HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding plansZ2 J II NpLrFjSH DRI amoo. oh 3g 3. S?5.5j,35� A d=pp3033,2rsry' °$ ° 40� UGHT 4p 3p. P2. AW Op rpi ' N SANITARY POLE MENT MANHOLE yo 2.94 rREAR . SETBACK RE11 wq A o� 3.04 B 375 �' ti j T o oR°o+f qn IDES 5 ` 7J o w$P s yi%cR��'F tij FF R s ? fZD n' ¢ s?oF cool F�6�^°° �, ° p`�' �h N83AL4 E3.11 '?s°. M/N/FSi po 9, 00 0� S r A) FND �h FND BENCHMARK UMaFNSF� ago tiF 1 S ELEVATION= VD$8 ° °a• 3.11 N A LEGEND: T �`S8• sz°�' N (C) = CALCULATED �0 �0 (D) = DEED OQ OQ 22a F<e�c° (M) = MEASURED c�� ,Y o�''� (P) = PLATTED 0y02 k ° x CMP = CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CNS = COULD NOT SET CONIC = CONCRETE F`s �cF so FIFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION LOT 96 FND = FOUND EXISTING IR = IRON ROD ' RESIDENCE IRC = 5/8" IRON REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP PCOR = PROPERTY CORNER LOT 98 s, PCP = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT PL = PROPERTY LINE EXISTING s' PUDE = PUBLIC UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESIDENCE R/W = R I GHT—OF—WAY R = RADIUS OF CURVE L = LENGTH OF CURVE SF = SQUARE FOOT a = DELTA OF CURVE ® = SET 5/8" IRON REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP "AJP PSM 6330" 5348 GALLEY WAY DATE: ALEXANDER J. PIAZZA PSM, INC. rFL Surveying • Mapping • Consulting 619 SW Blltmore Street PortSt. Lucie, Florida 34983 JRMATION AJP Phone: (772) 340-7770 REVISIONS: BY.• �M Fax: (772) 340-2250 PLOT PLAN MUST BE APPROVED BY MANAGER OF OCEAN RESORT CO-OP, INC. APPROVED BY: MANAGER OF OCEAN RESORT THIS _____ DAY OF ________________, 2017. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 97, OCEAN RESORTS A CO—OPERATIVE. CONTAINS 2,550 SQUARE FEET. SURVEY NOTES: 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ONLY PLATTED EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN HEREON. 2. NO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR IMPROVEMENTS WERE LOCATED UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 3. THIS SITE LIES WITHIN FLOOD ZONE "X" AND "AE" BASE FLOOD ELEVATION = 4.0, ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 12111CO087 J, EFFECTIVE DATE FEBRUARY 16, 2012. 4. FLOOD ZONE SHOWN HEREON IS AN INTERPRETATION BY THE SURVEYOR AND IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY. THE FLOOD ZONE SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY A DETERMINATION AGENCY. 5. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 97 AS BEING S75'57'35"E ACCORDING TO THE PLAT DESCRIBED HEREON. 6. ALL LOT DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE PER PLAT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL SURVEY MEASUREMENTS ARE IN FEET. 7. ALL MAPPED FEATURES SHOWN HEREON ARE UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION AND RESPONSIBILITY OF ALEXANDER J. PIAZZA PSM, INC. 8. SURVEY MAP AND REPORT OR THE COPIES THEREOF ARE NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. 9. