HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawing B•QUNQAR'Y /.TOPOCPAP.H1C SUP'VEY U FELL IS OVER 75' UVITS OF DRAINFIELD FROM PROPERTY UNE toj:56 BLOCK 5 F.F.E. = il.72 rD. x9 N 90.00'00 " .. .�°� 300:0.0'. �°*1y FD. 1 PjT]`OPO�EI) PLOT P ,AN iduwair m aaNiRJdIOA xeAtxx heel.ANh rwwl hoc AersovAW 26.58 __. ...... . AlL ELEYATIONS SHO#j-HEREON ARE BASED DN AN ASSUVED-DATu� .../. .._...... ... .. \ J— S 39.91 M PROPOSED x o �_` \ + 11.15 DRAINFIEID a o ` .' 8 � 1L o.Y1y ¢ 1lllo. m � O ID.01' ao � N LEGAL.QESCRIP710N: w .Wrr ..... _.. 9.._. ... _...._...... . .(Supp1.f'ed..by.C1:1ent.)..._........ +-......_...._.. . ...................._.............._....._.. ..__........,._.._.,......................_._............_ .......... w_......_. s+ '� 135 w.. _ o - Lots..57.&..58..i.n Block 5 o.f ,. .._. _ a.I.a; F INDIAN RIVER ESTATES-UNIT 176;fiT FIVE o I �. o according to the plat thereof oo' ' zoo o I as recorded in Plat Book 10 el y mK '' z pages 58 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.. r ° SURVEYORS NOTES: rD, rD• , 99 1, Unless olherprise noted only platted easements xa + ++ + Q l are shown hereon. 4, 590'00 00 E 300,00 �h 2. All Lot dimensions shown are per plat unless. ABBREVIATIONS-- otherwise shown, SET Set 5/8 iron r bar yyyyi'th O 3. No underground utilities or improvements Were yet to*sap marked "PS '5543" a!ti located unless other*ise sho*n. FD Found 5/8" Iron Rebor f 1`80'R.O.W.-40'ASPHALT ROAD ra�JND 4. This site Ii.es Within-Flood Insurance Rote I�ap F.1- C finished Floor Elevation a• _ Zone X 4�opg12111CO277J Dated 2/16/12. 17H-0H--OH-=Oyer Heod t res -—-—-_-—��—-_ _—- - -—_^- 5. Flood Zone sho nhereon Is an interpretation TEtieDE A �PA< .0 t� p x—x X =chain Link Fence HO}�ARD STREET HI RgQA�D EI.EyA�T� 10.00 by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. �_0`C)=Post is Fence _ AsSulIE0 DATut1 The (food zone should be verified by a, 0--0--0 ood Fence' - determination agency, R= FPL Translormer'Pod Palmetto Ddve Certi.f,Ied to: 111dm Diu.& Jennifer Diaz 6. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center PL=Value as plotted St}aCOast Notional Bank, ISAOA R =Rodius of curve SCALE I 4o' Atlantic Land Designs All Parker BrD�yn� Title Insurance A enc ...: .. line of Ho(yor.d Drive as being 590'00'00'E yy t� :.,...e.Ag Y . accot.di to the.RloG:desccibed hereom:•- • L = Length ol..curye...... __.•.. ol••the•Treasute Coast;-•tBT468"" "` Ojd Ne ublid'461%npl'Title Insurance Company ng' /� Del�q of Curve.. DATE:11Z4717 T61 Jensen Beach Dlyd.Jensen Beach,it 3196y 7. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage ,YEAS. =Measured l'nereby oeitlly that the survey sho{ln hereon is true and correct Easement. CONC. =Concrete DRAM MC�JC Mailing Address; and es based an actual meoseurawnts taken,in the field. This. 8. The accuracy of this:survey is remised on the C.P.=Conerrggte Pod P.O.Box 1421 Jensen Beach,F134988 sury ymeets the lilieimum Technigaf Standards at Chapler WAT M "e y Y P ED=Water Meter 2017-0028 ALD5543@gmalj.com (772)398-4290 F'a'do,adninistratiye code. w wtcT� .expected use of the survey. The expected use/ = older Pole Oigimllyslgned by lames A.Cestrolt I'sM S543 purpose of this survey is home conslraction• �=Utilii Box. BATE: REYISIONS Ja'rneS A. oe:= JamesACesi Jr Accuracy = 1 toot in 7,500 feet or better. y -Ad.0c Lind Dengn,a a. ®=y�e� l( �e $VaAIDSS43@9m 11. m;4.US 9. Addit:ions or Deletions .to thiss survey mop by R.O . =Right of Way Ces1'ro Jr. Date:mtzozoev:4a.3ao5oa' +rmor' other then the signing surveyor 'is prohibited -wv,=Drainage Proposed NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC 4 , 01 Without Writtenconsent. and Existing LAST FIELD DATE:1/23/17 SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL " ec° lM - = : . y.. - - 2 6D GnLVnnIZE • - - ?JAILS M PICKET - - LATERAL SUPPORT 6-a- rNt,APPRW.po " EOVAL TOP- x4- post _ _ _l IMEDN 1 'fJ 7 IN _ .. ... ..... ,. ........... _ .._. ...._ _ - ram- - _ 1 .......-. .. ..:.-n. -._.:.:..:- - _:. .. ,.'..:. .... ._- -:. ..;TYPICI�� - �l l�-� .71 : - STOCKAD€ DETAIL Past.2<_t. . Ground �2 - NA P T _ SD-LALVnN7Z ILS�Yf1Z PIOCEf ' • N2rLSGALV,gia�c .._ I ` _ _ -SHADOW.-BOX DET67L B08RD-11N -BOARD- I}ETAl ' :... .: . .. . .:LIne :'Fabr c: I p: o ft ail •: ail'. rld.C- Loopcap' ie.:•.. 10' Max Post-Cap Brace Band .. End Posh ..ten ••sion Band 1-56' , On CTR. Tension Bar Chain Link' �`` _ Fabric °h T `'�`..,,""4 ,; '" % . � ,..,t:-�`? t`�s , 'mac , •' Z< . r -4 HE Fabric Selva e Line Post - - Concrete Y - Notes Twist or Barb Selvage Knuckle Selvage Hei ht Mesh C IS6,.qej Fnish —Gate Fabric to match fence . . Fabric.— .—For welded frames onit truss rods .. .. .. .. —For more information please see , Framework O.D. Wall wepuf, Length httpAIwwwspsfence.com End/Comer Post Line Post Rails Gate Frame Gate Post 0-46' Ch •ain Link Fen ce.. . . V1l/Top Ra�I Detail D tan : ar a"n Link Fenun � ra wing N . s . 4 w O ::.