HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction Plans[NOTE: ELEVATIONS ARE NAVO 88 3406 DAL--E PLAC ( 111', 0E: T 6 A C I R E'0, FRONT FORT PIERCE FLORIDA SIDES I Ci NR SIDES PAVING, GRADING, & DRAINAGE PLANS REAR SITE t I A LOCATION MAP SEC. 8, TWP. 35S, RGE. 40E N.T.S. SHEETS DESCRIPTION CV1 .............. COVER SHEET ' PD1 .............. DEMOLITION PLAN PD2 .............. POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PD3 .............. PAVING, GRADING, AND DRAINAGE PLAN PD4 .............. PAVING, GRADING, AND DRAINAGE DETAILS w U, DATE IITE 1-3-11 DRAWN BY SR F.B. PG. SCALE JOHN F. WHEELER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER LICENSE NO. 25478 STATE OF FLORIDA ENG No. EB-0003591 .DATE LCL 5 s1 --Elj — -- NOTE: ELEVATIONS ARE NAVD 88 AF -- --- ■IP.O!eROD I • . ' ■ i I i ' ■ i I ' (TO REMAIN .I EX SEPTIC TANKS — — —� - TO REMAIN) (J.'EX CONC l• I `E�; (T0 REMAIN) - I EXISTING --r-- '-� .-.----------- — —=',I'..': STRUCTURE EXISTING 1 STORY STRUCTURE ' I> (TO REMAIN) ■ FF EL = 22.00 REWORK CONCRETE - ■ . FGR. PARKING LOT F- -GRADING AS I-NEEDED" r F •=OUI,D 1 '22' ISLOCK N - J R07 nn -R OK i- i V EX POWER POLE _ (TO REMAIN) ij^ - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —'— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SW DALE PLACE GRAPHIC SCALE 55' RW lo ( IN FEET 1 inch = 20 fL K -20BR 20' JOHN F. WHEELER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER LICENSE NO. 25478 STATE OF FLORIDA ENG NO. EB-0003591 DATE FEE2 9008 SHT - PD1 11 C- 5 S'i=E-5 NOTE: ELEVATIONS ARE NAVD BB STEEL 0 EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC WOOD POST NEEDED WITHOUT WIRE MESH SUPPOR FOR ADDITIONAL STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL CAN BE ATTACHED TO A 6-INCH (MM.) MESH WIRE SCREEN WHICH HAS BEEN FASTENED TO THE POSTS FL`W OW IVO 10 FT. MAX. SPACI G WfTH WIRE SUPPORT FENCE 6� SPACING WITHOUT WIRE SUPPORT FENCE NOTES: I. THE HEIGHT OF A SILT FENCE SHALL NOT EXCEED 36 INCHES (90 CM). 2. THE FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PURCHASED IN A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO THE LENGTH OF THE BARRIER TO AVOID THE USE OF JOINTS. 3. POSTS SHALT. BE SPACED A III OF 10 FEET (3 M) APART AT THE BARRIER LOCATION AND DRIVEN SECURELY INTO THE GROUND A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES (30 CM). WHEN EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC IS USED WITHOUT THE WIRE SUPPORT FENCE. POST SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 6 FEET (1.B M). 4. A TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED APPROXIMATELY 4 INCHES (10 CM) WIDE AND 4 INCHES (10 CM) DEEP ALONG THE LINE OF POSTS AND UPSLOPE FROM THE BARRIER. 5. WHEN STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC IS USED, A WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE SHALL BE FASTENED SECURELY TO THE IIPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS USING HEAVY DUTY WIRE STAPLES AT LEAST 1 INCH (25 MM) LONG, TIE WIRES, OR HOG RINGS. THE WIRE SHALL EXTEND INTO THE TRENCH A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES (5 CM) AND SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 36 INCHES (90 CM) ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE 6. THE STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE STAPLED OR WIRED TO THE FENCE. AND B INCHES (20 CM) OF THE FABRIC SHALL BE EXTENDED INTO THE TRENCH. THE FABRIC SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 36 INCHES (90 CM) ABOVE THE ORIGIONAL GROUND SURFACE. 7. THE TRENCH SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND THE SOIL COMPACTED OVER THE FILTER FABRIC. _ - N- FENCE POST - (WOOD OR STEEL) FABRIC - RUNOFF DIG 4' WIDE h 4' DEE TRENCH, BURY BOTTOM 8' OF FABRIC. AND ANCHOR W/COMPACTED BACKFILL MATERIAL SILT FENCE SECTION NOT TO SCALE PLACE THE END POST OF THE SECOND FENCE INSIDE THE END POST OF THE FIRST FENCE ROTATE BOTH POSTS AT OIL LEAST 180 DEGREES IN A CLOCKWISE DIRECTION TO CREATE A TIGHT SEAL DIRECTION OF ,1RUNOFF WATERS WITH THE FABRIC MATERIAL f ! 