HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Termite Treatment01/03/2011 02:12 772487-965 AMERICAN LTG MA-.TNTEN PAGE 01t91 E pbs"Wg & pwelopMent SOVIms OL 6ft. P.4utafim Dwon. APR 14 2010 2"a VWOda Ave ftgt piarce, FILIA4982 Public Works 777.46,-2,21n - Fox 772-162-0443 SL Lucie cg�4njy, zL CERTIFICATE OF.=MrflE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TRU PERMIT TMENT 305 . ADDRESS: 13U,LDF. NTRACTOR: BUILDE PVC0 PEST CONTROCON" FOR: L PEST COW ROL LICENSE rf fur rerdy flu, we tmVe pr&eaw the above dmcribed oDr6VU&3 Este, Ifie undersigned, hereby, tndmijs of the wdoal Pest Cnmrd AssodaHon- subterranean termites in accordanw with the 4 v - -/ square fed if area tvaod, percen%ea Date 13f -fredment; 1"irmtment Memimls used, -Tctaj gallons u5emd. Time of -rmnimwt, 1st Treatnent Re Trams DrivbNaY VA Treatment �Ae Ttegz%r f at n 13�z TmAbnent 10 i re coaf oFAm*w. A mw4AwA0d5WAbV#L tie c¢e�r�sd "Of J�A'� 7rm"my't" Mw#nOt;s =WOW FSC104.216 Zk!tOWL ptoWded 10 Mcem- dbpik On Tr-067� C00"W9 ffie Xjmjt & tzued toaad ammer mpp for ft-, &MV Pffmg flks� 7n* n8071�"t *fW ha&W4 _94bg promom a ZIPPY P,6�= affid Mm* 4W&wto,,, tbne and da& Cetliffcas! provide Me pool Proko tad bg avow.? noble tmpm-4 dmmkal wad, pintMCB09th pt,&Cffi0bw&w"L #the . so Ism ft w#p(a4mfpjtr to &WbnhbWw approWd, be plamd an requites for the Sag Inspxtion for C0j a Penftnett WC16-* *0 Wide COUlAY apokmons. t1j, jed�jml Panel box aWer, [Wft 400 the tmabn**5 'a"d dpW *f Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462.6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: O(j i d JOB BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: PEST CONTROL CONTRA( PEST CONTROL LICENSE ADDRESS: 51 �s c'-V69tj We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control ooiation. Square feet if area treated: BLS S Chemicals used: &Q414-1 Percentage of solution: Total gallons used: Date of Treatment: ���—� 7 � Time of Tr ent: IF I 1/1", Footing 1't Treatment Re -Treat Driveway < 1 Treatment Re -Treat Other e Treatment Re -Treat Slab_ reatment Re -Treat Pools Treatment e Treat Note: There must be a completed form for each required #0iment drre-treatmentand th/s form must be on the job site to be picked up by the Inspector at time of each Insp on or the scheduled inspection will fall and a•re-Inspection fee charged. F13C104.2.6 Certificate 0frotecUm Treatmentforprevendon oftern&w- A weatherresslantjobslte posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, provlding a copy for the person the permit is Issued to and another copy for the bullding pem7ft files The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product users Identity of Me applicator, Ame and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number ofgallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treahwnt: If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention !s used, final atierior treatment shall be completed prior to final bullding approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed. on the elects ical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications.