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o . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI.SSIONERS .ST. LUCITE COUNTY', FLORIDA REGULAR-. MEETING Date: :September 6, 994 ..Tape: 1 - 2 C°mmis'sioners Present: Denny Green, Cli f f commitment ). convened- 7:01 ' p. m. adj ourne, d- 9- 27 p.m. Chairman, Havert L.-Fenn,-Judy Culpepper, Barnes, R. Dale Trefel ner ( absent prior Others Pres~ent: Management/Budget Heather Young, Development Dire Joseph Mat fait, Jack- , Southard, Publ Maaa~er; Bil-i · -. Ma.nager; A~. Mi'llie /~D. ResolutJ For consideration res.olution ektend: known as St. Luci( It was mo.ved by C( Res ol uti on No. c. unanimous 1 y. Kindred, County -Administrator; Dan Kurek,' trator; Dan McIntyre, 'County- Attorney; 'county Attorney; Terry Virta, Community 'Dennis Murphy, Land Development Manager, sitions Manager; Don West.; County_.Enginee.r; c:.. Safety. -.Direq.tor; Don' McLa.m,-_ .-'R. ecreati'on Planning!.' Manager;- Don-na -Beach~ - Pu. rchasi..ng ite,'-Deputy Clerk -' - ' ' . ~on NO. 94-156/St. Lucie Oaks(I-0292) before the Board, was ResolUtion' No. 94-156, a ng the Final PUD/PNRD approval for the project Oaks PUD/PNRD. · m.-Green, secOnded by Com.-Culpepper to 4-156; and, upon roil' call, motion' approve carried 0 q) O~ r~ 0 0 ~ 0 <D 0 ~ 4J (g ~J ~ o ~c · ~ O.~ O.,q ~ Z Z ~ 0 ~ 0 . ': ===. ,_ P. O. Box 92 CALVEI~T A$~(~(~IATES, ENGINEERS PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE BUILDING STUART, FLORIDA 34995 Phone (407) 287-3636 IN~. August 25, 199h C. Calvert Montgomery, P.E. Arthur Speedy, B.S. -- R.L.S. Fred Jette Scott Montgomery, P.E. DAVID KELLY PLANNER ST. LUCIE COUNTY 2300 V'IRGI'N!A AVE ,FT. PIERCE, FL 34982---5652 RE': ST. LUCIE OAKS PUD [)EAR MR 'KELLY: ATTACHED I'S A~N AppLICATiON FOR VEGETATION REMOVAL FOR THE ST. LUClE ~~!~~ ~ oo oo "'~ '" ·~~~~B-E AERI'A~/P~A~~H'._ : .... FOR THE FEE ALONG "l' "~' "'" "~'~'~ .,~'-~B~T DO THE 0 Tt. CLEARING ISCUsS'E[ O'.~DE~Ly"~AN'NER SO 'TH'fiT~Ya' N A GRADUAL ' I'N CONFORMi,'TY'.'wrT .'."~~~'..~ '~.'~'-!~.~ ''~ ,.'~k~ ~'S- . OSSI'BLE CAN BE ' .............. w...H ~.:. BAS' ,.....~-~- .~.-...-~ . SAVED BUT TO M .-.,- .~ !~ ~~ , .... ~Z-}<- _.~-?'.~., ~....., THERE I. "~-' E ROOM R'~EMENTS . ~. , / ~~.~>':'~::~ .'~ :....~ .. PLEASE CALL IF YOU HAVE QUESTI' ....... -" . . ONS C, CALVERT HONTGOHEEy s ASSOCIATES, INC. C. CALVERT MONTGOMERY ' ENC:L, cc: Frank Specia!e, Trustee c/o: Brasi"l ino Fil~ipe . . MEMBER OF.: American Society of Civil Engineers _ AmericanFioridaConcreteplanninglnstitute,_and ZoningFI°ridaAssociationEngineering Society -- Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors ~ r ~ . _ . ¸1 Ii I r: I . 1{ :, '-~' {! JJJ{' J. ' "}l:'-~' '!J :,,:,.: I i{ .,:: j, il} ,. 11;{ 'J'J · l'~}: Ill -::ii . I II I ST. LUCIE OAKS Vegetation Removal Permit Conditions. This permit authorizes'the clearing of cOunty-protected vegetation Only to the extent required to mark the centerline of the Proposed roadways and the outer limits of the parking and structure areas; (2) Exotic species (Brazilian Pepper and Melaleuca) may be removed; (3) Applicant shall provide staking with continuouS flagging at the perimeter of the areas proposed for clearing ("limits of clearing"); (4) Contact the County Planning DivisiOn at (407) 468-1576 for an on-site inspection after the staking has been completed and before additional clearing activities commence; (5) . (6) (7) This permit does not authorize dredge and fill activities in jurisdictional wetlands and adjacent upland buffers, or impacts to listed species (such as the Gopher Tortoises that are known to be on-site); .Applicant shall stake, at a minimum, 25' buffers around gopher tortoise burrows 'being preserved in place (if they are in close proximity to clearing activities), and/or relocate sUCh species in 'a~cord~nce with State and federal permitting requirements; .Applicant shall properly dispose of vegetative debris, either at a solid waste disposal :facility or by obtaining the necessary burn permits from the State Department of .Agriculture. Applicant shall no~ bury vegetative debris on-site; (8) ,Recommend relocating native species where possible. H:\WP\SL OAKS.VEG- INQ REQUEST [ ] PARCEL ID [3422-211-0001-000/0 ] LGAL - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME:SPECIALE, FRANK *TR* SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 22/36S/40E 22 36 40 NE 1./4 OF NW 1/4-LESS BEG AT SE COR OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 RUN W 589.64 FT,TH N' 1i50 FT,TH E 547.45 FT TO W R/W US 1,TH SELY ALG R/W TO ITS INT ~WITH N-S 1/4 SEC LI,TH S 493.'69 FT TO POB- (24.34 AC,~) (OR 759-246:854-1113) ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) 10/14/94 11:28 THIS INFORMATIONI IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT~ IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 01 NO F(~RTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 INQ ST. REQUEST [ ] PARCEL ID OWNS - OWNER & SALES INFO LOCATION: SPECIALE, FRANK 1111 S OCEAN BV BOCA RATON,FL 33432-0000 LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) [3422-211-0001-000/0 ] 10/14/94 11:2'8 OWNER NAME: SPECIALE, FRANK *TR* ********************************************** SPECIALE, FRANK *TR* IN QUALIFICATION CODE O.R. BOOK/PAGE INSTRUMENT TYPE INFORMATION SOURCE EXEMPTION STATUS SALE DATE SALE AMOUNT VACANT/IMPROVED VERIFIED SALE ADJ SALE AMOUNT ADJUST REASON QUAL SAL 0759/0246 WAR DEED DEED 09/25/91 1,013,000 VAC SALE VERIFIED 0 * THIS INFORMATION 8100 ENTER 'PAGE' IS BELIEVED CORRECT FOR MORE INFORMATION BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 2: 10 PAGE- FMT ON KBD. v2.10 NCR 301 ~.~--'"' "" "'- '"'- '~ ':, ~.! .. ... ~,:. .. · .: · . . . . .. .~ ...... :. .,..,~,~, ,.,, ~, ..... .~.,._. ~. .... ....... ,t ~, .... . .. . - ~. . ... . .- . .. · ;. AUG -.41994 ..... , ... . · 'L]" i .'.'.:-J '- " : .' :. .. .. '. C0~IMUNiIY DEv[LOI)ME,~I i ' ' "" S?. LUC~ C0'~L·] '· ,- . BOARD .O~ . COUN~ CONMZSSIONB~S '. - _- - " , . . .... " . :,-" . .' . . . _ . ........... . ...... Date: AugUs't' 16, 1994 Tape: 1 - 3' . convened: "7-..06 a.m. adjourned: 10- 50 -p. m. · commissi0ners .Present: . ViCe'. 'C-h.airman; ..DennY-Green, judy--cU!pepPen, .... ~Cliff~. Barnes ;.-.' .'R~ -_-..Dai~ . Trefel'ner., ' Havert- '.L.i" Fenn.: (absent"-' 'knee -' s:urgery). ~..: ~. ..... - -. --.. .. -. .. · ~ Others Present: Tom Kindred, County Admi.nistrator; Dan' McIntyre, County At'torney; Terry Virta, Communi'ty Development Director; Dennis Murphy, L.and De. velopment Manager; Mike Bowers, -Road .and Bridge Manager; joseph:Malfait, Acquisiti.ons Manager; Ronald Brown, Public Works Director;. Jack S'outhard, Public Safety Manager; Don West, County 'Engineer; Charles Bicht, Central Services Manager; Bill Miller, Planning Manager; Donna Beach, Purchasing Manager; W.. Linsen, Sheriff' s office; A.' Millie White, Deputy Clerk " '3. COMMUNITY . DEVELOPMENT ' "(.j._{j Permi'ssion to advertise- ~' ~.he BOard approved the. request to advertise hear the petitiOn of' Frank .Speciale, Trustee, ~he si'te pl.an approval of St. Lucie Oaks S. eptember 6, '1994. · · . . a public hearing to for an extension to Planned Development on B OF COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT August 18, 1994 Mr. C- Calvert Montgomery, P.E. P.O. Box 92 Stuart, FL 349~95 Subject: St. 'Lucie' Oaks, P-U.D. · Dear Mr..Montgomery. Enclosed are three (3) sets each of construCtion plans above referenced project marked "approved". fOr the Because you are acting as the Developer's representative, it is t i U your~responsibility to dlstrlb te the extra sets of approved.plans to the Contractor and Developer. Please notify the COunty .Engineering Division of the date, ~time and location -of the pre-constructiOn meeting for . this~ project. Attendance by our'~Engineeri, ng DiviSion representative will help insure better cOordinatiOn with our Construction Inspector and will also be an opportune time to address any questionable items. We will require two (2) .sets of signed, sealed and dated blueprint record[ drawings and a mylar sepia with the engineers final certifiCation· .'Preparations shall be in accordance with Section 11.03-03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code. If we ,can be'"of further assistance, please call me at 407/468-1707. Sincerely, Dona~~ld~B. ~e ~~ ~. ~~~.' County 'Engineer DBW: TEP: lb Enc. cc: Development Director Building '& Zoning- Hyland STOAKS. 2 HAVERT L. FENN, District No. I · JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 · DENNY GREEN, District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5 County Administrator - Thomas R.L. Kindred 2300 Virginia Avenue o Ft. Pierce, FL-34982 Public Works: (407) 468-1485 · FAX (407) 467-2362 Division of Engineering: (407) 468-1701 Fax 467-2362 · Division of Road & Bridge: (407) 464-2511 FAX 467-2363 Division of MOSClUitO Control: (407) 468-1692 FAX 468-1565 ° Division of Solid Waste: (407) 468-1768 FAX 489-6987 Division of Property-Acquisition: (407) 468-1707 .FAX 467-2362 · TDD (407) 468-1428 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: August 16, 1994 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Development .. SUBJECT :__ permission to Advertise PRESENTED BY: comm~ni~ ~ev. Director BACKGROUND.: Petition of Frank Speciale, Trustee, for an extension to the site plan approval for St. Lucie Oaks Planned Development. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A , - PREV. Ious ACTION: RECOMMENDAT ION: Approval of Resolution 93-184 on September 21, 1993, whiCh granted Final PUD/PNRD approval for St. Lucie Oaks. Authorize the scheduling of the requested public hearing. COMMISSION ACTION:__ [ ~/APPROVE'D [ [ ] OTHER: ] DENIED CONCURRENCE: Tho~'s- R..L. Kindred County Administrator County Attorney:: Mgt. & BUdget: Public Works Dir: Leisure Services: Finance Director: ..coordi.na ti on / signature s As s t. Co. Admin :' Prop. Acq. Man: Utilities Ser: Purchasing Man: Engineering Man: Grants Coor: Other: Other: Other = E'ff. 11/4/93 l:ocm d~OI i J Rev. I/31 South FI0'~ida ~Water Management District · CertificatiOn _For Stormwater Discharge SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT NO. (NON-ASSIGNABLE) 56-01198-S Authorizing: Located I-n' Date Issued' JUNE 9, 199~ CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A SURFACE WATER.MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO SERVE A 24.34-ACRE'RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIA[DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS ST. LUCiE OAKS DISCHARGING INTO THE NORTH FORK, ST. LUCIE RIVER VIA NSLRWC~D CANAL 28B. ST LUCIE COUNTY, SEC. 22 TWP. 36S RGE~ 40E Issued To' FRANK SPEC IALE, AS TRUSTEE (ST LtJCIE OAKS) ' 1111 SOUTH OCEAN BLVD. BOCA RATON, FL 33432 Tt'~is' Permit is issued pursua~ the South Florida Water arise by reason of the const~ including all plans and s I o Application for Permit No. 921009-4 dated October 9, 1992. Permittee agrees to hold and save ment District and its successors harmless from any and all damages, claims or liabilities which may .ion, operation, maintenance or use of any work or structure involved in the Permit. Said Application, arians attached thereto, as addressed by the Staff Report, is by reference made a part hereof. This Permit may be revoked or modified at anytime pursuant to tho appropriate provisions of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes. This Permit does not oonveylto Pormitteo any property rights or privileges other then those specified heroin, nor relieve tho Pormittoe from complying with anylaW, regulation or requirement affecting tho rights of other bodies or agencies. All structures and works installed bY Pornlitteo hereunderi shall remain the property of th°. Permittqo. .. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the construction of any work or structure relative to this Permit, the Permittee shall i ' " o' 'proVided by the Board. ' file with the District a written statement of completIon on the appropnate f rm Special Conditions are as follows' ,SEE SHEETS 2-5 'OF -7 - 28 SPECIAL CONDITIONS. SEE SHEETS 6-7 OF.-~i~"7' '12-LIMITING'CONDITIONS .,. . : .. Filed with the Clerk of the South Florida Water Management DiStriCt South Florida Water Management District, by its Governing 'Board On & .... , Assi st~t- Secretary · Sheet ! of 7 PERMIT NO: 56-01198-S PAGE 2 OF 7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS I . MINI~MUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION' 14 FEET NGVD. 2 . MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION' 11.31 FEET NGVD. 3 . DISCHARGE FACILITIES: 1-3' WIDE SHARP CRESTED WEIR WITH CREST AT ELEV. 12.57, NGVD. 1-.25' DiA. CIRCULAR ORIFICE WITH INVERT AT ELEV. 8.75' NGVD. 17' W X 2.77~''' H RECTANGULAR NOTCH WITH INVERT AT ELEV. 9.8' NGVD. 1-. 278 LF OF 1.5' DIA. RCP CULVERT. RECEIVING BODY · NSLRWCD CANAL 28B CONTROL ELEV · 8.75 FEET NGVD. '4'. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COR CTION OF ANY EROSION, SHOALING OR'WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS THAT RESULT MROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTE e · MEASURES. ' SHALL BE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE. THAT SEDIMENTATION WATER. AND/OR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING · THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE / THAT ADDITIONAL WATER QUALITY TREATMENT METHODS BE I.NCORPORATED INTO'THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH MEASURES ARE SHOWN TO B~/NECESSAR¥. 7 . LAKE SIDE S'LOpE DEPTH OF TWO FE NURTURED OR. PL/~ INSURE VEGETATI 8 . PRIOR TO THE II~ S SHALL BE NO STEEPER THAN 4:1 (HORIZONTAL:VERTICAL) TO A ET BELOW THE CONTROL ELEVATION. SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE NTED FROM: 2 FEET BELOW TO 1 FOOT ABOVE CONTROL ELEVATION TO VE G'ROWTH. ElF , ITIATION OF ANY WITHDRAWAL _ WAITER (IRRIGATION, DEWATERING, PUBLIC WATER St~PPLY, ETC.), IT WILL. BE~NEOESSAR¥ TO APPLY FORA WATER USE PERMIT, -THE ITTEE IS CAUTIONED-THAT A"'MIN! UM OF 90 DAYS IS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERAT oF'~THE.IwATER USE .PERMIT APPLI~ ATION.A THE' PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT THE~ I~SSUANCE..OF A'SURFACE .WATER NAGEMENT PERMIT SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED T( BE A GUARANTEE THAT WATER WI~LL E AVAILABLE. 9 . FAC'IL!TIES OTH~ AN APPROVED MO[ 10. A BENCHMARK SH$ DESCRIPTION PR( OF-THE DRAINAG[ 11. PRIOR TO JUNE NOTI'FIED BY TH[ COMMENCEMENT N( R THAN THOSE STATED HEREIN SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT I F I CAT ION OF TH I S PERM IT. LL BE PROViIDED IN THE VICINITY 01 THE CONTROL STRUCTURE AND A VIDED TO THE' DISTRICT WH. EN' CERTi YING CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION - FACIL.ITIES' 1,PERMi~,~.199 THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SHALL BE EE ~OR .AUTHORIZED" AG'ENT~. (VIA THE SUPPLIED ~CONSTRUCTION TiCE OR' EQUIVALENT)oF THE ACTUAL OR ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO: 56-01198-S ~'~ '~':~'~ ~':~PAGE 3 OF 7 .. START DATE AND THE EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE/DURATION. 12. WHEN THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION EXCEEDS ONE Y CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE SOUTH FLORIDA ER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ON AN ANNUAL BASIS (VIA THE SUPPLIED ANNUAL STATUS REPORT OR EQUIVALENT) BEGINNING ONE YEAR AFTER THE INITIAL COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION DATE. 13. WITHIN 30 DAYS MANAGEMENT SYS FLORIDA WATER CERTIFICATION FACILITIES HAV THE DISTRICT ( CERTIFICATION PARAGRAPH 3. OF REVIEW FLORIDA WAT DIFFERENT F OF ELEVATI MANAGEMENT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED GEMENT DISTRICT OF THAT COMP A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSI~ EN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE THE SURFACE WATER SHALL NOTIFY THE SOUTH DATE AND SUBMIT ENGINEER THAT ALL THE DESIGN APPROVED BY ION/CONSTRUCTION Y CONSIST OF WORDING IN ION" OF THE CURRENT BASIS CATIONS WITHIN THE SOUTH iATION LANGUAGE USED IS iORD DRAWINGS CONSISTING ITS OF THE SURFACE WATER 14. PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION OF FUTURE PHASES PAVING, GRADING, AND DRAINAGE PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR ~ERMIT MODIFICATIONS. 15. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE. PRIOR TO TRANS.FER OF TITLE FOR ANY PORTION OF THE PROJECT TO ~A~,THIRD PARTY, MODIFICATION OF THE PERMIT WILE BE REQUIRED TO VERIFY CONTINUED COMPLIANCE WITH LIMITING CONDITION NO. 8. THE;pERMITTEE ~S 'RES-PONSI~BLE'FOR COMpLYING'"WITiH ZONtNGAND.~:.SUBDIV,IS.ION:REQUI:REMENTS;~'I;SSUANCE~O REPRESENT.THAT~,.~HE PERMITTED PROJECT IS"COMPATIB REQUIREMENTS. ANY CHANGE IN THE PERMITTED PROJE · LOCAL'~LAND~USE REQUIREMENTS, WHICH IMPACTS',THES SYSTEM~?DESIiGN, WILL'~REQUiRiE MODIFICATION OF'..~THIS OCAL .cOMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THIS PERMI'T DOES NOT E WITH~.~LOCAL LAND USE T IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH RFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT'. 17. THE'SFwMD RES'El ES THE"~R1GHT TO REQUIRE!REMED~IA MEASURES'.TO BE TAKEN BY THE p~E'RMITTEE I.F'iW'! LAND.AND/O'R...~UPLAND~MONITO'RING?O OTHER INFORMATION: DEMoNsTRATES THAT ADVERSE'~IMPACTS ,'TO ~PROTECTEDi' ONSERVED,' 'INCORPORATED OR MITIG:ATED~W~ETLANDS OR iUpLANDS HAVE OCCURRED'.'DUE '0 PROJECT RELATED A'C'TIVITI. ES. . - ., 18. A'NY FUTURE cHAN 'ES'i;IN.'.~i~[AND~'uSE OR ~REATMENT~OF TLANDS AND/OR UPLAND 'B~FFER/1 ';'~AREAS MAY! REQUIRE A SURFACE IATER~'MANAGEMENT PERMIT MODI:FIC~ 'ION"AN D!TiONAL'ENVIRONMENTAL' RE'VI BY' DISTRICT STAFF. PRIOR TO THE PERMITT~E STITUTING 'ANY FUTURE'CHANGE OT AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT,~ THE P.E tITTEE SHALL NOTIFY THE SFWMD UCH INIENTIONS FOR A D~ETERM.INATION ':'~i'ANY NE'CESSARY PERMIT MODIFICA NS. : 19. 'A WETLAND~MIT. IGATION PROGRAM SHAL~L BE IMPLEME IN ACCORDANCE WITH EXHIBIT(S) 5 ANB 6. THE PERMITI'EE SHALL CREA1 .04 ACRES OF MARSH. PERMIT NO' 56-01198-S PAGE 4 OF 7 20. A TIME ZERO WETLAND MONITORING REPORT SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH EXHIBIT(S) 5 AND 6 FOR ALL CREATED WETLANDS AND SHALL INCLUDE A SURVEY OF THE AREAL EXTENT AND CROSS SECTIONAL ELEVATIONS OF THE CREATED WETLAND AREAS PANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPHS, AND A DESCRIPTION OF PLANTED SPECIES SIZES AND DENSI+IES OR MULCHING METHODOLOGY. 21. ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WETLAND MITIGATION MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWIN~ WORK SCHEDULE. ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE TIME FRAMES SHALL REQUIRE FORMAL SFWMD APPROVAL. SUCH REQUESTS MUST BE MADE IN WRITING AND SHALL INCLUDE (1) REASON FOR THE MODIFICATION; (2) PROPOSED START/FINISH DATES; AND (3) PROGRESS REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE EXISTING MITIGATION EFFORTS. COMPLETION DATE ACTIVITY DECEMBER 31, 1'994 BEGIN WATER ELEVATION MONITORING JANUARY 31, 1996 PLANTING MITIGATION AREA FEBRUARY 28, 1996 TIME ZERO MONITORI. NG REPORT JULY 31, 1997 FIRST MONITORING REPORT JULY 31, 1998 SECOND MONITORING REPORT JULY 31, 1999 THIRD MONITORING REPORT JULY 31, 2000 FOURTH MONITORING REPORT JULY 31, 2001 FIFTH MONITORING REPORT 22. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION OF WETLAND MITIGATION, THE SFWMD SHALL BE NOTIFIED :BY THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (VIA THE SUPPLIED MITIGATION COMMENCEMENT NOTICE) OF THE ACTUAL OR ANTICIPATED MITIGATION CONSTRUCTION START DATE AND THE EXPECTED COMPLETION' DATE/DURATION. 23. A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WIDTH EXHIBI~T(S) 5 AND 6 FOR THE CREATED WETLAND AREAS ON A REGULAR,BASIS TO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY AND VIABILITY~OF THE CONSERVATION AREA(S) AS PERMITTED. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN PERPETUITY TO ENSURE THAT THE CONSERVATION AREAS ARE MAINTAINED FREE FROM EXOTIC VEGETATION (BRAZILIAN PEPPER, MELALEUCA' AND TRAL.IAN PINE) AND THAT OTHER NUISANCE SPECIES SHALL CONSTITUTE NO' E THAN 101'2250F TOTAL COVER. 24. THE GRADING~ANI G OF THE MITIGATION AREA SHALL'BE APPROVED BY DISTRICT".STAFF PRIOR TO THE. COMMENCEMENT OF PLANTING. THE PERMITTEE SHALL MODIFY ....THE GRADING AND'CONTOURING 1F DISTRICT STAFF DETERMINES IT IS INSUFFICIENT OR IS NOT IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE INTENT OF THIS PERMIT. . . 25. PRIOR TO PLANTING OF THE MITIGATION AREAS, THE PERMITTEE SHALL IMPLEMENT AND coNDUCT.~A~ WEEKLYWATER 'LEVEL MONITORI'NG.'~PROGRAM WITHIN THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT LAK~ FOR A pERIOD OF 'ONE' YEAR .AFTER THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF' THE LAKE. 26. IF AFTER ONE'Y~ MANAGEMENT ~ [AK[ ASSURANCE THAT THE PERMIT~TEE MITIGATION. SI LAKE, THE INSTI THE PERMITTEE AR O'F WATER ELEVATION MONITORING WITHIN THE SURFACE WATER , THE APPLICANT CAN NOT D'EMONSTRATE WITH REASONABLE. THE MITI'GATION PROPOSED WITHIN THE LAKE WILL BE SUCCESSFUL,. HALL PROPOSE ALTERNATIVE MEASURES TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED' CH MEASURES MAY INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LI~MITED TO LINING OF THE ~L.LATION OF AN IMPERMEABLE BARRIER OR OFF-SITE MITIGATION. HALL PROVIDE~THE DISTRICT WITH A COMPLETE ALTERNATIVE · PERMIT NO' 56-01198-S PAGE 5 OF 7 MITIGATION WITHIN THREE MONTHS OF~ BEING DIRECTED BY THE DISTRICT TO DO SO. THE ALTE ATIVE MITIGATION PLAN SHALL HAVE REASONABLE INTERIM MILESTONE PERFORMANCE DA !S FOR CONSTRUCTION, MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE. 27. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE MITIGATION woRK, INCLUDING THE MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MiI'IGATION AREAS! FOR THE DURATION OF THE PLAN. 28. A WETLAND MON EXHIBIT(S) 5 YEARS 'WITH MONITORING PLANTED THE REMAINDER MONITORING PLANTED VEGE NG PROGRAM SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH' 6. THE MONITORING PROGRAM SHALL EXTEND FOR A PERIOD OF 5 REPORTS SUBMITTED TO SFWMD STAFF. AT THE END OF THE FIRST OD THE MITIGATION AREA(S) SHALL CONTAIN AN 80SURVIVAL OF ION. ~HE 80SURVIVAL RATE SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE MONITORING PROGRAM. AT THE END OF THE 5 YEARS THE MITIGATION AREA(S) SHALL CONTAIN AN 80SURVIVAL OF ON AND AN 80COVERAGE OF DESIRABLE OBLIGATE AND FACULTATIVE WI AND SPECIES. J PERMIT NO' 56-01198-S PAGE 6 OF 7 LIMITING 1 . THE .PERMITTEE SHALL .PROSECUTE THE WO MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE IMPACT OF THE W. ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATER QUAL ;ONDITIONS AUTHORIZED IN A MANNER SO,AS TO DRKS ON FISH-, WILDLIFE, NATURAL ITY. THE pERMiTTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY MEASURES DURING THE CONSTRLJCTION PERIOD INCLUDING FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILL MATERIAL PLACED AROUND NEWLY INSTALLE~ STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTRIENT LOADING AND SEDIMENTATION IN THE RECEIVING WATERS. 2 . WATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE WATER DIS INTO SURFACE WATFRS OF THE STATE SHA REQUIRED. PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORE 17-302. IF W&TER QUALITY DATA IS RE AS REQUIRED, ON VOLUMES OF WATER DIS DISCHARGED, DDRING THE DAYS OF SAMPL THE PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS 3 . THE PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL AND OTHER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS IN AD NECESSARY F ED~RAL STATE, LOCAL AND THE START OF Y ~:ONSTRUCTION OR ALT PERMIT ~ CHARGED FRO~ LL BE SUBMI~ D MAY INCLU[ QUIRED, THE :HARGED INCI lNG AND TOT/ )F'. THE STAT ~,PPLICABLE DITION, 1 SPECIAL ERATION OF THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY OR 'ED TO THE DISTRICT AS ~ THOSE LISTED IN CHAPTER PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE DATA UDING TOTAL VOLUME L MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM E. SUBD I V I S I ON REGULAT I OHS ERMITTEE SHALL OBTAIN ALL ICT AUTHORIZATIONS PRIOR TO .S AUTHORIZED BY THIS' 4 . THE OPERATION OF THIS PERMIT S FLORIDA REGI ED PROFESSIONAL ENGI BEEN CONST '.D IN ACCORDANCE WITH WITHIN 30 DAY AFTER COMPLETION OF C MANAGEMENT SY,' THE DISTRICT UPON APPROVAL PERMITTEE SHA APPROVED' BY Tt 5 . ALL ROADS~ SHAt LOCAL -.:GOVERNMI THE PERMITTEE SHA THE i'-FAC I L ITI ES ARE THE COMPLETED SURFA ~ALL NOT B E EFFECTIVE UNTIL A NEER CERTIF] !S THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE FHE DESIGN PPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. )NSTRUCTION F THE SURFACE WATER LL SUBMIT CERTIFICATION AND NOTIFY READY ~FOR PECTION AND APPROVAL. :E WATER MA EMENT SYSTEM, THE -:REQUEST TRANSFER OF.-THE PERMIT THE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY. iDISTR~CT' , BE SET.AT-OR ABOVEi'ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE FLOOD CRITERIA. 6 . ALL BUILDING FLOORS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE APPLICABLE LOCAL. GOVERNMENT.' ION'AND" _ 7 . OFF-S'ITE DIsC"~RGES~DURING CONSTRUC DEV£tLOPMENT'SHALL'.BE MADE'~ONLY "I'S PERMIll';? 'NO ROADWAY,OR BUILDING THROUGH THE F~iC'ILI'TIES' AUTHORIZED B TH CONSTRUCTION'~'SIHALL COMMENCE ON-SITE ANTIL COMPLEt~ION OF THE PERM'~ITTED DISCHARGE TURE 'AND"DETENTION A S. WATER'DISCHARGED FROM THE PROJECT SHALL BE STRUCTURES HAVING MECHANISM TABLE FOR REGULATING UPSTREAM' WATE ES. ~. STAGES MAY SUBJECT~ OPERATI'NG SCHEDULES SATISFACTORY THE' DISTR!I'CT. CONSTRUCTI AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALl] COMMENCE UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY 8 NO · ACCEPTABLE TO 'HE DISTRICT HAS BEENmESTABLIsHED,!i~IANDI~I HAS AGREED TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN E SYSTEM. THE ENTITY MUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT PERMIT NO' 56-01198-S PAGE 7 O~F 7 OWNERSHIP SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER ALL WATER :MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THE SATISFACTION OF THIS CONDITION, THE DISTRICT WILL ISSUE AN AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION. 9 . THE PERMIT DOES NOT CONVEY TO THE PERMITTEE ANY PROPERTY RIGHT NOR ANY RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED IN THE PERMIT AND CHAPTER . 40E-4, FAC'. 10. THE PERMITTEE SHALL HOLD AND SAVE THE DISTRICT HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, CLAIM~, OR LIABILITIES WHICH MAY ARISE BY REASON OF THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE OR USE OF ANY FACILITY AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT .... ~ , 11. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED BASED~'ON THE APPLICANT'S ITTED INFORMATION WHI'C. REASONABLY DEMONSTRATES THAT ADVERSE OFF-SITE RESOURCE RELATED IMPACTS WILL NOT BE,CApSED BY THE COMPLETED PERMIT ACTI~ IT IS ALSO THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE: PERMITTEE TO INSURE THAT~ E~SE OFF-SITE WATER RESOURCE IMPACTS DO NOT OCCUR 'DURING CONSTRUCTIO 12. PRIOR TO DEWAl ING, PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR APPROVAL I.NFORMATION SH INCLUDE AS A MI'NIMUM: PUMP Si ~ . LOCATIONS AND HOURS O~ OPERATION FOR PUMP. IF OFF-SITE DISCHARGE PROPOSED, OR OFF-SITE ADVERSE IMPACT ARE EVIDENT, AN INDIVIDUAL E PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED. THE PERMITTEE S CAUTIONED THAT SEVERAL MONTHS BE' REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION THE WATER USE PERMIT APPLICATI CON ,24-06 *' Regulatton Department Subject: INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONSTRUCT: ON STATUS REPORTING AND ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS . Attached to thi~ ~truction ~heet i: a ~elf-addr~ ~ed envelope and a "Construction ~t Notice" wt i'ch you must omplete and return within 60 day~ to infom District of your ~xpected ~ta dmte and anticipated ~chedule .for construction the surface wate~ management stem. Also, please provide your best est!mat~ as to the expectec construction. ~s ar tctpated to exten¢ report on the cons ion status (fo Oi stri ct' s staff. These noti fi cart on of the permtt' aut zation. Al:so attached is sample Constructio certification is be completed, stg Professional En.! ~er. Before the op effective, you are required by Chapte and SeCtions 373.1 7 and 373.419, F1 o Professional £ngin er certify that th, constrUcted accord ng to the design al Use of.this specific certification certification formlt your engineer el applicable element~ contained in the submitted within 3C days of construct in accordance with imiting Condition Submittal of th, within the pe~t to the operation entity, i~f app,l.i regulatory obi tg any transfer requi I f y. ou ..have ;any Fi e'i.d Engineerin, items *and all i. fted time fram( e, and the matnt( · The. District ns of this permit ts are sat i~sfac completion re. Be advised that if beyond one ) year's time, a yearly rm attached) be submitted to the s are requi per the Special Conditions n ComplettOne.'ertification.~ This ned and seal i. by a Florida registered eration phase!,l~3f your permit can become r 40E-4.381, .~lorida Administrative Code, rida Statuteslll~),, to have a Florida registered ) surface wat ~gement system has been )proved by th strict. Attachments nple ts not m atory, however, any other .,cts to use ;t address, as a minimum, the ~ample. The ~rtification is to be on completio of the drainage facilities, Number 4 of r permit. )'equt red lega: ~s wi 11. fact 1 ~nance respon: s. committed i are expedi ti( torily compl-( tt°ns or need assistance, V t~sto, n at 686-8800. nst!tutional documents te transfer of the permit il ity to the appropriate ensuring that all y complied with and that in a timely manner. contactI the D.t stri ct' s South Florida Water Management District Annual sta~,~s Report for Sur£ace Water Management System Construction (Required whenever construction duration exceeds one (1) year) SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Field Eggineering Division Post Office Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 PERMIT NO. PROJECT NANIE' APPLICATION NO. PHASE: Control Structure(s) %.of Completion Date ted :Ion Ber~hmark Description (one per, major control stru(,~ure): ' Date of c0-mpletion SWM,,Faciliti~S Lakes(s) Ditch(es)/sWale(s) . Exfiltr. trench Dry area(s) Berms(s) % of Completio,p Date of a ated :ion Pnnt'Name Per~i[ie'e'S Or Autho'rizeci ........ , Agent'S Signature . . :-I-' ~tl e- a" n dc;o rn pan y ............. . Date of c°mb!etio~ [~ate ....... Form I'0:. :~outh Florida Water Management DiStrict Construc ill COmpletio ConStrlZr~r.~,i,~Oll Certification South Florida Water:Management DiStriCt Director, Field Engineering Division · Regulation Department P'.O' Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 3t4'1 ~4680 Permit Number: Application Number: 5 U B J E CT' Proj eot Name' ' ~-~ Phase: Location-County: S - -. T R The subject surface water management system has been s gnecl, constructed and completed as follows: (use additional sheets if needed)- Completion Date- , o Dischar.qe Structure_.-_. PERM!TTE~D Month 'Day Weir Width - ....... Crest .............. .... Width Bleeder/_ Dimensions .... . ... . Invert Ret ent'i.on/Det enl:ion Ar~a2 (if applicable) - Size .... , ....... Size ...... Side .Slopes -~ _ _. ~_ .Side $1ol (H:V) Please indicate the location' of the appropriate bench mark(s) record drawings (Reference Florida Administrative 'COde (F.A.i according to National Geodetic Verticle Datum (NGVD) (Referen Year EXISTIN~G Crest .,~__ '* Dimensions___ ,,_~_ Invert IDA ID Size _., ............ Size ~es ,_~ Side Slopes Side Slopes '_ . ~-H:v) (H:V) IH:V) / that were used to determine the above information on th, '-.) 40E-4.381 (2)(k) Appendix"l,l.b). 'All elevatiOns should b, ce 2.8 of the Basis of Review- B.O.R.). I HEREBY NOTIFY THE DISTRICT OF THE COMPLETION O'F (ONSTRUCTION OF ALL THE COMPONENTS OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT FACiLiIIE$ FOR THE ABOVE REFER[!NCED PROJECT AND CERTIFy THAI THEY HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN·SUBSTANTiAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE P~.NS AND SPECIFICATIONS PERMITTED BY THE DISTRICT. IA COPY OF THE APPROVED PERMIT DRAWINGS IS.ATTACHED WITIt DEVIATIONS NOTED, IF APPLICABLE,.] I HEREBY AFFIX MY SEAL THIS DAY OF ........ J .... ' ..... 19 (REFEREN( :E 373.117, 373.419, F.S.) REQUEST F~~" TRANSFER OF SURFACE ~'~'~TER MANAGEMENT ~- · ' * 'COi~.~.,.~-?RUCTION PHASE TO OPER~.~.iON PHASE " (TO BE COMP~~ AND SUBMI~~ BY THE O~~TiNG ENTITY) SOIJ~ FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Pos, t Office Box 24680 ' West Palm Beach, Flodda &3416-4680 Date: p e It is requested that District ermit No. authorizing the construction and operation of a surface water management.. system" f0rthe below mentioned project be transferred from the construction Phase permittee to the operation phase operating en~y. PROJEC; FROM: City ............................. State ........ Zip_.:_ ,, TO: Name , , Address Tho surfaco water managoment maintenance in accordance with the on[ restrictive Covenant~ and 8rticles of inc~rp¢ copy of the document transferring title to tt which the sudace water management sy~e has-not been .... ~previously approved, the DePartment staff Prior' to filing fora permit are hereby accepted for operation and ineers *certification and as outlined in the ration for the operating entity. Enclosed is a ~e oPerating entity for the common areas on m is located. Note that if the operating entity .. appli~nt ~should contact the Regulation ~ransfer. Pumuant to. Rule 40E 1.6107, Florida Adr flnlstrattve Code, the undersigned hereby agrees that ail terms and conditions of ~he .permit and subsequent modifications, If any,:have been.,revlewed' are understood .and are hereby, accepted,~ (Rule 40E- 4.53~,F,A.C., SUrfaco Wator-Management). [Any.proposed modifi~tions shall be applied for~ and obtained 'priOr to-such modification. . - ~ oPe,'ating En~ .................... " ....................... Name Its ............................. " Telephone .............. Encl(3sure: [ i Cop~ of recorded transfer of title to urfaco .water management systems .COp~ of reCorded'restrictive :'C°ven~nts' articles of incorporation, Certificate of ~ncorpo. ration ~orm South Florida Water Management District COnstruct . Commencement SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Field Engineering Division Post Office Box 24680 ' West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 PROJECT: PHASE: C L~IL j~/~//.~ l T~ · I hereby notify the South Florida Water Management District'S Field Engineering Division · . ! construction of the ~urface wa[er management ~¥~tem, authorized by Surface 'Water Managerc Permit No.~_~_ ~ F.. -- 0/I ql~- :'2; under Application No ~ Z I oc~q - z-k has commenced/is expec to commence on :A?~!'LII I I ~ ~ ......... 199 ~ or will require a duration of approximal ~1 ~ [ . .... months /weeks /days to complete. It is understood that should th,e construcl term extend beyond one year, I am obligated to submit the Annual Status Report for Surface W~ lanagement System Construction {Reference Form #[t61) to the District. PLEASE'NOT[: If the actual construction commencement date is not. known, District staff should be sc notified' in writing in order to ~ati~fy permit ¢ondition~. · '-Permi~e" SObr ....... t/.......... ~ ........ Title andcomPany -- -Date Authorized Agent's '.. __ . phone ................ MITIGATI.0N CONSTR~CTION, COMMENCEMENT.., NOTICE : : PROJECT NAME: PERMIT ~ER: PHASE.. El II I , Ill ~ I I I . .- I hereby notify the- South Florida Ware p . Post erm~t Compliance Section that con area number(s) approval for ppl~cation ! listed pe~it, has com~ ,199 . It the permi~ ted mi'-gat io~ completed by duration of approxi weeks/ days_ _. to constructiOn'of the liste be conducted for a period of the Permit. ~umber enced/is is antici ar~as , 199 mately complete. mitigation Management District's ction of mitigation as part of the under the above . .. cted to commence on that construction of ,ted above ~will be 'r or will requm'e a months/ completion of the teas, monitoring will rs in accordance with Permittee ' s or AUthOrized A~ent '.s S~nature ........ Title & Company ~ddress- TelephOne .Date . ,, South FlOrida Water A anagem,ent District 3301 Gun Club Road · PO, Box 2468() · West Palm Beach, FL 33416.4680 · (407) 686-8800 · FL WATS 1.800-432-2045 May 2~, 1994 Frank Speciale, as Trustee c/o Brasilino Filipe P.O. Box 1833 Stuart, FL 34995 Dear Sir or Madam: Subject' Application. No. 921009-4, St. Lucie Oaks, St. Lucie County, S22/T36S/R40E Enclosed is a copy of this DistriCt"s staff report covering the request for permit application referenced therein. It is requested that you read this ~staff report thoroughly and understand its contents. The recommendations as stated in the staff report will be presented'.to our Governing Board for consideration on June 9, 1994. Should you wish to object to the staff recommendation or file a petition, please provide written objections, petitions and/or waivers (refer to the attached "Notice of Rights") to' Vern Kaiser, Deputy Clerk South Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680 The "Notice of Rights" addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a public hearing or other review of the proposed'~ agency action. You are advised, however, to be prepared to 'defend your position regarding the permit application when it is considered by the'Governing BOard ~for final agency'action, even if you. agree with the staff recommendation, as th~ Governing Board may take final agency action whiCh di~ffers materi al ly 'from the proposed agency action. ~ Please contact the District if you have any' questions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you'prior to the date on the'"Notice of Rights," we will assume you con.cur wi th our recommendati ons. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a "Notice of Rights" has been mailed to the addressee and persons listed in the attached distribution list not later than 5:00 p.m. this day of May 1994 in accordance wi th Section 120.60 (3), Florida Statutes. the 25th Si ncereljx, Steve Lamb Director Regu! ati on Department CERTIFIED MAIL #P 630 204 403 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED (]ovcrnm,d t3o~r(/: Valerie J.~oyd, ~ ~hairman k¥illiam Frank ~Villia~nson, Jr.. Vice Chairman J~etsv .knnie Betancourt .kllan MiJled~c tCu.~cp.e ~'(. l)etti.'s .N,~th,tnict I) i.cah (. i. '?ilh'~rd C. Creel, Executive Director Thomas [(. MacVicar. Deputv ]'.'.xecutive l-)irecror South Florida Water Management District No'rice 0[' ghts NOTICE OF RIGHTS Enclosed ~s.a ~opy:.of the Staff ,Review summary'~&garding the su.bject~3-ermit application,' which is this agency s Notic· of'ProPOsed Agency'ACtiOn. Any person ,whose substantial' interests are e action which is proposed in the en¢lO~md. Notice of'ProPosed y petition for an administrative.hearin in.accO:rdance with the` , Florida Admi~nistratiVe~ Code be filled with (received' by) the District Clerk, 3301 Gun ~Club Road, West Palm. Beach, FlOrida 33408,:P'etitions fOr administrative hearing on. the above a~plication must be filed Within f°'urteen '(14) days of of this Not Proposed. Ag-ency Action. ~Failureto petition within this ti od Shall constitU .waiver of any rights such Person may ~h.a n ng) under section 120.57, FlOrida ject permit a :ition$ which are not filed in accordance with the above proviSiornS~are subject to dismissal. FLORIDA ~ND AND WATER .APJ~.~nlC:aTnRY C~:MM SS!DE A paytyme.the below i i seek of a Final Order rend. ered on the Permit ' application bef0.re d and i ~r Ad :~r~ Commiss!on.. ReView under seCti°n~ 373.114, FlOr!da Stl s. initia f r y filing .a request for review with the Land and AdjudiCat°'ry. C°mr ~nd serving:~a copY on the Department of Environmental Protection. and any person named in the Order Within applicable statutory timeframes. This review is appel, late in n.ature and limi~ted to the record below. '.-~: A party who-iis adversely affected by final agency action on the j~ermit application is entitle.d t° judicial review in the District Court of.Appeal pursuant to sectior{ 120.~ Florida Statutes, as provided therein, Review under-sectio.n 120.68, FlOrida Statutes, is init by filing a Notice .of Appeal in the appropriate District Court of ApPeal in accordance with Iorida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.'I 10. CIRCUIT COURT Section 373..617(:2)', FlOrida Statutes, provides. Any person ~substa~ntially. . affected by a:final action.of any agency with respect to a pe-rmit may seek revmw within 90 days of the rendering of such d~¢i$ioh and request monetary damages and other relief in the circuit court in the judiCial circuit in which the affected prope~y is lOCated; however, circuit court review shall be Confirmed solely to determining whether final agency action' is an u.n. reaso~nable exercise of th'e state's Police power 1~20. Form 03001side 2 Rev. 7't93 40E-1.521 Initi (1) InitiatiOn of '~formal within the appli~-cable timeffames set fOrth'r in or other document which expre,~es a request f~r' formal proceedings. ~ ,~ (2) All ,. (a) (b) (c) (d) A (e) A statement o1 (~ "' sought "(g) A demand for (h) (3) Upon receipt: Of a for compliance with which have beren timely dispute which is within the officer of the taken on the petition,, therefor. · (7) ifthe Board: designates.a presiding officer, the Division of Administrative Hearings, and, shall Specific F.S. Law Implemented F.$. ' . History .-- New 9.3.81, Amended 5,1 Formerly 16K-1,09(1), 16K' 1, ! .12(.1) through (3)', 16K-1,12 known; ief ngs as, 'tiie. LAST DATE FOR GOVERNING BOARD ACTION: JUNE 9, 1994 SURFA:CE WATER HANAGElqENT STAFF REVIEW SUMMARY !. ADI~IiNrlSTRAT!¥E · APPLICrATION* NUHBER: 921009-4 PRO~IE:CT NAME: S T LUCIE OAKS LOCATION: APPLICANT's NAIqE:,~S-PECIALE. FRANK': AS TRUSTEE OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS: FRANK SPECIALE, AS 'TRUSTEE 1Ill SOUTH OCEAN BLVD. BOCA RATON, FL 3343-2 DEVELOPER: SAME ENGINEER: C. CALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOC. ! 