HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs — -- 17o7 — ------- -- — --------- --- WATER 'COMM ST.LUCIE CO TY UTILITIES-P.O.BOX 728 FT.PIERCE FL 34982 --- ✓ SEWER RES NAME METER SZ. M/FIRR ACCT.# $ l / `7 • i 1 V SECURITY DEP SERVICE ADDRESS SERVICE FEE a, f 2 SAME DAY FEE SUBDIVISION ��L� LOT ll 3 BLOCK OVERTIME FEE T+ X A &I METERINSTALL.' BILLING RESS,�^ (- CFC/WATERV r ►\ FPUA CFC • PHONE# -MOVE IN/CLOSING DATE CFC/SEWER GUAR.REV. This application hereby request and authorizes the Utility to render water and/or sewage disposal services to the premises described above in accordance with the Utilities present or future rates, LATERAL rules and regulations,which by reference are made a part of this contract.Applicant agrees to pay the Utility promptly for such services in accordance with the established rules and regulations. $ TOTAL CUSTOMERS DEPOSITS ARE NON NEGOTIABLE OR TRANSFERABLE. CUSTOMER SOCIAL SEC/ SIGNATURE FED ID NAME OF SPOUSE SPOUSE SOCIAL SEC. OFFICE USE ONLY,^ DATE RECEIVED / CASH R RECEIVED BY� WATER %COMM ST.LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES-P.O.BOX 728 FT.PIERCE FL 34982 SEWER V RES NAME S METER SZ. M/F ACCT.# ITutj�n c $ 174,4, (� SECURITY DEP SERVICE ADDRESS 31169 -1//U��S_ 6 LLL SERVICE FEE ffi� SAME DAY FEE �J LOT /! 3 BLOCK SUBDIVISION 1,/�-�=-��' GIJ�� � OVERTIME FEE -METER INSTALL. BILLING RESS � CFC/WATER PCJH FPUA CFC PHONE# MOVE IN/CLOSING DATE CFC/SEWER This application hereby request and authorizes the Utility to render water and/or sewage disposal GUAR.REV. services to the premises described above in accordance with the Utilities present or future rates, LATERAL rules and regulations,which by reference are made a part of this contract.Applicant agrees to pay the Utility promptly for such services in accordance with the established rules and regulations. TOTAL CUSTOMERS DEPOSITS ARE NON NEGOTIABLE OR TRANSFERABLE. CUSTOMER SOCIAL SEC/ SIGNATURE FED ID NAME OF SPOUSE SPOUSE SOCIAL SEC. OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED / CASH ONLY DATE RECEIVED BY /WATER MM ST.LUCIE COUN /Y UTILITIES-,P.O.BOX �72f 8 FT.PIERCE FL 34982 L. SEWER RES NAME I ►u !�/ " 5!? METER SZ. M/F 6�IRR J ACCT.# SECURITY DEP SERVICE ADDRESS SERVICE FEE SAME DAY FEE ,f SUBDIVISION S`+l� LOT D BLOCK OVERTIME FEE METER INSTALL. BILLING AD � �SS � /l� / CFC/WATER QJb L FPUA CFC PHONE# MOVE IN/CLOSING DATE CFC/SEWER I GUAR.REV. This application hereby request and authorizes the Utility to render water and/or sewage disposal services to the premises described above in accordance with the Utilities present or future rates, LATERAL rules and regulations,which by reference are made a part of this contract.Applicant agrees to pay the Utility promptly for such services in accordance with the established rules and regulations. TOTAL CUSTOMERS DEPOSITS ARE NON NEGOTIABLE OR TRANSFERABLE. CUSTOMER SOCIAL SEC/ SIGNATURE FED ID NAME OF SPOUSE - SPOUSE SOCIAL SEC. OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED c'` CASH L RECEIVED BY f/V1 � p 1U;� Pn117RECENOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. Tax Folio No. State of Florida County of St.Lurie The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713,Florida Statutes, the following information is provided In this Notice of Commencement. Legal Description of Property:(and street address if available): 3116 Yellowstone Cir�(r, Fort Pierce, FL 34981 i � General description of improvement: SFR Lot 113 I Owner information or Lessee information If the Lessee contracted for the improvement: Name D R Horton Inc Address 1430 Culver Drive NE. Palm Bay, FL 3207 Interest in property: Name and address of fee simple titleholder(if different from Owner listed above): � H Contractor's Name: 1430 Culver Drive NE, Palm ay,FL 32907 u d m Contractor Address: 391:731-7972 Phone Number: r o f LL 0 tP Surety(if applicable,a cap of the payment bond Is attached):Amount of bond:$ Y Name and address: IIVV// Phone number: W r N w ezo�S Lender Name: NIA Phone Number: 0 a w dd Lender's address: U °' urw_��O i Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section x a 713.13(1)(a)?.,Florida statutes: W m Z W 0 321-733-7972 H—Lu a w Name: Rrian W_Davidson Phone Number: o if:p W Address: 1420 Culver Drive NE,Palm E1219, El a9-5ln7 In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates of to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 13.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. Phone number of person or entity designated by owner: Expiration date of notice of commencement: (the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and final payment to the contractor,but will be 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENT'S UNDER CHAPTER 713,PART 1,SECTION 723.13,FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SI E BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. I Under penalty of perjury,I declare that I I read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to the best of ,f my knowledge an ief. (Signature of Owner or Lessee,or Owner's or Lessee's Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager (Slgnatorysrrtle/Office) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 18 day of April Zp 17, By as for Name of Persoq Type of authority(e.g.officer,trustee) Party on behalf of whom instrument was executed Person li nownv or produced identification rPrrint,Type, ature of Notary Public- a of Florida) or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary P icW—V Public�NoWY P id Ification produced Sandra � �Eaphes�40r1040 i I _ i RACE{ . j PERMIT# ISSUE DATE l PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES J•- i''... :;.;w.." Building & Code Compliance Division j ®I BUILDING PERMIT SUS-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT f SFARRFF7F El ECT111 `IN�/,EREMY SEAN.1ENKINt;t)N have agreed to be (Company Nome/Individual Name) the ELECTRICAL .Sub-contractor for (Type orTrade) (Primary Contractor) Por the project located at 3116 Yellowstone CIR (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CO\FRACFOR SI : iRE(Qualifier) Sll StGNAT1tRE(Qualifer) Brian W.Davidson R.