HomeMy WebLinkAboutSewage & Water Well PermitsOF LrJ601tIDA DEPARTMENT OF MINIT. OHSITZ SE.WAGM. "XAMaWT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMSITE EVALUATION AM. s7STEZ4 SP]ECIPICATIOX Lle King ,-\ V�l i CONTRACTOR I LOT: SMDI-WS.TON: BLOCX.. APPLICATION # &P-16_10975 PER1T # 56-SF;2092766 ......... *6 DST # SE1337999 ....... ... COMPLETED ......... ... ..... ......... IM421-0001 000-.3 Y ENGINEER, '21ZTEI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REGISTRATION NUX3ER t DRPAR� 011111 ANDSIGN. Spara EUMPYER! OR . ........ EACH'PAGE or -C=UT OTHER QUALIFIED P=SON PROPERTY SIZE. CoNrORM To SITE PLAN: TOTAL SEWAGE FLOW: AUTIJORIZED SEWAGE FLOW: UNOBSTRUCTED AREA XVAILABLE. - APPLICANT: A—U.. MMWT.%,. — -- ENGINEERS XU§T PROV7,EDE NET rr-qAvtr-v - ------------ %- - A AVAILABLE!: GALLONS PER DAY I RESIDEXI:t AREA2__L4.05 ACRES 3607500 GAL1222;21 / OMMR-TABLE 2 GwW LOMS PER DAY 1500 0jPD/ACRE sboo 00 sQzv OR 2500 GpDe-.-- BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA . REQUIRED: nail I in top Of N'DW gate post 863.00 SQFT ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SSYSTEML SITE............................................ FT j ... . ... ... ........ ............................... THE hMTnMK I Naovz /—=Low. POINT SETBACK WHICH CAN BE SAC WATER: BAMTAI NED FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEMaxscaSs/SFrATo THE 7=0wllT0 rmawv=. FT WJSLLS: Puwac: — FT 151 rx LIMITED USE.. FT "110ILLY VET: BUILDING FOUNDATIONg�- iyas r XINO FT PRIVATE: 100 r! Li Nolt- , SITE PROPERTY LINES: --100 FT. PO . POTABLE: ---- FT SUBJECT To FREQUENT PLOODIar '"M WATER LINES: 100 FT AR '? I ]YES 10 YE FLOOD EUMT1011 FOR SITE: I x .1 NO 10 YEAR FLOODING? C ]YES SOIL . PROwT.-rm M8L / NGVD I SITE ELEVATION. x I x0j E ML / NGVD USDA `S03L SERIES: 401-L PROFS-T.F. I x ]YES I. ]Na Mmoe'af/Color 10YR*t/t Texture ------ Depth i by Sand Sand 0 TO 5 10YR.5/8 -------- MORM RF 6 T619 10YR R. 5- A 6 9 To 19 10YR 4/3 ntl Sandy gav 1.9 To 31 2HOLE CAVING . mLa - ------- 31 To 52 - - ------- ---tL2 To 72 USDA 3.01L SEP-us! Munsdil fildwor Texture Depth 1 OYR 412 -Sand 10YR 12 0 TO. 7 Sand 11*6 22 -10YR:618 WNPRM RF 10TTS )Ilq 12 To 22 10YR 414 Sand Sand Y Clay Loam a TT. 3TO . 35 TO 55 HOLE CAVING Refusal 55 To 72 OBSERVED WATER, TMux-. 26.00 MCM3P [ABOVE EXISTING GRADE TYPE: I PERCHED EsTndATED MET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATION: HIGH RATER TABLE VEGETATION- INCHES ABOVE MOTTLING: X YES [ ]NO DEPTH- g.o() INCHES SOIL TEXTUFRE/ZOADING, RATE FOR.SYSTEX OAanqFxEw c SIZING: Sand/0.80 DEPTH' OF EXCAVATION: INCHES . ONFIGUPATION: I x I TRENCH I 7—Bw E I OTHER (SPECIFY) REbOMWADDITIONAL CRITERTA RECEIVED VT determined using USDA WS8 and soil borings. t519 CMN PROM RF°mottling in 10YR512 MT >10% starting at 9" in SBI. WbeloW�Rpe $113243"WIPWRP. SITE EVALUATED BY: IlIvEdul I anill['O!;tnvttOnMentalSOdiWistil)(ENViFtOkMENTALHE HEALTH) DR 4015, 08/09 (CbscilOtGg previous editil. which may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.001j rAc AP1510975 EID2092766 FEB - 2 2021 Permitting Department Lucie Count/ DATE: 07110/2020 Page 3 of 4 v 1.0.2 �°����oYocl ° n �I In�l I , � ■���II� q� JJI °O GO 'I , • w Z� F11OltCT PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION KING RESIDENCE @SDO PE cOCK ROAD 6 GORY PIERCBFL 3027 AYwALm P�IMLtmneMu Y ORIGMATION GAAIaI"RtlIR uscowcueUA2E vAracmm ra9oaYm At•o 7 6 PL,&H 1001tl 9sdZ y UVINQARff AmXQ ONNOARtn OPd "PT.. 6MAOEMFA OHO mR IRa/JT POREX Ir60 !