1. .PRO,,1ECT DESCR!~T!ON PRO~Ei~T A' '.REA. 24.3.4-acres DRAINAGE AREA: 24.34 acres DISTRICT DP, AINAGE BASIN: NORTH FORK ST. LUCIE RIVER RECEIVING BODY.' NORTH FORK, ST LUCIE RIVER VIA NSLRWCD CANAL 28B CLASSIFICATION: CLASS II! SPECIAL DRAINAGE DISTRICrT: NO ST LUCIE RVR WTR CNTRL DI. ST P UR PO S E: Th'e applicant is requesti:ng cornstruction and operation of a surface water managemen't system to serve a 24.34-acre residential and commercial project known as St. Lucile Oaks '('refer to Exhibit 1 for location). Staff recommends approval subject,. ~0 condi ti ons. EXISTING FACILITIES: The C OV curren' d' Nort , on-site ich PROPOSED FAC ! L!T! ES: The applicant is proposing to construct the 23.1 acres, will consist of the entrance road, al management facilities (refer to~ EXhi.bits 2 and 3). The 1.22 acres, will be developed at a later date (refer to Runoff from the residential (rental) portion of the via swales, inlets and culverts into the proposed the commercial area will first pass before continuing into the on-site 1 ake. into the NSLRWCD Canal 28B vi~ - invert at el evati on 8.75' with an invert at elevation 9.8' elevation I2.57' NGVD and 278 LF ~o.f 1.5' discharge is into the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. dry directed from t area will be t at imate BAS I N INFORNATI ON' WS.~ NOrmal/Dry Area E1 ev C. trl .Elev DISCHARGE STRUCTURE I'NFORHATION: Water Qua! it m ' .Y~,. ,StrUCtUreS. Str. MASTER me 1 RECTANGULAR NOTCH . 17' wide X- 2.77' high Invert Elev. 9'80 Major :Di,scharge $~. ,.:- ......... [ ..... '~ ..... tructures. Str. B Crest ,.~Elev. 0i scl~ar;e ,CU!, v. erts: Str. B MAS ong, 1. .Recei v!ng. BodY,: i ri M~ Str. Receiving I I I. · PROOECT. EVALUATION Discharge Rate: As shown in t.he table below, the proposed project discharge is within the allowable 1 imit for the area. Design 'Storm Frequency: IOYR-3DAY Design Raj nfal 1: 8.56 inches A11 ow Des i gn Des i gn Oi sch Method .of Di sch Stage MAI ER 2 2 I 4 WATER QUALXTY: Water quality treatment equal to one inch of runoff over the~ project area {1.6:> ac-ft) is being provided. Tho on-si-te lake will proVide 1.53~ ac-ft of treatment and the remaining 0.09 ac-ft of treatment will be provided in a d:ry pre-treatment area which will serve the future commercial development area (refelr to Ex~hibits 2 and 3). Treatment S MASTER .2 ; DRY D ROAD DES ! GN: As shown ~n the following table, m~n~mum road center l'~ne above the calculated design storm flood elevation. Design Storm Freq-: IOYR-1DAY Design R. alnfal-l~- G.*30 ~nches )t at~ or Fl'ood Elevattonr .Mi.nimum Center1 F!NISHED FLOORS: As shown in the following table, minimum finished floor set above the calculated design storm flood elevation :-have been Design Storm Frequ ncy, I*OOYR-3DAY e r ~~ Design Rainfall: 12-91: ri. nches' m ' Basin Flood .Elevatio,n -FEHA Elevation PROJECT SITE DESCRIPTION: The project consists of an undevelop~ed parcel of land loCated~ existing residential, and commercial areas. The North St. L Control District 28B Canal forms the northern project boundary. The site has been .disturbed ~by the-' excavation.orr the of debris, the use of off-road vehicles and Ulpl-ands and wetl.ands The majority of-the-*sit.e c.onsists of pine flatwoods and Oak There is a sma}]_.f_r, eshwater marsh wetla_nd..(1.02 acres) 1 oca' 1/2 of the site. :ies, southern The wetland has been. heavily invaded by melaleuca, on.ly approx,imately half of the wetland remains in good condition. EXIST]NG O:N-S]TE WETLAND COHHUNITIES AND' OTHER SURFACE WATERS: ID TOTAL COHHUNITY i FRI MARSHES COMMUNITY 1.02 TOTAL ON SITE I/ETLAND/SURFACE WATER ACREAGE: 1.02 EXIST]NG ON SITE UPLAND COHHUN]T]ES.- ID TOTAL COHHUNITY COHHUN[TY U 2: TOTAL ON SITE UPLAND ACREAGE' ~ .' 2:3'32 23.32 ENDANGERED, THREATENED ,& SPECrIES~ OF SPECIAL CONCERN SUHHARY: The -project site does threatened, or species species of special indicates that site is not an iss compl yi ng. wi th al 1 the future, on the site.. contain preferred habitat for endangered, speciarl concern. No endangered/threatened or were -observed on site, and submitted information or species of special concern use of the s permit does not relieve the applicant from rul.es and any other agencies' reqruirements if in .=nedr or species of special concern are disCovered LEGAL/! NST ! TUT ! ONAL: The project consists of completion of the mitig remain the responsibili single owner rental community. Therefore, the ion and monitoring requirements for this project will of the permittee. WETLAND- PRESERVATION AND IMPACT SUNHARY: The design of the .propo prroject will involve the excavation of most of the existing wetland area ~, the constru.ction of the surface water management system. The remaining p rtions of the wetland will be filled. . Due to the degraded ti:on.of the wetland and the amount ,of exotic vegetation?'presen.t with' and, loss of the functions'of the natural wetland can be through.-mJ.tig~ation within the proposed surface water - ' WETLAND XNPACTS: 1D ]TY, !HPACT : 1.02 H ITIGAT!ON/HONITORING: Mitigation for the impact .to the existing wetl.and areas will within the surface water management 1 ake. The mitigation creation of 1. ittoral shelves and extended~iittor~al .area 5:1 (H:V). The shel~ves will be a minimum of 15' in width, ~' e ) littoral a a w~ll exceed 80 in width, Most of the a~ wi'll Concentrated in the wide shelf areas i t ake. The planted mitigation areas will include emergent wetland duck potato ~~agitteria la:ncifolia), pickerelweed t white water ily..(~Nymphaea celery {Vall is.naria americana) will also be planted in Tran$1i t ion enti.re l, other high y will be pl~anted~ in .an 1~8'' Wrlde wil 1 be further areas by a 5' wide, mulched jogging di st s' pine s ellotti i) oaks,~ other nat~'..-~'ve spec as construction all wi'~hin the buffer. .over proposed within the buffer. N (G (Nephrolepi s (Hel ianthus ~il the control .. During the review of this project, the pi ezometers to monitor the on- si.te 1 nti nsta! ia a The applicant monitoring of war have stabi through water man applicant mi t i gat i on. De average water evations within the water el~evation Should mon is not suit~ der an alternate ~nation of suitab withiln the sist of the · slopes~,.' of the' ¸of . suc, h as area. the erved 0 ~, ':fern fro.m o¸f h uctuation, ¸of tions e ~e :n the d, the extent of fluctuations of the water level arnd the type of vegatation that' n~aturally recruits into the littoral-area. Details of any off-site mitigation plan wi~ll be worked out and implemented within 6 months~of determining that the on-site lake is not suitable for mitigation {refer to Special Condition No. ~:6) .~ Should the lake water elev'ations prove sufficient for planting,' 'the applicant will provide the District with documentation that the acreage and elevation of the miti, ation areas .i,~s Substantially in conformance with the plans (refer to Speci. al No. 4). After planti~ng, the applicant will monitor the mi'tigation areas for min.imum of ~5 years after their constructiOn. Time zero mort' .'and a su.bsequrent time zero monitoring report is also required y after planti'ng of the mitigation areas. Monitoring will consist of weekly water elevation monitoring, annual panoramic photographs from photo station as shown on Exhibit' 6, and the calculation of the of 'the planted mitigation areas. The mitigation ~areas expected, to have a minimum 80% survival of planted species at the end of first year of monitoring. This survival rate will be maintain.ed throughout the remainder of the monitori.~g period. The mitigation areas Will ~lso be required to attain an '80~ c. overage by the end.of the five year monitoring period {refer to Special Condition No. 28). The mitigation areas will be maintained free of exotic vegetation and nuisance vegetation will be mai ned at no more than 10% of the total vegetation coverage i n PROPO,SED ON SITE refer to Special Condition No. 23). ,, TOTAL lO . MITI'GAT!ON ACREAGE COMMUNI'TY CONMUNITY NO TOTAL ON SITE MITIGATION ACREAGE: 1.04 WETLAND INVENTORY - NEW ONSITE Cypress Total Wet, AC ~. 0 wet. Preserved ,0 1.02 r 1.02 wet. Impacted 0 1.02 Wet. Disturbed ~0 0 ,0 0 1,~02 '- 0 Wet. Improved 0 0 0 O ~ 0 Wet. Created 0 I 0.4 0 0 1.04 Uplands Other C°mpe'ns at i on SYSTEM OPERATION: Frank Speciale, .As Trustee .PROPOSED LAND' USE(S): Residential Commerc i al WATER USE PERIIIT STATUS: A ,Water Use permit is not required fo.r this project at this time-~ POTABLE WATER SUPPLIER: St. Luci e County Uti 1 i ti~es I/ASTE I/ATER SYSTEH/SUPPL! ER: St. 'Luci e County Ut i 1 iti es DR! STATUS: Th is project is not a DRI. SAVE OUR RIVERS: The project is not within or adjacent to lands under consideration by the Save Our Rivers program. SWIll BASIN: The project i's not within nor does it discharge directly to a designated SWIM bas in. RIGHT-OF-WAY PERHiT STATUS A Right-of-Way Permit is not required for this project. ENFORCEHENT ACTXVXTY: m There has been no enforcement activity associated with this application. THIRD PARTY I-NTEREST: No third party has contacted the District with concerns about this appl i,cation. WELL FIELD ZONE OF INFLUENCE. The prOject is not 1 ocated within the zone of influence of a well field. P-RIHARY ISSUES RESOLVEO: Wetland impacts, wetland mitigation and monitoring. V APPL]:CABLE LAND,AREA PRO~IECT TOTAL ACRES #T~ ACREAGE PAVEMENT BUILD COVERAGE PERVIOUS TOTAL ,PRO~!ECT ..... 24.34 2.26 6.96 3.23 1t .89 PREV~OUSLY 2.26 6.22 2.73 11.89 es 10 VI. The Staff recommends that the following be issued: Cl Oaks di sch'arg ing 28B. at ion for a s.urface water management system to serve iAL and ~COMMERCIAL development kn°wn as St' Lucie the'North FOrk, St. Lucie River via NSLRWCD Canal BaseCl on t'he information provided, District rules have been adhered to. Staff*' recommendation is for approVal-subject to the attached Standard Limit i no. and: r Specia,l',. COnldi'tio-nSr. VII. STAFF,,.,REV!,EW AREA : AP RESOURCE I~ANAGEHENT DIVISION APPROVAL SUPERVISXN6 D, DATE: SURFACE WATER HANAGEHENT DIVISION APPROVAL APPLICATION REVIEWER SUPERVISING "PROFESI IONAL 01 DIVI DATE: 11 1 . THE PERMITTEE SHALL MINIMIZE LXHITING CONDITZONS WORK AUTHORIZED KS Y.~ THE SO AS TO TUTE TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NU RECEIVING WATERS, IN THE 2 . WATER FOR THE OR INTO OF THE REQUIRED. PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED 17.-302. DATA THE:~ PROPERTY OR SURFACE'~WATERS OF THE STATE. AS :R FROM . COMPLY WITH AL REGULAT LOCAL SHALL OI , AUTHORIZATIONS TO .THE START OF ANY WORKS AUTHORIZ BY THIS PERMIT. AND~ ION OR '~ICT ION OF 4 . THE PERMIT SHALL NOT FLORIDA ENGINEER CERTIFIES HAVE WITH THE DISTR] C WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT NOTIFY THE.DISTRICT THAT THE TIES ARE R'EADY APPROVAL. UPON APPROVAL OF THE SURFACE THE SHALL REQUEST TRANSFER OF THE PERMI ENT I TY THE DiSTRICT' ?UNTIL A LITIES AND 5 . ALL ROADS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FLOOD CRiTERiA. ~ 6 . ALL BUILDING FLOORS"SHALL~ BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO .THE APPLICABLE~ LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 7 · OFF-SITE DISCHARGES~ DURING CONSTRUCTION AND THROUGH THE FACILITIES AUTHORIZED.BY THIS PERMIT. NO CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMMENCE ON-SITE UNTIL COMPL~ DISCHARGE STRUCTURE AND DETENTION AREAS. WATER PROJECT SHALL BE THROUGH STRUCTURES HAV REGULATING ~UPSTREAM WATER,STAGES. MAY BE' SCHEDULES~AI'_I_SFACTORY TO THE DIST_RICT. _,. 8 . NO CONSTRUCT-ION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL ENTITY ACCEPTABLE TO THE-DISTRICT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. , 12 ONLY ,iNG AGREED TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE S¥.STEM. THE ENTITY MUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER ALL WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AUTHORI~ZED HEREIN. UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THE SATISFACTION OF THIS CONDITION, THE DISTRICT WILL ISSUE AN AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION. 9 . THE PERMIT DOES NOT CONVEY TO THE PERMITTEE ANY PROPERTY RIGHT NOR ANY RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES ~OTHER THAN THOSE~SPECIFI,ED IN THE PERMIT' AND CHAPTER 40E-4, FAC. 10. THE PERMITTEE SHALL HOLD AND SAVE THE DISTRICTHARMLESS FROM ANY.'AND ALL DAMAGES, CLAIMS, OR LIABILITIES WHICH MAY ARISE BY REASON OF THE CONSTRUCTION, OPEraTiON, MAINTENANCE OR USE OF ANY,~ FACILITY AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT. 11. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED BASED ON THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED INFORMATION WHICH DEMONSTRATES THAT ADVERSE OFF-SITE WATER RESOURCE RELATED IMPACTS NOT BE CAUSED BY THE COMPLETED PERMIT ACTIVITY IT IS ALSO THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE TO INSURE THAT ADVERSE ~FF-SITE WATER RESOURCE IMPACTS DO NOT OCCUR DURING' CONSTRUCTION. !2. PRIOR TO DEWATE APPROVAL. ~'AND HOURS OF OR OFF-SITE MAY' REQU 13 SPEC~:AL COND]TI-ONS I . MINIMUM BuILDiNG ~FLOOR ELEVATION: 14 FEET NGVD' ~ MINIMUM, RO.AD ,'CROWN ~ ELEVATION: ~ 11,31~ ~ FEET NGVD, 3 . DISCHARGE FACI~LITIES:- 1-3' WIDE.SHARP CREST-ED< WEiR WiTH.~'CREST AT 1-.25' DIA. CIRCULAR ORIFICE WITH~ iNVERT AT ELEV, 1-' 17' W X 2,77' H NOTC~H WITH INVERT AT 278 LF OF- 1,,5 ~, DIA, RCP r. RiECEIVING BODY ~: NSLRW:CD CANAL 28B . CONTROL ELEV · 8.75 FEET :NGVD. NGVD, 4 . THE PERMITTEE SHALiL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SHOALING OR WATER OPERATION OF 'THE 5 . '~MEASURES SHALL. BE TAKEN.~DURINGi CONSTRUCTION TO~ AND/OR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE ~NOT CREATED ~i~N THE NTATION 6 · THE DISTRICT ~RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THAT TREATMENT METHODS BE I-NCORPORATED INTO THE DRAINAGE MEASURES ARE SHOWN TO BE NECESSARY, QUALITY SUCH 7 LAKE SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE NO STEEPER THAN 4:1 ( DEPTH OF TWO FEET BELOW THE CONTROL ELEVATION, SIDE NURTURED OR PLANTED FROM 2 FEET BELOW TO I FOOT ABOVE INSURE VEGETATIVE GROWTH. ) TOA ,E ION TO 8 · PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF ANY 'WITHDRAWAL OF WATER (I DEWATERING, PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, ETC.), IT WILL BE NE A WATER USE PERMIT. THE PERMiTTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT IS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE ~.WATER USE PERMIT PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT THE iSSUANCE OF A SURFACE PERMIT SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A GUARANTEE THAT ~1 AVAILABLE. APPLY FOR OF 90 DAYS ION, THE "NT BE 9 . FACILITIES OTHER THAN THOS,E STATED~ HEREIN SHALL NOT BE CONiSTRUCTED WITHOUT AN APPROVED MODIFICATION OF THIS PERMIT, 10. A BENCHMARI~'§HALL BE PROVIDED~ IN '~H~"VI~IT~ITY OF A DESCRIPTION PROVIDED TO..THE DISTRICT WHEN COMPLETION OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES, 14 11. PRIOR TO JUNE 1I, :1994 THE SOUTH~ FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SHALL BE NOTiFI OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTION: OR EQUIVALENT).OFTHE ACTUAL OR TION.START DATE AND-' THE EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE/ .12. ON BEGINNING ONE CONSTRUCTION EXCEEDS ONE YEAR, CONSTRUCTION STATUS TO THE SOUTH. FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT D ISTR I CT VIA THE~SUPPLIED ANNUAL STATUS REPORT OR EQUIVALENT) THE IiNITIAL COMMENCEMENT OF 'CONSTRUCTION DATE' 13. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETIONiOF CONSTRUCTION OF E SURFACE WATER PERMITTEEOR AUTHORIZED NOTIFY THE THE CERTI 0 IN'PARAGRAPH ~ BASIS ~OF REVIEW THE SOUTH LANGUAGE US) DRAWINGS OF THE DISTRICT OF THAT IN ACCORDANCE SUPPL I ED CONSTRUCTION VALENT} SUCH CERTI FI CAT iON ONSTRUC~ION COMPLETION CERT SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. IF THE SUGGESTED LOCATIONS A SHALL ALSO DATE AND SUBMIT :ER THAT ALL APPROVED BY T O'F WORDING ATION" OF THE CURRENT IONS WITHIN ION F RECORD COMPONENTS 14. PRIOR TO THE GRADING, AND DRAI MOD I F I CATIONS. CONSTRUC'TION OF.FUTURE P LANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE PERMIT 15. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RESPONS I B I,L, I-TY OF PORTION OF THE BE REQUIRED 16. THE PERMITTEE IS ZONING. AND REPRE R LOCAL LAND. US SYSTEM DESIGN LL BE THE PRIOR TO TRANSFER TITLE FOR ANY THIRD PARTY, MODIFICATI~ THE PERMIT WILL COMPLIANCE WITH LIM TING CONDITION NO. 8. PONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH 'S. ISSUANCE .I '.CT IS COMPATIBLE IN THE PERMITTED PROJECT , WHICH IMPACTS THE S MODiFiCATiON OF THIS OMPREHENSIVE PLAN, DOES NOT L LAND USE COMPLY , WITH .MANAGEMENT 17. I'HE SFWMD RESERVES THE PERMITTEE IF D) MIT ED ACT IES. 18. ANY FUTUR~-~I~/~NGES BUFFER MODIFICATION IGHT TO REQUIRE REMEDIAL AND/OR UPLAND MONITORING IMPACTS TO PROTECTED, ',ED DUE TO D USE OR ~TR'EATM~T OF' WETL MAY REQUIRE A SURFACE ENViRONMENTAL REVIEW BY TO BE TAKEN BY INFORMATION INCORPORATED OR RELATED ~ND~OR UPLAND PERMIT STAFF. PRIOR 15 19. A 20. A TINE. WITH' EX SI W 21. ACT NON Al COMPLE 2¸2. FE JULY JUL JULY JULY 31, PRIOR MIT A AND ,6 24, 25. CON PEPP SHAL THE DISTRI SHALL IS II AND VIABIL 16 GY. TORiNG THE I S ITH [ON, -NG WORK SFWMD (1) tD (3) LIED ATION IBIT(S) S THE IAN SPEC I ES Y E IT IS~ PERMIT. ENT WATER MANAGEMENT, LAKE FOR A' PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTER THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE LAKE. 26. AFTER ONE YEAR M THE D~ 27. THE PERMITTEE MIT MIT iER ELEVATION MONITORING WITHIN THE SURFACE WATER 1CANT CAN NOT DEMONSTRATE WITH REASONABLE GATION PROPOSED WITHIN THE LAKE WILL BE SUCCESSFUL, MEASURES TO.PROVIDE THE REQUIRED INCLUDE BUT NOT 'BE LIMITED TO ~LiNiNG ~OF THE OF AN IMPERMEABLE BARRIER OR OFF-SITE MITIGATION. DE THE DISTRICT WITH A ~COMPLETE A E MONTHS .OF BEING DIRECTED BY THE iCT TO TIGATION PLAN SHALL HAVE'REASONABLE INTERIM S~ FOR CONSTRUCTION, ~ MONiTORiNG AND MAINTENANCE. IBLE FOR THE sUcc THE MONITORING AND MA] THE DURATION OF THE PLAN. PLETION OF THE OF THE 28. A WETLAND MONITORI~NG PROGRAM SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WI'TH XHIBIT{S} 5 AND 6.: THE MONITORING PROGRAM SHALL EXTEND FOR A PERIOD OF 5 EARS WITH ANNUAL REPORTS SUBMITTED TO SFWMD STAFF, ~AT'THE. END OF THE. FIRST MONITORING PERIOD THE MITIGATION AREA{S~ CON~^IN AN 80% SURVIVAL EGETATION. THE~80% SURV ~TE SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE 'YEARS MONITORING SURVIVAL OF Pi AND FACULTATIVE .OF THE MONITORING THE MITIGATION AREA(S. VEGETATION ANDAN 80% COV SPECIES. .~ AT THE END'OF THE 5 CONTAIN AN 80% E OF DESIRABLE OBLIGATE 17 ST. LUC'I'E OAKS LOCATION PIAP I. I .. Lmm ' 'e . 4, P ~ ; ! i, eq, e~ 14~.1, l!ufl · tlmd 4e~llll ccd, , i%i %1i%l))%%%' $%'11%%i')1%)%% 111%1%1 ) {i .l ..... /' · . -'r 4 ST. LUCIE OAKS WETLY-ND· MITIGATION AND LAKE MONITORING ~D MAN~AGEMENT PL~ PrePared for St.. LuCie Bo.ard of County~ Commissioners · and South Florida Water Management District · Prepared by Blythe Environmental, Inc. 5782 S.E. Hul! Street Stuart, Florida 34997. 407-287-0549 .. May 15, 1993 (,Latest Revsion April~ 27, 1994) 40r ST. LUCIE OAKS MITIGATED WETLAND AND .LAKE MONITORING General The 1.02 acre wetla~nd present at the St. Lu¢ie '.Oaks Development will be excavated .and incorporated into the 2.1'5 acre stormwater eke. This is in accordance with agreements developer's representatives .and the South FlOrida Water District staff during project review. In order to eom for the loss of the type of wetland that existed on-site, an extended wetland littoral shelf will be created and planted according to the approved development plan (See Exhibit 1). Mit i~ated Wetl and ~an.d ~.Lake. Sys.te.m Monitoring of the wetland lake system will~ be conducted by an environmental professional with experience in natural systems ecology. The monitori:ng report shall include the following information- survival rates of planted species (minimum 80%), occurrence and percent coverage by desirable planted and nonplanted species, species type and percent coverage of nuisance species (maximum 0s · 1 2), species type and percent coverage by exotic undesirable speCies'(maximum 0%), wildlife observations, management recommendations, and panoramic photos of wetland area. Reports shall be submitted on an annual basis for a minimum of five years, with the first report~due immediately after plant inst.allation. The report shall be submitted to the owners, and all applicable state and loCal agencies for review. Due to. large flUctuations previously recorded in the ground water water levels will be monitored, and of one year after excavation and installation control structure. Once a static range of water table ns has been established, the littoral and mitigated areas shal be' planted with appropriate elevation adjustment, if n Should fluctuations be so great that the success of. plantings is jeopardized, then off site mitigation altern will be pursued in consultation with, and to the satisfaction Of, SFWMD staff. MITIGATED WETLAND AND LAKE MAINTENANCE The wetland lake system is part of the overall surface water management system for the entire development. A proper functioning system will be dependent upon the perpetual EXH/B/ T ma, enance swa s and development. lanted str~ supe wetl of nce of the planted wetland areas wi ion of an environm iona ecosYstem and the est of an the gr nce of this the direct in done Types in es. Mana activities shall occur within 90 days report, reasonable found within the carry out the recommendat of' made to PROPO S ED ~WORK ,i SCHEDULE Clearing of Wetland Lake Area Excavation of Wetland Lake Area Grading to ProPer Elevation *Lake level ' monitoring Plant Installation July 1994. A~' -~ 19 94 ,DO¢i~' I994 Dec. 1994 to Dec. 1995 jan- 19'96 ' e Monitoring and Ma~ntenanc : 1996 1997 1998 Monitoring Jan. Jan Jan. Maintenance Mar. Mar. Mar. 1999 Jan. Mar. 2000 Jan. Mar. *Lake level to be be submitted to monthly for a period prior to plant, installation. shall eL%. , _~roo_ r' ' ' J I EXHIBIT STAFF ,REPOR? D I STR,I BUTION, LIST APPL! -4 X G. Robbi ns ares X,R. Brown - NRM X B Colavecchio - . C~uz XM. r XJ. X P. lar ~ ~. Mi reau - OM . ,ho d. ~RObb~ ns X ers REG · ton D. tcher W. Voorhess P. Walker - GPA X K. Wallace - X A. Waterhouse X Area Engineer X Day File X Enforcement X Fi el d Representati X Office of Counsel X Permit File REG ve P.E. ¸Ms Ms. iValetie Boyd Mr. Wi 11 i am Hammond MS. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Betsy Krant A11 an Mi 11 edge Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel P. Reed Leah Schad Frank Wil 1 iamson, Jr. X Owner: F~.NK SPECIALE~ AS TRUSTEE~ ~ X Applicant: SPEC IALE F~NK AS TRUSTEE';~ X App' s Consultant: X En CoUnty of' Eng i neer, City of: X Local Drainage District- NO ST~,:LUC!,E,,RVR WTR .CNT,RL. DIS~T COUNTY X St' Lucie -Pl. anning Divi Sion OTHER X DiV of Recreation :an-d. Park- District 7 F.G.F.W.F.C. X Florida Audubon - Ch Port St. Lucie Pla on S.W.F.R.P.C, - X Sierra.Club - Central Group X Port St EXHIBIT 7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONCRS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT December 8, 1993 C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 92 Smart, FL 34995 Re: ~ - ot. Lueie Oaks PUD Dear Mr. Montgomery: In response to your December 6, 1993 letter regarding the street name of BRAZILIAN CIRCI]_g for the development of St. Lucie Oaks PUD. This street name has been approved and reserved for yonr development. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, SN/jm/bv ce: Public Works Administrator _ ~l~foper~ Acquisition Director s~ Community DeVelopment County Attorney Salvador Bud" Nabong Director of Engineering HAVERT L. FENN, District lqo. I * JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 * DENNY GREEN, District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · CUFF BARNES, District No. 5 County Administrator - ThOmas R.L. Kindred 2300 Virginia Avenue * Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (407) 468-1485 * FAX (407) 467-2362 Division of Engineering: (407) 468-1701 · Fax 467-2362 · Division of Road & Bridge: (407) 464-2511 FAX 467-2363 Division of Mosquito Control: (407)~468-1692 FAX 468-1565 · Division of Solid Waste: (407) 468-1768 FAX 489-6987 Division of Property Acquisition: (407) 468-1707 FAX 467-2362 ° TDD (407) 468-1428 ~ BOARD OF COUNTY November 12, 1993 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMI NISTRATOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP Calvert iMontgomery P.O. Box 92 Ft Pierce, FL 34995 S ,~ UBJECT: RESOLUTION #93-184 GRANTING SITE. DEVELOPMENT'PLAN APPROV~ FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS ST. LUCIE OAKS~ A'PIANNED UNiT',DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNED NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOpMENT AND FOR A CHANGE IN zONING FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY IN ST. LUCm COUNTY, FLORIDA Dear Mi:. Montgomery: Enclosed please find a.copy 0f ~recorded Resolution 93-184 which grants a s~te plan'approval for the project known as ST. LUCIE oAKs, a Planned Unit Development'and Planned Non- Residem:ial Development and ~for a change in zoning for certain property in St. Lucie County, FlOrida. unless Otherwise .restriCted by the Conditions of ApProCal cited in Section A of this resolution, you m~y now proceed to make application to St, Lucie 'County for building per.ts, PleaSe 'coh~act the Building Division ot~ this department for'specific plan sUbmittal requirements. order to ensure timely .pre submit five (5) copies of the Engineer, This submittal ~ 1 that no building permits, incl :plans have been al: After building permits have stormwater management dn Engineer concurrently with tl New construction 'served by (FPUA) have reviewed and cessing of your building permit applications, please-be sure to~"~¥'~}~ stormwater management.plhns for this project to the County ) be filed concurrently with your building Permit. Please~ note ~ding foundation permits, will be issued until these paving and ~rOved. · . ~een issued, adjustments to the site plan will require reviSed .wings. These drawings would be submitted to the County ~e site plan adjustment. Ft. Pierce Utilities will need written verification.-that they tpproved .the construction plans for the project. HAVERT L. FENN, District No. I · JUDY CULPEPPER. D strict No, 2 · DENNY GREEN, District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5 23'00 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administrator: (407) 468-1590 · Growth Management: (407) 468-1 553 · Planning-(407) 468-1 576 · Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 . T. LUC1E OAKS 'Page; 2 If you have any qUestions on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning or Building DMsions of this office at (407) 468-1576, or the County Engineering 'Division at (407) 468-1707. ly, Planner DPK/sh H:\WP\SrrEPLANkRF~OLUTION Attachment cc: w/att. County Engineer w/att. Fire Marshal wlatt. File 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ,22 · 2.5 27 D 30 ,.~31 32 33 35 36 37 ~3 ~5 47 JoAnne Hotman, Clerk of the Circuit Court - St. Lucie County F i, le Number: 12..,J~'~'9775 OR BOOK 0864 .... \GE 2038 P;'~'~°~' 10-18-93 .......... '~ -7~ n u RESOLUTION NO-: FILE NO.: RZ-91.009 A RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS ST. LUCIE OAKS, A PldtRNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNED NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY IN S:T. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS' the Board of' County Commissioners of St'. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: CHANGE .IN ZONING 1. Frank SpeCiale presented a petition for a change in zoning from RM-5 (Residential, Multi-Family- 5 du/ac) and CG (commercial, General) to PUD (Planned Unit - Development ) and ,PNRD ( Planned Non-Residential Development) for certain property in St. Lucie County, Florida. 2. On May 23, 1991, the St. Lucie County Planning 'and Zoning 'Commission held a public hearing .of Which due public notice was published in the Ft. Pierce News Tribune and mailed to all property.owners within 500 feet at least 15 dayS prior to the hearing, and recommended to this Board- that the ~requested changes, in zoning from RM-5 to PUD and CG to PNRD. be. granted. 3. On September 21, 1993, this Board held "a public hearing on the petition, after publishing a notice 'of s~h hearing in the Port St. Lucie News-an~ no.tifying by-mail of all owners .of property within 5~0~0 feet of the subject property. 4. The proposed zoning change '.is consistent with the St. Lucie County 'Comprehensive Plan and has satisfied the requirements of Section 11..06.03 of the St'. Lucie County Land D~velopment Code.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 ~45 46 47 48 49 SITE, 'PLAN 5. The petitioner is proposing a 180 unit apartment complex on 22.17 acres and 2.17 acres of future commercial development along the projects US Highway 1 frontage. 6. The Development iReview Committee has reviewed the site plan for the proposed project and it to meet all ~e'chniCal: requirements and t.o be ~%~n~lstent with the f'uture land use maps from the S~. Lucie CoUnty Comprehensive p~an, subject to the conditions set forth iln Section A of this resolution. 7. On May 23, 1991, the St. Lucie County-Planning .and Zoning Development, be approved. 8. On June 25, 1991~: this Board held a public hearing on the petition, after ' u ' ' notice' ' I~, .P bllsh~ng a of such hearin · ing the Port St. UCle News and n.ot&fvina by mall of all n · i · owners o£ property w~thmn §00 ..£eet o~ ~he subject proper~y· ~.nd through Resolut:t. on .91-1B2~ - .....~ranted Preliminary Plan approval to the project tO be known' as St Lucie Oaks ~ ' - Planned Unit Development. · On June.. ....1.6, 1992,,i this. Board. throuah¢ Resolution. 92-094, .granted a i2 month site planextension to the Preliminary P]Lan approval t~ the project to be known as S~. .... ~ Lucxe Oa~s -~Planned U~it Development. 10. .On September 21, 1993, this Board held a public hearing on the for Final Planned Unit Devel. opment approval for the project to be known as St. Lucie Oaks - Planned Unit lopment., after publishing a notice of such hearing 'in he Port St. Lucie News-and notifying by mail of all ow s of property within 500 feet of the subject propert 11. Lucie County. ect is consistent with the general objectives, and st.andards of the. St. Development Code, the St. Lucie County , and the Code of Ordinances of St. O 0 'C~ - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2-5 26 27 28 2~9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 12. The propoSed project will not have an undue adverse effect on adjacent ~property, the character of the neighborhood, ~traf f ic conditions, parking, utility fat~ilities, or other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. 13. Ail reasonable steps have been taken to minimize any adv'erse effeCt of the proposed project on the immediate vicinity through building design, site design, landscaping :and screening. 1¸4. The' proposed project will be conStructed, arranged and oper~te~ so a~ n6~ to interfere with the development and use of neighboring property, in accordance With applicable district regulations. 15. The proposed project will be served.bY adequate pUblic facilities and services. 16. The applicant has .demonstrated that water supply, evacuation facilities, and emergency access are satisfactory to provide adequate .fire protection. · 17. A C, ertificate of Capacity, a copy of which is attached to th'i.s resolution, was granted by the Community Development · Adm.~inistrat.or on !September 15, 1993. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St.. Lucie County, Florida: A. Pursuant to Secti~)n 11.02.05 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the Site plan for the project known, as S%. Lucie Oaks - ~ Non-Residen%ial D site plan drawing: Montgomery and As and date stampe¢ Co~unity Develop subject to ~the fo Planned Uni% Developmen% and a .Planned elopmen%, be apProved as shown on t. he for.the project prepared by C..Calvert sociates, Inc., dated April 23, '19.93, received by the St. Lucie County ment 'Administrator on August 25, 1993, klowing conditions: I · · No_ construction permit for any portion of the St. Lucie Oaks project Shall. be issued until the easternmost twentYhf~ur fegt of. the property has been dedicated to St.. L~cie' CoUn~y..for future US I expansion. . Revisions which are inteuded to save additional onsite trees shall be approved at the staff level. o © o 0 0 . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~33 · 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 3. A wall of at least six feet in height tha~-~ forms a continuous screen between the project and the properties to the west and south shall be installed, B. The property on which this Final PUD approval and a change in zoning to PUD (Planned Unit Development)_ is granted is described as follows: NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 36S, RANGE 40E; LESS THE SOUTH 1,150 FEET OF THE EAST 589.46 FEET, AND LESS THE NORTH 174.13 FEET OF THE EAST 589.46 FEET, LESS THE EAST 42 FEET FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY -C. The property on-Which this Final PNRD approval and a change in zoning from to PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) is-granted is described as follows: THE NORTH 174.13 FEET OF THE EAST 589.46 FEET. OF THE NE 1/4 ~OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 36S, RANGE 40E, LESS THE EAST 42 FEET FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY D. This Final' PUD/PNRD approval shall expire on September 21[, 1994, unless a building permit is is.sued or an extension is granted in accordance with Section 11..02.06.B.3, St. Lucie County Land Development Code. .E. The conditions set forth in Section A are an integral nonseverable part of the site plan approval granted by this resolution. If any condition set forth in Section A is determi, ned to be invalid or un. enforceabl~e for any reason and' the developer declines to comply voluntarily with that condition, the site Plan approval granted by this reSolution. ~hall become null and ~id. ' F. A copy of this resolution shall be attached to the site plan ~rawings described in Section A, which plan shall be placed on file with the St. Lucie County Community Development Administrator. O O - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ,28 29 30 31- 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 After motion and second, follows: the vote on this Resolution was as Chairman Judy Culpepper Vice-Chairman R. Dale Trefelner Commissioner Havert L. ~Fenn Commissioner Cliff Barnes Commissioner Denny Green ABSENT AYE AYE ABSENT AYE -- . PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 21st day of September ,&"~i99~ .: . \.~' ~.. ,.., _ ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLOR~A"- -- ~ .. ~ ' . -- . 93-.184 DJM O 0 0 0 O~ _ ST LUCIE COUNTY CERTIFICATE NO.: C93-116 This document certifies that concurrency will be met and that adequate public facility capacity exists-to main~n the standards for levels i~0f service as adopted in the st. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan fOr- 1 . TYPE OF DE~LOPMENT ORDER: _PUD/PNRD APPROVAL _ NO. OF UNITS: 180, NO. OF SQUARE FEET: N/~ 2. PROPERTY ~GAL DESCRIPTION & TAX I D.# (& STREET ADDRESS): 3422 -:21.1-00~01-000/Q ST' LUCIE OAKS - ' ,_ US. #1 S, N.. OF PRIMA VISTA BLVD 'N/A 3. APPROVAL #: RES #:93-184 SUBJECT TO THE ~FOLLOWING CONDITIONS FOR CONcuRRENcX: NONE · : OWNER' S N~: S.~ECI~E, FRANK *TR* ADDRE'~IS: .O. BOX 1833 STUART, FL 3 4 9 9 5 6. CERTIFICATE EXPIRATION DATE: 09-21-94 This Certificate of Capacity is tr~n. sfer~le only to subse~ent owners of the same parcel, and is '.subject ~to the same terms, Conditions, and expiration date as listed herein. The expiration date can be extended only under ~he same terms and cO. nditions as the Underlying .development order issued with' this -. certificate, or for 'development~ .~ order(s) issued for the s~e property, use and .q'~ ~*~,~-~ s des ,ed 'herein'. O o O SIGNED: ' / , _ DATE: SeDtember 15, 1993 co~muunity Development Administrator ST. LUCIE COUNT~, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administration .o MEMORANDUM TO' FROM: DATE;, SUBJECT: PUblic Works Administrator Development "Administrator~ October 21, 1993 Signal Warrant Study- Lake Vista Trail and South us #1 , . ' Planning Agency, requeSted that a installed at the in the River Park discussion on the petition was not ~the issues such as this, appropriate time when commitments On the Vista Trail) 'to he' warranted. of: the residents of Vista St. Lucie (Lake for a signal should one be determined to If you ihave any questions, please let me know. TLV/DJM/dlj VISTA1 (ff) cc - County -Administrator Planning Director MPC) Supervisor TO: FROM: C. A. NO.: DATE: SUBJECT: INTER-OFF ICE .MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Joseph' Malfait, Property Acquisition Daniel S o M°Intyre, County Attorney l~-~ 93'1483 October 13, 1993 St. Lucie Oaks - South U.S. Highway 1; Proposed Right-of-Way Dedication In. reviewing the proposed documents, the only comment I have is that', the Warranty Deed from Mr. Spe¢iale should probably read "Frank Speciale, individually and as trustee" . DSM/caf Copy to: Public Works Administrator Land 'Development Manager DEPARTMF~NT OF ACQUISITION DMSION MEMORANDUM 93-169 TO: FROM: DATE. · SUBJECT: CoUnty Attorney '" County Surveyor Property Acquisition Director October 5, 1993 St' Lucie Oaks- S. U.S. Hwy. 1 Proposed Right-of-way dedication Please review the attached documents on the proposed right-of-way dedication-pursuant, to the development order on St. Lucie Oaks. ' If you ~ve any questions regarding hesit~t/ to cont.ac.t our office. · cc: :Public Works Administrator Land Development Manager Planning this matter, please do not BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MI NUTES Dat e: c, oeptember 21, !993 Tape: ~L, 2, 3 convened: 9:15 a.m. · adjourned: i2:25 p.m. Commissioners Present: Vice Chairman, R. Dale Trefelne.r, Cliff Barnes (on vacation), Havert L. Fenn, Denny Green, Judy Culpepper (absent, minor surgerY) -. Others Present: Tom Kindred, County Administrator;~ Dan McI ntyre, County Attorney; Dennis Murphy, Land Development Manager; Joseph Malfatt, Acquisition Director; Curtis King, Airport Director; -Ronald Brown, Public Works Administrator; Robin Wilson, _RecYcling Manager; Bill. Miller, Planning Director; .Mike B-o.wers, Road and Bridge; Donna Beach, PUrchasing Director;. Sam Amerson, Utilities; Jim David, Mosquito COntrol; Jo Ann Holman, Clerk of Circuit Courts; W. Linsen, Sheriff, s office; A. Millie White, Deputy Clerk · ~ . PUBLIC HEARINGS(1-04i0) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1. Resolution No. 93-18.4/St. Lucie Oaks Reference was made to memorandum from Development Administrator, addressed to the Board, dated September 13, 1993, subject: Petition of Frank. Speciale for Final Planned DeveloPment approval and for a change in zoning from RM-5 and. CG to PUD and PNRD. · Mr. C. Calvert Montgomery, Engineer for the project, addressed the Board on this item and .was available to answer any questions. Mr. Bynn Calhoun, 615 ~$h St., address~cl tho Board on th±s item and. stated t'hese apartments do not belong in the area. Com. Fenn stated that if this returns to us for a PNRD, that there will be a major .adjustment, it has to come back to the Board so that we will not b.e having a non-residential unit in thoro without not having to come before the then sitting B'oard. It was moved by Com. Green, seconded by Com. Fenn, to approve Resolution No. 93- i'84; and, upon "roll unani incus 1 y, . call, moti on c a~rl' ed ACQUISITION DIVISION M.E, MORANDUM 93-135 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Property Appraiser Property Acquisition August 6, 1993 Director Tax Proration/St. Lucie Oaks Part of Tax ID#3422-211-0001-000/0 SpeCiale, Frank Please provide our office with a Tax Proration on Tax ID# 3422-211- 0001-0.00/0 owned by Frank Speciale according to the attached legal description and sketch. If yo'u 'have any ,qu'estions regarding hesitate to contact our office. jM/~'/ cc: Public Works Administrator ~ommunity Development this matter, please do not ~DESCRIPTION FOR ADDiTiONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR U'S. HIGHWAY NO. 1 AT ST. LUCIE OAKS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA That part of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one- quarter of Section 22, Township 36 South, Range 40 East, St. Lucie COunty, Florida, to be used for right-of-way purposes and described as follows- Commence at the Northeast corner of the Northeast one-quarter of the NorthweSt one-quarter of said Section 22 and run North 89053'00'' West along the North line of said Section 22 for 42.00 feet to a point on the West right-of-way line of U.S. HighWay No. 1, said point being the Point of Beginning for the fOllowing described parcel: Thence continue North 89o53'00'' West aIong said North Section line for 24'.00 feet; Thence run South 0o07'00'' West along a line which is parallel to the West right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 1 for 174.11 feet; Thence run South 89o49'55'' East for 24. 