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Subcontractor Agreement
I RECEI` ` TV PERMIT# I "� ISSUE DATE i PLANNING& DEVELOPAUNP SERVICES Building &C®de Compliance Dfvsion .,...>x ]BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I J X have agreed to be (Co pony NameAndividual Name) the leC_T r,z e. / Sub-contractor for �l,l n t Qe U e_ rC/,O^ el�31 r�o 1/f (Type of Trade) /(Primary.Contractor) For the project located at Qn.< (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) i It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. i CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifler) O W RACTORSIGNATURE-(QualiGer) I PRINT NAW PRINT NAME a 112 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of State of Florida,County ofl�A U, The foregoing instrument was signed before me tbis'!!;:::!�day'of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this\ da of ��20`�by \lk'C�VV e .►�:. s.�\� !.�Lv� 20\ 1,byUl��e1CQ V who is personally]mown Y—or has produced a .::.., who is personally known_or has produced a as identiiieatiom as identification. STAMP STAMP SFguaturc of Nofary Public \Signature ofNotary Public Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public _Lw r f1olaLy Put+llc SiM Qf:Florida li1N LAi1RA R.CUMEDGE Ketli 840a, ;,; �:Commtssicn#GG 022076 My commisalgty FF 978543 ;�.. g off Expires asr2s�zo?o ices October2l,20Z0 Fain Revised 11l16l2of 6 „„„„ Ban�dT�ruTioyGttur�ncaepp385,1019 I . ' I n • R E C E 1 C7D SE 0 2.017 PUNT# IN09©RT9 PLA-NMG A DE.VE,LopmIT SERF`;cks ------------ wYnr @ P@Y@I9p►r @nt (YrgjEs4'kR-it M—A sr:pt•'opo T?x'rp#) €hAt?if fher@ i§pj�v Amp, of Ago xprding p"pank,Jpgo�with fte gbpy@ a aaowd zAJ dw:Wijdira�W 00A-e ft' g aion i?ivi§f qua pf St,yip eppinky wijj b@ pdvj§g4 pw5ganf ire• e ia} �f tGli �A€Sai►b tgxnotige. WNT' AR OJON?TUR9(90AWO i MaWw Lyle Wynne ftbwt Udlym POW AW �u ��ai�'�a�Al�'i<A�:�ma3t�;�;... --- ��i �e>����a•������a�a�:iiai�.�_. ____—_-__ __..__ Stwls ef>�aAx�,�rouR�'AfL��—vC�`•2 i^ ��i�Af;�Ari�a,�A[�e�'A€��,���� �� wko iio pfrsnrMOY>twuAwp hn prod € o A,_ ----- iYw i3 lSAAar AtRA6YR Ai alu4§prom,44 4 ....- ;@si�s�u[�frt��[�AR. �s�dl�ap$,c�dAn, 67AW f wWwo odsrypow- Rhonda Low "'•- DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ' EXPIRES:October 2,2020 s'� a>'1` COMMl66M 009W20 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters P I I . i • i � I l RECU =D SE° 7017 PERMIT* ISSUE"DINE �u�dfiug'&codi etiazpYa:>lace DMIsron . s r _$1�iDYNG"PFiI�1VI)I'!'• •'. •. OIVTRA Td► i4gitrUNT i C fort. ControY of St. Lucie 'County, Inc.. have agreed to be (Company IsTaineAudMdud W�aue) the IiVAC -- -Sub=cbntraetarfor Wvmne D"eve"loOment_"Corrr. (Type of Trade) (At�ma>•3►Coxitictor) For the project Ideated at . .