HomeMy WebLinkAboutDaniel Steenberge Permit Packet SLCAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 02/23/2021 Permit Number: 9�o L�ICCDC o .. ° MF2� Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division Commercial Residential X 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Electrical PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 28 Oro Grande Way, Port Saint Lucie, FL, 34952 Property Tax ID#: 3426-500-1201-000-8 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Daniel Steenberge DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Installing 30 amp inlet box and interlock kit for portable generator New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit— check all that apply: Mechanical Gas Tank —Gas Piping _ Shutters _ Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing Sprinklers Generator — Roof Total Sq. Ft of Construction: �-1 Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ " 1 Utilities: —Sewer _ Septic Building Height: Pond Pitch OWNERAESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name Daniel Steenberge Name: Anthony Diodato Address: 28 Oro Way Company:Stott Brothers Electric City: Port Saint Lucie, FL State: _ Zip Code: 34952 Fax: Phone No. Address:385 NE Glentry Ave City: Port Saint Lucie State: FL Zip Code: 34983 Fax: Phone No 772-418-4009 E-Mail stottbrotherselectric@gmail.ocm E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed above) State or County License EC 13007910 If value of construction is 2500 or more, a KtLUKutu Nonce or %_UMF11t:11LC1J1C11L 3 4cmu 11 .. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. Not Name'. Address: City: State: Zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City: Zip: Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: State: City: Zip: _ _ Phone: BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Address: City: Zip: _ Phone: y made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereb I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie Countymakes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property: A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. if you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or orne before commencing work or recor ' our oti`7 ommencement. of Owner/ tvs$WLofittactor as STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of X Physical Presence or Online Notarization this .a3,� day of -Z*26' by Name of person rrAking statement. Personally Known OR Produced identification x Type of Identification Produced lUn'cica '�ri (�' d ite n f (Signature of Notary Public- State Ftiillt) SAVANNASTILI MY COMMISSION # Commission No. EXPIRES: March 80rKWThrMN0WVPWW REVIEWS COUNTER REV W ING SUPERVISOR Of STATE OF FL COUNTY OF• Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of Physical Presence or Online Notarization this ?az+day of reh - by Name of person rn k" g statement. Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ignatf of Notary Public- State SAVANNASnui 1g1 ffi59 , $? MY COMMISSION # G SQpnmi ion No. all EXPIRES- March U Bond" Thru Notary ftk REVIEW I VREV EWON S REV EWLE MREVIEW E V R Egkftpanel Sint` M`-a 3aiisperf ........................�f 1•s -- •==-- c i30ovaa to 6................ watts cEzr @ ISOOwatts mb................. watts S kw ................. cac7 Ma -- and &R)osat @ ISM waits each ..... 100 watts 2000watts......,..._............... — 2 �vv Waft a sl r 4Skw............._..... �fsyd7 watts — w s beaie.................... ........