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Health department approval, site plan stamped , plans
114' = 1'-0" VICINITY MAP I CODE SUMMARY McCARTY RANCH PORT ST LUCIE, FL. 1664 sf TOTAL TENANT BUILD -OUT APPLICABLE CODES: BUILDING CODE- FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 6th EDITION (2017) INCLUDING ANY ADMENDMENTS FAC- FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 2015 FIRE CODE- 2015 NFPA 1, & 101, LIFE SAFETY CODE- 2009 2007 NFPA- 72, 2014 NFPA- 70, 2013 NFPA- 10, 13, & 241 FLORIDA ACCESSABILITY CODE- 2017 FBC PLUMBING 2017 FBC FUEL GAS 2017 CONSTRUCTION TYPE & OCCUPANCY: EXISTING BUILDING: TYPE V-B, NON-SPRINKLERED GROUP W BUSINESS OCCUPANCY (TABLE 1004.2.1)- 1:100 GROSS 9 PEOPLE GROUP'S2'STORAGE OCCUPANCY (TABLE 1004.2.1)- 1:300 GROSS 3PEOPLE ALTERATION LEVEL 2 P 2017 (STING BLDG CODE 301.5 Area Calculations Name Area OFFICE 1575 5F 5TORAGE 785 5F Grand total I GG4 51` Sheet Index Sheet No. Sheet Name Al 51te Plan A2 Floor Plan- Proposed A3 Life Safety Plan A4 Enlarged Re5troom Plan5 A5 Reflected Cehng Plan AG Detad5 E0. I Electrical Notes * Legends Power Plan E2. I Lighting Plan E3. I Electrical R15er fE Load Calc5 E4. I Electrical Panel5 E5. I Electrical Deta115 Mo. I Mechanical Notes * Legends MO.2 Mechanical Schedules M I . I Mechanical Plan M5. I Mechanical Deta115 MG. I Mechanical notes * Specs PO. I Plumbing Notes * Legend5 P I . I Plumbing Plan P3. I Plumbing Rl5er5 P5. I Plumbing Detal15 GENERAL REQUIREMENT5 DIV15ION 5 - METALS .01 All work to comply with all applicable codes and ordmances. .O I Reinforcing sieel shall be ride 60 steel conforming to A5TM AG 15 / AG 5M - 2009 Edition .02 Contractor to review the construction documents and placement of structure oa the srte prior to any constructor. .02 Remtororq steel stall be free from oil. loose scale and loose rust and bent, .03 All work to comply with the requmement, of the Flonda Energy Code. Iapped. placed supported and fastened according to the "man.[ of standard practice All work peeformed and materials used shall meet the requirements of all applicable codes, ordirences and r lotions such as but for detailing concrete structures . .03 Welded wire mesh shall conform to A5TM A 185 / A 165M - 07 not limited to the 5tate and Local Codes (mcludmg all amendments to sal the Gth ed:bon of file Florida Buddm hot pe All oceanirorR or 04 Aallt bo (20 17) Code wd applicable amendments and all ordure c and regulations of the agencies hawng junsdictron. Con actor Co assure wateo cwsltal cP f astners.ed. (dings to have stainless Stcel xt complance with sad codes. .05 Masonry horizontal Iomt remforong shall be 9 gauge. ladder or truss type deformed .04 Contractor W take all necessary s fety precautions to insure the health and safety of the public, and to comply with mill g ed steel, mcludme preformed welded _r and tees at wall 0.5.M.A.. and shall be