HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisionOFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: 4 - (O- 19 REVISION FEE: LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT # -10q- 077,1 RECEIPT # PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982.5652 (772)462.1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: I "�Q) CITY: F01r PHONE (DAYTIME): Q�o� OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: ME" NAME: FC/f/ tJc� �VNi� hyyC �_ ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: PHONE (DAYTIME: M F ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS_: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): L—: ZIP: STATE: ZIP: FAX: A Ali: OPY SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130117 REVISION l^I FD. I.R.& C (LB6832) —ln� d• 20 0 20 40 60 a +e. Scale 1" = 20' CO CO FLOOD ZONE X " F.E.M.A., F.I.R.M 12111CO277J 120285 0277J, 2/16/12 r-lea LOT 3 •V "VACANT" C.A. MITCHELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYOR'S AND MAPPERS 759 S.W. SOUTH MACEDO BOULEVARD P0_RT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA. 34983 772-878-7547 M OPEN PASTURE "VACANT" a + N 89'59'59" E +lb 100.00' 4' FENCE +E. P.P. JOVERHEAD W RES w !n PED a E. 0 OD }� V �' Q^ co 24.33 9.887B71J CAo� SB N✓ 0 12.50' 20.17 6.00 LCOWEREDp 3 1 N 11.33 "PROPOSED" 1 STORY RESIDENCE < 2,33 O N0� N 4.0 9.50P9 N 23.33' ^OQO\,\^ �• ^� N 13.50' 10.17' SIB >'cni m 3:5' 3.5' 8.00, m v � 3 y EB 51 17.33 SB 23.33' F 12' 1 SB 1 23.00' 1 w I I r 13 _ o1 _p TH I S 5' .'Sm m L- 25--__J DM u N { [r cop C O) ()+ A W (I1 m m 1.5.00' SB T O O O O C O 4 N ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO SURVEY MAPS —FD. OR REPORTS BY 0T'I1ER TITAN TILE SIGNING I.R.& C. PARTY IS PROHIBITED WIT14OUT THE WRITTEN +, (LB6832) CONSENT' OF THE SIGNING PARTY. .s. (F. A.C. 5.1-17 ). NOT' VALID WI7'I TOUT" I'ILE SIGNATURE AND 1'11E ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF TIIE FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR, AND MAPPER. (F.A.C. 53-17 ) LEGEND: P. = PLAT M. = MEASURED C. = CALCULATLD D. = DESCRIPTION I.R.& C. -IRON ROD AND CAP 'ACC. = WITNESS CORNER C.M. - CONCRETE MONUMENT I.P. - IRON PIPE N. & D. = NAIL AND DISK P.P. = POWER POLE L.P. - LIGHT POLE.. O.H.W. = OVERUE, AD WIRES ASPH. = ASPHALT PAVEMENT F.P.L. = FLORIDA POIVER & LIGHT FD,-FOUND P.C. - POINT OF CURVE F.T. = PODJT OF TANGENCY P.0 C. = rOrNr OF COMPOUND CURVE PRC. = POINT OF REVERSE CURVE P O.D. - POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. - POINT OF COMMENCEMENT C/L = CENTERLINE BAY - RIGHT OF WAY P.R.M. - PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUAW,NT P.C.P. = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT C.A. = CENTRAL ANGLE (DELTA ANGLE) TIT, = TYPICAL CONC. - CONCRETE SB = SETBACK R - RADIUS }� DESCRIPTION: (WARRANTY DEED O.R. BOOK 3395, PAGE 563) LOT 2 OF LONE PINE SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF "1 VACANT" ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND VA FOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 51, PAGE 21. SAID LANDS SITUATE IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (SURVEYOR: PLAT BOOK 51, PAGES 21 THROUGH 25) }�h 10BO SF+ AVAILABLE FOR ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYS. 1 TELE. RISER FD. FD. I.R.& C. m LR.