•. Waft 5....... �v 0 waft O J watts I @ i54Ei waft ... ................... 1 O d watts - waits -------_way _ ............. ......... ............ watts ..w............ . ........... ................. ....... waits ......... ,vatts , .. ..,.. ..... .......,. xs ...,.ot „ r + H v i - µ -MI710 Mechanical interlock kit BRMII<CSR installation instructions Instructions d'installation du kit de verrouillage mecanique BRMII<CSR Instrucciones de instalacion del juego de enclavamiento mecanico BRMII<CSR Read all instructions before beginning installation of this product. Materials needed (not included) • Drill • 3/16-inch drill bit • 5/32-inch drill bit • 5/16-inch nut driver • File or de -burring tool • Medium Phillips screwdriver • Two -pole BR breaker —sized accordingly to generator Parts list (A) Mechanical interlock assembly with slider plate (quantity 1) (B) 10-32 x 1/4-inch screws (quantity 4) (C) 10-32 x 3/16-inch screws (quantity 4) (D) Mechanically interlocked breaker label (E) Operating instructions for generator power label (yellow) (F) Generator hold-down retainer (quantity 1) (G) #5-20 x 2 7/8-inch breaker hold-down screw (quantity 1) DANGER HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE. CAN CAUSE SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH. TURN OFF OR DISCONNECT THE POWER SUPPLYING THE LOADCENTER WHERE THE MECHANICAL INTERLOCK KIT WILL BE INSTALLED. THIS MAY REQUIRE THAT YOU CONTACT YOUR LOCAL ELECTRIC UTILITY TO DISCONNECT POWER TO AN EXISTING LOADCENTER. THE LINE SIDE OF THE MAIN BREAKER IS ENERGIZED UNLESS POWER IS DISCONNECTED UPSTREAM. FM,T*N Powering Business Worldwide Lire toutes les instructions avant de proceder Lea todas las instrucciones antes de a ('installation de ce produit. comenzar con la instalacion de este producto. Materiel necessaire (non fourni) • Perceuse • Foret de 3/16 po • Foret de 5/32 po • Tourne-ecrou de 5/16 po • Lime ou outil d'ebavurage • Tournevis Phillips moyen • Disjoncteur BR bipolaire — de calibre adapte au groupe electrogene Liste des pieces (A) Verrou mecanique a plaque coulissante (quantite 1) (B) Vis de 10-32 x 1/4 pouce (quantite 4) (C) Vis de 10-32 x 3/16 pouce (quantite 4) (D) Etiquette disjoncteur a verrouillage mecanique (E) Etiquette d'instructions pour alimentation par groupe electrogene (jaune) (F) Attache de retenue pour disjoncteur de groupe electrogene (quantite 1) (G) Vis de retenue de disjoncteur n' 5-20 x 2-7/8 pouces (quantite 1) 0 DANGER TENSION DANGEREUSE. PEUT PROVOQUER DES BLESSURES GRAVES OU LA MORT. COUPER OU DEBRANCHER L'ALIMENTATION ELECTRIQUE DU PANNEAU DE DISTRIBUTION 00 LE SYSTEME DE VERROUILLAGE MECANIQUE DOIT ETRE INSTALLS. IL PEUT ETRE NECESSAIRE DE DEMANDER A LA COMPAGNIE D'ELECTRICITS LOCALE DE COUPER L'ALIMENTATION D'UN PANNEAU DE DISTRIBUTION EXISTANT. LE COTS SECTEUR DU DISJONCTEUR EST SOUS TENSION TANT DUE L'ALIMENTATION N'A PAS STS COUPEE EN AMONT. Materiales necesarios (no incluidos) • Taladro • Broca de 4.8 mm (3/16 pulg.) • Broca de 4 mm (5/32 pulg.) • Llave para tuercas de 8 mm (5/16 pulg.) • Lija o herramienta para quitar rebabas • Destornillador Phillips mediano • Interruptor bipolar tipo BR de tamano acorde con el generador Lista de piezas (A) Conjunto de enclavamiento mecanico con placa deslizante (cant. 1) (B)Tornillos N.' 10-32 x 1/4 pulg. (cant. 4) (C) Tornillos N.' 10-32 x 3/16 (cant. 4) (D) Etiqueta del interruptor de enclavamiento mecanico (E) Instrucciones de funcionamiento de la etiqueta del generador de energia electrica (amarillo) (F) Enganche