HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PlansFile Copy Prof-er51'61'1cll RECEk"H JUN 2 7 2017 IC �t.BstSon,Socretary September23, 2016 Ala%Martens Superior Sheds, Inc - 2323 S. Volusia Ave Orange City, FL 32762 RE: Manufacturer Certification, ID MFT-113; Expiration Date: September 22, 2019 Dear Alec Martens Flrl h'tanuiatnuref su..' - <7 t'ropram 1940 Nonh Idcntoe S'reet $!i'p 9A. It is my pleasure to inform you that Superior Sheds, Inc, located at 2323 S. Volusia Ave, Orange City, FL 32763, has been approved under the Manufactured Buildings Program, as provided for under Chapter 553, Part 1, Florida Statutes, to manufacture Storage Sheds, Manufactured Buildings for Installation in Florida. Construction or modification an a milnuractured building cannot begin until the Third Party Agency has approved the plans in accordance with the current Florida Building Code. Your Third Party Agency Is a contractor for the Department and has statutory authority and responsibilities A81:must be met to maintain approved status. You may expect and demand quality plans rewow and inspections. Each Code change will make your plans obsolete until they nave been reviewed, approved and Indicated [on the cover page of the plans] for compliance with the Code by your Third Party Agency for plans review. Please ensure that your plans are in Compliance and are properly posted on our website. All site -related Instailatiom issues are subject to the local authority having jurisdiction. .} The Department's contractor will make unannounced monitoring visits at least once each year - You must grant complete access to your manufacturing facility and records to remain in compliance with the rules and regulations of this program. Your certification is approved for three years from this date. YOU will receive a renewal notice by Email generated by the BCIS NWvmnoridabuildina oral for online renewal. If you have questions You may contact Robert Lorenzo at 850-717-1835 or our FAX at 8SO-414-8436. Please visit our website at www.Boridabu'id'na o g to see valuable information on the Florida Manufactured Buildings Progr-dm. A copy of this letter must accompany applications for local building permits. Sincerely, Robert Lorenzo Manufactured Buildings Program cc: Professional Service Industries Ricit Scott, Governor REC� -D JUN '' PSI APPROVAL 2015-06-02 ,r e Copy 4 Vx4- M1 Txd•arz wig see (2) 2 x 4 spurn header wd (2, 12 p.L Plne eacheka.lowtee whonga PLdaor, cIcr oow ed � en genga door 0oNged when garage docrgWtlkd doube arches for gerP3e dons 1 x4 bidging DOOR (see nob 2, 3, a 4 =dug rtwb8s homy of (opllmap r zT bo eee wan cruet i Plain nunrore ahp0yp.)uae }•Plyboacd ISOMETRICOFSHED 3W 9, po%' r ar Shlglsm ISTA-10. UBP .10 oL ISTA-18 or egWNern rx8'eHeras WN4�18d)MOa WALLANCHDRDETNLS BqNdo: 4047aaxlanpol "I n_dswx loml apelvlg �x6Pl Taming (7P.) , �• .r- Y.:.:. _-_■_■._MM_.._ xf ..on. e %ba 4' x 4• rmmer required an is* okjoist spacing, Slow 1'"Ma gnome dYbcs'd w/addamalf x4' Sla Nmm Simpam HS-24, USP RT46 C14areglsvef.I,o NMci wm xycnedAlon hr n mm)daand rxr!vnMr 1 %6'Pb,a kr a1�s win s InIangng n, },flg pNtoam r Y 4' mtlom PINIO(w) ell FLOORemlutl eat: 1• za / 4' x 4' edm hinder • 4' nde heMa I Y r r Ylbddgbg(w wnoaoimi) x4• benl(typ.) xe Mod.header 'x4'vAMo-a as x4• PI brnnI TLG Can HS-2 bnPm^ Hn, (ty4. USP ool" CFP aWinlenL (typ)eN anda run ardardeh C-O'(nuol) fw mrceCion SIDE ELEVATION WITH DOOR & WINDOWS a P=1' __■ MEN ,,. -- ■�= N iiiiiii iiiiii womwom •dim Mir SEE SIDE ELEVATION WITH DOOfiS AND WINOOWSFORINFORMATIONNOTSHOWN SIDE ELEVATION oat}•= r 4 WIRING DIAGRAM (apfim2l elecblc) 0 H Ld! 