¢R. !ACX PORCH moeam.. d IDNIL.O wr YRlO m.If oavwart1Yu1RnlRvdrr msld� M� W GN1NlaemulL p[aTINClY AIW.00VER y I . Munn.. 5 Nef• ELEVAPaxe Alp• m"O""CJ.. AID!• FgJXOAWNRAm A:00. BLOCK RAN A101• NVAOPLAN FDOH in St Luci o nt. A'"- TRU4RAN ntoo• OYrnYa nuo• oeoAna Environn a I AIR. Fp1EnRAnom0E as n dra ORE APRY 11.90.tl Site Plan on tructi n 4 Supersedes All Previou it Plan for RfiVI010MB ell #�07 ! eMMON I z—ar ,7 "'ANY CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS MUST BE AUTHORIZED THROUGH THE CONTRACTOR, NO CHANGES TO BE MADE ON SITE WITHOUT Al O CONSENT OF K 6 S INDUSTRIES. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF 'HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION .PERMIT FOR: OSTDS New APPLICANT: Danielle King PROPERTY ADDRESS: 68.00 Peacock Rd Poet Saint Lucie, FL 34987 PERMIT #:56-SF-2092766 APPLICATION #: AP1510975 DATE PAID.• FEE PAID: RECEIPT #: DocUMENT #: PR1379203 LOT: BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY ID #: 3213-421.0.001-000-3 [SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE, PARCEL NUMBER] • [OR TAX ID NUMBER] SYSTEM! MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF SECTION 381,0065, F.S.•, AND CHAPTER 64E-6; F.A.C. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE ,FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS, WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION, SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT BEING MADE NULL AND VOID. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDERAL, STATE;, .OR LOCAT, PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PROPERTYi: SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 1;200 ] GALLONS / GPD Senfic new CAPACITY A [ ] GALLONS / GPD N/A CAPACITY N I ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK:I250 GALLONS] K C ] GALLONS DOSING TANK CAPACITY [ ]GALLONS @[ ]DOSES PER 24 HRS #Pumps [ D [ 575 ] SQUARE FEET R [ ] SQUARE FEET A TYPE SYSTEM: [ I I CONFIGURATION: jx] N F LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: Drainfield new SYSTEM N/A .SYSTEM STANDARD [ ] FILLED (xj MOUND [ TRENCH [ ] BED [ I in top of N DW I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE [ 64:QO] E BOTTOM OF DRAINMLD TO BE [ 39.001 L F7 0 T H E R FT ]_[ABOVE A'BELOA BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT FT IEABOVE :BELOW BENCHMARR/REFERENCE POINT .system is sized for 5 bedrooms'with a maximum occupancy of 10 p 9Pd• ersons (2 per bedroom), fora total estimated flow of SPECIFICATIONS BY: Brian a I am TITLE: ' Environmental Specialist II APPROVED BY: TITLE: Environmental Specialist II St.Lucie eHD Brian S . am DATE ISSUED: O7/22/202 EXPIRATION DATE: 01/22/2022 DH 401.6, 08/09 (Obsoletea all previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated; 64E-6..003, FAC Page 1 of 3 v 1.1.4 AP1510975 891337999 - , ..' �" -3 � tt F ',�7'"'Gr*�,�,� -MOM - T �'c`�tfS.C.s.�, ''M'•`�.+"�r �"��is3k"r s h 3 ,. ;r'} ,>.t' u m " "! ,."3, K - ?' "'«a'gZ�rt ij ry is .n>• - �t„ ' ,.,,a sir YC,.�„r s a � y a'r. r c rRys r � kip r� ,,, � �* 1� `� m av�-.�..rxCL.� '�'x` .. � �, ('., ^., s•; � w -, en. {�� m � 1 - ��� Ike of F' 1z, c F f n are 1 pi <:{ Y 1 rl ice^;., t �rvlu• .,S,.jr _ ,4`Y 9 f y r 7-a r r 1' is d ;s } r ` � # •s S t , X r -� E`z ¢ t 2... °� i ,;-. '� s� �.,va., ts..a i � g ',e ✓ �son to '4T"'7 C In -^-- x - i fi 1/F/1 i P E G re,N /r f.a+,L-wi•Vrtfau.y ,x"" - �r71�+� t tt s -....v L i UILW f }'' i. S 1 s k j r, q'nsxnt+a'sFk•.vx:tw*.CFl-.p`# ,� a e 1 7 8. e `c r� a *'{, z jrs- HIM 3 e, as -tea rc e j w r! T } p� _. i r Iv 9 { �. { n € < N ,�. H'r.