HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding plans, pg 334'-0" STRUCTURAL NOTES: L ALL FOOTING ARE DESIGNED FOR A MINIMUM OF 2,500 PSF SOIL 9. BEARING CAPACITY. IF ANY SUB -SOIL, MUCK OR NON -UNIFORM CONDITIONS EXIST, REPORT TO ARCHITECT AND OBTAIN PROPER ENGINEERING DATA FOR DESIGN. 2• ALL SLABS AND FOOTINGS TO BE A MINIMUM 2,500 PSI AT 28 DAYS 10 ALL COLUMNS, FILLED CELLS, AND BEAMS SHALL BE MIN. 3000 PSI BE 3000 PSI OR 4,000 PSI GROUT MIX AT 28 DAYS 3. POISON SOiL AND COVER W/ 6 MIL. VISQUEEN WITHIN 24 HOURS. NO SOIL POISONING TO BE ACCOMPLISHED OUTSIDE OF FOUNDATION. II. 4 GROUND FLOOR SLAB TO BE A MINIMUM 4" THICK W/ 6X6 10/10 WELDED WiRE MESH REINFORCING ON 6 MIL. POLYETHYLENE VAPOR 12 BARRIER ON TERMITE TREATED, CLEAN MACHINE COMPACTED FILL (MINIMUM 95% DENSITY). LAP POLYETHYLENE 12" MINIMUM. FIBERMESH MIX MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR WELDED WIRE MESH. 5. LOT TO BE CLEARED OF ALL SMALL PLANT GROWTH AND DEBRIS BEFORE FILL IS BROUGHT IN. FILL TO BE SPREAD IN 12" LAYERS AND MACHINE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 2500 PSI IN AREA OF 13. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 6. TEST FOR FILL COMPACTION MINIMUMS PRIOR TO FORMING SLAB. 14. 1. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS. BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES OR OMISSIONS TO THE 15. ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. 16. 8, GARAGE FLOORS TO BE SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH (SLOPPED PER FOUNDATION PLAN). PROVIDE 1-1/2" RECESS FOR OVERHEAD DOOR 11. FouAD/471oN FL/4N SLOPE ALL PORCH SLABS, COVERED WALK, ETC. AWAY FROM HOUSE TO DRAINS (IF PROVIDED) PER PLANS DESIGN LOADS ARE AS FOLLOWS: ROOF (DL+LL) = 47 PSF WIND VELOCITY = PER PERMIT INFO BOX ON SHEET #1 EXPOSURE ="C" ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE GRADE 40, MEETING ASTM A-16, t A-35 SPECIFICATIONS. ALL ANCHOR TO BE A - 301 STEEL. ALL DOWELS, SLEEVES, CONDUITS, INSERTS, BLOCKOUTS, ANCHOR BOLTS AND FRAMES SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. FOR OPENINGS AND SPECIAL FEATURES OMITTED ON THESE PLANS, SEE ARCHITECTURAL OR MECHANICAL PLANS WHERE APPLICABLE. MINIMUM CONCRETE PROTECTION FOR REINFORCING BARS: FOOTING: 3" BEAMS: 1-1/2" LAP ALL REINFORCING STEEL A MINIMUM OF 48 BAR DIAMETERS. USE STRUCTURAL GRADE WOOD WITH A MINIMUM Fb OF 1600 PSI ALL STANDARD LUMBER SHALL BE SYP WITH A MINIMUM Fb OF 1000 PSI OF NO.2 SOUTHERN PINE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH ANY CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. FASTENERS TO HAVE MIN. G185 RATING. I. Any changes to plans must be submitted to the architect for approval before proceeding with construction. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for verification Of all notation and dimensions before starting construction. 3. Soil conditions assumed to be 2500 psf. Should any other conditions be encountered, the architect shall be notified in writing for revision -4. Verify all recess thickness at showers, tile, etc.... S. Contractor to provide filled cell with concrete and 1 45 bar vert. at 48" O.C. max. Provide (1) filled cell on each side of openings upp to 5'-11" wide. Provide (2) filled cells on each side of openings from 6'-0" to 9'—II" and Provide (3) filled cells on each Side of openings from 10'-0" and up Contractor to see plans for any other condition used. Foundation walls Shall have filled cells at 24" o.c. unless otherwise noted (see section) 6. Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey — Form Board Survey to be provided to Truss Company prior to truss construction 1. Contractor to provide for soil test prior to construction and provide a copy of soil test to architect for review prior to construction 8_ ALL Reinforcing steel shall be grade 60, meeting ASTM A-16 and A-35 Specifications. ALL Anchors to be A-301 steel. 9. Provide a minimum of 3" concrete protection at footings and 1-1/2" concrete protection at beams for ALL reinforcing bars. 45 bar vert, w/ Thicken edge to 8"x8" 30" overlap SEE TYPICAL with concrete and at each filled cellSECTIONS one #5 bar continuous 4" concrete slab with ribermesh OR 6"xb" #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill Nt —(III III (III— 14 w x 14"d concrete monolithic footing with (2) 45 bars cont. 14" TYPiCAL FOOTING DETAIL J SCALE 1/2" = I'-O" 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 611x6" #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill 45 bar Cont. Step per o. Foundation plan / DETAIL AT G (2) #5 bars cont. bottom steel ARAGE STEPDOWN SCALE 1/2" = I'- 12" x 12" concrete column block filled with concrete and (2) #1 bars vert. tied into lintels above Verify house slab height in field Top of footer 16" below finished floor GRADE SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Termite Protection for New Construction. Soil treatment used for subterranean termite prevention inside the foundation perimeter shall be done after all excavation, backfilling and compaction is complete. If soil area is disturbed after initial chemical soil treatment area shall be re -treated with a chemical soil treatment including spaces boxed or framed. Treatment must be in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services. Protective sleeves around metallic piping penetrating concrete slab on grade floors shall not be of cellulose containing materials and shall receive application of termicide in annular space between sleeve and pipe. 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"x6" 410/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill col •,,.... _.. .. , m 1411 8" (y j= PORCH SLAB EDGE DETAIL SCALE 1/2" = I'-O" 45 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap at each filled cell SEE TYPICAL SECTIONS Adjust curb height Filled Cell Masonry Column With One based on gar. floor 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR #5 From Footing To Tie Beam slope. 6"xC #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSI #5 bar in curb clean compacted termite treated fill See Floor Plan For Location Grade ,> =m =_ — r III � III-. �ESin : — gle Filled Cell Column 14"w x 14"d concrete monolithic footing with (2) #5 bars cont. NTS 14" Filled Cell Masonry Column With One rj GARAGE CURB DETAIL #5 From Footing To Beam Each. Conic. Fill To Be 3000 PSI SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" See Floor Plan For Location 2" x 6" PT wood secured with \ 3/8"dia. x 6" anchor bolt at 18" o.c. overhead door track secured to wood jamb per manufacturer's product approval Garage Door Jamb Detail GARAGE DOOR TO WITHSTAND PRESSURES STATED NTS PERMIT INFO BOX ON SHEET #I. SEE. PiRObUCT APPROVAL FORM FOR MANUFACTURER MAKE AND MODEL. Double Filled Cell Column NTS Braden t Braden AIA, FA Architects — Planners 411 S.E. Coconut Avenue Tel : (112) 281-8258 Fax : (112) 281-8283 E-mail: bradenaia8comca5t.net Stuart. FL 34996 #AAC000032 20'-0" 00 00 11:1 ��ii00 00Ir° ° o ,E--------I -- — — — —t ° Filled cell under FI girder above 24" o r J Rear Patio/Slab r to be poured separate from house I I O the slab. �I O m Thicken footing to I FI 24"w x 14"d x 24"L under filled cell I I a under girder bearing. OO O BE L— — — — — —- m u U c I Rear Patio/Slab to be flush with bottom of Do a- w I- °'N I sliding door recess. Slope 1/2" I u_ I F_ IF - I F- I I F- to a H.B. I I� 4" concrete slab with fiber esh OR I I O o Jl 6"xL" #10/10 WWM on clean compacted 6 mill V squeen over termite tr ated fill I I i I rr I I i '- -i o I m Igo I I I -O" 4' I. 0F ————— — — — w.H. ( I #1 I Steel Ballard FI F5 4"0 filled w/ Concrete 0 v 1 I I �_ W > T RMITE TREK NIENV 1 Rc.QLIeREI� �pl I OI lYo= p 0lal It Jrivu I I L_—� E mm I nav _ to is m E �•aE I L �I oo ., E3 10 1° t o a `u0 0 _ I F51 �— -Jo I F5 U� a W I _----- 3 0'-'---'-'-O 00 �U NL I o X F4 L — F_ Recess for u 1 N r—I l 00 00 Garage Door — — — — E!r OO 00 --- °�--------- ° J �J 6'-2" Wynne Building Corp. The Grard Carlton Spanish Lakes St. Lucie County Florida with concrete Vand �12) #T barsvert.tigd"' into lintels above FOOTING SCHEDULE Mark Size Description FI 14"W x 14"D MONOLITHIC FOOTING WITH 2 tt5 BARS CONTINUOUS F 12"W X 12"D MONOLITHIC FOOTING WITH (2) #5 BARS CONTINUOUS F 30" x 30" x 16"D COLUMN FOOTING WITH (4) #5 BARS EACH WAY 811W x 8110 THICKEN SLAB EDGE WITH 1 #5 BAR CONTINUOUS FS 14"W With x 14"D Curb at Garage MONOLITHIC FOOTING WITH 2 #5 BARS CONTINUOUS - CURB a 0'-0" Date Drawn : Revisions : Sheet ' r GARAGE Drawn by: LEFT c.c.12 — 2 � U. Checked bg: D.R.B. OF 6