de sujecion del generador (cant. 1) (G) Tornillo de sujecion del interruptor N.' 5-20 x 2 7/8 pulg. (cant. 1) A PELIGRO VOLTAJE PELIGROSO. PUEDE CAUSAR LESIONES GRAVES 0 LA MUERTE. APAGUE 0 DESCONECTE EL SUMINISTRO DE ENERGIA ELECTRICA AL CENTRO DE CARGA DONDE SE INSTALARA EL JUEGO DE ENCLAVAMIENTO MECANICO. ES POSIBLE QUE DEBA COMUNICARSE CON SU EMPRESA BE SERVICIO ELECTRICO LOCAL PARA DESCONECTAR LA ENERGIA DE UN CENTRO DE CARGA. EL LADD DE LA LINEA DEL INTERRUPTOR PRINCIPAL ESTA ENERGIZADO, A MENDS QUE LA ENERGIA ELECTRICA SE DESCONECTE DE ARRIBA. Instructional Leaflet IL003OO2EN Effective September 2013 A IMPORTANT THIS PRODUCT MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE® (NEC®) AND ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL CODE. BEFORE INSTALLING EQUIPMENT, CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR FOR REQUIREMENTS AND INFORMATION. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED ASSISTANCE, CONTACT A QUALIFIED ELECTRICAL PROFESSIONAL EATON STRONGLY RECOMMENDS THAT THIS PRODUCT BE INSTALLED BY A QUAUFIED ELECTRICAL PROFESSIONAL Installation instructions Step 1 Verify power at the loadcenter is off before beginning installation. 6 DANGER TURN OFF OR DISCONNECT THE POWER SUPPLYING THE PANEL WHERE THE MECHANICAL INTERLOCK KIT WILL BE INSTALLED. THIS MAY REQUIRE THAT YOU CONTACT YOUR LOCAL ELECTRIC UTILITY TO DISCONNECT POWER TO AN EXISTING LOADCENTER. THE LINE SIDE OF THE MAIN BREAKER IS ENERGIZED UNLESS POWER IS DISCONNECTED UPSTREAM. Step 2 Remove the trim/door from the enclosure by removing all screws attaching the trim/door to the enclosure_ Keep screws to re -attach trim/door after installation. Step 3 Refer to Figure i and locate hold-down retainer over rectangular hole in interior backpan and outside of main bus. (Locate at upper -most bus stab location as shown in Figure 2.) Figure 1. O Main Bus / Bus principal / Barra colectora principal (2) Push Here /Appuyer ici / Presione aqui OO Retainer / Attache de retenue / Enganche ® Rectangular Hole / Trou rectangulaire / Orificio rectangular ® IMPORTANT CE PRODUIT DOIT ETRE INSTALLS CONFORMEMENT AU CODE NATIONAL DE CELECTRHYiS (CCE, NEC®) ET A TOUT CODE LOCAL EN VIGUEUR. AVANT D'iNSTAUER LE MATSRIEll, SE RENSEIGNER SUR LES EXIGENCES ET AUTRES INFORMATIONS AUPRSS DE L'INSPECTEUR EN SLECTRICITS LOCAL POUR TOUTE QUESTION OU BESOIN D'ASSISTANCE, S'ADRESSER A UN SLECTRIMEN PROFESSIONNEL QUAUFIL EATON CONSEILLE FORTEMENT DE FAIRE INSTALLER CE PRODUIT PAR UN SLECTRICIEN PROFESSIONNEL amunL Instructions d'installation Etape 1 Verifier que I'alimentation 6lectrique du panneau de distribution est coup6e avant de proc6der 6 i'installation_ ® DANGER COURM OU DEBRANCHER CAUMENTATION SLECTRIQOE DU PANNEAU OU LE SYSTEME DE VERROUILLAGE MECANIQUE DOIT SIRE INSTALLS. IL PEUT ETRE NSCESSAUiE DE DEMANDER A LA COMPAGNIE 01LECTRICITS LOCALE DE COOPER L'AUMENTATION 0'UN PANNEAU DE DISTRIBUTION EXISTANT. LE C&d SECTEUR DU DISJONCTEUR EST SOUS TENSION TANT QUE L'AUMENTATION NA PAS bt COUPSE EN AMONT. Stape 2 Retirer toutes [as vis de fixation pour d6poser le panneau d'habillage/la pone. Conserver les vis pour remonter le panneau d'habillageRa porte apr6s l'installation. Stape 3 Se reporter a la Figure 1 at trouver I'attache de retenue au-dessus du trou rectangulaire dons le fond intdrieur at a 1'exterieur du bus principal (situ6 a Pemplacement du stabilisateur de bus le plus haut, comme a la Figure 2). Figure 2. Mechanical interlock kit BRMIKCSR installation