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE SURVEY MAP OR REPORT BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES. CERTIFIED TO: DAN F. & CAROLE L. DARROW LAST FIELD DATE: 4-14-17 K:\BUILDERS\DWG2017\17-2988 K: \ CM/AP FB. PG. JOB 17-2988 (./' f _ CM/AP DATE 4-20-17 ALEXA R J. PIA Professional Surveyor & Mapper AJP ISHEET 1 OF 1 IDWG C-018 Florida Certificate No.: 6330 I 00 I New t 2'- o _- MASTER BEDRC 11`-F x 10'-11 11 WIC`-' Z 0 M 3 c II W 11 ("---a J -7Kitchen / Dining Utility �� -- �- - jr Dj064/H REFRI,C;j 4a1 f �) pp J /,_,-�. 3060. rT El LIVING RHO -1 ciel #TL24362A� ci s F',eser,red G7 a 30 30 • U V PCIrn Hcmor Hcr,,es, r( 12oor File Copy f A. Palm Narbor , Homes September 26, 2017 To: Building Department 1-769_634/SS a• OCT 0 2 201; EY:- RE: Palm Harbor Home, Serial Number 20832 Dan Darrow 5348 Galley Way Ft. Pierce FL 34949 Dear Plans Examiner, Bruce Bussell Engineering Manager Palm Harbor Homes, Inc 605 South Frontage Road ;ity, Florida 33563-9934 $13-752-1368 E#.756 813-754-8675 813-719-3589 bbussell@palmharbor.com The site -beam, which was installed by Palm Harbor Homes, and is approved by HUD, Manufactured Home Construction & Safety Standards, is constructed to receive on -site additions that are built and designed by others to accommodate such amenities as carports, sheds, and screen rooms. The on -site structure must be designed by a Florida, registered, engineer, to the Florida Building Code and all local codes. This plant - installed site beam is of adequate design for this purpose as long as tie downs and piering are per page 1 of Section 11, Misc. & Final Inspection section of the installation manual (attached). The attached details, EW-216.2 and PA69-EW-31, are approved by the Manufactured Home Construction & Safety Standards. And, the design loads for the plant -installed site beam, as well as the supporting structure and anchorage are from the FBC and ASCE 7. I can be of further assistance at the above contact information. Sincerely yours, Bruce Bussell Engineering Manager File Copy Palm Harbor Homes 1 The scope of work for this project consists only of installing a concrete foundation, wood deck and a aluminum framed category 11 sunroom. This structure only has been designed in accordance with the requirements of the 2014 Florida Building Code, Fifth Edition - Residential, Chapter 3, Section R301.2.1. The following wind load requirements, in accordance with 2014 Florida Building Code, Fifth Edition - Building, Chapter 16, Structural Design, Section 1609 and ASC1 7-10 were employed in the design of the structure: Ultimate Design Wind Speed (Volt): 160 MPH 3-Second Gust Wind Speed (Vasd): 124 MPH Risk Category: 11 Wind Exposure Category: D Applicable Internal Pressure Coefficient: +/- 0.18 Design Pressure for Exterior Components & Cladding: • Walls=+36.4/42.9 PSF • RDof= +13.1/40.7 PSF WIND LOADS ON EXTERIOR OPENINGS OPENING SIZE TOTAL TOTAL POSITIVE NEGATIVE LENGTH OF LOAD PER LIN. AREA LOAD WINO LOAD WIND LOAD BACK ATTACHMENT FT OF So. IFt2) Qha) IPSF) (PSF) (In.) ItB. per FT.) Wind. 40 5.4 234 934 306 400 1TB040 64 W. 5L 5'd 250 1AS 306 400 180000 67 WMcw 6-0x5'-0 M0 1200 306 400 192000 75 Door 3-VX" 200 aW 306 400 106.00 49 I) Foreemerearworlower,malieIPT both Iam05 eM IIeeO. 