�-.tM' ....- r �s§ '✓ '� t Y � _ 7 t• i '� e �.4NO;, Z c.*C�q i1 >Caifrvj $�?.�� ( efa,a .-x`o-'"`��ua7t A Y,S rJ i Ar k. �. f :?, 4 ...'�..:, s _.:� ° .r. ,_ :.-. .1 ✓+�,,: -", __ :r .:..� { " � �"'��,^'-yai, '"<� .t ,1 .! I "' - T .. `a ''� �. 7r 6 go T aB-ea s yea oii;3 ' T00' 9-gfi+9 pagexodsoouz (pasn eq qou Keay go-rgx suor.}.•cpa sno*r.&ea I sagaTosgo) 60/90 `sTov Ha L✓�Z� S•7� �f�'ai� a��2GN3 7 '� C�'�fl�i� _� - ��Is v (42!-ca944) er p [ ] suFeaa quoucdTuba/aooTA [ ] D E Z -zoo& �� ll i9/ j 7t tt�v '% •I� T ova ' T HTqes .0 s 2asuroo�.xpagag u6-react nragsKg T.euo.T4ngi4sul/IeTDaammOD bu•cptTng go -oki 'Iti2��i�BQO� I ] TdIwaaiswa EX ] quauzusTZgegsR off go adh,I q-run u03:!WW0MU DMIM tis asHsa0 o sxol azxra �} 3�d p� c : sssxaa�i a�xsao�a S3 r�f� :2t=ZS oz. Z;jkmT,sIa a ] &SA sg00 "ESE Had ev aumnmi4 xmas sI aa0000z<[ ] ad0000a=>[ ] arlena ajVAIUa [X 1 :a'Iaans xaM ssxoayS(�hZ MIS 7.1xsaoxa :.IWRWnlnaH xo W/I � : oAUROZ , 070 -- < —Igh— O ZE # ar asMsaoxa /N :a�aza ? N'l -''�E�J.ny-'l r���5 �Ho=srnigsns :xoo�a :101 HolliNxoa= xzxlsaoua • sxolsrnoxa daHjVaC VHf) MOMUxxs ao H0rMza=sx00 o ZIlsan?5!a'az ua/aa/m) amaivrra. uo ammamm svA soz xll;� szaa Dui ao xorivitaapnooa saznoxa oy 7wEr aisxoasau s,amolaclaK MM s= sx • saxnzvxs - aarama `zss • 6al, xo (W) (€) soT' 6a:V 01 stzF=§Uaa aZsHsarq Hosx:Ea. V as assonxisHoo Hs ism sKamILs a� szIaoHs ,.=vnI-jaae ao ,T,woiuciae as asmaKoo me ox. o 13 ZSsZ ssuaaam DRIIIVK v�h rtv� 'sxgxas'IH� •�nr� r�oS 11 r►bF7 : �a [ ] KzEsodncay j ] quamuopuegV [ ] szedag [ 1 ae.-r42aouuI [ 3 Xues Bu- pToE [ ] utagsRS fiu 4s ml [ ] um!4r- s max [,�] � aOJ H0IlVD3:lad`i mipmuci nozsonx-Lmo xoj[ H0=;GV0VIaaV # ya=sossx mzlsas :arya Hsa gvsoasia atv msavaus Rawas RszsHo alva zsva HzrlvzH 30 mmmauvaaa °,��L2 boZ`.IS• '•on mim3d �aardo o asmss s STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT # . fG -jr Z a Z7� (9 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TRRATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM SITE :EVALUATION AND SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS APPLICANT: PAN l r— a ✓ G''AJW)-1 glti AGENT : .7 I,OT : BLOCK': SUBDTVI9IDN : _ _ $g tsjLG 31 f ,c PROPERTY ID #:.. 37- -- MV-•a?",l- 5r [Section/Township/Parcel No, or Tax ID Number] TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER,, QUALIFIED PERSON. ENGINEERS HEALTH DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE, OR OTHER MUSK' PROVIDE REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SIGN_ AMID.BEAL.EACH PAGE OF SUBMITTAL: COMPLETE ALL ITEMS. PROPERTY SIZE CONFORMS TO SITE PLAN: W YES [ ] NO NET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE: 21Y,17-1' ACRES TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW.: MLL014S PER DAY [RESIDENCES -TABLE 1/OTHER-TABLE2] AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FiOW: 00 GALLONS PER DAY [1500 GPD/ACRE OR 2500 GPD/ACRE] UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE SOFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REQUIRED: ,76r. SQFT BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT LOCATION: i9vN P-v.0 JeAp 07!7!;"6Qnl 6:A " . 