HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; BOCCST. LUCIE COUNTY
(772) 462-2822
(772) 462-1428
(772) 462-1 581
October 27, 2016
Richard Ladyko, P.E.
4400 Bellegrove Drive
Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Re: United Pentecostal Fire Ministries Trinity
Parcel No. 3402-605-0135-0005
Dear Mr. Ladyko,
On October 20, 2016 the Development Review Committee (DRC) of St.
Lucie County held a pre -application meeting regarding the subject project
to be located on the north side of E. Midway Road, approximately .5 miles
east of US Highway 1. In 2012, the..92 acre parcel was rezoned to
Institutional, through Resolution 12-118, to allow for the proposed
religious facility.
The proposed 3,931 square foot church use is consistent with the zoning
district and below the threshold requiring the submission of a site plan
application. The following comments are intended to assist you as you
seek a building permit and other required permits and construction
authorizations for the project.
Based upon the above information, the pre -application materials and
discussions at the meeting, the following comments are provided to
assist you with the submission of a complete application, should you
decide to move forward. The comments below include references to the
County's Land Development Code (LDC) and Comprehensive Plan.
A. Planning & Development Services, Planning Division, 772-462-1577
1. Any future development will be subject to the architectural design
standards of Land Development Code Section 7.10.24.
2. As part of the previous rezoning application, the North St. Lucie
Water Control District staff requested when the applicant proposes
to develop the site, they contact the District regarding a Drainage
Connection Permit if they choose to have the site discharge to Canal
22 (located on the west boundary of the site).
3. As part of the previous rezoning application, Raymond Murankus, St.
Lucie County Utilities staff provided the following comments. Mr.
Murankus may be reached at 772-462-5221.
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October 27, 2016
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a. The proposed United Pentecostal Fire Ministries project is located within the St. Lucie
County Utilities (SLCU) service area. The property is inside the Indian River Estates water
distribution MSBU and 2 ERCs (600 gallons of water per day) has been reserved for this
property. A 12" water main is located on the south side of Midway Road but sewer is not
available for this property.
b. SLCU will need to review plans and calculations to determine if 2 ERCs will be adequate
for proposed improvement of the property. If 2 ERCs are not adequate the developer will
need to reserve additional water capacity through the Standard Development Agreement
process with SLCU.
V 4. Indicate the required 25 foot driveway setback from the side property line.
5. Please delineate the required 15 foot landscape buffer on the project site plan. The landscaping
details may be on the landscape plan.
6. It appears the dumpster location may not provide sufficient space for trucks maneuvers, please
review and modify if necessary.
V7. Please utilize ITE Land Use Code (3`d Edition) 560 average parking supply ratios per square foot of
gross floor area for churches. The ratio would be 10.6 spaces per 1,000 square feet, which would
require 41 parking spaces. The ITE, 41h Edition indicates an average parking supply ratio of 11.3
spaces per 1,000 sf of gross floor area, or 44 parking spaces.
J 8. Recent modifications to the County's Land Development Code Off -Street Parking Standards
eliminated the provisions for grassed parking spaces for churches, which was limited to 75%.
Please provide a request for the use of grassed parking spaces and include justification from
professional standards, preferable from the County recognized standards, the ITE Land Use Code.
Please label any approved grass parking area and provide a wheel stop for each grassed parking
9. Please provide a bicycle rack on the site (LDC Section 7.05.04 C).
10. The Fire District approval will be required. Please submit a completed application for
Development/Site Plan Review (St. Lucie County Fire District Development & Site Plan Review
application). This form- is available on-line at www.slcfd.org. Questions may be directed to
Captain Debbie Knupp at 772-621-3322. See Ms. Krupp's comment below.
B. Environmental Resource Department, Ben Balcer, Senior Environmental Planner, 772-462-2526
The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is responsible for protecting and preserving the
County's natural resources through compliance with the County's Comprehensive Plan and Land
Development Code. The following information is preliminary based upon the information provided
for your pre -application meeting and is intended to assist you in submitting a complete site plan
application. Additional'comments may be provided at time of site plan submittal based upon
additional information received. We encourage you to communicate the project constraints,
timelines, etc. to ERD so we may better understand your needs and work together to meet the intent
of the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan and ensure a sustainable environment for all
citizens of St. Lucie County.
The following items will be required at time of site plan submittal:
• A landscape plan consistent with Land Development Code 7.09.04. This project will require a
6 ft. tall wall or other durable landscape buffer along the northern and the western property
line. A waiver from this provision can be granted by the ERD Director if they applicant is able
to attain a signed Wall Waiver Request Form from the adjacent residential property owners.
