HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information SLAB - T'I KENED EDGE FOO. G SIZES RECEIVED General Notes: FFR T 2 2021 "ermitting Department 1. 6"x6" 10/10 WWM or Fibermesh added concrete St. Lucie County 2. 6 MIL Visqueen vapor barrier required on termite treated soil when next to living space or under habitable space. 3. Compaction test required when fill exceeds 18", 95% minimum compaction required. SLAB/FOOTING USED 4"THICK SLAB MIN ,h P THICK SLAB MIN SOP O f2 45 DEGREES 45 DEGREES 8„ 2-#5 REBARS 12" 4"THICK SLAB MIN 4"THICK SLAB MIN 8„ 45 DEGREES 4" NON STRUCTURAL 1-#5 REBAR 8" (NO FUTURE BUILDING) Slab/Footing updated 12/16/14 tjv REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY ROCC file Copy W2d2(9tdfid&rqA -SeeSWtoi2fbrlepl a "atftSmtiymddah UM3NOT(21bRM fllmm -----------------------------I 5w:r'=3a FILE COPYFRONTMIN. SETBA REQ. SIDES_ I THE NOI M O'OFTM50UM 195.53'OfTiffWEST 160'OfTHEFA%112 C N R S!:lES_e OF79t1=30AGRE5OFTHEN.E.I14OFTHES.E IF4OF5=0N9-3ir40 REAR. ZNG.^- 05CEOLA DRIVE TECH._ _ I DIRT ROAD I NON 61- N89'50'30'E 160.00'(t) I60.151M) — F 1TP 2' .. i tm ID � o 0.2' I 01 tl I CONC.WALK a , 25.86 1 8.81? 8 I `n 46.O' 0 25.00 — s� �;Lq Ln ONESTORYcoRESIDENCE 8 903j'i2.5"* a 24.50Cn � I 46.5(Y Lq LO _ COV.PORCH cn 0 5EPf IC I. _ , • � i N CONC. I- J I 1 � LO 25.44' 18.80 POOL DRAINflB.D o SCREENED CONC. -— ; 2 1 •Y�- �3 C� THEW55T 160'OFTHE5"13553'OFTHEWFST 3W OFTHE 50UM 495 OFTtff EAST I Y eA` OR OF THE NOATH 30 ADO OF THE N.E.114 OF THE 5.E.114 OF 51500N 9-36.40 ` FIF 2' — No ID im 589'50'30W 160.00'(O 159.831M) 21 O.T N I � � n NO ID eCe�ED - tr��� 300o Ps T we nBSENOIE s SU&WPROPB"1S513t1 mBYPtI@UCUtfllitFSANDSEP)ICSYSTBL PeCmr,L�o�e 2 X t Z. e-10 a Adverse Con�ioas•Ptase nae Qx fad -FENCEf]t!1§5E5NOR1tIH�YPROPHtiYLUtE. 1 c6�cyeylrgoEessemf9 dW&&dHorida.Ptea mbrba ubsbat tma�oet�eahe:0155T16 varelar�dSurey�br up m d�idm�on a5af ar hca5ats and arAsage ana. Or m18y:EV. Tlis�f�f�issuad fry fls3 idueig tandc�Sweyt>g� 1500 N.W.62nd Street,Suite 511 °&oIFWV `k:°AMID LAHDTECH Fort Lauderdale,Florida 33309 ' S u R V E Y I N G Office:(954)776-6766 Fax( ) .4660 954 776 Rein: Froviftg Fast&Awffate Laud sumog Swi= throughout Florida ...mtasura6Fy 6atcr! www.LandtechSurvey.com ,,; City ot' aatAP1U050,43Z - CW 6f ll�;L-� Concrete ll Won BBB i kewed&.Ins" EWmate Propose, josbconcm epedecdon@ rtail.coin [Subnliftd Tb: Estimate given by: �Lone.t#e Gouw,6 Jose Addims 903 0.�ceota Dn FP Call n2-112-50 6 6 EmaU Date tonette210_0 yahoo.com 11 Feb 2021 lne Cell# N/A 772 332 6154 We lmtby submit specifications and estimates for: Pours conatete bon RV pank.ing aAea:36x20 6 " thick 3000 3i with 6ibelt mesh`-+ 12x12 AvoteA, 12 aebyA Penm.it incPuded $7700 l46400 + $800 6!1 + $500 12x12 (2 ) #5 1 7n6tatt natit on RV va,%ki aitea a &ox. 10x20 6" thick 3000 �s.i% ibeit $ 1600 FRemove and ice .lace a %ox. 20x20 4ect.ion o-A dAivewa 6" thic �s k 3000 ' 2500 _ ibex 2 toadz o 6 dint $4 p 0 We propose hereby to fiunish inaterial and labor-complete in accoMnnce with the aerie speciftcatiom for the sum of: 12,200 - . ( - $700 -i6 paid in cash) Dollm .vMf payim is to be made as follows*-:re sit regttit�d at signing of contract. lid due upon completion of vork. 1t is Ohe respoizil city of the owwr to tum jiff all spri:ildin before any work is sterner.Ownor must indicate atien of ATi.I.tires and sprinkler beads.Child safety barrier and ground ewe not included for pool if required f Concrete Perfewon is rot Tsponsible fordmnage to Respect y orvartationincolor �� • of c x e s�d p:vcas. Note-this l m� be i b• us if cat accepted within 8 wceLs $1000 deposit p � �' �' Concrete work is not Acceptance of Proposal guaranteed against cracking. The above prices,specifications and conditions are Homaeaw er respon ible for satisfactory and am hereby accepted.You are new sunr-y if iequired autborized to do wdik as specked.Paynxnts will be mado as outlined abow.,Price includes a discounts. Date ofAct t - Lt, I - Any d:ange requests made after acceptance of the proposal will be billed to customer