FILE # 4816841 OR BOOK 4553 PAGE 2047, Recorded 02/10/2021 10:23:23 AM Doc
Tax: $1505.70
Prepared by and return to:
Shayna M. Bechtel
Shayna M. Bechtel, P.L.
1000 SE Monterey Commons Blvd, Suite 202
Stuart, FL 34996
(772) 413-0004
File Number: 20200084
Will Call No.:
Above This Line For Recording
Special Warranty Deed
This Special Warranty Deed made this 2nd day of February, 2021 between Renar Homes (Morningside), LLC, a
Florida Limited Liability Company whose post office address is 3725 SE Ocean Boulevard, Suite 101, Stuart, Florida
34996, grantor, and Sabrina Giselle Christian, an unmarried person and Justin Orejuela, an unmarried person, as joint
tenants with full rights of survivorship, whose post office address is 9946 SW Eastbrook Circle, Port Saint Lucie, FL
34987, grantee:
(Whenever used herein the terms grantor and grantee include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals,
and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees)
Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good
and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has
granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate,
lying and being in St. Lucie County, Florida, to -wit:
Lot 117, MORNINGSIDE PALM BREEZES CLUB PHASE 2A, according to map or plat thereof as
recorded in Plat Book 79, Page 20, Public Records of Saint Lucie County, Florida.
Parcel Identification Number: 2310-502-0119-000/6
Subject to taxes for 2021 and subsequent years; covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements,
reservations and limitations of record, if any.
Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
To Have and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever.
And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the
grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said
land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under grantors.
OR BOOK 4553 PAGE 2048
In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence:
fi L4
Wi ess
Printed Name:�L [�
Printed Name: ,
Renar Homes (Morningside), LLC, a Florida Limited
Liability ompany
(9�1 V 1
Rhonda owe, Vice President
State of Florida
County of Martin
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of physical presence or [, online notarization, this 2nd
day of February, 2921 by Rhonda S. Rowe, Vice President of Renar Homes (Morningside), LLC, a Florida Limited Liability
Company who [� J/ is personally known or L] has produced a driv is nse as id ntificatin.
[Seal] Not Public t� / /
Print Name: v f le
My Commission Expires:
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File Number: 20200084 Special Warranty Deed — Page 2