�I�LEAN JENKiNO_[y PRIATNA,IIE P CRC 1327068 j 29578 STATE:EC1 3007195 COUN ff CERWICATiON NIniDER CO-LfN Y CERTIFICATiO*,q NUSIBER state of norida,County of Brevard -Sinte of Ftaridn,County of CHARLOTI S The foregoing instrument ans signed before me this_.27,day or The foregoing instrument nas signed before me this 27 day of June a17,ny June .20 17by JEREMY SEAN JENKINSON who is personally known X—or has produced a trho is personally hnonn MX or bus produced a WA as identification. is identification. SrAAIP S UNIP Signature o. Diary Public Signature of Notary Public &jJ91-a Leon Print Name of notary Public Print Name or Notary Public ppf a% Notary Pub sic State of Florida Sandra Leone oY'`� Notary Public State of Florida Revised 11116016 My Commission GG 020251 x Sandra Leone y�of Expires OBl10/2020 My Commission GG 020251 94ov itd� Expirea 08110/2020 I 1 - � 1� i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE i I PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES fit Building&Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I I D R HORTON INC have agreed to be (Company Name/individual Name) the HVAC/MECHANICAL Sub-contractor for FLORIDA BREEZE (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3116 Yellowstone CIR (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIG (Qualifier) SU C A SIGNATU r naliller) Brian W Davidson { PRINT NAME PRINT NAME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of acrida,county of Brevard State of Florida,eouny of Brevard The foregoing instrument was aimed before me thk 27day of The foregoing insirameat was signed berate me this 27 day or June 20 17by june zo 17by i who s pei=411q iwuwa X or has produced a who Is persamt4 known ILar has produced a I as ideadff¢al1q;6 as identification. IL STAMP _j STAMP Signatur of Notary Public Signature orNotsry Pablie SM40-a Leone Sl u�olYa.Leohe Print Name of Notary Public Print Naas of Notary Public I Revised 11/16/ZOgig lic State of Florida oaAa?pt, Nolaonea ry PublicStale of Florida Sandra Leone ssion GG 02025f s� MyCommission G1012020 �OFFL Explres 081101202p 020251 ..........._._ .,_..._r-._..„.._...�+.-._.....:.�..,._»..,.�-...._.�..._..�. ®�-..-. .......,._....,�.�__..._.,sax-......--•-—_._.._-,—..--"--._.._.-...-.�_J-_. ....-..�.-.. w.u..«....�wwrn..�..e ..,3 i I RECEI`:�D ,IJt B17 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division o BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT i i D R HORTON INC have agreed to be (Company Namdindividual,Name) the PLUMBING Sub-contractor for AQUA DIMENSIONS PLUMBING SERVICES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3116 Yellowstone CIR (Project Street Address or Properly Tax ID#) ,I It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. r CONTRA OR SIGMA _ E t4uaii6r) IGNA AE(Qaaanes) Brian W Davidson PRINT NAME 'PRINT NAME CRC1327068 aeQ5 Jr- to COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,county or Brevard State of Florida,Coaoty of Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed before me(bit 27 dry or The foregoing instrument was signed before me#his 27 day of June 2017,by June 2017 b _. Y who Is personally known for has produced a who Is personally known X or has produced a as Identifiearioq.`]Jx���""'�' as Identification.Identification.Identification. ' STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public signature orNotary Public SaW-a L.eme Sw(;-a Leon Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public �+ssr P Notary Public State of Florida r nu Notary Public State of Florida Sandra Leone :° Sandra Leone Revised III 16 �vc P` My Commission GG 020261 '�orc�d' Expires 0a/iol2020 y ca My Commission GG 020251 g'#ov cti' Expires 08/10/2020 , RECEI `J -:D J10 I-. I �I PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I Building&Code Compliance Division ....... BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I I j Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC have agreed to be (Company Nameftdividual Name) the Roofing Sub-contractor for D.R.Horton (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) 3116 Yellowstone CIR For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR, GN (Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACTO SI NA nalifier) Brain W. Davidson Brian Maloney PRVIT NAME PRINT NAME CRC1327068 CCC1330653 COUNTY CE_RTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, oun of BreVard rBrevard da,County State of Florida,County a The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 27 day of The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this 27 day or June 20176y June �201Zbr who is personally known X or has produced a who is personally known X or Iras produced a as identifies i as identification. STAMP ��64A-e 3fA3111? Siguattnre orNotary Public Signature of Irotory Public mdm Leon sanotYa Leone Print Name or Notary Public Print Name or Notary Public �5r ou$ Notary Public State of Florida ff XFD te of Florida Sandra Leone Revised 11 y�c� , 8` My Commission GG 020251 020261 ',f, � Expires 08/10/2020GG20 R a E WN IU V7 l PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Q Building&Code Regulations Division 2300 VIRGINIA AVEWE mom FORT PIERCE,FL 34982 5652 (772)462-1553 FILLED LAND AFFIDAVIT i I I,the undersigned,am the owner of the following described property, 3116 Yellowstone CIR (Parcel IM/Legal description/Address) for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number , I acknowledge that as owner of the above described property, and in accordance with Section 7.04.0I(D),St.Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. ! I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. Brian W Davidson Property :weer Name(Please Print) 6/27/2017 Property Owner Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTY OF arevard I ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS 27 DAY OF June ,2017 I BY WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TOME C- OR WHO HAS PRODUCED - AS IDENTIFICATION, SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC TYPE OR PRINT NOTARY COMMISSION NUMBER (SEAL) oW Pu Notary Public State of Florida ? Sandra Leone y My commission GG 020261 OF Ft Et<Pitoa coma/2020 SLCPDSD Revised 041112011 I 1J ` ARCHITECT S eDespignou Inc. September 26, 2017 i Planning& Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce, Fl. 34982 (772)462-2172 RE: Permit# 1707-0014 D.R. Horton Homes Creekside Lot 113 Model Response Letter Please see below for response to the above listed project. Comment 1: INFORMATION BOX LOCATED THROUGHOUT THE ENERGY CALC'S ARE INCORRECT. ENERGY CALC'S INFORMATION BLOCK AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE ARE INCOMPLETE. SEE SECTION 405.4.2(1) OF THE FLORIDA ENERGY CODE. Response 1: Please refer to the Civil Engineering Documents provided by the builder in this response package. Comment 2: TRUSS DRAWINGS AND OR ENGINEERING ARE SIGNED AND SEALED WITH A DIGITAL SEAL.AT THIS TIME THE PERMITTING OFFICE AT ST. LUCIE COUNTY DOES NOT ACCEPT DIGITAL SIGNATURES OR SEALS.PLEASE SEE SECTION 61G15-23.003 OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. ENGINEERING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, REPORTS OR OTHER DOCUMENTS WHICH MUST BE SIGNE,DATED i AND F.A.C. PLANS AND ENGINEERING MUST BE PHYSICALLY SIGNED,DATED AND SEALED BY THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FOR THE TRUSSES.AND REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN CHARGE OF THE PROJECT. i Response 2: Please see the revised information provided by the builder with this response package. 1441 N.Ronald Reagan Blvd.•Longwood,FL 32750•Phone:(407)774-6078•Fax:(407)774-4078 I AA0003325 www.abdesigngroup.com I Comment 3: PRODUCT APPROVAL NUMBER 16707.24 IS INCORRECT. PLEASE CORRECT PRODUCT APPROVAL NUMBER ON PLANS. SEE CHAPTER 1 SECTION 107 OF THE 2014. Response 3: Please see the revised sheet D5 provided with this response package. Comment 4: PRODUCTS LISTED ON THE PRODUCT REVIEW LIST ON PAGE 4D LISTS PRODUCTS NOT SITE SPECIFIC. THE PRODUCT MUST BE STUCK THROUGH OR STAMPED NOT USED. SEE SECTION 107 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. Response 4: We are providing a revised D5 sheet with the revised Product Approval Information. We have located no information in Section 107 of the Florida Building Code that pertains to this comment. Please clarify. Comment 5: PLEASE ADD THE CUBIC VOLUME OF THE CONDITIONED SPACE TO INFORMATION BLOCK CONTAINING THE SQUARE FOOT INFORMATION. SEE CHAPTER 1 SECTION 107 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. Response 5: This plan was completed prior to the request of adding the volume calculations to the plans by the building department.Please see the revised sheets C1 and 2. This will meet or exceed all criteria in regard to FBCR 2014 Edition. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, James Cantwell Florida Architect#AR12079 I I , Planning & Development Services ..g ` ' Building & Code Regulation Division IV 2300 Virginia Ave RECEIVED j fp O R B w p p Fort Pierce, FL 34982 FEBI 11010 772-462-2165 Fax 772-462-6443 Permitting Department St.Lucie County Request for 30-Day Temporary Power Release Date: _�_�� Permit Number: 176-1. 1 Project Address: 79)16 �n� ✓G�o _� THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY(30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary power release is requested for the above stated purpose only,and there will be no occupancy of any type,other than that permitted by construction during this time period. 2. As witness by our signatures,we hereby agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this agreement, Including Building Division Policy,which is incorporated herein by reference. 3. All conditions and requirements listed in the attached document entitled"Requirements for 30 Day Power for Testing"have been fulfilled and the premise is ready for compliance inspection. 