& C. (LB6832)��' A } 5965' 29.35' / i+�,e +m3(L86832) 1'ELE. RISER N 11 S 89*43°36" W I `20' WIDE 100.00' COMMON AREA I ACCESS. COMMON AREA EASEMENT �10' FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT EASEMENT—t- I I NORTH LINE PRIVATE I I DRIVE R/W C /L BEND 70.86' POINT N I - On I / — 10' UTILITY EASEMENT- 0 2' CONC. GUTTER I I r' d I 24' ASPH 100.00' ti I -- BASE OF BEARINGS —� �a• N 89'43'36"E 255.93' LONE PINE DRIVE (60' WIDE PRIVATE DRIVE R/W ) SITE BENCHMARK ELEVATION = 8.27'(N.A.V.D.) NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM LOT 22 "VACANT DRAWN er: C.A.M. APPROVED BY; M.E. RCVISIONB FORMBOARDS 10/31/17 C.A.M. DATE: APRIL 2017 PROD, NO. 4729 PROPOSED RESIDENCE & SEPTIC SYS. 5/22/17 C.A.M. 4729 DWG File name: C:\EPSA\4729 FlN.FL..ELEV. AND A.C. SLAB 10/9/17 C.A.M. REVISE HOUSE HQAO & DRIVE 10*18/17 C.A.M. SOUTH LINE PRIVATE DRIVE R/W 85.07' ( T R A C T (PLAT BOOK 3, P I" GE 8I) \ AFAR FAO c 9 0 0 g i —7 . ELEVATIONS REFLECTED ON THIS DRAWING ARE BASED UPON I W. A ESS g , NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988, MORE SPECIFICALLY (nm, Al ry ; ti ST. LUCIE COUNTY BENCHMARK "ELVIS", ELEVATION =7.08' "" 0q y y za CON MOIJ-589 1338 W I� ABEA_ _�i a. __ '---)_--_-___ 693 2I9.29 11 - 17.24' - �' _ m �'0 83. Y 20.00' 78 93 LI p+ 36 W 2 9.20 _ - -- - _ " _LONE PINE DI4!_frE "PRIWE M943�3fi E 2 5.9J_ D"IIVAR . ,� T R A 0 T "0'1 c9• ` 7603 79J< 2—87 EASEMENT \` T R A C T '1 " (TMKAL) (PLAT 800K 3, PAGE 04) 22 23 FRCNT � RECEIVED l Q AI<1� � / - FEB 0 6 2018 CNgifDF;I ST. Lucie County, Permitting - REAR I b LN. C.A. MITCHELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. F STATE IFICATE OF AUTHRIZATION NO LB4276 �71I` � (ESTAWSHEq/j1AW) FORMBOARDS LOCATION & ELEV. 10/31/17 LOT 2 OF " LONE PINE SUBDIVISION " LONE PINE DRIVE, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 'CLINTON A. )MTTCHELL, R.L.S. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. LS3541 (SINCE 1982) SHT. NAME BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 3, 20.17 HT. NO. ONE x, OF 'PIP ONE 11 File Copy Project Data 13'-8" 1 44'-8" r----------------------------------------------------------I I i I I F-11 BO I I NEW CONCRETE FOUNDATION F-1 [ -4" I I I 4" 3000# FIBERMIX CONC. FL1 OVER .006 VAPOR BARRIER ON CLEAN, COMPACTED, I TERMITE TREATED FILL _ERh""ai,'x�:n��jciJ` REQUIRED I I F-h I I I I I I � I I i I I I I L- — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J EXISTING CONCRETE FOUNDATION ------------------------------------------- Foundation & Footing Plan scale: 1/4" � 1'-0" O 6 THESE PUMP C.NO ALL ^r''rp!�F! WORK ARE SM ECT "i O ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE N-CES8ARY IN ORDER TQ COMPLY W ITN n.. nPPLi�,AJLE CC DES. I�� o2Zl �Y � � t'd£ trilf'k�!" $i i1.1j�C nlCn QN 16 klift R t1�1:Eii8�', 6 �d llalE __ �,1t PL i5 AND Pr, . !t r1 B) IC PT ON dO y OR NO t ASP€CTIO\ N1'" BE MADE" 4" Concrete Patio Slab with 10" x 10" Thickened Edge Design Loads Wind Speed: 160 MPH Wind Importance Factor: 1.0 Building Category: II Wind Exposure: B Internal Pressure Coefficent: .18 Structure Designed: Open Soil bearing capacity: 2000 p,s.f. Project Name: Taylor residence Cco Street Address: 1308 Lone Pine Drive Q. � Legal: Lot 2, Lone Pine Subdivision City: Ft. Pierce W County: St. Lucie z State: Florida I`jDq Der' !!1iR V 2 RECEIVED C Va Building Data O) o FEB 0 6 2018 .� Project Area: 821 s.f. 5T. Lucie county, Permitting Q 5th Edition Florida Building Code: Residential 2011 National Electric Code NFPA 70 GENERAL FOUNDATION NOTES Concrete shall be a minimum of 4" thick over clean, compacted, termite treated fill and 6 mil polyethylene vapor barrier. If concrete slab contains 6" x 6" 10/10 WWM provide 1" coverage Concrete shall have at minimum compressive strength of not less than 3,000 p.s.i, All 90% hooks are to be extended 10" minimum beyond the turn. Field bends are to be done cold and the diameter of the bend, measured on the Inside of the bar, is not to be less than six bar diameters. Minimum coverage for rebar shall be 3" in footings and 1 1/2" in bond beams. Hooks may be rotated horizonitally if required to achieve minimum coverages. Reber overlap shall be 48 bar diameters. 