so. responsible to comply with same. ectio tersecborr.. Install every second course on non-beanng walls (every course on Coastal Construction Zone) and on every course on reta�n,ng Install first .OS Contractor to omde all necessa horn bran pr ry s g. rig, etc. as required to provide safety. The drawings walls. at Ct above and below opemngs on sad masonry walls. lap splices to be m,mmum 1 2'. .06 are intended to show, the general arrargement, design and extent of the work and are therefore partly dagrata,15 Co torm to A5T11 A82/A82M-07 aenaionend ASTM A153/A 153M-09 .06 All rem oeharsN5te a .07 All details and sections shown on the drawings are intended to be typical and shall be constrveded to apply to any similar .07 All orcm ghaand l be sou vooprted on steel or O 5bccarried l cha char, shall be plastic ProteLgted where 5rtuahons of moderate to severe exposure the sdwt�on elsewhere on the project wth appropr ite adjustments for the particular condhbon. .08 The Architect shall not be responsible or held liable nor guarantee a product's performance, luahty and smtabd,ty for the of concrete occure and/or sduatiore regwnng tight g ding (I/I 6') or sandblasting of .05 Electrodes fpr w lch to coin fy wdh AWS Code. Weldin to be done by c rb6ed intended use. welders, conforming t AWS 'Epode for Arc and Gas Weld��g m 13midmg ConshucGOn'. .09 Arch,tect/Engmeer di lam any responsibility for accuracy. true location and extent of sal, mvesbgatmi,5 prepared by .09 Structural steel primer: Zinc chromate, al atkalyd, type I gray color. C others -for inte Cation of that data m o ectin sod -beano lues, rock hues, soil stabi6t and `pre pr j g g va pro y presence, level, .1 Structural steep including shapes. plates, anchor bolts. pes (F 36ks0. Wbes (Ft'=46ksi), pine bolts and welds. shall conform to the latest A5T1 and AYNSI/A ,tandard, extent of underground water, unsuitable soils conditions, etc. V,sd site poor to executing contract documents. Contractor may perform subsurface investigation at own expense. I Shop pamts: Shall 1-clve shop coats and held ttoo ch-rp of paint m accordance wdh Steel Council speafirat�on, type I red oxide, or federa specification, (red Oxide). . 1 2 Cuts, holes, copmTqs. etc., required in structural steel members for the work of ELECTRICAL other trades, mustshown on shop draw rigs fo the structural steel and shall be made m the shop and certified by Flonda Registered Engineer. Burning of holes or .01 Installation shall meet all requirements of the 2014 edition of the Nabonal Electric Code is in structural steel m the field will not be permitted except as approved by and all local codes hawng juris ict,on. .13 All steel Apes and tube columns to have bituminous applied at base poor to encasement. .02 All conductors to be co peer. .14 Prorde all necessaryfastener and anchors as required with matching washers and .03 All materials to be new and 'UL' approved or equal. . 15 When dissimilar metals are 'a contact with each other, or aluminum �n contact with other metals, concrete, sWcoo or mortar. approved iwlatmn shall in contact p-dwi d. .05 All bath, garage and exterior outlets to be GFL Minimum vnre sine to be q 14 TI1W. . 16 No direct bunal of steel columns to be permitted. All steel columns shall .OS 06 Verify location f II to I I li k; h be encased in concrete from footing to grade. s o a recep c es, 'g ts, to p one jacks, television jacks, etc., with owner poor to installation. .07 Electoral contractor to vent' all equipment requirements mdudmg but not limited to wire sue, wattage, breaker sae, location, etc.. with actual equipment to be installed prior to commencing of work. .05 Provide keyles, porcelain tight fixtures at all arc AMU locations. .09 Prevnre house for telephone and telemsian. . 10 Contractor l verify all clearances between tight required to m eptcode. gmpment insulation, closet shelutng, etc. and adjust as required to meet code. and bath fixtures, F D O H I n St. Lucie County Environmental Health NOTE: Septic System Appears Adequate All referenced standards shall -,ply with ChapteL3�5 ofthemoet`urrentadopted'FlondaBuddmgCo For Proposed Construction 56-56-223 Lk this Approval Goes Not Guarantee Perf once of�thy�stem Reviewer,... . REVISIONS: Rev Date Desortpwn 4 12/29120 Bldg 2 U U z Q 0 Ur LL \ C � O J iNr U cn L.L � fn O Q C 0- U 0 CCU G Q 6 Z Z g0 a0� a: Z o J LL c 3 , �0N o w V N g U F m n a Q Project No: 1622 Fit- M^' E9ADT Pro(ectsLLA12020V.1cCarty Ranch-203111- Peenit12031. C4- McCarty Ranch. PERMIT.M Digitally status: Permit signed by DaleDate: 1D/15I20 Meaux a2021.01.04 Date: Copyright 2020 by the Architect, all rights reserved. 12:19:31-05'00'�� Sheet Number: Al REVISE Rev Date Description PROVIDE LANDING @ DOOR H.C. RAMP, MAX SLOPE 1 : 12 VERIFY LENGTH IN FIELD PROVIDE CONC SLAB FOR HANDICAP PARKING SPACE. 5EE DETAIL FOR STRIPPING 4 SIGNAGE FDOH in St" Lucie County Environmental Health Septic System Appears Adequate For Proposed Construction 5F Zz395s This Approval Does Not Guarantee Pe rf a of th ystem Reviewer: � U U Z Q ° (D� FINISH NOTES: Qj 1. ALL WALLS TO RECEIVE TWO (2) COATS OF PAINT OR ADQUATE COATS TO COVER. O U 7 2. ALL DOORS AND DOOR FRAMES TO BE PAINTED. '--I 3. DOOR FRAMES SHALL BE 18 GA HOLLOW METAL (KD) :3 (n 4. ALL DOORS SHALL HAVE LEVER TYPE HARDWARE. 8 COMPLY N r WITH ALL REQ'MTS OF FBC 114.13.9 L.f� LJ� U 5. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SAMPLES OF ALL FINISHING MATERIALS 8 COLORS TO /r U a OWNER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO STARTING WORK 6. REMOVE AND/OR PROVIDE AMPLE PROTECTION FOR ALL IN PLACE /\�� I 1 / 1 �J HARDWARE, ACCESSORIES, DEVICE PLATES, LIGHTING FIXTURES, FACTORY FINISHED WORK AND COMPLETED CABINETRY. FURNITURE OR SIMILAR ITEMS. U AFTER COMPLETION OF EACH SPACE, CAREFULLY REPLACE ALL ITEMS AND PROTECTION, 7. ALL PRIMERS, SIZING AND UNDERCOATS SHALL BE TINTED TO APPROXIMATE THE COLOR OF THE FINISHED COAT. 8, THE CONTRACTOR TO TOUCH UP AND FINISH ANY PART OF HIS WORK REOUIRING SAME AFTER OTHER TRADES HAVE FINISHED AND SHALL REPAIR ANY DAMAGE TO HIS WORK. 9, THERE SHALL BE NO PENETRATIONS OF TENANT SEPERATION OR ANY FIRE RATED WALL. 3 A4 r- - - - - - NEW H.C. ACCESSIBLE U5TROOM5 -- - - - - -- Digitally signed by Dale Meaux Date: w.�.` 2021.01.04 12:19:45-05'00' I � , NEW 2. 4 METAL STUD WALL TO.TERMIN TE II EXISTING FLOOR DRAIN TO REMAIN 1 @ 8'-G' A.F.F. W/ 12. GWB EA 51DE TYP�—m NEW W.C. TO TIE INTO EXISTING SANITARY LINE STUB UP. TIE ALL �EW PLUMBING FIXTURES INTO EXI5TIN 5ANITARY LINE. CUT 5LAB PROVIDE 5TAND ALONE PORTABLE I A5 REOID WATER COOLER OR IF REQD OPTIONAL- • - - - - - - _ - - - - - -- - - - - - HI-LO WATER COOLER I• 18'-4" 1-2" iL. am — .— . — . — . — 23'-10• 4• 24'-2' PROVIDE 7/8' HAT CHANNEL5 @ 24' O.C. W/ 1/2' GWB OVER EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL51N NEW 2, 4 METAL 5TUD WALL TO BE FULL HT TO OFFICE 4 RE5TROOM5. GWB TO TERMINATE EXI5TING ROOF DECK. (+/- 12'-O') IN5ULATE W/ MIN _ @ 8'-G' A.F.F. R-13 GATT IN5UL. I - 11R FIRE RATED. SEE DETAIL 5HEFT AG ALL EXISTING WINDOWS L DOOR5 TO REMAIN TYP. 2T. 10" 4" 24'-r I I I r I 3/0. Cd8 � 1 , 48'-4" Floor Plan- Proposed 114" = 1' n" FIRE EXTINGUISHER FE 1 - ON WALL BRACKET n � Z Z�' o. n: Z ° JLL c O "O O acc Project No: 1622 Fit- cnuAlo zo20WECarty, Ranch-203111- Par,,,.31-C4- McCarty Ranch-PERMIT.M Status: Permit Date: 10/15/20 Copyright 2020 by the Architect, all rights reserved. Sheet Number: A2 First Story Floor Plan- Life Safety 1/4" = 1'-0" REVISIONS: Rev Date Description 4 12/29/20 Bldg U U z Q ne C: O J Loo to o Q � Il U C) U Q TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXIT: PATH I- 22'-4" PATH 2- 34'-6" EXIT NOTE: ALL EXITS FROM SPACE SMALL BE LEVEL W/ NO MORE THAN I/2' THRESHOLD t BARRIER FREE. Digitally signed by Dale Meaux -Date: 10 MEANS OF EGRESS 4 2021.01.04 OCCUPANT LOAD 12:20:01-05'00' OFFICES-'B 9 STORAGE-'SZ 3 4 U t� EGRESS WIDTH PER OCCUPANT SERVED Z Z BUILDINGSPRINaFRED w g STAIRWAYS w ¢ a OTHER EGRESS COMPONENTS Kb^ Z O MAXIMUM EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE 75- U' Al—d JL K 1Ji Q MAXIMUM DEAD END CORRIDOR LENGTH 0 O yZ A CORRIDOR FIRE RESISTANCE RATING 0 N^ > m MINIMUM CORRIDOR NI AISLE DTH 44" V InQ Q MINIMUM NUMBEROF EXITS 2 O Co a EXIT DISCHARGE THRU AREAS ON LEVEL. 