1 LA4A4, - 950, N44A eA ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE IS INCHES Tj [ABO E7GOW ENLIiMARK FERENGE POINT THE MINIMUM SETBACK WHICH CAN BE MAINTAINED FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWING FEATURES SURFACE WATEER:. / - FT DITCHES/SWALES /-5- FT NORMALLY WET? [ ] YES [,sd NO WELLS: PUBLIC: Z-00 FT LIMITED USE:. /00 PT PRIVATE: 'S— FT NON-POTABLEo S'U FT BIIILDMG FOUNDAVIONS:_ FT PROPERTY ,INES: %! E'T' P01'ABLE WATER LINES > jp . Fi SITE SUBJEGT TO FREQUENT FLOODING.: [ ] YES [jd_' NO 10 YEAR PLOODING? [ ] YES; (4 NO 10 TEAR FLOOD ELEVATION FOR SITE: FT MSL/NGVD SITE ELEVATION:, FT.MSL/NGVD 94 TEXTURE ONSELL #/COLOR TEXTURE DEPTH' TO TO. TO TO TO. TO TO TO USDA SOIL SERIES: OBSERVED WATER TABLE: INCHES [ABOVE / BELOW] EXISTING GRADE, TYI?Es[PERCHED / APPARENT] ESTIMATED WET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATION.. INCHES [ABOVE / BELOW] EXISTING GRADE HIGH WATER TABLE VEGETATION:.[ ] YES [ ] NO MOTTLING: [ ] YES [ ] NO DEPTH: INCHES SOIL TEXTURE,/TiWING RATE FOR SYSTEM SIZING: DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: INCHES DRAINFIELD CONFIGURATION: [ ] TRENCH [ ] BED (A OTHER (SPECIFY) REMARKS/ADDITIONAL, CRITERIA: SITE EVALUATED BY: G ' _ 'DATE., Da 4015, oa/09 Cobsoletes previous editions which may not bansed) Incorporated: 6466;001, FAC Page 3 of 4 C;= Lc NOTICE OF RIGHTS A party whose substantial interest is affected by this order may petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Such proceedings are governed by Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. A petition for administrative hearing must be in writing. and must be received by the Agency Clerk for the Department, within twenty-one (21) daysfrom the receipt of this order. The address of the Agency Clerk is 4052 Bald Cypress Way., BIN A 02, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The Agency Clerk's facgimil"er number is 850-413=8743. Mediation is not available as an alternative remedy. Your failure to submit a petition for hearing within 21 days .from receipt of this order will constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing, and this order shall become a'final order. Should this order become a fnal order, a party who is adversely affected by it is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68. Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings may be commenced 'by filing one copy of. a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and a second copy, accompanied by the filing fees required by law, with the Court` of Appeal in the appropriate District Court. The notice must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order. 2r ZC47N 27° 2W33"N Custom Sail Resource Report Soil Map Ewa Sole D` 6U630 650E60 EfiU/60 5=0 597610 OM 6MM g 3 r t� Map Scale:1:2,610 ifpdnted on A landsope (iib x e.57 dvd 40 Meters 0 35 70 140 210 A PA 0 100 2� 400. 600 Map Vgjedlon: Web MWMtor Comerondfnatesi WG584 Edge tks: UrMZws 17N WGSS4 6 2T 21Y4rA a F4 Property Card Page 1 of I S -s Zay274(o 3v78? Michelle Franklin, CFA — Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser — All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address:6800. Parcel ID:3213-421-0001- Account #:35229 Sec/Town/Range: PEACOCK RD 000=3 13/36S/38E Map' ID: 32/13X Zoning: AG-5 Count Use Type: 6000 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Danielle King 13 36 38 N 834.08 FT OF W 1/2 OF SE 1/4-LESS RD AND Carey Lynn King CANAL RS/W AND LESS ADDL RD'R/W AS'IN OR 4180- 6750 NW Omega RD 1723- (24.06 AC 4,048,054 SF) Port St Lucie, FL 34083 Current Values Historical Values 3-year Just/Market: $136,710 Assessed': $6;617 Year lust/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $0 Taxable:. $6,617 2019 $136,710 $6,617 $0 $6,617 2018 $8%206 $6,721 $0 $6,721 2017 $232,895 $3.701 $0 $3,701 Date 10-01-2018 05-30r2017 08-30-2013 View: Year Built: N/A Primary Wall; Bedrooms. 