HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit AMOK �--r rY {ki-f -- .:hGi_�d'_�.�..... ��:�;.,.�._-..7r fe.-_E.sf y.... ... 54 3._?fs+a..irr.0:t--. �...'i!. �..,:=gY_.'-e+r.;ir�..- .r ,..e �=.�i-'_:•... ,-_._ -_, JS,,:. _ n sue_,.. -�:.,. : DESIGNER ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY• d'Not Applicable Name• Name: Address: Address: -- City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: *Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name:' Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St.Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review:room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to.Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for im ments to your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite fare t fir • ection. if you intend to obtain finan ' ,.c sult lender or an attorney before men n k in our Notice of Commen Inent a=ontractor/License HolderofSignatur Agent/Lessee STATEORIDA IDA COUNTYOF LaCi c COUNTYOF S+, LU6 C The for oing instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1 day of ��ine .20� by this iS day of �ur� .20 \1 by LQrr �-1 CAiS-,-r i LrLrr Lj cCAO-6 (Name of person acknowledgin ) (Name of perso acknowledging (Signature of Notary Public-Stat&f Florida) (Signature of Notary Public-§dte of Florida) Personally Known OR Produced Identification or Known�_OR Prod Type of identification Produce Typ of Identification Produ d'. • . r l� •i Y MMISSION a FF 1sS f F 0`�5 MY COMMISSION p FFW.f61 Commission No. a ( mission No.fES.Febrwry ot.202 a IRES February 01, tIG'13960'S� flaldallouu ewNC�,00m 4407 YJ60'S3 fWrtd�NOUu 8�rvtos.00m REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW. DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev.7/2014 Copyright2015 National Rre Protection Associall Licensed,by agreement,for individual use and download on March 3, EAIGAS for designated user. PEARL.No other reproduction or Iransmissir; m permitted without written permission of NFPA.For inquires or to report +ed Lou.contact ticensing@nfpaorg. org. Chapter 15•PIpe and Tubing Sizing Tables I I TABLE 15.1(0) Polyethilene Plastic pipe SyigBetween First-Stage and Second-Stage Regulators:Nontinal Outside Diameter(IPS) Gas: Undiluted Propane Inlet Pressure: 10.0 psi Pressure Drop: 1.0 psi Specific Gravity: 1.52 Plastic Pipe :4 in. 'l�in: 1 in. 11/+in. 195,in. 2 in. Length SDR 9.33 SDR 11.0 SDR 11,16 SDR 10.00 SDR 11.00 SDR 11.00 (ft) (0.660) (6.860) (1.071I (1.328) (1.554) (1.943) 30 2143 4292 7744 13416 20260 36402 40 1835 3673 6628 11482 1.7340 31155 py,n 50 1626 3256 5874 10176 .15368 27612 0 60 1473 2950 5322 9220 13924 25019 .=- 70 1355 2714 4896 8483 12810 23017 80 1261 2525 4555 7891 11918 21413 90 1183 2369 4274 7404 11182 20091 100 1117 2238 4037 6994 10562 18979 125 990 1983 3578 6199 9361 16820 150 89`1 1797 3242 .5616 8482 15240 175 826 1653 2983 5167 7803 14020 4807 7959 13041 225 721 1443 2603 4510 6811 12238 250 691 1363 2459 42260 6434 11560 275 646 1294 2336 4046 6111 10979 300 617 1235 2228 3960 5830 10474 350 567 1136 2050 3551 5363 9636 400 528 1057 1907 3304 4989 8965 450 495 992 1789 3100 4681 8411 500 468 937 1690 2928 4422 7945 600 424 949 1531 2653 4007 7199 700 390 781 1409 2441 3686 6623 800 363 726 1311 2271 3429 6161 900' 340 682 1230 2131 3217 5781 1000 322 644 1162 2012 3039 '5461 1500 258 517. 