36' Q OF DISCHARGE NOTE: Project No: 1622 ALL EXITS SMALL MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF FBC-ACCE551BILIN CODE SECTION 207.1, t SECTION 1003.2.13 OF THE fDC (200 EDITION t 2001 NIA. E:WDT SUPPLEMENT). FIIRolecU%LA120201McCaHy ALL EXITS ARE TO BE AT GRADE LEVEL WITH NO MORE THAN 112' Ranch- 203111- THRESHOLD. VERIFY ALL NEW t EXISTING EXITS 511OWN MEET THE ABOVE P—it12031-C4- McCarty CQDE SECTIONS. Ranch-PERMR.M Status: Permit Date: 10/15/20 Copyright 2020 by the Architect, all rights reserved. Sheet Number: A3 SELF CLOSING DOOR W HARDWARE WITH LOCKS PROVIDE TILE TO D15TAF ON ALL RE5TRM WALL5 LOCATION OF PORTABLE COOLER OPTIONAL- NI- LO DRINK PROVIDE GRAB BARS A`_ O O O © 11 10 13 14 0 0 0 8 �O O CD d co co N 7(4) CN O - - - CV 10 BROOM HOLDER- N/A ® ACCESSIBLE TAMPON VENDOR O7 ACCESSIBLE SOAP DISPENSER 10 SEAT COVER DISP. 13 URINAL 2� PAPER TOWEL DISP. MIRROR ® SANITARY NAPKIN DISPOSAL UNIT 11 GRAB BAR 14 ACCESSIBLE URINAL 3� PAPER TOWEL DISP./WASTE RECEPTACLE © ACCESSIBLE SINK TOILET TISSUE DISP. 1© ACCESSIBLE WATER CLOSET Floor Plan- Enlarged Restrooms 1/2" = V-0" NOTE: SEE PLANS WATEPROUNTAIN ONLY TO BE PROVIDED IF FOR WALL IN5PECTOR DETERMINE5 PORTABLE WATER COOLER CONST. 15 NOT ACCEPTABLE. U. I 8"MIN. 6" MAX. I I l CLEAR AREA FOR WHEELCHAIR MOVEABILITY n Handicap Waterfountain A4 INSULATE PIPES v - BASE, SEE ROOM FINISH SCHED 18' NOTE: UNDERSIDE OF SINK 8 PIPES MUST i SEE ROOM FINISH SCHED FOR WALL MATERIAL 3' 4" 44 �12 B FTL fiz_ TO FINISH CONFORM TO REO'D CLEARANCES PER ADA, FRONT 51DE K_27'� Typ Handicap Restrm Clearances- Elevations A4 t7v 70 / GOGA PLASTIC LAI.t ONPXP05E0 SURFACES 2,G CONT.BEAUTY CAP INSUTAtED COVEPS ON,1DRAIPIPES TOPREVENT(PROTECT-O-WP )N OPEN ARE. NO BASE CAB BELOW SINK. TO MEET H.C. KEOT5 19'MIN SECTION ELEVATION Handicap Sink Detail A4 ©=PLASTIC LAMINATE FINISH PER SCHEDULE AND/OR NOTES 114" TH. CLEAR GLASS MIRROR CONT. POL. CHROME TRIM BACKSPLASH 1-314"PIWJODD 9\L d !'LAV L 1x BLOCKING 2x BLOCKING 314" PLYWOOD Sole: al4••P-C NOTE: ALL MATERIALS ARE 3/4' PLYWDOD UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE Vanity Detail A4 TOILET ACCESSORIES MARK REM BOBRICK MODELNUMBER TOILET PAPER DISPENSER RECESSED,DOUBLEROLL B4388 GRAB BAR - 1 12" CIA., S/S, PREENED GRIP, SNAP FLANGE B-6806.99 35' L. GRAB BAR -112"DIA., SIB PREENED GRIP, SNAP FLANGE B-68W.9942"L. MIRROR -S/S ANGLE FRAME B-2901836 COATHOOK B682 PAPER TOWEL DISP/RECEP. RECESSED B-369 SOAP DISPENSER EI-155 NAPKINrrAMPON DISP. (WOMEN'S TOILET ONLY) RECESSED B-3500 MOP HOLDER Q JANITOR'S CLOSET B-223 X24 PAPER TOWEL DISP. Q KITCHEN SINK) B-2621 SOAP DISPENSER LAV. MTD. B-822 GRAB BAR - 1 12" DIA., SIS PREENED GRIP, SNAP FLANGE B6806.9916" L. REVISIONS: Rev Dale DescriplLDn = U U z Q 2 ID O J U � N LL L -L 0 U U Q Digitally signed tttttttttai Jv- 'b by Dale Meaux m\. t j1� n ry °' 2021.01.04 Z AED NP W 12:20:13-05'00' — .58 9 of a Zo J LL O yo '0 O am Q Project No: 1622 File "^ E:woT Pr0jecl41LA12020Vd Catty Ranch 203111- Per M2031-C4-MCarty Ranch- PERMIT.M Status: Permit Date: 10/15/20 Copyright 2020 by the Architect, all rights reserved. Sheet Number: A4 REVISIONS: Rev Date Description ----------- NEW 2. 