HomeMy WebLinkAboutWindmill Village 97070523O.M.B. No3067-0077 OS 23 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Expires May 3J, 1993 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM l 6 ATTE14TION: Use of this certificate does not provide a waiver of the flood Insurance purchase requirement. This form is used only to provide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with applicable community floodplain management ordinances, to determine the proper insurance premium rate, and/or to support a request for a Letter of Map Amendment or Revision (LOMA or LOMR). Instructions for completing this form can be found on the following pages. BUI NG OWNER'S NAME ' W ZT I--( U rL STREET ADDRESS (Includii �OSFi1 '�4 -7— OTHER DESCRIP,TIOY{Lo �? rz-i�i S: CITY t and SECTION A PROPERTY INFORMATION 1 FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE POLICY NUMBER 1- IA�: �tr dUSI ^f.t ilu�fG, istFyajD�'tf �;ti1eltlSr �,; 9•;e r1= .'• •,• ,; i., Unit,,Sulle andlbr.Bldg Number) OR P.D. ROUTE AND BOX NUMBER COMPANY NAIL NUMBER C,_r'f` .: s tY, o$; l ai�ti� i,. STATE ZIP CODE I;* s SE�T�ON'R `\6LOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION Provide the folloUeing�€rom-ttte proper FIR1Vll( ee Instructions): ilk 1. COMMUNITY NUMk3=",L;NUMBER 3. SUFFIX 4• DATE OF FIRM INDEX . 5. I'IRM ZONE 8' jln AO Zon�suseEdep �Nly 12 4 7. Indicate the elevation datum system used on the FIRM•for Base Flood Elevations tui-ty IJlvuvu -eu uutim, tut—o—n ull uauni 8. For Zones A or V, where no BFE is provided on the FIRM, and the community has established a BFE for this building site, indicate the community's BFE: I I I L_.LJ.•H feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum —see Section B, Item 7)• SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION 1 Using the Elevation Certificate Instructions, indicate the diagram number from the diagrams found on Pages 5 and 6 that best describes the subject building's reference level g 2(a). FIRM Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, and A (with BFE). The top of the reference level floor from the selected diagram is at an elevation of LJ 1 1 NJ% feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum —see Section B. Item 7). (b). FIRM Zones VI-V30, VE, and V (with BFE). The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the reference level from the selected diagram, is at an elevation of I I I I I I.LJ feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum —see Section B, Item 7)'. (c). FIRM Zone A (without BFE). The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is W .0 feet above ❑ or below ❑ (check one) the highest grade adjacent fo the building;`'' " U feetabove ❑ ❑ (check ; (d). FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is W ; or below one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. If no flood depth ntamber is available, is the building's lowest ttffloor (reference level) elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? ❑ Yes El No l� Unknown 3. Indicate the elevation datum system used in determining the above reference level elevations: L NGVD'29 ❑ Other (describe under Comments on Page 2). (NOTE: If the elevation datum used in measuring the elevations is different than that used on the FIRM (see Section B, Item 71, then convert the elevations to the datum system used on the FIRM and show the conversion equation under Comments on Page 2.)s.�/u,,i '� t �R ,w ~=p ;., •:�, , I 4. Elevation reference mark used appears on FIRM: ❑ Yes - No (See.lnstructlons on Page 4) 5. The reference level elevation is based on: actual construction n,•construction drawings;,, (NOTE: Use of construction drawings is only valid if the building does not yet have the reference level floor in place, In which case this certificate will only be valid for the building during the course of construction. A post -construction Elevation Certificate will be required once construction is complete 6. The elevation of the lowest grade immediately adjacent to the building isJ.19 feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum -see Section B, Item 7) .. .si. ec l-!.3zt>,z.e..s.ly,h: 7F..:..,, :r 5.. i Y:li.=.i:. er:<..r.,.. {....•..:w:, "i SECTION D < COMMUNITY INFORMATION. 1. If the community official responsible for verifying building elevations"specifidi.thit.the reference level indicated in Section C, item 1 Is not the "lowest floor" as defined in the community's floodplain;managemerlt,ordinance, the ;elevation of the building's "lowest - floor" as defined by the ordinance is: Ll l l l l.0 feet NGVD (or -other FIRM datum —see Section B, Item 7). r......:...:......., 2. Date of the start of construction or substantial Improvement' FEMA Form 81-31� MAY 90 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION SECTION E CERTIFICATION I This certification is to be signed by a land suriieyor, engineer, oh architect Who is'authorlied by state or local law to certify elevation information when the elevation information for Zones Ai—A30, AE, Ai I, A (with BFE),V1—V30,VE, and V (with BFE) is required. Community officials who are authorized by local law or ordinance to provide floodplain management Information, may also sign the certification. In the case of Zones AO and A (without a FEMA or community issued BFE), a building official, a property owner, or an owner's representative may also sign the certification. Reference level diagrams 6, 7`and 8 - Distinguishing Features —If the certifier is unable to certify to breakaway/non breakaway wall, enclosure size, location of servicing equipment, area use, wall openings, or unfinished area Feature(s), then list the Feature(s) not included in tiie certification under Comments below. The diagram number, Section C, Item 1, must still be entered. 1 certify that the information in Sections B and"C oil" this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret III& data available. 1 understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under it:-U.S., Code, S, c .,o"1 10 J 1. CERTIFIER'S NAME LICENSE NUMSER far A'alY Seal;« 7 ; EARLE R. STARKEY ..PSM #4'595J' -} TITLE : 1 161U `. +' ; x� °� T: 4r,COMPANY NAME r0-- ,'/t {x _.._PROFESSIOIVAL__SU.BVE�CQR__Ar1D _I"tAP.PER,°`=A-CCURI.GIM—L�I�1I2_SsJ�y ADDRESS CITY Su`1F" ZIP _15 21A i`'1_:STUART`'t ;o, ;r a 34994_ SIGN AT R 1 ATE ' } t 5}fi \, PHONE-` 7 �.'.. E,, Y C4'07)286-7694 Copies should be made of this Certificate for: 1) community official, 2) Insurance agent/company, and 3) building owner. COMMENTS: tlylu.# ,5n• !�; n}'.ill, ? ttti`iiI?ttc�. i'; i'}'i;',sl ft kii?�ftjLlTf ti+�l;�cAT�. II;i,:�' E}��� It�dk� '�i� k�41::i1 }; '>�i9 �7't. �t�ii1'ti+ , ,, i ' ' µ IR, Ir Irli I;,te 1rr, .}) jlt..:i,;•! :It' ,, ., . •51 .r•j ..`2)!� !'.t1'i1f Ft'i{jrellil'f�7f �•iYll.. to flx,M efrl ! (111, Oi}'•� 9itLSYl :I i S ;i,l t•:y i? , •t _. 7 .�it)11't(t<:!: �`17t4 `tfi4rj is tt+ft"� jf�d 0 rS.I} t ik, I! F ;:.1i i 1 .. vi;,)• !i i,"ill"�. �df�it)'}{;��j ��lt€t�4'1� y}Y����:(..! �� l'I �. ,�.' i'�,, f.l.i�}' i)Rlipf ,`it�; I. rl .. ;{.: � �} �]+}?ht (iff.!i'r"cn7.i rt fl: '1 ( ON • SLAB ' BASEMENT ?(ili'? •'i. Ir 25� r. r�_i Y.T; i t A :� r Lrt�r fif lt'r"h '•ZONEt3�l ZONES ZONES `- REFERENCE4;r(.. LEVEL +r`•;ja (-}:;',j;;il;:: (t>• i.\s a.; •,rL.. ,, ,�,..!^r, ' ,�.il. BASE FLOOD " " • .t•: •,:: • ADJACENTf'i' "..I ORAOE Q+r .1 : . ELEVATION REFERENCE ADJACENT, LEVEL I GRADE "t 4 T; r• . r<,rltir �:fi.! r ON PILES,' -•' • • i 0IE19, OR COLUMNS n V >`i�i(!"J4iLyit i Z�3 6}a a 1 KttZONES " ZONES r.r?'t� 4w�,ii*:ii'•l REFERENCE ''I "'f"� } .LEVEL, REFERENCE LEVEL ID BASE E FLOOD :.. + r i': - ELEVATION , ,t,sl7iU..4iiai�'}�t ��L i,{rG4:'1 rj:; t.; :(rT't°{ ,. y,• 'i:dl l l , M Iti , ';i. L 1 � t „!�Y': !{.%•:;l;.t{i?,.��tr?i. 'i.1.• f,1.7�j�t6��.: t 1' � t,,4y�p1i �.„ t'� , ,; �p� t,. r tti! j; i i •. •j r r :::- r . , ::3'-. :.. tl, .. a i , i a�i �!`.}ra,{,i�±l{t1;�}:t Sf'j ihrtj'"ti�'lri:r�y '��•r�,<'tiiY{i4,fjC{. .!jil�%:ti r�tjt, r;yLl:, '+?: ORADE ADJACENT i 1 �T1 i• t,c1' • ... ... .. ..... ,.o .r+yM.. ,Nn. ....I,.•,.t!•+..b •. ��A'�:1an'::; ...h,i:... The diagrams above illustrate the points at which thIa elevations'should be measured In A Zones and V Zones. Elevations for all A Zones should be measured at the topofthe.,reference,levelifloot{>; Elevations for all V Zones should be measured at the'bottom'of the lowest horiiontal structural member. .. „•r„tt .'t' •t''r,`a',r iE,G1i'o�;�`•,;:�.t:,i?AY'} . •.it�,':.. 'i , ,.. :,....._,..,. ..,. :U;.teiw.;+wing},.ap,;�_;�; ..�•ae.trlr,-r: ,.. ,, .. ._ . b . ,• ,;.y:. 't'1 •fir i; xath7�l•��+t?me '�Fis�4 = 2. nr t"'i `7 F k .. C.}`s� :`'h ::. ..' ' `. . ,. ..i,;•::t�'�Y,it�fT;�'r�i4Y�p��±{��.paQ9 ��o-»i'�.(r�rS,r i� _,i{'.,•;t`fi' .. ,•, � t,.��� ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF commuNITY DEvELoPmrmr 23M VIRGINIA AVENUE. ROOM 201 FT, PIERCE. FL 34982-56SZ 407-462-1553 DESIGN CERTIFICATION FOR WIND LOAD COMPLIANCE This Certification Is to be completed by the project design architect or anginw. This Certification must be submitted with all applicatians for building permit Involving the construction of now residence (single or multi-tamity), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided Mat no structural walls, columns or other similar component Is being effected) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the SuN ing Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 42-2172. PROJECT NAMEIt�S STREET ADDRFS9 f rr e / j S� �1� t�� PR NUMBER ��t'^� 2 W)'j1G 6-11 L.L.V, i.. P RNT NUMBER G'• ; �j' t�� C H — OCCP. TYPE I-CST.TYPE CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE BUILDING• CODES CURRENTLY ADOPTED AND ENFORCED BY ST.. LUCIE COUNTY. I ALSO CERTIFY THAT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS PROVIDE ADEQUATE RESISTANCE TO THE WIND LOADS AND FORCES SPECIFIED BY CURRENT CODE PROVISIONS. • DESIGN PARAMETERS AN P ASSUMPTIONS USED: (o)ease check or ooma+ete the 8220MlriFte boxl 1. BUILDING CODE EDITION USED t,FJF, 1.� SBCC, ASCE 7-88 OTHER (SPECIM 2. BUILDING DESION IS (cmcK ow ENCLOSED � PAF1WUY ENCLOSED OPEN BUILDING 3. BUILDING HEIGjW: I —7 FT 4. WIND SPEED USED 1N BUILDING DESIGN: yy �I O MPH �. WIND EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION VOTR TO FVOWNU TAIMU IN Ks-wm OOOE ILENm w M I NE 81): 1 6. AVERAGE NAND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE 'Z "S_ PSF _7. PEAK WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE: 35 PSF I. IMPORTANCENSE FACTOR (08TA1N FRAY GUMNO COC 61 12. a. LOADS: FLOOR J.SL� PSF ROOFWAD: 12_- PSF ROOFAIVE: 3 PSF 12. WERE SHEAR WALL" CONSDERED FOR STRUC MIRS (**M ONO yes ✓ NO If No. wt,y7 (such eosphsg.km) 1t. IS A CaMNUOUS LOAD PATH PROVIDiED tcwcK ONE) YES No If NO. wnyr (SUCh 2. AR I- COMPONENT AND CLA It•:G DET!J. S PROVIDED M*CK OW YES NO LI f40, awl (sdboh �}. MINIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURlr AS WITNESSED BY MY SEAL, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED WITi-!• THIS CERTIFICATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF: NAM E: J �C ti �� CERTIFICATION NO:_d EAL HER DESIGN FIRM: DATE: Depart:,ment of Community Affairs SN: 6S68 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 600An93 Residential Whole Building Performance Method A -CENTRAL PROJECT NAME: W0010000sy I B U I L b E R: SW-,. Gpns-F, AND ADDRESS: ;PERMITTING , t ;CLIMATE �O S•Oe 3 �i�lUa � ;OFFICE: j Z ONE: 4: 5 i 6 i ..-.. OWNER: GMS2. 1/Vt.,V ,&\JLUAv2' ;PERMIT NO., _i _.._1 ',JURISDICTION NO. � dw1 gd4 C K 1. New construction or addition 1. New Construction 2. Single family detached'or Multifamily attached 2. Single --Family 4. If Mul.tifamil,y-No, of units 3. - 0 4:. If Multifamily, is this a worst case (yes/no) A. S. Conditioned floor area (sg.ft.) 5. 881.00 6 n Predominant gave -overhang (ft,) 6. 1.00 7, Porch overhpn6• length (ft.) 7. • 5.00 S. Glass area and typo: . Single Pane Double Pane a. Clear Glass 8a.1S9.4sgft 0.00sgft b. Tina, film or solar screen 8b. 0.0sgft 0.00sgft 9. Floor type and insulation: b. 'Wood, raised (R--value, area R=19.00 881 .00 sgft: 10. Net. Wall type area and insulation.. a, Exterior! 2. Wood frame (Insulation R-value) .r0ei--2 R=11."00) 789.00sgft 11.Ceeiili.ng type area and insulation: a. Under attic (Insulation R-wvalue) 931 .00sgft 12 hir" distribution systems 1.3.Cooling system ralA/CEROb14.Ideating 131 Type: CHe:a System: 1Q. Type: tt HSPF: 6.80 15.Hot water system: .15. Type: Electric EF: 0.90 16. Hot Water Credits (HR•- Heat Recovery, 16. DHP-•-Dedicated Heat•Pump) 17.1nfiltration practice: 1, 2 or 3 17. 2 18. {-•'VAC Credits (CF- Ceiling Fan. CV -Cross vent, i8. OR? HF-Whole house -fan, RP -Attic radiant barri e_r, MZ--Mul.tizone) 19.EPI (must not exceed 1.00 points). 19. 98.47 a. Total As -Built points .1.9a. 18674.27 b. Total Base points 19b. A896 .84 --------------------------------------- I Hereby carpify that the' plans and specifications covered by this calcu- lation are- i'n compliance with the Florida Energy �Code. PREPARED BY: �� l DATE: I hereby certify that this building is in compliance with the Florid; Energy Coda. Review of the plans and specifications cov6red by this,calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will, be inspected for compliance in accordance with,. Suction 5S3.908 F.S. OWNER/AGENT: _ BUILDING OFFICTAL: DATE-. DATE: Department of Community Affairs SN: 6S68 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR'BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 60OA-93 Residential Whole Building Performance Method A CENTRAL PROJECT NAME: ;BUILDER: AND ADDRESS: ;PERMITTING ;CLIMATE OFFIrE: i wONC: 4 i_....i c'i.....i 61 _ OWNER: ;PERMIT NO. ;JURISDICTION! NO. 1. New construction or addition 2. Single family detached or Multifamily attached 3. If MultifamilynNo. of units 4. If Multifamily, is this a worst case (yes/oo) 5. Conditioned floor area (sq.ft.) 6.,Predominant eave overhand (ft.) 7. Porch overhang length (ft.) 3. Glass area and type: a. Clear Glass b. Tint, film or solar screen 9. Floor type and insulation: b. Wood, raised (R•--value, area ) 10.Net Wall type area and insulation:. a. Exterior: 2. Wood frame (Insulation 11.Ceiling type area and insulation. a. Under attic (Insulation R--value) 12. Ai r distribution systems 13.Cooling system 14.1-seating System: 15.Hot water system: 16.Hot Water Credits. (HR-..Heat Recovery, C I'. 1. New Construction- 2. Single -Family 3, 0• �. 4. S. 381.00 6. 1.00 7. 5.00 Single Pane Double'Pane Ba.159.4sgft O.00sgft 8b. O.Osgft O.00sgft. 9b.R=19.00 , 881.00 sgft. R-value) 10a--.2 R=11 . 00 , 789 . OOsgf t 11a.R=19.00 , 931.00sgft 13. Type: Central A/C EER: 10.00 14. Type: Heat Pump HSPF: 6.80 is Type: Electric EF: 0.90 16. DHP••-Dedicated Heat Pump) :17..Infiltration practice: 1,.2 or 3. 17. 2 18. HV'AC Credits (CF-••Ceiling Fan, CV --Cross vent, 1S. RB HF-•..Whole house. fan, RB--Attic radiant b;rrier, MZ--Multi zone) 191EPT (must not exceed 100 point's), 19. 98.47 a. Total As -..Built points 19a.. 13674.27 b. Total Base points 19b. IB964.84 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Hereby certify that the plans and ; Review of the plans and specifications specifications covered by this _c'a7.cu- 4�Qv-red by this calculation indicates lation are in compliance with the ; compliance with the Florida Energy Florida Energy Code. ; Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for PREPARED BY:, ; 'cornp7.ia��ce in accordance with Section DATE-- _-.. vL'E'1 ; S53.908 F. S. i I hereby certify that.. this building it . in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. ' OWNER•/AGENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE : D A,T E ;. _ _ F a jr:y • . "-'w^'° m P. h. OtKbartment of Community Alfai rs SN: 656q FLORIDA ENERGY EFO "''p' KY CODE WR BUILDING CONSTRUC ON FORM 60OA--93 Residential Whole Building `Performance Method A" CENTRAL PROJECT NAME: ;'BUILDER: - ((�,'' AND ADDRESS: � � $� °P ; PERMITTING ' �LO))ItC;�t ATE ;OFFICE: ;ZONE: 4:_j 51 _i 61_ OWNER; L� �Z �,N���/LIL�C�� ; PERMIT• NCI. ;JURISDICTION NO. 11 New construction or ado i tion 2. Single family detachedfor Multifamily attached 3. If Multifamily -No. of 'units 4. If Multifamily, is this a worst case (y6sfno) S. Conditioned floor area, (sq. ft., ) 6. Predominant gave overhang (ft.) 7. Porch overhang length (ft. ) 8. GlAss area and type: a. Clear Glas; b. Tint, film Or solar screen 0. Floor type nd- insul.atign: b. Wood, ral, 'Ad •(R.-value,' area ) 16. N1T-RWTx'tVppc area and 'insulation: -a. Exterior: 2. Wood fra p (Insulation 11 . Cci l•'z t� y pe---a-��a n� z r�:� u l a t i o n: 77-Under attic jInsulati.on R•--value) 12.Air distribution,' s"stems 13 , Ccao.l, i ng system 14,Heating System:`! 15. Hot water system: CY 1. New Construction 2. Single --Family 3. 0 4. S. 881.00 6. 1,00 7. 5.00 Single Pane Double Pane 80, 159n sgft 0.00sgf't 8b. O.Osgf't 0,00sgft 881.00 s G f t R"value) kPA R�1� .789.00sgft 13. Type: 14. Type: 1. 5. Type: EF: qe nl.ral A C f EER: 10.00 HSPF: 6.80 Electric _ 0.90 I Hot Water Credits: (HR,Hea't Recovery, 15. DFIP--Dedicated Feat Pump) v. 1.7.Infiltration practice: 1, 2--or a 17. 2 18-HVAC Cr'ediis (uF--Ceiling Fan, CV4ross-vent, 18, HF-Whole house fan, RR Attic radiant . barri6r, MZ•�-Mul.ti. or ,- 19, EPI (mum r� exceed, 100 points,) 19. 98.47 a.• Total As-Bu:ilt points 19a. 13674.27 b, Total Asp points 19b. 18964.84 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hereby certify that the plans and ; Review of the plans and specifications specifications covered by this calcu- ; covered by this calculation indicates l.ation pre -in compliance with the ; compliance with the Florida Energy Florida Energy Code. , ; Code., Before construction is completed PREPARED BY:__JU DATE- -T=Hereby cer.tify< that- this buikdjng=-is. in compliance with the -Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT :._._.