2)For emerer mob, Weibul(Mn) FT. Week onlsmbs and need 3) Fm paseadocrin INmmao PT buck br)ambs enc iequkee splryl pei4. """' " 41 PmSdeamlryh YMewa mtYpe usedw equal wexceee dMee bNleenredo. In Fa9teIen repulse no loser Ines t am lnen 4' kom alas eM spxe0 esW In aslanca Inslp6Wma Of Duck ......._ -_.. Messrs. Inst, buck Is 2 Marano W. Inside Huck is 3 AIponed!FaeenM • - _ _. L1dTepcen whelk Peet lion=230m of0omnoeawer. k^Tapmnwnraan hen an 3egW: bf ndP rip pwnr. _.. See manufacturem speci0utlon for required 4•J¢Mn to aMpe ch gendam, entry no rA wrlo coon And windows to eunclnp. Noeshall: Sent,door"bucksIshallhe abclea ao scale wire LB"x4"lag eo"e spaced e ace 24" O.C. with minimum of buih (1) e5 Dowl with 6" (MIN) Embedment Into Existing Solid Collcrome Using Simpson XP-Epoxy ®6" Prmn Each End a M" O.C. (MAX.). Dowdy Shell Hive 12' Exmirlg Reinforced Conmtle Foundation (TYPJ (To Be Field Verify) (MIN.) ProjecInto New Comment, (rip.) tion 9,011 Concrete Slab with O-x.xm�wm.. O-m�.m•cl�wmm. O-7r,x4raw N91K nil Ibm 6 W b.4wn Iml"IWJ Pn nrrNwWurs =pYUWm Open Concrete Slab 4'-0" 1 16'-0" 27'-0" Foundation Plan NPIn/ommnewK Provided "Di mon, I.InfionojEosim, TM�acarla"u TMwn Ymnnr,r r MRa �M IMnr 7 On _ I tes I Th . Then shill be no debdrofou sm mawithin the ndation. p.e.i. concrete 2. ThovefounMdialti.oVnapshoar l ofWell Hlbuereiufr i MnClean. CmmpaMedTemdtoTimeddI. 3. 2,000 P.S.F. (MHJ.) Soil Hewing, i 4'-0" I 10_0rr 1 7" I 27'-0" Floor Plan (2) 2" x 8" P.T. Rim Joist Fastamd Q each Post Using (3) In' Diemeter Lag Sire. w/2.5- (MIN .) Thread Penetrator with I"Pan Washer (TYPJ T 10'-0' T TERMITE TREATMENT REQUIREL :ONCEALEO FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ser ARE THE RESPONSIBUTY OF THE TCONTRACTOR OF RECORD 10'-0" THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Open Concrete Slab ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, NOTE. It Shall Be The Contractors Responsibility for Framing Structural AdeWney of All E,maim, . (1)2" x 8"Y.T. Rim Joist renewed to Existing Wood Studs Components %24.O.C. Usine(2) IR• Diensaten Leg Smew w/2.5' (h1QJ.) read Penatlmmn withI"Fen Washer (TYP) 174l "-d 3,vr" %T. LUCFF COUNTY illinP�O Pfl`tg1" REVIEWED FOR C 'CE `Woodgtepa-SusnPDetdls REVIEW£DBY DpTA.'TE���-T� 2'Aa-P.T. Floor JoNs.@16" On Cemeyuma4>oJufMaV PER�IIT h 7ST BE KFPT 0'' ® Esch End Using Simpson LUS26 rf b NO INSPECTION 1IV1LL BE NL-kDE. (2) 2" x 8" P.T. RIm Jmet Fastened Q Eseh Port Using (3)1/2" Dimeter I.ag Screws T 5' (MR4.)TIaeW Penetration with I"Pan Washerr (TYP.) Wood Deck Floor Framing Plan Holed I. 1/2" Plywood Floor Sheathing Not Shown For Crotty Purposes Only. Sheathing shall He Attached Using 8d Common was Nails -4. O.C. Short Side, 8. O.C. Long Side a 12" O.C. In The Field (TYR) d 2. All (2)-Ply Members Shill Be FWwW Togerher Using(3)Rows of of I Od (0.128' x 3") B. Nails ® 24" O.C. (MAX )(TYP.) 3. M (2)•Ply WWI Be Confinement Members. a M in N i{JJJyyy � M a o In, C a On bo c c 'C N ` Q G 0.rn x vod Lt o U .> o y M Ca C14 CJ P. Date: 9/1/17 1 of 3 Aluminum Foanod Walls (TYP) 181,01. Plan View CornpositeRoof(TYIP) (Tw) 20 Continuous Edge Heart Tp B 1'— 3.3 Column 30" Siding to Match Existing (TYP.) g 1 g ss 'A V, T-6" St. Joist (TW.) Sea Deck Fronting Details 2'.6" (WP) 4".4"PT Posts Fastened to F 4Z (TYP) 2'-6" (M� Foundation Using Simpson XB� Bil I —F Left Elevation Front Elevation Right Elevation Material List 6005A461 AJI, 3:x3 : X 0125 " P. 2 .3 0 050. pato 3'.OM'x2-LbmComposite Panel 00 Date: 9/1/17 PAGE: 2Ffie U W Attach Chemml re Existing Wood Factory She Beam Using (B 414 Wood Screw with 1-1/2' (MINI) 2 z 7/8"Doll-Fex Swcturil Thread Penetration ®6" O.C. (MAXJ(TYP.) rilling Screws Each Side(TW.) Continuous 2"x 3"Petio (TYPJ Attach Composite Panel to Aluminum Framing Member Using (1)1/4" a 4" Lag 1-1/4" Fender Washer Existing Site Beam (TYP,) .4 1714 r-! w/ @ 6" 0 C Rq (MAX.)(TYP) Composite Panel TYP 3"Cora ( ) M Caulk All Exposed Screws ty � O V) w *'SO'ID Existing Y Composits Papal (TYP,) E(4)#12x7/8"Drill-FlexStmcmmlET O� dJ Aluminum InternScrews Each Side (TYPJE Aluminum Framing Member (TYP)125'"(MMJThSelfDrilling ❑ Ottach Composite Panel to Channel Using Edge Ream (1)#12 x 3/P' S.M.S, Screws @ 6" OC. (MAX.)Roolto Top & Bottom3"x3" Aluminum Colum 3" Aluminum Channel (TYP.) Caulk Exposed Screws As Necessary Roolto Hose Post to Header Connection M ,M N O fV U o c 2"x2"x3"z 0.125"Angle (TYP) N M I 2"x3" Grt(TYP.) O ZIE Q PW-i 2" x 12" Stringer @ 24" O.C. (MAX.) (TYP. \ 'a All Lumber Shall Be Pressure 7}eared 3"x3" Aluminum Column (TYP) (3) 412 x 3/4" Drill -Flex Stmctuml Stringer to Rim Joist Using Simpson LSCZ (TYP.) 5/4" Boards Fastened Using SelfDrillin Screws Each Sid. TYP g ()@Ea Common Wire Nails to lslmns using (2)x1/2"Diameter ager @ Each Stringer (TYP.) with 2"(MIN.) t Thread Penetration (TYP.) Horizontal Member to VertictlMembe Stringer to Concrete Using(2)Simpson A21 with (1) 1/4" Diameter Tapcon with 1-3/4" 2" z 8" Joists @ 24" O.0 & (MIN,) Embedment Into Solid Concrete (TYP.) Fastened @ Each End Using Simpson LUS28 (TYP) Existing Concrete (TYP.) Grade(TYP. 4" x 4" Columns @ Ends >1 & Center Location Fastened Cd �—--I to Concrete Using Simpson 3 36" (MM.) ABU44 (TYP.) Wood Step Details Ga YxY Aluminum Column(TYP.) 7 FLl s an � an W Aluminum Base Plare (4) #12 x 7B"Drill-Flex Smxtud 125^ (MIN) Thickness SelfN]Iing Scmws Each Side (TVP.) NOTES: 1.) Width of Step@ Shall Be A Minimum of 36". Date: (4) 1/2" Diameter Wood Lags with 21(MPI.) 2.) Minimum Trood Depth Shall Be 10" 3.) Maximum Ri@er Height Shall Be 7-3/4". Rim loin (TYP) Thread Penetration®Eazh Column(TVP) 4.) Pre Manufactured Hand Rail Not Shown For 9� 1 1 % Post to Base Connection Clarity Purp,060 Only & Shall Comply with FBC-Building, Section 1012 5.) All Wood Members Shall Be Pressure Treated. PAGE: CO ;�y The scope of work for this project consists only of Installing a concrete foundation, wood deck and a aluminum framed category II sunMom. This structure only has b:La) desig-Pxl in accordance with the requirements Of the 2014 Florida Building Code, Fifth Edition - Residential, Chapter 3, Section R301.2.1. The following wind load requirements, in accordance with 2014 Florida Building Code, Fifth Edition - Building, Chapter 16, Structural Design, Section 1609 and ASCE 7-10 were employed in the design of the structure: Ultimate Design Wind Speed (Volt): 160 MPH 3-Second Glut Wind Speed (Vasd): 124 MPH Risk Category: 11 Wind Exposure Category: D Applicable Internal Pressure Coefficient: +/• 0.18 Design Pressure for Exterior Components & Cladding: • Walls=+36.4/42.9 PSF • Roof= +13.1/-40.7 PSF WIND LOADS ON EXTERIOR OPENINGS OPENING SIZE TOTAL TOTAL POSITIVE NEGATIVE lfJ4GTN OF LOAD PM LAN. AREA LOAD WINDLOADWINOLOAD EKXKATTAC ENT FTOFBU IFl2) _.(Lb.) (PSF) (PSF) (in) (M per FT.)... wood. 448.3u- 234 Sat we 400 - 176.0a) 64 Wmice, soxsm 250 ',000 ..9 3(0e 4D.3 320aVndow x5J 0D 1I Door_. 340xea. no 603 Mg 40.0 INDO. 40 1) Fa exlenclwimwrs use tx4 P T NO, on lambs mass hand 2)F Manor doom, use a4(Mn) PT NO on le.m am read '.. 3 For llaxei door lee mWmum 2x5 P T NOfor leads and "mused SON pads. .. __.. 4) P..enough bslme5 of type.... NA, ca pleeal Stme, bids ad ts,,. Fasm. are reanrea lwAnne, man r amore than 4. 6om ame am spaced must in distance staid dslence of NO M m fastener JxI1 NO Is 2 — Wisdom taxi. & SqA dcA K 3. WIG Tapcm Mh 1 V..- lemlm;on = 230 Id. of mentg past Is- Tapcon M1h Y dereliction - 38e IE. Mnon,g paver. " Sea adam"A peas. yeemcad. W npuerea ft... to aN<h ganp door, am, anon, pain d—.M wineaws.N"dIM. eaa: carat'. Boar roncn-wue<enasnaa roe"as w;m ve-.4•tay eonz S..m, eachm o.c. with minimum or3bola (1) 85 Dowl with 6' (Mon) Endlach tea Into Existing. Solid Cousete Using Simpson XP-Epoxy ® 6- From Eoh End & 36' O.C. (MAX.). Dowels Shell Have 12' (MIN.) Projection Into New Concrete (TYP) Widvva Ca rsa.0 Open Com me Slab O-x..mwenm.. O-.w.vav Ald�m a w nao"i Ion a MVn 1a. Mmu4.vw 9p.vihw rvv (To Foundation Plan Nol �r W Pronded u dr., psid r (manor 1..I erg Donn, Wlnd &-orAdlacem Roxu Wood Steps 140"I 160" I 7 I 27'-0" Floor Plan (3)1/2"Do.T.Ria Joist. xw/2©(MI Pon Using 1 (3)anxion Mtb Lag Screws, 25") Thread Peneteedon with I"Pan Washy (TYP.) T 1 T ' 16'-0" f 9'-I-0. 1 T 101-0• 1 Slat, mns.c"rw m rMnl su o Setllm A -A Notes: I. There Shell be no debna or roots within the fm.dmion. Z Thefdundatienshallbee minimumn.WetI p.s.i.caleme CompaMil.VaporaTimauxl Clean, Well Compeged(MIN) Tremed Soil. 3. 