HomeMy WebLinkAboutTANK SLAB INFOJACK LOAD ANALYSIS   MIP NO.:1824817 Model:34 33   Course Being Lifted 08 Jack System Wind Velocity 06 Jack System Wind Velocity Model 18 Jack System Wind Velocity 1 30 30 30 2 30 30 30 3 30 30 30 4 30 30 30 5 30 30 30 6 30 30 30     The values listed above indicate the maximum wind velocities (MPH) at which the designated structure course may be lifted.   CONDITIONS: > Tank is ground supported. > Wind speed is determined at 33 feet above the tank floor. > A jack is positioned at each vertical seam.   Note:This information is proprietary to CST Storage and shall not be used nor reproduced without the express written consent of the Company. All Rights Reserved 2019, CST Storage.   JACK LOAD ANALYSIS   MIP NO.:1824817 Model:34 33   Course Being Lifted 08 Jack System Wind Velocity 06 Jack System Wind Velocity Model 18 Jack System Wind Velocity 1 30 30 30 2 30 30 30 3 30 30 30 4 30 30 30 5 30 30 30 6 30 30 30     The values listed above indicate the maximum wind velocities (MPH) at which the designated structure course may be lifted.   CONDITIONS: > Tank is ground supported. > Wind speed is determined at 33 feet above the tank floor. > A jack is positioned at alternate vertical seams. > A strut is positioned at each vertical seam.   Note:This information is proprietary to CST Storage and shall not be used nor reproduced without the express written consent of the Company. All Rights Reserved 2019, CST Storage.   Tank Project Drawing Index Document Number Document Title 1824817-001 Tank Drawing 1824817-010 Tank Calculations & Design Formulas 1824817-011 Tank General Notes 1824817-012 Tank Fastener Schedule 1824817-013 Tank Schematic 1824817-014 Tank Parts List Foundation Project Index Document Number Document Title 1824817-002 Short Starter Foundation Drawing 1824817-003 Anchor Bolt & Leveling Plate Placement 1824817-020 Foundation Calculations 1824817-021 Foundation General Notes 1824817-022 Foundation Materials Schedule 1824817-023 Foundation Parts List 1824817-024 Foundation Fastener Schedule 1824817-025 Manufacturers Warranty DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-010 TITLE: TANK CALCULATIONS PAGE: 1 REL.:1 DATE:April 23, 2019 BY:AL1   SUMMARY OF TANK DESIGN INPUT DATA STRUCTURE MODEL 34 33 FOUNDATION TYPE Short Starter SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1.000 H/V PRESSURE RATIO 1.000 FREEBOARD 12.000 in 304.800 mm ROOF TYPE CST Covers Aluminum Dome ROOF WEIGHT 2.000 psf 9.764 kg/m2 SC ROOF HEIGHT 0.000 in 0.000 mm DC ROOF PROJ AREA 98.500 sq ft 9.151 sq m DC ROOF CENTROID 19.500 in 495.300 mm TOTAL ROOF HEIGHT 48.100 in 1221.740 mm ROOF SNOW LOAD 20.000 psf 0.958 kPa WIND DESIGN LOAD PER FBC / D103 / ASCE 7-10 (23.35 psf)*       EXPOSURE DIRECTION ALL       EXPOSURE FACTOR C       RISK CATEGORY III       WIND SPEED 175.000 mph 78.750 m/s WIND STIFFENER DESIGN PRESSURE 23.35 psf WIND PRESSURE ROOF SINGLE CURVATURE N/A WIND PRESSURE ROOF DOUBLE CURVATURE 23.348 psf SEISMIC DESIGN AWWA D103-09       Ss 0.069       S1 0.029       TL 8.0       SEISMIC IMPORTANCE FACTOR 1.500       SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY A       SDs 0.073       SD1 0.047       SITE CLASS D FLAT BOTTOM GROUND SUPPORTED ANCHORED TANK. DESIGN BASE SHEAR V =0.020 W ANALYSIS PROCEDURE AWWA D103-09 ALLOWABLES USED AWWA D103-09/NFPA22 DESIGN METHOD ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN AQUA2 VERSION TANK PART LIST REVISION No.N/A FND. PART LIST REVISION No.N/A   DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-010 TITLE: TANK CALCULATIONS PAGE: 2 REL.:1 DATE:April 23, 2019 BY:AL1   SUMMARY OF INTERNALLY ASSIGNED PARAMETERS BOLT