__ .DATE: this building will be inspected for, compliance in accordance with Secti.o,n 553.908 F. S . BUILDING OFFICIAL:' DATE : ' Department. of Community Affairs FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 60OA••-93 ' Residential Whole Building Performance Method A PROJECT NAME: :BUILDER. SN : 6S68 CENTRAL AND ADDRESS:, ;PERMITTING- !CLIMATE :OFFICE: I ZONE: 41_ 1 51 _ 1 6 i..... OWNER: ;PERMIT,NO., !JURISDICTION NO C FS 1__ New co.nstrurtion or addition 1. New Construction 2. Single family• detached or Multifamily att '' Aqd 2. Single--FVmQy •' •f r..I' 4'C�i�u�l`f, amtilyNOcif 'units 0 y 4. IfMultifamily,• i.s this a worst :,fie (yers/no) F •. S. .Conditioned floor area (Q.ftz) 5. -SSa_.06 6. Pr dominant' eave overhand (ft.) 6. I = 7. Porch overhang length (ft.) 7. 5.00 S. Glass area and type: Single •Pane Double Pane a. Clear Glass gy-159.4sgft 0.00sgft K 'Tint; film or solar, screen 8b. O.Osgft 0.00sgft 9, Floor type and 'insulation: • " b. Wood, raised (R•--value, area ) 9b. R-19.00 SS1.00 sgft 10. Net Wall type area and ins%u.lation: a. Exterior: 2. Wood frame (Insulati6n R-value) lOa-•2. R=11,00, 789.00sclft___ 1.1.Ceiling type area and insulation: a. Under attic (Insulation R--value) lla.RM19.00 , 931.,00sgft 12.Air dist.ribu-lion systen-is 1.3.Cooli.n9- system - - _. ._.._ _ 13. Type: Central A/C LER: 10.00 14 . Heating Qyste+m 14. Type: Heat Pump f••1SPF: 6.80 w 150ol. water 'system: 1S. Type: Electric EF: 0.90 •16. Hot Water -Credits: (HR�-Heat, Recovery, 1u. DHP•--Dedicatyd Beat Pump) 17.Infiltration practice: 1, 2 or 3 17_ 2 I8. HVAC Credits (CF-Ceiling-'Fan,, CV -Cross vent,, 18. RB' HF-Whole house W, Rb"A'ttic radiant barrier, MZ. �MulL-ilone) I EPA (mu•st not ekQed .100 -points) _ 1.9. 98:47 a . Total As -Built points 19a. AS67027 1,,7. Total Base .po:int~sj, 19b. 18964.84 I hereby certify -that the -plans and ; Review of the plans and specifications specifications covered by this ca.l.cu- 1 cowkered by this. calculation indicates lation are in coTpl.i.ance wQh the ; compliance with" the Florida Energy - Florida Energy Code_. J ; ,Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for PREPARED BY:_. compliance in accordance withSection DATE _ _ � �7 � i S 3.90S F.S. I hereby certify that this building is in compliance with the Florida Energy � OWNER/AGENT: i BUILDING OFFIC.IAL:_ DATE; ,....._ ' � � -' � _._._._...w:_...�.._..�._.,..�. `'� ` ' � .....w....�.�.._._...._ � DATE- .,._.�...�..�..�._._._.w...._._..... i INFILTRATION REDUNT PRACTICE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK. PRACTICE kF1 606.1 COMPLY WITH ALL INFILTRATION PRESCRIPTIVES. . (AJi.ndows 606.-1. Maximum of 0.34 CFP'! per :Linear foot' of operable sash crack (includes sliding glass doors) . Exleri.or 606.1 Maximum of 0.5 CFM per sq. ft. of door area: solid Adjacent Doors core, wood panel, insulated or glass doors only.. L .- -.. - _- _..._.......... - _... _._ .._ __....- Exterior Joints - _ _.. - _. 606.1 __.... --.. _.. _. _- .. _... - _ - _ _..-------------------------------------- To be caulked, gaiketed, weather-stripped ,or other•- & Cracks wise sealed. , PRACTICE 42 606.1 COMPLY WITH PRACTICE. _kt1 AND THE FOLLOWING: ......... ......................... _......................._ - y...,.......... Exterior Walls-606.1. .................. M ...................,. - -., .,...-...........,................., .......,......, .. ... ., w 4 Top plate penetrations sealed. Infiltration barrier Floors installed! Sole plate/floor joint caulked or :pealed. Exterior.Walls 606.1 Penetrations, joints and cracks on interior surface & Ceilings caulked, sealed or gasketed. ..... .... .... ......,.. ... .„...,..«...,.- ........ ..,....... .... .....-,....... .... ...... .....�� ... w -............................................................................... UuctWork ..........................., 606.1 ....................... - - , .... - .......,........«.. ...................,..... Ductwork'in unconditioned space must be,sealed. -._..._.......... ._._-_._..---,............__...-_._-...M....,..._..,...-_....._-_..._.._. Fireplaces 606.1. -_._.....__-...._-....-_ -_.,. ----------------------- Equipped with outside combustion air, doors and flue d'am pe r a . E:chaust, Fans 606.1 Equipped, gith dampers. Combustion devices see 606.1.A.2. Combustion 606.1 Combustion space and water heating systems provided Heating with outside combustion air, except direct vent appliances. ="+ OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (must be met or exc6eded by all residences.) - ................_....._.._.._......--....__..-7__-_._._--_.-_........---_____-_._., Water theaters 612.1 ------- _ -----_..... -_._ ............. Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-••11. Switch or clearly marked,circuit breaker (electric) or cutoff (gas) must be provided. External or built- in heat trap ,r••equi fed. Swimming Pools 612.1 Spas and heated pools must.have"c:overs• (except solar.. & Spas heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool Heaters must have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78 percent. Shower Heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more -than 3 gal - Ions per minute. at 80 P S V Air• Distribution 610.1 All ducts„ ' Attings5, mechanical equipmgQt and plenum chambers #f"gall".he TcwcA-anQua.11Y aptacheg, sealed, ins- ulated *and installeA in accordance' with the criteria of.Section 610. Ducts.in unconditioned attics must be insulated to a minimum of R--6. , Air handlers shall not be installed in attics unless in mechanical. - closet. HVAC Controls 607.1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic ' - thermostat for each iysteb. I-nsulati.on 604.1 Ceilings minimum R--19. Common Walls - Frame R--11 or 602.1 CBS R..-3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors R••-11 . SUMMER CALCULATIONS BASE _ - _ AS -BUILT GLASS ___..._......._ -- ORIE-N AREA x BSPM = POINTS ; TYPE: _.....w - - __. _ SC: ORIEN -... 1 -....._.._ _.. - AREA x SPM x - _.. _... -- _.. _ - _.. _.. - _.. - _. - SOF = _. - _ - _.. _._ POINTS --- - _. _ _- .....j--------------------------- N 55.100 82.2 4521.0 ; SGL CLR N 43.0 51.0 .91 - 1997.2 . Cad C,L R. > Nn012.0, Q. 0, : ' . 69 ' 422.3 A 1 00' E .2 ' 3370.2 ; 'SGL CLR :' L ` `37.0 1.0h.2 '; E39 5599. 7 SGL,CLR E 4. 0 109.2- .76 332.9 S. 20.20 -82'.2 1660.4 ; SGL CLR S 20.2 100.2 .83 1676.8 W 43.20 82.2 3551.:0 ; SGL CLR W 29.0 109.2 .89 2821.4 SGL CLR W 4.3 109.2 .68 321.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SGL CLR �{ 9.9 . 109.2 .84 912.4- .15 x COND. FLOOR_ / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS (-`IDS' GLASS ; GLASS AREA __--.,..... ... ._.._ AREA- FACTOR POINTS - POINTS ; POINTS _ _..... _.._, w.._ . 15 881.00 _ _... ...... - - ,._ _. 159.40 .._....- ._......_ - __ - _:. .829 _.v - _.. _. - -- _ _ 13 ; 102 - _. _ _ _.. _. -... _...,.._....-_.....-_..... .,r S 10,862.73 - _.... - _ ; _ I Z,, - _........._.._. 083 . 59 NON GLASS ------------ AREA 'x BSPM = POINTS ; TYPE R-',VALUE AREA x SPM = POINTS Exit 789.0 - 1.0 789.0 Ext Wood Frame 1.1.0 789.0 1.90 1499.1 DOORS ---------------- Ext 20.0 4.8 96.0 CEILINGS ----- w..__._.__........ UA 881.0 .6 528.6 FLOORS -------- .____.._._._..M Rsd 881.0 -3,.4 -••3021.8 INFILTRATION— Ext Insulated Under Attic Under Attic Rsd Wood Adjacent 20.0 4.80 96.0. 19.0 503.0 1.10 553;3 19.0 428.0 1.10 470.8 19.0 - 881.0 1.00 881..0 881.0 19.9 9602 ,1,, .; Practice ##2 881.0 10.90 9602.9 TOTAL SUMMER POINTS 1.8 , 857 . 4G ; 2S,186.69 TOTAL x SYSTEMv = COOLING ; TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLING SUM PTS MULT POINTS COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS 18,857.40 -.37 6,977.24 ; 25,186.69 1.00 1.000. .340 .950 8,135.30 SUMMER CALCULATIONS BASE AS -BUILT GLASS ___..._w....._.._-_._._-.__.... -- ,r I ORIEN AREA x BAPM M POINTS ; TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF - POINTS N 55.00 82.2 4521.0 ; SGL-CLR N 43.0 51.0 .91 1997.2 SGL CLR N 12.0 SI,.O .69 422.3 E 4.1..00 82.2 3370.2 ; SGL .CLR .'E 37.0 109.2 .89 3599.7 SGL CLR E 4.0 109.2 .76 332.9 S 20120 82.2 1660.4 ; SGL-CLR S 20.2 06. 2 .83 1676. 3, W 43.20 82.2 3S5.1.0 ;'S?L CLR W 29.0 109.2 .89 2821.4. SGL CLR W 4•.3 109.2 .68 321.0 SGL CLR VJ .9.9 109.2. .84 912.4. .IS x COND. FLOOR r TOTAL GLASS ,. ADJ. x GLASS - ADJ GLASS. ; GLASS AREA AREA, FACTOR POINTS POINTS ; POINTS .15 881.00 159.40 .829 13,102.68 10,S62.73 ; 12,OS3.59 NON GLASS_..,.__.w------- w, � AREA x BSPM _' POINTS ;. TYPE R--QALUE AREA x SPM '= POINTS - WALLS ---------------- � Ext 789.0. 1.0 789.0 ;.Ext Woad Frame 11.0 789.0' 1.90 1499.1 DOORS ___.._-...__...,,._......_.._.w.- , Ext 20.0 4.8 96.0 ; Ext Insulated 20.0 4.80 96.0 CEILINGS - __ _. _.. _.. _.. UA 381.0 .6 528.6 .; Under.Attic 19.0 503.0 1.10 553.3 .Under Attic 1.9.0 428.0 ' 1 . 1.0 470.8 FLOORS---.:__......._.....____w.._.w._ - - � Rsd �881 .0 --3.4 73021.8 ; Rsd Wood Adjacent 19.0 881.0 1.00 881.0 INFILTRATION"— 831.0 10.9 -9602.9 ; Practice #2 881.0' 10:90 9602.9 TOTAL SUMMER POINTS ; 1.8, 657. 40 ; 25, 186. 69 TOTAL x SYSTEM = COOLING ; TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x 'SYSTEM x' CREDIT• - COOLING SUM PTS MULT POINTS ; COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS 18,857.40 .37 6;977.24 ; 25,10.69 1.00 1.000 .340 .950 8,135.30 -WINTER -CALCULATIONS .:j;%{C%{Ch`:;j<x';;{C;�%{C;i";;{v;�::iC%�-1:.;iC�;:{m�:;{:%���%�i<.;{:;i:;i�%%.xC�%k:�;i%{:%�%{:;{C:%•l��%b;h'i){::��Cyn�%�.