instructions ® IMPORTANTE ESTE PRODUCTO DEBE INSTALARSE DE ACUERDO CON EL C6DIGO ELSCTRICO NACIONAL ESTADOUNIDENSE (NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE®, NEC®) Y LOS C601COS LOCALES APUCABLES. ANTES DE INSTALAR EL EQUIPO, CONSULTE LOS REQUISTTOS Y LA INFORMAC16N CON SU INSPECTOR DE ELECTRICIDAD LOCAL SI11ENE PREGUNTAS 0 NECESITA ASISTENCIA, COMUNIOUESE CON UN PROFESIONAL BE ELECTRICIDAD CAUFICADO. EATON RECOMIENDA AMPLIAMENTE DUE ESTE PRODUCTO SEA INSTALADO POR UN PROFESIONAL DE ELECTRICIDAD CAUFICADO. Instrucciones de instalaci6n Paso 1 Antes de comenzar con la instalaci6n, desconecte la alimentaci6n del Centro de carga. ® PELIGRO APAGUE 0 DESCONECTE EL SUMINISTRO DE ENERGIA ELSCTRICA AL PANEL DONDE SE INSTALARA EL JUEGO DE ENCLAVAMIENTO MECANICO. ES POSIBLE GUE DEBA COMUNICARSE CON SU EMPRESA DE SERVICIO ELSCTRICO LOCAL PARA DESCONECTAR LA ENERGIA DE UN CENTRO DE CARGA. EL LADD DE LA LINEA DEL INTERRUPTOR PRINCIPAL ESTA ENERGIZADO, A MENDS DUE LA ENERGIA ELECTRICA SE DESCONECTE DE ARRIBA. Paso 2 Retire la tapa del recept6culo quitando todos los tornillos que la ajustan. Guarde los tornillos para volver a ajustar is tapa luego de la instalaci6n. Paso 3 Consulte la Figure 1 y coloque el enganche de sujeci6n sobre el orificio rectangular de la placa de montaje interior y fuera de la barra colectora principal. (Coi6quelo tan amba de la barra colectora Como sea posible, Como se muestra en la Figura 2). r0 Main Breaker / Disjoncteur principal / Interruptor principal 0 Hold -Down Retainer / Attache de retenue / Enganche de sujeci6n EATON www.eaton.com Mechanical interlock kit BRMIKCSR Instructional Leaflet IL003002EN installation instructions Effective September 2013 Step 4 Snap in end of generator hold-down retainer at interior backpan by pushing downward. It will automatically locate in pan. Step 5 Install generator breaker onto bus. WARNING DO NOT SCRATCH, NICK, BEND, OR OTHERWISE DAMAGE BUS OR BACKPAN. BENT BUS OR BACKPAN CAN CAUSE IMPROPER CONNECTION OF BREAKERS, WHICH CAN LEAD TO PRODUCT FAILURE, PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR PERSONAL INJURY. CLEAR AWAY ANY LOOSE METAL SHAVINGS. METAL SHAVINGS LEFT IN THE PANEL FROM DRILLING, DE -BURRING, ETC. CAN CAUSE PRODUCT FAILURE, PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR PERSONAL INJURY. Step 6 Insert provided (G) screw into hole in generator breaker. Thread into hold-down retainer and tighten. Note: Torque screw to 13 in-lbs. Do not overtighten. Trim/doors with pre -installed drill points only Note: If you panel does not have pre -installed drill points, please skip to Step 13. Step 7 Place the trim/door on a firm surface with the front of the trim/door facing down. Note: Verify there is enough open space below the drill point locations to allow for the drill bit to completely go through the trim/door. Make sure the door is in the open position. Step 8 With the trim/door held securely on the surface, locate the four drill points. Use a 3/16-inch drill bit to drill out the mounting holes at the drill point locations. 