4. All requests for an extension beyond 30 days must be made in writing to the Building Official stating the reason for the request. Power may be removed from the site and/or a Stop Work Order issued if the Final Inspection has not been approved within 30 days. A fee of$10D.00 will be required to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST. LUCIE COUNTY,AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM IALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NATURE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF THIS TRANSACTION,INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY BE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. OWNE f IGN DATE GEN L CbNTRA SIGNATURE DATE P 0I - 1 � rCfWC—AL-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE PATE 1 FILE COPY I Planning & Development Services Building &Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave • Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 I CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT E CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: 1767 —,OQl Y JOB ADDRESS: Silly t6wAn4_( x,_ me-, 34qY,5 BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: D K 4or tpy\ PIEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: M os.5F'g 55-, k u xc �S r J. +j L PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: \9`) 1�? We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Sare feet if area treated: 369 Chemicals used: U Percentage of solution: 13 Total gallons used: Date of Treatment: z� � f i Time of Treatment: (J 521- Footing Slab 1st Treatment 1st Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat Driveway Pools 1st Treatment 1st Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat Other PeT.t.j- Perimeter for Final Inspection Ist Treatment � � Re-Treat � Signature of Exterminator Date Note: There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re-inspection fee charged. FBC104.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatment for prevention of termites, A weather resistantjobsite posting board I hall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used,percent concentration and number ofgallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. Revised 7/24/2014 I APPROVED I Phone 954-784-2941 • - e derui 800-848-1919 �(j'� ®( Fax 954-784-7875 &TESTING INC. www.fe.d-eng.com 250 SW:13th Ave Pompano Beach,FL 33069, Field Density Tests of Compacted Soils Method D-6938 Project: Proposed Residence Lot 113, Creekside Date: November 24, 2017 Address: 9116 Yellowstone Circle, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 -Order#: 17-DR-1154 Area Tested: Building Pad - Permit#: Material Type: Brown Sand with Traces of Rock Tech: SL Client: D.R. Horton, Inc. Address: 1430 Culver.Drive NE. Compaction Req.: 95% Palm Bay, FL 32907 Proctor Method: ASTM D-1557 Dry Proctor Optimum Test Probe Moist = # TEST LOCATION Depth Elev. %. Density . Value. Moisture Compaction Pass p PCF PCF % 1 Center of Pad 12" FL 9.9 105.9 111.0 10.5 95.4% Yes 2 NW Corner of Pad 12" FL 1 8.4 106.3 111:0 1 . 16.5.- 95.8% Yes 3 SE Corner of Pad 12" FL 9.2 105.7 111.0 10.5 95.2% Yes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Remarks: See Reverse Side(Page 2 of 2)for Additional Information for Disclaimer This is a Compaction Test only on the top 12"of the pad and is not a verification of Sol Bearing Capacity. Legend for Elevation: PR Proofroll 1,2,3=1st,2nd,3rd Lift Submitted by: _ /J SL Springline FL=Final Lift Ke`ith:LeBlbric.,P.— f SG Sub grade BG=Below Grade 9. �lFeiie�I�Epgiheesin5&Testing, Inc. BC Basecourse BOF=Bottom of Footing _°,� -- Florida Reg'N6.43a4 TOP�=Top of Pipe FG=Finished Grade - Certif:�� 'fAutFionz`t'to of a_ton#5471 As a mutual - rotection to clients the public and ourselves all reports P P rts are submitted as the conlidentiaf roe of 1"P property rty c cents,and authorizaE=n for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval.-A density,test_di3te!�iCies the degrae'of campaction of the tested layer of material only.A density does not replace a soil bearing capacity determination.These density tesis do�pot certify the underlying soil materials below the proposed structure. The results do not preclude or guarantee that future settlement and cracking will not occur.A soil_horiag test-is required to;ertify tbat t s underlying soils will support the proposed structure without settlement.If no soil borings have been performed to verify the underlying_;;cis,w.e^re�:ommend that-cioi!bp?ings be performed to evaluate the suitability of the underlying soil to support the proposed structure.After laying dormant for a period of 95•days;or•afferheavy ra!nlstorms,retesting must be performed on this work. I PAGE 1 of 2 - io � ► Compacted Soils method D-6938 Disclaimer Pursuant to your request, Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FET) has performed a compaction test at the referenced project on the reverse side. The purpose of our test was to determine the degree of compaction of the tested layer of material only. In no way shall a compaction test replace a soil bearing capacity determination. A soil boring test must be performed by the client prior to construction to verify subsoil conditions. Our scope of services only included testing the top 12" of added fill material. FET was not contracted to perform supervision of the building pad preparation. This testing of the added fill material does not include an analysis of the underlying soil materials to determine if they are capable of supporting the proposed structure without settlement. This density compaction test does not warranty any underlying soil materials or conditions below the tested top 12 inches of material. If no soil borings have been performed in the location of the proposed structure, we recommend performing soil borings below all foundation areas of the proposed structure to verify the underlying soil conditions. Environmental analysis of the