�:i::{CJr;�:%iC;{C%�%�;'r;is�C%{C�;�%� �%�:={C;iC%k�:%{;.•{<�%�%Y�;.{C -�: BASE CLASS_.....:___.._m....._:..:r...__.._: I ORIEN AREA x BWPM =: POINTS ; TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x WPM x WOF = POINTS N 55.. 00 --3. 4 _.1.9, 7.0 ; SGL- CLR N 43.0 9.6 1 .OS 433.2 SGL CLR N. 712.0 9,6 1.20 1138.2 E. 41 :. 00 --3 : Q -139. 4 ; SGL CLR E 37.0 --2. 2 . 1.1. _33. 5 SGL CLR E 4.0 .--2.2 _-.30 2.6 S 20.20 =3. w4 -68. 7 ; SGL- CLR S .20. 2 -1.0. 9 .88 194.3 W 43.20 -3 ] u.9 ; SGL CLR W 29.0 _ %. ? .41 SGL CLR W 4.3 _-2.2 .76 7.2 SGL CLR W 9.9 •-2.2 .16 -3.4 x CONID. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS -. AD:J GLASS ; GLASS .15 AREA AREA 'FACTOR POINTS POINTS ; POINTS . 1.5 881.00 159.4.0 .829 - 541. c)6-449.31 ' ; 323.73 NON GLASS___-....-__ .__... ..__ AREA, x BWPM = POINTS ; TYPE R--V'ALUE AREA x WPM = POINTS Ext 789.0 1..1-- 867.9 ; Ext Wood .Frame 11.0 789.0 2.00 1578.0 DOORS.w_._._.__._..M._..._......._..__..___.. Ext 20.0 5.1 102.0 CE.�I_LNG.S...__...___....w.._.__.__...... {._1A 881.Q .6 528.6 FL00R3 _..__ ....._...:..._...w. _........ (?c� 831.0 2-•176.2 INFILTRATION-.---- Ext Insulated Under Attic Under Attic 'Rsd Wood Adjacent 20.0 5.10 19.0 503.. 0 1.00 19.0 428.0 1.00 19'. 0 881.0 1.00 1.02.0 503,0 428.0 881:0 881.0. ' 4.1. 361.2.1 '; Practice #2 881.0 4.10 3�512. 1. TOTAL WINTER POINTS ; 4.485.09 ; 7,127.83 TOTAL x. SYSTEM HEATING ; .TOTAL. x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = HEATING 'WIN PTS. MULT POINTS' .COMPON RATIO MULT MULE MULT POINTS 4,485.09 1 . 10' 4,933.60 ; 7,, 4;= 7-. 83 1 _00 1.000 .500 .980 3,639.64 x:,{•;l:=t::K-K:t;;K��*`K;K=Kx*:K;Ky;=K�:=K:k;K*y:;k t':�:`K:K`K>K;1c%}:;{;ry:.4:�K;k:K:K:K:dt;K%1::k;K:K=K=K;F:;1;%K=K':K;K%k:=Ka<;K;K=i< <=K-4;=4c:K?Ky�=K=K=I:=K-K�:%K-K:K:K S� k %1I`i R CALG'ULATIONS . BASE w,.. _ AS... BUILT GLASS... _...___....._....._.-_...._-........_ � ORIEN AREA x BWPM = POINTS ; TYPE SC QRIEN AREA x WPM x WOF = POINTS N 55.00 --3.4 -••107.0 ; SGL CLR N 43.0 9.6 1.05 433.2 "SGL CLR N 12.0 9.6 1.20 138.' E 41..00 -3. 1 n139. 4 ; SGL CLR E, 37.0 -2.2 .41 -33.5 SGL CLR E 4.0 --2„2 -•.30 2.6 S 20.20, --3.4 -68.7 ; SGL•CLR S 20.2 '--10.9 .86 -194.3 W- 43.20 --3.4 , 7146.9 ; SGL CLR W 29.0 • 2. =' .41 --26. 3 SGL CLR W 4.3 --2.2 - .76 7.2 SGL CLR VJ %9 -2.2 .16 ••-3.4 .15 x COND. FLOON TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS -• ADJ GLASS GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS ; POINTS . 15 881.00 159.40 .829 -- 541 .96 --4 <:•49.31 ; 32303 ;.. ....,,...... .W.... ___.... _. ..._ _._..... -_......-..._....._......�.-_.�._..r..._�.----- NON GLASS .._..__.._..._...___...__,_.__ � AREA x- BWPM u POINTS ;. TYPE R-VALUE AREA x WPM = POINTS Exi, 78910 1.1 867.9 ! Ext Woad Frame 11.0 789.0 2.00 1578.0 DOORS ------------- _....._.._ Ext 20.0 5.1 102.0 CEILINGS -_--..w..........__0_,.._.._- UA 881.0 .6 ' 528.6 Rsd 881.0 -...2 _.176.2 INFILTRATION -------.-- Ext Insulated Under Attic Under Attic Rsd Wood Adjacent 20.0 5.10 102.0 19.0 S03.0 1.00 50310 19.0 .428.0 i.00 428.0 19.0 88.1.0 1.00 881.0 881.0 4.1 361.2.1 ; Practice #2 - 881.0 4.10 3612.1 TOTAL WINTER POINTS 4,485.09 ; 7,427.83 TOTAL. x SYSTEM HEATING ; TOTAL ' x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT HEATING WIN PTS MULT POINTS ; COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS ........,.-.. ...-_..__._..._._ _..-_.._._ _.__-7_---...__-....___--__.....--__..-_.-_---_.._...-1w.._.....W......_M.._..._....:..w.._........_._..w , 4 85 . 09 1.10 4,93S.60 ; , 7,427.83 1.00 1.000 .500 ,980 3,639.64 WATER HEATING BASE AS -BUILT .,NUM OF MULT TOTAL TANk VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL BEDRMS RATIO MULT -------------- -------------------------- n --------------------- i -------------- 2 r 3527..b, 7,054='! 40 .90 1000 3449.7 1.00 6,S99.33 --------- ------ Awt­ SUMMARY AS -.BUILT COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS i POINTS + POINTS POINTS POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS ------ L ------------------- !__� ----------------------- 0 -------------------- 2-"-- 6977.2 4933.6 70S4.0 18,964.S4 i 8135.3 3639.6 6S91.3 IST674=1 *,EPI 98.47 at G WATER HEATING BASE AS —BUILT NUt-li OF x MULT TOTAL TANK VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL GEDRMS_ --------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- RATIO MULT 2 3S27.0 7,OS4.00 j 7 40 .90 1.000 3449.7 1.00, 6,S99.33 SUMMARY BASE AS„ BUILT COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS + POINTS hPOINTS = POINTS POINTS + POINTS + POINTS - POINTS 6977.2 4933.6 70S4.0 IS,964.0 1 '813S.3 3639�6 6899 ,3 10,674.17 ---------- n -------- EPI 98.47 4: ENERGY GUIDE For detailed information of theL•PI rating number or for any ITEM listed, ask your Builder for DCA Form 60OA•--93 or Form 60OBw-93 EPI = 985 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1.00 The maximum allowable EPIC is 1.00. The lower the EPI the more efficient the home RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATING SHEET ITEM HOME VALUE Low Efficiency High Efficiency SINGL CLR DBL TINT WINDOWS...... , . ...........Single Clear K_._._-_-_.._._...__._.._..._-_.-___.._. � INSULATION .................. . Ceifina R..-.Value......... 19.0 Wall R--Va.l ue . . ....... 11.0 Floor R--Value......... 19.0 AIR CONDITIONER ............. EER.................,...... 10.0 HEATING SYSTEM........ .... Electric HSPF... ......... 6.3 WATER HEATER ................ Electric EF.............. 0.90 Gas EF.............. 0.00 Solar, EF . '............ . OTHER FEATURES .............. R-10 . R--30 R•- 0 R� 7 R-0 R--1.9 9.7 EER 16.0 A_..._-_.-_ w..-_.. _._...--_._........._.- _... 6. S . HSPF 12.0 A_ - _ _. O.SS 0.96 0.54 0..90 0.40 0.80 I certify that t.kese" energy slaving features requited for the Florida; Energy Code have been installed in this house. Builder Address: Signature,_ _ Date: city/yip Florida Energy Code for Building Construction -• 1993 Florida- Department of Community Affairs FL-•-EPL CARD9:3 or. E.N JJGY GUIf��T For detailed .i.nformation 0'. r�$. of the EPI rating number or for any ITEM listed, ask your Builder for EPI: ="'95.5 DCA Form 60OA--93 or Form 600E-93 G 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 eO 90 100 _.,. _.._........ . _ ... _.. __ .. _..M .._ _.. ...:. �. ._.. __ ._ ..._.._ __. _.... - - _. _. - - X _. ,The maximum allowable EPI is 100. The :lower the EPI the.more efficient the home RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE - RATING SHEET ITEM . - AN YALUE, Low Efficiency High Efficiency WINDOWS....... „ . ......... .Angle Clear INSULATION .................. Ceiling R_Value ......... 19.0 Wall R-Value......... MO Floor R--Value......... 19,.0 AIR CONDITIONER:... ....... ^,. EER....... ...... . _ _ ...:. 1020 HEATING SYSTEM .............. Electric HSPF... ........ . WATER F'IEA 1 ER..... •... .. . Electric EF.............. Gash EF........ , Solar 'EF............... OTHER'FEATURES............. 6_8 SINGL CLR D8L TINT jX _: _..,.,. - _ _,.._ -_. _.. _ _.0 _. - _.. R-10 R -30 R-- 0 R,--7 I 1 R- 0 R.--19 1 .. _ ..,.. _. — — _,.........„.... — X 1 9.7 EER 16.0 1_.. ...... .. ._w. ..,'......__. I 6.8 HSPF 12.0 x_w.____.-.....__........_.m._....._._...._..__.. 0.BE 0.96 X - _, _ _... _..•.. _......._.._ _. ,.. - 1 1 O.S4 0.90 0.40 0.80 i I I certify that these energy saving features required for the Florida ;Ener-p).Codc hAve been installed in this: house. Bullder ..:c' i g r la t a r e r", City/Zip All Flokid;a,. nerdy Code for 3uilding CoA ruction 'w � 1993 Florida Department of Community Affairs FL-ERL CARD93 EA 0,0ENT CONSEN'r The undersigned, on behalf o Windmill Village By the Sea Condominium No.l Association, Inc. agrees to allow construction of structures, as authorized by the issuance of a St. Lucie County Building Permit, on lot a of Windmill Village By the Sea. We understand construction may extend into the easement area. We further understand that Windmill Village By the Sea will not 1.,c responsible in any way for repairs to or replacement of any portion of improve -cents on these lots and that the removal or replacement of any improvements nece-!jary for use or access to the easement area will. be. done at the expense of the property j,,vner or their successors in interest. -)Tgnarlire d- , v Printed Name of Signatory State of XZU 1 &2 County of The fo ^going instrument was acknowledge before me this�'L, Aay of by as 4 of Windmill illage ( who is personally known tom or ( ) who has produc!