DIAMETER 0.500 in 12.700 mm HOLE DIAMETER 0.562 in 14.288 mm TOP COURSE EDGE DIST 1.000 in 25.400 mm CONCRETE IN FNDN 0.000 in 0.000 mm DIST T/FTG TO B/FLR 0.000 in 0.000 mm TOTAL FNDN THICKNESS 0.000 in 0.000 mm STEEL FLOOR MATERIAL Not Applicable SHEET DENSITY 590.000 pcf 9451 kg/m3 STEEL ELASTIC MODULUS 30000000 psi 206843 MPa CONCRETE DENSITY 0 pcf 0 kg/m3 NET SHEET WIDTH 105.462 in 2679.000 mm NET STANDARD SHEET HT.54.990 in 1397.000 mm STARTER PANEL HEIGHT 10.170 in 258.000 mm INVENTORY USED wsblkctt(52111)   DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-010 TITLE: TANK CALCULATIONS PAGE: 3   34 33 AQUASTORE STRUCTURE DESIGN SUMMARY (12 FULL LENGTH SHEETS PER RING/COURSE)   COURSE NUMBER THICKNESS (in) THICKNESS (mm) SHEET CODES MATERIAL CODE LIMITING FACTOR(S) 1 0.1046 2.657 1201 40 2 0.1046 2.657 1201 40 3 0.1046 2.657 1201 40 4 0.1046 2.657 1201 60 [15] 5 0.1345 3.416 1201 60 [15] 6 0.1345 3.416 1201 60 7 0.1495 3.797 1201 60 [15] FND 0.1644 4.176 5220 70 [15]   WIND STIFF REQUIRED       REQUIRED / ACTUAL SECT MOD DESCRIPTION STIFFENER AT BOTTOM OF COURSE 1 =0.682 cu in / 1.110 cu in 3" Web Truss STIFFENER AT BOTTOM OF COURSE 2 =0.670 cu in / 1.110 cu in 3" Web Truss STIFFENER AT BOTTOM OF COURSE 3 =0.670 cu in / 1.110 cu in 3" Web Truss STIFFENER AT BOTTOM OF COURSE 5 =1.340 cu in / 4.680 cu in 5.5 short Web Truss STRUCTURE DIAMETER =33.57 ft 10232.01 mm HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE TO EAVE =33.01 ft 10060.94 mm SLOSHING WAVE HEIGHT =0.35 ft 107.33 mm MINIMUM FREEBOARD =0.35 ft 107.33 mm VOLUME OF STRUCTURE TO EAVE =29215 cu ft 827 m3 VOLUME OF CONTENTS =28330 cu ft 802 m3 VOLUME OF CONTENTS =211922 gal 802214 L VOLUME OF CONCRETE FND.=0 cu ft 0 m3 WEIGHT OF EMPTY CYLINDER ABOVE FLOOR =20608 lb 9348 kg WEIGHT OF ROOF =1770 lb 803 kg SNOW (LIVE) LOAD =17702 lb 8029 kg WEIGHT OF CONTENTS =1767786 lb 801854 kg FOUNDATION WEIGHT =0 lb 0 kg TOTAL WEIGHT ON FOOTING =1807866 lb 820034 kg WIND SHEAR AT TOP OF FOOTING =28171 lb 125311 N WIND MOMENT AT TOP OF FOOTING =506632 ft-lb 687 kN-m SEISMIC SHEAR AT TOP OF FOOTING =36825 lb 163804 N SEISMIC MOMENT AT TOP OF FOOTING =491371 ft-lb 666 kN-m SEISMIC MOMENT MAT FOUNDATION =670218 ft-lb 909 kN-m   DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-010 TITLE: TANK CALCULATIONS PAGE: 4   HOOP STRESS ANALYSIS --STRESS-(PSI)-- Course Number Depth (ft) Press (PSI) Net Tensile Allowable Tensile Hole Bearing Allowable Bearing Bolt Shear Allowable Shear 1 3.7 1.6 4167 18092 6470 54000 1723 29454 2 8.2 3.6 9376 18092 14557 54000 3877 29454 3 12.8 5.6 14586 18092 22644 54000 6031 29454 4 17.4 7.5 19795 25000 30731 81000 8186 29454 5 22.0 9.5 19445 25000 30189 81000 10340 29454 6 26.6 11.5 23497 25000 36478 81000 12494 29454 7 31.2 13.5 24784 25000 38477 81000 14648 29454 FND 32.0 13.9 23150 26667 35941 94500 15046 29454   AXIAL STRESS ANALYSIS --STRESS-(PSI)-- Course Number Axial Compressive Allowable Compressive Hole Bearing Allowable Bearing Bolt Shear Allowable Shear 1 166 1021 1666 54000 444 29454 2 185 1021 1855 54000 494 29454 3 203 1021 2043 54000 544 29454 4 222 1021 2232 81000 594 29454 5 192 1306 1924 81000 659 29454 6 210 1306 2113 81000 724 29454 7 208 1448 2089 81000 795 29454 FND 193 1588 1935 94500 810 29454   DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-010 TITLE: TANK CALCULATIONS PAGE: 5   WIND STRESS ANALYSIS --STRESS-(PSI)-- Course Number Axial Comp Wind Bend Total Comp Allowable Comp Hole Bear Allowable Bear Bolt Shear Allowable Shear 1 32 21 53 1361 531 72000 141 39272 2 51 53 104 1361 1040 72000 277 39272 3 70 99 169 1361 1699 72000 453 39272 4 88 161 250 1361 2506 108000 668 39272 5 88 185 