HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction PlansGoodyear Fort Pierce, NOTE: s EXISTING 4� ,) i•' } ^� '} a ,.'i _. �� Oar- � , Sf..,, .. N-1-' i`L� ; -`.S.r(��'`'�''V'!+`�:�'� �� �.'.-.� •-7 .���''w' . "'�,rYL,t _ "4`%1. _ - . ip a -� L... ,., 1 .._ s _ fit. w�. ,.. •• •+ •.._ � C' _ r _ � � �� �.I ~'S _h D . ���r v `•--� s— r^ -�' �� � ` _h �� ��r�•s+ r 4+.+,�.,�r...�.++ v..-.v.:uu+r.rr,vrw,.wr•wr+w.w...n...«,..���. .�., .°i PROPOSED • AN 0� FAIRMONT SIGN C OMPANY 3750 East Outer Drive Detrolt,M148234 t:313.368,4000 f:313368.9335 www.lalrmontslgn.tom GOOD�YEAJR 6101 Orange Ave Fort Pierce, FL Date: 1/31/20 File: Accounts/Goodyea r/Elev/ Fort Pierce, FL Designer. ANB Style: NA Jobq Sheetq 00000 1 of 1 Revlslonq Date: 3 9.9.20 Revision Description: Customer Approval: mo oxAwv+c suAoxs EHE Fxaosln vaoPFAn of ALwALoxr slw mA+PAxe nos omw cAnxm eE WPIW INWNOIEORNIPAAE,AIIEAED, OREMIIIBIEW eIANY ELINNFA Wmlem Iln WIOnFN WN&Nr OF MI RMO m sty WMPANi. mE IXCFPIION IS ANY PAEYI W SLY COFna6mFD ARIY(aPo: SVPPaW aY IHE 0.nln, UNLESS emIXWISE Nef FU, A P:\PROJECTS\GOODYEAR\ELEVATION\103308-103309 FORT PIERCE, FL\1 Y 8'-0" 10'-0" 1}'" 1EIPON 0 G TOO (nqo� goo _M� KMAN'S E CENTER 4" SQUARE STEEL INTERNAL POLE LED CABINET WITH FORMED FACES Na. (573 TOP OPENaoVjb FIT CABIN% / BO-ft ANGLES .o®fie e� J C CL aL d 7 to m¢ O V LL N U 0 O N N �m LL =M LL _ � C n om'0 U- M oo Z V 00 N m O-P TI O N OA \ N .090"ALUM. SHROUD of Ui N M - m tl O7 .. mr-4 c tm N S-10Y 2"X 2" ALUM. ANGLES FOR SUPPORT v L c � N 6" X .25" STEEL 14" � "' U 07 . SQ. POLE 12 w INCLUDING PLATE 02" 6 1 2"8 1/2" i Ln GRADE o m o E u e e 3 G n a 3/4" BOLTS (TYP) UP To 6 PIPE tLn 7 •'e' ° e...° II o '4� q •' :.d II • d ..v ..a 77 L -O B a g : a PLATE P3. ( THICK , •e Y d' v' e. .., e a . • . ELECTR. a ° , da SCALE: 1"=1'-0" SECTION A -A I C II (4) #5 BARS EACH F (5) #5 BARS EACH os WAY, TOP & BOTTOM<2'.6" ° a' a ° • d d ' — CONCRETE FOOTER (2500 PSI) A' - d WAY, TOP & BOTTOM ° °A, a REVIEW FOR e °. a d ° 6,. a_ a CODE COMPLIANCE oGJ � V ST" LUCIE COUNTY a a BOCC CL sTa J E0 P; 7 O n v1 O CL CUSTOMER APPROVAL DATE REV -DATE REV -BY —REVISION — CUSTOMERILOGO DWG TITLE: GY- MONUMENT SIGN _ WO # 103308103309 dS _ GOODYEAR This is an on final unpuhlished drawing, created by F.S.C. It — -- DESCRIPTION: 6% 8' MONUMENT SIGN PRINT DATE: 07/29/2020 7�Il�ffi iG�1i��H�Il1�� g P 1 9 jADDRESS is submitted for yyour use in connection with a rh ect bein 6101 ORANGE AVE FILE PATH: SEE TOP RIGHT CORNER DRAWN BY: SMR 3750 E. OUTER DR., DETROR, MI 48234 planned for you by F.S.G. It is not to be shown copied,--- V `__ _. __ reproduced, or exhibded in any fashion without the express ---_ f CITY, STATE j O PHONE: 313-368 4000 FAX: 313 3681649 i written approval by F.S.C. CJ FAIRMONT SIGN COMPANY, 2002 i i _ FORT PIERCE, FL 34947 US BLOCK NAME: 103306103309 _ SHEET #: 2 OF #: 2 a _ - - Z_ Velod Hurricane ZoneHVH.•Thisenineeringcertifiesonlythestructuralintegrityofthosesystems,components,and/or other constructionexpliddyspecified herein. •Flectdcalnotes, details,&specficationsare provided byand are the sole responsibility oftheelectrical contractor.Noelectrical review has been performed and nocertification ofsuchisintended. -Structural design meets requirements ofAC1318-14,AISC360-10,ADM1-15,&NDS-15, General • Design is In accSteel componentsh the shall be coatets d, pained, or Fla Bldg Code rwi Ed (2017) againsr use t corrosion si outsidethe HighVelocity ( n 9 a or ene spacers provided. • All e S S. o have coating corrosion protection. • All welding shall comply with AWS requirements. • Steel welds: E70xx electrodes. • Aluminum welds: 4043 filler alloy. • Alum extrusions: 6063 T6 or stronger, U.N.O. Motes: as applicable. •Steel components shall be coated, painted, or otherwise protected against corrosion per FBC Sec 2203.212227.6. •Alum components in contact with steel or embedded in concrete shall be painted or protected as prescribed in ADM1 15(1 ), plastidneopr p p I exposed fasteners shall be S.S. r h v a protective co trng for p g P y eq Y 9