-d identification (type of identification: _) and - iho ( ) did or ( ) did not take an oath. S iI -ure Printed Name of Signatory. Commission Stamp/Seal: Commission Expires:, Commission No: IRENE L. BRASCHE Notary Public, State of Florida My comm. expires Nov. 04,1999 No. CC499968 Bonded thru Ashton Agency, Inc. ck 1495 N.W. Britt Road Stuart, FL'34994 92-9010 Adelphia Fax Phone (561) 747-2250 July 18, 1997 Premier Construction 9815 S. Ocean Blvd., Unit 5 Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Attention: Linda Via Fax: (561)229-7555 Re: No Objection to Partial Encroachment in the Utility Easement Lot 52, Windmill Village By The Sea Plat Book 15, Page 13, St. Lucie County Dear Linda: Adelphia has no objection to the partial encroachment in the utility easement located at the above - mentioned location. If I can be of further assistance;, please call me at (561) 692-9010. Sincerely, Arnt Hillestad Construction Supervisor AH: khltr.007 cc: Bob Grant, Project Supervisor Jim Vernon, General Manager Equal Opportunity Employer 07/23/94 07:39 a • + 1 (00003 P.O. Sax 1967, Palm City, FL 34991 0 FPL July 23, 1997 Jack Gangi Premier Construction & Remodeling, Inc. 9815 S. Ocean Dr.'Unit #5 Jensen Beach, FL 34957 RE: FPL Easement Encroachment at 10851 S. Ocean Dr. Lot #52 of Windmill Village Dear Mr. Gangi: FPL has no objection to an encroachment on the twenty -foot -wide utility easement at the rear of the above mentioned lot that is recorded in the plat of Windmill Village of St. Lucie County. FPL wants the customer to understand that the remaining five -feet of this twenty -foot -wide utility easement should be kept free from obstructions to any existing-FPL facilities in this easement. FPL is not responsible for the cost to replace or repair any facilities on or over these easements should any damage occur during the construction, operation, or maintenance of its facilities. Also, if any relocation of FPL's facilities will be needed for any reason, the customer shall bear this cost. If any digging is to be done, FPL requests that you call for locates 48 hours prior to digging at 1-800-432-4770. This number will locate FPLf BellSouth, and. CATV. If you have any questions, please call me at (561) 223-4215. Sincerely., i "Bobbyirson Distribution Designer 2-TaN PREMIER CONSTRUCTION HVAC LOAD ANALYSIS for Mr. & Mrs Arthur Bishop bs81 *GW9-S Ocean Dr. # 52-1 Jensen Bch, FL 34957 0 Prepared By: Vance Corbin Jr. Dodd Enterprises Inc. 497 River Prado Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 561-464-0970 07/21 /1997 :::RtiliAC:«Residential:&ii titiCommerd 1:HItAG:Loadsretr►:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::piteStiftvVare:DeVe1d �entIn----- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::9:::::::::::::::::::.........::::.:...::::::........I--............. P..........,............ . .....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::.................:........ :::i7odd:�nter L_................................................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Fremie..: Gonstn..... .... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . .6K: ieree :.:L::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::0: [ pa e : .................. i.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9.......... ........................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . :Pro ectSumma €€€€ ................................ r...t......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Company: Dodd Enterprises Inc. Client: Mr. & Mrs Arthur Bishop Representative: Vance Corbin Jr. Address: 9801 S Ocean Dr. # 52-1 Address: 497 River Prado City: Jensen Bch, FL 34957 City: Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 Phone: Phone: 561-464-0970 Fax: Fax: 561-335-3310 ...........19........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . Project Name: Reference City: Daily Temperature Range Latitude: Elevation: Premier Construction Fort Pierce, Florida Low 25 Degrees 10 Feet Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum. Dry Bulb Difference Winter: 48 N/A N/A 70 N/A Summer: 95 77 50% 75 46 .::.:9... �..:::::.:.................................................................................................................................................................... Total Building Supply CFM: 787 Square feet of room area: 808 CFM per square foot: 0.974 Square feet per ton: 420.201 . u Iidr....g::...o.........::.............................................................. Total heating required with outside air: 11,112 Btuh 11.112 MBH Total sensible gain: 17,306 Btuh 84 % Total latent gain: 3,216 Btuh 16 % Total cooling required with outside air: 20,522 Btuh 1.71 Tons (based on sensible + latent) 1.923 Tons (based on 75% sensible capacity) llofes '' Calculations are based on 7th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Monday, July 21, 1997 if ictiiorif .............. Component Area Sen. Lat. Sen. Total Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain I Window Clear Glass Metal Frame 157 3,992 0 7,732 7,732 10G Door Wood Panel 21 310 0 388 388 12E Wall R-11 + 1/2" ExtPoly Board(R-2.5) 793 1,309 0 1,641 1,641 16D Ceiling R-19 Insulation 808 941 0 1,787 1,787 191 Floor Over Basement/Encl Crawl Carpet + R-19 808 426 0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 2,587 6,978 0 11,548 11,548 Active People: 4 0 920 1,200 2,120 Inactive People: 0 0 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 600 1,800 2,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 1,010 0 1,574 1,574 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 129.1, Summer CFM: 53.8 178 3,124 1,696 1,184 2,880 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0.0, Summer CFM: 6.0 0 0 0 0 0 Sensible Gain Total: 17,306 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Building Load Totals: 11,112 3,216 17,306 20,522 ..::.:.:.::... f9............ :::....:............................................ . Total Building Supply CFM: 787 Square feet of room area: 808 CFM per square foot: 0.974 Square feet per ton: 420.201 :IBlii I d- i d'giji iLJo'adls € €f € .......................................:.........::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.:::::::::::........................... fi € € € i € € s €f € € ; € :: €: Total heating required with outside air: 11,112 Btuh 11.112 MBH Total sensible gain: 17,306 Btuh 84 % Total latent gain: 3,216 Btuh 16 % Total cooling required with outside air: 20,522 Btuh 1.71 Tons (based on sensible + latent) 1.923 Tons (based on 75% sensible capacity) .ties' No Calculations are based on 7th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Monday, July 21, 1997 Lightcomni...... gG l bads l?#ifgfam ......... ....... ...... ............................................................................................. 'ierce1=L3495D € € € € ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.........:..................................................................................................:. :: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . ...... .. n ..Rm .................................................................................................................................................I....................... Room Length: 10.3 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 16.5 Feet Zone Number: 1 Area: 169.9 Square Feet Supply Air: 199 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Required Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 1,360.0 Cubic Feet Actual Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 199 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 12 Inches % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 317* Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air: 41 CFM allocated Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 17 CFM allocated Actual Loss: 0.026 In.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct schedule limitations. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain W -WALL-12E 16.7 X 8 110 0.075 1.7 182 2.1 0 228 S -WALL-12E 10.9 X 8 54 0.075 1.7 89 2.1 0 112 S -DOOR-10G 3 X 7 21 0.670 14.7 310 18.5 0 388 W-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 0%S 12 1.155 25.4 305 65.0 0 780 W-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 0%S 12 1.155 25.4 305 65.0 0 780 S-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-2 S-4 100%S 12 1.155 25.4 305 24.0 0 288 UP-CEIL-16D DARK 10.3 X 16.5 170 0.053 1.2 198 2.5 0 432 FLOOR-191 16.5 X 10.3 170 0.048 0.5 90 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 561 1784 0 3008 Infiltration: Winter: 41.3, Summer: 17.2: 57 17.544 1,000 6.649 543 379 Ventilation: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 278 0.100 0 399 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 2 460 600 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 4386 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 3,062 1,003 4,386 Monday, July 21, 1997 ::::::::..:::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::: :::RHVAC;«;Resideriti9l:&U htt ammerckhl:HVAGI:oads:Fto Iterrti::::::::::. ..................:.:...:.:.:.....9............::.::::::::::::::...........:.....d0i ,.... �.................. ......................................:.:.......:::::::.:..:::::::::ElrteSo ::::::::::::::::::::,::::::::::::::::.............. .........: .........._..:::....:::: ftwar DeV lopment,:l...... Dodci::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::............::::::::::: inter rises............................................ ..............................................................................:....::..:.:,..:::....::.:.::......; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Rremie:Gonstruotin .::.... ::I ort:Pierce:FL:349?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::......:....:.....: ................................................................................................ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::............. ..: Page P::. tailed R .. . m Loads" .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .Kill.. 9....................................... [ ................................................................................::::::::.:...:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: . Room Length: 10.3 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 8.5 Feet Zone Number: 1 Area: 87.6 Square Feet Supply Air: 205 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Required Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 700.0 Cubic Feet Actual Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 102 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 12 Inches % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 176* Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air: 44 CFM allocated Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 18 CFM allocated Actual Loss: 0.008 In.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct schedule limitations. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain SW-WALL-12E 2.9 X 8 12 0.075 1.7 20 2.1 0 25 S -WALL-12E 6.5 X 8 29 0.075 1.7 48 2.1 0 60 SE-WALL-12E 2.9 X 8 12 0.075 1.7 20 2.1 0 25 E -WALL-12E 6.5 X 8 36 0.075 1.7 59 2.1 0 75 SW-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 16%S 11 1.155 25.4 280 51.4 0 565 S-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 100%S 23 1.155 25.4 584 24.0 0 552 SE-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 16%S 11 1.155 25.4 280 51.4 0 565 E-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 0%S 16 1.155 25.4 407 65.0 0 1,040 UP-CEIL-16D LIGHT 10.3 X 8.5 88 0.053 1.2 103 2.1 0 187 FLOOR-191 8.5 X 10.3 88 0.048 0.5 46 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 326 1847 0 3094 Infiltration: Winter: 44.2, Summer: 18.4: 61 17.541 1,070 6.639 581 405 Ventilation: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 292 0.100 0 410 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 2 460 600 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 4509 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 3,209 1,041 4,509 Monday, July 21, 1997 ............................ - ................. ::::: ::4� ...... ........... ift tiali&iLiobtCmrriercial:HVACL-Ogdg:lO.t.. am:::::::::: ............... ............ -- ........................ : : : : : : : ::::::: 0 .................... ................................ ........... ................. ........... :::::.ib , ............................................................................................. ................................................................ ............. .......... Pr ............... ............... ... . ................. ....... .................. ............. .................... ............................................. ................................ ..................... ....... ... ........... *"** ......... .......................................................... .............. Room Length: 10.5 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 10.0 Feet Zone Number: 1 Area: 105.0 Square Feet Supply Air: 111 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Required Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 840.0 Cubic Feet Actual Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 111 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 12 Inches % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 141* Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air: 7 CFM allocated Design Loss: 0.100 ln.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 3 CFM allocated Actual Loss: 0.005 ln.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct schedule limitations. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. CIg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain E -WALL-12E 10 X 8 71 0.075 1.7 117 2.1 0 147 E -GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 O%S 9 1.155 25.4 229 65.0 0 585 UP-CEIL-16D LIGHT 10.5 X 10 105 0.053 1.2 122 2.1 0 223 FLOOR-1 9110 X 10.5 105 0.048 0.5 55 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 290 523 0 955 Infiltration: Winter: 6.5, Summer: 2.7: 9 17.556 158 6.667 86 60 Ventilation: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 68 0.100 0 222 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 1,200 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 2437 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 749 86 2,437 Monday, July 21, 1997 rcnvNv::xes�aentiaer�:�i ::::::DI"o:o:r:d::t::d:::P:::::::i:e::m::r::c�:e:::..!�.:.?).=r....iLs..:.::e::.3:.s:.:.9:..:..�J:...5:..:..Q:,.:,.:...:...:....:...:...:..:.:..:..9:.:.:.n:..:..r.:..:.�:...:..:.o.:..:..:..:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,.:.r.:..a:..:..i:..::.„..:..:::..v::..:...:.w:...:.:..e.:.:...:.::.�:...:.o..:.:......:a:....:..a.:...:...:..s:....:..:.:..�.:...:...:..c.:..o:....:..g:..:..:..c.:...:..a.:...:..m:..:..:..:..:.:..:..:.:..:.:.:..:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.. i�...-1...9.9:...:.7:..:.:.:.:.:.::..::..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.::.:.:.:..:.::.:.:.:.:.:..:.::.:..:.::.:..:.:.:.:::...:.:::..::..:.:.:.:.::..::..:.:..:.:..:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.::..::.:..::.:..:::...:.::..::..:::.:...:::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:..::.:..::.:..::.:..::.:..:.::..::.:..:.::..:::..:.::.:..::..:.::.:..::.:.:.:...:::..::.:::.:.::..:.::..:..:.::.:...:::..::.:..::. n:nSWEDeEo ...................m............................................................:::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....::::::,::::...::::...:::.......:....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . :::::::::::::e..........................................:............ =................................................................................................................................ Detailed: RoomLoa s€ d.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . Room Length: 10.0 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 5.0 Feet Zone Number: 1 Area: 50.0 Square Feet Supply Air: 27 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Required Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 400.0 Cubic Feet Actual Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 27 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 12 Inches % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 34* Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air: 4 CFM allocated Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 2 CFM allocated Actual Loss: 0.000 In.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct schedule limitations. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain E -WALL-12E 5 X 8 35 0.075 1.7 58 2.1 0 72 E-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 0%S 5 1.155 25.4 127 65.0 0 325 UP-CEIL-16D LIGHT 10 X 5 50 0.053 1.2 58 2.1 0 106 FLOOR-191 5 X 10 50 0.048 0.5 26 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 140 269 0 503 Infiltration: Winter: 3.6, Summer: 1.5: 5 17.600 88 6.600 48 33 Ventilation: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 36 0.100 0 54 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 590 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 393 48 590 Monday, July 21, 1997 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::: ::::;::::::: :::f2H1�A .:;;Rpsidenti8l:&:Ll htCommerdal HVAG LOadS Pro MBtn::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::EliteS6ftWere:DeVelo went :IInC::.: .:.:.:::.:.:.....:....:..:::::::.9:::...:...:..:.....:::::..:.:.... z::.::::::::::.:.:::::::::::::::::..... P�:..::::::::: L3odd:Enter rises::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::e e :Go structio r n n p................................................................................................................:......................................................................:.......................................................................... ort:Pie :rce::� 34.W3t1s::::`:s:::: b7{2t11997':':: :::: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9.......... .........................................................................o......o......m...................o..ae ate L............s........................................:........................ .................................................................:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:.:......:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:...:.....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:.:..:....:....:....:....:.:.......:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:...:.....