0 Full Baths: 6 Half Baths: 0 Sale. History Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor 4186 /2142 0111 WD Mahlschnee Stephen J 40.03 / 1478 0205 WD Peacock Road LLC 3558/1527 01.11 WD Graves IV W C Primary Building Information Finished Area ofthis building: 0 SF Gross Sketched Area:'0 SF Type Roof Cover: Frame: Story Height: A/C %: 0% Heated'/o: N/A% Sprinkled ''%: 01/6 Sketch _tr7 ca',�t.TWab le rot' C:11_S�?�tP}� Exterior Data Roof Structure: Grade: No. Units: 0 Interior Data Electric: Heat Type:: Heat Fuel: Total Areas Price $lo0 $584,000 $100 Building Type: Effective Year: N/A Secondary Wall: Primary Int Wall: Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Primay Floors: Finished/Under Air 0 (SF): Gross Sketched Area 0 (SF): Land Size (acres): 2406 Land Size (SF); 1,048,054 Total Building Count: 1 Special Features and Yard items Qty Units Year Blt All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty; ® Copyright 2020 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. httn.://www.naslc:.nrsr/R'P('.arcl/ 7/22/2021 Custom Soil Resource Report St. Lucie County, Florida 32—Pineda sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2x1 nb .Elevation: 0 to 100 feet Mean annual precipitation: 47 to 58 inches. Mean annual air temperature: 70 to 77 degrees F Frost -free period: 355 to 365 days Farmland classification: Farmland of unique importance Map Unit Composition Pineda and similar soils 8.5 percent Mirror components: 15 percent. Estiinates are based on observations, descriptions, and transeets of the .mapunit. Description of Pineda Setting, Landform: Flats on marine terraces, drainageways on marine terraces Landfor). po'it," (three-dimensional): Tread, talf, dip Down -slope shape: Linear Across=slope shape: Linear, concave Parenf material: Sandy and loamy marine deposits Typical profile A -.0. to 5 inches. sand E - 5 to 19 inches: sand Bw -19 to 35 inches: sand Btg/E'- 35: to 38 inches: sandy loam Bfg 38 to 60 inches. sandy loam Cg 60'f0 W inches: loamy sand Properties and qualities Slope 0 to 2 percent Depth .to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches !Natural drainage: class. Poorly drained. Runoff class: Very high Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 nlhr) Depth to water table: About 3 to 18 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding. None Calcium carbonate, maximum. in profile: 4 percent Salinity, maximum in profile: Nonsaline to very slightly saline (0.0 to 2.0 mmhos/cm) Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum in profile: 4.0 Available water storage in, profile: Low (about 4.