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Corbin Acres
CER CA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCtE ag by p ~ RT. Co~'bin and ~ey E. Co~ him hu and wffe~ AND Ann E. Corbh'L a sb~g:e t of tl~e ~ s n and descri .n~ c~ the ~ame to ~ surveyed and p~a4ted as he kcate ~he ~a as h:}~'eoo. W~ SS our and sea:b thas day of ............... 19 WF:NESSES :Ni A~.::~ Ann E. C,orbi; STATE OF FL;OR,DA COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Corb~n. husband and vdffe, dayo,~' No,aw Public, S~a~e of Flo¢¢da at. Large CE R T~F~CA FE OF T/~' ~ LE STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUC~E The [ a;s en this pIat are in ~he ~e of T. Ca~b{n and Shidey E. CorNn, iau nd amd , AND Ann E, in, a sine t and ni is he.id by the pemons ex lng the lion, and :~ll 'taxes have on said rty as requ red W $197 I92. F 8taluies the Official o;~a Book amd P n ¢ aB m~dga , i~zns, er o~her encun%mnces (ff any} ns/t the ~a~x~, and the names ¢ sli persotns bolting an ~;-~ st h'~ such mort , ~en or other encumbra s are ;i bek~w: NONE this day of The VVes~ 1/2 of' the Northwest i/4 of the Sou(beast !/4 of Sec'~ion 9, i, , ,~:h :~ou.b., Rang: East: sam land bing an: being, in S" Lucie C:ounb, Florida, EXCEPTING ihereh'oni alt, rights of w;~ for public ioeds and drainace ca~xds. contaiaing 19A66 acres, more or !ess dnOs shown hereon ,are ;based u~on .a r~ of 889:%0 4T'E, a(ea,g the No~lh gna of described I,:~a~ ..... ce":¢ ~ Al'! future utiliiies will be uBderground, NOTICE: T PLAT, AS RE D !N %RAPHlC FOR~, iS THE OFFiCiAL DEPICT~ON OF THE SY tVlDED LANDS O CRIBED L IN NO C!RC TANCES BE SUPPLANTED IN ITY BY ANY OTHER G OR i FOR~ OF THE PLAT~ THERE MAY BE RESTRlC: NS THAT T RECUR ON THIS PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND ~N THE P LIC CORDS OF T C TY~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY 'OF ST. LOC:I;E it iS h certifi¢<~ thai this plat' vision plslting requi~' as set fo. dh in Sestk:,n of the St Lucia ei C , St L'ucie County,. Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 8% L:BO1E ii iS hereby, fi,~ lhat !he sndemigiled su~a~ mapper duly Iicensed it~t, ~e. ..>~a~.eC't o!' Florida. ~e:,'" levi . d this pla~." ' for cenfomnitv wii:h ihe requiremenis of Ch r ~T7 Florida $tatules. DATED this day of. ............................ ,19 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST, LUO[E I (hat the isa m of a sur¢ey a r my 8traction and supe~ision; thai s<aid sul¥ey is: t,~e i8 lhe: bee:! of my kn and ~lief; (hat Pe M/s (Permaner~i Re~exeace Mmnm 8) a~d R.CP% (Perm ¢ rol B~$} have been ¢; as r'equi by law:; and furlhe¢, i;ha~ (his ia~ curacies wig1 ag the: requffements ©f Cha t77, Fiodda Statu~es ED this day o:i ...... ._ ~an~es A Kirby iii R~ fed Land Sun.,eyo~~ Florida ;Certificate Number 239I ViCiN TY H P COMMUNITY D£VELOPMEN D_~;~REC TOR APPRO VA£ STATE OF cert¢ied ~;hai this pt8~ meals the mir:drnum lot dimension requi-rements of the fo~h in SeaSon. 7,~tl)0, of SL Lucia Coun:ty L,and Develeomen~ Code. Zoning Disbicl, ,as se~ B__pj}~D OF Co,~UN_LF,~ CO SS~ON APPROVA£ STATE O~ FLORIDA COU~TY OF ST:. LUC1E ;... i:s hereby aedified: fha( (:his pia~ has been offiaialty approved for record b/the Board of County Commissi©ners oF c~t.°' Co.u~i~,, ~Fi a this day of 49 COUNTY LUCRE the C~mtJ} Cou~ af St L~de C , h,:eby eertib ~hat this pla~ has been pbes in, fom~;:wi[h all, the r-equ ants of the i of Fiaid8 peda,iait~g to Maps and Plats, and ~er ~xx}ord day Of Si. L.~sie Ccumy:, Flodd8 :'This ptat is a~ved as to %,cu~,ty A(torney St. Lucie Courtly, F!odda i~ THAT THiS SITE PLAN MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. OF THE ST. LUCtE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT , CODE. THiS APPROVAL DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ',':,CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION UNTIL ALL, SUCH PROVISIONS OF THE ~OJECT DEVELOP- MENT A~OVAL HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WWH AS FURTH~ !OEN~t D~ELOP- MEN~ 'PROvAL DATF Tupnpike FeedeP Road Box ~.826 ...... Pho~ 46:-.932: ,/ :8"X I354. :0 ................ , ~998 50 SCAI E: ~* = *00 417,77' ½- Ci"} CiD 3> LiS '~ ¢%-, 77' 3¸> j;? C 'i 'i: ii } -.} ~" {ii C73 , , CiTh i THt8 IS TO C~RTI~ THAT THIS SITE PLaN MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE ST. LUCtE OOUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. THIS A~ROVAL DOES NOT CONSTITUTE CONSTRUCTI~ AUTHORIZATION UN, T~L ALL SUCH PROViSiONS OF THE ~OJECT DEVELOP* MENT AP~OVAL HAVE BEEN COMPLIE~ WI'FH AS FURTHER IDENTtFll DEV~OP,- MEN~ ORDER 1:13 :13 ? CiD P.O. Box t~26 P~ er',ce, : s'95:-~ ash 56i} 466,-9326 Fax