0 CAUTION BURRS MAY BE SHARP. USE PROPER PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT WHILE REMOVING BURRS. Etape 4 Appuyer sur 1'extremite de I'attache de retenue de disjoncteur de groupe pour 1'encliqueter sur le fond interieur. Elie se positionne automatiquement cans la plaque de fond. Etape 5 Paso 4 Encaje el borde del enganche de sujecion del generador en la placa de montaje interior presionando hacia abajo. Se ubicara automaticamente en la placa. Paso 5 Installer le disjoncteur de groupe electrogene sur Instale el interruptor del generador en la le bus. barra colectora. AVERTISSEMENT NE PAS BAYER, ENTAILLER, DEFORMER NI AUTREMENT ENDOMMAGER LE BUS OU LA PLAQUE DE FOND. LA DEFORMATION DU BUS OU DU FOND PEUT PROVOQUER DE MAUVAIS CONTACTS DES DISJONCTEURS, POUVANT ENTRAINER LINE DEFAILLANCE DE PRODUIT, DES DEGATS MATERIELS OU DES BLESSURES CORPORELLES. ELIMINER TOUS LES COPEAUX METALLIQUES. LES COPEAUX METALLIQUES ISSUS DU PERPAGE, DE CEBAVURAGE, ETC. ET LAISSES DANS LE PANNEAU PEUVENT PROVOQUER UNE DEFAILLANCE DE PRODUCT, DES DEGATS MATERIELS OU DES BLESSURES CORPORELLES. Etape 6 Inserer la vis (G) fournie clans le trou du disjoncteur de groupe electrogene. Visser cans ('attache de retenue et serrer. Remarque : Serrer la vis a un couple de 1,5 Nm (13 po-lb). Ne pas forcer. Panneaux d'habillage/de porte a points de pergage preexistants seilement Remarque : Si le panneau ne comporte pas de points de pergage preexistants, passer directement a 1'etape 13. Etape 7 Placer le panneau d'habillage/la porte sur une surface ferme, face avant vers le bas. Remarque : Verifier qu'il y a suffisamment d'espace fibre sous les points de pergage pour permettre au foret de traverser completement le panneau d'habillage/la porte. S'assurer que la porte est en position ouverte_ Etape 8 Le panneau d'habillage/de porte etant solidement maintenu sur la surface, localiser les quatre points de pergage. A I'aide d'un foret de 3/16 pouce, percer les trous de fixation aux points de pergage. ATTENTION LES BAVURES PEUVENT ETRE COUPANTES. UTILISER UN EQUIPEMENT DE PROTECTION INDIVIDUELLE ADAPTS POUR EBAVURER. 0 ADVERTENCIA NO RAYE, CORTE, DOBLE 0 BANE LA BARRA COLECTORA 0 LA PLACA DE MONTAJE. SI LA BARRA COLECTORA 0 LA PLACA DE MONTAJE ESTAN DOBLADAS, PUEDEN PRODUCIR UNA CONEXION INADECUADA DE LOS INTERRUPTORES, LO DUE PUEDE OCASIONAR FALLAS EN EL PRODUCTO, DANOS A LA PROPIEDAD 0 LESIONES PERSONALES. ELIMINE LAS VIRUTAS METALICAS SUELTAS. LAS VIRUTAS METALICAS SUELTAS EN EL PANEL, DEBIDO A LA ACCIUN DEL TALADRO 0 LA HERRAMIENTA PARA QUITAR REBABAS, ETC., PUEDEN OCASIONAR FALLAS EN EL PRODUCTO, DANOS A LA PROPIEDAD 0 LESIONES PERSONALES. Paso 6 Inserte el tornillo (G) provisto en el orificio del interruptor del generador. Coloquelo en el enganche de sujecion y apriete. Nota: Apriete los tornillos a 1.46 Nm (13 lb.-pulg.) No apriete los tornillos en exceso. Unicamente para tapas con puntos de perforaci6n instalados previamente Nota: Si su panel no tiene puntos de perforaci6n instalados previamente, dirijase al Paso 13. Paso 7 Coloque la tapa sobre una superficie firme con la parte frontal de la placa hacia abajo. Nota: Verifique que quede la apertura suficiente debajo de los puntos de perforaci6n para que la broca pueda atravesar por completo la tapa. Asegurese de que la tapa este en la posicion abierta. Paso 8 Con la tapa colocada en forma segura sobre la superficie, ubique los cuatro puntos de perforaci6n. Utilice una broca de 4.8 mm (3/16 pulg.) para perforar los orificios de montaje en los puntos de perforaci6n. PRECAUCION LAS REBABAS PUEDEN SER FILOSAS. UTILICE EL EQUIPO DE PROTECC16N PERSONAL ADECUADO PARA QUITAR LAS REBABAS. EATON www.eaton.com Mechanical interlock kit BRMIKCSR installation instructions Step 9 Install the mechanical interlock assembly with four (B) screws according to Figure 3 by installing screws from the back side of the trim/door. Note: Interlock assembly