STAMP Signat��a ic �Vacu 61NOI k) Print Name of Nola , Public a llotary P011C State of FlonOs TRACY CARVALHO My Commission GG 960192 Expires 03/22/2024