HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitALL APPI.ICABM INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: ~12)J.I Permit Number: _______ _ COUN-i y ........_ fLOR(DA Building Permit Application / Planning and Dellelopment Services Bui/ding and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fart Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: {772) 462-1578 Commercial ___ _ Residential ___ _ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line Address: _.k«:1'.__~JAj'li},(l'[__!l~L¥-.. ~~JJ~~'----rb:::__.2_:t!:;?_!_ _______ _ Legal Description: ~4:w.u..i4.J..!.All>.L.l.~.ll.ll~!.I..L£~:..!:..ll=---------------.L...- PropertyTaxlD#: _______________________ _ Lot No .. ___ _ Site Plan Name: _______________________ _ Block No. __ _ Project Name: _______________________________ _ Setbacks Front. ___ _ Gas Tank as Piping D Plumbing Osprinklers Shutters □Generator 0 Windows/Doors □Roof Total Sq. Ft of Construction: ______ _ Cost of Construction:$ 52-0D. DO ~ of First Floor: Utilities: LJSewer □Septic Name,.:..u=~:...:....-""'"'-LL"-...._.LLLl-1-1=''1W_i_ ___ _ Address:._~L-.;""'-A4'L.>O""-->l¥"""j,----=- City: ti)(,l-; Y!IYI State: Fi,. Zip Code: 34951 Fax:~------ Phone No. 11 l,-Y:]$ -O(,JJ..l E-Mail:. ______________ _ Fill in fee slmple T"ltle Holder on next page ( if different from the OWner listed above) Company: Address:5(0 A City: (orb Pr'e,rce., State: P'l- Zip Code: ·3 lf:9 5 l Fax:71.:L-t.ll,f-3731 Phone No. :M;J.-% { -414-I E-Mail:~leae e 'f baa. en('(\ State ore: nty Licen~ CAc,lil'SI~ (p If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED N-of COmmena!ment is required. SUPPI..EMENTAL CONSTRUCTIONUEN I.AW INFORMATION: Not MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applkable Name: Name: Address_: _______________ Address'--=--------------- City: ____ -::,:-------State:_. _ City: ____ --,-______ __,State: Zip: _____ Phone'----------Zip: ____ Phone:'----------- FEE SIMPLE Till£ HOLDER: ~ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Address'--: ______________ _ Name:. ________________ _ Address: _______________ _ City:~----=----------Zip: _____ Phone:. _________ _ City: _________________ _ Zip: _____ Phone:'------------ OWNER/ CONTRACl'ORAFRDVIT: Application ;,, hereby madetn oblain a pennit tn do the work and installation as indicated. I certtfytbatoo woric°' F-sl M ,-on-bas.mrmhelar:ed tJl'iortotbeissuanc:e of a permit. • St. lut:ie County makes IIO li!jll 2 1talio,t that i,, jjialtlillg ii~ will aulhori2e the uennit holder ID buld the~ structure which is in c:onllk:twitllarrt !IPPlitable Home owner.. Asw+ iatkN' ,.ilei, bylaws qr af_lll aM!ltallts lbat ma,: restrict or prphibit such slruClure. Please amsult wilb your Home 0wnels Association and review your deed for any resbictious ..midt may apply. In considerallon of the gira,ding of this requested permit. I do hereby agree that I will, in al respects. perform the wort in aa:ordan<:e with the appil.NB1 ,.tins, the Rorida lloilding Codes and St. LucieCotalty Aneillmertts. The followin& bllildillg permit applications are e,rempt from undelgoing a full COl10lffBICY rev-= room additions, accessory strucbm!s, switmning jlOllls. fences, walls,signs, screen rooms an,! ,. + en r uses tn anotbB non-residential use WARNINGTOOWNER:Yrm-failuretoRemnlaNotir:eGfCou•11EhC115iihillt,"111Yresultin,--payiagtwla!for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing. consult with lender or an attorney before commem:1n work or recordi Notice of COmmencement. ~~~~ STATEOFFLORIDA <L I ,.~i COUNTY OF <....Jf • vJAUl- The forgoing instrument was aclmowledged before me t11is~c1ayof Mo.cm .202-1 bv ~ f. &;1i'e.- Name of~ ement Personally KnuMl__j/_ OR Produa,d ldeiltificaliun __ Type of ldentificaliun Produced'----------- -~tL,L- Signature of Contr.lctor/1..ia!nse Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ___________ _ The fu1goi11g Instrument was acknowledged before me trus ~dav of t1onb • 20 ..i, by ~~~~ Personally KmMn _,_ __ OR Produced tdeutilitation __ _ Type of ldentilicatiim Produced. _______ _ ~& of Florida) REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR . PlANS VE<iETATION ROVE REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev.8/2/17 COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW