HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement PERMIT# r ISSUE DATE P'L G�i DEVELOPMENT SRO WC ES w =`. n x: $uiliiing & Code rComiplianee Division r _K ]BUILDING PERMIT J u�j - SUS-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. _ocie ?'r, c— have agreed to be ( pang Namellndividual Name) n the CoC leC-T r,z / Sub-contractor for fi -e Uc c.-e- '/aa�+ (Type of Trade) (Prim�az-` Contractor) i (1 For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code-Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(QuaiiBer) F&WCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) PRINT NAME �— PRINT NAME <zc COUNTY CERTInCATION.NUM/BER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,Couaty of l.V(�t.t� State of Florida,County of�UCi`, Z The foregoing instrument was signed beforeW2i me da of The foregoing instrument was skned,before me this J�&klly of 20 J by�&Q`k-4. St�4K �^'e :20�,by I.SAl1J�21i\C.0 �0 � who is personally!mown Y—or has produced a - who is personalty known A�__or has produced a as identification. as identification. I' STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Pa Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public try t3ota4'Public 18 Florida `.•.k�`,q:'.,LIIWRAR.CUBSED-GE Kern BudKa, R 976543 . Commission�!GG 022076 My.CommisetRfl P ; ;o�Expires OstoberZl;Z020 Revised 11/10016 p° e0ireso5f1�2o2.0. ��.,oHM��;�` _Bp TioyFainlrtluranCtisp .�p19 PERMI7# ISSUED/�TE I''LAl`11'V +�&Di, VELOPMEN'T•`S Vlcu tield °+8x�trde�ompYiu>a�ee]]�>ivitsilon _ PEf;!: Ri. Lucie; CO fort Control o'f St. •Lucie 'Comity, Ific.. have egreedto'be •(Cotnpai��Naiaelindivid�ialNaxue) . , . . the HVAC Sub-Oblitkaetbr•for Wynne: Deve:lO..0ment Corp.(9[*oftFracle) ` (priaiai�Ct?X►trsctor) For the project lcirated at _--_ \ .�� Cc 2�` • .•. VQectQect Street Mess&?MP my Tax TD fk) 7f iS]Xi1dCIStOOd.thif,if there's- lV Chatlge'of status ir�e*.diug o&paildcipation With the above,monfiomd•. -project,the 13uild ng and Code Reg slat on Division of St.Lucie County Will be advised puisulant.to the filing of•a Change-of36-coiitraotoi-notice. CONT)RACTOR$IONATURE Uft(Qual 04 ;M•.a:tt.-heir Life Wynne B.ar erman PRINT NAAM - - FRtefT XA-ML' N"$ 8288 COUNTY CERTMCATION NUMBER COUN 1"i�'CERTIMATION NUMBER State ofmorida,Cotuaty of S-1, a e- State of Florida:County of 2 eci The Rorigoft Itstrumantwas signed before me 10�oi' The forsgoiag inshmment`vas sk*d befoti me �� .za�,t►y���g.��� LA���`•:�� J�?�►-�, .20,�,hI '4� �S��rn��1A.1�(1 . who a persomliy.lmown✓r b"pro duced a • whois•pdts=Uy known or has prodaceas as f8entificstioa as idetrtirmation. STAMP- SigtstoreofNotary&Wc Sign41mimofN011,ryUna 1�.:1 Amu �F}S!epo FriptNauic of fttary7ablie PAnt Name of Notary Public DOR07HYANN BASKIN ,.�� - '��+1..; Y OOROTH ANN BASKIN MYCOMM1SS10N#GG030145 ,q•' ;o' Z' �a E?((SIRES Octaher2,. 62U. MYCOMfNI$SION GG030145 ; `• .. : ''• °%f $Otld•2d ThN Notefy PUb1ICA1f1dE!1Vlite�5 ' +� o��� , nF•C..:..B,.. Revisstal'11/16f261ti . _..