30" for #5 rebar The foundation design assumes that the soil has a minimum load carrying capacity of 2000 p.&f. In the event the soil bearing capacity falls below 2000 psf. This foundation plan may be superseded by Foundation Design Engineer. Satisfactory compaction test of fill does not verify lower soils are adequate, All specifications and dimensions to be verified by contractor, All exterior slabs shall slope a minimum 1/8' per foot for drainage FORMWORK & SHORING No structural concrete shall be stripped until It has reached at least 80% of the 28 day design strength. Design, Erection, & Removal of all formwork, shores, & reshores shall meet meet the ACI Standards 347 and 301 Contractor to verify all building setbacks prior to the start of construction, A formboard survey shall be submitted to the building department for approval prior to pouring concrete. SOIL STATEMENT: Foundation has been designed for a soil bearing capacity of 2000 p.SJ. Fill shall be laid in layers of 6", Each layer to be compacted to 9596 compaction. If the contractor encounters, while digging the foundation, any discrepancy tc suggest the soil may be inadecuate, he must immediately report it to the owner and the Architect or Engineer so as to order a soil boring test. F-1 XY x 10" mono. footing with (1) #5 rebar cont. @n 10" . 6" "q 10. m �- 0 z U W 0 C 1 a1 • I U� W N U U Z CL o C N o- ++ � E C a. Q8 0 } J Q M I— v— File Copy drawn at checked aL date V30/18 Scale as noted job number 17026 sheet A-1 i .- . ray..... i i 1 Y r Y 12' Err 20' 2" 6' On 2' 4" 11` 8" 11' 4" 5' Err 3' 4" S 1 to t1en U U co W tD W n ie > W W J1 o CJ fV 10'-0" TO IV-0" TRAY (+12" CLNG) Hatch Legend X\ , \ X\ , Sz / . /X \ // cJ 35 N r / \ / N o N 10'-0" A. F. F CJ 55 p" EO K 1 Y-0" TO '-0" RAY (+12" NG) \ 6 v 3 P,k a O O o 0 o O O o 0 o O m N t+a ° c? O D 04 ti TRUSS END DETAIL SQUARE CUT OVERHANG 12 BY T LEVEL RETURNS 6 BY TRUSS COMPANY HEIG"HEEL HEIGHT 2'-0" 510.1 rts� iv CJ 3 23 C Co3 C 23 V^ m E01 o o x o x ° xl F % / o/ =/ j // / 1 1" C N ILIEV R EJ \ / ti )G \ \\ / / r / / / // / / 1' 6n / / 9 // / / / r/On / j / / / / / /On / / [V. gee _ lV ` Z U - o. __ V t0 iA EJ 3 EJ J5 U o EJ / r / / </ �'\ \ CO E 73 c 71 EJ \, // \ — J7 EJ 13' 6" / E 74 EJ i// / / �6n // 1D'-0" TO TRAY (+12' 11' NG) E 4 EJ 7n On 7r Ox E 74 / // / d % % % / tV /// AA / F / E CN O _ - / , �: • - '-..: 10'-0" CLNG AHU /to �✓ M % / % // ;� i / / vo2 13TM // v N N to to / O!r V LI / 2 PLY ? _ V03 DRYER VENT // I DOS '� / // // // / { / \ \ > EJ / \ E 74 EJ \ / \ E 74 EJ74 % / / // / / B / j / X/'-- \ '� \. / \ EJ EJ71 O // % K-W OF i j / TO ULT t0 60 < , { ( :.,: \ 04 TH026 DO l` EJ THD26 I o7 EJ TH 6 06 OB EJ THD 9fM i i / // EJ 10--0' CLNG THD26 Vi)d\ // / EJ 03 ==A=2 / uoili 0 V // /26 / / / / / 9n 4n 01 0 N Tldb2s 2 PLY 01 No = _- 24 Ito CJ7 ==G=01 07 <O �D GO i 06 5' Or, I i J3Z Volp CJ 5 0to 04 CJ O rn J2 I I I > U W > W > W > W > U > U Do c N 02 N I I I ATTIC BOX D02 I (STORAGE c I I I e� DO I 1 I DOt====I 01 0 t+t 1 CJ171 LU 23' 0" 9' 6" 4' 0" 10' 2" 3' 6" 8' 0" 3' 61' 13' 6" 61' 8" RECEI'' C SEP j �717 t 2820 Kirby Cir. NE, Palm Bay, Ft. 32905 Phone: ( 321 ) 409-9800 Fax: ( 321 ) 409-9803 "• Signawre of thl, doaumentacknowedges uut the client has reviewed thh uuu phcemant d1 in its entirety and is in agreement with the following items, including but not limited to: A.) The client is responsible to verily the accuracy of Information submitted for use in design, fabrication, and scheduling. Any labor,material, or time delay incurred from inadequate orrec information supplied from the client will be at the client's expense. 