272 1741 2734 108000 936 39272 6 106 256 362 1741 3635 108000 1245 39272 7 114 304 419 1930 4204 108000 1600 39272 FND 108 290 398 2117 3993 126000 1672 39272     SEISMIC STRESS ANALYSIS --STRESS-(PSI)-- Course Number Axial Comp Seismic Bend Total Comp Allowable Comp Hole Bear Allowable Bear Bolt Shear Allowable Shear 1 32 37 69 1361 690 72000 184 39272 2 51 72 123 1361 1234 72000 329 39272 3 70 122 192 1361 1926 72000 513 39272 4 88 192 281 1361 2821 108000 751 39272 5 88 227 315 1741 3159 108000 1082 39272 6 106 325 431 1741 4331 108000 1483 39272 7 114 405 519 1930 5216 108000 1986 39272 FND 108 389 497 2117 4991 126000 2089 39272   DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-010 TITLE: TANK CALCULATIONS PAGE: 6   SEISMIC STRESS ANALYSIS CONTINUED   --STRESS-(PSI)-- Course Number Hydro-Dynamic Hoop Total Hoop Allowable Tensile 1 145 4312 24123 2 218 9594 24123 3 303 14888 24123 4 377 20171 33333 5 339 19785 36184 6 352 23849 36184 7 332 25115 36184 FND 304 23455 35556   DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-011 REL: 1 TITLE: TANK GENERAL NOTES PAGE: 1   TANK DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS This tank is designed in accordance with the NFPA 22 and AWWA Standard D103-09 Specification. See page 1 of Document 1824817-010 for Summary of Tank Design Input Data. COATINGS SPECIFICATIONS Coatings used on components of this tank are in compliance with the appropriate sections of AWWA Standard D103. STRUCTURE BOLT SPECIFICATIONS Structure bolts are carbon steel, zinc mechanically deposited per the latest revision of ASTM B695, class 50,type 1;with 1/2"-13 UNC-2A thread, and conform to AWWA D103-09, Section 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, as noted below. A. 1 inch long and 1-1/4 inch long bolts conform to the mechanical properties of SAEJ429, Grade 5 - equivalent to the mechanical properties of ASTM A325. B. 1-1/2 inch long and longer bolts conform to the mechanical properties of SAEJ429, Grade 8 - equivalent to the mechanical properties of ASTM A490. Unless noted, all tank structure connections are bearing type connections, snug-tight condition, per ANSI/AISC 360-05. Tank manufacturer does not require special inspection per IBC, Section 1704. APPURTENANCE AND PIPING ORIENTATION Orientation of all appurtenances and piping connections shall be established in the field. THROUGH-THE-SHEET PENETRATIONS All openings through the tank side wall greater than 2 inches (51 mm) in diameter shall be reinforced in accordance with AWWA D103-09, Section 5.10. All openings through sheets having less than 24 inches (610 mm) between horizontal bolt lines, or having less than 24 inches (610 mm) of available sheet space from the floor surface up to the first horizontal bolt line shall not exceed a diameter of 2 inches (51 mm). These openings of 2 inches (51 mm) and less shall be reinforced in accordance with AWWA D103-09, Section 5.10. LADDER SPECIFICATIONS The ladder system is manufactured in compliance with AWWA D103-09, and meets OSHA requirements. In addition, the tank ladder side rails are fabricated from 6105-T6 aluminum while the ladder rungs are fabricated from 6105-T6 or 6005-T6 aluminum. ATTACHMENTS TO THE TANK SHELL This tank is designed to support all attachments supplied by CST Storage. Unless noted otherwise in this document, the tank is not designed to support any loads from attachments supplied by others. Per AWWA D103, all attachments made to the tank shall be designed so that no significant load is imparted on the tank wall. Attachments include those for piping, nozzles, mixers, brackets, supports, etc. VENT An adequate pressure/vacuum vent must be provided by the builder in order to prevent tank damage.   DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-012 REL: 1 TITLE: TANK FASTENER SCHEDULE PAGE: 1 Structure bolt quantities at (H)orizontal and (V)ertical seams Thru the sheet fasteners BOLT LENGTHS:1" 25.40 1 1/4" 31.75 1 1/2" 38.10 1 3/4" 44.45 2" 50.80 2 1/4" 57.15 2 1/2" 63.50 SEAM Wide H 1 0 175 29 144 0 0 0 SEAM V 1 588 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 2 151 113 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM V 2 612 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 3 156 108 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM V 3 612 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 4 154 110 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM V 4 612 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 5 240 24 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM V 5 612 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 6 154 110 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM V 6 612 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 7 0 264 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM V 7 0 612 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Fnd. H 8 0 262 2 0 0 0 0 ACCESS DOOR 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 REINF. PLATE 0 0 180 0 0 0 0 Total:4503 1778 211 144 60 0 0 DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-012 REL: 1 TITLE: TANK FASTENER SCHEDULE PAGE: 2 Structure bolt quantities at (H)orizontal seams Truss Fasteners BOLT LENGTHS: 1 1/4" 31.75 C.S. 2 1/4" 57.17 C.S. 2 1/2" 63.50 C.S. 2 3/4" 69.85 C.S. 3" 76.20 C.S. 3 1/4" 82.55 C.S. 3 1/2" 88.90 C.S. SEAM Wide H 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 2 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 3 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 4 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 6 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Wide H 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAM Fnd. H 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total:504 84 0 0 0 0 0 DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-013 REL: 1 TITLE: TANK SCHEMATIC PAGE: 1 Note: All brackets at top of specified ring. Rings are identified from top of tank to foundation Ring #Sheet Thick. Bracket Type Bracket Quantity Vertical Bolt Line Shell Sheet Part No.      Use tapered spacer at top horizontal seam RING # : 1 0.1046'' (2.7mm) Y-BRKT     5     2V 272428N5000 -----( TYPE 3" Web Truss #261847) RING # : 2 0.1046'' (2.7mm) U-BRKT     5     2V 272429N5000 -----( TYPE 3" Web Truss #261847) RING # : 3 0.1046'' (2.7mm) NONE     0     2V 272429N5000 -----( TYPE 3" Web Truss #261847) RING # : 4 0.1046'' (2.7mm) U-BRKT     2     2V 272429R5000 RING # : 5 0.1345'' (3.4mm) NONE     0     2V 272429R5200 -----( TYPE 5.5 short Web Truss #257553) RING # : 6 0.1345'' (3.4mm) U-BRKT     2     2V 272429R5200 RING # : 7 0.1495'' (3.8mm) Y-BRKT     2     2V 272429R6400 FND. : 0.1644'' (4.2mm) Y-BRKT     2     2V See fnd. parts list DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-014 REL: 1 TITLE: TANK PARTS LIST PAGE: 1   Item Quantity Part No.Description   -1 1824817-001 TANK ASSEMBLY 1 1 1824817-002 FOUNDATION ASSEMBLY 2 504 262415-001 HHCS 1/2 X 1 1/4" SPCL. FNSH. 3 84 262415-002 HHCS 1/2 X 2 1/4" SPCL. FNSH. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1008177-000 MANWAY PLATFORM ASSEMBLY 12 13 14 15 265777-206 SEALER 98, CARTONS (TAN) 15 16 1 1008082-000 SHORT LADDER SECTION 17 1 1009078-000 STANDARD PLUS LADDER (7-36 RINGS) 18 1 1008436-000 LADDER DOOR ASSEMBLY 19 1 1009392 SOLID RAIL LADDER SAFETY SYSTEM 20 21 2 277650-000 GASKET, 24" 22 4 287270S5500 REINFORCING PLATE, .2500" 23 24 25 26 27 12 261256-034 STIFFENER ANGLE 28 12 260577-003 SPLICE ANGLE 29 12 084373-000 TAPERED SPACER 30 31 252 261847-000 WEB TRUSS, 3" 32 84 257553-000 WEB TRUSS, 5.5", SHORT 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4503 262000-001 STRUCTURE BOLT, 1" 45 1778 262000-002 STRUCTURE BOLT, 1 1/4" 46 211 262000-003 STRUCTURE BOLT, 1 1/2" 47 144 262000-004 STRUCTURE BOLT, 1 3/4" 48 60 262000-006 STRUCTURE BOLT, 2" 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 672 261974-000 WASHER, SPECIAL 56 7032 252275-000 WASHER, 1/2" 57 6696 262416-001 HEX. NUT, 1/2" HDZ 58 588 263525-001 HEX. NUT, 1/2" MDZ   DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-014 REL: 1 TITLE: TANK PARTS LIST PAGE: 2 Item Quantity Part No.Description 59 7284 081816-003 PROTECTIVE COVER 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 3 262778-000 DANGER DECAL 67 1 257249-000 INFORMATION SIGN 68 1 341SS000L-1824817A LIQUID TANK - NAMEPLATE 69 1 266254-000 OPERATORS MANUAL 70 3 262166-000 IMPORTANT DECAL 71 3 260581-000 TANK MOD. WARNING DECAL 72 1 266255-000 INSPECTION AND MAINT. REVIEW 73 74 9 1008110-001 Y BRACKET ASSY. SET (LONG) 75 9 1008111-001 U BRACKET ASSY. SET (LONG) 76 77 78 79 80 81 2 287294R64E7 24" ROUND ACCESS DOOR SHEET 82 12 272428N5000 SHELL SHEET 0.1046" GRADE 40 83 2 280516-034 24" ACCESS DOOR, NORMAL DUTY, STANDARD (GALV) 84 85 24 272429N5000 SHELL SHEET 0.1046" GRADE 40 86 12 272429R5000 SHELL SHEET 0.1046" GRADE 60 87 24 272429R5200 SHELL SHEET 0.1345" GRADE 60 88 10 272429R6400 SHELL SHEET 0.1495" GRADE 60 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 TANK FOUNDATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ‐ INPUT DATA CST‐TFAD v102 DESIGNATION INPUT DATA: Project Name: Treasure Coast Int'l Airport Project Number: 1824817 Engineer: AJL Date:4/23/2019 Comments: Tank Type: Embedded Foundation Type: Type SS/MS T&B Bars Discontinuous Roof Type: Self Support GENERAL INPUT DATA: GEOMETRY INPUT DATA: Design Code: ACI 318‐14 Foundation Diameter, Df:‐‐‐ FT Content Load Factor: 1.6 Slab Outer Diameter, Do: 35.75 FT Complementary Standard: NFPA‐22 Tank Diameter, Dt: 33.57 FT Percent of Snow Weight: 0 % Ring Width, Br: 21 IN Percent of Fill Weight: ‐‐‐ % Slab Thickness, Hs: 6 IN Concrete Cover: 2.0 IN. Footing Thickness, Hf: ‐‐‐ IN Ring Height, Hr: 30 IN Embedded Sheet Thickness: 0.164 IN. Haunch Depth, Hh: 12 IN Sheet Embedment Depth: 6.75 IN. Grade to B/Ftg, Hg: 24 IN Cost of Concrete: 80 $ / CY Cost of Reinforcement: 0.4 $ / LB. MATERIAL PROPERTIES INPUT DATA: EXTERNAL LOADING INPUT DATA: Concrete Unit Weight: 144 PCF Tank Cylinder Weight: 20,608 LB Concrete Compressive Strength: 3500 PSI Roof Weight: 1,770 LB Concrete Poisson's Ratio: 0.15 Roof Snow (Live) Load: 17,702 LB Reinforcement Yield Strength: 60 KSI Content Height: 32.01 FT Reinforcement Elastic Modulus: 29000 KSI Wind Shear: 28,171 LB Soil Allowable Pressure: 2500 PSF Wind Moment: 506,632 FT‐LB Soil Subgrade Modulus: 69 PCI Soil Active Pressure Coefficient: 0.3 Seismic Shear: 36,925 LB Soil Unit Weight: 100 PCF Seismic Moment: 491,371 FT‐LB Sloshing Wave Height: 0.35 FT Content Specific Gravity: 1.00 Floor Weight: ‐‐‐ LB Internal Pressure: 0 IN of Water Internal Vacuum: 0 IN of Water TANK FOUNDATION ANALYSIS And DESIGN ‐ RESULTS CST‐TFAD v102 DESIGNATION DATA: Project Name: Treasure Coast Int'l Airport Project Number: 1824817 Engineer: AJL Date:4/23/2019 SOIL PRESSURE: D + L     : 2255 PSF < 2500 D + L + W : 2258 PSF < 3333 D + L + E : 2268 PSF < 3333 D     ‐ W : 237 PSF > 0 No Uplift D + L ‐ E : 1632 PSF > 0 No Uplift SAFETY FACTOR AGAINST