soil materials is not part of the scope of services. If environmental analysis of the soils is required, we can provide a proposal for performing an environmental analysis of the soil materials. The scope of services is for determination of the degree of compaction of the tested layer of material only. No other analysis is implied or warranted. Job project specifications were not available at the time the work was performed. Determination of the pass/fail compaction results are based on current common industry requirements of 95% of the ASTM D-1557 standard for building foundations and 98% of the AASHTO T-180 standard for paved areas such as roadways and parking lots. If different specifications are required, Federal Engineering &Testing, Inc. shall be notified. Our findings are relative to the date and areas of our site work and should not be relied upon to represent conditions on other areas or dates. Any subsequent site disturbances due to water erosion, rain waters, construction activities, excavations, overgrown, vegetation, traffic and other disturbances will void this test and the site must be re-compacted and re-tested prior to construction. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted are the confidential property of clients and authorization for use, publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending written approval. It has been a pleasure working with you and we look forward to doing so in the near future. 1.,I Page 2 of 2 Phone 954-784-2941 1919 eder'al 954-784-7875 Fax 954-784-7875 &TESTING INC. www.fed-eng.com 250 SW,13th Ave Pompano Beach,FL 33069 Field Density Tests of Compacted Soils Method D-6938 Project: Proposed Residence Lot 113, Creekside Date: November 24, 2017 Address: 3116 Yellowstone Circle, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Order#: 17-DR-1154 Area Tested: Building Pad Permit#: Material Type: Brown Sand with Traces of Rock Tech: SL Clie nit: D.R. Horton, Inc. Address: 1430 Culver Drive NE Compaction Req.: 95% Palm Bay, FL 32907 Proctor Method: ASTM D-1557 Tesb Probe Moist Dry Proctor Optimum # TEST LOCATION Depth Elev. % Density Value Moisture Compaction Pass PCF PCF % 1 Center of Pad 12" FL 9.9 105.9 111.0 10.5 95.4% Yes 2 NW Corner of Pad 12" FL 8.4 1 106.3 111.0 10.5 95.8% Yes 3 SE Corner of Pad 12" FL 9.2 105.7 111.0 10.5 95.2% Yes 4 5 61 7 8 9i 10 11 12I 13I 14, Remarks: See Reverse Side(Page 2 of 2)for Additional Information for Disclaimer This is a Compaction Test only on the top 12"of the pad and is not a verification of Soil Bearing Capacity. Legend for Elevation: ( PR Proofroll 1,2,3=1st,2nd,3rd Lift Submitted by: �J SL Springline FL=Final Lift Keith LeBlartc;,P.E. (� „ SG- Subgrade BG=Below Grade Federal,Engineerind b�Testing, Inc. BC Basecourse BOF=Bottom of Footing Florida Reg:�Jc 59394- ,;, TOP=Top of Pipe FG=Finished Grade Certificateof Authorizatiori,#5�7,1 Asa mutual protection to clients,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property'df clients,`afld a6tho"nation for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval.A density test determines the degree of compa?%gii athe tested layer of material only.A density does not replace a soil bearing capacity determination.These density tests do not ce-fify the-unded)(!ngsq!l:materials befow the:proposed structure. The iesults do not preclude or guarantee that future settlement and cracking will not occur.A soil boring tesf.is required to certrtify'that the underlying soils will support the proposed structure without settlement.If no soil borings have been performed to verify the underlying soils,we,recommend that soil borings e:performed to evaluate the suitability of the underlying soil to support the proposed structure.After laying dormant for a period of 90 days or aflr ffeavy_rain/stoans,�retestirTg,mtst be performed on this work! N PAGE 1 of 2 - #, Compacted Soils Method ®-6938 Disclaimer Pursuant to your request, Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FET) has performed a compaction test at the referenced project on the reverse side. The purpose of our test was to determine the degree of compaction of the tested layer of material only. In no way shall a compaction test replace a soil bearing capacity determination. A soil boring test must be performed by the client prior to construction to verify subsoil conditions. Our scope of services only included testing the top 12" of added fill material. FET was not contracted to perform supervision of the building pad preparation. This testing of the added fill material does not include an analysis of the underlying soil materials to determine if they are capable of supporting the proposed structure without settlement. This density compaction test does not warranty any underlying soil materials or conditions below the tested top 12 inches of material. If no soil borings have been performed in the location of the proposed structure, we recommend performing soil borings below all foundation areas of the proposed structure to verify the underlying soil conditions. Environmental analysis of the soil materials is not part of the scope of services. If environmental analysis of the soils is required, we can provide a proposal for performing an environmental analysis of the soil materials. The scope of services is for determination of the degree of compaction of the tested layer of material only. No other analysis is implied or warranted. Job project specifications were not available at the time the work was performed. Determination of the pass/fail compaction results are based on current common industry requirements of 95% of the ASTM D-1557 standard for building foundations and 98% of the AASHTO T-180 standard for paved areas such as roadways and parking lots. If different specifications are required, Federal Engineering &Testing, Inc. shall be notified. Our findings are relative to the date and areas of our site work and should not be relied upon to represent conditions on other areas or dates. Any subsequent site disturbances due to water erosion, rain waters, construction activities, excavations, overgrown, vegetation, traffic and other disturbances will void this test and the site must be re-compacted and re-tested prior to construction. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted are the confidential property of clients and authorization for use, publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending written approval. It has been a pleasure working with you and we look forward to doing so in the near future. ii 1 Page 2 of 2 'ice' E I DEC 01 2017 Phone 954-784-2941 ederal Ql:�"ailYTi'r3C+ 800-848-1919 St.Lucie County, FL Fax 954-784-7875 &TESTING INC. www.fed-ong.com 256 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach,FL 33069 Field Density Tests of Compacted Soils Method D-6938 Project: Proposed Residence Lot 113, Creekside Date: November 24, 2017 Address: 3116 Yellowstone Circle, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Order#: 17-DR-1154 Area Tested: Buildin 7.Pad Permit#: 1 D 7 - C1 f/ Material Type: Brown Sand with Traces of Rock Tech: SL Client: D.R. Horton, Inc. Address: 1430 Culver Drive NE Compaction Req.: 95% Palm Bay, FL 32907 Proctor Method: ASTM D-1557 Test Probe Moist Dry Proctor Optimum # TEST LOCATION Depth Elev. Flo Density Value Moisture Compaction Pass PCF PCF /o 1 Center of Pad 12" FL 9.9 105.9 111.0 1 10.5 95.4% Yes 2 NW Corner of Pad 12" FL 8.4 106.3 111.0 10.5 95.8% Yes 3 SE Corner of Pad 12" FL 9.2 105.7 111.0 10.5 95.2% Yes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 � I 11 i 12 I 13 14 Remarks: See Reverse Side Page 2 of 2 for Additional Information for Disclaimer �� ,•'C E�Sg'�. �i This is a Compaction Test only on the top 12"of the pad and is not a verification of i g Ca � Legend for Elevation: PR Proofroll 1,2,3=1st,2nd,3rd Lift Submitted by: OC SL Springline FL=Final Lift Keith LeBlanc,`.E-C; f STATE SG=Subgrade BG=Below Grade Federal Enginel; •Testing,Inc. BC I,=Basecourse BOF=Bottom of Footing Florida Reg.No.����� �IOR��?�'• �` TOP=Top of Pipe FG=Finished Grade Certificate of Authdr' ��, As a(mutual protection to clients,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients,and autho este tements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval.A density test determines the degree of comp�ctrbfir�ested layer of material only.A density does not replace a soil bearing capacity determination.These density tests do not certify the underlying soil materials below the proposed structure. The results do not preclude or guarantee that future settlement and cracking will not occur.A soil boring test is required to certify that the underlying soils will support the proposed structure without settlement.If no soil borings have been performed to verify the underlying soils,we recommend that soil borings be performed to evaluate the suitability of the underlying soil to support the proposed structure.After laying dormant for a period of 90 days or after heavy rain/storms,retesting must be performed on this work PAGE 1 of 2 so 00 Compacted Soils Method ®-6936 Disclaimer Pursuant to your request, Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FET) has performed a compaction test at the referenced project on the reverse side. The purpose of our test was to determine the degree of compaction of the tested layer of material only. In no way shall a compaction test replace a soil bearing capacity determination. A soil boring test must be performed by the client prior to construction to verify subsoil conditions. Our scope of services only included testing the top 12" of added fill material. FET was not contracted to perform supervision of the building pad preparation. This testing of the added fill material does not include an analysis of the underlying soil materials to determine if they are capable of supporting the proposed structure without settlement. This density compaction test does not warranty any underlying soil materials or conditions below the tested top 12 inches of material. If no soil borings have been performed in the location of the proposed structure, we recommend performing soil borings below all foundation areas of the proposed structure to verify the underlying soil conditions. Environmental analysis of the soil materials is not part of the scope of services. If environmental analysis of the soils is required, we can provide a proposal for performing an environmental analysis of the soil materials.The scope of services is for determination of the degree of compaction of the tested layer of material only. No other analysis is implied or warranted. Job project specifications were not available at the time the work was performed. Determination of the pass/fail compaction results are based on current common industry requirements of 95% of the ASTM D-1557 standard for building foundations and 98% of the AASHTO T-180 standard for paved areas such as roadways and parking lots. If different specifications are required, Federal Engineering&Testing, Inc. shall be notified. Our findings are relative to the date and areas of our site work and should not be relied upon to represent conditions on other areas or dates. Any subsequent site disturbances due to water erosion, rain waters, construction activities, excavations, overgrown, vegetation,traffic and other disturbances will void this test and the site must be re-compacted and re-tested prior to construction. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted are the confidential property of clients and authorization for use, publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending written approval. It has been a pleasure working with you and we look forward to doing so in the near future. Page 2 of 2 RECEIVED APR ®3 7010 3601-A Crossroads Pkwy Ft. Pierce,FL 34945 INSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICA'I•krmitting Departmem. 404186825 St. Lucie Count Gale Insulation BUILDER: DR Horton SUBDIVISION Creekside JOB ADDRESS' 3116 Yellowstone Cir CITY: Ft Pierce PERMIT 4: DO LOTIBL.00K: 113 1-lie undersigned hereby certifies that insulation has been installed in the above described property as follows: 1. Exterior CBS.galls has been insulated :vith reflective foil to a thickness of .75 inches, which according to FiFoil Co. will yield an"R"value of 4.1 Exterior frame walls has been insulated with to a thickness of inches, which according to will }Meld an"R"value of area _. Ceilings{it}has been insulated with fiberglass blow Loa thickness of 13 inches,which according to Knauf will yield an"R"value of 38 Garage Under Living Ec iFirt s{•xrrl;id} has been insulated with fiberglass batt to a thickness of 6.25 inches,which according to Knauf will yield an"R"value of 19 3. Interior knee walls has been insulated with to a thickness of inches,which according to will yield an-`R"value of common 4. Garage-P*ii4i&n walls adjacent to conditioned livin,space has been insulated with fiberglass batt to a thickness or 3•5 inches,which at=rding to Knauf will yield an"V value of 13 G neral Contractor,/Builder insulation Contractors Sgnature License» CGC 1513179 Signature THE AFFIANT, Jeremy Theisen IS PERSONALLY KNEW ME Swom to and subscribed before me this 3 day of April 2018 Notary Public;State of Florida I JULIE P VIJA RD MY COMMISSION d FF194310 EXPIRES January 29.2019 1 SI)/1:14k•Q'SJ f4}fiA.il{filaR'Jf.Nif.M,fpr1 i • Phone 954-784-2941 edenti 800-848-1919 Fax 954-784-7875 8 TESTING INC. www.fed-eng.com 250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach,FL 33069 Field Density Tests of Compacted Soils Method D-6938 Project: Proposed Residence Lot 113, Creekside Date: November 24, 2017 Address: 3116 Yellowstone Circle, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Order#: 17-DR-1154 Area Tested: Building Pad Permit#: 170J t� Material Type: Brown Sand with Traces of Rock Tech: SL Client: D.R. Horton, Inc. Address: 1430 Culver Drive NE Compaction Req.: 95% Palm Bay, FL 32907 Proctor Method: ASTM D-1557 Test Probe Moist Dry Proctor Optimum # TEST LOCATION Depth Elev. % Density Value Moisture Compaction Pass PCF PCF % 1 lCenter of Pad 12" FL . 9.9 105.9 111.0 10.5 95.4% Yes I 21 NW 'Corner of Pad 12" FL 8.4 106.3 111.0 10.5 95.8% Yes 3 SE Corner of Pad 12" FL 9.2 105.7 111.0 10.5 95.2% Yes 4 5 61 7i 8 9 ft '10 11 DEC 12 13, 14 Remarks: See Reverse Side(Page 2 of 2)for Additional Information for Disclaimer This is a Compaction Test only on the top 12"of the pad and is not a verification of,S it Beaying Capacity. Legend for Elevation: , , L PR- Proofroll 1,2,3=1st,2nd,3rd Lift Submitted by:, '_N JG✓/�, SL Springline FL=Final Lift = Keith L•e'Blkd,•P.F: �7 SG Subgrade BG=Below Grade Federal Enginee�ng&"T s'�ng, Inc. Z7 BC Basecourse BOF=Bottom of Footing F ��� COPY 1 lor&-Reg:`Itlo:69394 TOP,=Top of Pipe FG=Finished Grade 1 'Certificate_of Authorizatich#5471 Asa mutual protection to clients,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidentiai_propery of c9ents;'and authorization for-publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval.A densirij test determines the degree ofcamp&tJon of the tested layer-of 1 1 material only.A density does not replace a soil bearing capacity determination.These density tests do not—.eA,the tiriderlying-soil'mate`r�14 5 Eelow the proposed structure. The results do not preclude or guarantee that future settlement and cracking will not occur.A soil boring te+t is'reftuired io certifythat tree,underlying soils will support the proposed structure without settlement.If no soil borings have been performed to verify the underlying soils,Ge,recommend-that irl.borings be performed to evaluate the suitability of the underlying soil to support the proposed structure.After laying dormant for a period of 90 days or after;hea':y�ainistdims,retesting must be performed on this work. r- . - PAGE 1 of 2 W r Compacted Solis method ®-6936 Disclaimer Pursuant to your request, Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FET) has performed a compaction test at the referenced project on the reverse side. The purpose of our test was to determine the degree of compaction of the tested layer of material only. In no way shall a compaction test replace a soil bearing capacity determination. A soil boring test must be performed by the client prior to construction to verify subsoil conditions. Our scope of services only included testing the top 12" of added fill material. FET was not contracted to perform supervision of the building pad