0.1 Design Criteria: The client acknowledges that the truss design criteria noted on this truss placement diagram meets or exceeds the design criteria specified by the building designer, eirgint record, and local and state building requirements. C.) Fab, leaden and Deliver y: One approved uuw placement diagram must be returned to if,, manuGrmrer hefnre f mbatinn and delivery will to su h .Am If iwfhe rliera', rn,pnn,ihiliryt coordinate or dates with the muss manufacturer. The client shall provide a marked beatic delivery, which must be accessible, level, and cleat of material and debris) in lieu of this, trusses a delweredlnthebestavaibNe.imatlonatourdmer'sdmu"on. Care and handling otme trust .J following dilvery b the msponsibllty of the client. } O D.} Installation &Ara<In4=RCS1?OOg( Building Component Safety lnfmtnaHonI WFCA/Till X guidelines shall be followed when handling, installing, and bracing crones. Temporar and/or 0. permanent lnacingand blocking is not included in the truss package. Trusesshallbe braced to Q pteveut,uWunnd Fnovhle bcnalsULalq iu auunJan.e witl�drc neyuimmeuo aprvifcJ inthe 1— construction documents for the building and on the individual truss design drawings. Theovera z W stability fthe truss system tithe rnpomtbiliry of the building designer. J U c) Field fcamin,1)Tray rolling, and other ceiling transitions may require field Naming by ?.) l.edmg drops and valleys not shown are to be field framed by others. 3.7 Overhangs maybe c length -cut told infield, Overhangs are 2x4 or 2x6 -rm blocking is applied. Corner jacks will b square cut and hip jacks will be double beveled. F.) Repain: Truss related problems arc to be reported to the puss manufacturer ASAP, pre mwridng. DO NOT CUTANY TRUSSES before contacting the truss manufacturer with specifics of problem. Any field modificatiom madewithoutan engineered repairdrawing will be the respon otthedient. No bad charges or crane charges ofany kindwill be ampeted, unless specifically approved in writing by the nest manufacturers management. C.) I N%Tnns Waremem diagram was nm en,and by an tmgineer, rather by Tibbpm I omhm LLC staff, and is purely to be used asan imnallatlon guide and does not require a seal. Truss dais analysis are on the Truss Design Drawings which may ba sealad by the Truss Design En&near. Roof Load; 40b pat, 20 TCLL, 10 TCDL, 00 BCLL, ' Desion checked for 10 parf nonconcurre Building Code : FBC 2014 Mean Hgt. : 15 ASCE 7-10 RISK CAT. : If TPI 1-2007 Importance Factor : 1.0 K Truss Design C & C Enclosure Enclosed F Uplift Calc. : MWFRS Entry : Exposed to V Wind Speed 170 mph US Lanai : Exposed to z S2 ROOF CRITERIA FLOOR CRITERIA w T.C. Pitch 6112 B.C. Pitch N/A Depth NIA cal T.C. Size 2x4 Spacing N/A IL Heel Hgt. 2x4 Bearing VARIES Cantilever N/A vapor banner between floor & connate b Flea busses held bade 3/4" al exterior Overhang 24" Mock & tip by others. alocdng for vertical lead tr. Odd apace floor tmuses around plumbing Spacing 24" o.c. 0 O V z 0 U w h O z W rc TYP. RF HNG THD26 UNLESS NOTED A THD26 = 21 -Qty B THD26-2 C THDH26-2 D THDH26-3 THD28 SKH26 L/R NOTED M THD46 N THD48 0 THDH48 P THDH410 Q X CONNECTION BY OTHERI Install hangers per manufacturer's guidelines. All connectors ard its downs other than trues to girder Fuss are to be spaded and Supplied by oftea Approved by: Desired delivery date: Approval Date: Reaction Uplift Reaction Uplift Reaction 1 xx xx 7 xx xx 1 xx 2 xx xx $ xx xx 1 xx 3 xx xx 9 xx xx 1 xx 4 xx xx 0 xx xx 16 xx 5 xx xx 11 xx xx 17 xx 6 xx XX 12 XX xx 6 Xx Only points listed above have reaction > 5000 or Uplift > 1000 Values shown on sealed design drawings supersede the above. x x x x x x x x GEM BLDRS TAYLOR RES 1308 LONE PINE DRIVE - FORT PIECE 108/26/17 1 Designer JL rlie l,upty Project: # 504927