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L`-nn-tx. sniast N1U1IX1 N1D GAp6LLID.TIEEYEaQTAr10INO1tli APEFASTENED WITNA (•%YBLtl.T1M NUi. 5. F TIE NIII eT0¢ ATT1gEOTDAUPICiFIEYIP TIEe11111IM0lt EEf 0.LTfE00NCgklE 6UBfM] $HBIMEDIM TOlE4F14j'HOtE6IXYLLF])vrtIH AlWaH1 DR¢LCRDrnNC.EtE 5UP1 j'OF£RM JgSt.TIEE1E90LT xt FIPIEx TeKlllr>11 TIEPOITONHAA(A.N SIYP3]NtllgepFAtfppyFRTFE f'1\FDOE IHCHQi. /, �%Yf10.i Mf1 KJTY¢ 'Stya6n LSTb18, USPISTA-i6 rwfsxatl6lafDTO FA41tir TiEE+t:mLT NDSMpepe tip TlOEiY6t Hontcerb Sbepma,,olAA GENERAL NOTES P SPECIFICATIONS FOR AUGER ACHORS /Rni.11 N s1 f.®a➢WD 511.YL SE IENgL irtE Cat YUAIFACNPF98YiptE PRYIEOF fnati)In x4heads giWWOdbrsdrp) TYPE I, II,m IIIODNCRETE OR1'x4•b !(YO2x ADSP�WTxebkdft 4 etlffi(typJ Iff2x4�pIale SHED WmH SKID ATTACHED 2s6 tend lei NO P Gaga 4 z4 pAebda END ELEVATION FW R SKID MODEL rM brOmmllerl r10L 6nowT fine tlld 6'aVde011 Wi11 dMr OUTSIDE WNITHS a, g, 1g, i1's', a13'a• 112 a see arth cicala 4 r x 5•MfTek T x 4'snd x 4• heads Vgnpacn TP-35. 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Zij }'X 3'(no#4m None: rating) ezpansbn bob 1. HOAouasa<d Mlem bbclrb(BFBx18 mayne 6bdmd mpeds Mhijls¢u: uPm18'wHhouc lembcing 2. ABS regWredm /1'd'fl 1 '' • buemya orwedgaantlwrima 61eb (par brie t) pM Wj T",,a Anohw SpacingoTAugm Type, AndoFFw SIr&WH°Snais _}Yrmnw(2) p TYrBaE T U '-h _.. • t:7�Ca541f8�i�fiTi£7if•i • aA/ A. .. r .. h..a.: • Irtt['7�K)L'�iB�fiG1Y('•Ll'lY[iGTi P:a:.Fi'?][mils;r"santlin.';'::v- -�•.. 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'C Si EYMMU MIME AOFNOW 4( DYE (]FJf IfnRA CfB RD FtlS $£9WlENtl RV TE MAxwu4 4.1HE WnYIRI FOu"ED®iNYEFOR pPIHL011 rKU5 a°OWLTFRS OR SFpt A i'FJ9N19.al BOLT. 6.N%]IO0.96HNLBE b14IpE WNL4EWFPINf1E1111E91mBPlwCE LFXFTO AY E,(eRNG 81x1111NGW WIGI GSE AIL,roM1SGW BE ftM 01@O WML AN CLOSE I9 foonNIETO SUE WALIB GENERAL NOTES: .L-ALL BUILOINGS FROM O SQ FT- TO MO SO. Fr. ARE EXEA�r FROM WIN ORNE-DEBRIS IMPACT STANDARD PERF 0MO STATUTES 2. ALLaUIIDINGSFROM0" FF. T040o SO,RY: ARE fOFt USE WIiH OP HE T. fAMLY ALL COT(GFSABEO BUILDINGS AS WELL 3. ALLCOLBAERY AL AS WELL AS RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SOL Fr. GREATER Y xT sgwro gMenbatl 121/4•x t21M'ragh stet weshaw8h}nut pPy4pO TSG piymad WrTH T E& WEIGHT AND THE IK AND MAXWITTtT.OR ANOR EMIH.ANO MAACCESSORIES 11 BUILDINGSTO REQUIREMENTS. UIL INGS WRR .Fr.OR DOOR WITH 4. AESIDEN INGS4005O.FF.OR LESS WITH T2'DOOFif�JGFmNiE ACCESSORIES TO RESIDEMTIALSTRUCNRES. 11 /2 1N' or A2 PA minim pleb ' %4' Wad brie (typ.)e[ w PHbMrd ��� 2x8pL elda ui 'x4'bctinnpbt . 'TAGPIAmeN tE m24•• llto n HS24, USP HS24 CUP u 17'HYOROVENTOETAA9 eyabwl atd antlmrbaltd N-alnt(Wryp)kl soda scale: l'=1'41• ec Wdl enrlwrd foie mpe8wr WY}•zY aM (2) NrcmnerPm r x r gaN. wahas and }• out riNEE�11 L�'7Fffi t®/i'� F3'iFinT�1�� rllr_-, Lrli'� '7�==rr•r•�'[rarFII.T'C+�'!•fU7f23L:-[' ,JL=1 ttr-irsr n7�e•'�7"�1T�13"'"r i--Si1�7•M .•.�•tr.•fll:SZirRTF}•TR�!�L 41Q�hTUTT'+'�. F[�..+' U z 5. THIS PLAN WAS DESIGNED D WALLS T1 FBA MID THE FBCR AFASTENERS FOR ROOFANQUAL W1 SHALL BESCOT METAL Pj WOOD FASTENERS U•• ANDSHALL BESExi'OREDONSrr/fUYOTHERS D UGHOCALC E Zo r.ri eMe TRH ].GUTTERS TO BEINSTALLEDONSRE 9YO7HER4 THROUGH LOCALCODES. W8 SHED DESIGN LOAD REQUIREMENTS FOR THE'z�2014 FBC-5thEdition, 2011 NEC, 2014 FFPC tzI herebycertify0)atI have TevieA'ed these plans along %O all buildingmatedafsandComponents used in cite manufacturing of the sheds. The material and components etfT Ichave a Florida Product Approval as required by the Florida Bidding Commission Ru' gLN-3)a ArxM or were analyzed using the Wh Stress Design. All materials and 7'W the 2014 Florida Building Code, the Florida Manufactured Building Act and - IT k.4(YI V STRAP DETAILS N.E.C. for a Category 1: Enclosed Building, Exposure'C', with a vnn0°vr'gr,.,y �I-Mdt,l-('� v acel<w. (three second gust) DESIGN PRESSURE -.noDF wAu FLOOR LNE LOAD 75 PSF - -); " + (• DESIGN CRITERIA RFLOOR FI.IOVEELLOAD pP A 1 ILDINGCATEC°ORY / ROORDEAD LOAD SPSF ° UILOI r?PE CCESSORYSTRUCTURE INTERNALPRESSURECOEFFIGENJ H0.18 dt� SINGLE HELIX AUGER ANCHOR ON UCTION see bleat krapecing C - - scalaystx. DVELOCRY 18o MPH 0 MLE A OF FLOORS 1 BID TiMe wa 1. !� (N r V) Cr