933 1616 2441 4395 2000 221 443 798 1383 2089 3753 IPS:You pipe size.SDR:Standard dimension ratio. Notes: (1)Capacities are in 1000 Btu/fir. (2)Dimensions in parentheses are inside diameter, ~- ST LUCIE COU`ITY BUILDING DIVISION i 191EVIEWED-� FOR CCMPLI CIE REVIEWED BY ��'```"`�������� DAYE_ PLANS UN R Ii' MUST BE KEPT ON J013 OR NO INSPECTION WILL SS MAD" v 2014 LP-Gas Code Handbook iAdik 1/8" GALV. CABLE W/ (2)HDG CLAMPS TO ANCHOR (PULLED jTIGHT) \ \ \ \ \ HELICAL ANCHOR STRAP (2) LAYERS OF 30"_\ FELT BETWEEN STRAP AND TANK 1/8" GALV, CABLE W/ (2)HDG CLAMPS TO TANCHO IGHT)R (PULLED /// UNDERGROUND TANK HOLD DOWN DETAIL GENERAL NOTES: 1. HELICAL ANCHORS SHALL HAVE AN ALLOWABLE PULL—OUT CAPACITY AS SHOWN BELOW. ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER ANCHOR WN,UFAGTURER.TO ACHIEVE STATED LOAD CAPACITY, CAPACITY VARIES WITH SOIL TYPE. VERIFY ANCHOR CAPACITY WITH SOIL jWP ,F CC(Q.TFJ3ED '. 50grqe6A`LH"ANK ":: 1350# 2,50 GAVTANK`` r 650# 120 PAL T/it "CHECK FO UIJ[iERGROUND :UTILITIES PRIOR TO ANCHOR INSTALLATION '_3. LOCATION OF TANK RELATIVETO ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND FEATURES ARE DEPENDENT UPON LOCAL CODES AND IS THE f-R�5;PONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. 4'y;+ THE TANK.AS SHOWN HAS. BEEN DESIGNED TO PREVENT FLOTATION, COLLAPSE, OR LATERAL MOVEMENT DURING THE BASE 'FLOOD.EVENT ® COPYRIGHT 2016 — FARLEY ENGINEERING, LLC PA DAT r AMERIGAS 08.19 016 L�ARLEY__HqGINEEHING nsulting Engineer #40111CA28108 1f1U.S. #1, Suite #2 , Sebastian, Florida 32956 (772) 589.2296 iav '1 ..... TOP OF BANK 16.6%%172 ,... .... '�� •• RANGE 39 EAST, LYING SOUTH OFTEI sEl''1 �ia.7 x Is.s x Mss 71). LESS CANAL AND ROAD RIGHT Of FEET THEREOF. �.�gg 3.9 x 15.8 x LGR I ]D.3 ya-C x I5.5 I CONCRETE BRIDGE B,7 x 15.7 x 16.2 II 3.4ad x I4.B CERTIFICAU I x 36.4 X 16.6 Y X 15.9 x 16.8 REBECCA PERC �'" %, u�d� +(� PARCEL #2333-133-001 I 13.9 CONCRETE X v.D �I 1 .2 STEPS 17.0 17.93 x 17.3 x17.0 X 17.3 a 17.3 X 16.3 8 Lion POLE 43a/c 20.58 COVERED 14.4 PORCH GENERAL ND 3.7 , x 17.7 I LZOB!POLE 3 N 14,4 x 16. 'tooky SEPTIC 1916 b 1. THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON i 0}T 0x 1eB AREA x 17.9 S FLORIDA STATE PLANE COORDINATE S II 8' x 14.5 9p� ` r,� rGo7� 1fi x 20.O AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983, NATIONAL I $ l I97=m 19.5 m ADJUSTMENT OF 1290. (NAD 83/90) e x ls.o If 2. ALL ABOVE GROUND FIXED IMPRc t5.0 x 14.8 Oa+sTCD `` tNE-II'U' � PAPCEI.1 2333-133-8002-808-2 44ENTRr Z 19,7 !J y. 1� 0817, CUPIE 0 BEEN LOCATED AND SHOWN HEREON. IIIB.7 IK7URD3IRC x 17.2 (� .69 GI'�, +� r20.9t 17.7 G 11170D7IDLLmM AO 3. THE SURVEYOR HAS NO KNOWLE FOUNDATIONS WHICH MAY OCCUPY LA 18,61 'U 1 4 IOeE 7.72� 18.45 � 16.8X x 16,8 X 17.2 1.04 1x13 16. 4. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND UT 19{4 I i 6.2 G x 16.9 BEEN LOCATED ON THIS SURVEY, EXC 4' POLYVINYL CHLORIDE FENCE PAYER BRICK I '17.77 01 DRIVE X 17 5. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NC 17.44 .o OFFICE FOR RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEME x 17.9 X 17.6 OWNERSHIP, ABANDONMENT'S DEED RI X 17,8 DEEDS. .4B 17.57 3 17.6 S. FLOOD NOTE: BY GRAPHIC PLOT IS IN ZONE "AE 18.2"', ACCORDING T( 11 ,x 17.0 x 16•e x 17.1 DRATE ATE MAP,FEBR COMMUNITY 012ANEL NO. 1, al ta DETERMINED BY AN ELEVATION CERTIF I 17.50 I rom%- IR CONCRETE x 17.2 I CUT OUT I7.80 19A2 X 17,2 17.3 x 16.9 SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED PSEJ rl R�`' "''• 1nmazz i7.3i SURVEYOR & MAPPER. I .5o ...".�. 18,23 17.54 x 172 OTHER THAN DNS SIGNING PARTY OR DELETIONS 8. OR I I I 1room 3". ON x 17.5 4' POLYVINYL CHLORIDE FIMCE wom CK WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE E II1 06 a NO ID) x 17.6 PUMP HOUSE (W In)II T -17.8 -- -- --- 9. INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS 16.5 X17.3 15.5 x16.7 x17.2 NePeUJ?E xl FIELD MEASURED DATA. �16.52 17.88 16,6 XMgtt•2X>�71&B---X 1 7.7 +oUND MAIL a Blew 10. THE LAST DATE OF FIELD WORK i is I D�r1LDaELE 18,09 IS• 9_ - NePNE4F 4e/1T - �_ 333At NEC'WW I8.27 2047.6P 88S'4ZIS'W� /4'IP IN CUTOUT 1lCULID 1` IP :1/4 SECTION 33 1743 FOUND RAILROAD SPIKE SOOTS LINE OF BE SECTIOU 33- IOMECEP 33 SOUTS.RAMR.7 39 EAST 2N CO°'OUT AT M(L.INTERSECTION _ __ __ GLOBAL POSMONING SYSTEI ELEVATION T7.47-- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- 1.30 ., 17.55 � � L`^REAL TIME KINEMATIC(RTK)METHO t 7 I , ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED / � Permit Nu mber: Date: 7 do Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services JUN 2 �017 2 Building and Code Regulation Division PER1411 TING 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 St Lucie Cou, ty,FL Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax:(772)462-1578 Commercial Resldentlal_ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Fuel PRED LM PROVEMENT LOCATIO'N OPOS j Y Address: l 1 2 4 S &!(Af/C i �c� Legal Description: Property Tax ID#: 3 3 Q(22 r 000 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Setbacks Front_ Back: t*O Right Side: Left Side: CD - r - DETAILED,DESCRIPTION ��r 2,SO�o�.//�-t. ����G•-� r'u�^ /�•�.� to �o� mot- . CONSTRUCTION INFORIVATION K sY Additional work to e e orme under t —checkispermit a apply: 11HVAC LGas Tank ®Gas Piping _Shutters Q Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing Sprinklers FI Generator Roof Total Sq.Ft of Construction: S . Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ a ono Utilities:0 Sewer FSeptic Building Height: OWNER%LESSEE Name Ft--c Name: Larry Licastri Address: /J29 8' 41 kJ rf Ej;j Company: Amerigas City: ir04-e- -P:Cr`e State:��, Address: 3301 Oleander Ave Zip Code: 99,t Fax: City: Fort Pierce State:FL Phone No. ? �/4r 2 SA-K Zip Code: 34982 Fax: 772-465-8448 E-Mail: Phone No. 772-633-0740 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: Brian.Pearl@amerigas.com from the Owner listed above) State or County License: 02707/28579 If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. i %