HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement 11=C� CA I V PERMIT# — ISSUE DATE PLANNING& DEVELOPM ENT SERVICES BuiTdng & C®de Compvance Division BUILDING PERMIT seem - ffmRW SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT -�� �-(.� � Cc. 7r, t have agreed to be (Co pany Name/Individual Name) the t'e T r,z e: / Sub-contractor for - ,�n /��t✓�- /t>� �, Co�/1 (Type of Trade) (Primary-�Contractor) For the project located at ('�`�'\. (Project Street Address or Property Tax hD#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. �CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) Off RACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) PRINT NAME PRINT NAME i % ram COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of State of Florida,Conuty of__ iA The foregoing instrument was signed before me tlfl: da of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this` dl of by 1-aUJ�QICQ � s who is personally Imown y—or has produced a - ,. .,., - who is personally knowa-or has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Priat Name of Notary Public f vxr r NotaCy pub$c Spa! ofFbfida ;LAURA R.CU1090GE � r Kern Bud:Ka• p.g79543 : *;Commission#GG022076 • My Coromisi"t ires Qctober2l Z020 Revised l l/16/2016 a° ExPtres 05125120 0; � ,?'HM�a�•' BonQareS C.roober. 1 2c�lOD3851019 f � RECEII'-D SEP 2 • 'FILANO&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 9,40digg Cod@ Compli aw DiviAp" tvI@wv'f6r Wynn@ A@v@dePffi@nt X� § sbg�if;Weir@ i§W obimp pf§ #,.irg'didg gyr parw'<pAg@i W to twopwwwww at,ow p"Jidiag 'pd—p R-Esaigap])1*1400 of St,wig Copqy Win bp Adywo p awnt W'tt �lg nb4agip AiAxari , �r �1�'1���A1��J��dl�'i d�ir?,�hi�r) -_...__.�_�.._ '•5��-•,.. . .. ��li���(iQi��itaFue�'� mamm Lyle Wynne ROM iudtium NMI 1N20 �'44iv�'�'1�>B7i'1�'k���'1i9�:�4�i�lEi�`�' �-AI�'?a';�� 1�-�ll•���'�1;9�i�i!�: �i�._..___._.�.._...__.-__....__.- ftm ofNorm,g9ap,Of"�`t,-LYd @ for, if ThR Imp��$iR4�AAIRAE:2YA§?}$ARF}IJR�9�R.A1&�hk� I . t +w�I�AQ �' .W��� Robert --- - -_. _.__ __ .... _.._. �� _---.._ _. . - r— -- ww i§lwmn9f y h40"Wo _ _9rr hms prodma A _._ �rhs�s,PRx sA�ll�r#�AerA s�bay pxA�A A. �86�R�4if�ll�9fA1p. A.S t'.Q.9Af��F.t$�,9Ar - ' f I Law >A'9't�rji' _.__.. .� � J5TAW ':F,�nt�Ek!'B ,a►�'#'h 1i;R UAW , (Jo/2o�-ty i.4NN 5 �,v Rhonda mar DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 ..r mTF c EXPIRES:October2,.2020 s'` A4a' tsIMIS~ 1 # 7� — rxss4111/ibi'9�6 �FOFF .BondedThruNDtarYPublicUnderrwriter �j`�j�� j�r�$, '1 t � i I i I - j . RECEI\'rD SEP 2 Q 201 i PERMIT* ISSUE DINE .PI.AI I I &09MMOPM-ENTSM VI CES ` �, '�_ �it�tld(t�tg& Ctrde Comp�rauee Divitsfa►n i . ` � $ rD_Y11TG�F�I�1Vhl,T •• '� . S �O1�TRA G 1VL Comfort Ct►.ntr01 of St. Lucia "County, Iiic., have agxeed'tobe (Company 1Vh1elindividual N e) ; the, HVA-C Sub�c'oiiftcterfor Wynne D-evelo<Dmeat 'Corp. (Type of tmde) ( (P�t maryi C0:0ttR WO _"\ For the project Ideated at_-- •�c9 (Fioject Steeet A idxess o 'roperty Tax ID ) It is understood:that,if there is any-change-of status_regarding our p"cipatron with the above]mentioned,. •project;the Dufidi]ig-and Code Regi]lat W Division-of St.Lucie CoUM will be advised pu>rsurat to the filing of•a Changp of Sub-coiitrdctotnotice. CO1V]JC ICTOR S)<GNATURE E4�iaGfier). CO IGNATM(Q�er) ,M:attt-hem Lil-e WYhMe B.a.r :: _ erman PRINT NAM MUNT NAME 08090iZ$. COUNTY CERTMCATYON NUAMER COUNTY CERTIMATION NUMBED - — State ofP'iorida,Cbamty of STi, c t E State of Florida:County of Si L ecf Th forigoing fdstrudaentw as seEned before me thiA. 9 day of Thp forej_oia$instrument was sTig W befofm me"\_2 da9 f f►y� ":��1 �,Q lur►�.l�° 20`�by zQS Cu Zanwp,�AA@(1 who is persona]fy.knowb✓or hag prothtccd a who'is pePsoually known�r bas proAaceda ae fiientfficatioa as ideritiGeatipn. •; • S7`AW STAMP ram.. Sign"store orNotoy. l e Q - Signature o No c e-r ► '. ,y s _.X Ptintl�TaotooflVotatyl blic PlintsameofNotatyPabue DgROTHYANN BASKIN ...,. a•:ao++'� :�i °1 :�.. DOROTHYANN BASKIN its tz MYCOMMISSiON#GG030149 �q•. MYCOMMI$SION#GG030t45 ; Lo,: EXPIRES;October 2:2020. 5 ':',forFt ondeiimruNo %; •;o. EXPIRES:October2 8 tary:Putllndeiwriters �. o�• ,2020 Toru:NO ftrloi .. .. .. tem Revised]1J16f201B ' ' L66-d 3000/Z096d VL9-1 999L8L83LL da00 Gu1pHn8 QUUAM -WOb� gL_ZL 9L 60-ZL1 RECEP.—D SEP 2 0 7.017 PEt2MIT.#' �1:SSIJ :€1A.-8 Compliance niv><s>!on - B:11.ji IC EEItiVf1T i_. .....::..'� Si7&CONTI2AIC'T�R�AGREEMEIV.`T` .Tlr':Asa— knave ag�eerl to be !GQmpany`Namelnd>:vidual�Ta�ej" . Sib=coiitraetor fir . Y s► D e v:e o p m e: t Ca" .(Type of�T:rade� :(Eramary Contragtorj � . . r . Foy a proiec :toaeat �f�Ject:.�treetAr�d%es�tsrl'rapezty�'aar�ID;;�: ... . o I#>lstttterstoad; at,7 'trete`i ;ari:.°chi ,.:....:_.,.... ,, part>ioipanil -.n—I:the above:me7iti4ned • goect,tie Burldng afld Cgtkeegulaoii;Dlns><an of St.luce Cou>a>y ixrill lie::advised.pursua>Eit;t ` lie. filliag o��a:.�laange of:Su�-cont�a�torn�v��ce. COO1!313tA1C'll'URSTG�IFA`1'i1RE�QaaLfier) � ..SCJ)B:GO'�filRti�C.TOIt. . NA,i .. ..' .x :'aglifierj:. Ma�1:h:e:w��.:;I;,��;�. W�y���n��. . .. . . .. ...B:r�. ,an•'�.Ma��.o;�e��r PR[NTPJAME PMT?YAME COtI�'1Y CEYiTIFICY>LTXON.1Vi11V7$E)Gt �. . 013N�'I'�ERTIFiCA�70�f:'11tU�IBER• ;��aYe�L.FMrida,.�pngiyQf�T t.�tcrC � :,,.., State:of�loriil�a•Courity:o>t' GIC Titforeaoinginstrament:�vas igned:tieo mc;.tGis iayof Tkgfore ping ii��urdeatwsssigned6'forerue':tttis�d�:of. .1� .:. ..1i3'. .. ✓or.h�s•: rgdacetia::: ...:.:•.:.. :..:.. wtio'�_persoio�]iykuotva_u5'tias'pru8uced:a. wka:u ..csona, knowa.�^„_, p• '�sitlCntiicatiQ.tk, � ;asrdent>ca$ob R�l�.t,rd`l t.ate... Sir1NlP t�1i•, SrANIF )gnature:of.,.ota' Pvblce Sraaatdi'e�of�otary ublic:. ¢la:�¢:o'�'�..`f �-Y�r� (DA-Ski N J�,.�:2 a`rN�/...}•�-NN �RSK�N :PN>ilhVdfNDtBrv.P.—u a Print i ddt-' riie'ofAipfsiy n1stiE DOROTHY ANN BASKIN ?� MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 zoS'A'�fB��. DOROTHYANN BASKIN EXPIRES:October 2,2020 MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 Itvised 1I/:t 6/2016: ,14FCFF��••, BondbdThni N,otaryPubGc Ucxlenvriters =,;, a EXPIRES:October ,2020 4SOF.FlO•• BondedThru Notary Public:Underw L-m - i