will not attach correctly if screws are not installed from the back side of the trim/door. Step 10 Place labels according to Figure 5. Step 11 Re -attach trim/door to the enclosure using the original screws. Step 12 Confirm interlock prevents main breaker and generator breaker from being in the ON position at the same time. ® WARNING BEFORE ENERGIZING LOAOCENTER, RE -CHECK ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS AFTER ALL WIRING HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND BREAKERS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED IN THE LOADCENTER. INCORRECT WIRING CAN CAUSE PRODUCT FAILURE, PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR PERSONAL INJURY. Trim/doors without pre -installed drill points only Step 13 Place inner trim/door on a firm surface with the front of the trim/door facing down. Step 14 Mount the interlock assembly to the trim/door according to Figure 4 with four (B) screws by installing screws from the back side of the trim/ door through the main breaker opening. Figure 3. With Pre -Installed Drill Points Only ! Points de pergage preexistants seulement / Onicamente para tapas con puntos de perforacibn instalados previamente Etape 9 Installer Is syst6me de verrou megnique aver quatre vis (B) posdes depuis Is face arri6re du panneau d'habillage/de porte comme sur Is Figure 3. Remarque : Le syst6me de verrouillage ne s'attache pas correctement si les vis ne sont pas posees depuis 1'am6re du panneau d'habillage/de ports. Etape 10 Apposer les 6tiquettes comme sur Is Figure S. Etape 11 Remonter le panneau d'habillage/la porte sur I'armoire a I'aide des vis d'origine. Etepe 12 Verifier qua Is verrou empeche Is disjoncteur principal at Is disjoncteur de groups electrogene d'etre an position de marche (ON) an meme temps. ® AVERTISSEMENT AVANT DE REMETTRE LE PANNEAU DE DISTRIBUTION SOUS TENSION, REVERIFIER TOUS LES RACCORDEMENTS ELECTRIQUES LINE FOIS QUE TOUS LES CABLAGES SONT TERMINES ET QUE LES DISJONCTEURS SONT INSTALLES DANS LE PANNEAU DE DISTRIBUTION. UN CABLAGE INCORRECT PEUT PROVOOUER LINE DEFAILLANCE DE PRODUCT, DES DEGATS MATERIELS OU DES BLESSURES CORPORELLES. Panneaux d'habillagelde ports sans points de pergage preexistants seulement Etape 13 Placer I'habillage interieur/la porte sur une surface forme, face avant vers Is bas. Etape 14 Monter Is systome de verrou m6canique sur le panneau d'habillage/de ports comme sur Is Figure 4 avec quatre vis (0) pos6es depuis Is face arriere du panneau 6 travers l'ouverture de disjoncteur principal. Rgure 4. Without Pre4nstalled Drill Points Only / Pas de points de pe►gage preexistants seulement / Onicamente pare tapas sin puntos de perforaci6n instalados previamente Instructional Leaflet IL003002EN Effective September 2013 Paso 9 Instale el juego de enclavamiento mecSnico con cuatro tornillos (B) segun se indica an Is Figure 3 a trav6s de Is instalaci6n de tomillos an Is parts posterior de Is taps_ Note: El conjunto de enclavamiento no se ajustara correctamente si los tornillos no son instalados an Is parts posterior de Is taps. Paso 10 Coloque las etiquetas segun Is Figure 5. Paso 11 Vuelva a ajustar Is taps an of recept5culo utilizando los tornillos originales. Paso 12 Confirmar qua all enclavamiento evitarS qua el interruptor principal y el interruptor del generador est6n an Is posici6n ON (ENCENDIDO) al mismo tiempo. B ADVERTENCIA ANTES DE SUMINISTRAR ENERGIA ELECTRICA AL CENTRO DE CARGA, VUELVA A VERIFICAR TODAS [AS CONEXIONES ELECTRICAS