preparation. This testing of the added fill material does not include an analysis of the underlying soil materials to determine if they are capable of supporting the proposed structure without settlement. This density compaction test does not warranty any underlying soil materials or conditions below the tested top 12 inches of material. If no soil borings have been performed in the location of the proposed structure, we recommend performing soil borings below all foundation areas of the proposed structure to verify the underlying soil conditions. Environmental analysis of the soil materials is not part of the scope of services. If environmental analysis of the soils is required, we can provide a proposal for performing an environmental analysis of the soil materials. The scope of services is for determination of the degree of compaction of the tested layer of material only. No other analysis is implied or warranted. Job project specifications were not available at the time the work was performed. Determination of the pass/fail compaction results are based on current common industry requirements of 95% of the ASTM D-1557 standard for building foundations and 98% of the AASHTO T-180 standard for paved areas such as roadways and parking lots. If different specifications are required, Federal Engineering &Testing, Inc. shall be notified. Our findings are relative to the date and areas of our site work and should not be relied upon to represent conditions on other areas or dates. Any subsequent site disturbances due to water erosion, rain waters, construction activities, excavations, overgrown, vegetation, traffic and other disturbances will void this test and the site must be re-compacted and re-tested prior to construction. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted are the confidential property of clients and authorization for use, publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending written approval. It has been a pleasure working with you and we look forward to doing so in the near future. Page 2 of 2 Planning& Development Services; Building& Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave, Rm 201; Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2165 Fax 772-462-6443 FBC ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE R402.4.1.2 RECEIVED House Infiltration Test (Blower Door) Certification APR j 6 7018 Prescriptive and Performance Method p Permitting lug Department cie ii County �7_ Date: � Permit#: l / ��' Contractor: Job Address: '�,M1( `fELALtJSM,,5C. Q42, LULLL , �L— Construction: ( Cj'I eew Construction—Complete ( ) Existing—After Addition House Infiltration Tga esults SLC Climate Zone 2 CFM (50)_ , � Z Test Date: Volume= q�� ACH (50)=CFM (50)x 60/Volume= Mech lcal Ventilation required less than 3 ACH Passing results must be&ACH (50)or less ( Pass ( ) Fail FBC,Energy 11402.4.1.2 Testing. The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not exceeding 7 air changes per hour in Climate Zone 1, 2 and 3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8. Texting shall be conducted with a blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inches w.g. (50 Pascals). Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5) or(7), Florida Statutes or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105 (3)(f), (g)or(i)or an approved third party. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official. Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all p.netrations of the building thermal envelope. FBC,Residential 11303.4 Mechanical ventilation. Where the air infiltration rate of a dwelling unit is less than 3 air changes per hour when tested with a blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inch w. c. (50 Pa) in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation the dwelling unit shall be provided with whole-house mechanical ventilation in accordance with Section M1507.3. Testing Company 3`��pPT.r_,� �'j S70 �--� Company Name: l ( ram`, Address: `"l �►���-y �.�� ,� ' ��t I hereby certify that the above House Infiltration results demonstrate compliance with FBC Energy Conservation requirements in acSp ace with; ectidn R402.4.1.2 Climate Zone 2. i S�gnature: Printed Name: � � � ` � '? _e;;D License/Certification#: Planning&Development Services Building&Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave, Rm 201 ` = r Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772462-2165 Fax 772462-6443 o - FBC ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE Duct Sealing Certification Prescriptive and Performance Method Q� Date: t® � Permit#: V7��� ` Lot#: Contractor: Address: _N Construction: ost Construction Test ❑Rough-in Test I Test Conditions: ., Date: ® Floor Area(ft2): Time: ��51'�"` Primary Location of Supply Ductwork /�►-V Indoor Temperature(F): 7 Primary Location of Return Ductwork G utdoorTemperature(F): Total Leakage Test(Outside) Duct Leakage: ❑Def t rop.Leak Free ❑Proposed On= Test Pressure: _Z (Pa) Baseline Duct Pressure(optional) (Pa) Duct Press.(Pa) Flow Ring Fan Press. Flow(cfm) Results: ass ❑Fail Installed (Pa) � o aj Total Leakage(cfm): 29 Total Leakage per 100 sgft: CFM25 x 100 divided by the CFA=Duct Leakage CFM1100 sqft. i Testing Company Company Name: Y � Address: —y70 Q_�axi' �� 1 LLE—" ' L I hereby certify t boye-Duct Sealing Leakag results demonstrate compliance with 5th Edition FBC Energy Conservation requirements in accordance with Section R40 . .2 f Signature: ` r Printed Name: icense/Certificate#: APPROVED