(Fioject�xeet A:dilxess o��operty Tax in�) ,' �, ' It is un&rstaod:that,if there is any change-of status,reg-ding o&paii'iiicipation with the above mentibned,. project,the Biii1d'g and Code Regulation�ivisityn'of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-cof iitraotor notice. .: .::... CQN yEACTQkt SIGNATURE(Q$BGSer). t:`IDA. IGNA UIkE(Qutelifier) me"t-thew Lil.e Wynne S.ax.:.: _`. erman P'R11NTNANS p'MT NAM C01INTY'CERTMCATIONNCY1► E COU Y"i''CE TIMATPUNNI MSER i State ofmorwa,Coamty of Si, c E State of Florida:Coanty of S " F Th foeegoing instrnmeht was siEned befode me tLi9 day bf The rso' instr+imen�rt was a3gned"befata me tT�is�`ila9 of who is personally knowA zr hey prod ma a who is'pdfisonsiliy kadwa�r ha8 prodACe¢.A atidehtifieation as ideti6tation. "It� ' STAW. STA �uiguatnre otl�o7a� iiIIC Siguat ire ofNotary n e .QQ ��. a>srtiL'• LW'11FiV �JFISkYa Prihtl�a�YlVa�iars•p�ublia � printNaiueoYNdtaryPn6lft I " DQROTHYANN BASKIN. DORO7NYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GGA30145 �R� °= MYCOMMI$SION#GG 030t45 ; ?.. _ ,*:• EXPIRES;Octaber2,.20E0. :,_ €XPIRES:October2 2020 aic���i�;a•• 8ottdetlThivNota(yPubl�Undetimtef5 �,' � 'Bordwhruftt�ryP{ib(iclltrit21�, Revisfxi ll/l6/2016". L66`d Z (}a ZO(}Dd tfLo_, 959L$LSZLL d,I oO su i p l!nq euuAt4 -woH� g v U U z-64-Z O RECEIVED SEPI J2017 I :PERMIT.#' 1SSU :QATE: PLAIYPIWO&:DVUL,OP11 N'T"SM .'S IGES r lc�iiag s Gore+Comp me�i�vision �$�JIIAC.r.EERiti)f17' SUBCON `iCT )R;AGREIVMENT I i Tr eas u: 'e �iaue.agtei;:t <be ' (�ompany:l�amel�ndi�duai,�ame}:. : . I the 8on'fa:nt�: . .. .. Sib=�taractor;for.: Wynn.+= D:E�:e� opi#ter�� Go>~�-: I (Type dfTisle) :F a pro�eef: a : e 'at` Q.t1.9 .... . .... ... . �i't�;ject�freet:Addiess�ir'Piop •�'a�II):�) �. I le sisIts;>u derstoada7 orrvtlae abo-PI p ve in ri iane p sec,the Bu>ildajng and:Code lZegt lanon Diyi iziii::A :St;Lucie Comfy uvi11-ii eti ursuit to' lie• �g of:a:�l�a�geof:S��1-co�t�Gtoriotice*. i CO.. .0uslifieij. PAWN :PIFtTNT: AME' i COYGER�'I)ETCATmom NIL 7i EIt ;State�af.Flozula;.Cpuaiyo�_�uC State':of�7onaa;Courity'of G!C . ,oregoiae pnstrnment:4Yas;signed;b e£ore;ate;;>bi5 .da ot:. ,. ! etoreg be jog r,at ore`me':tliis d9 .of. nfio:is;lrEesoaauyknowR. prbdu�erla;: .. ...: :::. ....._ :who'i3;pr:rSoSin'lty�owri:_oilias'praduc�aa;. s d4[itif:satitE ; ..dehoion: 1gn�tarenfPfRtgt PabGc Sigaawe: ofary uU e: Priot'NsdteofNptai Priuf NWni of litifa y±Pnblie I ' ,«;i:?ys••,, DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 036145 ,c2o,. c�.; DQROTHYANN BASKIN a. P EXPIRES:October 2,2020 .: MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 p�� ••• BondedThruNotaryPubUgUnderwriters =,,;; �cc EXPIRES:October 22020 Bonded Thru Notarypublic:Undemtters- I I i