WEGO DE DUE SE HA REALIZADO TODD EL CABLEADO Y LOS INTERRUPTORES SE HAN INSTALLDO EN EL CENTRO DE CARGA. EL CABLEADO INCORRECTO PUEDE PRODUCIR FALIAS EN EL PRODUCTO, DANOS A LA PROPIEDAD 0 LESIONES PERSONALES. L)nicamente pare topes sin puntos de pefforaci6n instalados previamente Paso 13 Coloque Is taps interns sobre una superficie firme con Is parte frontal de Is place hacia abajo. Paso 14 Instale of conjunto de enclavamiento mec6nico an Is taps Como se muestra an Is Figure 4 con cuatro tornillos (B), colocando los tornillos an Is parts posterior de Is taps a trav6s de Is apertura del interruptor principal_ Figure S. EATON www.eaton.com Instructional Leaflet IL003002EN Mechanical interlock kit BRMIKCSR Effective September 2013 Installation Instructions Step 15 Etape 15 Paso 15 Use the four hole locations on the mounting plate Utiliser les quatre trous de la plaque de fixation Utilice los cuatro orificios en la placa de as a drill bit guide to drill four pilot holes in the en guise de gabarit pour percer quatre avant-trous montaje come una guia para perforar los trim/door with a 5/32-inch drill bit. clans le panneau d'habillage/de porte avec un foret cuatro orificios piloto de la tapa con una broca de 5/32 pouce. de 4 mm (5/32 pulg.). Step 16 Remove the mechanical interlock assembly from Etape 16 Paso 16 the trim/door by removing all four screws. Retirer les quatre vis pour deposer le systeme Retire el conjunto de enclavamiento mecanico de verrou mecanique du panneau d'habillage/ de la tapa, quitando los cuatro tornillos. Step 17 de porte. Drill the four mounting hole locations by using a 3/16-inch drill bit on the four pilot holes created in Step 15. Step 18 File or de -burr the newly created mounting holes. 0 CAUTION BURRS MAY BE SHARP. USE PROPER PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT WHILE REMOVING BURRS. Step 19 Install the mechanical interlock assembly with four (B) screws according to Figure 3 by installing screws from the back side of the trim/door. Step 20 Place label according to Figure 5. Step 21 Re -attach trim/door to the enclosure using the original screws. Step 22 Confirm interlock prevents main breaker and generator breaker from being in the ON position at the same time. 0 WARNING BEFORE ENERGIZING LOADCENTER, RE -CHECK ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS AFTER ALL WIRING HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND BREAKERS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED IN THE LOADCENTER. INCORRECT WIRING CAN CAUSE PRODUCT FAILURE, PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR PERSONAL INJURY. Etape 17 Percer les quatre trous de fixation avec un foret de 3/16 pouce sur les quatre avant-trous crees a 1'etape 15 Etape 18 Limer ou ebavurer les trous de fixation nouvellement perces. 0 ATTENTION LES BAVURES PEUVENT ETRE COUPANTES. UTILISER UN EQUIPEMENT DE PROTECTION INDIVIDUELLE ADAPTEPOUR EBAVURER. Etape 19 Installer le systeme de verrou mecanique avec quatre vis (B) posees depuis la face arriere du panneau d'habillage/de porte comme sur la Figure 3. Etape 20 Apposer 1'etiquette comme sur la Figure 5. Etape 21 Remonter le panneau d'habillage/la porte sur I'armoire a I'aide des vis d'origine. Etape 22 Verifier que le verrou empeche le disjoncteur principal et le disjoncteur de groupe electrogene d'etre on position de marche (ON) en meme temps 0 AVERTISSEMENT AVANT DE REMETTRE LE PANNEAU DE DISTRIBUTION SOUS TENSION, REVERIFIER TOUS LES RACCORDEMENTS ELECTRIQUES UNE