4 DRIVE BOTH POSTS ABOUT 18 INCHES INTO THE GROUND AND BURY FLAP ATTACHING TWO SILT FENCES NOT TO SCALE SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES PER F.D.O.T. INDEX 103 ■ F1 _ - - - - M= YfM Aw - - - -A _ - _ _ _ - i POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SCALE: 1 "= 40' levntl Sheathed EAW Steel Cable (9800 Lbs- Breaking Strength) With Slotted PVC Conmetor PifGcIwniz;d Connectors (Teal Free Disconnect) Dosed Cm Solid Plastic Foam (Helot Collar Reinforced) Qased I Solid Plastic Foam Pe, FI. (6' Dia. ERuiv.) (12 Lbs. Per Fl. Bueyncy) Flotatio(8'Dia. ERuiv.) (17 lbs. Per Ft. Buolanc C78 Oz Nya Rcn/wced 3 alypro Rvpa zi 6GOIb.Brev4in Fabric (300 psi Tess 18 0. Nyly Reinforced Strength)PVC Plate f'�"Cvivanized PVC Fabric (300 psi TYPE C,,I Tesl) With Lacing Gromma( ij,alvanized Ch.' II TYPE I D, -5' Std. (Single Panel For Depths 5' or Less). Ds-S' Std. (Additional Panel For Oepths 5'). Curtain To Reach Bottom Up To Depths Of 10 FeeL T-12) Panels To Be Used For Oepths Greater Than ,0.2). ly Called Unless Special Depth Curtains Specificalee Far In The Plans Or As Determined By The Enginr. ' NOTICE COMPONENTS OF TYPES I AND II MAY BE SIMILAR OR IDENTICAL TO PROPRIETARY DESIGNS. ANY INFRINGEMENT ON THE PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF THE DESIGNER SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. SUBSTITUTIONS FOR TYPES I AND If SHALL BE AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. F_- - - =r - _ _- _ DIVERSION RIDGE REQUIRED WHERE GRADE EXCEEDS 2% 24 Ol ATER EXII PAVED ROADWAY FILTER FABRIC SECTION A -A SEDIMEN r BARRIER \\ SPIL AY / (STRAW ALE TYPE SHOWN NOTE SUPPL) WATER TO WASH USE SANDBAGS, STRAW BALES WHEEL' IF NECESSARY. OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS TO CHANNEUZE RUNOFF TO BASIN I AS REQUIRED. pti0 C f I FLOW �J FLAW 3 < A 2' 3" COURSE � AGGREGATE MIN. 6' THICK a w DIVERSION RIDGE 50' MIN. PLAN NOTES: 1. THE ENTRANCE BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS - OF -WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRED TOP DRESSING, REPAIR AND/OR CLEAN OUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. 2- WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBUC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 3- WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABIUIED WITH CRUSHED STONE THAT DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP ORSEDIMENT-BASIN- - - - - -- 4. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT GRAVEL IS KEPT OUT OF PSC R/W. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) I Inch = 40 ft. ONNNNEWON BOUNDARY OF POLLUTION PREVENTION (SLIT FENCE OR HAY BALES PER R.D.O.T. INDEX 103) OVA FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS PER F.D.O.T. INDEX 103 INLET FILTER INSTALLATION OUT FRAME AND GRATE WIRE SUPPORT - MOULD 616'. 5/5 GA 49 8/100 SO. FT. J WELD WIRE SUPPORT. EXTEND 6' MIN. AT SIDES 6' SECURE FILTER FABRIC TO FRAME AND GRATE BACKFILL AFTER INSTALLATION OF NLET FILTER NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR IS TO CLEAN INLET FILTER AFTER EVERY STORM. 2. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE FABRIC JUST PRIOR TO PAVING. A SEDIMENT TRAP WILL BE EXCAVATED BEHIND THE CURB AT THE INLET. THE BASIN SHALL BE AT LEAST 12 TO 14 INCHES IN DEPTH, APPROXIMATELY 36 INCHES IN WIDTH, AND APPROXIMATELY 7 TO 10 FEET IN LENGTH PARALLEL TO THE CURB. STORM WATER WILL REACH THE SEDIMENT TRAP VIA CURB CUTS ADJACENT TO EACH SIDE OF THE INLET STRUCTURE. THESE OPENINGS SHALL BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES IN LENGTH. STORM WATER MAY ALSO REACH THE BASIN VIA OVERLAND FLOW LAND AREA BEHIND THE CURB. THE CURB CUTS SHALL BE REPAIRED WHEN THE SEDIMENT TRAP IS REMOVED. DEFINITIONS 1. COUNTY - ST LUCIE COUNTY 2. CITY- NIA 3. CONTRACTOR - UTILITY CONTRACTOR AND ALL UTILITY SUBCONTRACTORS 4. ENGINEER - ENGINEER RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION PROCEDURE 1. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING IS TO BE HELD PRIOR TO DELIVERY OF MATERIALS AND INITIATION OF ANY WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION. THE MEETING SHALL BE ATTENDED BY THE COUNTY, CONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTORS, ENGINEER AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES. 2. ANY REVISIONS TO THE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PRIOR TO THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 3. A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) COPIES OF THE CURRENT APPROVED PRODUCT LIST AND ALL NECESSARY SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO SCHEDULING THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING. ALL PIPE MANUFACTURERS SHALL SUBMIT THREE (3) COPIES OF AN AFFIDAVIT THAT THE PIPE AND COATINGS WERE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AV VA C151/A21.51-91. 4. ALL APPLICABLE PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED WITH COPIES PROVIDED TO THE CITY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A CURRENT APPROVED SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. 6. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED SHALL CONFORM TO PRODUCT LIST AND SHOP DRAWINGS AS APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALL REQUESTS FOR MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION SHALL BE APPROVED PRIOR TO DELIVERY OF THESE MATERIALS TO THE JOB SITE 7. THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. THE EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IN ADDITION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY IF OTHER UTILITIES (NOT SHOWN ON THE PLAN) EXIST WITHIN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION. SHOULD THERE BE UTILITY CONFLICTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INFORM THE COUNTY AND NOTIFY THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY OWNER TO RESOLVE THE UTILITY CONFLICTS AND THE UTILITY ADJUSTMENTS AS REQUIRED. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AT ALL TIMES THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF EXISTING AND NEWLY INSTALLED UTILITIES FROM DAMAGE OR DISRUPTION OF SERVICE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TAKING SUCH MEASURES AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE OF THOSE PERSONS HAVING ACCESS TO THE WORK SITE. 9, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING LOCATIONS OF ALL OTHER UTILITY FACILITIES. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS AND TESTS WITH THE CITY AND/OR COUNTY A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB EXISTING COUNTY MAINS OR STRUCTURES WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF A COUNTY INSPECTOR. COUNTY UTILITY SYSTEM VALVES AND APPURTENANCES MAY ONLY BE OPERATED BY COUNTY PERSONNEL 12. FACILITIES PROPOSED HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. DEVIATIONS FROM THE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY THE CITY 8 COUNTY 13. UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK, A FINAL INSPECTION SHALL VERIFY PROPER ADHERENCE TO ALL FACETS OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 14. PAVING, DRAINAGE AND TRAFFIC CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROADWAY AND DESIGN STANDARDS, STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) AND PALM BEACH COUNTY TYPICAL No. T-P-13 (LATEST REVISION) UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. 15_ AS -BUILT DRAWINGS SHALL BE PREPARED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE CITY 8 COUNTY. 16. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY EXCAVATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 553_851 FOR PROTECTION OF UNDERGROUND GAS PIPE LINES. 