OVERTURNING: D     + W  : 2.78 > 1.5 D + L + E  (Phase‐I  Method A): 6.47 > 1 D + L + E  (Phase‐I  Method B): 12.29 > 1 SHEAR IN SLAB AND FOOTING: Shear in Slab: 1479 PLF < 3195 Shear in Footing: ‐‐‐ PLF REINFORCEMENT: Slab Middle Reinforcement: 0.24 SQ.IN/FT [#4@10], (lstA=20) Footing Top Reinforcement: ‐‐‐ SQ.IN/FT Footing Bottom Reinforcement: ‐‐‐ SQ.IN/FT Ring Top Reinforcement: 0.40 SQ.IN [2#5], (lstA=25) Ring Bottom Reinforcement: 0.51 SQ.IN [2#5], (lstA=25) Vertical Reinforcement: 0.13 SQ.IN/FT [6#4/S], (lstA=20) Hoop Steel: 0.59 SQ.IN [2#5], (lstA=25) Curb Steel: 1.11 SQ.IN [2#7], (lstA=44) Supplemental Tie Bars: 0.00 SQ.IN/FT Document Number: 1824817-021 Rel.: 1 Title: Foundation General Notes Page 1 Minimum guidelines and specifications are given below. The owner or the owner's designated agent may amend or modify these guidelines and specifications, but in no case shall the requirements be less than those given below. FOUNDATION DESIGN See Tank Foundation Design Input Data Sheet for foundation design data. SITEWORK 1. Clear the site of all vegetation, organic materials, rubbish, debris, and other foreign or objectionable materials above the ground surface. Remove all top soil, stumps, large roots, buried logs, and other objectionable materials below the ground surface. 2. The foundation design contained in this submittal is based on the recommendations in the geotechnical report dated May 8, 2019 by Anderson Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc., project/report number 18-151. The recommendations contained in that report and all supplemental reports shall be followed. 3. Soil beneath the entire tank and foundation shall be inspected and certified by a licensed geotechnical engineer prior to construction of the foundation to verify that the following criteria have been met. If the soil is not verified, or if the soil does not meet all of these criteria, the foundation design contained in this submittal shall be null and void. a. The soil shall be undisturbed soil or compacted fill. b. The soil shall have a minimum allowable bearing capacity of 2,500 psf (119,701 Pa) at depth below grade as noted in the geotechnical report. All soil beneath the entire tank and foundation shall meet or exceed the assumed minimum bearing capacity. c. The soil shall provide uniform support for the entire foundation. d. The soil shall be suitable in all respects to properly support the tank. 4. The soils shall be inspected and certified as suitable immediately prior to placing of concrete. 5. All compacted fill shall be placed as recommended by the geotechnical report. 6. It is acceptable to bank/earth form the sides of footings when and only when all of the following conditions are met: a. Soils suitable to bank forming are present. b. All OSHA and other safety precautions and requirements are met. c. All local and other regulatory and statutory requirements are met. d. The geotechnical report approves of the method. e. The correct concrete clear cover dimensions are maintained. 7. Orientation of connecting piping shall be established in the field. 8. Place all underground piping then backfill and compact to site specifications. Inlet/outlet piping may penetrate ring walls provided the penetration is circular and limited to the middle two quarters of the wall height. All details of modifications to foundation reinforcement, cushioning needs, thrust blocks, and encasement shall be provided by others. Otherwise, all piping must pass beneath the footing unless the footing/foundation system has been designed and fully detailed by others to accommodate both a pipe passing through it and the proper transfer of tank loads to the supporting soil. Design of piping and/or encasement to resist foundation loads and provide adequate support for the foundations above is the responsibility of others. 