FOIS QUE TOUS LES CABLAGES SONT TERMINES ET QUE LES DISJONCTEURS SONT INSTALLES BANS LE PANNEAU DE DISTRIBUTION. UN CABLAGE INCORRECT PEUT PROVOQUER UNE DEFAILLANCE DE PRODUIT, DES DEGATS MATERIELS OU DES BLESSURES CORPORELLES. Paso 17 Perfore los cuatro orificios de montaje utilizando una broca de 4.8 mm (3/16 pulg.) en los cuatro orificios piloto creados en el Paso 15. Paso 18 Lije o extraiga ]as rebabas de los nuevos orificios de montaje. ,L PRECAUCION LAS REBABAS PUEDEN SER FILOSAS. UTILICE EL EQUIPO DE PROTECC16N PERSONAL ADECUADO PARA QUITAR LAS REBABAS. Paso 19 Instale el conjunto de enclavamiento mecanico con cuatro tornillos (B) segun se indica en la Figura 3 a traves de la instalaci6n de tornillos en la parte posterior de la tapa. Paso 20 Coloque la etiqueta siguiendo la Figura 5. Paso 21 Vuelva a ajustar la tapa en el receptaculo utilizando los tornillos originales. Paso 22 Confirmar el enclavamiento evitara que el interrupter principal y el interrupter del generador esten en la posici6n ON (ENCENDIDO) al mismo tiempo. 0 ADVERTENCIA ANTES DE SUMINISTRAR ENERGIA ELECTRICA AL CENTRO DE CARGA, VUELVA A VERIFICAR TODAS LAS CONEXIONES ELECTRICAS LUEGO DE DUE SE HA REALIZADO TODD EL CABLEADO Y LOS INTERRUPTORES SE HANINSTALADO EN ELCENTRO DE CARGA. EL CABLEADO INCORRECTO PUEDE PRODUCIR FALLAS EN EL PRODUCTO, DAhOS A LA PROPIEDAD 0 LESIONES PERSONALES. EATON www.eaton.com Instructional Leaflet IL003002EN Mechanical interlock kit BRMIKCSR Effective September 2013 installation instructions Table 1. Catalog Numbers Table 1. References catalogue Tabla 1. Numbeos del catalogo Indoor Raintight IMBrieur Il tanche A In plule Interiares Impenmeables BR163OB150 BR81015011F BR163OB150 BR816B150RF BR163OB150 BR816815ORF BR1224N200 BR816B200RF BR1224N200 BR81GB20ORF BR1224N200 BR81BB20ORF BR1632B200 BR816N200RF BR1632B200 BR816N200RF BR1632B200 BR816N200RF BR203OB150 BR1224N200RF BR203OB150 BR1224N200RF BR203OB150 BR1224N200RF BR203OH150 BR2030B15OR BR203OH150 BR203OB15OR BR203OH150 BR2030815OR BR204OB150 BR2040815OR BR204OB150 BR204OB15OR BR204OB150 BR204OB15OR BR204OB200 BR204OB20OR BR204OB200 BR204OB20OR BR20408200 BR204OB20OR BR204OBC200 BR204OB225R BR204OBC200 BR204OB225R BR204OBC200 BR204OB225R BR204OH2O0 BR204ON20OR BR204OH2O0 BR204ON200H BR204OH2O0 BR204ON20OR BR204ON200 BR303OB15OR BR204ON200 BR303OB15OR BR204ON200 BR303OB150H BR204ONC200 BR304OB20OR BR204ONC200 BR304OB20OR BR204ONC200 B133040870OR BR24300150 BR304ON20OR BR243OB150 BR304ON20OR BR243OB150 BR304ON20OR BR243OBC150 BR404OB20OR BR243OBC150 BR404OB20OR BR243OBC150 BR4040B20OR BR303OB150 BR404ON20OR BR303OB150 BR404ON20OR BR3030B150 13114040N20013 BR303OH150 BR4242B225R BR303OH150 BR4242B225R BR303OH150 BR4242B225R BR3040B150 BR304OB150 BR304OB150 BR4040B200 BR404OB200 BR404OB200 BR404OBC200 BR404OBC200 BR404OBC200 BA404OH2O0 BR404OH2O0 BR404OH2O0 BR4040N200, NC200 BR4040N200, NC200 BR4040N200, NC200 BR4242B225 BR424213225 BR424213225 Eaton I I @ 2013 Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Tous droits r6serv6s Cleveland, OH 44122 Imprinr§ aux L-U. United States Publication n° IL003002EN 1 Z14277 Eaton.com Septembre 2013 © 2013 Eaton © 2013 Eaton All Rights Reserved Todos Jos derechos reservados Eaton is a registered trademark. �'��� Printed in USA Impreso en EE. UU. Publication No. IL003002EN / Z14277 Publicaci6n N.'IL003002EN / Z14277 All other trademarks are property Pnw11t 8tuirress t toddwide September 2013 Septiembre de 2013 of their respective owners. PUB52761