00 feet to a point on the West right-of-way line of U.S. HighwaY No. 1; Thence North 0007'00'' East along said West right-of-way line for 17'4.13 feet .to the Point of Beginning. This parcel contains 4179 square feet, more of less. This description and the attached sketch were prepared by ArthUr Speedy', P.L.S., for C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc. C. £ALVEI~T ~~TCC~EI~Y ~' A~C~CIATE~~ INC. Engineers 95~ 5OBT~ F.E~E~AL RO. 50~ ~2 ..... STUART, FLORIDA V. 16,~ T- 0 f:: -'~A/Ah' THIS ( $CAL~' l": t4oT A 5URX/E"f. Engineers 95~ 50UT~ FEE~5~AL I-t~¥. ~.0. DOX 022. ...... STUART, FLORIDA ~4r99~ dcscr'~p~ton BOARD OF. COUNTY August 3, 1993 COMMUNI TY TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP RETURN RECEIPT P.O. Box 92 Stuart, iFL 34995 Subject:: St. Lucie Oaks Final PUD/PNRD Dear Mir. Montgomery: The St. Lucie Coun,ty Development Review Committee (DRC) has completed, its review of the May 28, 199~ resubmittal of .the above referenced l~ro'ect This involved[ nu ~ .... , ~ 'J · remew has merous conversations wath you and vou~ ..~.~-. -.-~~---,'- ..... " . located' .on the' site.' - ~ j - ,.-,~,,, ~cgmumg' me large oak.-trees The following comm trees on the site, are.bm numerous site visits. In ord~ made the following spec.'ffi~ County C ' ' ,~omm~ssloners, tha processed as minor revisior le It appears that-the lake/retention pond, trees that would ~be wlhich exceed 20" in .nts and associated recommendations, regarding 'the largest oak d upon your submitted tree survey, our conversations and to n~ove the project to' the Final PUD apprOval stage, we have recommendations. We will also recommend, to .the Board of' revisions necessary to accomplish' these recommendations be which would require'.only Staff apProval. .. significant impact .to native vegetation would occur in the of the community.building. There are three (3) live oak (reference tree survey map - #17 & #18), two (2) of' - Recommendation:Th two (2) larger trees are among the most significant oak trees on-site and,-if possib!i shoUld be preserved in place. Th~,retention pond should be designed around th~ e Species. The. smaller oak (12' DBH)could either be incorporated into any re-design plans or be' relocated elsewhere on-site..- HAVERT L. FENN, District No, 1 e JUDY CULPEPPER, Oi~[ict No, 2 · DENNY GREEN, Distric~ No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER District · No. 4 · CLIFF BARNES. District No. 5 2300 ~irginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-'5652 Administrator: (407) 468-1590 i4~ Growth Management: (407) 468-1553 · Planning: (407) 468-1576 Codes Compliance: (407) 468:-1571 August 3, 1993 . Subject: page 2' St. Lucie Oaks e 0 ':[Iae location of the community building appears to jeopardiZe the viability of two (2) live ,oak trees, both exceeding 25" DBH (reference tree #13 & #1_5). The oak tree canopies were measured in the field, and it appears from this information that the blacement of that bUilding Would require the removal of approximately 1/4 of each . ree s canopy and root structure. Recommendation: Re-align the community building, slightly south and east, to allow t~or adequate prOteCtion of these two (2) trees. MOre specifically, the applicant should Provide a barfer of 20-25 feet l~etween the base of the oak trees and any structure to protect oak tree canopies and roots. The location of building p .appears to jeopardize the viability of one (1) live oak tree, exceeding 30" DBH (reference tree #3). The oak-tree canopy and root system would be impacted by the northeast comer, of the " building. R .ecommendation: Re-align building P to provide a 25-30' buffer between the base of the oak tree and. the StructUre. e The retaining walls adjacent to ~the oak trees around the proposed lake may jeopardize' the viability of those trees. Recommendation: Extend the buffer to 2/3 of the canopy between the base of the trees and the proposed retaining wall, and provide a specific plan for the protection of these trees for review and approval by the Urban Forester. Approval of this plan will be necessary before permits for construction in these 'areas can be issued. 'This plan~; ~--.,'sh°uldto theaddreSSretentioneXisting and proposed elevations, maintenance of water tables acuac~,,~ pondS, and other issued which may prOVide protection for these trees. 5~ The 'location of the tennis court (near the project entrance) may cause the removal of 10-15' of canopy from the largest oak tree cluster on-site. Recommendation: Re-align the tennis court to the east (approximately 10-15 feet) to provide protection of the entire oak tree canopy. August 3, 1993 Page 3 Subject: St. Lucie Oaks 6, During our most recent site inspection (August 2, 1993), we.~identified over a dozen gopher tortoise burrows on-site, including two tortoises. :The majori~ of the burrows were identified along the east central portion of. the site, This sp_ecies will need to be .managed in conjunction with the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission (GFC). Recommendation: You have previously addressed this issue. Please provide us with - copies of any correspondence with G~C and Continue to keep us informed. 'of the status of your progress in this area. The following comments are based upon and numbered consistently va'th my letter of May, 17, 1993. -~ e The building spacing formula and calculations indicated on the Final Development Plan are incorrect. In accordance with 'Section 7'04.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the correct formula for the minimum distance between buildings is [Length^ + Lengtha + 2 (Height^ + Heightn )]/4. A review of our records indicated that the preliminary PUD was approved with this spacing.-Since the PUD process allows for flexibility '~n these areas, this spacing will be .recommended to the Board of County Commissioners. .In acco[dance with Section 1i-05.06(A) of the [and Developmem Code, a vegetation removm permit application must be submitted with this final PUD application. We recommend that the required permit include the emire parcel but show removal only for those areas which are to be cleared immediately. This permit, can be amendedas future clearing is .required. The vegetation inventory associated with this .application should identify all oak trees in excess of 12 inches DBH Or greater within ail proposed improvement areas and within 20 feet of all proposed improvement areas. A general description of the vegetation wlu'ch is located within the areas which are labeled exastmg 'native vegetation" Should also be included. 6~ In accordance with condition #2 of Resolution 91-132, which granted preliminary approval to this Project, you must, in conjunction with the submission of final planned development applications,' begin the process for the conveyance of 24 feet of property for future South U.S. August 3, 199,3 Page 4 Subject: St. Lucie Oaks We understand that the owner has assembled this information and prOVided copies to the county's acquisitions division. Please provide us with copies of this information, and be advised that this project cannot be 'scheduled for approval until this- information is received. ' 9~ In accordance with condition #6 of Resolution 91-132, prior to final development Plan approval, the developer shall provide a detailed plan for the protection .of on- site wetlands which is consistent with the policies and standards of the zomprehenslve Plan and SeCtion '6.02.03 of the 12nd Development Code. You have prev/ously provided ,us With a Saint Lucie'Oaks Wetland M~tigation-and. Lake Monitodngand Management Plan. This document references Exhibit 1 which has not been .received or is not labeled. Is the sheet titled Lake Littoral Zone and Mia'gation plan. the r~ferenced exhibit'~ . 10. A copy of the FDOT's conceptual approval which expires October 25' 1993 'has been received. This conceptual approval will be accepted in place of the required driveway permit, .No construction: Permits for this project can be .issued until we receive w~rification of issuance ~of. the FDOT driveway permit. 13. ff' the sire and lOcations of project.signs are not shown, on ~the final PUD, no sign will permitted without an amendment to the PUD. ff such sign is shown for the residential component of the. project, it must be limited to-32 square feet~. Upon the addressing Of the above comments, please submit 17 copies of all graphic. ~ . material, and-one 8 1/2"x 1I" transparency of the'Final Development Plan. As we have previuously discussed, this submission should not include construction details'but should be limited t()..those items reqUired for final PUD submissions by the ~Land DevelOpment. Code. This site~ plan Will .be scheduled for a public hea~g before the Board of County Commissioners upon the receipt of these material. Please note that, in accOrdance with the provisions of Section 11.02.04(A)(4) Of the. [and Development Code, ff We-do not receive a Notice ~of Intent to respond to these comments within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, the application for site plan approval-will be considered withdrawn along with a forfeiture of'all fees paid to date. ,sT August' 3, 1'993 Page 5 Subject: St. Lucie Oaks lin the event that a formal resubmission addressing the above comments and/or recommendations is not made .within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date-of this letter, then the application for Site plan approval will be c°nsidered with'drawn along with the forfeiture of all fees paid to date. Prior to' any further review, new applications will be required, subject to satisfaction of regulatiOns in effect at the time of resubmission. If you .have questions, please contact me at (407) 468'1576. Planner DP~H:\~~~P~L OAKS3 COunty Engineer Fire Marshal Tom ~Pastore Eile DEPARTME~ OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANN~G DIVISION MEMO R A N D.UM To: ~From: DaVid Kelly, Planner III :: Coward?Eh ' ' Douglas , . mronmental Planner II ~Date: August .2, 1993 Subject:: St-L : ' uc~e .Oa~ S~te Plan - Environmental Review (Oak Tree preservation & Gopher Tortoise Identification) After several field visits to the St. Lucie Oaks site, I have the following confine'nm cOncerning the developer's latest design proposal (August 2, 1993 submittal)- The most significant ..impact to native vegetation would occur in the lake/retention F'ond, north :of the cgmmUnity building. There are three (3) live oak trees .that woul~ .be destroyed (reference tree survey map- #17 & #18),/WO (2) of which exceed 20 m diameter (DBI-r). Recommendation:'~e two (2) larger trees are among the most significam oak trees on-site, and sh.ould be preserved in place. The retemion pond should be designed around these species. The smaller Oak {12" dbh) could either be incorporated into anyre-design plans or .be relocated elsewhere On-site. ' .. (2) ~)e locatio_n-o~ the ~m~. unity building would jeopardize.the viability of two (2) live o:alr trees, both exceexlmg 25" dbh (reference tree #13 & #15), The oak tree canopies Were measured in the field, and it appears from this infbrmatiofi that the' placemem of that building would require the removal of approximately 1/4 of each tree's canopy and root structure. .-. . . Rec0mm~ndation: Re-align the community building,' slightl)' south and east, to anow for adequat¢: protecti°fi°fthese two (2) Species. More specificaliy, the applicam should proVide a buffer of 20,25 feet between the base of the oak trees and any structure to protect oak tree canopies and roots. · (3) Tlhe location of building P would jeopardize the viability of one (1) live oak tree, exceeding 30" dbh (reference tree #3). The oak tree canopy and root system would be impacted by the northeaSt corner of the building. Recommendation: Re-align building P to provide~ a 25-30' buffer between the base of the oak tree and any structure. David -Kelly August'. 2, 1993 Page two (4) .. . The retaining Wall adjacent to the oak on the west side-of the proposed lake (#19) would jeopardize the viability of that cluster of trees, including three (3) live oak trees (17", 18", .and 2'1" dbh). · ' Recom]mendation: Extend the buffer to 25-30 feet between the base of the trees and the proposed retaining wall.. Additionally, it WOuld be appropriate to have specific pla~s for the protection of.these trees (such as mhintaining the existing elevation, plastic liners to retain water in the root system during periOds of drought, et cetera) sUbmitted_for review by the Urban Forester and finally included in the site Plan approval prOcess. The location ofthe tennis court (near the project entrance) would cause the remOval of 10.-15' of 'canOpy from the largest oak ~ree cluster on-site. Recommendation: Re-align the tennis court to the east (approx/mately 10-15 feet) to provide protection of the. entire oak tree canopy. Note._: During our most recent site inspection (August 2, 1993), we identified over a dozen gopher tortoise burrows' on,site, including two tortoises. The majOrity of the burrows were id&ntified alOng the.east central Portion of the site. This species will need to be managed in conjunction ~th the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission (GFC). I -D Z C) I o, i, ,,, \ ............. .. ~,.~ .......... ~-: ,S 8g-° 53' 00" E . BOARD ,OF COUN'TY COMMISSION£RS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT July 23, 19~3 C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc.' Attn: Mr. SCott Montgomery P. O. Box 92 Stuart, FL 34995 RE: Dear Mr. Montgomery: In response to your June 1~, 1993 survey and legal description submission, attached you will find a copy of the response memo from the COunty Surveyor on~.the above mentioned proposed right-of-way dedication that needs to be addressed. If you have any questions Fegarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Belinda Vose, Asst. Right-of-Way Agent, in our office a 468-1707. attachment cc' PubliC Works Adm Director of En C urveyor ~,~/~unty S u/cOmmun. ~W Development Sincerely, joseph Mai ~fait~ Property Acquisition Director HAVERT L. FENN, District No. I · JLDY OJ~ District No. 2 · DENNY GREEN, District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · C1JFF BARN~, Dtm~ct No. 5 County Admtnisnotor - Thom~. R£. Ki~ · . 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce FL 34982 Publl~.Works:. (407) 468-1485 · FAX (407) 467-2362 Engineering: (407) 46~1-1707 FAX 467-2362 · Division Of Road & Bridge: (407) 464-2511 FAX 467-2362 Division of Division of Mosquito CC~ntrol: (407) 468-1692 FAX 486-1565 · Division of Solid Waste: (407) 468-t768 FAX 489-6987 Division of Property Acquisition: (407) 468-1707 FAX 467-2362 · TDD (407) 468-1428 MEMORANDUM 93-324 TO: FROM: DATE: Property Acquisition Director County Surveyor ~~~/~ -~ June 18, 1993 SUBJECT: Review .Sketch and Legal Description' R/W Dedication St. Lucie Oaks .Site Plan I have revieWed the above mentioned Sketch of Legal Description. The following items should be address'ed by C..-Calvert Montgomery and Associates: 1.) The Bearing Base should be stated,(Chapter 21hh-6.003 paragraph 4). 2.) The Sketch of Legal, shOuld, also include a Surveyor's Certification stating that the Sketch of Legal Description meets .the requirements of Chapter 21hh-6, Minimum Technical Standards. 3.) The.pages should be numbered. c-c: Public Works Administrator Director of Engineering Land DeVelopment Manager File DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Steve Fousek, Urban Forester Luis N. Serna, Planner ~~ JUly 21, 1993 Transmittal of the Site Plan for St. LuCie Oaks - Final PUD (Planned Unit DeVelopment). Attached you ~ ~d. a copy-of the-revised ~site plan for the development to be know as St. iLucie Oaks. If you.have any comments on this-project, please return them to this office by TuesdaY, July.27, 1993. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 468-1576. To.' From~ Date: Subject: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION MEMO RAN.D UM Development Review Committee Luis m. Serna, Planner II July i3, 1993 St. Lucie Oaks Final PUD Comments: The building ~spacing formula and calculations indicated on the Final Development Plan are incorrect. In accOrdance with Section 7.04.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the correct formula for the minimum distance between buildings 'is [Length^ + Lengtha + 2 (Heighta + Heighta )] / 4. 2.) The' Final Developmem-.Plan incorrectly indicates that 74 parking spaces, for uses .°ther than residential, will'be provided. This typographical error should be corrected to indicate that 24 parking spaces for the project accessory uses will be provided. H:\WP\MEMOS\SLOAKS2.MEM (LNS) DIVISION OF MEMORAN 93-324 TO: Property Acquisition Director FROM: DATE: County Surveyor~~ June 18, t993 SUBJECT: Review Sk tch and Legal DescriPtion R/W-Dedic tion St. Lucie Oaks Site Plan I haw=. reviewed the above mentioned S.ketch of The following items should be addressed by C. and Associates: Legal. Description. Calvert Montgomery 2.) 3.) The Bearing Bas9 shOuld be stated,(Chapter 21hh-6.003 paragraph 4). L The Sketch of ~gal, should also include a Surveyor's Certification s !ating that' the Sketch of Legal Description mee~S the requirements of Chapter 21hh-6, Minimum Technical Standards. The pages shoul be numbered. cc:. Public WOrks _D~.~ect/or of Eng ~and Deveiopmen' File strator ering Manager ._T U L -- .1 -- 9 3 T H U ~ 1~..~'3. ~ "2 £1 C . C . r'l 0 N T C; 0 r-1 E R '~-, FLORIDA '-- I,AWTON CIIII,I~,~- F' . £~2 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 340~0 West Oomme'~¢i~ Boulevard Lauderdale, Flo=i '33309-342l Telephone (305) 7-6383 June 14, 1993 Mr. 0. ¢.alvert Montsomery ¢. Calvert Mon~'gome~7 :& Asso¢.iate~ P-.O. Box 9'2 Stuart, Florida 34995 .$ub~ect-: C°nce~cUa!-Review Number: C94020-315.8-910 Pe~mittee: St., l, ucie Oaks State Road 5 ~rojeo't. entrance to MeDonald'~ Dear Mr, M.ontgomety: Your request t;o extend the "Concep.tual Concut.tence" for ~:he above re~e~enced projece has been ~e!viewed with the ~ollowlng results, EXtended for 6-mont.hs from t:he date of ezp~ ation exp ~atlon dace is October 25, 1993. I~ you have any questions, Please do not hcs£~ate to call this office at the number provided above. Di~t, rict Tr'~~cSe~vlces Eng£nee~ R S / m v b W i 11 i a m 'L e w i s Vinc~ NobOa FLORIDA --- LAWTON CHILES GOVERNOR .. OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC OPERATIONS - DISTRICT 4 BENG. WATTS 3400 West Commercial Boulevard SECRETARY.., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 3~3309 Telephone .(305) 486-1400 June 9, 1993 Mr. C. Calvert Montgomery, P.E. C. Calvert Montgomery and Associates, P.O. Box 92 Stuart, Florida 3499!5 IHt . Dear Mr. Montgomery: Subject' State Section 94010 State Roadi 5 (US H~§hway 1) at. Entrance tic St. Lucie Oaks PUD/Vista · St. Lucie Condominium development CitM of POrt St. Lucie REQUEST F01.R.. TRAFFIC ~SIONAL This is in response to your letter of May 24, '1993 requesting the Department advise as to whether a traffic signal would be approved at the subject intersec-tion. The Department will not approve installation of traffic signal control at this int~ rsection until so warranted under actual traffic volumes and Lucie Oaks PUD is n( do not warrant sign recent interse'ction signalization is cu Unless a traffic si the Department' will signal at thi.s time or accident pattern. At this time the St. t complete and intersection traffic v'olumes lization. The Department will re'search accident data to determine whether rently warranted from an accident standpoint. hal is warranted on the basis .of accidents, not authorize installation of a traffic. Please be advised t at if traffic signal control becomes warranted in the fu ure, the 'Department will aut.horize its ins-tallation throug the Depart. ment's permit process. The St. Lucie-Oaks PUD deve oper would be _'the permittee and would be. responsible for all signal design and construction activities and costs. .The Depar activities or costs · to include p~ovisio southbound left-tu westbound inters, eot not clear from the Department would approach. Provis turn movement would nt-will not participate in any such . The design of the traffic signal would need. · of adequate, channelized storage for the movement as well as 2 separate lanes on the n approach (these may exist now but this is · sheet's YOU have-prOvided). The require 2<'aeparate.ianes on. he eastbound - of'adequate 'storage for the rthbound left- lsO be required. Mr. Montgomery June 9, 1993 Page Two . In light of the Gounty take act Lucie Oaks PUD potential traf ~all necessary If you. have an~ telephone numbE cc: ic d~ o~ rq equirements, I would recommend that St. Lucie s necessary to obtain a bond from the St. o'per in an amount adequate to cover all gnal design and construction costs including y modifications. stions, please contact me at the above Sincerely, Assistant District Traffic Operations Engineer Raj ShanmUgam File DEP~TMENT .OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION MEMO RAND UM To; From: DeVelopment Review Committee Douglas Coward, Environmental Planner Date: June 4, 1993 Subject: St. Lucie Oaks After receiving comments from the developer~ stating the tree survey (for. 12" DBH oaks and greater) was an unnecesSary eXPense, I decided to survey the' project with David Kelly to formulate a firSt hand opinion Of the specific vegetative characteristics on-site. The property has pine (over 18" DBH), melaleuca stands:, and °f native and non-native habitats, inclUding numerous large slash saw palmetto understory, scattered brazilian pepper, importantly, at least a half-a-dozen large oaks (over 18" DBH). I Is these, large oak trees~ :, ,that. I feel the developer should. ~nventory and Incorporate· into the design and final' plan. At this time, it appears that these oaks are located in the propOSed lake, in the tenni~ court, and in the adjacent parking l°t (reference aerial and transParency). Recommendation: I strongly recommend that the larger oak trees .(i.e., 18" DBH and greater) be inventoried and preSerVed On site- desPite, the 'requisite redesign and de!ay of the project. ' -~ DC\wp5.1 A:sloaks.sp .It's worth noting that the developer previously stated that a tree inventory would be · [ ,~ ' completed as a pa~t of final PUD approval, and our request for an inventory of oak trees.oVer 12" DBH is less than required by the LDC, DEP MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM To: From: Date. Subject: Dennis J. MUrphy, Development Manager Tom PastOre, Engineering David P. Kelly, planner Doug Coward'. Planner Luis N. Serna, Planner ~ June 1, 1993 St. Lucie Oaks - Final PUD Attached is a copy of the resubmittal ~of the above referenced site plan project, return written comments to me by Friday, June 11, 1993. Please Please note that this resubmittal is not scheduled for full review by the Development Review COmmittee (DRc).· If yoi~ feel that a meeting of~the DRC with the applicant is necessary, please indicate. thi~ in yoUr'written cOmments, I Mll arrange for a meeting if several of you feel that it is necessary. If you ]have any questions, please contact me at 468-1576.. P. O'~.~Box 92 · ALVEI T CNT C EI Y ENGIN£ER$ PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE BUILDING STUART, FLORIDA 34995 May 24, 1993 Phone (407) 287-3636 IN . C. Calvert Montgomery, P.E. Arthur Speedy, B.S. -- R.L.S. Fred Jette Scott Montgomery, P.E. Mr. Da. vid Kelly- Panner Community Developme: .t Dept. St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, F1 34982-5652 Re- St. Lucie Oaks Final PUD/PNRD Dear Mir. Kelly: Regarding your 1 Plan rev~ r of May 17, 1992 ol the Final Development ond, by your item s, as follOws: 1. The nt apl there are apartment bUi shown on the of the Phasing .es are now calculations proposed .ally the same as that .opment Plan. However, final floor plans of the than the building envelope due to enlargement the SFWMD. The 2. The calculations for compli i ~e with requ* are s,hown on the Final Developm~ i ~ Plan. - - The developmen~i schedule ~s now.shown. d side of the " itects Plan (attached). L.~' T]~e Owner is n¢~ intending to clear the site at this time, and will submit a vegetation removal permit application in accordance wit~ slash pine, sak diameter. It of those oak t~ of the oak tre( still maintain 6. The Owner is as R/W conveyance your requirements. The site is covered with ~1 palms, and numerous oak trees over 12" in 11 take an expensive survey to tie down all ~es. The Owner does intend to save as many ~, and other trees, as he possibly can and 5he basic layout. ~embling this information for the additional tnd will submit it when completed. MEMBER OF: American Society of Civil Engineers -- American Concrete Institute'-- Florida Engineering Society -- Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors Florida Planning and Zoning Association David Kelly May 27, 1993 Page 2 7. The street name (Brazilian Circle) was .red with the county prior to the approval of the Prel Development P lan. ~~/ The status of the gopher tortoise relocat ,n plan is explained in the attached letter from Blythe, project e. nv i ronment a 1 i st. Protection of the wetlands is covered in the attached report from Wayne Blythe. 10. The driveway connection permit from the IT cannot be granted until the County has approved the inal Development Plan. That permit would have a terminat 90 days from the date of granting, and the Owner is not ared to accomplish the connection at this time. We had acquired a conceptual approval the FDOT for the Preliminary Development Plan approval, had extended it for an addition year, which expired last .nth. Only a one year extension is alloWed. A copy of our letter to the FDOT request approval is attached. We will forward received. a new conceptual when it is 11. A copy of our letter to the FDOT requestin,~ consideration of a traffic signal is attached~. In order to,make application for a signal, there are 11 "warrants" which would have to be met. The FDOT has advised that the criteria for "warranting a signal probably cannot be it for very basic reasons. They have suggested that we t a map of the area with a request for a determination, to whether there 12. of the Plan at this time. 13. The sign has not yet been designed. As design has been completed, it will be approval. 14. The Owner understands that future const commercial sites will require submitted sites and an application for approval. ,n as the final .tted for ion on the ns for those David Kelly May 27, 1'993 Page 3 15. At this time, Owner intends for each to have a trash/garbage that will be taken to ide On collection , just as is now being in his other apartment deve opments. H~wever, he is ing into other alternatives a will submit a plan for a' roval when the method is sele ted. 16. The bridge is shown, but noted as optional at discretion of owner. Sincere ly, C. CALVERT MONTGOMERY ASSOCIATES, INC. C. Calvert Montgomery, . E. Enclosures · Revised DeveloPment Plans and Landscape Architects Plans. cc: Frank Speciale BLYTHE ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 5782 SE HULL STREET STUART, FLORIDA 34997 407-287-0549 May !9, 1993 Mr. Luis Serna Saint Lucie County Planning 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 RE: SAINT LUCIE OAKS PUD/PNRD RESPONSE TO COMMENTS DATED MAY 17t 1993 Dear Mr. Serna: I have been in contact with Mr. Doug Coward of your office regarding the~ most recent set of comments regarding this project particularly items 8 and 9. ITEM 8. The Florida Game and Fresh Wa r~ Fish Commission (FG&FWFC) has notified me on past projects well as this one that they do not wish to review permit a lications until all agency approvals have been received (FG&FWFC ant to be the last permit obtained).~ Their permit revi~e'w time n previous projects has been in the 3 to 4 week range Part of heir conditions are that clearing occur IMMEDIATELY following re tion and permits. are valid for 60 to 90 days. With these criteria in mind, application to this agency is premature until just prior to final construc ~°n plan approval. we are aware of the occurrence of tortoise~on this parcel and our obligation to relocate this protected spe les. We also feel that surveying 3 and 4 times for tortoises ~~ disruptive to the species and its environment, unneeded byt~e FG&FWFC at this timer and an unnecessary expense when it w 1 need to be redone for submittals'to the agency most directlyi-involved.~ We will however~ provide you with updated information as it becomes available' ITEM 9. The condition of the on-site wet~ and has not been an issue since this projects beginning. Pas i and present South Florida Water Management District and ~nty employees have visited the site and authorized our pursui of destruction and ¢ - mitigation in ~onjunction with the crea ~on of the on-site stormWat'er management- system. Work on the mitigation plan is nearing com~l~etion and required for our next submittal to Saint Lucie C°unty ~ ndl~ the SFWMD.' When it is completed copies will be forwarded to ~ch~ agency for their review and comment. SAINT LUCIE OAKS PUD/PNRD RESPONSE TO COMMENTS DATED MAY 17~ 1993 MAY 19~ 1993 PAGE TWO Should you have any additional questions or comments regarding the environmental conditions or package submilttals for this site please let me kno~. Sincerely~ Wayne P. Blythe President SAINT LUCIE OAKS WETLAND MITIGATION AND LAKE MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT PLAN Prepared for Saint Lucie Board of County CommisSioners and South Florida Water Management District Pre pared by Blythe Environmental~, Inc. 5782 SE Hull Stre~et Stuart~ Florida 34997 407-287-0549 May 15~ 1993 SAINT LUCIE OAKS MITIGATED WETLAND AND LAKE MONITORING General The 1 01 acre wetland present at the Saint L~cie Oaks Development will be excavated and incorporated into the ~.06 acre stormwater management system lake. This is in accordance with agreements ent' ~ 'yes and the South Florida Water Management District staff du g project review. In order to compensate for the loss of the~_~pe of wetland that existed on-site, an extended wetland littoral shelf will be created and planted according to the apprdVed~ development plan (See Exhibit 1). Monitoring of environmental ecology. the wetland lake system ~ill be conducted by an professional with experience in na~tural systems The monitoring report shall incl~ude the f survival rates of planted species (minimum percent coverage by desireable planted and species type and percent coverage of -nui 10%), species type and percent coverage b species (maximum 0%), wildlife obser recommendations~ and panoramic photos of we~ will 'be submitted on an annual basis for a m The report shall be submitted to the owner state and local agencies for review. ~lowing information: ~%), occurrence and ~onplanted species, ~ce species (minimum exotic undesirable ~tions, management ~and area. Reports ~imum of five years. and all applicable MITIGATED WETLAND AND LAKE MAINTENANCE The Wetland lake-system are part of the overall.surface water management .system. for the entire develoPmentthe A proper functioning .system .~will be dependent U.~on perpetual maintenance including, all engineering str~'ctures, conveyance swales and pipes and planted wetland areas b~ the owners of this develop~'~nt. SAINT LUCIE OAKS MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE MAY 15, 11993 PAGE TWO PLAN Maintenance of supervision of wetland ecosystem elevations and the species. Removal planted wetland areas will environmental profession management to identify establishment of desirea of undesirable exotics species will be done through hand pulli herbicidal treatments. Types of herbici~des to those approved for use in an aquatic en only to the targeted species. All manufact directions will be strictly followed to margin of safety to the natural environment. be under the direct ~1 knowledgeable 'in changes in water le and undesirable ~nd native nuisance ~g and or limited ~ed will be limited .ronment and applied ~er's guidelines and ~ovide the greatest Management activit~ies shall the monitoring report. Every carry out the re~'ommendations occur within 90 ~ays of submittal of reasonable effort shall be made to found within th report. PROPOSED WORK SCHEDULE CLEARING OF WETLAND LAKE AREA EXCAVATION OF WETLAND LAKE GRADING TO PROPER ELEVATION AREA PLANT INSTALLATION MONITORING AND MONITORING ~MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE 1994 1995 FEB FEB APR APR 1996 FEB APR 1997 FEB APR 1998 FEB APR ENGINEERIN~ MEMORAND~ NO · 93-263 TO: Development Review Committee FROM: County Surveyor DATE: May 18, 1993 SUBJECT: Review F:inal Development Plans for St. Lucie Oaks I have reviewed the above mentioned Plan. There are a number of questions I have concerning this Project. 1. Are the r adways to be dedzcated to St. Lucze County ? 2. How will utlllty easements be handled . Will the developer be responSible ~ ~ ' ' for all water and sewer lznes ~nside the project 'boundaries ? 3. Who will be responsible for the maintenance of the drainage facilities ? Will the County obtain easements over the drainage areas ? 4. How will the d ication of the additional road right of way along U.S. 1 'be ha ? 5. If legal descri ,tions are to be prepared for all easements and road right of ways it should be required that they~be prepared by a Fl°rida LiCenSed Surveyor. A sketch of the legal description should.~be attached and recorded as part of the exhibit. 6:. Does the 30' f A.T.& T. easement still encumber the property 7. Is there a eas -for the proposed 6" water main which runs between lots 25 & 6 of River Park Unit 2 ? cc: Director of E~gineering DirectOr of Planning ' Land Developm~nt Manager ~Luis Serna (Planner) File DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP~NT PLANNING DIVISION M.EMORANDUM To: F~om: Date: Subject: Luis 'Serna, Planner II Douglas May 17, 1993 Environmental Planner II .St. Lucie Oaks - (Final PUD Submittal: April 23, 1993) 1) 2) 3) Wetlands: As noted .in the correspondence letter to the applicant (April 1'6, 1991) firom the Planning DMsion, the "..'.final PUD plans'must include compiete details on how' and where the new wetland community will be established. Despite reference a "' e" ' . to .lak httoraI zone and mitigation plan" on Sheet 15 of 18, this information is not available for review at this time. 'IYee SurVeY: As noted in the site development plan submission application / check list (January 7, 1991)' the applicant shah. Submit a tree .survey prior to final pUD -approval.'' At thi!.l!,time, n~ Vegetation. removal permit appSea6on, tree sUrVey, Photo~aphs, Or ae~als have been submitted for review. I am particularly concerned about oak trees arid scrubby flatWo°dS habitat. ' (;~opher T0rtmses: ~ noted m the correspondence letter to the applicant (April 16, 1991) from the plannmg Division, "a complete on's!te ~relocation plan" shall be submitted '.'in with final plan submissions". At this time no information concerning.this has been submitted nor has any correspondence with submitted to the County for review. tile DC~wpS.1 A:~BLOAKPUD.fin DEP~TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING' DIVISION MEMORAN'DUM To: From: Date: Subject: Comments: Development' Review Committee Luis .N. Serna, Planner II May 12, 1993 St. Lucie Oaks Final PUD 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) s.) 6.) In accordance with Section 11.02.10(B)(2) of the Land Development Code, the applicant must provide a statement indicating whether or not any changes have been made .in. documents, plans, or other data from the preliminary PUD approval. The final site plan appears t° haVe slightly different building locations than those indicated on .the preliminary.site plan. The preliminary plan also indicates phasing boundaries ~which are not indicated on the' final plan. In accordance with Section 11.02.10(B)(4)(c), the applicant muSt show building setbacks and 'heights, and must-demonstrate compliance with all minimum bUilding ..setbacks as established in Section .7.04.03. The applicant must also include building setbacks for all non-residential buildings on the site. lin accordance with Section 11.02,10(B)(6), conceptual design drawings of all multi, family and non-residential buildings mUst be must be provided. In accordance with this section, typical' floor plans for the multi-family units must alSo be provided. In accordance with Section 11.02.10(B)(9), the applicant must provide a final development schedule for this project. lin accordance with Section 7.09.04(B), a hedge or other durable-landscape buffer must be provided along the east side of the project's entry road. In accordance with Section 11.05.06(A), a vegetation removal permit application must be submitted with this final PUD application. The vegetation inventory associated .r May 1,~, 1993 page 2 Subject: St. Lucie Oaks PUD 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12,) 13.) 14.) with labeled on the In accordance approval to this final feet of property In .accordance approval cannot from the Flo: relocation plato In accordance plan. approval, site wetlands Comprehensive In accordance ,granted until a should indicate In accordance wit! :from FDOT the si 'U.S.'l, The ii iDetail signage pl! iResolution 91'132 for the project. 'shOuld identify what vegetation is within the areas which are as "existing native vegetation." condition #2 of Resolution 91-132, ,which granted preliminary ject, the apPlicant must, in conjunction with the 'submission of pmem applications, begin the process for the conveyance of 24 futUre S°hth U.S. 1 right-of-Way needs. . condition #5 of Resolution 91-1 for this project until the deve and Freshwater Fish applicant should' indicate the st final development plan has obtained approval of a~ gopher tortoise of this approval. condition #6 of Resolution 91-132, prior to final development Leveloper shall provide a detailed pla~ for the protection of on- is consistent with the vohcles and standards of the and SectiOn 6.02.03 of the Land- "Development Code. condition #8 of Resolution 91-132, no final approvals shall be eway permit has been obtained 'frgm FDOT. The applicant of this approval. #12 of Resolution 91-132, Xhe developer shall request of the intersection of the l~roject entrance with South indicate the status of this i:equest. . have not been provided as required in Condition #10 of d identify the location of all proposed trash .receptacles. ect's retention .area is indicated on the preliminary site plan Capi~ i~ plans, but is not indicated on any of`the other final is going tO be 'prOVided, it should be indicated on all final plans ST...~LUCI. E~COUNTY UTILITY .SERVICES DEPARTMENT T~ECHN I CAL S ERV I C ES iNTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Luis Serna, SLC Community Development Kon Jo'hnson~ Staff 8pecialist/SLCUSD Ma7 6, 1993 SUBJECT: St_. Pl.an St. Lucie Airways. Site Plan Bernard Powell/Entrada Professional . Office 1. No. ~e~ceP~ion, existing Utility Agre.ement. · 2. N© exception, serVed by FPUA. 3. Existing water line on Camino Street. Sewer to septic tank. FILE COPY St. Lucie County BUILDING DEPARTMENT City of Ft. Pierce RECEIPT N° 6t6-65 City of Port St. Lucie St, Lucie Village FORT PiE RCE, FLORIDA ~.~~/~,~ 19 ~. ACCOUNT NUMBER /. ~/o White '- Customer REC'D BY Canary - Finance TOTAL AMT. REC D $ P~- ~e Copy (_.~ ' /, -- FILE COPY B UILDING DEPARTMENT .. RECEIPT N° 61 9-5 5 St. Lucie County City of Ft, Pierce City of Port St. Lucie SI Lucie Village ~ !' ~CCOUNT NUMBER White., Customer Canary - Finance TOTAL AMT. REC'D~ $,. .. AMOUNT :LUCiE" OAKs :BOx :I33 .. FL 34995 ~P^¥To~HE' St'~~o~ EuCie COunty , Three .Hundr"~d. & no/100 .... · : , fee "ADril 2~ ~93. .. 63.8711/2670 ' , , D 0 L L A R S , , . · ~0~I, 5 P::, .... · '-'~ BUILOING DEPARTMENT FILE COPY RECEIPT N° 6 19 5 5 St. Lucie County t. Lucie ~. LuCie Village ER 19 ~'''''~ / / ACCOUNT NUMBER -[-'- AMOUNT REC'D BY ,,, White - Customer Canary- F'mance TOTAL AMT. RE Pink- File .Copy ~~ ._~'-'~ P. O. Box 92 :ALVEI T Luis Serna Department Room 201 2300 Virginia AVenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Phone (407) 287-3636 IN( . ENGINEERS PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE BUILDING ![~ !~;;': ..... ; ~ ............ ~ ...... ~,. ?~ :Calvert Montgomery P E I ,~-~ i~ ;' i Arthur Speedy, B.S. -- R.L.S. : !~!~! -' ; ~ ~ ~FredJette ' ' ' May 3, 1993 [.:'~,:.~} ~/~ ~ ~,:''~'~ - Scott Montgomery, B.C.E. [ .......................................................... Ma~y Tilton of Community Development Re: St. Lucie Oaks Dear Luis: Attached .is?..the Certificate of Capacity,: the cheCk:?'i:~..ii~,n .the?amOunt of $400.00.~./i.iliili:~'~' Application along, with As per our following: Development ApPr Site Plan Traffic Re , not include the .lesion does on . COmmitment er from the Ut~ilitv ' ..... . _~ All but the Commitm~.nt Letter are;?'already in ...... Y°ur.~ ";'s'( ion, and the Agreementr with St. Lucie county utilities is ~i 2nc ent to you by Ken Johnson Of that Depa~tment. He said he wOuid mail it to you tOday. Please call if there is anything else that you need. Regards, C. CALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, C. Calvert Montgomery INC. CCM. 119: dlb Encl. cc: Frank Speciale, Trustee MEMBER OF: American Society of Civil Engineers -- American Concrete Institute'-- Florida Engineering Society -- Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors Florida Planning and Zoning Association · ST' LUClE COUNTY UTILITY S'ERVICES DEPARTMEN TECHNI C'AL S'ERVI CES. INTE'ROFFI CE'. MEM~O. RANDUM TO: FROM: ,DATE: Luis Serna, .S.LC CommUnity DevelOpment. Ken Johnson Staff Specialist/SLCUSD May. 3, 1993 SUBJECT: St. Lucie Oaks Utility Developer Agreement Cal Montgomery, P.E.,-ask if I would forward to you a copy of the Utility Agreement for the above. ~)LL;/ L, UI¥11¥1 "Lir' VS, L:UI-' i,1~_1~ I ~ th~ P~r ~tl~tlvo ~~1~ have ~ p~p~ for s~iaalon. ~ho a~.a~lO~ of ~1 {! ~rl2,,,~~_~. . . I~ ' . II !! ~ ~i~ , . . . .. ,, , , S:LE/EOM'.t,'I'DE',,'ELOF'MENT_ _ . ....... ~EL '407-4E,°o 17.:.',-"~ ......... Ap.C. z~:.~ 93 9 ~q No 001 P 05 ,., . -- .,) .~ ......... r , .. · ruler to so~t£on 5.01.02 (C) County Land D~¥elopmo~t Codo you shown or provided the following roquired information= 'CODY of the ~ite plan application or copy of the building ~zmit appli, catiou CODy of the oo~ittme~t letter or coatract ~ ~ ~ 'with the utll, ie.y company ' copy' o£ tho Trauapor~ation Impact Report N/A If yo~ hay. answered ~_q to any item above please o~la£n why in tho space b~low~ ' SLC./'COHH DEVELOPHENT TE' ':407-468-17.