HomeMy WebLinkAbout6-1 m viasat foundation rev1 2-20-20 1 of 2 s&sEXIST.ROOFEXIST. CONCRETE PAVEMENTOPEN TO BELOW660.03' N 89° 58' 51" W249.96' S 00° 06' 39" W
250.10' N 00° 02' 04" E
100'75'50'25'0'EXIST.ROOFEXIST.ROOFEXIST.ROOFEXIST.ROOFEXIST.ROOFPROPOSED RELOCATED VIASAT - SERIES 8060,6.1 M SATELITTE DISH ON RAISED CONCRETEFOOTING TO BE INSTALLED PER PROPOSEDPLAN LOCATION AND PROPOSED FOOTINGSECTION AS SHOWN ON PAGE 2.EXISTING DUMPSTER660.36' S 89° 58' 08" ESEE ENLARGEDPLAN ON PAGE 21.All design and construction in accordance with the 6thEdition (2020) Florida Building Code.2.ASCE 7-16, Risk Category III, Ultimate Design Wind Speed:165 mph (3 second gust), Exposure C.3.Contractor shall verify all the location of all the undergroundutilities prior to starting construction. Contractor shall call811 Sunshine for locates.4. Contractor shall remove all vegetation, unsatisfactory soilsand other deleterious material underneath the proposedfoundation.5. Contractor shall compact the existing subgrade to 98%ASTM D1557 Modified Proctor Maximum Density.6. Concrete shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strengthof 3,000 psi, and water/cement ratio shall not exceed 0.50.7. Minimum concrete cover shall be: Slab: ¾”, Beams andcolumns: 1-1/2”, Tie columns: ¾”, Exposed unprotectedconcrete: 1-1/2”, Formed concrete below grade: 2”,Unformed concrete below grade: 3”.8. Concrete work, including form work and testing shall be inaccordance with ACI Standards, latest edition.9.Reinforcing bars shall be placed in accordance with CRSIManual of Standard Practice, latest edition.10. Reinforcing bars shall be ASTM A615 Steel and shall befree of rust and other debris.11. Dowels shall be “L” hooked at bottom and shall be lapped48 bar diameters with the wall or column reinforcing above.12.Contractor shall verify all dimensions prior to construction.Contractor shall report all irregularities or discrepancies tothe Engineer prior to proceeding with the work.13.Foundations are designed for a minimum soil bearing valueof 2,000 psf.DRAWN: JCHDESIGN: JCHJASON HANCHUK, P.E.1770 PIERSIDE CIR.WELLINGTON, FL 33414JASON HANCHUK, P.E.FLORIDA P.E. NO.: 56787DATE: REV. #:1 DATE:2-20-21 BY:JCHOVERALL PLAN & SCOPE OF WORK - SCALE: 1:600CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGSSHEET 1 OF 2DEC. 8, 2020JOB #: 20-169-310161 RANGE LINE RD., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 349876.1 M VIASAT SATELLITE DISH FOUNDATION11