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3w Hydrologic Soil Group: CID iL Custom Soil Resource Report Forage suitability group., Sandy over loamy soils on flats of hydric or mesic lowlands (G155XB241FL) Other vegetative classification: Slough (R155XY011 FL) hydric soil rating: Yes Minor Components - Malabar Percent of map unit: 6 percent Landform: — error in exists on — Landfonrr position (three-dimensional: Tread, talf; dip Down -slope shape: Linear;_ concave Across -slope shape: Linear, concave Ecological site: Slough (R155XY011FL) Othervegetative classification: Slough (RI 55XY011FL) Hydric soil rating: Yes Wabasso: Percent of map unit. 5 percent. Landforrn: Flatwoods on marine terraces Landfonn positron (three-dimensional): Tread; talf Down-slope:shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Other vegetative classification: South Florida Flatwoods (R155XY003FL) Hyddc soil rating: No Valkaria Percent of map unit: 2 percent Landform: Drainageways on flatwoods on marine terraces Landfarm position (three-dimensional): Tread, talf, dip Down -slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear, concave . Other vegetative classification: Slough (R155XY011 FL) Hydric soil rating: Yes Hallandale Percent of map unit: 2 percerit Landform. Flatwoods: on marine terraces- Landform position (three-dimensional)` Tread, talf Down -slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape Linear Othervegetative classification: South Florida Flatwoods (R155XY003FL) Hydric soil rating Yes 38=Riviera time sand; 0- to 2 percent slopes Map Unit.Setfing National map unit symboC 2tzw2 Elevation: 0 to_80:feet Mean annual precipitation: 44 to 59 inches Mean annual air temperature: 68. to 77 degrees. F 11 St. Lucie County Health Department 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 3498$ PAYING ON: kZ&SF-2092766 BILL DOC#.56-BID-4737070 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION M AP1510975 RECEIVED FROM: Laventure & Associates AMOUNT PAID: $ 660.00 PAYMENT FORM: CHECK .5722. PAYMENT DATE:. 06/19/2020, MAIL TO: Danielle: King FACILITY NAME: 5ujn f � foo � PROPERTY LOCATION: 6800 Peacock Rd Port Saint Lucie, FL 34987 Lot: Block: Property ID.: 3213-421-000.1-000-3 EXPLANATION -or DESCRIPTION; QUANTITY FEE 128 = OSTDS Construction System. Inspection Research Fee 1 $ 5.00 A - Surcharge (All) 1 $ 45.00 -1 - OSTDS New Permit Surcharge 1 $ 100.00 -1 - OSTDS Construction Application and Plan Review,New 1 $ 100.00 123 - OSTDS Construction Site Evaluation 1 $ 115.00 126,- OSTDS Construction Permit (New or Mod, Amendment) 1.27 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection 133 - OSTDS Construction Reinspection -1 - Well Construction 1 $ 55.00 1 $ 75.00 1 $ 50.00 $ 115.00 RECEIVED BY: VanceMH AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-4459880 .• • I 'M PiJ F . Ron DeSantis mission: y,:'� = Governor To, protect, promote.& improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts. Scott A. Rivkees, MD' HEALTH State Surgeon General Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie County Conditions for Issuance of Water Well Permits Effective July 24, 2017 • Contact the Florida. Department. of Health in Saint Lucie County (FDOH —St. Lucie) prior to constructing or abandoning any well. a. Call the F.DOH St, Lucle-Well Line at 772-8734-936 or email SLCDOH-WELLS'(a)_FLHEALTH.GOV b. Provide the following information: i. Permit number ii- Driller name iii. Address iv. Date and time to begin construction/abandonment • A minimum of 24 hours' notice•.is required before constructing any public watersupply. wells. Please call our main office at. 772-873, 4931 and speak with Environmental Health Staff or provide notification by email to SLCD:OH-WELLS@,FLHEALTH.GOV • Submit revisions to permit and/or site map within 48 hours of well construction or abandonment. Florida Department of Health-SL Lucie county Division of Disease control and Health