~:,= - 10'00 No.O01 P.04 CEaTXF;[~T~, 01~ ~ACIT~ ~PL~CATION .~=, ___~ST. LUCIE OAKS . .~d~-~, No,t A'pp .............. - See a ~...~ ~~~ RAW' ACREAGE ,~~COMM. ~ ~ ~~~y~ ~'-~ ..... ~ ......... 993 1994 S'J'te. I'mp only unknown 99~ unknown - ~'*- =-~. ~ .... ' ' '' S ~ ' ' .~ o~ ~ltt~ ~,~y,_ ......... .~.t,_ L:uc i.e. Coun.. ~.y,t, O~,t i ) i t J es "*'"'*"*'*'*'------*--------........... 10'01 No.O01 P.05 subn~~o~ of thia application ~~ ~ot o .' o~ C~pa~tty.. ...~I ~ro-r~"ee~ . -~~,'-~nc~-~"~ .......... c mu~°t~"t° the grantiu9. of. a ce~tfi~ta a~r~S.[ P..t~~ko~_ t,_. o '.. ~~~.~: ~' when ''? ' '" da---~~dditi°uaX" ......... ' '~fo~tton"~ ~,~~o~a. _ ., or,or' ~th~n' LUciathatCounty~,~.~ ~__,r°~Or~°~., ..... th~ (please print FRANK 'SPECIALE, TRUSTEE _"?"~ . ,.--~.,~,..,..~..~ · . P.O. BOX 183~ ~.-a-~ ~d~.~ :--~ ..... . ..... STUART' (407) 283~7755 FL 3499'5 State Zip (Pleauo. Print ) th~..prO ~ Y_'~ner of..reco~ ' . ~ to w~~out the ~t s . ..... d ~ch shall'o . . ~at~e of uuderl.,,~_~ ~. ......... ~lioat~u ~o~ ~~ific_~'~ _~ ~ ~ ~c~owl~dg~nt of the . FRANK SPECIA[.~, TRUSTEE l, ro~~y ~ar, S N~ ' 4 ST. CIE OAKS BOX 133 34995 8-91 April 28 39 9~ 157 63-8711/2670 -DOLLARS O0~qh~?,..0~57 -i *. .: P. O. ~Box 92 E N.~IN E E RS PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE =BUILDING STUART. FLORIDA 34995 April 23, 1993 Phone-(407) 287-3636 IN . C. Calvert Montgomery, P.E. Arthur Speedy, B..S.- R.L.S. Fred Jette S cot'[-Mont gomery, B.C,E. Mary Tilton DenniS Murphy Land Development 'er St. Lucie County P nning Department 2.300 Wirginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Re: St. Lucie Oaks - Final Development '.Plan Approval Dear Mr. Murphy: ........ are ten copies o.f-'.the Final Development (P.U.D' with ten sets ign DraWings, and a check f 300'. licatio final approval 'fOr this We omitted sheets '=~ ...... stations,' sewer manholes, sewer .ls since they add to the bulk of the packa t,he County-Utilities has approved ~the i the . been obtained 'We understand that . Filipe haS?~alre~dy~iii~d-ei~i've~'d ..... S-6me landscaping pl.ans. , ~;;-' . Please call if you have questions, and we will respond promptly. Sincere ly, C. CALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC. C. CalVert Montgomery, P.E. CCM. 11'8 · dlb Attachments cc- Frank Speciale, Trustee E ER OF: American Society of Civil Engineers -- American Concrete Institute.-- Florida Engineering Society -- Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors Florida Planning and Zoning Association 4 5 6 7 8 9 !0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . 28' ~ ."~2 9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 '37 39 40 42 43 44 45 ~46 47 49 50 51 SI. AS ~ci¢ C'0unt:.. '. o[ (;irc:~it C . Dcpu.ty Clerk 1122788 ~SOLU~ON NO. 91-132 ':'"' ...... ;:FILE NO. RZ-91-009 A · RESOLUTION ' GRANTING PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT P~ APPROVAL FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS ST. LUCIE OAKS - A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ~{EREAS, the .Board of County Commissioners of-' St. Lucie County', Florida, has .made the following determinations: 1. Frank Speciale has presented a petition for a change in' zoning' from RM-5' (ReSidential, Multiple-Family - 5 du/ac) to PUD (Planned Unit Deve!.opment) and from CG (Commercial, General) to PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) 2' On May 23, 1991., the .St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission 'held a public hearing of which due public notice was published in' the Ft. :PierCe News TribUne and mailed t~o all property owners' within 500 f~et~ at least 15 days prior to the. hear'~ng,~ recommended to this Board that the requested change in zoning be approVed.' - 3. Thi.s Boated held a public hearing on June 25, 1991, 'of which due public .nOtice was published in the Ft. Pierce News Tribune on 'June 5, 1.991' · and mailed' notice was sent to all property · owners, within -'500~ feet.- -..-. .. ...... ... '~- · 4.. The prop( sed project is consistent with 'the Goals., Objectives, Policies, and Standards of the St. LUcie County Compre]hensive Plan, .'~ and the St. Luci e County Land De%elopment .Code, if su'bject to the c.~.nditions as outlined in Section A below. -- ~ed project will ' not have an undue adverse prop.erty, the character of the neighborhood, utility facilities, or other matters affecting safety, .and general welfare, if subject to the ed in Section A' betow. . . 6~ The proposed project will be character of existing land us es in the area. cons is tent wi'th the project will not interfere wi th neighboring property, if subject to in Section A below. the the N~W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .by the Board of County Commissioners o.t- the St. Lucie CoUnty, Fl. orida: 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26~ Section,~11-102, 05~ ~of 'the St' Lucie'' ~County Land , preliminaryI DevelOpment pian approval for .the~ Lucie oaks: - a Pl~anned Development is hereby f Oli owl ng condi ti one: 1. ) Prior to the: issuance of any Final Planned Development approvals f°r' the, property described irt the Resolution, no land clearing,, site.alteration, ..or other site modification shall be peat.ted. 2.) ].in c~.onjunction wi th the s~mission of any Final. Planned uevelopment~ :application, the Petitioner-shall convey to St. FuCie County ~Wenty-fou~ ~(24' ) feet of property provi~ng for the ~timate ~ignt-°f-way needs of Sou~h U.s.I. ~ 3. ) The developer shall provide water line connections for this ~roject to the existing water mains along Coconut Avenue and ~[o__u_t?~_?~$._ 15. or ,to suitable alternative connections c uc~puan±e Eo St'. Lucie County Utilities. Ail construction shall be to S~ Lucie County Standards. . . 4. ) :he .developer cons truction. 0 but not limii stations prior 2 7 for -" this proj 29 30 1 33 3.5 3 6 3.9 40 41 46 4'7 48 ~49 5O 51 5:2 s.hall be required to provide for the necessary f all wastewater disposal facilities including ed to gravity lines, force mains, and ~ lift 'to the issuance of any Certificate of OccUPancy eot. Prior to the.:.granting, of any .... Final ,Provals,..~+~.. an.~'~.-.~executed. ' DAvelopers...~ .... Agreement, identifying' h, ~w - those facilities are to be provided, is re. red .... ) .~[o Fm.~n~.. ~eve~~me_nt plans ...for any portion of the-property a~.scr~ne~ in ~Xn!bi'~t A may-be approved-.until the developer.has o,n=~ne~ apprOVal...from ~e Florida Game and Fre C___~.__, ~_ . . i . .. shwater F~sh .u~.ss~on oI '~ o her tort is u--L _ ." g P 7 ' o. e-relocate, on plan for the area · nder appllca~%o~ . The on s~te relocation of gopher to--claes Sh~l-be co~iaered whenever practical. ~) ~rio~.toa~Y.F~aldevel~pmentapprov~s, the developer shall prov~e a det~led plan for the ~rotec~ion - .'. co~.-*~-* ,~- ~_ ~ ~.. =. of on site wetlands ~ ~ · : ~ ' . ~ ~~ o~~on cU. U2. 03 o.f .the Land ueveiopment Co~e. . 7.) All project access points shall meet minimum St. nucie County aeSign Standard_S, a~ described'.$ection 7.05. 02 and 7. 05. 06 of the ~t. LuCie ~oUnty Land ~DeveloPment Code. ~ · NO Fmnal DeVelQpment plans shall be app=oved until a drivewa' p~ermit' has be~n obtaine~ ~'-~- ~='_ '~ ~ .~ .... _ ' Y Tra~. portat~on.' ~ ~u,~ u,~e ~-mormoa Department of 7 8' ~0 I1 12 13 14 15 16: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24' 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 6 7 8 39~ .40 41 42 43 44 45 4,6 47 48 49 5O 5I 52 9,,)' access to ~t~s property shall be limited only. I0, ) In with the 's,ub~ssion of any Final Planned ' the 'developer shall provide__detailed 'size, location, and configuration of project 11. ) Buffer walls shall be erected along the south and west boundaries of the PUD portion of the property, if needed to control noise. · 12. ) The deVeloPer shall request signalization of the intersection of the 'project entrance with U.S. Highway 1, and. if warranted., the fleveloper shall pay for the installation of the signal. B. The property on which these preliminary approvals are being .grant~;d i~ a~scribed as fOllows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT C. The conditi.ons set forth in Section A are an integral and nonseverable part of .the Preliminary Development Plan approvals granted by this- resolution. I f any condition set forth in Section A .is determined to be invalid, or unenforceable, for any reason, the Preliminary ,Development.Pl~an approval granted by this resolution shall become null and void. · D. .If. the "developer has not obtained- a Final Development Pi-an approval-by June 25, '1992, for any portion' of 'the area identified in Soot±on B, .. pursuant., to Section 11. 02. 06, St. Lucie .County Band_ Development' Code, the preliminary devel°pment pian approval granted throu'g~ this resolution shall become null and void. E. Nothing in this resolution shall be, or is intended to be, c'onsid..ered as a certification of capacity for any portion of .this develolpment project' ~Consistent with the Provisions of Section 5. 01. 01. B. 3, St.' ~Lucie county Land Development Code, the applicant has submitted a Non-Concurrency Affidavit~ a copy of which is attached 'to this resolution. F. A copy of this ~resolution shall be attached to the site plan drawings described in Section A, which plan shall be placed on file with the St. Lucie County Community Development Administrator. t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 ! l 4 15 16 17 18 21 .22' 25 31 3 3 3 3 3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50. 51 52 After motion f ol 1 ows: and second, the vOte. on this Chairman Havert L. Fenn Vi ce.-Chairman Jack Krieger Commissioner Judy Culpepper Commissioner Jim Minix Commissioner R. Dale Trefelner resolution AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE ¸was as PASSED AND DUL~ ADOPTED this .25th day of June, 1991. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI SSI ONERS . ST. T.~CI~ COUNTY, FT,Ot~ · .. -.'.'C:~-~ ? ~ ' ~ ~ ' ;' ~";, = ~ -~"-~-T :?'.-:' ~ Z' ~' ~" E~'--'~ ~ 'z4~ ~ . ~~O~D ~S ~0 FO~ ' ~ ' Planned ~Uni't 'i Development: . . . Planned. Non-Residential iDevel opment: N, E. 1/4 of N.W. 1/4 of Section 22, Township 365, Range 40E; Less South .1'150 feet of the East 589. 46 feet, and iess the North 174. 1~ feet of the East 589. 46 feet, less the East 42 feet for right of way. North 174. 13 feet of the East 589' 46 feet of N.E. 1/4 of N.W. 1/4 of Section 2.2, Township 36S, Range 40E, less the East 42 feet for right of way. ~u.~.~- J. IH I 11991 NoN-coNCURRENCy AFFI DAVIT I~:' Frank Special. e,. . Trustee. do hereby affirm that in c°nneCt'i'°n~:with my: application for St. Lucie Oaks PUD preitntinary approval- i have elected not to request_ .or receive-~reservat±on of capaci'ty in public, fac±ii ti es for which a Concurrency Test .is required- I acknowledge that St. Lucie County can make no guarantee that adequate pul}iic facilities will be available when I apply for Final Planned Unit Development and Planned Non- Residential Development. I further acknowledge that according to Section S. 01, 01 'of the St. Luc±e County Land. Dev'~lopment Code, no Final Planned Development. approval can be granted unless capacity in those facilities is available at that time. ~ - . .. .. STATE OF FEORIDA... COUNT~/ OF ST. LUCIE S- Befo~e me. '. the un~e~si~ne~ auth°~it7 personally 'appeare~ - ~ -' : ' ~- ' -Who upon being ~~7 sworn, deposes and says Swo~h to and s~scribed before me t~s //~ of June ~ . day - 19.91. NOTARy PUBLIC. STATE OF 1122788 FLORI DA AT LARGE - - . My commission expires . ./~--/,~ · '91 ~1.5 P1:27 · · ,,-: -nI OOUul...~$ :: XON CitERY SI' L~'''':''' ": UL.~.'.'.. C,i',~UN ~ Y, .FL. DEP~TMENT OF PUBIC WORKS ACQUISITION DMSION MEMORA,ND-U,M 93-87 TO: FROM: Director .f Engineering ~4~evelo .t Review Committee P.roperty uisition Director(~ DATE: May 3, 1 3 SUBJECT: St. Luci Oaks ~- PUD S.U.S. . 1 In reviewing the mentioned PUD the following is indicated: 1. According to ion No. 91-132, Item A (2) recorded in Official Reco s Book 746, Page 2546, the following condition is indicated: ' :In conj-unc~io the submission of 'any Final Planned DevelOpment a iication, the petitioner shall convey to St' ~ L~cie Cc ty twenty-four (2~') feet of property providing ultimate right-of-way needs of South U. $. 1. . In c. omplying with this requirement, the following items are required: 1. ]Legal Descri' on and Sketch of Description of the proposed right-of-way be approved by the County Surveyor.. 2. commitment of le Insurance indicating the proposed insured as "ST. LUCIE , A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA". 3. Copy of prepa~ proposed documents as indicated on Schedule B-1 of the Ti Commitment. .4. Copy of all ptions as indicated on Schedule B-2 of the Title . Also, the Entrance named.. These roadS prior to acceptance and the road within the'development is not to .be named and reserved with our office Page 2 May 3, 1993 Subject: St. Lucie Oakes - PUD In reference to t proposed right-of-waydedication' ' for S. U.S. Hwy. 1, if in fact is property is eligible for Impact Fee Credit, document need be reviewed and approved by the Acquisition sion and Engi .ng .DiVision pursuant to the instructions of th~ Public Works inistrator. If yo'~ have any h,esit,lt-e to cont cc: :Public Works estions regarding this matter, please do not our office. Administrator PROJECT NAME _St. Lucie Oaks LOCATION S_,~. U,S. H~wy_ .. !, juSt.. N.~ of .RiOMar Drive Notice of 4/30./95_ Tax .ID#: RIGHT-OF-WAY i'ZONING AND SITE PLAN REVIEW REVIEW RECORD impending action received by Acquisition 3~ 2'2-211 r,O001-000 / 0 Division: Property Owner: Name: Frank SDecial.e.. Address: 1 l~l'i" ~ ~ ~ean Blvd. ~._oca Raton-~ ..... F,L 3~34 3 2 Phone: Applidant: Name: Addre s s: Phone: Agent: Name: Address: Phone: Engineering Firm: Name: C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates., Inc. Contact Person: C. Mon .t.. gomery Address: P. O. Box 93 Stuart, FL 34995 Phone: 407-287-3636 Calvert Action Taken: May 3, 199'3 - To Planning/DRc and. Engineering RIGHT - OF - WAY NEEDS DETERMINATION Date Roadway S. U,S, H~i' 1 .... Brief location d S, U,S, Hwy... !, jus~ N'~of RioMar Dr on East, Side_ (this section to b completed by ProPerty Acquisition Division) Reason for making termination: PUD Existing: Road R/W !20~'_ 'Drainage R/W Other Jurisdiction: Maintained by: County: City: State: XXX County: City: State: XXX Completed by: Be!znda V0Se Approved by ******************************************************************** (thms sectxon.to 'be complete by Engineering Division) Road (~lasssfscatson: Artersal: Urban Rural Collector: Urban RUral Local': Urban Rural Ultimate: Road R/W Drainage R/W Deficient:Road R/W Drainage R/W ' Is additional Righ~-of-Way needed: Yes Other Other No Amount of additional Right-of-Way Needed: Is this roadway identified on County Thoroughfare Plan? Yes No Is this roadway identified for. improVement ........ in the current five year~.roa'd-..pr.ogram?. Yes No ation .be eligible Yes No Preliminary Estimate of Credit: Nexus determined to exist: Dedication to be required by: Comp1 eted bY: Yes No Deed Plat Approved by: Road File s?_ ..... u.s. Subdivision File St. Luci~ <_~-e. Oaks P~ ProjeCt File DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Zoning Department ME M O,RA N D UM. TO: FROM: DATE Luis N. Serna, Planner Jan urso, zoning Supervisor April 30, 1993 SUBJECT: St. Lucie Oaks PUD- Final Dev. Plan In reviewing thef~. . re erenced project materials received, a plot plan of the project with specific location ~of structures including setback dimensi.ons~.~ building spacing, etc. was not included. I underlstand this was nOt received with the submittal, however is neces~sary for my r~View. Thank you. JU: sr FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU' DATE: [~ St. Lucia County Community Development Administrator [~ C~y of F~.P~erce Community Developmen~ Co:ord~nagor · [~ c~ o~ ~o~ s~. ~u~. ~~o~ o~ ~.~~ .~ zo~~ F~OM~ · SITE PI~,~: John K. Plans Official Site Plan approVed as submitted. Site Plan a proved with the followin~ recommendations. site Plan rejected The fOllOwins revisions are necessary DEP~TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Development Review Committee Luis N. Serna, Planner April 27, 1993 Transmittal of the Final Development Plan for St. Lucie Oaks PUD Attached you will find a copy of the Final Development Plans for St. Lucie Oaks PUD. The attached planS should be reviewed for consistenCy with the apProved preliminary site ph!ns, the development order which granted preliminary PUD approval for this project, and section 11.02. I0~A)(4~ of the Land Development Code. Please have all written review comments returned to this office by. Friday, May 7, 19.93. Please note. that this site plan will not be reviewed at the regular Friday Development Review 'Committee meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me at Extension 1576. P. O. Box 92 · ALVEI T A$$C IATE$, ENGINEERS PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE BUILDING STUART, FLORIDA 34995 April 23, 1993 Phone (407) 287-3636 IN . C. Calvert Montgomery, P.E. Arthur Speedy, B.S.- R.L.s. Fred Jette Scott*-Montgomery, B.C. Ei Mary Tilton Dennis Murphy Land Development Manager St. Lucie County planning Department 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Re: St. Lucie Oaks - Final DeVelopment Plan Approval Dear Mr. Murphy- Transmitted~. herewit] (P. O.D. check f development We omitted sheets manhol, es, sewer pla: bulk of the packa. has approved the We underStand that landscaping plans. with ten set io are ten copies of::~ii~the Final Development ign Drawings, and a final approval for this and the Filipe ha $'~i Please call if you have questiohs, ing stations, sewer ails since they add to the ~he County Utilities been obtained some and we will respond promptly. Sincerely, Ce cALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, Calvert Montgomery, P.E. INC. CCM. 118: dlb Attach. ments cc: Frank Speciale, Trustee MEMBER OF: American Society of Civil Engineers -- American Concrete Institute-- Florida Engineering Society -- Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors Florida Planning and Zoning Association FlOrida Department of E ironmental Begulation Southeast. District 'P,O. Box 15425 West Palm Beach, Florida 334'16 Lawton Chiles, Govcmor 1900 S. Congress Ave., Suite A Telephone: 407/433-2650 Fax: 407/433-2666 Vkginia B. Wcthcrcll, Secretary NOTICE OF PERMIT CERTIFIED MAIL RETU~ RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Frank Special&, Trustee St. Lucie Oaks P.O. Box 1833 Stuart, Florida 3.4995 Dear Mr. Speciale: St. Lucie County DW - St. Lucie Oaks 'Development "Dryline" Wastewater Collection System Enclosed is Permit Number CS 56-220734, to construct a "dryline" wastewater collection system issued pursuant to Section(s) 403.087, Florida statutes. Any party to this Order (permit) has the right to seek judicial review of the permit pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, by the filing of a Notice of Appeal pursuant to Rule 9.110, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, with the Clerk of the Department. in the; Office' of General Counsel, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400; and by filing a copy of the Notice of ApPeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate District Court of Appeal. The Notice of Appeal must. be filed within 30 days from the date this Notice is filed with the Clerk of the Department. .., If you have any questions please contact Terri Hilliard of this ~)ffice, telephone number (407) 433-2650. Executed. in West Palm Beach, Florida. · . STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION Mar~ E.~] Wil~iian~ --- ..... Director'~f District Management P.O, Box, 15425 1900 South Congress Avenue, Suite A · West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Telephone (407) 433-2650 sLoaks/tmh Copies furnished to: Loft Handelsman, OGC/Tall',xhassee C. Calvert Montgomery, P.E., C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc. Domestic Wastewater, COmpliance/EnfOrcement DER/PSL St. Lucie County Public .Health Unit Tegy virta, St. Lucie County.DevelOpment Director CERTIHCATE OF SERVIC~ ,~e~s., This ~ ~ cc~ ~at ~ NO~CE oF PE~T ~d all copi~ were mailed be~r~ close of b~~ ;n ..... -H~ fl 3 ~-- 1~ pc~om. Clerk S~p - ~NG ~D ACKNO~DGMENT ~D, on ~is date, pursuit ~ ~e ~120.52(10),-~ofida S~m~, wi~ ~e d~igna~ Depa~ent Clerk, r~eipt of which ~ hereby ac~°wl~gcT~~ ',' ~' MAR 0 3,1993 · /-2, ~nl~ w/lb ~ ~ In~ F, or, da Department of EnvirOnmental Regulation Southeast District P.O, Box 15425 West Palm Beach' Florida 33416 Lawton ~Chiles, Governor 1900 $. Congress Ave., Suite A Telephone: 407/433-2650 Fax: 407/433-2666 Virginia B. Wetherell, Secretary PERMITTEE: Mr. Frank Speciale, Trustee St. Lueie Oaks P.O. Box ,1833 Stuart, Florida 34,995 I.D. NUMBER: PERMIT/CERTIFICATION NUMBERS: CS 56-220734 DAZE OF ISSUE: ~AR 0 3 1993 EXPIRATION DATE: HAR 0 3 1995 COUNTY: St. Lucie LATITUDE/LONGITUDE:' 27020'I0"N/89o19'40"W SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE: PROJECT: St. Lucie Oaks Development · "Drylin~" Wast~wat~r Collation System This permit is issued under the provisions of.Chapter 403.087, Florida'.Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rules 17-4 and 17- 600, The.above named permittee is hereby ~authorized t° perform the work or operate the facility shown on the application and approved drawing(s), plans, and'other documents attached hereto or on file with the Department and made a part hereof and specifically described as followS: . . TO'CONSTRUCT: A "dryline" .wastewater collection system connecting the proposed St. Lucie Oaks Apartment rental development to sanitary sewers that Will be tributary to tho St. Lueie County Utilities Services Department, South Port Wastewater Treatment Plant. The"dryline" system will consist of 13 ~manholes, 3059 linear feet orS" diameter gravity sewer-main and 1 sewage pumping station With dual submersi[ble pumps and approximately 665 linear feet of 6" diameter force main. . · · . IN ACCORDANCE WITH: The "drYline" Wastewater collection system permit on DER From 17-604.900(1) received on October 22, 1992, the additional information, received on December 1'1, 1992, and the Public Notice published in the January 29, 1993 issue of 'The'Tribune, a daily-newspaper.published at Fort Pierce in St. Lucie County, received on February 2, 1993. LOCATED ATi. iPort St.-Lucie west of US Highway 1, apProximately 0.25 miles north of Riomar Drive, near Port St. Lucie, Martin County. ' TO SERVE: The proposed St. Lucie Oaks Development which will consist of 180 rental apartments. o SUBJECT TO: General Conditions '1' 15 and Specific Conditions 1 - 4. DER Form 17-1.2:101(5) Effective November 30, 1982 Page 1 of 4 Recyc Paper NAR 0 3 1993 GENERAL CONDITIONS' 1. The te,,rms, conditions, requirements~ limitations 'and restrictions set forth in'thi permit, are permit conditi0 " ' ns_ and are binding and enforceable pursuant to Sections 403.14t, 403.727, or 403.859 through 403.861, 'F.S. The permitte~ is ~laced on notice that thA" Department will review this permit ~eriodically .and may initlate enforcement action fOr Any violation of these conditions. 2. This permit is 'val indicate,d in the appr approved drawings, grounds for revocat 3. As provided in sub~ permit does not convey authorize ~any injury to nor any infringement of a waiver of or approval aspects of the total pro 4 This permit convey recognition or acknowled only 'for the specific ~ocesses and operations applied for anl rawings or emhibits, y unauthorized deviation fr. om the , specifications, o.r conditions of this permit may constitute enforcement action Dy the Department. tions 403.08'7(6) and 403.722(5), F.S., the issuance of' this vested rights or any exclusi~e~privileges. Neither does it ,lic. or.private, property or any inVasion of 'a±,.,state, or local laws or regulations .Y- tner Department permit that'may be required for other which are not addressed in this Permit. · title to land or water, does not constitute State of title, and does not constitute authority for the use submerged lands unless h i~ provided and' the. necessary title or leasehold interests haVe been' obtained from rate. 0nly the Trustees of the Int'ernai Improvement Trust Fund may express State op: ion as to title 5. This ~eor~rit does relieve 'the permittee from liability for harm or injury to .human healt welfare imal, or plant life, or property caused by the. construction or operation of this permi~ source, or from penalties .therefore; nor does it allow the permittee to cause pollut in contravention of Florida Statutes and Department rules~ unless specifically autho zed by an order from the Department. 6. The. permittee shall operate and maintain the facility and systems of treatment and control ( ated appurtenances) that are Just'ailed and used by the ~ermittee to achieve com' e with the conditions of this permit epartment.rules. This isi'on includes the operation of backup'orareauxi~iary~ reouired by facilities or similar Sys when necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit and when requi by Department rules ' ..7. The permittee by. pting'this permit, specifically agrees to allow authorized Department.~-PerSonnel,. Up resentation of credentials or other documents as may be requiced by.law and at re )nable times, access to the premises where the permitted .-ii!:?/'activity is located'or con ed to' ':" (a) Have access t° copy any records that must be kept under conditions of the permit; . (b)under Inspect this thepermifaci ity,; and equipment, practices, or operations regulated or required. (c) Sample or monitor_ any Substances or parameters at any location reasonably necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules Reasonable time may depend on the nature of the concern being investigated. 8 If, for any reason, ~ permittee 'does not comply with or will be Unable to comply with any condition or iimi tion SpeCified in this.permit, the permittee shall immediately provide the De tment with the followzng information: ~a) A description of .nd cause of noncompli'ance; and' (b) The period of ompliance, including dates and times; or~ if not corrected the anti'Cipated me the noncompliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce.~ liminate and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance. The permittee shall respons~ble for any and all damages which may result and may be subject to rcement action by the ~Department for'penalties or for revocation of ti p.ermit. DER Form 1'7-1.201(5) Effective NoVemb.er 30, 19821 Page. 2 of ~ · 0 3 GENERAL CONDITIONS: (a) Upon reques D~partment records will be Department. the .permittee understands :and .agrees that all records, 'inf'ormation relating, to the construction or operatio{~ of are submitted to the Department may be used by the Department a.se involving the permitted .source arising under the F!o~r~ida Statutes or. rules, except where such use is pr:escribed-by Section 40~ ~11 and. 403.73, F eVidence Shall only be used~ ~to tSe extent it is consistent with the Florida ~R~les of 1 Procedure and appropriate evidentiarY rules. 10. The permittee agrees comply with changes in .De rules and Florida Statutes after a reasonabsl ime for compliance; provid owever, the permittee does. not waive any Other right ~by Florida Statutes or :ment rules, 11. This permit is trane .table only upon Department app 1 in accordance with Rule 17-4.120 and 17-30.300 F. tC as .applicable. The permit e shall be liable for any non-compliance of the ~erm ~ g~ activity until the transfe is approved .by the Department. 12. This permit or a copy thereof shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity. 13. This permit also constitutes: ( ) Determination of Best Available Control Technology (BACT) ( ) Determination of Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) ( ) Certification' of Compliance with state water. Quality Standards (Section 401, PL 92-500) ( ) Compliance with New Source Performance Standards 14. The permittee shall comply with the following: p'ermittee shall furnish all records and plans required under During enforcement actions, the retention period for all ended automatically unless otherwise stipulated by the (b) The ?ermtttee permit records maintenance r monitoring in required by application for years from the otherwise s ~11 hold at the facility or other location desisnated by this ' all'monitoring 'information (inc.luding all calibration and 'ds and all original strip chart recordings for continuous ntation) required by the permit, copies of all reports . rmit, and records of all dataI used to complete, th~ - s permit. These materials shall be retained ac least three of the sample, measurement, report, or application unless ed by Department rule. (c) Records of monit!oring information shall include- 1. the date, exaZt plac and time of sampling or' measurements; 2. the person r~p.onsib~~.~ for performing the. sampling or measurements; 3 .the dates analyses were perforated; .'- · 4. the person r~.~ponsible for perzorming the anal~s~'s; 5 the analyticai - ' · techniques or methods used; 6. the results of such~analyses. . . 15. When requested by Department, the permittee shall within a reasonable time furnish any information tired by law which is needed to determine compliance with the ?ermit. ]if the permictee ecomes-aware-the-relevan~-.Ta.cts were u~ot submlt~ed-.o.r-were %nc~orrect in the permit a lication or in any report to the Department, such facts or Inzormation shall be corr ted promptly. DER Form 1.7-1. 201(5) Effective November 30, 1982 Page 3 of ~ PERMITrEE: Mr. F~ Special¢, Trustee St. LuCie Oaks SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: I.D. NUMBER: WRMrr/c ?rnCA? O mJM RS: CS 6-n07 4 DATE OF ISSUE: H~[~ 0 3 1993 E~~TIONDATE: 'HAR 0 3 1995 1. On completion of this project, the permittee shall submit a completed Certification of Completion of Construction (DER Form 17- 604.900(2)) pursuant to obtaining the Departments approval to place the system into service. 2. This approval is for CONSTRUCTION ONLY of a wastewater collection system and does not relate to the wastewater treatment r i aspect. Prior to placing these facilities in service the engineer of ecord s Certification of Completion of.Construction of DER Form 17- 604.900(2) must be accepted by the DER, and will be contingent upon prior, completion of the St. Lucie County force main along U.S. Hwy. 1 (State Road No. 5) including CertifiCation of Completion of ConStruction and Department Acceptance and the submission of the additional documentation required by F.A.C. Rule 17-604.600(2). · 3. Start of construction prior to fourteen (14} days following publication of public' notice is undertaken at owner's risk due to public's fight to object pursuant to SeCtion 120'.57 Florida Statutes. 4. All equipment necessary for the collection/transmission of domestic wastewater, including equipment provided pursuant to Rule 17- 604.400(2), shall be maintained so as to function as intended. In the event odor, noise, or lighting adversely affect neighboring developed areas at the levels prohibited bY RUle 17-600.400(2)(a), corrective action (which may include modifications-of the collection/transmission system )shall be taken by the permittee. Other corrective action may be required to ensure compliance with rules of the Depamnent. ~ -Issued this C>~ ~ day of ...... 1993 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REG~ATION Mary E. S.(~illihms Director orDistrict Management P.O. Box 15425 1900 SoUth Congress Avenue, Suite A West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Telephone (407) 433-2650 DER Form 17-1.2101(5) Effective November 30, 1982 Page 4 of 4 THE STATE OF FLORIDA " DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION ' DEC3 DEC 2 9 1992 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEI'PT REQUESTED In 'the Matter of an Application for Permit by: Mr. Frank Speciale, Trustee / St. Lucie Oaks / P. O. Box 1833 ./ Stuart, Florida 34995 / DER File No. CS 56-220734 St. Lucie County INTENT TO ISSUE The Department of Environmental Regulation hereby gives notice of its Intent to Issue a permit (draft copy attached) for the proposed project as detailed in the application specified above; The Department is issuing this Intent to Issue for the reasons stated below. The applicant, Mr.. Frank Speciale, Trustee of St. Lucie Oaks, applied on October. 22, 1992,.to' the . Department of Environmental Regulation for a permit.to construct a "dryline" wastewater Collection system. ..... The Department has permitting jurisdiction under 'Section 403 F.S. The project is not exempt from permitting procedures. The Department has'determined that a construction permit-is required for the proposed work° -- . . Pursuant to Section 403.815, F.S.., and DER Rule 1-7-130.150, you (the .applicant) are .required to publish at your own expense the ~ enclosed Notice of Intent to Issue Permit. The notice shall published one time only within __ 30 days, in thE; legal ad section of '.a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected. For the purpose of this rule, "publication in a newspaper of general circUlation in the area affected" means-publication in a newspaper meeting the requirements of..Sections 50.011 and 50.031, .F.S., in the County where the activity is to take '.place'. Where there is more than one. newsp'aper of general circulation in the County, the newspaper used must be one .. ._ with Significant circulation in. the area that' may be affected by the permit. If you are uncertain that a newspaper 'meets these requirements, please contact the Department at the address or telephone number listed below. The _ applicant shall provide original .copy of the proof of publication to the Department~ at 1900 South COngress Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Within seven days of publication." Failure to publish to notice and provide proof 'of publication within the allotted time may result in the denial of the permit._ . Mr. Frank Speciale, Trustee St.: Lucie Oaks Page 2 DER File No. CS 56-220734 . St. Lucie County DEC ~ 9 ~992 The Department.will issue the permit with the attached conditions unless a petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) is filed to' the provisions of Section 120..57, F.S. A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's proposed permitting decision may petition for an .administrative proceeding (hearing) in accordance with Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at'2600 Blair Stone Road, Tailahassee, Florida 32399-2400. Petitions filed by the permit apPlicant and the parties listed below must be filed within 14 days of .receipt o'f this intent. Petitions filed..by other persons must be filed within 14 days of publication of the Public notice .or Within 14 days of their receipt of this intent, whichever first, occurs. Petitigner., shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of, filing. Failure to file. a.petition within .this time periOd Shall'constitute a waiVer'of any'right such person may have to request this time period shall constitute a-waiver of any right such person may have to request an adrhinistrative determination (hearing) under Section 120.57~, Florida 'Statutes. . The Petition shall contain the following information; ... (a) The name, address, and telephone number of each petitioner, .the applicant's name and .address, . the Department Permit File' Number and the county in which the project is proposed; (b) A statement, of how and when each petitioner 'received notice of the Department's action or proposed action; (c) A .statement of how each pet!taone' '" r's substantial interests are affected by the Department's action or proposed action; (d) A Statement of the .material facts disputed by Petitioner, if any; (e) A statement of facts which petitioner., contends warrant reversal or modification of 'the Department's aCtion or Proposed action; and -. - -. (g) A statement of the relief-sought by. petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wants the Department to take with respect to.th'e Department's action or proposed action. Mr. Frank Speciale, Trustee St. Lucie Oaks Page. 3 DER File No. CS 56-220734 St. Lucie County DEC £ 9 !992 If a petition is filed, the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate agency action. Accordingly, the Department's final action may be different form the. position taken by it in this intent. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any decision of the DePartment with regard to the application have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding.' The petition must conform to the requirements specified above and be filed (received) within 14 days of receipt of this intent, in the Office of General Counsel at the.above .. address of the Department. Failure to petition within the allowed time frame constitutes a waiver of any right such . person has to request a hearing under Section 1.20.57, F.S., and to participate..as, a Party to this proceeding. Any subsequent intervention 'will .only be at .the approval of the presiding officer upon .mOtion filed pursuant to Rule 28- . 5.207, F.A.C. DONE AND ENTERED. this Palm Beach, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION Mary E,S/~/Vill.a~-m~' DirectOr ~ District Management 1. 900 South Congress Avenue, Suite A West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Telephone (407) 433'2650 MESW:thr/l'030 ~'-~ Copies furnished-to: Lori Handeisman, OGC/Tal.ahassee Domestic"Wastewater, CornPliance/Enforcement, DER/PSL St. Lu.cie County Public Health Unit Terry 'Vi~a,.St.-.LUCie-'c.ounty DeVelopment Director . - C. Calvert Montgomery, P.E., C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc.. CERTIFICATE, OF~ $ ER,, V1CE This is to certify that this NOTICE OF PERMIT and all copies were mailed before close of business on ~. ...... to the listed persons. Clerk Stamp FILING A.ND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to the ii 120.52(10), Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledge. .. CI Date STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION NOTICE OF INTENT-TO ISSUE PERMIT The Department of Environmental RegulatiOn gives notice of its intent to issue a construction permit, no. CS 56-220734, to St; Lucie Oaks. The.permit is to construct a "dryline" wastewater collection system :located off U.S, Highway I approximately 0.25 miles north of Riomar Drive near Port St. Lu¢i.e, Martin County. one hUndred and eighty rental apartments are planned for the development. A person whOse substanti decision may.petition for an admi.~ :Florida Statutes. The petition mu .in the Office of General Counsel ~ 32399-2400,, within (14) days of the applicant at 'the address indic period shall constitute a waiver o' under Section 120.57, Florida St~ -I interests are affected by the Department's 'proposed permitting ~istrative proceeding (hearing) in accordance with Section 120.57. ~t contain the information set forth below and must be filed (.received)-' f the Department at 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee,. FlOrida Publication of this notice. Petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to ~ted above at the time of filing. Failure to file a petitirOn within this time any right such person may have to request an administrative (hearing) tutes. The petition shall contain 1 number of-each petitioner, the ap county in which the' project is pro notice of the Department's actio~ substantial interests .are affected material facts disputed by Petitio~ reversal or modification, of the-De or statutes petitioner contends re! a'ct~on; and (g) A statement of th wants the ~Department 'to~take wi'i ~e following information: (a) .the name, address, and telephone dicant's name and address, the Department Permit File Number and the )osed; (b)'A Statement'.0f how' and when each petitioner received or proposed action; (c) A statement of how each petitioner's )y the Department's action or proposed action; (d) A statement of the er, 'if any; (e) A statement 'of facts which petitioner contends warrant ~artment's action or proposed action; (f) A statement of which rules .uire.reversal or modification of the Department's action or.proposed ~' relief' sought by petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner h respect to the Department's action or propOsed action. If a petition is filed, the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate agency action. Accordingly, the .Department s fihal action may be different 'from the position taken by it in this Notice. Persons Who-'~e substantial interests will be .affected" by any deciSion of the Department with regard t0 the appliCatiOn have the right .to P, etitio'n.to~ become a party to the proceeding..- The PetitiOn must 'requirements SPec~!fied above' and be filed (received) Within 14 days of publication of this conform to the notice in the Office of General CoiUnseI at the above address of- the Department. Failure to petition within the allowed time frame cogstitutes a waiver of any right such person has to request a hearing under 120.57, F.S., an.d.'