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY SUNSHINE STATE ONE (1-800432.4770) 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF CONSTRUCTION, 18. GRADES SHOWN ON PLANS ARE FINISHED GRADES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO ADJUST EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TOPS AND VALVE BOX COVERS TO FINISHED GRADE. 19 CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN LOCAL -TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE ALL BARRICADES, LIGHTING, SIGNAGE AND FLAGMEN AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FOR THE SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC IN THE WORK AREA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A DETAILED TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE PLAN PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 20 EXISTING BASE MATERIAL THAT IS REMOVED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT BE USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW LIMEROCK BASE. 21. ALL VEGETATION, DEBRIS, CONCRETE OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE LEGALLY DISPOSED OF OFF -SITE IN AN AREA AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE 22 CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND DEVICES, SUCH AS TURBIDITY SCREENS, CURTAINS AND FLOATING SILT BARRIERS WHERE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND LOCAL WATER QUALITY STANDARDS. 23. ALL REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE CLASS III, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 24 ALL PAVED SURFACES SHALL BE PROPERLY MARKED PRIOR TO HOURS OF DARKNESS. PERMANENT PAVEMENT MARKING STALLS SHALL BE LAID OUT USING MARKING CHALK. LAYOUT TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COUNTY PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF FINAL MARKING 25. EMBANKMENT (FILL) AND EXCESS MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION AND UTILITY INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE SUPPLIED AND/OR DISPOSED OF BY THE CONTRACTOR ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH EARTHWORK REQUIREMENTS TO COMPLETE THE ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE COSTS OF OTHER APPROPRIATE PAY ITEMS. 26. CONTINUITY OF WATER AND SEWER SERVICE TO COUNTY UTILITY CUSTOMERS SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THIS PROJECT IF A BREAK IN SERVICE IS UNAVOIDABLE TO ACCOMMODATE CONNECTION OF NEW FACILITIES, IT SHALL BE SCHEDULED FOR OFF PEAK HOURS WITH THE COUNTY. DETERMINATION OF SERVICE BREAK REQUIREMENT WILL BE MADE BY THE COUNTY. 27. SITE INFORMATION BASED ON A SURVEY PREPARED BY: CAULFIELD AND WHEELER, INC. 28. RELOCATION OF UTILITY POLES AND GAS PIPE LINES SHALL BE COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT, AND FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES, RESPECTIVELY EACH UTILITY HAS BEEN NOTIFIED THAT THEY WILL BE REQUIRED TO RELOCATE THEIR UTILITIES. u_ LL J U t ow° M E 3-20 BR= 40' OHN F. WHEELER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER LICENSE NO. 25478 STATE OF FLORIDA END NO. EB-0003591 DATE dam? 9CO3 SHT.NO. PD2 C= 5 S-I-E-S STORM WATER TREATMENT 1" TIMES THE ADDITIONAL IMPERVIOUS AREA FOR THE ON -SITE PARKING LOT AND ASSOCIATED WALKWAY AREA = 1,766 SF X 2 (PER COUNTY REQUIREMENT) = 3,532 SF VOLUME = 1 IN. X 3,532 SF X (@ = 295 CF TOTAL DRY DETENTION VOLUME PROVIDED = 309 CF i ■ ■ I I I ■ . ■ 1 ,' -i ice. I J I ■ I EX SEPTIC TANKS --- ■ (TO REMAIN) PROP CONCRETE SIDEWALK• JI EXISTING STRUCTURE EXISTING 1 STORY STRUCTURE I} (TO REMAIN) ■ . FF EL = 22.00 1.48 -"•••-' ■ i ""' ...•:PROP, 4; CONCRETE- SIDEWALK • EX CONC _ I (TO REMAIN) 21.20 I •' • ■ 10 1:84 i LES ■ �— 20' - -- ---- - - - — ---- - _ 21.90. '1 —1— -- - - S• — - - ' --- f__ EL21.00---- - - — _ - _- 1.98 I 198 r 4.y� ' rj I �" EL 20.0012 ■ i- �u,. •: 1.64 PDRY I ■ -.