�;,„�i,•., ortdedttiro[Jgtary.:Pai6ficUnde>ytritets. . L66-A 4(�/Zt }Cd bLC-1 999L8L8ZLL d.1 oo Gu i p l i ns auuAM -WOUJ 9 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance Division LQ BUILDING PERMIT . a SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT F'El;:�l i"-1iG Si. Lucie r'cc.r, ;; ,=L 11 o� 1V I Ge S e. have agreed to be �bmpany Name/Individual Name) th 1M h ub-contractor for Y1 C..��Y e. o m e t1 Capp (Type of Trade) (Pri m Contractor) For the project located at �� � "-� C1 7-y (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that; if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of.a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-C CTOR SIG ATURE(Qualifier) W L — 9f),be r4 L d l u. M NAME PRINT NAME o S$G COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of 5T. Gt e' State of Florida,County of St.Lli Ll 4R___ l � The foregoing instrument S was signed bef�ore me this day of The foregoing instrument signed before me this��'any of 20Q,by0.`k - i � \�. Y�� �Q .20`t,by er� LL I(i_4,_ who is personally known or has produced a who is personally!mown or bag produced a as iiden0fic�ationn.. as identification. t�/•C�1 + /CJDva�G� STAMP STAMP Signature of Not&Public ASignature of Notary Publi ' bo'eaT H y AN,) C TirC r Print Name of Notary Public Prifit Name of Notary Public DGROTHYANN BASKIN is MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 •t.. ;, EXPIRES:October 2,2020 ON®A i!AM-ET Bonded Thru Notary Public Undenrtiiers =« `4: MY COMMISSION#EES64297 EXPIRES January 08,2017 iFOFi1q,� „ • (d07)3�?g.0753 FlaridallotaryService.com �b ,� I J �,� M•1Lwyi f.TS.�.ti4'.s..4^w .:�.� [.7=E,'; -1�e .,,.., .� PNI�III +I+ DL�}PCN1�1'� SG . $uid>t :: od mp iancle . $YTII.UIIYGrEEf1T .... ......:::. : .:. ::::.:.::..:. vs-ca�c�cRrErr J� 3 S`. ...'�r.eas�u.:re �G•oa's,t: Rn'�f�x:n:g.: �_ . : .k�aXe:����+frd;:to:`i� (�ampan�l�amel�itdtrnclraal,i�T�ine}:� .. theprtf�ig S#ib-eriaerfor .ty�x:ri DeveloetorQ� 'pype::b�:�a�a�ej (Rrarary:.�ont#a+rtcir�). :Foi�• ��F,oj�cfi,.�o�ati�d::a�;. •� � �, � .. . • ('Pi�bec;t�fc��tAidtess�rF'ir©perty��� ID�:�`) :..... .... :....:..... a:.s;:e: : .:• otir° °artist a>r Oti i the Above.ine;li icon It><s,urterstoaci that,.i tler .>s a>ty charge €s r...ga;rca>i _ .p p ,:.. : • .ln a ly, .. : : •.. . :to-thd theB o"q u beadse pursuant fli`.i�lg of:a_Cl�ang�:.cf:5�}�-�Qnt�a��ar_n+oti�c�e � .. ... . .. .... . ...B:r°.za.n�• :I"Ia,3:;o':>�ey �otnr�c��iFtc.��rxor�.n �:.. . c�t��crtt�car><bt�•�rJnzs>!iR` �� QfcST� Stte:olfiorxdqu "o£ C!C St?,tg�of.�torid�.�ouaty _.GrC �3' '• ........ �tieforegwingtnshrnm�nt:tKas;y�gned-lgPoX�-me>xhis . . :;'dayof.• :..:.; The£oregoiu ;aid!strupierit�v'assignl�frefore�eua:t"':•y :bE• � w:�to_i9'p�cson$liy Tinowp�or:dss`:prpdaceda,. .. •..: :. �.::' wlia is.ptr�onwilykriosvri: i''has pra8uced s:° .. :asiilec!ti�saa�, ._ :as;�c�ehttcation: ... lAN1P .ST:AMi' gn.tare of Nuts X'ublrne /� igiahireoflofaty utilir: ,Q O`a � 1`Yi�N ftJAS,�r.a. �J 2'oT�-t�/. •.�IJN iJ�4SKt a i'tiint:N ift iutNAt9t}?11%blic BriufFameoT 4ta aiblic. DOROTHY ANN BASKIN •:�::;;e• DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION GG 030145 ,;z°•• ;�'•. rQacMY COMMISSION GG 030145 EXPIRES:October 2,2020 n�� EXPIRES:October 2 2020 •�ii3OFF��•`• P.n wc�"Thfublgtrry �iFOF.P��P Bonded Thru NotaryPubl!c:Urrdenvriters . ,