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• A tree survey consistent with Land Development Code 11.02.09.i
• A tree mitigation plan consistent with Land Development Code 6.00.05.D (if applicable)
• A gopher tortoise survey and a relocation permit, prior to the issuance of a Vegetation
Removal Permit.
Please contact our office at (772) 462-2526 if you need additional assistance or have any questions.
C. Captain Debbie Knupp, Fire District, (772) 466-1600, Ext. 3473
If the occupant load is above 300 will need to sprinkle and have a fire alarm. The architect or engineer
will be able to calculate that.
D. St. Lucie County Water Quality Department, Joshua Revord, P.E., 772-515-3909
1. A South Florida Water Management District Environmental Resource Permit will be required.
2. A St. Lucie County Stormwater Permit is required in accordance with Sections 7.07.00 and
11.05.07 of the S.L.C. Land Development Code prior to any construction or development activity
on site.
3. A St. Lucie County Driveway Permit is required in accordance with Sections 7.05.06 and 11.05.03
of the S.L.C. Land Development Code.
4. A North St. Lucie River Water Control District drainage connection permit or modification to
permit, if existing, is required.
E. St. Lucie County Engineering, Edmund Bas, 772-462-1721
1. Please show the existing driveway of the adjacent property to the east.
2. The Land Development Code requires all weather surface for off-street parking spaces, access
aisles and vehicular use areas. Administrative relief may be granted from the parking standards.
3. The applicant is advised that prior to site plan approval, construction plans will be submitted for
review and approval by the County's Engineering Division.
4. The applicant is advised that prior to executing any work within the road -right-of-way, a Right -Of -
Way permit is required. Please contact Ms. Selena Griffett, P.E. at 772-462-2153, email:
griffetts@stlucieco.org of the Engineering Division for the requirements necessary to obtain the
5. The applicant is advised that prior to the issuance of a ROW Permit a Roadway Improvement
Agreement (RIA) and the appropriate surety in a form acceptable to the County Attorney shall be
provided. Please contact Mr. Rod Reed, PLS, County Surveyor, at 772-462-1721 for more
F. St. Lucie County Surveyor, Rod Reed, 772-462-1721
A) Please add the following in your notes: The expected use of the survey and map in your notes.
B) Please add the following in your notes: The survey measurements are in accordance with the
United States standards and are in feet.
C) Please add the following in your notes: Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by
other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing
party or parties.
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October 27, 2016
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D) Please add the following in your notes: A reference to all bearings shown on a survey map or
report must be clearly stated, i.e., whether to "True North"; "Grid North as established by the
NOS"; "Assumed North based on a bearing for a well-defined line, such as the center line of a
road or right of way, etc."; "a Deed Call for a particular line"; or "the bearing of a particular
line shown upon a plat."
2. ROAD IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT. Prior to the issuance of a St. Lucie County right of way
permit, the applicant shall execute a Road Improvement Agreement with St. Lucie County for the
public improvements to be constructed within County road right of way. The applicant is required
to submit a surety for the proposed public improvements. The amount of surety shall be 115% of
the engineer's estimate of probable cost. The amount of surety shall be approved by the County
Engineer and the form of surety shall be approved by the County Attorney. Please contact Rod
Reed, County Surveyor at 462-1721 for additional information.
RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT. Please be advised that a right of way permit shall be required for the
construction activities within the County road right of way. Please contact Selena Griffett, P.E. at
462-2097 for additional information.
4. URBAN SERVICE BOUNDARY. The site is located within the Urban Service Boundary. All
residential developments required to obtain site plan approval located within the Urban Service
Boundary and all non-residential development above 6,000 square feet located within the
unincorporated area of St. Lucie County and within the Urban Service Boundary are required to
design and construct sidewalks 6' wide within the right-of-way of all streets and roadways that
abut or lie within the perimeter of the property.
The comments above are based upon your pre -application materials and discussions at the DRC meeting.
Not all DRC members attended the meeting. Additional comments will be forthcoming upon the
submission of a specific application. The required application forms and fees may be found on the
Permitting and Zoning web site at http://www.stlucieco.gov/departments-services/a-z/planning-and-
development-services/permitting-zoning/permitting-customer-service-survey. Throughout the process
please feel free to contact the commenting staff member with any questions you may have regarding
specific requirements.
If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 772-
Diatm Wade
Diana Waite, AICP
Senior Planner
Cc: Applicant