� 23' DETENTION 15' V DEEP 26' I ■ 1.8 1.J8 12 ■ 15' ■ PROP THICKENED EDGE ON SOUTH SIDE OF 4' SIDEWALK — M.E. M.E. / 21,75 21.72 EX POWER POLE f (TO REMAIN) cr" — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SW DALE PLACE — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 55' RW g GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) I inch - 10 (L NOTE: ELEVATIONS ARE NAVD 88 w PROPOSED WATER LINE (SIZE Na •—N- w PROPOSED GATE VALVE AND BOX -w PROPOSED REDUCER w FIRE HYDRANT �w SAMPLE POINT EXISTING WATER LINE EXISTING GATE VALVE s PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE s SANITARY SEWER FLOW DIRECTION —as—va— EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE 50 PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM —n EXISTING DRAINAGE SYSTEM PROPOSED PAVEMENT PROPERTY BOUNDARY FM PROPOSED FORCE MAIN LINE EXISTING FORCE MAIN LINE GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE PUMPED DOWN TO BELOW ONE-THIRD OF THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE (FROM THE INVERT) AND LAMPED AS A REQUIREMENT OF THE FINAL DRAINAGE INSPECTION. NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DEPTH AND LOCATION OF rv? EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR t TO ANY CONSTRUCTION - PAVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS WEARING SURFACE 1.5" (COMPACTED THICKNESS APPLIED IN TWO 3/4" UFTS) TYPE SP-9.5 ASPHALT OR 1.5" (PLACED IN ONE LIFT) TYPE SP-12.5 ASPHALT. 6" UMEROCK OR EQUIVALENT (LBR 100) COMPACTED BASE TO 98% MAX. DENSITY PER ASHTO T-180. PRIME & TACK COAT PER FOOT SECTION 300. SUBGRADE 12" COMPACTED TO 98% MAX. DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180. � a z , L) Zw sMn FMN z v�GX g J�oo� Wow W u $ z NZ za��1 °ozo�� w ooe ��PmIJ J j z Wv = IL D_ J U L JOHN F. WHEELER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER LICENSE NO. 25478 STATE OF FLORIDA ENO NO. EB-0003591 DATE dC # 9008 SHT,NO. PD3 11 C= 5 E F-S GENERAL NOTES PAVING. GRADING & DRAINAGE 1. All dimensions shown on these drawing, ore scaled ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE: distances. The contractor shall confirm in all measurements 28. Tack Cast the reld and notify the Engineer in wrong of my ePrior to installation of the overlay, the surface of the . discrepancy prior to performing the work All quantities -sting asphalt shall be braomed to remove all lease shall be paid an the basis of field measurements of completed material which might interfere with the adhesion of the work. xistingcea asphalt and owriay. 2. Reinforced concrete pipe (R.C.Pj shall be in accordance with b. A tack t shall be applied to the top 1 the dean 0.5.T.M. C76-78, Class 111. Corrugated Aluminum Pip, asphalt sarfaee of a to of 0.10 gotten s/sq.ft. in (C.A.P.) shall be fin act.with AASHTO M-96, 16 gauge. (he presence o/ the Engineer's presentative. 3. It is the responsibility o/ the Contractor to make such 29. Asphaltic concrete shall conform to Florida D.O.T. examklatian of the side of the work, and o/ any materi,i requirements of Type S-1 and S-3. Certifications of the es indicated in the plans, as may be necessary to Inform asphalt mix shot] be submitted by the apholt plant to the himself of the conditions under which work is to be Engineer for approwl prior to construction. performed. 30. The temperature of the asphalt shall be at least 230 degrees 4. Proposed grades shown in paved areas rater to finish pavement F. during the laying operation. grades. 