Protectton Bureau of Environmental Health Location: 3855 S US Highway1,. Fort Pierce, FL.34982 Mailing: 5150 NW Milner Drive, Port St. Lucie;. FL 34883 Phone 772-873-4931 Fax 772=595-1306 Accredited Health Department Public, Accreditation Boartl FloridaHealth.gov STATE 00 FLORIDA PERMIT APPLICATJbN'TID CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, Mbblpy, oft ADAND014 A WELL Puinift No. 06outhwest .59-30789 QWfthwiot FUME FILL OUT ALL APr Florida Unlqiie 10 138tJohns River ('Denotes Re*rked: F e d$ WhowAppRcablo) pennit Stipulations Roquir6d (45io Macho) 0.9011i Florida Tin Iwluwsl(eomratrorh/trywnipk(arcauolelv!a (3SuWanhda Rtmr IbLI(omiandfciwdlLuviligoclhjffopp9c fame 62-524 Ouad No. fib& C3D6leqaWcI.AuIIwd (Il' Applicable) CUPAVLJP APPI(COUDA No. If 'Qwrler L. cps.e at Na )t0btalion 'Acidmis city 'slate •ZIP Telephone Number p.11 Na 2. 'Rd.. -Add( "iA,6ndNameor 111111110!vibi! "PI, A 7 TOM .01.19 q. (PIN,01"Al! m e Koy,(c 4. K . a, Ircle-One) Lot Block MCI( if 62-MC] Yes No Grant tToftshlp Wj "Wilon or Land GvW IS4, 0- U)i1t �_hgq 'Godh Subdiviii-on—, agg 1 19' -cv - ,!Water WdItContracta A.i Llconga� . _N P ber. . IDI ElrMol!Addrdss: n c; 'Water. . . . . . o N ddress City, ZIP 7. 'Ty ala - n Repair C] ModlitcatidnE]Abandorinveni W 8. 'N 2D" Monzanta"Fl-p 11=1 f7 91, - in --il ocr, 'Ror DO 0ormsdo Li ..L*.0ridsctipe Jfflgqtlon -A fiWddVwlqr, supply took U 'MonilodN N6rii1y Irrl Won tdit RolfoWiWItipovido6*0'fl4oin�i�ommunjjYld% 0161��121411106310 6M.Cotipled Geothermal JUL 2 2 �020* NVA tsupply ClB3S,VlrqeclIon:E] Redhfte E3 C0MmdfcJQI1fndusuI6IDIspq�aI, AquiNr-8116 'a x6iib ReM012190MC] Redove ' 'Ajr:gp9rge r4ke r.yrwnC Drainage 0. 014C (Data 1 60) ry-El Other TD I bul 'Primary Casing Mopedal: Not 013;od 1. Secondbry Casing: TelescOn -Clasin . . a . g - Secohilpiry qasInV.MaIeM: B lack-StOl "MOthWI0[cblnstruclicn,,Rep,air, cir.Abtuidoininont: Comb oh iliaIf. 6.r-,More,Mjihoqs 119prd aO.. • P03 Ing I. as tfti Mal - Fro *= From To Ffdm r6 Seat Materini:( FrbqLTo 20. site - ormyoxisitil V'or:w,a-tor.vy;,IIi_ brCUPAIVUP,A - fiVik aliNA-l" Yes 22. LatitudeI QQ6,Tgd6yY Fed Resolved THIS POMiT 1.9 Nor ,.PFPMjr DEPF0ft62;63Z-90 Ptlinary Open Hblb- Prom___,_To f._ Galvanized stalTiloss.sleal Other— PVC Liner - SuifawCpslnq qla!ihelor In. dalvanized PVC MINOS steel, Augur Cable Tool Jeltetl Rosary sonic F101" -vilven 1,11yeff.Point, Sand,Point) Hydfau t (0117801 PoM -------------- B MoN(a I Other 1.4.1, number of exis,140 Untised wells on slid W quous�plupefUl.�,icOvOTO-d'Ufglet a CQnsumptlyelft or Use. Peroll (CUppN Nd­ll.yet; complete , Up) (;0MPeId-Lh0RjII0vAhPG IMJP'Nol_ . j Mirid Well ID No. , , - — Ere . of 1 surmy Delft_NA027 NAD 03 dkirafte Adw�l$ 19*3w. Vvi Md 1 WWI 10 W. 7/ IF U., A-1-1 llconso No. lasuir Dmi4. n Mid Hidralc .01blApproval_ t. Check Ho. - mob )PY-,WAuTHOqizm 9FFICEq'QA R4PRESENTATIVS,OP THE V010-ORDELEGAT EGAUTHORITY. THE o .- O f PROPOSED 769 SQ FT SEPTIC SYSTEM r 10,000 + SQ FT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE 200.0' ►�- PROPOSED PROPOSED RESIDENCE. WATER (SEE DETAIL) / SERVf:GEIV I \ y I PROPOSED f 25' WELL / (MINIMUM)° PROPOSED -PROJECT BENCHMARK ORAVEL TOP OF IR&C LB7056 DRIVE ` ELEV = 21.57' --- (NAVD 19:88) 00 n EPIC (ALUM i PrQpertq lard' Page 1 of 1 1.sr-,Tej _307tj • Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie Cou ity. Property Appraiser All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: 6800 Parcel ID 