9. If conditions exist which require footing and/or floor design details differing from those shown on the drawings herein, such new design and details shall be provided by the owner or the owner's designated agent. CST Storage will not show details on its drawings other than those derived as a result of the design efforts of its own Engineering Department. DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-021 REL: 1 TITLE: FND. GENERAL NOTES PAGE: 2 CONCRETE WORK Concrete work shall conform to the requirements of ACI 301-05, published by the American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, except as modified by the supplemental requirements noted below. 1. Concrete shall attain an ultimate 28 day compressive strength of 3500 PSI ( 24132 KPa). 2. Reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM A615, grade 60. Welding of bars is not permitted. Field bending of partially embedded reinforcing bars shall conform to Section 3. Cement shall conform to ASTM C150, Type I or Type II with air entraining admixture per ASTM C260 added at the mixer to achieve 4-6% by volume of entrained air at the point of concrete placement. 4. Maximum aggregate size shall be 1 1/2" (38 mm). Fine and coarse aggregate shall conform to ASTM C33, and the restrictions on reactive materials specified in ASTM C33, paragraphs 7.3 and 11.2, shall apply. 5. Ready mixed concrete shall conform to ASTM C94, Option A. The supplier shall be responsible for determining the proportions used in the concrete mix. 6. Earth cuts may be used as formwork for footings only, provided the footing depth does not exceed 48" (1219 mm). 7. Finished surfaces A. Rough form finish is acceptable for vertical surfaces. B. Floated finish is required for the floor surface. 8. The following sections of ACI 301-05 do not apply: 6 - Architectural Concrete 7 - Lightweight Concrete 8 - Mass Concrete 9 - Prestressed Concrete 10 - Shrinkage-compensating Concrete DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-022 REL: 1 TITLE: FND. MATERIALS SCHEDULE PAGE: 1 These materials are to be furnished by the builder. Quantities are estimated. CONCRETE AND GRAVEL REQUIREMENTS: CONCRETE IN FLOOR:- Per 5'' depth (127.0 mm)20 cu. yds 15.3 m3 CONCRETE IN FOOTING:- Per 1'' depth (25.4 mm)0.5 cu. yds 0.4 m3 DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-023 REL: 1 TITLE: FND. PARTS LIST PAGE: 1 Item Quantity Part No. -1 1824817-002 1 12 272454S5300 2 12 257573-034 3 12 273882-000 4 12 261067-001 5 6 7 8 9 10 48 013713-003 11 96 013542-005 12 96 013543-006 13 24 257516-000 14 15 24 019030-004 16 17 13 252488-000 18 3 265777-206 19 20 7 266030-000 21 22 2 253730-002 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 132 081816-003 33 34 24 017500-086 35 36 37 372 262000-002 38 84 262000-003 39 40 41 528 262416-001 42 552 252275-000 Description SS FOUNDATION ASSEMBLY 0.1644" FND. SHT. Gr. 70 FOUNDATION ANGLE SPLICE ANGLE TAPERED SPACER FOUNDATION BOLT, 3/4" WASHER,STD., 3/4" HEX. NUT, 3/4" LEVELING PLATE REBAR SUPPORTS, 1/2" SEAL STRIP SEALER 98, CARTONS (TAN) BENTONITE SEAL STRIP SEALER PRIMER PROTECTIVE COVER CAP SCREW 1/2" X 1 3/4" STRUCTURE BOLT 1 1/4" STRUCTURE BOLT 1 1/2" HEX NUT, 1/2" HDZ WASHER, 1/2" 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 DOCUMENT NUMBER: 1824817-024 REL: 1 TITLE: FND. FASTENER SCHEDULE PAGE: 1 BOLT LENGTHS:1" 25.40 1 1/4" 31.75 1 1/2" 38.10 1 3/4" 44.45 2" 50.80 REBAR SUPPORTS VERTICAL 0 192 0 0 0 24 HORIZONTAL 0 180 84 0 0