HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS Residential Building Permit Checklists
When you submit your building permit application for a new single-family residence or duplex, you should use the following
checklist to determine if your application submittal is complete. Only complete applications filled out with ink can be accepted for
e iffing-.Permit
may "`
A completely filled o'iit,.buildtngrpermtt application=must be
EApplcation- ,
submitted; tnclutng'a11=,required tnfo.`rmationh'e "
apphcatton tnustbe stgi�ed by -the appheant(s):and the
sigriattires,mustabeinota> ized:=
Notice of C,ommencec�ent
:" ram �1:' �`-�'A,reCo
ed Notice of Corner `encement-forLallbconstruetion
with awalue exce- ifii $2,600.hasp b ,�4 Wnitted'at time
of bu'tlduig permit apphcatton.
musE cntately shown on the
fans tnclud , but not him ed to electr al wtr`in
(p s ru.t ;; i�g""`.
pl(umbtng ,heat/air condttto ttng, gas gi trig, windows and
i TA• ."'� •' •-a„j tV f 1 '_':?w
doors Tle'rntntmum plot stzeYfor tte_se�lan"s>is8 1/2 by 1�1
�tnches maxttnum size is 241 y36 inches `Both'sets of =1
+ r—" >5 r .�'i j F r� r� qt +.�
plans need to be`slgnedyand sealed by a'1`onda�regtstered,z;
Engzneer or rcliltectian0tncl tde truss plans B, If -set of
4. _� , fix- Z f M- ,— L ` K r... ,
x lans�znust�be stampedby the; He lth-Department; -if a
s pttc petn�lt is t;equtred.
Vegetation Re om 17,
ice• �'
A+lle�rs,tdeF'tvitialfprhop.ek r'Mties ofan�y stze�requtr_e a compl�e�te-�;_
at on
a`dav. aonpL
vegetattoti removal p1aYi is required ttiC-10 g"plans for
preservation, re planting, and tree nttigatiomas;.applicable.
K ~
A�si?ivey and a;_landscape plan (tf applicable. per--L-and
Development C,,ode-Sections.? 09.03.- must
accompany the, apphcatton tIfryowhaveariy questions'
please contact�therEnm �ironent Resources�Depf at 772-
Su veys,a+- requ�redtforal�bi�ldin'g:pei miffs tiIvoling"°ate
pr.�marystn�cture oy �foi- accessory structure with a
corisfir�ction value exceeding~$ l O;Q00. Alhcopis=must be
stain edby the tHealth,Deparfrnent if a sept�cTMper-'ntf -is
The surveys-�mus be_ srgna d &/,sealed`by a
�- a
rcel of parcels not etzt;g tffe minimum>�
r 7
Lots of
irements of the lot�stze and;dttnensional tequnements
Non Conformm g�
�.: Record
1. r
i 1 7�4r-. .
st be t evtewed�by� the�Zoriirtg Department Any division
�%pe, ty not •subject toj Site Phan review=through the
rowth!Mariagefent:•Departmenw t all require`review by
tlie`Zoning Department. Please contact 772 462=L15,53.
ti . nd Load`.Calculatio' n
,2`� �i
Thrs form'must be:sighOesl ea'led by}arF�loiida
registered=rtgirieer� or
Su-tonb€racfor Agree rent
--One-subcontractor agreement/with' r"iginal_signature is
reed for each ubc n ractor o�i tierjob he=build=ing
.permit cannot bl_rt has.beebi-deternuned.that all
sub! o-6 aGtors--are properly licensed and registere —
The use -of un_lieensed=contractors ss str<ctly__prohibited.
Energy, C fftion�Form
2 each
Both of rrris-must`b ar-the or-igmal signatures of both the
cr tot and contractor.
` f P><11ed Land Affidav>t
`This 1orrri1 requued for all -o'-uction;z;except for
�interzor renovation It must be4ar the origual notarized
�s>griatur'e-of the property ow This affidavi serves to
notify thepioperty owner offheir responsibility not to
adversely=unpact;-their�neighb'or's,�properfies with
stormwater drainageLLand'rurioff�==-�- • -_;.,I;
Product Review Affidavit
The Engineer or Architect of Record must certify all
components listed on the product affidavit per the
submitted plans. To be'accepted for review this affidavit
must be completely filled out and signed and sealed. The
actual design pressures must be noted on the sealed
drawings for each component opening.
;.Recorde'd(Warranty Deed- ;_;
, 1 � s
f It the�property has4 6Wpurchased with n;the last six
mos may no: bet '', ate.
n_tlus case'we must `see arecor� ded-w ra rarity deed in your
dame to V.er- fy: ownership —,
me'f"' ..
-0wner%Bu><Id'er Affidavit =
t-�L= -
When the apphc Lion is applied for under the owner/builder
�- -
provisions of Chapter 489� 103(7)) F S., the applicant -"for:
C �. At/ I'1 li 1 tF�:.. .
this building permit must personally appear to sign the
appropriate affidavit
Health DepaS-tinent Septic
If you are pl mm� to use an.e , stin /or new se ticsystem,
g p
j :.
Approval .r - .
- - �� �-T•
` .
Jj f rim- „ ,/
you must first obtain jj ealth0epartment approval for the
system. S> rv��ey ndithe-cons Z ion plans must bear the
original Health Department approval stamp.
Driveway Permit
When you directly access a State or County road, you are
required to obtain a driveway permit from the Florida
Department of Transportation or the St. Lucie County
jT49ad &,Bridge Department.
T+lood-Ele�ation Cenc�at
your piopert�y�is'locatedwthin a4desi nate{d flood zone
yoi'�are required to file an or.'ginal flood:e'1"evatioii
certificate sign( by a'!Florida registered' surveyor.
NOTES: /�yy..Q'
❖ Additional information beyond thdt� I; the checklist may be required in order to ensure a complete review of
your building permit application.
SLCPDSD Revised 07/19/18