2LIGHT FIXTURE PROVIDE 18 GA 2R G MTL CLG 1015T C 24' O.C. TOP OF �— NEW AMU LOCATION HANG JO15T 8-G' A.F.F. I FROM STRUCTURE ABOVE L___J 5/8' GWB OVER RESTRMS OPEN TO STRUCTURE ABOVE PROVIDE IGNITION PROOF PAINT OVER EXISTING 5PRAY FOAM IN5UTATION OPEN TO STRUCTURE ABOVE PROVIDE IGNITION PROOF PAINT OVER EXISTING SPRAY FOAM IN5UTATION 0 HANG ALL LIGHTING FROM 5TRUCTURE ABOVE EXISTING LIGHTING THIS 510E OF BUILDING TO 2v 4 LIGHT FIXTURE TYP REMAIN. NO NEW LIGHTING PROVIDED U U Z Q o o 2 J ry Q� o C 0 U 0 U 7;; Q Li , S Z Z 58 8 0 o0 a Zs J LL O/y N b a w Q~Q U a O EL m Q Project No: 1622 Fil= ^I— E:140T Pr0leCa1A12020V4cCaNy 11an1h-20311/- Pertnit12031- C4- McCarty Ranch PERMIT.M Status: Permit Date: 10/15/20 Eoi %loall Digitally signed Arolnteght 20 0 by the by Dale Meaux reserved. Date: tip �NEp � 2021.01.04 Sheet Number: Reflected Ceiling Plan 12:20:29-05'00' A5 1� WHITE ON BLUE �/ BIACN ON WHITE W/1?LETTERS b POST GALVANIZED II '-P+24T" DEEP IP Ln� CONCRETE PAID V, I�O EACH SUCH PARKING SPACE SHALL BE CONSPICUOUSLY OUL]NED IN BLUE PAINT. AND SHALL BE POSTED AND MAINTAINED WITH A PERMANENT. ABOVE -GRADE SIGN BEARING THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY OR THE CAPTION -PARWNG BY DISABLED PERMIT ON — ORB RING BOTH SUCH SYMBOL AND CAPTION (SEE FIGURE 32). SUCH SYMBOL SHALL NOT BE OBSCURED BYA VEHICLE PARKED IN THE SPACE. ALL HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES MUST BE SIGNED AND MARKED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS ADOPTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Handicap Parking Sign 1/2" = T-0" PARKING BY DISABLED PERMIT ONLY Typi.1 Handicapped Parking Sign to be Provided for each Stall � ;! �_uPE OF RAMP N,-, TO BiC EED 1: 1 FIELD VERIFY ALL HEI_: TJ TO DETEMviINE LFUZTH GF R46AP. PROIJiDE bAIN }4",x 44 LEVEL LANDING AT TOP &c BOTTO�,A OF RAIL!IP. IJO SECTION OF PAL'1P TO EXCEED 11' iN/D HAWING INTERi✓EDIATE LEVEL LANDING. IF PISF OF R-'.IPP IS GREATER THAN 1"' PRCiVI DE HANDRAILS tiF CURE Ramp Detail 17. = 1 .-rr, Wheelchair Ramp- Parking 1/2" = T-0" Ramp to level entry of building - field verity hl of grade/ building finish Door. max Slope 1:12 WheelStop, 4" Blue Striping —� 4" White \ Blue Painted Herldinpped Symbol (Typ.) all Paint 12•.T Stripe While Paint Stripe Handicap Parking Space 114" = T-0" NOTE: PROVIDE PERMANETLY STENCILED IDENTIFICATION ON I - HR FIRE RATED TENANT 5EPERATION WALL. LOCATED IN ACCEESSIBLE CEILING SPACE 4 WITHIN 15 FEET OF EACH END OF THE WALL. 4 AT 30 FOOT INTERVALS MEA51JRED HCRIZ. ALONG WALL. LETTERING SHALL BE MIN 3' IN HEIGHT WRH 3!5' STROKE IN CONTP.A5TING COLOR. WORDING SHALL BE TIRFJ SMOKE BARRIER. PROTECT ALL OPENINGS.' HORIZONTAL SECTION DESIGN NO. U465 A-6 SCALE: 3/4"=V-O" NONBEARING WALL RATING - 1 HR. 1.RAQRB®UN3RNER-INOT9iJN4J-25NISG(MIN) G4LV. SIt$1 IN HC+{ RETLRN EGS3-5B IN WDE(MN, ATTPO-E)TOROQtMDCBUrJ,,WMFASIB•E'S241N QC. 2 SIE L SI DS-3-" IN WCE (MN), 1-1141M LF_(£, MIN (RETL. N FORME 1CF25MSIG(MN GKV. STD NM SIUSI1AON 324IN QC 3 