~ participate as a party t° this proceeding. Any subseqUent. Section 'intervention will' 0nly be at the aPProVal of the Presiding officer upon mOtion filed pursuant to Rule 28-5, F.A.C. The applic.ation is available fo'r public inspection during normal business-hours., 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thorough Friday, ex~cept legal holidays, at the Southeast Florida District Office, 1900 · South .COngress A'venue, Suite A, West Palm Beach, Florida 334.06. Flomda Department of Environmental Regu atton Southeast District · 1900 S. Congress Ave., Suite A · West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Lawton Chiles., Governor Telephone: 407/433-2650 Carol M. BroWner, Secretary _ _ Fax: 407/433-2666 NOTICE OF PERMIT CERTIFIED MAK, 'RE~ RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Frank Special¢, Trustee St. LuCie Oaks P. O.:Box 1833 Stuart, Florida.34995 St. Lucie County' DW- St. Lucie Oaks Development "Dryline~ Wastewater. Collection System Dear Mr. Speciale: Enclosed :is Permit Number CS 56-220734. to construct a "dryline" wastewater collection~ system site issued pursuant to Section(s) 403.087, Florida Statutes. _ A person"whose substantial interests are affected by this permit may 'pefition' for an' administrative proc~ng (h~ng) in accordance with Section I20~.57, Florida Statutes, The. petition .must contain the information set forth, below and must be filed (received) in the .Office :of.General Counsel of the Depanmem at 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahasse~ 32399-2400, ~4thin fourteen (14) days of receipt of this Permit. Petitioner shall ~l a c~py of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. Failure to file apefition within that time period shall constitute a waiver of any fight such person may have to request an administrative'determination (hearing) pursuant to Section 120.57, FlOrida Statutes. . rh , aaon on n-th ohov n in ormaaOn: (a)'Wh name, and t ,phon numb oe aoh aaon , applicant's name and~ address, the Department Permit File Number and the county in which the project is proposed; Co) A statement of how and when each petitioner received notice' of the Department's action or proposed action; (c) A statement of how each petitioners substantial interests.are affected by the Depanmem's action or proposed action; (d) A statement of the material facts ~sputed by Petitioner, ff any; (e) A statemem' of facts which petitioner conten~ warrant reversal or modification of the Department's action or proposed action; 0:) A statemem of which, rules or statutes.petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Depanmem's action; and (g) A ,~tement of the relief sought bY petitioner, stating precisely the ~action petitioner wants uhe.Depanmem to take with respect to the Department's action or proposed action. ~ If a petition is filed, the admiMstratiye hearing process is designed to formUlate agency action. Accordingly, the Department's final, action .maybe different from the. ~sifion taken by it in this.Permit. Persons whose substantial interests ~411 be affected'by any decision of ~e "~ ~'";-'~ : .Depm,~,~,~,,m; ~egard ~o ~e,application have ~e fight top~uum.°'*;, to become a .t~arty to ~e proeeeAing, ~The petition must conform, to the requirements specified above andbe filed (received) within 14 days of publication of this notice in the Office of Generfl C°unsel ~at ~eaboVe address of the Department. Failure to petition withinthe allowed time frame constitutes a waiw:r of any fight such person has't°-request a hearing under Section 120.57, F.S., and to participate as a party to this pricing. An3, subsequent intervention will only be at the approval of the presiding officer Upon motion filed pursuant to Rule 28- 5.207, F.A.C. This permit is final and effective on the date filed in accordance with the above paragraphs or unless a request for 'ex'tension of time in which to. file a petition is filed within the time specified for filinga petitiOn and conforms m nde 17-103.070, F.A.C. within the time specified'for filing a petition and conforms to Rule 17-103.070, F.A.C. Upon timely filing of a petition or a request for an extension of time tlfis permit will not be effective .until further Order of the Department. Recyc. led Mr. Frank Specia~e, Trustee St. Lu¢ie Oaks Page 2 ~en ~te Order (Permit) is final, any party to the Order has the fight to seek judicial review of the Order pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, by the filing of aNotice of Appeal pursuant to Rule 9.110,-Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, v~4-th the Clerk of the Dep~mment in the Office of General Counsel, 2600' Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400; and by filing a Copy of the Notige of Appeal accompanied ~ by the applicable filing f~s with the appropriate District Court of Appeal, The Notice of Appeal must'be filed w~thin 30 days ~om the date the Final Order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. If you have any questio~ please contact Terri Hilliard, of this.office, telephone number (407) 433-2650. Execute~ in West Palm Beach, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONME~AL REG~ATION Mary. E.S. Williams Director of District Management 190OSouth Congress Avenue, Suite A West Palm Beach, FL33406 Telephone (407) 433-2650 MESW:thr/1030 . : Copies furnished to: I~ri Haaddsman, OGC~allahassee Domestic Wastewater, Complianee/Enforcement' DER/PsL St. Lucie Coun~ Public Health. Unit Terry. Virta, St. Lucie County Development Director I . CERTIFICA~ OF SERVICE. This is w certify that this NOTICE OF PERMIT and all copies were mailed before close of business on to the listed Clerk St~p _. FILING ~qD'AC~O~E~~NT F~ED, on this date, .pursuant to the § 120.52(10), Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of ~hich is hereby acknowledge. Clerk Date Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Southeast District · 1900 S. Congress Ave., Suite A · ~st Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Lawton Chiles., Governor Telephone: 407/433-2650 carol M. Browner, Secretary _ . Fax: 407/433-2666 PERMITrEE: Mr. Frank Speciale, Trustee St. Lucie Oaks P. O. Box 1833 Stuart, Florida 34995 I.D. NUMBER: PERMIT/CERTIFICATiON NUMBERS: CS 56-220734 DATE OF ISSUE: EXP~TiON DATE: COUNTY: St. Lucie LATITUDE/LONGITUDE: 27°20' 10"N/89° 19'40"W SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE: / S/E PROJECT: St. Lucie. Oaks Development ~Dryline" . Wastewater Collection System · This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 403.087, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rules 17-4, 17400 and 17-604. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to perform the work or operate the facility shown'on the application and approved drawing'(,,;), plans, and other documents attached hereto or on file with the Department and made a part hereof and specifically descril~M as follows: ' _ TO CONSTRUCT: - A "dryline" wastewater collection system-connecting the proposed St. Lucie Oaks Apamnent rental, development to sanitary Sewers l~hat will be tributa~ to the St.. Lucie County Utilities Services Department, South Port Wastewater Treatment Plant. The ~flryline~ system will consist of 13 ~oles~3059 linear feet of 8~ diameter gravity sewer-main and I sewage pumping station with dual submersible pumps and approximately 665 linear feet of 6~ diameter force main. IN ACCORDANCE ~~: The' "flrYline,' wastewater collection system permit on DER Form 17-604.900(1') received on October 22, 1992, the adclifional information received on December 11, 1992, and the Public Notice published in the isSUe of .............. received: on . . LOCATED AT: Port St. Lucie west of US Highway 1, approximately 0.25 miles north of Ri°mar Drive, near Pon St. Lucie, Martin TO SERVE: The.proposed St. Lucie Oaks Development will consist of 180 rental apartments. ___ SUBJECT TO: G~eneral Conditions 1 - 15 and Specific Conditions 1- 4. . _ .. DER Form 1%1.2201(5) Effective November 30, 1.982 " ~eqv~ted _ · _. Page 1 of 4 Paper 2. This permit ts vaI indicated in .the' appr approved drawings, ~ ' grounds for rev0c~ti 3. As provided in permit does not convey authorize a~n]~ injury t nor any infr lngement o a vaiver .of or appr.ova aspects of the total p : . ~i~ations and res~.~c~:c,.s se The te~s, ~ondlt%gn~, r~qu~se~~-~r, ~J~ enforceable'pursuant to Sec~:ons ~ . -', 859 th~uu . . · ~ · · teen, orcemen: 4~ 4~03.~27, o. ~.3, :_~: & .' erzod~cally and may P3~izc: ~"~tmen'tun= ~~. ~ili revzew th~s p~z~_p '~ ' · " ' ' hose con~itlons a:tion for any v~olat=on of t · onl for the specific processes and opera%!on~ ap~!ied for and '~ :',~,[J .-~ Z..[%bits Any Unauthorized de~iat'}on :rom the ~nforcemen: action Dy :~e' :ctions ~03.08'7(6) and ~03.'722(5), F.S., the issuance of this 'vested rights .or any exclusive privileges.' Nei:her does Olic or prmva:e PropeTtY ~r any ~nvasion of personal rich:s, ~eral, s{a:e, .or local la~S or egUla:ions. This permi: is'not any other D~par:men: permit ~ : may,be required for other c: ~hich are not addreksed in ~is pa:mit. This permit conve: no title ~o land or water, does no: constitute State tie and does no: constitute authority for the use of · of'ti ~ , .~ _ .... 5n .:-~ ~ leZsehold interests 'ein provided an~ the. necessa~2 ~A~ ~- State. Only the Trustees of the In=e~al Improvemen: ~rus as to ~i%le. recognit:ion or Submerg%d lands unle have been obtained f Fund may express State 5. This permit does human health or welfare operation of this per ...... = ..... ~**oe from liability f-or harm or injury ~o ' le , P · -~ .... b %he construct o~ ' . . lan: life', or_propertY C5~ed. Y. · . . .mmal, or p __! ~- · =: nor .aoes ~ alloy ~he rom enaltmes t~erefo: . . . - source, or f p and Depar:men~ rules, permittee t.o cause p .on in contraven:ion of Florida Statutes unless specmfica!ly. :ired .by an order from ~he Department. · ' ' 1 o orate and maintain the facility and systems ol- d. The permittee"sha1 proper ~ p .... , -~--" ~-o ~s:aq'led and used by :he ::.eatmeh:~- 4nd control ( d rela~ec ~pppr:en .... ~-- -- -~- ~~:- are reeumred by pe~ittee to achieve izance ~zth ~n~ co9~} ~_,-_..~.~ ~, backUn or a~:llxary Depar~ent rules. ~i.s roY: sipn incmuaes 5n~,u~~$~'c~A~liZ~c~ vi:h :he conditions facili:ies or similar s :em vhe~ necessa~ po mu ' = . · :he permit and whe~ re red by Depar:men: rules. thxs e~it, _specifically agrees :o allow authorized. 7. The pe~itteel~ cce.pting ~~P2~ ~hd~5~i~ls o'r ~the'r .dOrian3s as m~.'D~ Departm.ent~ perso~e~, ' ent~?~'~.-'~~s %o ~he Premises vhere :he reouired bY law and a ,able %xmas, a .ac{ivity' is. located, or ed (a) Have access to ~d copy a~y records that must be kept under conditions of the pe~it; facili=Y, dequiPment,~ practices, or operations regulated or req~ir, Inspec= the '~der- this permit; .. (c) S~ple or monitor a~y substances or patterers at any lo.cation reasonably necessary ~o assure compliance with this permi: or Depar:men: rules. being Reasonable time may depend o~ the nature of the conce~ - · - o: corn qY vith or rill be unable :o comp! - ' ¢. ~or ~v--reaSo the_permztte~ d?-es n 3 ~- ~. ~. :-~e'dia%~v provide the D-epar~menu ~m~h une .o!~mn& m ~ ~ ~m - . . . , . . ' '(~) A d~scripuion of ~'d .c~use of noncompliance; and (b) ~e._%he period~uici ~dHc0~iance '' time the including dates.and~ times; or, if not' corr-c%e-, noncompliance is ex ~-~,*~' , %'~en :o re ,~ eliminate~ and pr'event recu:~ fence of the nonco~plla~ce. =.e~z::ee' s be responsible for ~Y and. all d~ages vhich 'ma5 resul~or for and $e subject enforcemen~ action by ~he Department for penalties -' revocation ~ 'this permit. Page 3 of no:es, mOji.coring ~aua and c:he " - ' -' - --u ~ c- c :his permiu:.ed s~urCe which rare submiu:ed :o the Deparumen: may be u~e~.b :he Deparume as"ev~dence i~ any Orcemen: case involving the pe~iu:e~ source a:isin ~nder :he F~crid~ StatUtes, 0: partm'ent r~le~, except where such ~se is.prescrtbe~ by'_SectJ.cn ~ ~ S' ~ e~idence .shall only be uSe~ to :he e~tent t is Consiste ~03.1z.L. and ~03.7 .. Such Procedure and ~pprop.ia,e e :ce., ~.y rules. lO. The portal:cee agrees :o comply with Changes r:ment rules and rlori~a no:~ waive any ocher -',~gh:s granted by Fla.'ida S a Depar~men~ ru 11. This .permit ~. transferable only upon Department approval in accordance with Rule 1T-~.I20 and i~-30.S00, F'A.C., as applicable. The pe~:::ee shall be liable for non-compliance of :he pe~i::e~ ac:iv~ty'un:il the transfer is approved by :he Depa~:me 12. ~is permit or a :opy thereof shall be kepi at the work site of :he peri:ced ac: ivi ::y. !M. This permit also cons: ~-:utes: (-) Determination of Best Available Control Tec~ology (BACT) ~( ) De:ermina=ion of Proven:ion of Significant Deterioration (PSD) ( ) Certification of compliance with state Water Quality ~' (Sec:ion 401, PL 92-500) ~. (). Compliance with ~ew Source Perforate 14. ~e portal:cee .shall comply with the following: (a) ~pon reqUes~,::he peri:cee shall fu~ish all records and plus reeuired Depar:m~: :u!es. Duzing enforc~en: ac:ions, :he~ re:eh:ion, period for all records will ~e ~:ended automatically ~less onhe~'ise s:iPula:ed by Deparnmen:. . ....... ~ ..... ~ (=) Re=orals of monitoring information ahm!l include: '~ 1. :he da:e., e::mc: pla:e, and time of s~pli~ or measur~en:s; 2. :he ~erS.on responsible for ~erfo~ing :he s~pli~ 3, :he om:es analyses were perzo~ed~; · 4. :h~. ~ :: ' responsible for perfo~ing :he 'analyses -- 5. -:he' ~ ~ cml' :ec~iqu~s or me:hods 'used;- --. ~nen .eoues~ee by ~he-Depa.~men~, ~he " .u~:sh any ~;nfo~a::on reou;reo by .law w~;cn =s nee~ea P ......... e pe.,.t~ee becomes a,=.e the ir. fcrma:ion-shall be :o~re~:ed pro=P:ly. DER Perm 17-1.20!(5) r'~=e-a:ive_.';{ovember ....... 30, ,-~.o~. 82'- .... Oage 4 o. __ PERMrI'rEE: Mr. Frank Speci~de, Trustee St. Lucie Oaks I.D.' NLRVIBER: PE~/CERTIFICATION ~ERS: CS 56-220734 DATE OF ISSUE: EXPIRATION DATE: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: 1. 'On comPletion of this project, but prior to use, the Permittee shall submit a completed Certification of Completion'of Construction (DER Form 17604. 900(2)) pursuant to obtaining the Departments approval to place the system into service. 2. This approv~fl is for CONSTRUCTION ONLY of a wastewater collection s3'stem and does not relate to the wastewater treatment aspect. Prior to placing these facilities in service the engineer of record's Certification of Completion of Construction on DER Form 17-604.900(2) must be accepted by the DEIL and will be contingent upon prior completion of the St. Lucie County force main along U.S. Hw~,. 1 (State Road No.5) including cenffication of Complefionof Construction and Depamnent Acceptance, and the submission of the additional .documentation required by F.A.C. Rule 17-604.600(2). 3. Start of construction prior to (14) fourteen days folloxving publication of public notice is undertaken at 'ovaaer's risk due to public's fight to object pursuant to Section 120,57 Florida Statutes. ~ 4. Al1 equipmem necessary for the collection/transmission of domestic wastewater, including equipment provided pursuant to Rule 17~04.400(2), shall be maintai'ned so'as to function as intended. In the event odor' noise, or lighting adversely affect neighboring developed areas at the levels prohibited by Rule 17-600.400(2)(a), corrective action (which may include modifications of the collection/transmission system) shall be taken by the permittee. Other corrective action may be required to ensure compliance with rules of the Depa~rtment. _. ' Issued this ,, day of , ~, 1992 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPAR~~ OF ENVIRONME~~ REGULATION Mrs. Mary E.S. Williams Director Of District Management 1900 South Congress Ave., Suite A WeSt Palm Beach, FL 33406 TelePhone (407) 433-2650 DER Forml 7-1.2201(5) Effective November 30, 1982 Page 4 of 4 ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES DEPARTMENT DEVELOPER. 'WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS .'AGREEMENT made and entered into this _/~ day of 199~, 'by .'and between F~K SPECIALE, TRUSTEE., hereinaf'ter referred to as "Developer", and" ST~ LUCIE cOUNTy., a political subdivision of the State Florida, hereinafter referred to. as "Utility", WHEREAS, Developer owns or controls lands located in St. Lucie County, Florida, .and more fully ~deseribed by legal description in .Exhibit "A" and as' shown on Exi~ibi-t "C", attaChed hereto and made. a part hereof as if fully set out in this Agreement, and ~hereinafter referred to as the "Property'' and intends to develop Said property as sixteen (16).apartment bdildings with a total of. 180 · rental units to be known as St. Lucie Oaks; and, . :: · WtLERF~, the Deweloper 'acknowledges that Utility has adopted by le'gally valid.and binding'reSolutions .a Uniform Extension policy, Uniform Water and Sewer Service'PoliCy, and Rates, Fees' and Charges, as amended' from time to time., which have the force of la , 'and the legal relationship between the Developer .. and Utility With respect utility service provided to Dev. eloper'.s property; and, WHERF2~., the Developer understands that this contract for service in no way entitles tPe Developer ~to land densities which are greater than those allowed under th.e.~ density provisions of the Comprehensive Plan .of St' Lucie County., or to development rights as may otherwise be regulated by the Board of County Commissione'rS; and, · WH~., the Developer has costs estimates prepared by a contractor for installation of the water and sewer 'gravity sewer system .as shown on Exhibi~ "E". and "El-'"' ..... .' . -. ........ NOW..~[]EREFORE, for and in.consideration of these 'premises, Developer hereby covenants and agrees as follows: . · 1,. Defihitions., -~The .definitions and references used in the Uniform Water and 'sewer Service' Policy and Uniform EXtension Policy (District #1)shall be uSed'fo:r the purpose of '.interpreting the terms as used in this agreement .and apply unlesS the 'context indicates a different meaning. 2. Payme. nt~ Upon execution of this Agreement, Developer shall be responsible for the payment of guaranteed rev. enue fees in accordance'with the St. Lucie County ~Uniform Extension Policy. Developer shall pay, in full, connection charges for all capacity reServed hereunder on the. date of execution of this Agreement as provided in th~ Uniform Extension Policy. The payment 'schedule for Dev.eloper is set forth on Exhibit "B'.' to this Agreement. Equivalent Residential~ Connections Reserved. None. St. Lucie Oaks 1 . 9/02/92 4. Contributions.I'n'Aid of Construction. The Developer shall provide, install, ~and 'dedicate to Utility all pipe, services, mains and appurtenances t'hereto in accordance 'with the utility's standards and specifications as shown on Exhibit "D" and more particularly identified on plans drawn by C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc., being drawing No. 90-126, Sheets '1 through 17, dated November, 1990, Said plans may be .subject to revisions prior to final approval by Utility. Actual materials shall be as' desc'ribed on the final Bill- of-Sale as pre,red by the DeveloPer and transmitted to the Utility for approval · and acceptance in accordance with the Uniform-Extension Policy'. · . .. 5. ,O~ff-site~ Facilities. The Developer, in accordance with the Uniform Extension PoliCy, will install approximately 200 linear feet of 8"' water main together with all appurtenances 'from the property to a point of connection with existing County mains as shown on Exhibit "DI" attached hereto and herein incorporatE:d. If the propoSed .12" force .main on US Hwy. #1 is 'in place ~n 1993 then Developer would have to install approximately 120 linear f.eet of 6" force main-for sewer se~ice-. ~At the present time 'the existing connection point is approximately 3 $ mil.es from this site on Walton Ro~d. as shown on Exhibit ".F". Developer .would be r .uired to install this line to obtain sewer se~ice should the above proposed not be in place to meet his construction sChedule. Engineering plans and spec !ica~ions for said off-si{e facilities shall be prepared and~ Submitted-to County for apprOval and .all construction-and · conveyance of said facilities shall be in accordance with the Uniform Extension Policy. 6. .Eas¢ments~.. Develope. r hereby agrees to acquire as necessary and grant and convey ~to Utility, its successors and assigns, the exclUsive right or 'privilege to construct, own, maintain, .alter, ~replace and operate said facilities in,~under, upon, overand across the present and. future streets, roads, alleys, easements, reserved ~ utility ' strips and 'utility sites, and any public place as provided and dedic.ated to public use in the record plats, or as provided for in agreements, dedications or grants made othe~rwise, and is independent of said record plats-. MOrtgagees, or other parties if any, holding prior liens on 'the Property or the by suCh .easements shall be' required to release s~Ch liens~, te their position or join in the grant or dedication of th.e~e.asements .or rights -way. Developer hereby further agree~s that the foregoing grants include the necessary right' of ingress and egress to any-part o~f the PrOperty upon which Utility is constructing or operating such facilities; that 'the foregoing grants shall be for such period of time as Utility or its .successors and assigns require such rights, priVileges or easements in the construction, ownership, maintenance, operation or expansion of the water and sewer facilities, that in the event Developer and Utility agr, ee~ that Utility is to install any of its water or sewer facilities in 1.ands within the Property lying outside the streets and easement areas des~rmbed aboVe, then Developer or the owners shall grant to Utility, without cost or expense to Utility, the necessary easement or easements for such "private property" installation. -The use of easements granted by Developer to utility, shall preClude the use of other, utilities of these easements, such ~as for cable teleViSion, telephO~n~, electric, or gas utilities, unless otherWise agreed to by Utility. 0 0 0 0 St. Lucie oaks 2 In the event Developer fails to actually deliver such easement(s), this document shall ~serve as Utility'S authorization to substitute this Agreement as a reCorded easement suffiCient for Utilities needs. 7. Restrictive .Co~enant_._ Developer, as further consideration of this Agreement, .and :in order to'effeCtuate the foregoing grants to Utility' hereby places the following coven,ant, as a covenant running with the land, upon the · limitation condition r Property and thereby sUbjeCting it to a reservation, o reStrictiOn in fav°'r of Ut~lity, aS follows: ' i - . serv:ice~ is actually O.r commercial subsequent or future thereof, shall rece Utility and shall charges adopted by the Unifo~ .EXt a. ' Utilit-y, or its successors, has the sole and exclusive right to provide ali water and sewer' facilities and services to 'the Property described in EXhibit ,,A', and t° 'any prOperty to which water and sewer by Utility. All occupants of any residence :gent erected or located on the Property, and all or purchasers of the Property, or any portion their water 'and sewer service ..from ~he aforesaid for the same in accordance with the rates.-, fees and the Uniform Water' and_Sewer Service Policy and Policy,'!-for so long as the aforesaid Utility provides Such services to th property; and, all occupants of any residence or 'commercial ~mprovem erected or .located on the property an, d all subsequent or future or purchasers of the Property, or any portion thereof,-agree,."by ' any premises on the Property, or by recording any deed of with respect to the Property,. that they will not const~ct.or.ot'herwiI ~e make available or use water and Sewer service from any.soUrce other th~ .~ that proVided~ by the Utility'. However, there is excluded from this r~ ~ rict on, any water well. 'or water sourCe used solely and eXClUsively for-i ~, PurpoSe of supplying water for air conditioning or irrigation on the Pr ,perry.' · . ' . b. Further, in order to give an additional and supplementary notice to all the future .owners o'f 'any of the property of the rights of Utility to provide the Property. With water and ~wer-facilities and services and receive 'easements thereon, 'the'DeVeloper her~by covenants and"ag~ees to have the above restrictive cOvenant-i, ncluded~i.~ the"g~ne'ral subdivision restrictions` an'd to place the same of record in the Public R~!~rds of St. LUcie County, Florida. ' 8 'Notice. Until further written notice by either party to the other, all notices provided for herei~ shall be mn wrztzng and transmitted by meSsenger, by mail or by telegram, .and if to Developer, shall be mailed or delivered to Developer at: 0 0 Frank Speciale· Trustee St. Lucie Oaks × Stuart, Florida 34995 St' - LUcie Oaks 3 and if to the Utility at: St, Lucie County Utility.Administrator 250 N.W. Country Club Drive Port St.. ~Lucie, FL 34986 St.' Lucie ~County Administrator 230'0 Virginia Ave Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 0 0 O N St. Lucie County Attorney 2300. Virginia AVe. Annex Fort ~Pierce, Florida. 34982 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.- Recordation o.f Agreement - Upon completion of execution of. this' Agreement .by Developer and Utility, Utility shall,' at Developer's expense, cause this Agreement to be recorded with the Clerk of.Court of St. Lucie County. 10, Venue of an.y 'action to enforce the terms of 'this Agreement shall be in St. Lucie County. if filed in state court and in the Southern District of Florida if filed in federal court. 11. 'This Agreement. 'constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof 'and supersedes all prior verbal or written'agreements between' the parties with respect thereto. This Agreement may only be amended by written document, properly authorized, executed and delivered. by both p~L~rties hereto. IN WITNESS .~EREOF, Developer and Utility have executed or have caused this Agreement~, with the named Exhibits attached, to be duly executed in several · counterparts, .each of which counterpart shall be considered an original executed copy of this Agreement. St. Lucie Oaks 4 ATTEST: wITNESSES: UTILITY: '~--- c~NTy ~DMfN fSYR~O~ .. .o DEVELOPER: By: , ~t~ T~o~+~ ~ O 0,, 0 0 JOINDER AND CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (If Other Than Developer') By,: MORTGAGEE JOINDER (If Applicable): By · ( SEAL ) St. Lucie Oaks James LaPorte MO~~EE JOINDER (If, Applicable): · Elizabeth LaPor te · . · o · · Florence ~eber ~ert Weber MORTGAGEE JOINDER (If Applicable)- Cornelius ~Calandriello 0 0 0 0 0 :St. ~ucie oaks Joan Calandriello MORTGAGEE JOINDER (If Applicab.l..e;)" ,:.::. . . By: ' "" '""" :" ... .. · ..- . .. .. . .. .: " OR BOOK 0 8 2 2 PAGE 1909 FOR DEVELOPER: / · .. STATE' OF COUNTY OF' The day of ... . ,,,- ,-' ~- ~:.. ,. . ~,--,: ~ ~ -:: ins.tment was acknowledged before me this l_:.~_-- Z: ,.~, -: -- . .-/-~' ,, ., ~:. , . . ' ~~~pUblic - State ;~{~ ~u~uc, s*A~. o~ FLOP. mAg , ~~~ '~ .~ II MY COMMISSION 'EXPIRES': My Co~issi'~n ExpireS~°&~ · / FORL, MORTGAGEE JOINDER: 'STATE OF--~ie.~lO~~4.. _,, The forgo'iffg ~.~strument was, acknowl.edged before me this day of ........ ,,,~~~'~~/ - · · 199~, ~bY_ -- · . -. . My Co~ission ~pires: k~ i..:O~[e, Si02 ~yD~r~ . FOR PROPERTY, OWNER STATE, 'OF ' .,.,~,,~::~ ...... (~ · :.,, . ,......,,& -.., COUNTY OF i'--:. ', ? <.%,o'°V $' ,,-'? . .~ - .,,, . The for~ing~-rumeBt ~s aeRnowled~ed ' ~ ..... '" ' '' before me ~h~s .. , f: ~ '. .. 4:.. ~ / ~y -Co~ission gxplres: St.Lucie Oaks 6 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION NE 1/4 OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 36S, RANGE 40E, LESS SOUTH 1,150 FEET OF EAST 589.46 FEET & LESS EAST 42.0 FEET FOR R/W. ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 0 0 0 0 St. Lucie Oaks 7 EXHIBIT "B" CO~ERCIAL PAYMENT SCHEDULE ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES-DISTRICT #1 PROJECT NAME: ' ST. LUCIE.' '0~ Basis: Developer does-not wish to .res.erve capacity for the 180 rental unitS at this 'time, Developer will pay existing conneetio~n fees, accrUed guaranteed revenue fees and deposits for water .and .Sewer service, when .the meter for each building is applied four, . :~ DOCUMENT ~'RECORDING FEES: ( 14 pgs) "($'6,00 Fir~;t ~page-& $4.50 For.Each Additional Page) =$ 64,50 t~ 0 0 0 -("2% Of estimated ConstructiOn Costs :Of -$140,277.60) =$ 2,:805.55 ....TOTAL.~L ~urrent CrinGES_: =$. 2.870,05 · Note'~' Developer 'has indicated that future meter requirements will be: 18 ' 1 1/2 inch meters, for buildings. 6- 1 1/2 inch meters for irrigation. St. LuCie Oaks EXHIBIT "C" SITE AREA ST. LU'CIE OAKS 0 O. 0 0 ~0 N St. Lucie Oaks St. Lucie Oaks EXHIBIT "D" C~S ITE UTYL]J ~;:;' · . .. .o // · . " i .I ! ! 0:;1 0 0 0 t~ .OFF-SITE ~ILITIES ~ F'UI4Jt~ :CommL~'CiOI STONAGE (t~O' £ KIST. ~45' PROPOSe'D) VIST~ST LUCIE. U.S HWY NO. I (:STATE ROAD NO. 5) ...... . ---- St. Lucie Oaks 11 0 0 0 ~) H d~ ,~IBIT~ ~ , CONSTRUCTION COST BIL-L .DENNEY & COMPANY INCORPORATED P.O~ BO 1127 · PALM cI'rY, .FLORIDA 34990' · 407-334..1520 ~.).: Palmei~ s ..'Co'na %ruc tion RE: S~ Lucie Ozka (Sewe=') ~ay 5,1992 DESCaZ~T~ON 8' ~VC 0-6' LF · 8" PVC 6-8 ' LF 8" PVC 8-10' ~a LF Y~ 8-10' EA Lift .Station LS Sewer Serv. EA P¥C Force Main ESTIMATE QUANTIT~ .UNIT COST TOTAL " 1038' 10.00 10,380.00 948' 11. O0 10 ,'428.00 1032' 13.00 13,416.00 · 5 1050.00 5,250.00 4 '1150.00 ' 4,600.00 4 1250,00 .. S,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 670' 200.00 3,200.00 5.50 3,685..00 Total Bid 87,959.00 ~~pectfuily ~ubmi 0 H H St. Lucie 0 aks 12 CONSTRUCTION COST BILL NEY & COMPANY INCORPORATED P,O. 'BOX 1127 ~' PALM CITY, FLORIDA 34.990 · 407-334-1520 T0: P~ime. ir~o 0onstruc'tion .ii.h;: St. Lucie 0akz (~ra'ter) DEscRI PTI ON UNIT 8" PVC C900 LF 6" PVC C9 0.0 LF 8" GV & Box EA 6 '" CV & Box .EA 12" GV & Box EA 6'" Wet Tap EA 2" Water. Serv. ~ Fire Hyd. Assy 1~ Bl°w Off. Assy EA . Fittings LS Sample-Points EA ESTIMATE 5,1992 QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL. 4290 7.50 32,175.00 118 5.2'0 613...60 10 40.0.00 4., 000.00 2 300,00 600.00. 1 680.00 680.00 · 1 1,100.00 ' 1,100.~00 17 ' 250.. O0 4,2.50.-00 4 1,250.00 .2 350.00 1 2,600.00 2 .. 300.00 Total Bid 5,000.00 700.00 2,600.0.0 600.°0 $52,318~60 O' O- 0 St. Lucie Oaks 13 "F. EXHIBIT . ~ pROPOSED FORCE MAIN PROPOSED LIFT-STATION !..-.'1 .......... 4' "" 1D-12" FORCE MAIN 21,300 L.F. OF PROPOSED 12' FORCE'MAIN %~ 349:52 .BEGIN 12' FOI~CE BAIN 0 0 0 H St.-LUcie OakS 14 Date.of Florida )epartment of Environmental Regulation Notice of lnten't t° Use General Permit '21992:' Instructions: 'This form isto be completed and submitted to th.e Department. along with one set of engineering plans and .specifications, AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO INITI^TING CONSTRUCTION, Ail' blanks must be'filled. · . n 'h ' '"""I~' .. ................... .1 ........ Person(s) or..entity_ that..wilLow ..... ~...e.~.~.~ .................................... ~..~..~ ...................... -: ........ ....... · .................... - ...................................... Name and Title FRANK ,SP . . -..' :' ' ,';' .. --- '-' Add'ress ~,,,,, P' : 0 B°x-'.. i833,. .... . ..... Stuart,'. ...... Fiord"da....3~99~... " ,,' ...... Phone (~)~2.83,,77._.5:g. ..... Latitude._ZZ'* 20. ' ,.-J.E-".N Longitude "8Qo 19 2~ 3~ Section 22 Township ' 36 S Range 40E Estimated cost of project ' $6.0,000..,00 CS/DS De~riPtion.. T-his system will be 'know~ n 'as: ~_~ This system will serve ....... .. O family-homes, ,.. Other: 0 - Estimated' lncrea.se in Flow/Demand (MGD) ,...~ ..,,. Estimated increase in Equi.mlent. Resid~ential conne~ Th~"'~V~stewater treatment'piantJdrinking'-water Plant ,, U,, t~ 111 t ~ e~ wa. t e.r p 1 a n t.. 11. Statement by Applicant The undersigned owner or authorized representative of is fuIly aware that the statements made in 'this notice are tr~ __,S.t:, Luci. e Oa,ks,-,..(St..i .Luc. ie county U.t!'l .... i-ti'es) O; commercial facilities and., 180' multifamily units. · O. 00 ....... -- ' :tions (ERC's) (An ERC - 3.5 Persons) t29----. ...... ..... serving this system will'be ~.~ $.t;, LUc i e,. Cou'n 1;Y.. .... County ......st Luc i'e .. St. Lucie Oaks ~e and complete tothe best of his k'n°wi'ed'ge. Th~. un~ersi°ri: ed is fully aware.that it is his responsibility to operate arid maintain this facility in such a manner as to function as it was designed. Responsibility may be transferred to another entity upon wdtten notice to the Department from the entity - " ' ' ' ,~ i~,dloate on assuming responsibility. The undersigned also .accepts responsibility for retaining the project-engineer "" "" '"' d this notice to observe that.'C6nstruction of the project is' in ,accordance with' engineering plans as submitted. 'Attach a letter of authorization ' j SignatUre ?~'~ ~wner Or Aui'hOrized Representative ' ' Frank -Spec iale -., Trustee . . ..... . ........ ' ~ Name and Title ('Please .Type) P. O. Bo'x 1 833, Stuart, Flo.rida 34995 ................... .... ' ' ..... Telephone No.~ (407) 283-.7755 Date ?-~ 17-555..q10C7) t~e 11n/88 Page 1 of 2 -. I1[. State,eat t)y Utility · treatment plant has The unCtersipnecl states that . sufficient capacity to Pro, de ~sm~terldrink~ng ~ter treatmen~ to serve this s~tem ~en completed, that the treat- ment plant wilt operate in ~m~l:~a~ce with C~apters 17.6117-555. RA.C.. and an~ Other applicable regulations, and t~at the tacit~ty i¢ not under a moratorium o~ any kind. EXisting plant capacity (MGD) . . . .. - -'' . Existin~ plant flow/demand (MGD) (trom operation repo~s) . _ ~ .878.. ..... .... Existing number of Equivalent Residential Connections served ...... 15,2'82 ..... ....... Existing number of Equivalent Residential Connections presently approved . .- tufa · . ........................................................................................................ R-i chard- E ;.:-.Howe l-1.%---Ad~ i ~=i-'s('ra to-r-':fb'r"S bOU50 .... ~-'-- 2 0 N W Country Club':Drive pt 5 . . . . - :., , , St, ~ Fl~a Telephone No. ~(407) 871 IV. Statement by Engineer ........ This .i~'to cattily that'the'engineering te. atures of this ~stem have i~een'de~igned by.-me, in-acordance with Chapters 17,6117'555, F.~C,. and any applicable local'.requirements. It is also stated thai'the undersigned h~s ~urnished the apPli- 'cant ~Ith wri~en instructions tot the operation and m~ntenance of the system. A Statement certiiying comPleti6n of the 'system and ~appropriate clearances will be subm~ed .to the Department in order to obtain approval, to .place the (Affix Seal) ~,stem in .se~ce. ._ . .S~onatu e~ '~ Calvert Mont omery, P E #45)82 · C..' gomery, r. ~.,. , . :..-. .... Name '(Please Type) . rlonda Registration Numbe C Calvet Hontgomery & Associates, inc. Company Name (Please Type) P. o. Box 92, Stuart, Florida :34995_ -" ' Company Address (Please Type) ~Iephone No. (407) '28.7~3636 .... Date . . ~_L ,, r ' --.' ~ :~ ' ' ' '~ ' '" - -~ ~r~ce o~-comp ~6 F~Orida A~ntatrat~e Code T~t~e ~7. ~$a revt~ vas ~m~ted co ~e ~vtro~ca~ th. propos~ project outside of t~s review, as described above, la ~dtc~, ~ertise (~cl~i~ but 'not l~ted to the eleCtrical, STA~ OF ~O~IDA DER Form 17.5,~5.91D[7) Pape 2 o: 2 cz zm ~ ~' ,~ "~:~'~' DRIVING WATER DISTRIBUTI0~ SYSTEM-'E~E~SI0~ O~Y ~~e' '- . ~ , 'ST LUCI. E COUNTY: UTILITIES ~gO~3O~ ~~: ST. LUCIE OAKS ~ ..... ~ ~.~,~ ,,~ . . .. :.. ~.... ...... r ' , ~,. ~ ,~, - Please corn lete this form by placin§ a check mark before each item that ~pplies, "N/A" before eac.~ 'item that ~0es {~o~ appl~ and 'by filling in all other blanks ~iUh the appropriat, e tnfo~atiOn' !f anw,~pace ..i..~ !e'f.~. b!a~.,~he_f?~,,,~haI! .be .... ~onS,idered incomblete and the Drocessink'~ of the application will .be ~elaY~ea. The~olloWing Items are Enclosed' ' . I. ~ X. l~-~/~Completed applica-:i0n on DER Form 17-555.910(7), a minim~, of ~wo originals. original letter authorizing The' a pltcation must be signed by the o~er P ' ~ ' ' ' ' e' o'~er. If th~ pro ect is o~ed by a representative shall be provided by th . corporation or municipality, then., ny . - -~--- '-~J ..... ~~on - '. ' ' -uthorize~ represen~aulve ku~uy uu~,~~ , enter would be considered ~ a ' ~ ' Y :' ~ ' "' ' '~ ...... case the o~er's n~e, title and mailmng address 'c.~porate ooarG..etc.), in any . . ~~St be included.' ' 2/~o complete sets of construction drawing Each pace.of the drawinEs must have the original signature, date-~d seal of the eX%Einee~'_of, reCord~ pursuant to Florida Statutes4-71· Rubber st'~pe.d_ or . '' - ~ "S are not acaeptable.' The drawings must be those . hotocopied .signatures~saal. _ : P" '" . '' '. all not be st~ped-othe~mse (e.g. For · a~ended for ~onstructxon ~nd thus.sh e~'i. tting 0nly", "For Review 0nly", et~. ). - . . . .... x_.._3. Applica,ti.on fee of ~250.00. ' Checks 'or .Money Orders shall 'be made payable E:~Viro~ental Regulation. II. Reserve CaPacity When the application is made it is assumed that the engineer-of-record has verified that the treatment facility to which the project Will be connected has capacity to provide the potable water required by the p. roj'ect. Utility's permitted -design capacity: .... 6.0 -' - MGD · i ' ' Utility's fnaximum daily flow as recorded °n"m0nti{lY operating___. reports for-past 12. mos: ~ 4~.~.76.0 MGD for month of_ January .~_, 19_~. III. Statement by Engineer: This is to ¢~rtify that the engineering features of this system have been designed ~y me in accordance with Chapters 1~-6',0,0 and 17-555' F.A.C., the '19'87 edition of the R.ecommen~ed Standards for W~t~r'Wo~ks and any applicable local requirements. I alsO certify J~%at 'the following i{e~s have been noted o{~ the construction, drawings: 1. ~%in and a urtenances 2 %//""~~df~att.-~'(~.sD.f~r..p~l~.~mc~oon~~re.v~, ~ ~ ~,~ ~ Q~ -~ ~ ~ ~~^~a*~e'"~t~lma~nSreqIfrless than 30 inches Page 1 of 2. t bloakln~ or me~ch~ni~al sho~. re~uralnin~ joints ' for use on sidle y res.id=n=ial conne¢=ions- ,sed ~bac=~riological smmpl'in§' poin=s are iden=i~ied S~ple points are ed on all dead en~S, 'on ~h'e ~ar side of all loops ~nd no more ~h~. 1500 fe=~ apmr= on :s=raigh= ~n~ of pipe, All dead-en~ ma}ns are.~provided w~=h'some means of flushing. (~tre ..i~'ica~ions for ~a~:le.r 'marius ~O be pressure ~es~ed and 'leakage ~es~ed in wi~h curzen~ A~A: Suandards. · t ed in accordance viuh curren~ ca=ions for ~auer mains =o be s~andards. ,,. - , ~]Ln'i~~ "~% z%--:ST' ~a ='g~ m~Ln'Ydr' p~:o~'L ~i~-TL ~%'"~b ~ e = ~'i'o~' and ~-er~ing fi r .~:=s is Sho~ ~o be 6-inch ence ~d s~iu~ry Suffi ' ~.x.~n~ valves are' provided on wa~'r mains so tha= inconvani hazards ~ill be minimt,zed during ~epairs. Valves ara lOca=ed a= no% more 500 foo: in=~als .in co~arcial ts=riC=s' and at no= more th~ one bloak or 800 in o=h]~r distric=$. ~e.re' syst~s' serve -widely .scamper.ed inuervals and where f~=ure developmen= is no= ~pec=ed, uhe valve spacing does =~ceed one mile. seD.=ic =~s. ~iii serve =his projec=. Their lo.ca=iOns are no=ed on ons='.~c=~on d. rawings ~' . ' domes:ri= ~a~=e =ollec=.~-on-sY~=~s 'or .onsi=e se~=ic~=~s~-ill' Be....loc. a.=ed .............. Se ~r:a~ion he,we'.eh va~er mains and sewers rill be in acc.ord~ce' vith the ' ' ~ · ' "~ · ' " al rater m~in and sever .crossmn~s, mncl ding · e dr v ' s. are rov- ded for ' . .. . 14. Pr .~1 . ~ . - .~ :.. ' .~ water !~ne~. - s s=orm sewers and re=laima g~avi~y sewers, force mazn , ' . - . - (Affix Seal) C. Calvert Monto~omer¥. P.'E ,fi, 4982., -' .. R-~e '"(Pi~ase TYPe). -.Fla. "~egis=ra~ion' g. Calve.rtoMon~gomery g Associates,. Inc. 6mPa. hr ~e. (PleaSe.. TyP'~"') ?. O. Box 92, stuart, Florids 3~9-95 - .... ' ....... .comp.any .... Addre~S~' (-Please" Typ~)' i-3o36 Date Telephone Mo. (407) 28" ' ' · _~ ._ ~ ....... · ... Page 2 of 2 ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO.. 9 ].-6 ! ]. TO: Land Development Manager FROM: County DATE: August 22 ~, 1991 SUBJECT: St. Lucie Oaks PUD - Access Improvements 2 6 1991 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ST, LUCtE CO~~FL Thank you for above mentioned conceptual drawing PUD on South U.S. improving the ~ing traffic circulation i Engineering sees n lems with this conceptu as stated in the ~tter, all final transitior. lengt!hs, and and turning radii w~ jurisd of the .Department of T~ future submittals suggest that we require th~ d ' rawlng to the no adjact=nt to the de, memorandum of August 10, 19~91, regarding the ,ject. Engineering staff has reviewed the the ingress and egress at the St. Lucie Oaks River Park. Conceptuall~ they appear to be n this area, and ~1 plan. However, lengths, storage 11 be under the 'ansportation. In ~m to extend their to analyze any access points that may be ion lane. If you have any add tional questions or need further information please let me know,. ' SDN: TEP: lb cc: I.uis Serna STLOAK. 1 BOARD 'OF COUNTY COMMI SSI ONERS i: " ST. LUC!E COUNTY, FLORI DA ~' REGULAR MI NUTES Date: June 16, 1992 convened: · Tape: 1, 2 ~ adjourned: 9-.15 a.m. 11:25 a..m. Commi. ssioners Prese ~' Chairman, J~. MiniX~ Krieger, Havert L. cnn, R. Dale Trefelner J~dy Culp~per, Jack Others Pres ent: Howell, Utili'ties Terry Virta, Acquisition Direc Administrator; Ron Public Works Admi Director.;- Sam Amers of C,i rcui t -Court; Sheriff' s Departmen ndred, Acting County Administrator, Rick nistrator; Dan McIntyre, County Attorney; Development Administrator; Joseph Malfait, Clifford Crawford, Leisure Services Si gmon, Permit Speci ali s t ;' Ronal d Brown, s trator; Charl es Bi cbt, Central Services Solid Waste Director; Douglas Dixon, Clerk Cammerene, GM, Golf Course; W. Linsen, A. Mitlie White, Deputy Clerk Res~oluti on No.. 92-0 9 ~4 project known as St. At this time the gay The engineer (name addressed .the Board At this time the gay to memorandum from Community Development ed to the Board, dated June 10, 1992., No. 92 -094, a res Ol uti on approving the Speciale for a 12-.- month extension to the Pl~anned Unit Development Plan' 'for ' the Lucie Oaks. ;1 was passed to the Vice Chairman. ~ ~nintelligible) represe.nting the petitioner, :ega~dtng this request. was returned to the Chairman. m. Krieger, seconded by Com. Culpepper to No.'. 92-094, a resolution approving the Speciale for a 12 month extension to the Planned Unit DeveloPment; and, upon roll unanimously. ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY D V6LOPM6NT ADMINISTRATOR June 18;, 1992 TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP C. Calw:rt Montgomery C. CALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Exchange Bufld~g Stuart, Florida 34995. Subject:: St. Lucie ~Oaks - A Preliminary Planned Unit Development Dear Mr. Montgomery: You are hereby informed that, on June 16, 1992, the St. Lucie County Board of County Co~ssioners vOted to grant the extension to the above referenced.i~relirninary . PUD. Within two .weeks you will be receiving a copy of'the recorded resolution .granting Preliminary plan approval with conditions. If You have any further questions'on this matter please feel f~ee to d0ntact this office for assistance. ' sCe ely, (~avm' . ~.y DPK/dlj cc: Planning Director L. Serna File HAVERT L. FENN. District No. I · JUDY CULPEPPER. District' No. 2 · JACK KRIEGER. District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER. District No. 4 · JIM MINIX. District No. 5 County Administrator -- JAMES V. CHISHOLM 2300'Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce,-FL 34982-5652 Administrator: (407) 468-1590 · Growth Management: (407) 468-1553 · Planning- (407) 468-1576 Property Acquisitions: (407) 468-1720 · Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1 571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 M~E M O R.A.N D U M TO: County Engineer FROM: Land Development Mana DATE :~ Augu st 10, 19 91 SUBJECT: St.. Lucie Oaks PUD - Access Improvements A'ttach.ed you will find a concept for the ingress and egress at the St. Lucie Oaks pUD in River Park. Please look this over, along with Mr. Montgomery's letter of transmittal, and let me know any comments that you may have. T]hank you. DJM/me S TLOAK 1 ( a ) \wp attacku.aent s cc: L. Ser.na P. O. Box 92 CAL¥[I T ASSc)ciAT[s, Dennis J. Murphy, AICP Land Development Manager St. Lucie Planning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 ENGINEERS PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE BUILDING STUART, FLORIDA 34995 August 8, 199 ~ Phone (407) 287-3636 IN . Re- St. Lucie Oaks - Modifications ani C. Calvert Montgomery, P.E. Arthur Speedy, B.S. -- R.L.S. Fred Jette Scott Mc~nt .......... Dear Dennis u n c h a n g e'd The modifications inv( opening into McDona.~'~{ to the St. Lucie ~~s storage lane, al~st d road i.nto Oaks pr'ovid¢ customers of McDonald[ intersection or enteri customers exiting nor they can't do now. of the pro conr~ ~/ _ :nd turn ~ ccom~ /~/~ __ ~.~,'~]]?'l-:~~i~ access~ to vista 'St~':'~ L-u~~~' ~e ...... cls:s:2ng.,:'/~,h~?~.~2st~ng2 ~~~::~::~:,,~~~ left turn median and P~~g~~:t:":300 feet of entrance, Loubl e that/_~ow '~w~i:~~~?~~~3.~..e~ntrance ~s an acces~ to the 'fe~:<~j~bo~alds. Then will hav~access eith~ ........ ~-~-'~'~~~n at the ng the 0a;~Fs entrance to tha~%"~aC6:~S, and hb°Und cdn do so at the intersection, which The connection provides for ingress and egress in any direction for St. Lucie Oaks residents and future commercial customers, and it leaves the present turn lane movements into, and out of, Vista St. Lucie unchanged. The landscape island in the entrance just beyond the connection for McDonalds access is there to break up the long straight sec- tion and Mr. Filipe wanted to add some greenery at that point to lend some separation f intended as a final co and we prefer to leave not show access into t rom the commercial intersection. It is not nfiguration, so it is shown conceptually, its final design for later. Also, we do 3e commercial parcels since the use of those areas is not knoen. The option of access from the entrance road or from the extension to McDonalds is there for Planning at a future time. MEMBER OF: American Society of Civil Engineers -- American Concrete Institute~_ Florida Engineering Society -- Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors Florida Planning and Zoning Association Dennis J. Murphy, AICP Land Development Manager St. Lucie Planning Department August 9, 1991 Page 2 We respectfully request your conceptual approval, or questions, as soon as possible so that we can submit to the Department of Transportation for their Conceptual Review letter. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely, C. CALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC. C. Calvert Montgomery ccm/mt Enclosures cc: Brasilino Filipe P. O. Box 92 ENGINEERS PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE BUILDING STUART, FLORIDA 34995 August 20, 1991 Phone (407) 287-3636 IN :. C. Calvert Montgomery, P.E. Arthur Speedy, B.S.- R.L.S. Fred Jette Scott Montgomery, B.C.E. Mary Tilton Beth Cee District Permit Engineer Department of Transportation 780 S. W. 24th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315-2696 ,.,:.:-..,.;ii~,-'/~":~;i'!~i.,'.-......--.~,:~-~.... St. Lucie Coust~.,,i';" Florida Attached are'"~'*';~i.",Y~::~in'tsOf.,,,the,.,~Conceptual'"' plan for connect&on for St. Bucle':Oaks ~o S~ate Road ~o. The Plan is in accorda'fi'ce with.~, thOse'-'decisions made ing with you and McDonald's rePresentatives in West .,. It shows:, .... .' . -.. · ,2. Re: St. Lucie Oaks/State Road No. 5 Connection the entrance 5. at the meet- Palm Beach· . Closing the 'median opening at McDonald's".. :' ,~," Extending the traffip separator north to the Oaks entrance, almost doubling the present storage lane. 3. Providing an ingress/egress to McDonald's from the Oaks entrance road. The u]~derstanding at the meeting was that the McDonald's customers would be allowed to U-turn at the Oaks entrance, then go south to the existing access from the Highway, and they could also have access from the Oaks entrance road. The Oaks entrance would also provide egress for those residents and for McDonald's custOmers, and allow left turn. out onto the Highway for north bound traffic. The turning movements for the Vista allowed to remain unchanged. St. Lucie traffic would be MEMBER OF: American Society of Civil Engineers -- American Concrete Institute'-- Florida Engineering Society -- Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors Florida Planning and Zoning Association Beth Coe District Permit Engineer Department of Transportation August'. 20, 1991 Page 2: We trust that this conceptual plan is sufficient for your review and granting conceptual approval at this time. We have already submitted it to Dennis Murphy, St. Lucie County Planning Depart- ment, for his approval. Please call me if there are questions. Sincerely, C~ CALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC. C. Calvert MontgOmery ccm/mt Enclosures cc: Brasilino Filipe cc- Dennis Murphy B RD OF COUNTY MISSION£RS D£V£LOPM6NT DIR6CTOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP July 23, 1991 S~peciale South Ocean Blvd. Raton, FL 33432 Mr. Speciale: letter is to Confirm that on June 25, 1991 the Board of County sioners for St. Lucie County, Florida, approved your ion for a change in zoning from RM-5 (Residential, Multiple- y - 5 du/ac) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) and CG Commercial, General ) to PNRD ( Planned Non-Residential pment ). copy of the recorded Resolution No. .nformation. 91-132 is enclosed for your incerely, ~,OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS T. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA avert L. Fenn, Chairman LF:ep nc losure ile No. RZ-91-009 Community Development Administrator Land Development Manager Planning Director Harold Melville, Esquire File L lilFENN. Dis~'rict No. 1 e JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 e JACK KRtE ER. District No. 3 e R DALE ~'REFELNER, District No 4 · JIM MtNIX, Distric~'No 5 County Administrator -- JAMES V, CHISHOI~ ' ' 2300 Virginia Avenue e Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Director: (407) 468-1590 · Building-(407) 468-1553 · Planning: (407) 468-1576 Zoning: (407) 468-1553 e .Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LUCtE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 A G E ~N D A R E Q U E S T DATE jUNE 13, 1991 REGULAR JUNE 25, 1991 SPECIAL CONSENT REQUEST PUBLIC WORK PRESENTATION HEARING XXX SESSION ITEM ]DESCRIPTION - SUBJECT- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- PLANNING Consider approval of Draft Resol~ution. 91-132, granting the petition of Frank Speciale for preliminary development plan approval of a pro3ect known as St. Lucie Oaks Planned Development. Location: ApProximately 547 feet west of South U.S. #1, 150 feet north of Beach Avenue, ~tenerally west of St. Lucie Plaza, inctudin~ 174.3 feet frontin~ on U.S. #1, north of St. Lucie Plaza. RE COMME NDAT I ON - Staff recommends Approval of Resolution 91-132. FUNDS AVAILABLE- ACCOUNT NUMBER (SPECIFY IF BUDGET AMENDMENT IS REQUIRED) PRESENTED BY- Administrator Ter~rY ~. V~t~ Ja~es ~':' hisholm CONCURRENCE - DEPARTMENT- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION ACTION Approved with conditions 'TLV/NCM/ep BCC- docs k agenda.-spec i al e DATE- 6/25/91 j~~s V. Chisholm //t2ounty 'Administrator TO: Terry Virta Please process as approved by the Board with conditions to incl'ude a priv.acy wall on the south and west sides of the project and .an application for a traffic light on U.S. #1. JUNE 25, 1991 RESOLUTION NO: 9.1' ! 32 FILE NO.: RZ 91-009 M E M O R A N D U M TO: County Commissi on FROM: Planning Director DATE- June 17, 1991 SUBJECT: Petition of Frank Speciale for Preliminary Development Plan Approval for a Project Known as St. Lucie Oaks Planned Development On June 25, 1991, you will be asked to reView~the application of Frank Speciaie for a preliminary development plan approval for a project to be known as St. Lucie Oaks, a Planned DeVelopment. The project lies generally north and west of the McDonald, s and Burger King restaurants on U.S. Highway 1 just north of RioMar Dri Ve. ~ The 2. I'7 acres fronting directly on-Highway 1 are presently zoned CG (Commercial, General) and will be zoned PNRD (Planned Non- Residential Development) upon-approval of a final development plan. No speci fi c propos als have been made for this 1 and. The westernmost 22. 17 acres are now zoned RM-5 (Residential, Multiple- Family, 5 du/ac) and will be zoned PUD (Planned Unit DevelOpment) upon approval of a final deVelopment plan. The applicant plans to construct 180 units .in one---and two-story apartment buildings on this site. .. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on this application on May 23, 1991. River Park residents presented a petition with 185 si'gnatures opposing the application, and several residents appeared personally to oppose the petition as well. The Commission voted unanimously to recommend your approval of this application. The applicant has waived concurrency review at this time and will apply for a Certificate of Capacity pri.or to 'the issuance of a final development order. Attached you will find unofficial minutes from the May 23 hearing, a copy of the original staff report o.n the matter, and a June 17, Page 2 1991 Application: Speciale File No.: RZ-91-009 copy of Draft Resolution ~91-132, Which would grant preliminary development approval. The. resolution contains ten sugges.ted conditions, including requirements for the developer to provide water and and wastewater lines and requirements for protection of wetlands and gopher tortoise relocation. Staff has reviewed Draft Res ol uti~on ~ 91 -137. know. the petition and recommends approval of If you have any questions, please let us SUBMITTED: NancY' ~.' Muns haw Planning Director CONCURRENCE: Terry' L. ~~ta' ' ' COmmunity pevel oPment Admi his tr~or Daniel i'" County Att Harold Melvill e, .Es q. Frank Speciale Commis.sion - Secretary Press/Publi c File UNOFFICIAL- SUBJ£CT TO PUBLIC HEARING - FRANK SPECIALE - FILE NO. RZ:-91-009 PLANNING& ZON~N9 COMMISSION APPROVAL Ms. MunShaw gave the 'Commission and the public a quick reVieW of the pr.ocedures relevant to approvin~ a PUD (planned unit development'). The Planning and Zoning Commission has formal responsibility only for preliminary approval of the PUD. Prel±lminary PUD approval is a preliminary development order, which means that the applicant may chOose to meet concurrency standards at that time or to defer action on concurrency until a final development order (ifinal PUD approval, in this case) is sought. Chairman Terpenin~ and Others asked that the concurrency decision, either in the .form 'of a certificate of capacity or a non- concurrency affidavit, be included in the packet for the Commission's meotin~. Mr. Luis Serna presented staff comments. He stated that the parcel was located on the west side of South U.S. #1 and to the west of the S't. Lucie Plaza Shopping Center, McDonalds Restaurant and a bank, all of which fronted on U.S. #1. He stated that the parcel consisted of 24.34 acres. He stated that 22 acres was zoned RM-5 (Residential, Multiple-Family - 5 du/ac) and had a future land use of RM (Residential, Medium). He said there were 2 acres fronting on U.S. #1 currently zoned CG (Commercial, General) and had a future land use of'COM (Commercial). He said the petitioners were requestin~ prel±minaryplanned development approvals for the entire property and that them Would not submit final approvals at the next scheduled commission meeting. Mr.~LuiS Serna stated that'theM were proposing 180 unit apartments on the larger portion, of the parcel to be known as St. Lucie Oaks. He said that the site plan indicated the community would Contain a mixture of one and two-story structures and sixteen apartment buildings. He said on the front portion of the parcel which fronts -_ U.S. #1, the petitioner was proposing PNRD (Planned Non- - Residential Development) zoning which would, serve' as the sole access to the apartment area. He said that traffic ...... impact reports had been completed and indicated adequate '~capacity for the apartment portion of the development; however, no final approvals would be granted until all issues of capacity had been addressed. He stated t'hat the site plan met all preliminary development requirements. Mr. Serna stated that in keeping with the future .land use designation of RM (Residential, Medium), staff felt this development would serve as an excellent transitional use between the lower intensity Residential Urban designation to the west and the more intense commercial uses along U.S. #1. He stated that on the site plan the developer proposed at least a 30 foot buffer area of native vegetation and there was a twenty foot canal right-of-way and canal between this property and the adjacent River Park community. Mr. Luis Serna reviewed the ten conditions as outlined in the draft UNOFFICIAL- approval subject to the conditions outlined in 'the draft resolution. Mr. Harol~d MelVille, A~ent for Frank Speciale, appeared before the COmm±ssion. He s.tated that a chan~e in zon±n~ was be±n~ requested to the property.. ~He stated that the propert was locate-d behind McDonalds andBur~or K±n~ Restaurants, S~n , and the shoppin~ cent.er which all fronted on U.S. #1. ~-"H~ aid there were two parcels involved, the firs't parcel fronted on U.S. #1 and the land use was COM (CommerCial) and the second parcel was located behind the first parcel and had a land use desi~nat±on of RM (:Residential,. Medium). He saidthe applicant was seekin~ to rezone the residential Parcel to'pUD (Planned Unit D~velopment) and the applicant was seekin~ to reZone the commercial property to PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development). He notgd that at this time there was no particUlar use designated for the Qommercial property. He ~stated that the applicant did not have. a p~oblem with staff's cond±ti°ns outlined in the draft resolution. Mr. Melvil-le stated that the applicant was proposing to construct 180 apartment units, which were approximately i unit per acre less than what the Comprehensive Plan provided as the maximum. He stated, that RM (Residential, Multiple-Family) was a transitional land use and its purpose was to serve as a step down between a high intensity.commercial use and single family residences. He stated that the apartment pro3ect would be self cont~.ined with tho.only access being U.S. #1. ~He stated that the apprc the property would be e±~ht.milt±on dollars presented the Commission With Pictures of~previc applicant had completed in Stuart. He stat~ suppor'tin~ this petition with conditions; how~ did no't have a problem with the conditions. · imate tax value of fter buildout. He us developments the d that staff was ~ver, the applicant Mr. Pr:[merano, 323 Holly Avenue in River Park, appeared before the Commission. He presented a petitiOn with 185 signatures of people in opposition to the petition. He asked if they would be connecting to county utilities.. Mr. Luis Serna replied that they woul.d be hookin9 up to utilities. county Mr. Primerano stated that he was worried about the increased traffic in the area. Mr. Von Dran, 210 South Camino in River Park, appeared before the Commission. He stated that River Park was a bedroom community with winding[ Streets and was designed to serve s±n~le-family dwellings and were not designed to handle heavy traffic. He stated that w±denin~ of Riomar and Prima Vista was important to the community UN§FFIC AL SUgJECT TO PLANN[NG& COMNIISSION A??ROVAI' and another development of this sort would seriously~~P~-~t traffic. He stated that residents of RiVer Park opposed ~to the proposed zoning change. Mr. Primerano asked if this development was going to be a low rental area. Mr. Melville replied that the average rental would be $450 per month. Mr. Rodda, 63'5 Beach AVenue in River Park, appeared before the Commission. He stated that he was a~ainst the petition. Ms. Scorse, 616 Beach Avenue, appeared before the Commission. She stated that she visited the other development Mr. Speciale constructed in Palm City and she was not impressed. She stated that she was against the petition. Mr. Scorse, 616 Beach Avenue, appeared before the Commission. He asked if thexr would be extendinc~ Dyke Avenue in the near future. Chairman Terpening replied that the County had abandoned Dyke Road. Mr~ Scorse stated that Winn Dixie was moving out of the shopping center' and the shopping center would soon be vacant. He stated that he was ~against the petition. Chairman Terpening stated that the CommiSsion received two letters of opposition to the petition. The first letter from Mr. and Mrs. Recco was in opposition to the petition because they' felt the development~ ~~~w°uld cater to a' transient population and- increase traffic v~n~'o~~n and.ruin the skyline. The second letter from Mr. and Mrs. ~Morena was in opposition because they felt the development would lower property values and increase population. Mr. Melville, a~ent for Frank Spec±ale, appeared before the Commission.- He stated that reasonable use of property should be allowed by the owners of the property. He stated that thi. s property fit precisely into the transitional land 'use it was proposed to be.. He stated that the r~sidents of River Park were opposin~ traffic and congestion; however, they were in opposition to the proposed cemetary in the same location. He said they wanted to keep single-family residences in the area; however, this parcel was zoned RM-5 (Residential, Multiple-Family - 5 du/ac). There being no further comments in favor or in opposition to the petition, Chairman Terpen±n~ closed the public portion of the hear±n~. After considerin~ the testimony presented durin~ the public hearing, includin~ staff comments, and' the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.06.03 St. Lucie County Land Development COde, Mr. ~Skidmore moved that the P 1 annin~ and Z onin~ Commi:~siOn/Local A~enc¥ recommend that the St. Lucie County Board ~of. County Commissioners grant aproval to the petition of Frank Speciale~ for a change in zonin~ from RM-~5 (Residential, Multiple-Family - 5 du/ac) and CG (Commercial, General) to PUD (Planned unit Development)' and PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) and for preliminary site plan· approval with the conditiOns outlined in the draft resolution. Mr. Sattler seconded the m¢)tion and upon roll call, the Board voted unanimoUsly in favor of the motion. Chairman Terpenin9 informed the applicant's agent that' his petition wOuld be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with the recommendation of approval. A Break was taken from 7:55 PM to 8:15 PM UNOFFICIAL- SUBJECT TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APPtIOVAL BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S.T. LUCI_E ~0UNTY,. FLORIDA ~ REGULAR MEETING Date: June 25, 1991 convened. 9-20 a.m. Tape: 1, 2 adjourned- 12- 07 a.m. Commi s s ioners Jack Krieger,. Present: Chairman, Havert L. Fenn, Jim Minix, R. Dale Trefelner Judy Culpepper, , Others Present- James Chisholm, County Administrator; Danny Crew, Asst. County Administrator; Tom Kindred, .Asst. County Admi.~.~istrator;.. Ed .Fry, Director of Management & Budget; Rick Howell, Utilities Director; Heather Young, Asst. County Attorney; Terry Virta, Community Development Director; Dennis Murphy, Land Development Manager; Joseph Mal fait, Acquisition Director; Clifford Crawf~ord, Leisure Servi cos Director; Renal d Brown, Public . 'Works Ad:mi~iStrator; Salvador lqabong~ ' County Engineer; Morris Adger, Pert Director; NanCy Munshaw' Planning Admin±s~rator; Gayla Ba~i ck, Tourism DireCtor; Donna Trudo~ Purchasing Director~ Douglas Dixon, Clerk of Circuit Court; Larry Peretti, Personnel Director; Linda Childress, Finance Director; Ron Eskesen, Sheriff's Dept. ; A. Miltie White,, Deputy Clerk (Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, absent - or_ County BuSiness) PUB LInC ~iEAR! NG~S ( 1 - 0262 ) Reso!.ution No. 9t-!32 Reference was made to memorandum from Planning Director, addressed to the Board, dated June 17, 1991, subject: Resolution No. 91-152, a resolution granting the petition of Frank Speciale for Preliminary Development Plan Approval for a Project Known as St.. Lucie Oaks Planned Development. The Planning Direlctor requested that on 'page 3', sentence be deleted per the request of the sentence reads: "A ce,rti fi cate of occupancy shall paragra°h E a developer. The only be issued as i n con define unction width the issuance of a in th'e St. Lucie County Land Final De.velopment Order DeveloPment Code". Mr. Harold Melville, representing the Petitioner, was answer any.. cruestions... Various photos were of *'~.he another d~'velopment in Stuart were presen~ed to the their perusal. present to project and Board for Mr. Joe Primerano tepees enting the River~ Park expressed that he was pleased v~ith the developers this 'ti me. Homeowners comments at Mrs. Wehner, resident of Coconut Ave., expressed he~ concerns wi th 'the drainage. - Mr. Howard Kepke, F. z o Mar Drive resident expressed his . concerns regarding the possik.'_e traffic congestion this Project may cause. Mr.. P'rank Westman, -~es£dent o._ the ~-,sociation, addressed the Board regarding the petition sen5 to~ the Board and also Ewo l etEers sent sLa~ing opposition Eo this project. The Board acknowledged receipu of the petition and opposition 1 e~ters. ~ Mr. Westman requested a stipulation from the Board that some type of ~raffic control be addressed. The Pi~anning Director advised the B~oard of three conditions~ on the Resolution which are based for traffic fl°~ and stated that there was no indication that signalization woul~ be necessary. Com. Cu!pepper requested that the developer be'~equired to submit an application to the DOT for s59na!ization. Mr. Harold Melville, concluded his 'comments petitioner would not have a problem wi tin erect West and the South boundary line of the proje could be a condition. Mr. Melviile also stat have 'to concur wi th his client regarding th signalization to the .-DOT. by stating the 'ling a wall to the ~ t and that this ~'d that he wou!d application of .After a brief discussion that the petitioner had signalization with Vista with the petitioner, M~. Melville stated no objection to a join~ application for St. Lucie. The P~:bli c Hearing was suspended briefly _,until information regarding the possibility that Vista St. Lucie 'a6 a development order on signalization would be obtained. (10. 2~ a. m. ) 5OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST.~.__ LUCI E ~.~COUNTY, FLORi DA REGULAR MEETING Date- June 25, Tape- 1, 2 1991 Commis si oners Jack Krieger, Present- Jim Mi nix, Chairman, Havert L. R. Dale Trefelner convened: adjourned: 9-20 a.m. t2- 07 a.m. Fenn, Judy Culpepper, James Chisholm, Others Pres ent: County Crc%;, ASst. County Administrator; Tom Kine Administrator; Ed Fry', Dire'ctor of Manageme Howell, Utilities 'Director; Heather Young, As Terry Virta, Community .Development Dire:ctor; ] Development Manager;- Joseph Mat fait, Acq~ Clifford Crawford, Leisure Services Direcl Public Works Administrator; Salvador Nabong, Morris Adger, Port Director; Nancy 1~ Administrator; GaYla BarWick, TOurism Dire~ Purchasing Director; Douglas Dixon' Clerk of ( Peretti, personnel-Director;: Linda Childress, Ron Eskesen, Sheriff' s Dept. ; A. Millie White, (Dan McIntyre, COunty Attorney, absent - on Cz .. minis trator; Danny red, Asst. County t & Budget;. Rick t. County Attorney; ennis Murphy, Land Lsition Director; or; Ronald Brown, County Engineer; uns haw, Pt anning tot; Donna Trudo, ircuit Court; Larry Finance Director; Deputy C!erk ~nty Business) Item 4_ -A continue~ ~ Resotutior. No. 91-132 · Staff reported to the Board regarding th Vista St. Lucie signalization order. There is no record ofea conditi.on being initiated for signalization for the Vista St Lucie development. , Mr. Melville representing the petitioner, onferred with his client and they ~have. agreed to submit the application to the DOT for £ignalizatlon approval.. It was moved by Com. Culpepper, seconded Resolution No. 91-I32, with the foil.owing bY Com. Minix to appro~ve two c.OnditiOns. 1. That a wall be constructed at the the project if needed.. West and South end of 2. The application to DOT to install traffic light at the intersection of Vista project, St. Lucie Oaks, and acti,vely enlist of ttae homeowners as a group from Vista St. permit for 'the light; at their expense a- St. Lucie and their and utilize the help LUcle Eo obtain that and, upon roll call, motion carried unani.mously. Chairman Fenn reuuested the fol!.owin~ letters be record. ' -' '" entered for the De ar Si rs: Wi th respect to Specia!e, p!ease zoning variance. the above referenced petition be advised that we are extremely of Mr. opposed to Frank this River Park is an building such defini~eiv !ower -- excellent community and my wife and I feel a rental compl ex i n ou ~ neighborhood property values in the immediate area. that will We are alsc opposed to this variance and the building of such a complex because of the increase in population ir wi!~ cause To an area that ' s already,,.....~ exDeri, enc ' n9 a rapid growth in popula~~ on. I therefore respectfully reuuest that thi~ zoning v~riance be denied by ~he Board. - ~ Thank you very much for your time. Sincerei y, Anthony and Phyllis Morena File No. RZ 91-009 Petition of Frank Speciat e-Trus tee Dear Si rs. With :respect to your notice of May 8, 1991 concerning the referenced, file number, please be advised that this family to oppose the zoning varia~nce by Mr. Frank Speciale. above wishes We opPose this for. several reasons. The first being pr. operty'~will be. used. for the purpose of building rental one and two stories. This will flood the neighborhood transient population, which is not conducive to a c ommuni t~y. that the uni ts of .with a stable Secondly, tra~fic in t~he immediate area, i.e. Beac'h and Oleander Avenues, are already overly complex will add to the road congestion. · Thirdly, two, story buildings will ruin the neighborhood. Rio Mar Drive and travel ed, and this skyline for the And, finally, will all roads be ruined to and waEer supply for this complex? We bought in River Therefore, for all variance reuu~est. -- Park because it is of the above reasons, accommodate a s ewe ra we we beautiful oppose c ommuni ty. this zoning Thank you for letting us maEter is setu!ed for the express be ne fi t our opinion and of all concerned. Ve wy -~: ~u! y - ~ yours, Mr. Sa!va~ore Recco and Doreen ~ecco hope this BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION£'RS June 24, 1991 DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP HaroM Melville, Esquire P.O. Box 850 Fort Pierce, FL 34954 Dear Mr. Melville: ResolutionT° follow uPo~agon our thatPh°nestatesC°nversati°nthat today, we are agreeing to delete a sentence in Draft '~-~-"~' a certificate of capacity would be granted only in conjunction with a Final Development Order. However, Mr. Virta's opinion is that the law req.uires that the certificate be granted with some type of development order, so he has /nformed me that if we wish to'.run the concurrency test before your client is ready to apply for final approval, we would treat it as an amendment to your pre~ary development order. Let us lmow when you are ready to meet concurrency requ/rements, and we will advise you of the appropriate procedure. Very. truly yours, ' -ff~- ,--. '/,:c/~b~':,l.~./~ - N~cy (% Munshaw, ~CP Pla~~g Dkector NCM/dlj G:\WP~~__~LV HAVERT L FENN. District No. 1 .e JUDY CULPEPPER. District No. 2 · JACK KRIEGER. District No. 0 e R. DALE TREFELNER. District No. 4 e JIM MINIX. District No. 5 County Administrator _ JAMES V. CHISHOLM 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce. FL 34982-5652 Director: (40.7) 468-I 590 · Building: (407) 468-1553 · Planning: (407) 468-1576 Zoning: (407) 468-1553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE N'O. (407) 878-4898 BOARD' OF COUNTY J. un~e 4, 199% DIRECTOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AtCP Mr. Harold Melville, ESquire P.O. Box 850 Ft. Pierce, FL :34954 Re: Application of St. Lucie Oaks PUD for Preliminary- PUD/PNRD Approval Dear Mr. Melville- As was discussed .briefly at the .Plannin~ and. Zoning Commission meeting on~ the above referenced matter, your client Will be required to elect either to ~o through the Concurrency Test or to si§n the Non-Concurrency Affidavit prior to the 9ranting of the Preliminar~ DeveloPment~Order. The Preliminary~Development,~Order. is'the preliminary PUD/PNRD apProvalthat'will be cOnsidered by the Board of County~.Commissioners.on June.~25. -~The~,AttorneY,.s Office now i's";'~'~;~'requirin~.~ either the~'~;Non-Concurrency~ AffidaVit or CertifiCate of CapaCity to be part of the Board packet. This: means that I shoUld receiv~t.he executed Non-Concurrency Affidavit (copy enclosed)..by Monday,~ June 17; ..... i.f ~that is your client:'s choice. If he chooses to meet the adequate public facilities requirements now, and thus have capacity reserved, we also need to know that as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly. In. answer to. your question at the P&Z hearinD, we believe that the Code contemplates an applicant receivin~t the Certificate of Capacity in conjunction with either the preliminary or final development order,, and not at some arbitrary time in between. Please call me if you have any questions about this matter or need 'txo disCuss the options further. Very truly yours, Nancy C'. Manshaw, RICP Planning Director NCM/ep cc- LUis Serna HAVERT L FENN, District No I e JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 · JACK KRIEGER. District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · JIM MINtX, District No. 5 Counry Administrator ~ JAMES V. CHISHOLM 23.00 Virginia Avenue e Fort Pierce, FL-34982-5652 Director: (407) 468-159~ e Building: (407) 468-1553 e Planning: (407) 468-1576 Zoning: (407) 468-1553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 approval. '~.I have elected not to"re~queSt,... -. of capacity ~' in public., facilities .f°r,.,:~which required. I ,.. acknowledge '- .~ -.~ guarantee..':that: ~ adequate- public ~:';: ........ ~ ,'.. 'I apply for ':~Final, Planned .Q:~?~ Res ~;dentiai Devel op~nt".1/,:~:' -I further~' ~, ,:5' 01...~'01 . ,. ,. ..;,:~ -., .. ...... , .: .' ',.:}~ '... · ,,,: ,'.,: . .~. . .~., -..~ ,-. . . .. ~_-,.. · . . _ , ve reservation ........ .... appeared i,. · : " .... ' ~'" who upon '- being duly sworn, depos es and'. .. -says -Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of -- 19 . NOTARY PUBLI C, STATE 'OF FLORi DA AT LARGE My Commission expires MELVILLE ~c FOWLEI¢, P.A. ,,~ ....... . ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOUTHEAST BANK BUILDING i C01ViiV!UNII~Y DEVELOPMENi' 300 SOUTH 6TH STREET HAROLD G. MELVILLE* MICHAEL D. FOWLER DAVID N. SOWERBY CHARLES R. P. BROWN OF' COU NSE:L April 24, 1991 MAILING ADDRESS: POSt OFFICE BOX 850 FORT PIERCE, FL 34954 TELEPHONE (407) 464-7900 (407) 464- 8ZZO FAX ~BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER HAND DELIVERY Mr. Dennis Murphy Land Development Manager St. Lucie County Planning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Preliminary PUD Application for St. Lucie Oaks/Application _for Certification elf Capacity Dear Dennis: In response to your letter of April 16, 1991, I am enclosing the following: 1. Correspondence from C. Calvert Montgomery addressing each of the comments/recommendations in your correspondence. 2. Copy of correspondence from Wayne P. Blythe of Blythe Environmental Inc. addressing the gopher tortOise and wetlands issues. 31. Seventeen (17) copies of the revised site plan. The Developer and Consultants have now had extensive communication with the County environmental, utility and other speciality areas. I believe that the revisions on the plans and the responses to the comments have now satisfied all of the. Development Review Committee concerns. As you know, this is an application for preliminary PUD approval. Some of the concerns addressed by the Development Review' Committee appear more applicable to final PUD approval. These items will, of necessity, be more fully defined during the final PUD approval process. Due to the time constraints under the Purchase and Sale Contract for this property, we need to get this on the Planning and Zoning Commission calendar for May 23, 1991 if at all possible. Mr. Dennis April 24, Page 2 Murphy 1991 Best regards. HGM: kE.~c enclosures CC: C. Calvert Montgomery Bras ilino Filipe Sincerely, ~ G. Melville MELVILLE 8~ FOWLER, P.A. P:O. Box 92 Arthur Speedy, B.S. -- R.L.S. Fred Jette ~~ 2~, 199~ . ~" Scott Montgomery, B.c.E. Mary Tilton Dennis Murphy, AICP Land Development Manager' 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982-5652 Re: St. Lucie Oaks P.U.D. Site Plan Dear Mr. Murphy: Harold Melville sent us response to your comments. directly to yu. Taking of your April 16, 1991 letter for He asked that we address our reply a copy yoUrS! :co .mments by number, our,,an!~wers and comments ~<: ...."'" ;" ,'"'. .... :~:'i"/ ' 1. :. ~he ,]..egal.';,:descr ipt" "' .... '/' " ion aS, submitted on the Piah~does .!ncl~d~?'~he C~mmersial Property However, LoUis',;Serna p nted out a correction to be made, ...... Where~,N. W,~' should have been N. E., and that--~.change has b~n made~ We und'erstand that t 'cOmmercial 'tract` will be deisgnated PNRD. //' "" 2. Tho TTpical 8troot ~ction, as subm~tt~d~ now boon revised to~' roflect both tho 24 foot wide pauomont through the commorcial tract, and tho 20 foot width ~n tho residential area. Thero is an additional 2 foet on oach side for tho opon 7alle7 ~utter. are: You, request a 50 foot easement for the interior road~. 'We haven't shown an easement simply because this rental project will be in one ownership, and there will be no conveyance of property to others. The Owner would be granting an-easement to himself. If the concern is to identify a road corridor, we have shown a cleared zone 6 feet beyOnd the back of the valley gutter along both sides of the roadway. The corridor would than be 36 feet wide in the residential area and 40 feet in the commercial. .,. . . MEMBER OF: American Society of Civil Engineers -- American Concrete Institute'-- Florida Engineering Society -- Fl'ortda Society of Professional Land'Surveyors Florida Planning and Zoning Association Dennis. Murphy, AICP April 24, 1991 page 2 3. There is no barrier nor raised curb planned for the entrance road at this time. If your questi, n pertains to the ditch along the north side o the entrance, we will deal with that to s sfy safety requirements when the final desig is accomplished. If the question per- tains o controlled access onto the commercial, that o will be dealt with to the County's satis ction when the design for that commer- cial velopment takes place. · The design concept for the Highway modifica- tionS and connection has been sent to the Florida DePartment of TransPoration.~ They advised today that we~should receive their comments within a few days. They will fax them ~0~ Us,~ and we will forward them· to you promp~ty.~ We trust that our pace in yOur revieW Can continue while we satiSfy, any D.O.T. concerns. 5. We were not aware of any easements between lots in River Park that would allow' connec- the water main to the existing main nut-Avenue. But Ken JohnsOn advised e exists between Lots 24 and 25, so n now Shows a proposed connection to that street. 'rs Conditi ertaining to 6. We unde tand this on p theservi~efOr.ce main, and wasteWater collection 7. The onl, y. utility lines being dealt with at this time are the water distribution and sanitary sewers'. The water main is shown l°cateda5~ 1 feet outside the road pavement, and pa lel thereto. · The sewers' are shown under the pavement, which~ is standard practiCe. Both Ken John- son and Tom Pastore agree on this' HoW- ~ ever, should the County decide that the sewers are to be outside the pavement, we can olve that on final design. Locating them t there will mean considerably more cleari g of native.trees, something the devel er would like to avoid. Dennis Murphy, AICP Apri 24, 1991 Page 3 The relocation of gopher tortoises will be accomp.iished to the satisfaction of both St. Lucie County and the Florida Game and Freshw Commis reloca cial a place. operat cepts ~ter Fish Commission. The Game ~ion generally prefers off-site 'ion from urban areas where commer- d residential development takes However, the developer' wil!l co- in this solution within thie con- f the proposed plan. 9. The tigation of the wetland has been addr ed bY Wayne Blythe, the. Owner'S. envi .mental. specialist. Mr. Blythe.has revi d the site and mitigation concept with uth Florida Water Management Dis- trict nvironmentalist and he has discussed it wi Louis Serna. The concept is for creati g littoral shelf areas around the propos of the they to sat those. the fi retention lake. Typical details e shelfs are shown on'the plans, and uld be created to the extent needed sfy the County and the SFWMD, and. Urther details will be resolved'in 1 design phase. In my discussions'with Louis Serna within the last 'few days, my Understanding is that t'he plan revisions'shown in the attached sets,, along with th~Se answers and comments, will allow the review process to m~ve~forward on schedule. PleaSe call if there are questions. We .~pPreciate' the c°operation of Louis Serna theSe last few days in ca~ling us t° resolve these questions' ~ ~ ~- Sincerely, ~C. CALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC. C. Calvert Montgomery ~' · ccm/mt Enclosures: 17 sets of revised plans cc: Harold Melville cc: Frank Speciale · cc: Brasilino Filipe BLYTHE £NV i RONMENTAL, ! NC. 578~ SE HULL. STREET STUART, FLORIDA 34997 (407) ~87-05~9 .! April ~4, 1992 Mr. Luis ~erna, Planne~ St. Lucie COunty Planning Department eJIO0 Virginia Av~nu~ Fort Pierce, Florida ~498~-565~ RE: ST. LUOIE OAK8 APRIL 16, 1991 COMMENT Dear Mr. Se~'na: I have b~en requested by Mr, Calvert Montgomery to respond to the environmental eommen~s addressed in Mr. Dennis Murphy's l~t~r dab;ed Ap-ril 16, 1991 conce~nin§ the ~. Lucte Oaks Developmenb Appl iea~ ion. ~omment #8 Page ~ addresses the handling of gopher tortoises on this sit~ i.~. on-sit~ pelocation. Through extensive review of gopher to~tois~ litera~ure~ conversations with Joan Dimmer (gopher tortoise pe~earch biolo§riS~> Of the Florida Oame and Fresh Water Fish- Commission and professional observations and experience that on-stt~ ~elo~at ion is no~ al. ways the bes~ management alternative for gopher tortoise. ~ n ,..EOo.~o6~Y.. .... ~ND'..._.,,H~iB. ~ TA_?,. ~BRO_T..EC..T ~._ON .'.._NEz_DS . ,O~ ..