3113-421-0001- Account 0: 35229 Sec/Town/Range: PEACOCK RD 000-3 13/30/38E Map ID: 321.13X Zoning: AG-5 Count Use Type: 6000 Jurisdiction- Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Danielle King ' 13 36 38 N 834.08 FT OF' W 1/2 OF SE 1/4-LESS RD AND Carey Lynn King CANAL RS/W AND LESS ADDL RD R/W AS IN OR 4180- 6750 NW Omega RD 1723- (24.06 AC-1,0.48,054 SF) Port St Lucie, FL-34983 Current Values Historical Values 3=year Just/Market: $1.36,710 Assessed: $6,611 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $0 Taxable: $6,617 2019 $136,710 $6,617 $0 $6;617 2018 $89,290 $6,721 $0 $6,72.1 2017 $232;895 $37.01 S0 $3,70'1 Date 10-01-2018 65=30-2011 08 30-2013 View: Year.Built: N/A Primary WaII: Bedrooms-0 Full Baths: 0 Half Baths: 0 Sale History Book/Page Sale Code Deed: Grantor 4186 % 214l 01.11 FWD - iViahlsehnee Stephen J 4003 / 1478 6205 WD Peacock Road LLC 3558 / 1527 011.1 WD Graves IV W C Primary Building Information Finished Area of this -building. 0 SF Oross Sketched Area: 0 SF Exterior Data Roof Cover: Roof Structure:. Frame: Grade: Story Height: No. -Units: 0 Interior Data Type Price $.100 $584,000 $100 Building Type: .Effective Year: N/A Secondary Wall*. A/C %: 0% Electric: Primary lilt Wall: Heated %:,N/A%o Heat.Type: Avg:Hgt/Floor: 0 Sprinkled ft-0% Heat -Fuel: Primary Floots: Total Areas C)r Finished/UnderAir 0 spetch (SF).. unciL'alk7b,le Gross Sketched Area 0 (SF): few 01`r /qy Land Si.w(acres): 24.06 Land. Size (SF): 1,048,054 Total Building Count: 1 Special Features and Yard Items Qty Units Year Bit All information is. believed to: be correct at this time,; but is subiect to change and is provided Without any warranty. 0 Copyright.2020 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. h4tre•/h[R[Rv [ �e�ln nrer''f0 r?­i11 7 inn innnn ' — o0�❑u`�..—:�.n�❑�c_n - •�_==.❑col ,own—�`-_;.�-..,�.❑�� ❑�n�na❑ ❑��` =❑�❑��❑�o�o�❑a❑o ❑' R�L _ a� 1®�i� F�rn u Z�g enacm PROPOSED `_ __ NEW CONSiRtICT10N KING; RESIDENCE 6A00 PERCOCK ROAD FORT PIERCE FL 3•IDA7 k ORRNfATION G/RADEANM PAECIRIe%J.eEA1'IDE umanwm wPsmm eac pAN�y7 asr:Drr C a P uwn Tema mAr. RNUDDA RA U&O m Fr.. FR P=II OL m"'.. A fl PDRDI N o mn p IRIlLfLmPIDIR QM000. F1, Pow nceAoram tNFtTIM0D1 Alm:® Mm• wwnaNs i Alm• FIEVATOND AIM: DEmPN'CM Alm. FwNwnDxeuN A,m• DACIf RAN Alm• M PLN COL n AlN•.V � Alm• MWW A111 • FFNFHiMPmI DCTNN eale>am� tLRD APRd 11.,030 on tructi n Duue ur.l�o• Sit Plan for HImAFIAm AemAO Well #, 307 FLOOR PLAN "•ANY CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS MUST 6CAlD: W' • 1'd REAUTHORIZED THROUGH THE CONTRACTOR NO CHANGES TO BE MADE ON SITE WITHOUT Al 1 CONSENTOF K & S INDUSTRIES. e - ': ' coo r_ra�FY4esaCJ- .': -. uwn• +ono - .._ .. ,._.u®� - u.woi.._..�usn�ne.�.;�.�rwn®cw�coio�r■rn� a • Ord _� ; I ' I _ ._ �>g"._..1� `� G� �� " � �I������INI�'li'`7�I �� ^ .�• `LII��i�i�iias�i�___n�o®nICCODUUJJ ''• G O .OI�iAO - ' -•�OOJIJ C�� cc.iA®d-t!wmmoso• DU �RJI UlJ !�]O FLOOR PLAN wu:w.r. ANY CHANGES OR MOOIFICATION8 MUST'^ BEAUTHORMi THROUGHTHECONTRACTOR. NO CFUUM3£STb SE UME CN SM WRHOUr CONSMOFICAS INOUSMM r k C/) 0tt� IONO RESIDENCE UNNACOCHRMW 1� em,Acrs m+rrevr {lIALA1PA tOwD RR OARMlA118A ""Ban MGIR NALl1 qto A6R 110tPOp1 iLw nn MMLWMZUM QrOO'n 1o10wv11Y11�11pt�0.NMMIbd1Y Iolb�Pl,Wa�N v� bWr. A1m.00V®tOlmi A Al w- 6AWw16 AB,Cf10Mt11AN AM' RANCRIOM�fAM AIM Awl; wLL tM Awl•TIAM L • IAY.f7RAN A1n• oafAu Afw• WS AMI•fD16TAAl10NKIiW ' oAevi su..Vwmo ltvtwm WAS Iavrar fir« ftN7�i A101