5. Pavement markings and geometries shall be N accordance with the 31. The thickness of the finished surface course shall De checked t wrlou, ' terwis to insure the constructed s .face course Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, I, within 1/8• of the design thickness (no negeliw tolerance antl other applicable standards.. will be acceptable). / 6. All Iola, roadways and borrow areas shell be stripped of all 32. The Finished surface of the asphalt shall be checked with a deleterious (unsuitable) materials and materials shall be straight edge to insure that the line, grade• and cross - disposed within the site. section of the finished pawmenl s Ilion is in conformance 7. All grading of streets, including the remowl of all with the design plans. The finished surface shall be of arterial. and the finishing of all shoulders, subgrode uniform texture and compaction. The Sur/ace shall haw no preparation. Swain and backslopes, in accordance with the pulled• tom, or loosened portions and shall bar free of typical notion, shown hereon shall be included in the bid segregation• sand, streaks• send spats, or ripples. All price for paving. ea, of the surface which does not meet the foregoing ��quirement, B. Any existing roadway and/or utlily loot i damaged by the Contractor shall be corrected at the Contractor's expense to shall be corrected to the Engineer's satisfaction. the satisfaction of the Engineer. E.Any muck pocket is to removed completely from the centerline SODDING: l0 10 beyond thean eachid.. nte,ement 70. Any gumbo en u lowed to re d Rhin the roadway 1.0' 33. Work consists of the establishing f a stand of gross within /um edge shoulders. below subgrode to outside tlto the areas Balled for the and placing of grass be 11. All paring and drainage work to be constructed in full mathir? sod and to cssureing, watering, and maintaining sodded areas of accordance with Polar Beaty County Standard, and Specifications. such as to assure a healthy stand of grass. 34. The ores o er which the sod is to be placed shall be 17. The sequence of construction shall be such that all ...IiM,d or teaseled to suitable depth. The sad shall be underground installations of ewry kind that will be Pben earth placed an the prepared surface with edges in close contact the pawmenl currently to be constructed shall be installed and shall be firmly and smoothly embedded by light tamping prior to the compaction of subgrode. with appropriate tools. On areas where the sod may slide due 13. Contractor shall submit shop drawings o i all pipe, pile ruc bonds, drainage sttures, gloles, frames and co to height and slope, the Engineer may direct that the sod be pegged with pegs driven through the sod blocks into firm 14. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine the earth at suitable inlerwl, location of existing utllitin whether shown or not shown on these drawings and shall verify all elewtion. before DRAINAGE starting construction. Al existing utilities damaged by the 35. Reinforced Concrete Pipe anal conform With the requirements of Contractor shall be restored to existing or better conditions by Contractor at no expense to Owner. Class III ASTM C-76 a d the meet recent Florida DOT Stondvrd Specifications for Read & Bridge Construction. Section 941. 15. Where connactions to anexisting drainage system or, proposed sold existing drainage structures and lines shall be purged of al silt and debris prior to said eonneetiom, and where existing all system includes ditches, said ditches shall be cleared and reworked• as n ssary. to restore them to their approwd design sect one ' 16. All pipe joint, are to be inspected by a representoliw of the Engineer prior to blekfDing. All inspections should be arranged no less than 114 hours in odwnce. CLEARING AND GRUBBING: 17. Work shall consist of the complete remowl and disposal of all buildings, timber, brush, stumps, real,, rubbish, and debris and allother obstructions resting on or protruding through the surface o! the existing ground and the surface of awled ar and of al other structures and obstruction. sary toebe re owd, including septic tanks, building foundations, and pipes. 18. Roots and other debris shall be removed to a depth of at last one foot below the ground surface. All slumps within or,, the comslmotion a a ,hall be completely r,marwd cad disposed of by the 19. Existing trees to re is where so directed by the Engineer, shall be trimmed, protected and left standing. 20. Property obstructions which are to re in place, such as buildings, s s, drain,, water or gas pipe., -adults, poles. walls. pasts, bridge, etc. are to be carefully protected from injury and ar not to be displaced. 21. Gearing and grubbing materials shall be disposed of by the Contractor in locations cad by method, approwd by the Engineer. SUBGRADE: 22- Ulli-I of material In subgrode construction shall be to cordance with plan details or as directed by the Engineer. 23. AProcter test shall be performed an the proposed subgmde material to determine the optimum moisture content and maximum density of the material. In -place density tests of the finish subgrode shall be performed at a frequency of at ' least one test for every 7.000 sq.it. al par ... ed pavement are, to determine aomplan ce with the design ep,c;FcaU,n, of 98% of max, density per AASHTO T-18D testing methods. - --24-The-compacted-subgratle_shall_conform..to_lheormes,_gradn,-__ and area,-,eclions shown on the plans. All raoIA stumps, or objectionable molertal present an. under, or protruding through the urface shall be completely removed from the subgratle. The finished surface of the subgrode shall be .lying -tined prior to placement of rock base to verify that the subgrode has been constructed to the proper lines, c rss o- zecttons, and elewtions within an a11,wobl, tolerance of 1/2• of the proposed finish ,.bgr,d, elewtions. BASE: 25. Limerack Composition - The following test, are required an the limerock mate',,,: a. Chemical composition test to determine that material has ' m percent -le-le, of 7OX erockuIs a g ratm test to determine that material b. L' ieew an LERR of'OD. c. Slave arc a lysis to insure that at I...1 97% (by weight) of the material shall pass a 3-1/2• a' and materal shall be graded uniformly clown to dust. The fine mot *..I shall entirely of dust of fracture. All eru.hing o b1sisl eaking-up which might be ne sary in order to meet such ... menls shall be done before the material is placed �erag the road. 26. A proctor lest shall be performed on the proposed limerock material to deter- the maximum density of the material. Ia-place density test, ,hall be taken at , frequency of at least on. test far ewry 7.000 sq.fL of proposed pavement to determine compliance with the design specifications of 98% of x. density per AASHTO T-180 testing method.. 27. The compaoted base shall eonlorm to the lines, grades, and c,oss-section shown on N. plans. The finlsh base ...face .hallbe slringltned or checked with o template to verify canfarmance with the plan grades within an allowable toler... a of 1/4- of the proposed base elewtions. PAVEMENT MARKING SPECIFICATIONS All Pavement markings to be installed per these lyplccls, plans and specifications, and as directed by the Engineer and shall eon farm to the requiremenls of F.D.O.T. cad lne manaal on uniform traffic control devices. PERMANENT MARKINGS Installation: Ag markings shall be installed by the extruded method. - Markings shall be free of weaves, bows, drips, dra ags, nd oUacr�degroding items. Chalk hall be used for all layout markings Materials - All materials shall be alkyd thermoplastic meeting all Slate specM.-U-s. Thi,ekness - All ra,kings shall be installed to yield 90 .1. of material measured abe- the Pavement aurlace. Bead.. - Refectlw beods ore to be Installed per FOOT specifications on all markings. Alternate Material: (Temporary Only) - STAYMARK marking tape• or eq,irlartt may be used, as approved or directed by the Engineer. Lay-L Layout shill be made using marking holk It is emended Nat marking layout be inspected by the En prior to the placement of fire, markings. TEMPORARY MARKINGS Temporarymarkings may be used only n specified in this ,o section, as opprowd r directed by the Engineer. Final Pavement Surface: Only fall backed marking tape i allowed. - All tope shot[ be totally removed eonwrrent with permanent marking placement. Other Pavement Surfaces: - Intermediate pavement 7rl.ces moan be marked with FDOT approved materials, designs, d specifications. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS All paved, surfaces shall be properly marked prior to the hours of darkness. RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS - R.P.N.. shall be installed on 11 lone Itnes and centedbes. paced at 20'ar 40'. - R.P.M., shall be v 4 x 4 t Qa class •B' marker sting FOOT ape cifieatiarns nd shall be approwd W. the Engineer prior to use. R.P. M:. shall be tolled using alkyd thermoplastic an asphalt and epoxy an concrete. Note: Powment markings and geometries shall be in accordance with the ,Menu at on Uniform Traffic Central Devices far Streets and Highways, and other applicable standards. PAVEMENT MARKING SPECIFICATION UNDIVIDED: H.C. RAMP/ TRUNCATED DRIVE PATTERN PER FOOT INDEX 8304 4' BEHIND CROSSWALK OR CROSSING LOCATION. SIDEWALK �� �-•R7-1 6• DOUBLE YELLOW i (W/4•GAP) 24•WHITEbe i? O¢ F as BI-DIRECTION YELLOW o E CLASS •B• R.P.M. SPACED 20' O.C. u a DIVIDED: BI-DIRECTION YELLOW SS -B• hl i x 24-WHITE R4-7 W/CASE I MARKER _ .,WHIT _ R1-1 R1-1 ~ SEE STREET SIGNS DETAIL 6-YELLOW cowl (ITT 2.1 SKEET 2) oil PAVEMENT ARROW MONO -DIRECTION TO BE PLACED WHITE CLAWWRPM'S PER FOOT STANDARD SPACED 20' 0-C. INDEX 17346. Note: Pavement markings and geometries shall be in accordance with the Manual oa Uniform Traffic Central Devices for Streets and Highways, and other applicable standards. INTERSECTION TRAFFIC CONTROL STOP CONDITION N.T.S. 1.5% MAY SLOPE MEET Q GRADE UNLESS S.CWN SE serra�cl. SNOWN "JOI. AX_WMIN. 955, xo-w,.syr ENSNY PER CLASS I CC T-99 PER SECTIC P.T.SECTION A -A F.D.O.T. sn SPECIFICAll 0- RAMP REQUIRED.•I fl/W LINELOCATION TO BEDETERMINED BY NG COUNTY ENGINEEIDEWALK SI ALl( TYPEDGE: 1/2RADIDS PLAN �I F1/4• 1 /4• V1/4 MOLDED JOINT MATERIAL PER SECTION 4 932-1.1 F.D.O.T. STD. SPECIFICATIONS TYPE "Bw TYPE 'A' TABLE OF SIDEWALK THICKNESS - T RESIDENTIAL AREAS 4• WITHIN 10' OF CROSS-SIREEfS• AT DRIVEWAYS dt OTHER AREAS 6• TABLE OF SIDEWALK WIDTHS - 'W' SINGLE-FAMILY AREAS 5' MULTI -FAMILY AREAS 5' OTHER AREAS AS SPECIRED BY THE C... ENGINEER. SIDEWALK JOINTS TABLE OF SIDEWALK JOINTS ME LOCATION P.C. AND P.T. OF CURVES 'A- NNCTION OF EXISTING NEW 90EWM1rS h EVERY >0' -B. 5'-0- CENTER TO CENTER ON SIDEWALKS SCORED DURING PLACEMENT OR SAWCVT WITHIN 24 HOURS OF PLACEMENT. WHERE SIDEWALK ABUTS •A• CONCRETE CURBS. ORIVEWAYS, AND Stutil STRUCTURES. SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION N.T.S. SAW CUT SEE TYP. SECTION FOR NEW BASE L AND ASPHALT EXISTING ASPHALT & BASE .... ASPHALT TO BE REMOVED, NOTE: THIS METHOD OF PAVEMENT JOINT SHALL BE USED FOR ANY APPLICATION OR CONSTRUCTION WHERE PROPOSED PAVEMENT AND BASE WILL BE CONNECTED TO EXISTING PAVEMENT AND BASE. PAVEMENT JOINT N.T.S. 1. NOA BAR PLACED 4• ON PAVEMENT SIDE ING SURFACE J 4•WEARING SU RFACE. • R. 80.9E •'4 Fj. 6 BASE CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER HEADER CURB. NO SCALE NO SCALE NOTE: SAWCUTS REQUIRED ' 6' L6I AT 10' CENTERS. I I 2•R I I 2-R. WEARING SURFACE. WEARING SURFACE Yfl. W.. _ a BAS • '`t�l, BASE B• 4- g• NOTE WHEN USED ON HIGH SIOE OF ROADWAYS, 1--r CROSS SLOPE OF THE GUTTER SHALL MATCH THE CROSS SLOPE OF THE ADJACENT PAVEMENT AND THE THICKNESS OF THE UP SHALL BE G.. F.D.O.T. TYPE •D' CONCRETE CURB. F.D.O.T. TYPE 'F' NO SCALE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. NO SCALE NOTES: 1. ROADWAY SUBGRADE'SHALL IN ALL CASES EXTEND BELOW CURBING. 2. SAWCUTS AT 10' CENTERS SHALL BE MADE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT. CURB AND GUTTER N.T.S. U.g Z> .v W Q N�Q c W a� J LU >W QQP Z own D6 Z a = W UN m OJ PW -j > z Wu oz C) CA rT, cd W .E U cs G n P-4 Lt4 C U tU. E_ Ca Q w C � ow M a E 3-20 BRNA JOHN F. WHEELER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER LICENSE NO. 25478 STATE OF FLORIDA G NO. EB-0003591 DATE J = k 9008 $HT.NO. PD4 C" , Sot-E-S