~.PPH-~,R .. T'ORTO (G, OPHERU~ POLYP~RUS ) P~]PULAT I ONB ..F,.OUND ON.' .... LA.N.D~ ~¢AT...E,.D, . .F.'OR ~-~RGE':S'O~EE '"DEVA'~OpMENT iN'- F~Ri"D~, Florida Game and'-~ F~esh Wat'e~ .......... . ..... ,., , . ..... . ...... .,... . .... ....: .......... . .... . ...... Fish Commission Decembe~ 1987, on-site ~eloc'ation and reloca~ ion are~ discussed in de,ail as Well as long term population and ~eserve area sizes. The overall imp'ct~ of leaving a small group of.toPtoises isolated from o~ht~Y~ preserve areas, such as ~b, Lucie Oaks, wi l'l result tn deetmatton of~- this colony in the immediate fo. reseeable future. This i~ due tothe limited population si~e f.o~ reprodu~bion which will even~ually lead to i~bree, ding, gene~'i~ mutation and eventual fecundity. Off-site relocation offers the reproduce wi th other populations l a'rger managed preserve area. option of ~hese ~ortoi~es to and have. viable access to a It is Our intention t.o abide by the current policies and guidelines of the .FGFWFO. I~ is our b~li~f thab by following these pOlicie.s ~hat we will be doing ~ what is best for ~he perpetuation of the gophe~ tor~otse in Florida. l~ss" of ~tland:s and ho~ this Lu¢-~ie Oaks sit~, Page two in~'o~mation coneeening the "no ne~ issue will be addpessed on the St, The Sou~h Flopida Watep Nanagement Distpict has advised us dueing a si~e inspection that due to the ~evepe impacts ~ 'thLs wetland ~hit'~ e~,caVa~rtng i~ - into a lake would be pepmitted, In addition we will be providing extended littopal shelves., in many areas of ~he ne~l~ du~ lake to compensate fo~ th~ lo~ o~ thi~ ~tland. When a finalized will submit p]an you~ reView. design fop the l.ittoral zones is complete we and profile views with species.composition for ShO, uld.you have any additional questions please ~3ince~ely~ Wayne p. Bly~he President l'e~ me know, HAROLD G, MELVILLE* MICHAEL D. FOWLER DAVID N. SOWERBY CHARLES R, P.BROWN OF COUNSEL *BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER MELVILLE & FOWLE~, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOUTHEAST BANK BUILDING 300 SOUTH 6TH STREET FORT PIERCE, i~LORIDA 849~0 April 17, 1991 1D. A. MAILING ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 850 FORT PIERCE, FL 34954 TELEPHONE (407) 464-7900 (407) 464- 8220 FAX Mr. Dennis Murphy Land Development Manager St. Lucie County Planning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: Dear Dennis: Th i.s April 1.6, is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated 1991 in regard to this project. This is to confirm that we attend to address these comments within thirty (30) working days of the letter. Hopefully, we will back to, you substantially prior to then. As you know, we are attempting to get this matter on the May 23, 1991 Planning and Zoning calendar. Our client is working under a contract with limited time provisions and we need to have the matter heard as quickly as possible. I hope to be 'back comments. in touch with you shortly in regard to the Best regards, G. Melville HGM/mar cc: C. Cal'vert Montgomery Brasillino Filipe BOARD OF COUNTY MMISSION(ERS DEVELO.PMENT DIRECTOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP April 16, 1991 Harold G. Melville, Esq. P. O. Box 850 Ft. Pierce, FL 34954 Subj eot: St. Lucie ~Oaks P. U.D. Site Plan Dear Mr. Melville: The St. Luci e County Development Review Committee has completed its r~%iew of your MarCh 27, 1991 submittal · of the above referenced ject. prior' to the c'ertification of this D i Site Plan by evelopment~ Review Committee, the following comments/recom ons will need to be addressed: 1. )' 2 ) Please provide a typical Section for the project entry roadways. Please expand your minimum lane Width to twelVe (12') feet each lane. PleaS~e indicate a minimum access easement of fifty (50') fe!et'~ for the interior portions of "Brazilian Circle". 3.) What k%nd of curbing or other barmier devices will be installed along the entry road? 4.. ) The prg~osed nOrthbound left turn lane for this project does n~ 'apPear t© meet 'minimum FDoT COde. Has the Department of TransPortation approved of this concept? 5. ) Please be adVised that a condition w%li require that, in conjun¢ plan submissions, the deVeloper provid to the existing water main on Ccc River park Subdivision, and pro connections for a future sekvice li · HAVERT h FENN', District No, '1 e JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 · JACK KRIEGER, District No. 3 · R. I~ALE TREI County Administrator -- JAMES V. CHISHOLM 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-56J Director: (407) 46j8t1590 · Building: (407) 468-1553 · Planninc Zoning: (,407) 468-1553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 4~ PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-489t Df approval for this ti on wi th final plan ~ a connection line Dnut Avenue i n the vide the ne.cessary :JLNER, District No. 4 · JIM MINIX, District No. 5 ,2 (407) 468-1576 8-1571 April 16, 1991 Page 2 Subject: St. Lucie Oaks P. U. D. 6' ) Please be advised that no final approvals for this project will be granted until the force main on U.S. has been completed. Does the developer intend ~to design and build this system to accommodate this project? 7. ) Please be adVised that main utility lines are not to be located ~nder any main travel ~y, except for cross. access lines. 8. ) It is noted that Environm your .ental Report cited the presence of fourteen active gopher tortoise burrows on the site. Please' note that a condition of approval for this plan will require that, in d°njunction with final plan submissions, cOmplete on-sit~ relocation plans be included. Off-site relocation is not a viable consideration at this time. 9.') The presence of the existing, wet}and on the site is noted. Even though it is sever~iy impacted, you are still required to comply with' .~l..._~he provisions of the County's Comprehensive Plan whicn~lcalls for a "no net loss" of wetland. Final PUD plans must include complete details on how andwh~.~re the new wetland community will be established. With the address ing of the above ments, pl ease submit seventeen (17) copies of the revised si plan. Please be advised that, in accordance with the rements for planned development site plans of Section 11. 02. 05 of the Land Development Code, you taus t noti fy the Community Development A'dminist:rator of your intent to address these comments within thirty (30) working days of this notice. ~ailure to do so will require, the initiation of a new application and payment of an additional processing fee. The Development Review Committee is at this time prepared to recommend approval of your revi.sed Traffic ~l~,'Report and recommend that; this project be found concurrent with regard to traffic capacity, According to your Submission, th~s project at build- out will generate 1, 540 average daily tri~s. This amount is within the five (5%) percent increase alIo~a bl e for backlogged facilities up to the fiscal year in whic~t2the improvement is scheduled, as identified in the St. Lucie ounty Comprehensive Plan. April 16, 19~91 Page 3 Subject: St. Lucie Oaks P. U. D. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact Mr. Luis Serna of our office for assistance. Land yol/rS, AI CP Manager DJM/LNS/lmc S LOAKS 2 ( LNS- DRC ) cc: County Attorney Planning Director L. Serna T. Pas tore File- St. Lucie Oaks P.U.D. Site Plan ST~ LUCIE COUNTY UTILITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM DATE: SUBJECT: Dennis Murph, y~ Land Dev'etopment Manager Ken Johnson Staff Specialist, TechniCal April 12, 1991 St~ Lucie Oaks Se rvi c e s//~~F. COMMENT Developer will water main on line to loop the system and provid service line by adding a tee and g Utility cannot approve the wastewa the proposed force main on US #1 i Developer wishes to design and bui entail a line being installed from south on US~I and Village Green Dr Road ~ be required to connect to the existing Coconut Ave~in River Park 2 .with an 8" for a future te valve~, The ier system until ~ in place or the d same~ This would the property, ye, to Nalton MEMORANDUM TO: Land Development Manager FROM: Environmental Planner III DATE: April 9, 1991 SUBJECT: St. Lucie Oaks WETLAND The 'original submittal (November 1990) for the St. Lu¢ie Oaks longer a fe~asible alternative". heearlier determination is ¢ nfusing be eport, a statement is made .that°"It- is the design with the natural characteristics pres the planning and engineering phase, hatura specimen trees, '.land area, and potential areas were consid and designed around to wildli.fe and encourage an environm neighborhoOd." Foil owing the original submittal, I had prepa additional information on the wetland area, a to the applicant es ting this, among Othe als'o requested t! the conceptual layout indicate " /protection whi:¢h ma mitigation of the same acrea are found in the re-development condition " ' The pos t-devel opment on. 1 et.ter s tat of a lake would -of itself, be acoeptabl the existing ~,aus e, in the same ~evelopers intent to ~,nt on-site. During . features such as )assive recreational :educe the impact on ~.ntal i y s ens i ti ve :ed a memo requested ~d a letter was sent : items. The letter )lan ~be. revised ~to , be done through ~e of wetlands that s~.there are in the ~ that the creation as mitigation for On March 27, a Plan were completed for · etation Analysis" and acgompanying Landscape from Phil Maddux ( L~nd~ cape Archi tect ) St. Lucie Oaks proj oct. The analysis, Which Land Development' Manager APril 9, 1~991 Page 2 fact there is a wetland there or not. I found an area with p°nded water approximately 8 or 9 inches dee' on the average over a:' fairl.y large 'area (apProximately 2. 7 acres The area contains hydrophyti~ . c s Pecies ~ uch as Red Maple ( er rubra ), Redbay ( ia Willow ( Sp. Salix), M~rtl e (Myri ca c~ ), Butt . (Cephal anthus ) COmmon Arrowhead (sal _!ati.fOiia~)'et~. '~ ' The soil survey St. Lucie County identi the soil type in this area as Wave [nd-Lawnwood complex. The soils are found in areas that are po for 6 to 9 months in years. ' Basad upon the presence of hydrophytic spec~ for the area, it is my opinion that this ~ ~although degraded wetland. The area has la degree of the Put. explains its In one mi refer to one section of fores Some areas on the pe non-wet areas. However, I statement that the area is beyond reh'abilitat It is because Ife could be us ed in miti gati on ~ Should Trees, enhancement 31 that the Wetland st pecies nitiga.tion propos ed for th )e considered. Perhaps the of the wetland (deepening necessary), proper drainage' design for the d development design around the wetland (.as pre the applic.ant)., cot Lld be us ed as forms of mi some of the area. A Landscape Plan accompanied the letter fr shows the location of a proposed lake (althou not coi.ncide with those of the existing wetla plan can be revised to indicate areas that we~ that would remain~marsh, littoral areas, and deepened (as a presentation of proposed mitig, I recommend that the appli cant cons~ul t Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) to determi ne whether alteration of this a~ and the soil type' a is a functional overtaken to a Tree (Melaleuca degraded condition. the periphery as a phery are already disagree with the' on. present on the site s area that .I feel removal of the-Punk n some instances if ;velopment area, and ous 1 y i ndi c ated by ~i gation to salvage Mr. Maddux whi ch its boundaries do · Perhaps this be fill ed, areas sas that would be .tion). wi th the Fi orida and U.S. Army Corps or not they would LANDS CAPE PLAN As mentioned earlier, the Landscape Plan sho'uld be revised to show areas of the existing wetland that would be filled, otherwise altered, or left as is. Land Development 'Manager April 9, 19~9! Page 3 Areas shown to be left in native vegetation on the plan do not' indicate the type of vegetation t-o Be preserved in the areas in the same manner that the general landscaping does. ' TRASH AVC/LMC A: Lucoaks 2 , During the site visit, I did not see any listed species or ovidence of listed species oither. However, ghis does not mean that they may not be present on-site. C°nd[ti°ns are suitable for several such specios including 'foraging a:oas for wator fowl within the wetland area, and habitat for the the surrounding uplands. A statement i's need, effect that if such spoci'~s aro found on site the Florida Freshwater Fish and Game Commissio to identify mitigatory moas ures that can be ~opher tortoise in ~.d somewhere to the consultation with will be oonducted ~'en. tZ E: Ol~ O /N A cHE'~ff ct./'T COUNTY UT]:L.]:T¥ SERVICES ~.P A ~'. T M~. N T M E M 0 R A N D.U.M TO.~ FROM D A T E: SUBJ E C T.~ Dennis Mu.rplny, L. and Development Manager Ken Johnson, Staff Specialist, Technical April 5, 1991 Oak Tree Plaza/St, Lucie Land Colnbs Plaza No'rt.h Trail Center..,Haya-North East. C°ast Block St~. L:uc~e Oak-s North Fork L, andings Trust Trail Services COMMENT 1, This Development in F,P,u,.A, service area,. 2~ Must submit utility design plan for' reviews. .3,. Must submit utility design plan for review, 4~ This Development in F,P~IJ,A, service area, 5,, 'Must submit~ utility design pt an for review~ Must submit utility desig.n plan for review,~ / MEMORANDUM 91-88 TO- FROM: 'DATE: RE: Land Development Manager DRC Committee Members Belinda Vose, Asst. Right-of-Way AgentC~'~ April 1, 1991 St. LuCie Oaks Need a legal description and survey describing the 24' ultimate r igh~t-o.f_way. BV/gk '.H ~27 1 TO: MR. LOUIS CERPA - PLANNER ST. LUCIE COUNTY 23,00 VIRGINIA AVE. FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA RE' ST. LUCIE OAKS, PROJECT VEGETATION ANALYSIS I HAVE WALKED THE COMPLETE SITE AND FOUND THE FOLLOWING- 1. WETLANDS VEGETATION THERE ARE NO WETLANDS ON THE PROPERTy. 2. UPLANDS VEGETATION THERE ARE SUBSTANTIAL STANDS OF: SLASH PINES SAW PALMETTOS CABBAGE PALMS I FOUND NO ENDANGERED SPECIES OF PLANTS ON THE PROPERTY. 3. EXOTIC VEGETATION TI{ERE ARE STANDS OF: 1. MELALEUCA (TO BE REMOVED) 2. BRAZILLIAN PEPPER (TO BE RE,MOVED) 3. CATTLEY GUAVA (TO REMAIN W~RE POSSIBLE) PHIL MADDUX LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FL. REG. 295 HAROLD G. MELVILLE* MICHAEL D. FOWLER DAVID N. SOWERBY CHARLES R. P. BROWN OF COUNSEL ~BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER MELVILLE ~ POWLEI~, P.A. ATTO IRNEYS AT LAW SOUTHEAST BANK BUILDING 300 SOUTH 6TH STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 849~0 March 22, 1991 MAILING ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 850 FORT PIERCE, FL 34954 TELEPHONE (407) 464-7900 FAX (407) 464-8220 HAND DELIVERY Mr. Dennis Murphy Land DeVelopment Manager St. Lucie County Planning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 RE: Preliminary PUD Application for St. Lucie Oaks/Application _fl,,Oir'' Certification of Capacity Dear Dennis: In response to your letter of January 30, 1991, enclosed pleasE; find the following revised documents: ]L. Three (3) Copies of Traffic Impact Analysis, revised as of March 13, 1991. ~.. Three (3) copies of revised Report from C. Calvert Montgomery &. AsSociates,~: Inc. 'responding to environmental ~nd.' other issues raised by the County. ~ 3. FiVe (5) c~pies of revised drawings, containing revisions as requested. I believe that these documents adequately respond to the comments raised by the County Staff with the exCeption of the landscaping plan. ~he landscaping plan is currently in progress and will be delivered to 'you shOrtly. Since the appl .cant is working under rigid time pressures, I would greatly appre ~iate the staff reviewing these items as quickly as possible Mr. Dennis Murphy March 22, 1991 Page 2 Thank you very much. HGM: kec enclosures SinceTely, · CC: C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Brasilino Filipe Inc. Melville MELVILLE (~k I~OWLEI~, P.A. BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER LAW OFFICES HAROLD G. MELVILLE, P.A. 310 SOUTH SECOND STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34950 kIAR-1199I February 26, 1991 COMMUNt~[Y DEVELOPk~EN~' ~,._?. LUCtF. C~. F~L .~MA~~ D~SS: .......... POST ~F~E ~X ~0 FO~ PIERCE, FL TELEPHONE (~7) ~-79~ FAX (~7) ~-8220 Denn is Murphy Land ]Development Manager St. Lucie County Planning 2300 Vir§inia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34950 Dept. Re- ]Preliminary PUD Application _]For ,cert, ificate of capacity Dear Dennis- For St. Lucie Oaks/Application Thank you for your letter of January 30, 1991 comments, of the County Plannin9 st'aff in regard to nary PUD Application. containin9 the this Prelimi- This is to 'confirm that we ters requested and will respond twenty (120) days. are to currently working the- County wi thin on the ma t- one hundred Best regards. HGM/mgro XC: Brasilino Filipe C. Calvert Mont§omery lville BOARD OF COU'NTY COMMISSION£RS D6V£LOPM6NT DIR ECTOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP January 30, 199~' ~ Mr. Harold G. Melville Harold G. Melville, P.A. P.O. Box 850 Ft. Pierce, FlOrida 34954 -Subject' St. Lucie. Oaks PUD Dear Mr. Melville: The St. Lucie Development Review Committee has completed its review of the above referenced project. At this time the committee has the fOllowing comments/recommendations: 1. ) Your traffic analysis report has been reviewed by County staff. At this time the following items need to be addressed prior to any acceptance of this report ' s. C,onclusions/recommendations - a. ) Your report indicates that South ~US #1, in the vicinity of thiS project, is scheduled for widening in State fiscal year 90/91. From where was this reference taken? Review of the State's Adopted Work Ps MPO Transportation Improvement Pro~ Lucie County. Five Year Road Program i improvements scheduled in this 9ener associated with the intersection impr Vista Blvd. and South US #1. These im are being carried out by St. Lucie Co only a minor length of additional la US #1. If you or your traffic conjult 'ogram, the Adopted ram and the St. ndicates the only · al area are those ovements at 'Prima provements, which unty, account for neage alon9 South ants are aware of anything in one of the adopted work programs that indicates something else, please let us know. b. ) The capacity analysis for the roadways in this area indicate that, with the exception of Rio Mar Drive, all of the primary roadways in your or below LOS E. The study also indica the expansion of the roadway at the i #1 at Rio Mar and Kitterman Roads, ' fail. Level of service in fact appear then is the County in a position HAVERT L FENN, District No. 1 e JUDY CULPEPPER, District No, 2 · JACK KRIEGER, District No. 3 · R. DALE TRE County Administrator -- JAMES V. CHISHOLM 2300' Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-56. Director: (407) 468-1590 · Building: (407) 468-1553 · Planning Zoning: (407) 468-1553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 4~ PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-489~ study area .are at res that even with ntersections of US LOS continues to s to decrease. How to allow this :ELNER, District No. 4 · JIM MINIX, District No. 5 52 (407) 468-1576 ~8-1571 January 30~, 1990 Page 2 Subject: St. Lucie Oaks c.) development to proceed when our adopted Comprehensive Plan calls for there to be no further degradation of LOS along this roadway, and your traffic impaCt assessment does not indicate the need to mitigate these areas? It is believed that a possible cause for this d.) Page A-2 of this report improperly identifies the classification of the segment of SOuth US #1 in this area. US #1 in this area is considered a Group C ~ald~3~iv~Sa~C~7,t~~0L?~ 1Dn~~:~ev~.h°pl.ld~aSsh~Ulcodrrebcet 3t~is7?0 f.) Rio Mar Drive's LOS D is to be 15,300. 2.) I]~ accOrdance with Base Building Line requirements in this area, a minimum of 24 feet of additional right-of-Way is to be reserved for South US #1 along this properties frontage. .A recommendation of approval for this project will be that this property be dedicated as a part of the development of this site. Although ect to further review and approval by the Board of Commissioners, such dedication may be eligible for Road Impact Fee credit considera%i.on. 3. ) The project site plan does not provide any information in re.gard to how you get in and out of this site. Please provide a drawing of the roadway configurations that will be used for access into this development ~ite. January 30, 1990 Page 3 Subject- St. Lucie Oaks 4¸.) median that exists here and will any modifications necessary to allow for left turn access into this site? 5. ) In conjunction with the above comments, contact with the Florida Department of Tx Lauderdale office, about the necessary dx for this project. Please note that until Nave you been in ~nsportation, Ft.. [veway permitting ;he Department of )n the driveway ~t, this project ~nin9 and Zonin9 )hers. 6. ) Please typical cross-sec of the primary internal in this project. What is the easement (':might-of-way) width to be? A minimum 0 feet will be required, assuming that you utilize an .underground stormwater collection system. 7.) a. ) The repor~ indicates the presence-of two types of ..soil c°mmuniti~s· However, there were no accompanying maps that ind~cated~ the relationship of the propOsed dev, elopme~t activities with the.se Soil communities. Please p~Ovide survey and overall plan of the project s'£te. c.) The report indicates that a survey o wildlife on the property was conducted. Howovor, thefreport fails to identify whether or not there are present any endan~ere~ or threaten species. The ~opher Tortoise is ~°Wn to be foUnd throughout this area and given the vel of ~evelopment on ~he adjacent ~roperties, it is logical t° assume that this re~ulated~species could be found on this of property. A compl ~te review of this January 30, 1990 Page 4 Subject- St. Lucie Oaks property with specific emphasis on the locations and identifi.Cation of threatened or endangered wildlife and plant communities must be undertaken in order for this assessment to be considered complete. In the event any threatened or endangered plant or animal species is discovered, appropriate measures for protection will be required. ~d.) How is this development consistent with the policies of the County's Comprehensive Plan that address the issue of no net loss of.wetland communities? The indications on this plan are that you intend to take the impacted wetlandS on this site and turn them into a deep water habitat. This is not a~ceptable. Please revise the plan so that the conceptual layout indicate-s the recreation/protection, which may be done -through mitigative reconstruction, of the same acreage of wetlands that are found in the pre- development condition as there are in the post- development condition. The impact assessment indicates that plans would be submitted as part of this submission, yet we do not have them in our files. 8. ) It is noted that your building setbacks are as indicated on t]he projects site plan, sheets 2., 3 & 4. The final site plan for this pro.3 ect will be expected to comply with these minimum lo:cation standards, unless otherwise addressed t]hrough.the final PUD process. 9.) YoUr comments on landscaping are noted. However, to 3ust refer this issue to the submission of the final PUD plans is not acceptable. There must be some addressing of how your parking areas .will be screened, of the types of typical landscaping plans that-c~n be expected around the various buildings and common areas and, most important, how will this sites development attempt to take advantage of the natural conditions found on it? This latter comment is an important consideration to both your client and the community at large since it is recognized in your own submission materials that the most unique feature on this property is the density of its forest cover. 10.) What is the name of the street within this pro3ect? Has this - · name been verified as acceptable by the Properties Acquisition Division of this office? 11.) Section ll.02.10(A)(2)(e), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code has not been addressed, 12.) Section ll.02.10(A)(2)(f), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code has not been addressed. January 3.0, 1990 Page 5 Subject- St. Lucie Oaks 13.) Section ll.02.10(A)(2)(g), of the St. Lucie County Land Development COde has not been addressed. 14. ) Section 11.02.10(A) (2) (h), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code has not been addressed. 15.) The eight (8) inch fire loop line that 5 will.have to be connected into the servic~ Coconut Avenue. Please note that St. LucJ the right to require the construction utility lines as a part of the first projects development. This matter can be z you proceed through final planned unit de% 16. ) Please provide typical section of the pi lake. · ou are proposing line found along .e County reserves of all primary phases of this 'eviewed further as 'elopment review. 'oposed stormwater 17. ) Please be advised that in conjunction with the Final Planned ~Unit Development submiSsions, complete details on all lake and wetland maintenance easements will be required. 18.) The indicated tabular data does not clearly state how much of this site is. Open space' Open space will need to be broken down 'by type, Such as, but not limited to, wetlands, uplands, preserves, lakes, and general landscaping. No further review of this project can ta~ above comments are addressed' if you have any matter please contact, Mr. ~Luis . Serna of P1 annilng DliVisioni of this office. Please resubmissions of this site plan should includ~ necessary materials, with the exception of tho: with the transportation of environmental asses: (3) 'copies will meet the distribution needs. [e place until the questions on this the Comprehensive note that .any 10 copies of all e items associated ment, where three DJM/me STLOAKi(3.5g) cc: County :Engineer Utilities Administrator Fire Marshal Prop. Acq. Director ST. LUCIE COUNTY' UTILITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Dennis Murphy, Land Development Manager FROM: Ken Johnson~ Staff Specialist, Technical Services DATE: January 25, 1991 SUBJECT~. St. Lucie Oaks PUD COMM.E_NTS: 1. Central water service 'will be provided by St. Lucie County Utility Services Department. 2. Developer will be required to tie into the proposed 8" water main on Coconut Avenue through lot line easements, in order 'to loop the system and provide the project with adequ&te fire flow. 3. Preliminary layout of water and sewer facilities revised to show the proposed 'tie-in to C~conUtc ~ Avenue meter locations. should be and water 4 Central se = - _wet service will be provided ~y St. L'ucie County Utility Services Department. Developer will tie into the proposed 12" force main along the E ROW of U.S. 1 contingent upon installation of the force main from Kitterman Road to Walton Road on the E side of U.S. 1 by the Douglass Woods Development. 5. State and County Utility Construction Permits will be required prior to beginning any utility relate.d construction. The project must meet St. Lucie County Utility ConstruCtion Standards and · l .~cat ions. Spec' ~' ,M~IqORANDUM TO: Land Development ~Manager FROM: Environmental Planner I II DATE: January 2 3, 19 91 SUBJECT: St- LuCie Oaks P' U.D The following comments are in regard to the submittal identified above.· The preliminarY site plan drawings in not show or describe the required first ubmittal package do elevation. The submittal application indicates that a provided prior· to the final phases of the vegetatiOn and substrate .survey is required environmental impact report. 'The vegetation pl an s hoUl d s how the deli neati on o f gez com~mnities on the property and should identt s ubstrate Condit&ons. ' Although the impact two soil 'types and vegetative, s..pecieS on the tree survey will be project, however a to be~ part of the and substrate survey eralize~'- vegetation fy the corresponding report does mention property, there are al 4istribution of ally important since a c compi i Shed. There is no mention of whether or not wetland permitting would be necessary for the Project at either the federal,, state or local levels of· government. It is ~possible that wetlands on the property could be jurisdictional to St. Luci~ County. There is no' landscape plan included in ~he submittal. The landscape 'plan'Sh°uld identif7 uDland areas that are intended to be preserved On site, and should otherwise indicate how native species will be .used in the landscaping of the. property. AVC/ A: SLoaks MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Land Development Manager MPO/TranSportati on Planne January 22, 1991 SUBdrECT: Traffic Impact Analysis St. Lucie Oaks I have reviewed the traffic impact analysis for St. Lucie Oaks'. as submitted to the Community Development Department on January 7, 1991. In the following paragraphs I am listing several concerns which should be -addressed before any approvals are granted. 1 ) Page 4 The text states that US ~1 is programmed for widening in FY 1990/91. This statement is incorrect. Other than a minor intersection improvement at US $l/Rio Mar Drive in FY 1990/91, no other construction is shOwn for US ~1 in the adopted FDOT 5-year Work'. Program. 2)' Page 21 The capacity analysis shows that all roadway sections with the excepti.on of Rio Mar Drive west of US ~1 presently operate at Level of Service E or below. The analysis of peak season post development cOnditions shows that the levels of service decrease in spite of improvements to the intersections of Rio Mar Drive and Kitterman Road wi th US ~1. 3) Page 22 The intersection analysis shows that the peak season post development levels of service at all intersections except Rio Mar Drive/Prima Vista Boulevard are at Level of Service D or better. This appears, to be unlikely in light of the levels of service on the ,road segments analyzed. The difference in levels of service may be the result of inconsistencies in volumes utili,zed for the inte,rsection capacity analyses and volumes shown for ADT traffic in Table 1. Attached please find a-schematic comparison of link and intersection volumes at the intersections. Page 2 St. Luoie Oaks Traffic January 22, 1991 Impaot Anal ys i s 4) Page A-2 The rOadway link capacities shown on page A-2 are incorrect. FDOT classifies US ~i as a roadway within Group C. The Level of Service D capacity thresholds should therefore be 31, 700 for a four-lane divided sec~tiOn and 47, 900 for a six-lane divided section. Prima Vista Boulevard is class fled as a roadway within Group B. The LOS D capacity threshold S~houl_d therefore be 15,300 for a two lane-undivided section and 32, 500 for a four-lane di vi ded s ecti on. The thres hold for Ri o Mar Drive s houl d be 15,300. ' Please let me know if you have any questions. JI S/ctm SLOAKS (CTPI) ) 5,09 I 3,1lq iq'HAD q'H~ VObOf'¢l~£ O~E~ IlO ~~'-' /-JMW_ AIdAL¥,..q/S '"~IE THE' .., ~5 tkl / VIS SITE PLAN REVIEW ST. LUCIE COUNTY-FT. PIERCE FIRE DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL TO: St. Lucie County Development Coordinator City of Ft. Pierce Planning Coordinator City of Port St. Lucie Planning Department SITE PLAN: REVIEWER- DATE' The. referenced site Approve, Approved Ili Disappro' Corrections required: lan is: as submitted with corrections noted below. ed. Recommendations: MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Liaison FROM' Development Regulations Reviewer DATE: January 18,, 1991 SUBJECT: Comments on St. Lucie Oaks PUD 1. Any signage for' the PUD that is located in area (near US 1) will be considered an "off si comply with the regulations for off site sig between signs. Signage needs to be addressed may be considered to included the commercial a~ 2. Dimensions of all structures should noted be the commercial " sign and must. , i .e. spacing this time. It a in the PUD. plan. le 5'7'. ry 7'"0: DK4L .? u B.TEE DA/'E ' / /¢,9/ I MiN'/MO~ GO ~F OF.-wA¥ VAIZl I N & E £ o 4.Dw 4 y To ' w / r H ,4 Cu/z~ 4. NB ' F£ Ye ST. L. u~ ~ LA/~E L~::'-D m pe-R~ i r Fg O~ F b. o. 77. t3 £E~ot gED. ~ iIIIVTEiV A BOARD, OF COUNTY COMMISSi'ON£RS DCVCLOPM6NT DIRECTOR TERRY L. VlRIA, AICP January 16, 1991 Mr. Harold Kerr, P.E. District Development and Project Development Engineer Department of TransPortation 780 SW 24th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL. 33315-2696 Re: Site Plan- St. Lucie Oaks South U.S. Highway #1 Dear Mr. Kerr: Please find ~enclosed the following for your review and comments on the above mentioned site plan located on State Road 5, north of Prima Vista Boulevard and south of Kitterman Road: i 2. 3. 4. 5. Si te plan Survey Right-of-way review and contact record and report form Site plan submission application Assessment map :~fOu r -i:m:med~'a:.t:e .... 'a'::ttent.i-on '-'in -'-thi-s ....... matt e r i s g r-ea'tl y app'r e c i a t ed. -If you, need anything further, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 407/468-1720. Sincerel ~Mal f. ai~ Properties Acquisition Di recto r Encl. JM/BV/gk cc: Community DeVelopment Administrator ~/Land Development Manager HAVERT L FENN, District No. 't e JUDY CULPEPPER. District No 2 · JACK KRtEGER, District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · JIM MINtX, District No 5 County Administrator -- JAMES V. CHISHOLM ' 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Director. (407) 468-1590 · Building: (407) 468-1553 · Planning: (407) 468-1576 Zoning: (407) 468-1553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 PROJECT NAM~ RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION ZONING AND SITE PLAN REVIEW REVIEW AND CONTACT RECORD Notice of i~ending action received by Right-of-Way Section: Date _ 1/it/ .-?~ ............ Impending action based upon: Zoning application Deve 1 opment s i ts plan ~/~.~j~,.~?j Pr.elotheriminary subdivxsxon' ' '~ plat' ' . roperty ........... ,, Is additiona$?r/w required? Yes .... ~.. NO ( if "no" ' , remainder of form need not be completed) owner: Agent: Phone: ( ) - ....... __ ]~]( )-' ...- Contac~ Record Phone Owner/Agent re'Sp6nse: Letter Personal Deed R/W secured by: Plat Other RIGHT-Of-WAY DEDICATION ZONING AND SITE PLAN REVIEW R.E P0R~T~T _.F OR~ Pre 1 i_m in~a rv Review: _ m · m m · Is the property located along a County or State maintained roadway? YES __~~ NO _ _ If yes: County State owned State ~_~ Is the prop.er.fy located along a County or State roadway? YES ~ NO . _ If yes: County Is the roadway on which ~he property is located, indent if ied on the 'future r/w needs, plan of the SLC Comp plan~ YES _~ NO · · Is the abutting r/w sufficient to meet the needs of the future r/w plan? YES . ...... NO' _~ Are t.here any unique or otherwise limiting factors that would not permit the a~a~.nment of the desired future YES NO__~ r/w width* Is additional r/w needed to meet the community needs -area as designated by the future r/w plan* YES ~__ 'NO in this · · Is this parcel elegible for impact fee credits for of r/w? YE S NO Is this roadway on~ year construction YES ~ _ NO~ schedule~. dedication Road maintained by: Current R/W Ultimate R/W ~County St te ..... a . UtilityExplain Easements~~/~~~n~essary: Date received for revi~,., Date revie x.', Y orion / // - ==,,~ ~'o vzannzng Division ~~/~"z ' --~ .... , , evelO er No ' ' · Owner/D P ~f~ed by R~gh~-of-Way Sect ion on .............. ......... cc: Planning Division Dept. of Community Development cc: Engineering DivisiOn Site Plan reviewer BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION£RS January 16, D6V£LOPM6NT DIR6CTOR TERRY L. VtRTA, AICP 1991 Mr. Harold Kerr, P.E. District Development and Project Development Engineer Department of Transportation 780 SW 24th Street Fort 5auderdale, FL 33315-2696 Re: Site Plan - St. Lucie Oaks South U.S. ttighway #1 Dear Mr. Kerr: PleasE: find enclosed the following for your review and comments on the above mentioned si to plan located on State Ro~td 5, north of Prima Vista Boulevard and south of K~tterman Road: · 2. 3" 4. 5. Si te plan Survey Right-of-way review and contact record and report form Site plan submission application Assessment map Your i~mmediate-, at'tenet ion ..... -i.n -t;his ma'tter- is great ly app r e c i a t ed. I~f~you need ;anything fu~rther, .please do not hesitate to contact our offico at 40'7/468-1720. Encl. Sincerely, Properties Acquisition D~rector JM/BV/gk cc: Community Development Administrator Land Development Manager · HAVERT L FENN, District No. I e JUDY CULPEPPER, DistriCtcountyNO, 2Administratore JACK KRIEGER,_ JAMEsDistriCtv.N°'cHISHOLM3 · R. DALE TREFELNER District No. 4 · JIM MINIX, District No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Director: (407) 468-1590 · Building: (407) 468-1553 · Planning: (4~07) 468-1576 Zoning: (407) 468-1553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 468-~1571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 ', I Jl A ST. LUCIE OAKS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (P.U.D.) FOR RENTAL APARTMENTS FOR FRANK SPECIALE - TRUSTEE ST. LUCIE,COUNTY, FLORIDA November, 19 9 0 Co CALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, Engineers Stuart, Florida INC. JAN ~I991 IJj CONTENTS LOCATION MAP PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN RE'QUIREMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES LETTER ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT LETTER COPY OF LETTER TO ST. LUCIE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT :L 983 sT. LUCIE OAKS ~' 6- MONTERREY ~ BLVD N WAY ?.NOGALE$ V~AY 3,I , LOCATION' HAP 1" = ZtO0O' January 3, 1991 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT'.S NAME AND ADDRESS: Frank Speciale 1111 South Ocean Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida 33432 APPLICANT' S INTEREST IN PROPERTY: The applicant has entered into a contract for purchase of the property, subject to being granted an approval for a planned development of rental apartments. OWNER' S NAME AND ADDRESS: James La porte and Elizabeth La Porte: Cornelius Calandriello and Joan Calandreillo; Bert Weber and Florence Weber. c/o Nashel and Nashel, Esqs. 415 60th. Street West New York, New Jersey 07093 STREET ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Legal Description - NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of SEC 22, TWP 36S, RGE 40E; Less South 1,150 feet of the East 589.4'6 feet and less the East 42 feet for the right of way. PRESENT ZONING RM - 5 and CG LAND USE CALSSIFICATION: RM (9 unitS/acre) and Commercial. PLANNING OBJECTIVE: The applicant proposes tO develop 180 apartment rental units in a wOoded setting. The property is a dense stand of native trees, and the intent is to leave many e trees and as mUch native vegetation as possible. Building and site .improvements will be adjusted in the field t° the fullest extent possible in order to avoid removal of trees. NUMBER AND TYPE OF UNITS: One hundred and eighty units, of one and two bedroom tY~es.. Buildings to be two-story. PARCEL SIZE: 24.34 acres. COVERAGE OF BUILDINGS: Sixteen apartment buildings totalling 112,500 .square feet (2.58 acres), a laundry/maintenance building of approxi- mately 1,250 sq. ft., and a community building of aproxi- mately 3,000 sq. ft.. Total building coverage is 117,550 sq. ft., or 1.70 acres. LAND COVERAGE: Co~ununity Building- approximately 3,800 square feet. Pool/deck/patio area - approximatley 4,000 square feet. Gross open space- ADJACENT LAND USES: North - North St. Lucie River Water Control. District ditch and vacant land beyond ditch. East - Commercial. South and West -Single family homes. COMPATIBILITY WITH ADJACENT DEVELOPMENT: The proposed development provides that logical and reason- able tranSition from existing commercial development on the east, to the single family residential on the west and[ south. This will be a wooded, garden apartment development with reasonable restrictions to provide a desirable residential .atmosphere. , The development' will have a density of approximately 8 units per acre. e The vehicular and pedeStrian circulation systems and pat- terns in the prOposed development do not connect t°, or in any way affect, thOse Streets and/or houseS, adjacent to the development. The only access is from U. S. Hwy ~1 and[ the traffic study addresses the impact on this highway. UNIQUE FEATURES OF THE SITE: The unique natural features of the land are the trees. COMPATIBILITY OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WITH THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The proposed development calls for residential uses of up to 9 units per acre. The County Comprehensive Plan speci- fies a maximum of 9 units per acre. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE: See Phasing Plan. APPLICANTS INTENTIONS REGARDING SELLING OR LEASING: The applicant intends, at this time, to keep all units for rental. Commercial to be addressed in the future. STATEMENT REGARDING SEWERAGE/WATER SUPPLY: Water' s'ervice will be from St. Lucie County Utilities. There is a 12" main existing at the U. S. Hwy 91 R/W, which is the property line of the proposed deVelopment. The applicant intends to work with the County and other potential developers, to bring sewer services to the area. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The site is raw, native wooded property. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: See St. Lucie COunty aerial photo map attached. LOCATION SKETCH: The location map is shown on Sheet ~1 of the Plans, with Section, Township and Range shown. ! TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: The topographic map is submitted herewith. Mean High water lines, submerged lands, coastal construction·control lines, etc., are not applicable-to this property. · BOUNDARY SURVEY/LEGAL DESCRIPTION- The boundary survey map, by Edwin R. Matthews, R.L.S., with legal description shown thereon, is submitted h er ew i th. LEGAL POSITIVE OUTFALL- The drainage ditch (Canal 28 B) adjacent to the north pro- perty line drains to the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. The intent is to use that for outfall from the on-site storm water detention facility. BOUNDARIES OF 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN: The property is~not in the 100 year floOd zone. DRAINAGE BASINS: The off-site adjoining properties are developed as resi- dential subdivisions and/or commercial~prop~rties. ~Run- off from theSe adjoining tracts is not direOted onto~the sub ject property'. PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE INFORMATION: Predevelopment stormwater run-off analysis will determine the run-off rate limitations for post development.. Storm- water detention facilities will be designed to contrOl off-site discharge to the adjacent ditch'al0,ng the north property line. The 25 year' storm· return interVal-72 hour duration, is the criteria Controlling ~he design for the off-site discharge. · WAYNE P. ~BLYTHE ENV I RONMENTAL PROFESS I ONAL 5782 SE HULL STREET STUART, FLORIDA 34997 November 19, 1990 Mr. Frank Speciale 1111 South Ocean Boulevard Boca Rato'n, Florida 33432 RE: ST. LUCIE OAKS Dear Mr. Speciale: On' Octob~er 15, 1990 I conducted a field investigation on a 24.34 +/- acre parcel of ground located in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 OF Section 22, T wnship 36 South, Range 40 East. The purpose of this 'investig tion was to provide an Environmental Impact Report f°r the coun y staff's review in association with the proposed development o this property. AccOrding to t. he Soil Survey for St. Lucie County Area, Florida, the site has two soil types: #50 Waveland Fine Sand, and #51 Wave 1 and-Lawn ,ood Complex. These soil types are normally associated' wi h the pine flatwoods of South Florida with the Waveland-Lawn ood Complex comprising the depressional (wetland) areas. The Pine Flatwoods area of the site had the following dominant species: sl sh pine (Pinus elliottii var. densa), live oak (Quercus virg niana), cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto), saw palmetto (Serenoa repe s), dahoon holly (Ilex casS'ine), wax myri;le (Myrica cerifera), 1 .urel oa~k (Quercus laUrifolia), gallberry (Ilex glabra), fett rbus~h (Lyonia· ~lucida), rdsty fetterbush (Lyonia ferruginea),~ r'edbay (Persea borbon'ia), and guava (Psidium guavaja). Understory - species' included wlregrass (Aristida stricta), pennyroyal <Piloblephis rigida), blackberry. (Rubus argUtUs), A "m~lrlcan beautyberry (Calli~arpa americana), grape (Vitis rotundifolia), and greenbriar (Smiilax spp.). The wet land ~rea has been influenced by several 'factors which have significant ly impacted it. Fire plow lines completely encircle ~ the~...