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:.....:...:....:....:....:....:.:.......:....:...:....:.....:....:...:...:......:....:....:....:....:....:....:...:.....:....:..:.......:....:.:...:....:.....:......:.....::.......:....:....:.:.......:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:...:...:....:....:....:...:....:.......:.:.....:......:....:....:....:....:....:...:.....:....:...:.....:...:.....:....:....:....:...:....:....:....:.....:..:......:...:...:....:...:....:.....:.. . ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . S Master::�lris...... 1 ! ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . Room Length: 7.0 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 5.5 Feet Zone Number: 1 Area: 38.5 Square Feet Supply Air: 9 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Required Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 308.0 Cubic Feet Actual Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 9 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 12 Inches % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 11* Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air: 0 CFM allocated Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 0 CFM allocated Actual Loss: 0.000 In.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct schedule limitations. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain E -WALL-12E 5.7 X 8 46 0.075 1.7 76 2.1 0 95 UP-CEIL-16D LIGHT 7 X 5.5 39 0.053 1.2 45 2.1 0 83 FLOOR-191 5.5 X 7 39 0.048 0.5 21 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 124 142 0 178 Infiltration: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 Ventilation: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 14 0.100 0 18 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 196 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 156 0 196 Monday, July 21, 1997 Residential:& U htl±oMorC►8MIYM:LoBds:Osr ram:::::::::: >::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: r:::::::::::::::::::::::El WSW WWWDevelo meat anc::::: 9........................................................... ......................................................................................................p......... A.......... ....................................................................................................................................................................... :::Dodd:Ente rises::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�J`: s F emier:Consttuetior::: .....................!�j....................................................,..................................................................................................................................... ......................................... ............................ 1~tiit`:Pierae€L34Q[ [[©7�21�1997[[ :::[Patie9 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. . . Room Length: 12.0 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 11.5 Feet Zone Number: 1 Area: 138.0 Square Feet Supply Air: 88 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Required Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 1,104.0 Cubic Feet Actual Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 88 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 12 Inches % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 112* Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air: 15 CFM allocated Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 6 CFM allocated Actual Loss: 0.003 In.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct schedule limitations. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain E -WALL-12E 12 X 8 84 0.075 1.7 139 2.1 0 174 N -WALL-12E 10.7 X 8 77 0.075 1.7 127 2.1 0 159 E-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 0%S 12 1.155 25.4 305 65.0 0 780 N-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 100%S 9 1.155 25.4 229 24.0 0 216 UP-CEIL-16D LIGHT 12 X 11.5 138 0.053 1.2 161 2.1 0 293 FLOOR-191 11.5 X 12 138 0.048 0.5 73 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 458 1034 0 1622 Infiltration: Winter: 15.2, Summer: 6.3: 21 17.571 369 6.667 200 140 Ventilation: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 140 0.100 0 176 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 1938 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 1,543 200 1,938 Monday, July 21, 1997 ..... RHVAC:�RetldlentlalALpghtGottli Ol Ogl:HVAC-:6 Program.::.::: ......................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -- ®:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Frem�er.Eonstruetiot�:: :::::::::::::::::.:::::::•;;;::;:::e:::::::::::::::[:::::EhteSbftvNare:Develo ment Ihe:::: ... ..... ...... p..... �........... ::Dodd:�nte:rises::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... !l?.................................................. -.......... ........... 1=oit t�leroe L€:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.............. .......... 34 C� �........ :::::::::.::::::::::::::::....::::::: ................© .......,........ ..:..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::........:....:::: f2lr..gs::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::......:::::. :: Wage. iD... il d Roo 7:"Guest B "d ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Room Length: 13.0 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 10.3 Feet Zone Number: 1 Area: 133.9 Square Feet Supply Air: 87 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Required Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 1,071.0 Cubic Feet Actual Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 87 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 12 Inches % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 138* Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air: 15 CFM allocated Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 6 CFM allocated Actual Loss: 0.005 In.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct schedule limitations. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -WALL-12E 10.7 X 8 77 0.075 1.7 127 2.1 0 159 W -WALL-12E 10.7 X 8 74 0.075 1.7 122 2.1 0 153 N-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 100%S 9 1.155 25.4 229 24.0 0 216 W-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 0%S 12 1.155 25.4 305 65.0 0 780 UP-CEIL-16D LIGHT 13 X 10.3 134 0.053 1.2 156 2.1 0 284 FLOOR-191 10.3 X 13 134 0.048 0.5 71 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 440 1010 0 1592 Infiltration: Winter: 15.2, Summer: 6.3: 21 17.571 369 6.667 200 140 Ventilation: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 138 0.100 0 173 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 1905 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 1,517 200 1,905 Monday, July 21, 1997 ......................................................................................................................................... ............... ; Resideiiti8l:& ti hEComrrterg8l:FNAC:LbBds:Rr r8m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NrteSoftwaro:Devplo rnent :lrtc ::'::':':::'g.................................... 99............................................,...............................................................................................a ........... rises..........::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .........................................................................................................; ............................... Premier: Construction :::: P6it-Pierce:F-' .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . ........3495f)....................................................................................... ©'.f�7 /1 �5......::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::......................... .... . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . e al edF�ooin€Loads��_ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . Bat Room Length: 6.5 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 7.0 Feet Zone Number: 1 Area: 45.5 Square Feet Supply Air: 57 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Required Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 364.0 Cubic Feet Actual Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 57 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 12 Inches % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 73* Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air: 3 CFM allocated Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 1 CFM allocated Actual Loss: 0.002 In.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct schedule limitations. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain W -WALL-12E 10 X 8 76 0.075 1.7 125 2.1 0 157 W-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 0%S 4 1.155 25.4 102 65.0 0 260 UP-CEIL-16D LIGHT 6.5 X 7 46 0.053 1.2 54 2.1 0 98 FLOOR-191 7 X 6.5 46 0.048 0.5 24 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 172 305 0 515 Infiltration: Winter: 2.9, Summer: 1.2: 4 17.500 70 6.750 38 27 Ventilation: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 38 0.100 0 114 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 600 600 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 1256 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 413 638 1,256 Monday, July 21, 1997 ................................................................................................................ ::Dodd:nte.: rises:::::::.............................:......:..:.::..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::lrl:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. :.:.:::::!�?::::::..::....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..............................:...:......................................................:...:.............:.........Frem�ex Constnretr o :... :: E'ierceL::3495c1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::©7/2t1ig97.:..........................:........................:.............................................................. .... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:......... Detailed. Room oads'€ Room Length: 12.0 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 3.2 Feet Zone Number: 1 Area: 38.4 Square Feet Supply Air: 4 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Required Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 307.0 Cubic Feet Actual Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 4 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 0 Inches % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air Velocity: 0* Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air: 0 CFM allocated Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 0 CFM allocated Actual Loss: 0.000 In.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct schedule limitations. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain UP-CEIL-16D LIGHT 12 X 3.2 38 0.053 1.2 44 2.1 0 81 FLOOR-1 913.2 X 12 38 0.048 0.5 20 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 76 64 0 81 Infiltration: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 Ventilation: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 6 0.100 0 8 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 89 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 70 0 89 Monday, July 21, 1997 ............... --:;�Rogideintigl:&Litibt.CoMmerdai.HVACL -AVAO. ............................... .. . ............ ....... OtJft9::::: POO: i�ht'e-rb*fis- ....... ................................. ...................... ............ ............. ............. ........................ .. :::Prerni .................... :const i Lq rupton: ............................................. .......................... ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::IRddff:::Load::%S'U' .... M ..... M ... a'rRe"' ........................... % ......................... ............................................ ...... w w ......... . .. ...... .. ......... .. ........................... stem:: Vftdin L-'o.ad::':..;Um ................ ........ ........... ...... ......... ....... .... .. .............. % ............ ..................................................... ....................................................................... Htg Htg Run Cig Cig Cig Zone Cig Air Room Area Sens Nom Duct Sens Lat Nom Adj Adj Sys No Description SF Btuh CFM Size Btuh Btuh CFM Fact CFM CFM ---Zone 1--- 1 Living Rm 170 3,062 93 1-12 4,386 1,003 199 1.25 249 199 2 Dining Rm 88 3,209 97 2-12 4,509 1,041 205 1.35 277 205 3 Kitchen 105 749 23 1-12 2,437 86 ill 1.00 ill ill 4 Master Bath 50 393 12 1-12 590 48 27 1.00 27 27 5 Master Closet 39 156 5 1-12 196 0 9 1.00 9 9 6 Master Bed 138 1,543 47 1-12 1,938 200 88 1.00 88 88 Rm 7 Guest Bed 134 1,517 46 1-12 1,905 200 87 1.25 108 87 Rm 8 Bath Rm 46 413 13 1-12 1,256 638 57 1.00 57 57 9 Hall 38 70 2 1-0 89 0 4 1.00 4 4 System 1 Totals 808 11,112 337 17,306 3,216 787 930 787 Main Trunk Size: 14 in. ............ ........ pi.......... ..... ............ Tv ..............h..... ........................ ............ ...... ................................ . ................*'**- ............. Cooling Sensible/Latent Sensible Latent Total Tons Split Btuh Btuh Btuh Net Required: 1.710 84%/16% 17,306 3,216 20,522 Recommended: 1.923 75%/25% 17,306 5,769 23,075 Monday, July 21, 1997 JACK D. JEWELL, P.E. FLA. REG. 34022 3038 SE BAKERSFIELD ST. PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 (561) 335-1470, FAX 398-0418 JULY 23, 1997 ELECTRICAL LOAD CALCS. VOLT/AMPS 900 SF @ 3 VA ................... 2700 TWO 20 A APPLIANCE CKTS ......... 3000 LAUNDRY ......................... 1500 DRYER ........................... 4500 RANGE...........................12000 DISPOSAL ........................ 1000 WATER HEATER .................... 4500 DISH WASHER ..................... 1200 REFRIGERATOR .................... 900 TOTAL VOLT/AMPS = WATTS ... 23100 FIRST 10 KVA ................... 10000 AC HEAT STRIP .................. 10000 REMAINDER AT 40% ............... 1200 TOTAL ..................... 21200 USE AMPS = 21,200/240 .......... 88.3 AMPS OUNTY VE® N JANCE PERMIT DN JOB OR - 9l_L BE MADE ` V I YZ 4 S liR'4 4� 5 Idl �.. -� I :?.! P , ai •. N.90.00'00 E 30.00%PROP.J X�3.;. ' g&S Ir,�: rla [�/sti7 Ca [e84M .t m D% D� 10 P I 1 ODD N N N N n n o0 W H o J u Ln ct; Z O w LL- �_ W UJ W cc a C3 q 4Z J N cy- LLJ ;z Z Lv W 0 OR w N N OZ P W Q m /j ��i JJI LLJ > w J Y � ��yy cr O Q DRAWN W.G.H. CHECKED E.R.S. HELD DATE 7/15/1997 SCALE 1"- 10.00, JOB NO. 73-80-01 SHEET OF ONE SHEETS 10'-0" 16'-0" 14'-0" • _&.�LQLLVF"REP - - - - ------------- -L FYESFQ---------------� r-- -------A ACCESS DOOR ACCESS DOOR I INDICATES 1 #5 DOWEL IN GROUT FILLED A I CELLS WITH HOOK AT FOOTER AND TIE I I BEAM. BAR LAP MUST BE 25" MIN. (TYP.) I I I o I I I I I 1 8'-0" 8' 0" 8'-O" 8' 0" 8'-0" I I I I B p` I I C 1 CONCRETE SLAB I I T D I • = I ° 4" SLAB WITH 6X6 #10/10 W.W.M. (2500 P.S.I.) (FIBER MESH OPT.) OVER 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER 2 I I ON CLEAN COMPACTED TERMITE TREATED FILL. L-- I.OiJVERER_-------------------X__iZ_LQ.SJ ---- -_;_ - -- _-J ------.A5_x ACCESS DOOR ACCESS DOOR L10'-0" �___ff16,_ 0" 14'- 0" FOUNDATO .UVV MIL V1r V1 011\111 1 ON CLEAN COMPACTED TERMITE TREATED FILL. 9 iz J L) J ` a I w 5'-0" \ L) I I I I I i I I I I I / ` I / I -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - --- -- --'71 -- -- --- ENGINEERED TRUSS O 24. O.C. ROOF FRAMING PLAN CONNECTOR CHART TRUSS ENDS UPLIFT HUGHES LOADS CONNECTOR EA. END ANCHORS EA. CON. ALL A do B RT14 755# 10-16D EVERY RAFTER k r ` I \\ I SCALE:1/4' =1'-0" SHINGLE ROOF OVER 30# FELT F s< e i 4k to x rQ� V L (L LL c H r OK C✓ Ld 1 u .. } a W •--1 .,.+ LL > O. c) It = W f - Q � N Lij z C Q a- Z, FOUNDATION NOTES: 1, DOTING CONCRETE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF ", 500 P,S,I. @ 28 DAYS. rl T Q LL REINFORCING BARS, DOWELS AND TIES HALL CONFORM WITH ASTM - 615 AND SHALL bE FREE OF DIRT OR MUD. LL REINFORCING SHALL BE PLACED AND ECURLY TIED IN PLACED SUFFICIENTLY AHEAD F PLACING CONCRETE TO ALLOW INSPECTION T AND CORRECTION, If NECESSARY, WITHOUT y DELAYING THE CONCRETING OPERATION, t 4, All DOWELS & VERTICAL BARS ARE #5 UNLESS NOTED AS #4 OR #7, xt J TOP PLATE j #5 BARS I QI 25' LAP SPLICE y/ 10' HOOK 6. #7 BARSI ^ F- 35' LAP SPLICE W/ 14' HOOK 4 7. IMBED DOWELS 6' IN CONCRETE S. VERTICAL BARS TO EXTEND TO TOP STEEL WITH HOOK. (SEE NOTES 6 & 7 FOR SIZES OF HOOK) r 9. FILL CELLS AT VERTICAL DOWELS. 0, GROUT BE 3000 P.S.I. AND REAR T❑ BE A MINIMUM EM GRADE 40, '-- W z , �_. > STRUCTURE FIRE PROTECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SBCCI 1994 STANDARD BUILDING CODE 709 CALCULATED FIRE RESISTANCE 7 a THE ONE HOUR FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY PROPOSED Q Z q'IS THE ADDITION OF THE MATERIAL IDENTIFIED AS (� > O� & S 'DENS -GLASS GOLD' WHICH IS RATED FOR ONE HOUR ULATI FIRE PROTECTION. SEE ATTACHED CUT SHEET FROM THE MANUFACTURER AND LISTED BELOW THE WINDOW OPENINGS Of THE SIDEWALLS ARE LESS THAN 10% �+ OF THE SIDEWALL AREAS, '. Lli F+ aM RIGHT SIDE WINDOW ❑PENINGS = 4,9% LFFT SIDE WINDOW ❑PENINGS - 1007 0 ' C) JUOTING FROM THE CUT SHELL n o-"+ FIRE PROTECTION 'DENS -GLASS GOLD IS NON- - U 1` COMBUSTIBLE (AS TESTED PER ASTM E-136), S❑ Cf �D LLJ IT OFFERS BETTER PROTECTION AGAINST BURNING Oli TEST (PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E-64) Z a SHOW DENS -GLASS GOLD PANELS PROVIDE ZERO W FLAMESPREAD AND ZERO SMOKE DEVELOPMENT, TEST Z Q a -- OF 5/8' DENS -GLASS GOLD FIRESTOP, TYPE 'X' (PREFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E-191) LO QUALIFIES FOR A ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTANTI U W CONSTRUCTION (UL 337), � >1 MY SIGNITURE AND SEAL HEREBY CERTIFIES THA': THIS MATERIAL APPLIED TO THE WALL WILL COM,I WITH THE INTENT OF THE ONE HOUR FIRE RATIk REQUIREMENTS. AIIII:,: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN AND SPECIFI- CATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AS SIGNIFIED BY MY HAND SEAL. CHECKED BYI # DATEEE y�/-� 0 / — 0 A1 SCALE it/4 t C JOB NO. V 7 _ 1 'M� j SHEET >e �.s