2,000 P,S.F. (MM.) Shc Besdng. NOTE: It Shall Be The Contragom Responsibility for Emunng Structural Adequacy of All Existing @ 24 x 8" P.T. Rim Jsrst Fastened to Existing Wood Studs Components. ®2a-O C Using t1J2' Diametre er Leg Scws w/ 2M 5'(M) Thneed Perldruion unit, 43h I"Pan Wisher (TYP,) Wood Steps - Sae Step Demi13 2" x 8" P.T. Floor IgaU ® 16" On Center (MAX.) & FMstened rQ Each End Using Simpon LUS26 (TIT) (2) 2" x $"P.T- Rim Joist Fastened Q Each Post Using (3) i/2" Di.moo log Screws w/ 2.5• (MM)Thread Paetmion w4lh 1'Pan Washer (TYP.) Wood Deck Floor Framing Plan I.. 1. 1/2' Plywood Floor Sheathing Not Shown F r ClarityPurposes Only Sheathing SMII Be Attached Using 8d Cianerinvii, Ixnre Ne3e - 4- O.C. Short Side, 8' O.0 Long Side & 12- OC M The Field (TYP) 2 All (2)-Ply Members Shop Be rewind TogeMer Using(3)Rows of of IN to, 128' A 3) Box Neils Q 24' O.C. (MAX )(TYP.I 3 All (2)-Ply SIWI Be Continuous Members. Date: 9/1/17 PAGE: dn a a Beam Channel to 14 Wog Woad Factory Site CC Berm Drincie 414 6-0C, MAXXl-In'(M1N.) G (9)012 x ]A'UdlWas Structural Thread Penmration ®6' O,C. (MAX.xTYP.) G SelfDdlling Screws Each Sid. (TYP) Austin Composite Panel to Aluminum Existing Site Beam TYP. pNp Canamsau 2'x3"Pdo(TYPJ 8 Framing Mariner Using (1) 114 x4' O� Lag w/ I-IPo• Feder Weaher ®4' O.0 l' Composite Panel (TYP.) (MAX.) (TYP.) Q M ca Caulk Ali Exposed Screw-rA 'O iL y Existing 3' Composite Panel (TYP) a ^O U Fc5 vi �_ (4)g12x7/g'Dnll-Flex Smsdural Aluminum Framing Member(TY ) Aluminum Ntemal Cli Self Drilling Strews Each Side(TYP.) u O 125-(MN.) Thickness 00 nuh Composite Proud m Chamwl Using fn V L" (1) 412 x 3/4" S M,S. Screws © d" O.C. (MAX) Roofto Edge Beam 3" Aluminum Chanod (TYP.) Top Si, onom (TYPJ 3" x 3" Aluminum Column (TYP.) Cwlk Expound Smews As Necessary Rostra; Her00 M N Post to Header Connection -� •p N y ca d K O 05 M �d acai U �° c 2'x 2'xl'x0.125'Mgle(iYPJH. 3 by r1 2"x3"Go(TYP.) Cp W L7Naa 2" x 12" Stringer Q 24" O.C. (MAX.) (TYP. All Lumber Shall Be Press- 7Yeuled 3' x 3" Aluminum Column (TYP) Stringer to Rim Joist Using Simpson LSCZ (TYP.) (3) N 12 x 3/4• DrvWFIax Stmcmrd 5/4" Boards Fastened Using 2" x 12" Ledger to Columns Using SdfDdlling Screws Each Side (rYPJ (2) Sd Common Wire Nails (2) I n" Diameter lags with 2" (MIN.) Q Each Stringer (TYP.) Thread Penetration (TYP.) Stringer to Concrete Using (2) Simpson A21 Horizontal Member to Vertical Member with (1) 1/4" Diameter Tapcon with 1-3/4" 2" x 8" Joists Q 24" O.0 & Fastened ® Each End (MM,) Embedment Into Solid Concrete (TYP.) Using Simpson LUS28 (TYP.) Existing Concrete (TYP.) Grade (TYP. 4" x 4" Columns Q Ends & Center Location Fastened al to Concrete Using Simpson t--J 36" (MMJ ABU44 (TYP.) (ry Wood Step Details 00 Lnmm) Aluminum Column (TYP ) M +� v, w um Batt Plate (4)N12 x ]IB"Doll-flex Ssmcturel(Thickness SelfWlling Screws Each Sida(TYP.) NOTES: 1.) Width of Steps Shall Be A Minimum of 36". 1) Minimum Tread Depth Shall Be 10" Date: (4) In' Dlamerer Woxi Lags with 2-(Mw.) 3.) Maximum Riser Height Shall Bel-3/4". Rimlaip.) Thread Penetration® Each Column (TYP,) 4.) Pre Manufactured Hand Rail Not Shown For 911/17 Clarity Purposes Only & Shall Comply with Post to Base Connection Charity Section 1012 5.) All Wood Members Shall Be Pressure Treated. PAGE: File