~etland gi'ving rise to' a reduction in its hol~ding capacity. AS~ a result of this lowered water level, aggressive exotics such ~s melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquinervia) and Brazilian pepper (SChi,us terebinth}~folius) have become well established and are r ducing here In several teas sapling ine ~rees and pioneer f atwoods vegetation are pre ent'further in icating a drop in wate~ levels. Other native vegetation of the wetland includes: ltbush (B. acCharis halmifolia), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), red maple (Acer rubrum), maidencane (Panicum hemitomon), St. John's wort (Hypericum spp.), yellow eyed grass (Xyris spp. ), willow (Salix spp.), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occid~n~alis), ~and Or'her water tolerant herbaceous species. Since the proposed use of this site is as a residential development the native flora and fauna of the site will b~ displaced to some .degree. It is the developers intent to design with the natural characteristics present on-site. During the planning and engineering phase, natural features such as specimen trees, wet land area, and potential passive recreational areas were considered and designed around to reduce the impact on wildlife and encourage an environmentally sensitive neighborhood. Transplanting on-site vegetation from the developed area into areas requiring landscaping is being considered as .an alternative to clearing and replanting. Unfortunately when development begins not all the wildlife will remain oncsite. However with the proximity to public preserve areas such~ as The Savannas State Reserve and the North Fork of the St. Lu'Cie River, 'the wildlife will be able to recolonize and continue to flourish. During a site visit with Lisa Chiles of the South Florida Water Management District on October 31, 1990 a review of the condition of the wetland on this site was made. At that time it was determined that this wetland has been significantly altered by fire plow lines and th'e invasion of exotics that rehabilitation to a functional habitat is no longer a feasible alternative. A discussion followed involving the creation of a lake with planted littoral zones and extended littoral shelves which would compensate for the loss of this .77 acre wetland. Additionally, desireable tree species should be relocated into a forested hardwood area adjacent to the proposed lake. The area to be ut i i ized for the lake wil 1 replaces the present wet land area creating a deepwater habitat for fish, amphibians, and reptiles, and extended littoral zone for birds and mammals. Specific plans and d.etails of the configuration of the lake and associated littoral zones and adjacent transplant zones will be submitted as part of the county required submittal package. Sho~uld you ,~eed additional this site please let me know. information concerning my revie'w of Sincerely, Wayne P. BIythe Environmental Professional BOARD OF-COU.NTY COMMISSIONeRS UTILITY s( RVIC. $ D PARTM NT RICHARD E. HOWELL DIRECTOR Mr. C. Calvert Montgomery C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box' 92 Stuart, Fi 34995 June 28, 1990 Re: 22.7 Acres "St. Lucie Gardens" , , Dear Mr. Montgomery: Enclosed are copies of exis.ting Water and sewer mains located near this property. At the present .time, there is water and wastewater plant capacity to serve the proposed 180 apartment 'units for this development. Water could be provided from the existing 12. inch main on US#1 but the nearest sewer service is quite fmrther away, as you can see by · the asbuilt copies. This information shall not be construed as a commitment to provide service, until a service agreement has been fully executed and all necessary .approvals by all of the required regulatory bOdies have been obtained. If you have any questions, please call me at (407) 878-2233 ext. 422. , K~~~n.~~Sincerelyx~ /~ . Staff Specialist RKJ / j m Enclosure cc' File/Developer HAVERT L..FENN, District No. t · JUDY CULPEPPER, District No. 2 · JACK KRIEGER, District No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · JIM MINIX, District No. 5 County Administrator'-- JAMES V. CHISHOLM BUSINESS OFFICES (407) 464-1 O01 FIRE PREVENTION ,'407) 465-6655 Mailing Address P. O. Box 3030 Ft. PierCe, Fla. 34948-3030 December 7, 1990 C. Ca:tvert Montgomery & Associates Professional Exchange Building Stuart, FL 34995 RE: St. Lucie Oaks Dear Sir: , Your proposed plan with the water main, hydrant location, and double connection to the existing 12" main meets with our approval. The following requirements will be necessary upon permitting. 1. Ail hydrants shall face the .service road for ~Fire Department vehicle access. 2. Ali 'private hydrants shall be painted Federal Safety Yellow. If I can' be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call my office. _ Sincerely, ST. LUCIE COUNTY-FT. PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU John K. Hayden ~ Plans Examiner DeCember 4~, 1990 David Kelly St. Lucie. County School District 2909 Delaware Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34947 Re: St. Lucie Oaks Dear David: Attached are two prints plan for development o of this propose~ Preliminary 180 rental units. P.U.D. These are submitted to comply with the P.U.D. checklist question of contact with the School Board. 'We respectfully request a response at your earliest oppor- tunity in order for this Preliminary P.U.D.' submittal and review to 'take place as soon as possible. The applicant is Frank Speciale-Trustee, and you can send c/o this office. TDanks for your cooperation expressed on the phone yester- da y. Sincerely, C CALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC. ccm/mt Enclosures cc: Brasilino Filipe cc: Harold Melville CalVert Montgomery ST. LUCIE COUNTY SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMISSION APPLICATION/CHECK LIST INSTRUCTIONS ' Please complete ti%is application and return with ~our site plan submission. If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact the St. Lucie County Office of Community .Development, Planning · DivisiOn at (407) 468-1576 for assistance. PROJECT NAME' ST. LUglE OAKS TYPE OF .PROJECT' PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR RENTAL APARTMENTS LEGAL .DESCRIPTION' (Include Stree.~ Address if Available) NE¼. OF NW¼ oF SEC.22, TWP 36S, RGE 4OE, LESS SOUTH 1,150..FEET OF EASl 589.46__ . FFET & LESS EAST 42.0 FEET FOR /W. ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA _NOTE.! ......... ~ROPOSED p.U'.D. FOR RESIDENTIAL APART, MENT_.USE.IS. ONLY ONTHE PROPERTY.. · , WITH LAND USE DESIGNATION OF AM. ...... WHI..CH I.S THE ABOVE DESCR!B.,ED. T.R,ACT, LESS THE EASTERLY 589.46 FEET AND COMPRISING 22 17 ACRES PARCEL SIZE' (Express in Acres)- ., 24..34 TOTAL 22.17 FOR P.U.D. PROPERTY TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER' 3422..'21.1 0001' 000/0 SITE PLAN SUBMISSION APPLICATION/CHECK LIST- a~ Does this' project require a Traffic Impact Report? (refer 5.1.300(4)(~)) YES ' X NO ' . Date Report Submitted' Are you requesting a waiver from the requirements of this report? YES - " NO ' X Note- if requesting 'a waiver from the requirements of '-s~e*C'~ion 5.1.300( 4 ) ( g.), please provide a complete explanation and justification On why this report should be waived. Does this Projeot require 'an Report? ( refer' 5.1.300.( 4 ) (h)) Environmental Assessment .. YES ' X NO ' Date Report Submitted ' Are you requesting a waiver from the requirements of this repOrt? " ,,, · YES ' NO ' X Note: If requesfiing a waiver from the requirements· of $'e~tion ~.5.1. 300( 4 ) ( h ), please provide a complete explanat~'on and justification on why .this report should be waivea. Does' this project require a Plan? (refer Ordinance EC-87-02) Sea Turtle Proteotion' YES ' NO ' X Date Plan Submitted' d~ '41 · -' .;. ;' -.'. .. , , · . .. . · . Does this project require (refer Ordinance EC-87-01) a Mangrove Protection Plan? Date 'Plan Submitted' . · · ., - , · ,, · , . · · , . SITE PLAN SUBMIsSION/CHECK LIST e~ Does 'this project compl~ wi'th the requirements of the Hutchinson Island Coastal Area Protection Ordinance? (refer Ordinance EC-87-03) NOT APPLICABLE YES ' NO ' ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS INDICATED ON YOUR SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN? (Check One) Refer Section 5.1.300(4) St. Lucie Coun%~ zonin9 Ordinance g Have you provided the required tabular data called for in SectiOn 5.1.300(4)(a)? YES ' X NO ' h~ Have '~ou · provided the required letter of capaci~ verification if usin9 a public utili~? , YES ' × NO ' i RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS ONLY - Have you contacted ~he ~~ ....... 5'U6ie .... c°unt~~ 'sc~01'-B°a-rd~ Associate Superintendent. for School Facilities, about this project? YES ' X NO ' Have ~ou consulted wi~h ~he Ft. Pierce - St. Lucie Countsf Fire Marshals Office about this project and its' fire protection requirements? . YES ' X NO ' '. . '. .'k. 'Have .you pr. ovided, the following information, on the .::. "...."' ' ".: ' '.' · .9.r'aphic · .submisSions .. for thi's ' -project? ' (r~fer .... · '" ' -;5.-1..3ioo(4.).(b) )'.' '-: . . .- .... . . ..- .... .. - '- · ' '" ':": '".' ' """ ' ' "' ' ' "'" ' '"' '"'::'"""'" '"'"' ' : "'";~ ' "":' ;." "'."'::"?'~ .... ' .... '"'"' .....'. :...'1" '" '"':'.' :'"' "'"' ....... ' .... ' ......"'" "':':"" ""'",':" "' ;'"' ......:,,. ..... .. . . . . . ..:. ., .... ...,.¥~ ...... '.'- .'.' ' .:..::...~ :- -.' :. · · '. .... ..::.',~'.. ' . : -' -.' '":'. ,' -..' ....... · . · · 'No · . · :"-" - , . . . - .... . ......... ... ,. ....-':.. :....... _ ... .' : .... . : . .- .,."- .' ,',. '- . .''..'' '-' .., · . , , -.. . ,' ,;: '. .... . ,. ,. . '"' .""- '' Building.'Dimensi'~ns & Setb~ck's',. gOiI~UNtT¥ DEV[LOPMEi¢~J.'r .. .e,X l GE CO" FL ~. . - Yes No Building Spacing Calculations. Buildin~ Identifications. Parking Computations. X L. andscape Plan/Legend. AGREEMENT. W/COUNTY TO~.SU. BMIT WITH~ P.U.D. Water Supply Indication. X Sewer Service Indication. X Drainage Plan. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT (DETENTION & OUTFALk) .......... Roadway ~mprovement, Plan (Note: 'Ail driveways to comply wi~h ~he reqUlremen~s .of BCC-87-13) Lighting 'Plan (No%e' Oceanside development must comply with the requirements, of Ordinance EC-87-02 ) Phasing Plan. 50 Foot ~' Perimeter Use Identificaiion. X le Signage LOcation Have ~ou provided Survey? : X ~'~OPERTY HE^~ILY FORESTE,, TREE SUR,VE¥ X the required Boundary and Topographic mo YES ' X 'NO: Have you indicated foot intervals? the contour lines at the required one YES - X NO ' n. Have ~ou provided the' Drivewa3~ Location Map · · · - . ,.,." , i',.. .... '~,~.,. ,. : .. ~ . ' · ' Property 'LocatiOn Map · , o~,° . o "'-'~ ., o: · ~ . · '. · " , . · ',~''.. ' ...' °, ".' , . · , .-,v...-...: A..,.:.- ...... ;.'. ' :' -' --'"'-l ./~eri a"p..'-' otog-a-h:~ ~p ~ .,-~...'..*....:- .',.: ~:~ .~. -,,.'.,~-...;'.:. ,.. . ..~' · . '" .. .. -.- · . · ~ . . · ,, : , , · , .- .. , . · .. \'.2:-""':"; ':h'"'-", ' '' '" ' ''.. "' .' ,' · ', · +.,:...,. :'~ .... · .. ~,.,-, . . .. : .... · .. '., . · , · . · , ,,. o,", · ,:, . ,'-: - . ' .,. ,- .. . -, .' .. . . . ., . ... .×. SITE PLAN SUBMISSION/CHECK LIST IF YOU HAVE ANSWERED NO TO ANY OF THE ABOVE, PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY - . IN THE SPACE BELOW: LANDSCAPE ,PLAN ~ ...... . .... . ..... BECAUSE OF, .DENSE FORESTATION, LANDSCAPE PLAN TO BE .... SUBMITTED ON F,NAL .... P:'U'2D~'~ R£QuEs~-'. ' ...... LIGHTING PLAN WILL SUBMITTED ON FINAL .-., BE . . L I',~HTm'NG A,DDRE~QSEO BiY' NOT ~_. ,, '~, ,--, :,..: , . . , _,. ;,.. THAT] iT BE DIRECTED AWAY' $1GNAGE - SIGNAG .............................. WI'TH' FINAL IP,U':D,' ......................... ........... ~ ' Do .you own the property under Site Plan Application? NO .~ If not, please i~dicate ~he name and address of the Proper~y owner below' - James La Porte & Elizabeth La Porte: Cornelius. Calandr~l. llo& Joan Calandrei'llo; , Bert Weber & Florence Weber,. . c/o Nashe] an~ Nashe!~ Esqs /~15 60th St ~est ~ew York, New Jerse~ 07093 ..... mt~~ .~ ' ~ - . ~ subm~tteO ~tate " Have. 'you' check the appropr Lucie County the required Site Plan Application' Fee? Please · line below. Checks should be payable to St. a. ) Traffic ~eport required: $500 No traffic report required' $300 b.) NOTE ' Waiver not of required traffic impact report does the applican~ of ~he required review fee Have you ~provid materials for rE FOLDED to as near .. H.a~e Mo..u .prOvided d ten' (10) copies of the reqUired graphic Jew? Please be sure that all.materials are 8 1/2 X ll as. possible. three (3) .copies Qf all other required studies o . .. SITE PLAN SUBMISSION/CHECK LIST SPECIAL 'NOTICE additional information, ' ' h ~ application, wen deemed this petitioned project. Submission of this application does not constitute ~he ~rantin~ of site plan' approval. Ail appropriate requirements must be met prior to this project being presented to the Board of County Commissioners. St. Lucie County reserves the right to request other than that specified in this necessary, for the complete review of · ~etitiSn~~ank ~pe~iale ............. .... 1.11] ...... S .... ,.gcaan BI Vd ~ 1.2(] Address 310 South Second Street. Address _ B o c:_a ..... Ra.'.t .o.~_, .... F L .......... 334.32 City State Zip Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 City State Zip Phone ' · [407) 3.68,8.480 Phone- (407) 464-7900 Date of Submission- STAFF USE ONLY' Project No ' Comments ' Receipt No.- Co~mission Review' Resolution No.- · o . ' issue' 9/01/87' Re;tis:6/27/88 · . -.-" .'-, .R vi.s-2/'2z/89". ' · ! ' · ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE GENERALIZED FLOW CHART Project Submission IReview by Committee ' ! t Comments Compiled ! By DiVisional Liaison Committee Comments Transmitted To Petitioner · --...", '~.~ ~._:__1 ................ i-'~'" '~;rOJ';°~:- su~'~~s~°~ .... ~ De~ermined Technicall for Presentation to ' Board -. . . · - ."-.'.." ~ · .I il) [~..~I':'1~',. COMMUNITY ST [UC~[. C~ ' Page ~ .of' .10 · ,FILE COPY St. Lucie County City, DING DEPARTMF NT Ft. Pierce City of Port St. Lucie PIERCE, FLORIDA RECEiPTM° - Nol ,,-~ 44456 _ St. Lucie Village EXPLANATION AMOUNT REC'D White Customer Canary Finance Pink File Copy il 1111 SOUTH OCEAN BLVD. 1/BOCAFIATON'FL 88452 PAY TO THE . anuary 4 ~9~91 '26~0' ~ Jl ill ~~°~~-- St' Lucre C°un~tl~ $1~.000.00 - Ji il~ Oho Thousand and ~o/100 ------------------ ...... ~aot.t_^~ Ii ' '"~' savings .~ ,, BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER LAW OFFICES HAROLD G. MELVILLE, 310 SOUTH SECOND STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34950 January 7, 1991 RA. MAILING ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 850 FORT PIERCE, FL 34954 TELEPHONE (407) ,464.,.7900 FAX (407) 464-8220 HAND DELIVERY Dennis Murphy Land Development Manager St. Lucie County Planning Dept. 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34950 Re: Preliminary PUD Application For Certificate Of Capacity For St. Lucie Oaks/Application Dear Dennis: Enclosed please find nary PUD approval for St. application are- the completed application for. prelimi- Lucie Oaks. The specific parts of this 1. Completed PUD application Form; · Completed Site Plan Submission Application Form; 3. C.heck payable to St. Lucie County $1,0'00 - Application. fee; in the amount of · Three (3) copies of PUD Report prepared by C. Calvert Mont§omery & Associates, Inc. (this PUD Report includes the Environmental Statement, county utilities letter, school board information and fire district letter; · Three (3) copies of Traffic Impact Analysis Motorist Desi§n Data Movement, Inc. prepared by 6. Ten (10) copies of boundary and topographic survey; '7. Ten (10). sets of plans, includin9 vicinity map, plan, preliminary sewer/water plan and-phasing site plan; Aerial photo§raph. I believe that the foregoin§ documents contain all information required Pursuant to Section ll.02.10(A) of Lucie County Land Development Re§ulations. As stated, application for preliminary PUD approval. o.f the the St. this is an Dennis Murphy January 7, 19~91 page two In connection with the application for preliminary PUD ap- proval and through this letter, I am also makin~ application for a Certificate of Capacity for this PUD. This application is being made pursuant to Section 5.01.01 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Regulations. As the application for preliminary PUD approval sets forth, the Petitioner is Frank Speciale, Trustee. The Petitioner has this property under a contract for purchase, subject to PUD ap- proval. Since the Petitioner has a limited time within which to either obtain PUD approval or terminate the contract, I would ap- preciate your havin~ staff review this project at its earliest possible convenience. If you need any further or additional information in re~ard to this project, please do not hesitate to call 'me. Thank. you very much. HGM/m~o enc. xc: Frank Speciale, Trustee Brasilino Filipe C. Calvert Mont§omery Lawrence E. Crary, III Since~ :ely, G. Melville HAROLD G. MELVILLE, P.A. ST. LUCIE OAKS A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (P.U.D.) FOR RENTAL APARTMENTS FOR FRANK SPECIALE - TRUSTEE ST. LUCIE,COUNTY, FLORIDA November, 19 9 0 CALVERT MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, Engineers Stuart, Florida INC. CONTENTS LOCATION MAP PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS ENVI RONMENTA~L REPORT SFWMD'LETTER/REPORT ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES LETTER ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT LETTER ST. LUCIE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT LETTER FLOOD ZONE MAP & LEGEND ~ ROYAL~ I *, ,983 · ST. LUCIE oAKS ~,MONTERRE¥ ~ WAY ~ t~NOOALE$ WAY SI~R%'I ARI LOCATION ~'IAp 1" = 4000' January 3, 1991 pRELIMINARY SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT' S NAME AND ADDRESS: Frank. Speciale 1111 South Ocean Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida 33432 APPLICANT' S INTEREST IN PROPERTY: The applicant has entered into a contract for purchase of the property, Subject to being granted an approval for a planned development of rental apartments. OWNER' S NAME AND ADDRESS: James La porte and Elizabeth La Porte: Cornelius Calandriello and Joan Calandreillo; Bert Weber and Florence Weber. c/o Nashel and Nashel, Esqs. 415 60th. Street West New York, New Jersey 07093 STREET ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Legal Description - NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of SEC 22, TWP 3'6S, RGE 4'0E; Less South 1,150 feet of the East 589.46 feet and less the East 42 feet for the right of way. PRESENT ZONING: RM - 5 and CG LAND USE CALSSIFICATION: RM (9 units/acre) and Commercial. PLANNING OBJECTIVE: The applicant proposes to develop 180 apartment rental units in a wooded setting. The property is a dense stand of na'tive trees, and the intent is to leave many · trees and as much native vegetation as possible. Building and site improvements will be adjusted in the field to the fullest extent possible in order to avoid removal of trees. NUMBER AND TYPE OF UNITS: ()ne hundred and eighty units, of one and two bedroom types. Buildings to be two-story. PARCEL SI ZE: 24.34 acres. COVERAGE OF BUILDINGS: Sixteen apartment buildings totalling 112,500 square feet (2.58 acres), a laundry/maintenance building of approxi- mately 1,250 sq. ft., and a community building of aproxi- mately 3,000 sq. ft.. Total building coverage is 117,550 sq. ft., or 1.70 acres. LAND (;OVERAGE: Community Building - approximately 3,800 square feet. Pool/deck/patio area - approximatley 4,000 square feet. Gross open space- ADJACENT LAND USES: North - No~rth St. Lucie River Water Control. District ditch and vacant land beyond ditch. East - Commercial. South and West-Single family homes. a~ COMP ~.IBILITY WITH ADJACENT DEVELOPMENT: The propOsed development provides that logical and reason- able transition from existing commercial development on the east, to the single family residential on the west and south. This will .be a wooded, garden apartment development .with reasonable restrictions to provide a desirable residential a,~tmosphere. The development will have. a density of approximately 8 units per acre. · .The vehicular ~and pedestrian circulation systems and pat- 'terns in the proPosed development dO not connect to, or in any way affect, those streets and/or houses, adjacent to the develo The only access is from.~U. S. Hwy #1 and the traff c~ study addresses the impact on this highway. UNIQUE FEATURES OF THE SITE: The unique natural features of the land are the trees. COMPATIBILITY OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WITH THE ST- LUCIE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN.. The propOSed development calls for residential USes of up to 9 units per acre. The County Comprehensive 'Plan speci- fies a maximum of 9 units per acre. · DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE: See Phasing Plan. APPLICANTS INTENTIONS REGARDING SELLING OR LEASING: The applicant intends, at this time, to keep all units for rental. Commercial to be addressed in the future. STATEMENT REGARDING SEWERAGE/WATER SUPPLY: Water service will be from St. Lucie County Utilities. There is a 12" mai~n existing at the U. S. Hwy 91 R/W, which is the property line of the proposed development. The applicant intends to work with the County and other potential .developers, to bring sewer services to the area. 'EXISTING CONDITIONS: The site is raw, native wooded property. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: See St. Lucie County aerial photo map attached. LOCATION SKETCH: The location map is shown on Sheet ~1 of the Plans, with Section, Township and Range shown. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: The topographic map is submitted herewith. Mean High water lines, submerged lands, coastal construction control lines, etc., are not .applicable to this property. o BOUNDARY SURVEY/LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The boundary survey map, by Edwin R. Matthews, R.L.S., with legal desCription shown thereon, is submitted herewi th. LEGAL POSITIVE OUTFALL: The drainage ditch (Canal 28 B) adjacent to the north pro- perty line drains ~to 'the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. The intent is to use that outfall from the on- site stormwater detention facility. BOUNDARIES OF 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN: The property is in Zone B, which is between the 100 year and 500 year flOod plains. DRAINAGE BASINS: The off-site adjoining ProPerties are developed as resi- dential subdivisions and/or commercial properties. Run- off from these adjoining tracts is not directed onto the subject property. PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE INFORMATION: Predevelopment stormwater run-off analysis will determine the run-off rate limitations for post development. Storm- water detention facilities will be designed to control off-site discharge to the adjacent ditCh along the north property line. The .25 year storm return interval - 72 hour duration, is the criteria controlling the design for the off-site discharge. · BLYTHE ENV I RDNMENT~L, INC. 5782 SE HULL STREET STUART, FLORIDA 34997 (407) 287-0549 February 26, 1991 Mr. Frank Speciale 1111 South Ocean Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida 33432 RE: ST. LucIE OAKS Dear Mr. Speciale: On February 25, 1991 I conducted a .field investigation on a 24.34 +/- acre parcel of ground located in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 OF Section 22, Township 36 South, Range 40 East. The purpose of this investigation was to provide additional information for an Environmental Impact Report for the count~ staff's review and address specific items noted in a letter f~'om St. 'Lucie County staff to Mr. Harold Melville dated January 30, 1990. · 'A previous inVestigation was~made on October 15, 1990 and a field Visit with South Florida Water Management District representative Ms Lisa Chiles was made on OCtober 31, 1990. ITEM 7. a. VEGETATIVE AND SUBSTRATE INFORMATION The Pine Flat-woods and Scrubby Flatwoods area of the site had the following dominant species: slash pine (Pinus elliottii var. densa), 1 ive oak (Quercus virginiana), cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto), saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), dahoon holly (Ilex cas.sine), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), gallberry (Ilex glabra), fetterb rusty fetterbush (Lyonia ferruginea), redb~ and guava (Psidium guavaja). Underst or~ wiregrass (Aristida stricta), pennyroyal (P blackberry (Rubus argutus), American beau americana), grape (Vitis rotundifolia), and spp.. ). ush (Lyonia lucida), y (Persea borbonia), species included iloblephis rigida), tyberry (Cal 1 icarpa greenbriar (Smilax The wetland area has have significantly impacted it. Fire plo encircle the wetland giving rise to a reduc capacity. As a result of this lowered wate exotics such as melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquin pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) have beco and are reproducing here. In several areas and pioneer flatwoods vegetation are present drop in water levels. Other native vegeta includes: saltbush (Baccharis halmifolia), been influenced by several factors which w lines completely tion in its holding r level, aggressive ervia) and Brazilian me well established sapling pine trees further indi~cating a bion of the wetland ~ax myrtle (Myrica PAGE TWO ceri fera), red maple (Acer rubrum), maidencane (Pan icum hemitomon), St. John's wort (Hypericum spp.), yellow eyed grass (Xyris spp. ), willow (Sal ix spp. ), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidental is), and other water tolerant herbaceous species. For. detailed locations of the vegetative communities please refer to the Environmental Site Plan. !TEM 7. b. SO!L TYPES According to the Soil Survey for St. Lucie County Area, Florida, the site. has four soil types: #21 Lawnwood Sand, #23 Malabar Fine Sand, #43 Susanna Sand, #50 Waveland Fine Sand, and #51 Waveland- Lawnwood Complex. These soil types are normally associated with the pine flatwoods and scrubby flatwoods o~ Sou~h Florida ~ with the Wave land-Lawn'wood Complex comprisin~ the depressional (wetl.and) areas. For detailed locations of the various soil types 'please the Environmental Site Plan. ITEM ?-c. "LISTED" SPECIES SURVEY refer to A comprehensive survey was made of the site on February 25, 1991 during the early morning and early evening hours When prefe~rred wildlife feeding times occur. Parallel pedestrian transects were made throughout the site to determine the presence and abundance of any species of special concern. The study- area was surveyed for "Listed" species concern using parallel pedestrian transects. The site was gridded into 10 meter transects in an east-west direction. Boundaries of the transects were marked using surveyor' s flagging to avoid duplicating discovery efforts, encountered burrows were observed to determine their status, i.e. Active-fresh tortoise tracks, Inactive-clean burrow entrance with no recent tortoise tracks, and Abandoned-no tortoise activity with leaves and/or cobwebs in burrow opening. A total of twenty active and inactive burrows wer~e located-- 14 Active and 6 Inactive. During the walking of the transects, periodic stops were made to observe for scrubjays and four-petal pawpaw. Early morning and early evening hours were chosen for survey times so that there would be a better opportunity to observe scrubjays during there normal feeding hours. No observations can be reported for these two species during this on site field survey. Twenty gopher tortoise burrows 'were located on the St. Lucie Oaks property as a result of the field survey, 14 Active and 6 I nact i v e. The Florida ~Game and Fresh Water Commission (FGFWFC) uses a PAGE THREE conversion factor to relate active and inactive tortoise bUrrows to actual populations. Their current conversion factor is [0.614 (# Active burrows + # Inactive burrows)]. Literature reviewed has revealed ratios as low as 0. 15 times Active + Inactive, depending on site conditions. Sites similar to the 'Cove Sands site haVe ~yielded conversion factOrs of approximately .3 times Active + Inactive. Therefore a gopher tortoise population of 6 [0.3 (20)] to 13 [0.'6 (20)] can be expected. · The (FGFWFC) approves spatial requirements for gopher tortoise on areas for development (preserve areas) at 0.5 suitable habitat per gopher tortoise. Under these conditions, six to thirteen gopher tortoises would require from 3.0 t~o 6,5 acres of preserve area. GOpher tortoises and all other burrow Commensals could be relocated into a preserve area of this size. However, should insufficient area be available for the relocation of gopher tortoises on-site, an off-site location has been located within the guidelines of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. Additionally, prior to andy wildlife relocat~ions permits from the FGFWFC will be secured. ~ .... No other "Listed" i~nvestigations of this species were observed during field site. Since the proposed use of this site is as a residential development the&. native flora and fauna of the site will be .~~. . .... ~!,~ .... . is the developers intent to design with the eriStics present on-site During the planning and engineering phase, natural features such as specimen tre~es, wetland area, and potential passive recreational areas were considered and designed around to reduce the impact on wildlife and encourage an environmentally sensitive neighborhood. Tra'nsplanting on-s, ite vegetation from the developed area into areas requiring landscaping is being considered as an alternative to clearing and replanting. Unfortunately when development begins not all the wildlife will remain on-site. However with the proximity to public preserve areas such as The Savannas State Reserve and the North Fork of the St. Lucie River, the wildlife will be able to recoloniZe and continue to flourish. ITEM ?. d. TREATMENT OF IMPACTED WETLAND During a site visi~t with Lisa Chiles of the South Florida Water Management District on October 31, 1990 a review of the condition of the wetland on this site was made. At that time it was determined that thlis wetland has been so significantly altered by fire plow lines, drainage to the south, and the invasion of exotics that rehabilitation to a functional habitat is no longer PAGE FOUR a feasible alternative. A discussion followed involving the creation of a lake with planted littoral zones and extended littoral shelves which would compensate for t~he~loss of this .~? acre wetland. Additionally, desireabl~e tree species should be relocated into a forested hardwood area adjacent to the proposed lake. The area to be utilized for the lake will replaces the present .wetland area creating a deepwater habitat for fish, amphibians, and reptiles, and ~extended littoral zone for birds and mammals. Specific plans and details of the configuration of t~he lake and associated littoral zones and adjacent transplant zones will be sub'mitred as part of the county required Submittal package and South Florida Water Management District Permit Application. Please to this see Ms Lisa Chiles letter. letter dated February 21, 1991 attached Should you need additional this site please let me know. ~information concerning my review of Sincerely, ~ Wayne P. BIythe Pres i dent South Flo Water ana ement District . P.O. Box :24080 · $301 Gun CiubRoad · West Palm Beach; FL 3341B.4680 · (407) 680-8800 · FL WATS 1-800-452.g045 CON 24-06 Regulation Department February 21, 1991 Wayne Blythe Blythe Environmental, 5782 S.E.~ Hull -Street Stuart, Florida 34997 Inc. Dear Mr. Blythe: Subject: St. Lucie Oaks, St. LUcie County, Pre-application site inspection $22/T36S/R40E District environmental staff' have conducted a pre-application inspection of the above referenced parcel of land. A copy of staff's findings is attached. Portions of the lands inspected do contain wetlands. Applications for developments of this site will be reviewed under-the DiStrict's Isolated Wetland Rule, Appendix 7 of the Basis of Review. Please be advised that surface water management permitting criteria will be in effect for any proposed development of the site whether or no't there are functional wetlands. This letter does not obviate the need for obtaining the necessary permits from other appropriate governmental entities. If you have any further questions relating to environmental issues, please contact Lisa Chiles at extension 69514. Sincerely, Deborah Goss, Supervising Professional Natural ResourCe Management DG/LC Attachment Gove,v,inll Board: ,James F. Game,'. Chairman. Fort Myers Doran A. Jason. Vice Chairman - Key BisCayne Arsenio A4ilian - A4iami I'-"ritz Stein. Belle Glade Mike Stout - Windermere Ken Adams * West Palm Beach Valerie Boyd - Naples James E. Nail- Fort Lauderdale Charles W. Causey - Islamorada John R. Wodraska. Executive Director Tilford C. Creel. Deputy Executive Director Thomas K. MacVicar. Deputy Executive Director CON 24-06 TO: 'FROM ·. Files Lisa Chiles, Natural Resource Management DATE: February 21, 1991 SUBJECT: St. Lucie · Oaks St. Lucie County,. S22/T36S/R40E Pre-application Environmental Comments A pre-application field inspection of the referenced property was conducted with .Wayne Blythe of Blythe Environmental, Inc. on October 31, 1990' The site is located behind a shopping center .on the west side of U.S. Hwy 1. Expected development of the site Will be residential townhouses. A 2-3 acre Wetland is located within the project area. Vegetation within the wetland includes willow, and a few red maple, along with maidencane, pickerelweed, and other marsh species. Undetermined hist¢~ric impacts to the wetland have assisted the establishment of transitional and nuisance vegetation including pine, broomsedge, dog fennel, grape vine, and melal.euca. At the time of the site inspection there was standing water throughout most of the wetland. Current plans are for the wetland to be impacted by development of the site. Based on the stressed cond wetland and assuming there are no threatened or endang tlllzing the area, a mitigation ratio of 1:1 would be compensate'for development of the wetland. Mitigati. should consider the relocation of red maple and o~ species, along with dahoon holly from the adjacent u ever possible. ~ the proposed £tion of the =.red species required to in proposals her wetland ~lands where c: Wayne Blythe, Biythe Environmental, Inc. D. Goss, J. Bhebe, D. Hagan, L. Chiles (2) (w/ original photos), K. James · · .o .. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION£RS UTI LITY S( RVIC£S DePARTMeNT RICHARD E. HOWELL DIRECTOR Mr. C. Calvert Montgomery C.. 'Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 92 Stuart, Fi 34995~ June 28, 1990 Re: 22.7 Acres "St. Lucie Gardens" Dear Mr. Montgomery: Enclosed are copies of existing Water and sewer mains located near this property. At the present time, there is water and wastewater plant capacity to serve the proposed 180 apartment 'units for this development. Water could be provided from the existing 12 inch main on USUal but the nearest sewer service is quite fmrther away, as you can see by the asbuilt copies. This information shall not'~ be construed as a commitment to provide service, until a service agreement has been fully executed and all necessary approvals by all of the required regula, tory bodies ~have been obtained. If you have any questions, please call me at (407) 878-2233 ext. 422. , sincerely~ /~ Staff Specialist RKJ / j m ]Enclosure cc: File/Developer 'HAVERT L. FENN, District No. t · JUDy CULPEPPER, District No. 2 ·, JACK KRIEGER, DistriCt No. 3 · R. DALE TREFELNER, District No. 4 · JIM MINIX, District No. 5 County Administrator'- JAMES V. CHISHOLM BUSINESS OFFICES (407) 464-1001 FIRE PREVENTION 14071 465-6655 Mailing Address P. O. Box 3030 Ft. Pierce, Fla. 34948-3030 December 7, 1990 C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates Professional Exchange Building Stuart, FL 34995 RE: St. Lucie Oaks Dear Sir: Your proposed plan with the water main, hydrant locatiOn, and double connection to the existing 12" main meets with our approval. The following reqUirements~wili be necessary upon permitting. 1. Ail hydrants shall faCe.the service road-for Fire:Department vehicle acceSs' 2, Aii~ priVat:e:.,hydrants 'Shall be 'paint.e~ Federal Saf&~t~y Yellow., If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to, call my off±ce. Sincerely, ST. LUCIE COUNTY-FT, PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU John K. Hayden Plans Examiner THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY PLANNING'AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT OFFICE 2909 Delaware Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida' 34947-3696 (407) 468-5262 DR. DAVID DeRUZZO Superintendent BOARD MEMBERS Mary Goodenow, Chairman Judi Miller, Vice Chairman Tom Coss Sandra Foote Samuel S. Gaines DAVID P. KELLY Supervisor of Planning January 8, 1991 - C. Calvert Montgomery, P.E. C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 92 Stuart, FL 34995 Subject: School Impact Fees Dear Cal: Please excuse my delay in responding to your letter of December 4, 1990. The P.U.D. checklist which you reference in your letter was created[ prior to the adOption,, by the COunty Commissioni of an Educational FaCilities Impact Fee Ordinance. Compliance with this ordinance will meet the requirements of the county as they relate to new school construction. As I understand your. site plan for St. Lucie Oaks there are 180 dwelling units in sixteen twenty-five foot 'tall buildings. I have assumed that these are two story buildings. Based on 'this assumption the school impact fee is $312.00 per unit. The county will require payment of this fee-prior to the issuance of building permits for your project. If I caln answer any further questions, please contact me. S'~rely, , ACCREDITED SYSTEM-WIDE BY THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS The School Board of St. ,Lucie County is an Equal Opportunity Agency CANA DRIVE KEY TO MAP 500-Year Flood Boundary,, , 100-Year Flood Boundary ...... Zone Designa£ionS* With Date of Identification c.§., 1212/74 100-Year Flood BOundary ...... 500-Year Flood Boundary Base Flood Elevation Line With Elevation in Feet** Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform Within Zone** Elevation. Reference Mark Zone D .Boundary ....... River Mile 513 ..... (EL 987) RM7x oM1.5 **Referenced to thc National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 *EXPLANATION OF ZONE DESIGNATIONS ZONE A A0 AH A1 -A30 A99 VI-V30 EXPLANATION Areas of 100-year flood; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. Areas of 100-year shallow flooding where depths are between one (1} and three (3) feet; average depths of inundation arc shown, but no flood hazard 'factors are determined. Areas of 100-year shallow flooding where depths arc between one (1) and three (3) feet; base flood elevations are shown, but no flood hazard factors arc determined, Areas of 100-year flood; base flood elcvation's and flood hazard factors determined. Areas of 100-year flood to-be, protected by flood protection system under construction; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not' determined. Areas between limits of the' 100-year flood and 500- year flood; or certain areas subject to 100-year flood- ing with average depths less than one (1) foot or where the. contributing drainage area is less than one square mile; or areas protected by levees from thc base flood. (Medium shading) 'Areas of minimal flooding. (No shading) Areas of undetermined, but possible, t'iood hazards. Areas of 100-year coastal flood with velocity (wave action); base flood c.levations and flood hazard factors not determined. Areas of 100-year coastal flood With velocity (wave action); base flood elevations and flood hazard factors determined. NOTES TO USER Certain areas not in'the special flood hazard areas (zones A and V) may be protected by flood control structures. This map is for flood insurance purposes only; it does not neces- sarily show all 'areas subject to flooding in the community' or all planimetric features outside special flood hazard areas. For adjoining map panels, sec separately printed Index To Map Panels. Coastal base flood 'elevations apply only landward of thc shoreline shown on this map. Coastal base flood elevations shown on this map include thc effects of wave action, iNITIAL IDENTIFICATION: JANUARY 24, 1975 Fi..OOD HAZARD BOIJ.NDARY MAP REVISIONS: t. Lhcie