EATISA'•D9PNEM--(CPnO'4-L)-MPEKVD3-CRGASSREERBATfSPWRRN.LYCROMF ETaY RWNDSRDOAMTY. SEE =CA7830RYFDRNMESCFQA69RED=PANES 4.NPLLED'3iT GYPELM'-581N THO(4FT. W)EATrACFEDTDSTEB-SPXSNDRDMAD®UFDTRACK WIH1 IN LCNQ 7NESS.F- TPFPINGSf8iSC1;8AS9)P®81N QGALONGEDGESCFBDYZpMD121N QC INIFERBDCFTFEBD4RDJQNTSCRB41M\, RRC4LLYAADSrAa�QJCPPCSIESOESCFASS3VELY. W-EJATrKI-®IDMM6(RfdRINGO WMBS), WWnVUISSDiWATrA3-MTOFLRdN.,GWtaSWTH 1 IN LONG TYPE SSTEELSCF12ABS ACED 121N OG CA NADANGWSN OD, LTD-TYPESQ SCY S-K WtC (ECIRGIAPADRCOOFF', GYPS MI3V.-TYPEGPFSC. PABLTINYFSLNCQ-TYPEPGC. US GYPS..MOD-TYPESQ FDl, 1PQS K. SFC, SKVVSCRVVOL 5 JQNTTAFEANDCDVR7U•D-MN/L, DZ1 CRR8.4)®JQNTCX FCLrO,APPUEDINTNQODATSTOJONTS AADS7 EAI-F L:F PAR RTAPE 21N WCr BAEDDEDINR%7LAYERCFCDVPCLX•DOA RALLJOM& ASANALTBZVATE NDMNW.3'321N THCKGWS.MVBl33:ZR.AS WAYEIEAFT3)® TOThEe,MFSLFFAECFQAS4R®Vt3,EERBSS33OWd3JONrSRE3NCRCED 6 RMW.OWtEL-(4'na4q--NNaCi fRj-FESUeO25NMCALV STEEL FL NINSCI I'aS SPACEDVERBC/LLY MAX 241N QC. RMfJ=RHRQJATTICH®TQ EACH INIa;SEcn GSTDVJM 121N LCNGTYPE&12RAPhEADSIE33S3;BA6 ' BEARN3TFELLCLASRCATICN WRONG Fire Rated Wall- 1 hr Metal Door Jamb Detail 1/d" = 1' n" (4410 SCREWS Q 16_ 0 CI (TYP.) CLIP ANGLE, 114" LESS THAN STUD WIDTH. (2)410 SCREW @ Is-O.C. (EACH SIDE) (TYP.) • CONTINUOUS TFIACK JAM. STUD FULL HEIGHT OF WALL Metal Jamb Stud Detail 1/4" = V-0" Metal Stud Corner Framin 1 yd" = 1'-O" DRILL HOLES 9AN ANGLE R TRENCH 15 NOT WIDE ENOUGH FOR DRILL O t5 REBARLONG MUD 4 E4' INE%ISTINLA G SB 24' O.C.WTO d @ 24. O.ALTERNATING SIDES ° A FILL TRENCH IN E%ISTING SLAB �+ V!/ 25GO - CONCRETE OVER 9 2A G MIL VAPOR BARRIER 4 FINISN TO MATCH ADJACENT 51 S SOIL TO BE RE -TREATED FOP, TEWITE5 NOTE: REDAR 5OPTIONAL IF TRENCH 15 LESS THAN 12' WIDE. Slab Trench Infill 1/4" = T-0'• Metal Stud Wall Intersection Framing 1/4" = V-0" Partition Attachment to Slab 1/4" = 1'4' U15TTNG ROOF STRUCTURE ABV. F-1 RF\/ICITlA1C• Rev Date Descriplinn Digitally signed by Dale Meaux Date: 00611 12:20.45-05'00' BRACE TO DAR JOISTS ABOVE AT V OC MAY BRACE AT ANGLE OP 45 DEG TO JOISTS OR P CWCE ADDITIONAL FRAMulG AS SHOWN TO PROVIDE F05TIVE BRACING TO 5TR, 25 GAUGE CHANNEL SHAPED STUDS 24' O.C. WITH (I) FULL LENGTH LACER OF /2' GYM- WALLBOARD APPLIED TO EA. 510E ATTACHED WTh I' LONG N, G OP,YWAIL SCREWS TO EACH SIDE, SCREV5 ARE B' O.C. AROUf1D PEP,IMETERAND 12.O.G. IN THE INTER- MEDIATE 5TUO5. 25 GAUGE CONTINUOU5 METAL BOTTOM TKACA COSTING CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB NON -BEARING INTERIOR WALL5 3 5/5" OR G" GALV METAL STUDS @ 24" OC 1/2" TYPE x GYP WALL BOARD EACH 51DE R- I I GATT IN5UL WHERE INDICATED ON PtAN5 Typical Metal Partition 1/4" = T-0" tU A Z z" go IL Zo J LL u F � 0 Ln o c Q n aED Q Project No: 1622 Fil- IN'- EAADT PrgeWS1A12021WcCady Ranch-203111- Permit12031- C4- McCarty Ranch- PERMIT Status: Permit Date: 10/15/20 Copyright 2020 by the Architect, all rights reserved. Sheet Number: