HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Worksheets PERMIT WORKSHEET PERMIT NUMBER --------- _H_(5M_&_ Used &Vv s&d rri& U DLL'-- ' In'staller, iEDD1E-(j,R. N . . . . Licensb# "11­11'118467� H6-m-6-irvita-[led to the Manufacturer's Ihit6ll6ti6fi M6'nua_j Address- ofKonb T.LE'S,BLV b 6- 6 aea w ' 15 being installed Hhis instlldinccor ance it �JENSENA -hdi i_ ­n bw ❑Vind Zond IF _[R _�'D �Fg-'j8D Manufacturer 20X34/39 'a' ufacturer JACOBS.EN Double wide Instbilatio ec Ass S S 14 'TWE AND PROPOSED WORK ho m e is- a single wide fill out one hiff&f ih d ALL NOTE jf e blocking pla 01ATI"W'Nl j ena remainder-'-'-o th 6- SISILITY-OF THE-�------ d ividiisik6t6ti ihW THR�OSPON hnip e or quame I 16JE------- F SI CT_TO ANY CORRF -AS -gs-THAT T6 BY FIELD :WNTMCTOA OF RED -INGPEC riniders-tand'..-Lateral Mn Systems'-c'annot be used 6n any hoi-fi6-(fi6w or us'e-d) lmg� To - - -where the" d -_'_ I - - exceed- - ft---- ­­-, ......... PIFER SPACING TA13L9WGEZW=W6 ?RDER si ewal ties 5 4 in. V WIT PI IrAlBLE CODES ns s I 'fa I I e r initials _IG Load Footer 16"x 16" 13 1/2"x 18 20"x 20" 22"x 22" 24"X 24" 26"x 26" bearing size :T idal pier spacing capacity (sq in) (256) 1/2"(342) (400) (484)- (576)- (676) ;61 1 at era 1: ---=ps locations of Lobb ifudirial and leit6rad Lateral-Systems 1500 psf T 81 81 61 (use s.e_dark lines to sh6w_th*ese loc;itidifis) 2000 psf 81. —7 longitudinal- 2500 psf 7 3000 psf 1 8' 1 81 p interpolated from Rule 1 5C-1 pier spacing table.i [7TTULAR PAD SIZES L-J. LJ--.,-! LJ. LJ_ _LJ_ Z PIER PAD SIZES I b&affi pieiF pad s iz'e 1 7X225 Pad Size 6q In FV 16 x 16 Lj 7 16 x18 18.TXT9.6 J_ _3_9F 16 x22.5 ;...❑.s _ Other 7- -the mfg.) LF ET.: it dT7 x Y 13 U4-x26 1/4 348 j T Draw the 1.approximate locations of iTiarriag 20 x20 400 F-1- loc-'Iti---- ---U­ j all openings 4 oosfiow t or greater. se this 17 3/16 x 25 3/16 _447F ---J'_A__j 2: 72 —4-4U- j_ r of nd 17 112 x25 1 _Z76- _r-na r o of.horne per Rule-153 iage wall piers within 2 24 x24 Li'stall'ffiairriag' e wallopein nings grea er than 4 ool, 26 x26 and their pier pad sizes below'.-' ._L_j LJ Li , ANCHORS Pier pad size pening, r r-:7.-1---1--i r-r-r- -1--r-r- i -r r r 17 .........r­r-,. -- ­�, I __ __ _. . I I I I I I , I f I - :- , . I -'� :-- -. --.;- I ; - I . - 4-ft* X 5ft -I-J ----------- r 1.f A 7X22.5' % F FRAMETIES L _J__J L F. NA�_ ` F.00 f X W_ n 2'__of end o home spaced at 5'4"'o' c X r r I- n--1---f-17-r- FAR r -r-�---17-i-i--r-7--r­i- IV%AL 9p" COMPONENTS OTHERTI Number-- — L H F.f RI-ST-R& r_77WE�WN j_'l-2-4 1,-,1- � . I ,4y PT-7-11_2_.L L I L_I_ _.L L L Siii&liiing Device(LS i Sid6w-all A j�_L _I_J _j_4 I- L. 4 L I:_ _j -I_j L L J-11 Lo6gitiu�ftiid Mandficfurer OLIVER C-06ditudiri'al ,4- I -1- AP I I I I Lohgitudn al Stabilizing Device wl Lateral A ar-jage wall t- r- r -- i-n v-r-— Wandfa6tu r r -1--1-7-r-r -i-i­r i PERMIT WORKSHEET page Z of Z PERMIT NUMBER ` E 1 , ate Preparation i ' F POCKET PENETROMETER TEST I i__ _ . .K ._.. .. _._._.. ___` .. _,. ,..,-_ `Debris and organic material removed YES.. ..._... 1500 .The pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to psf ;Water drainage_Natural Swale Pad X _Other or check here to declare 1000 Ib.soil without testing. ; i ; ��15Qj 15J _ -Fas tening multi wide units Floor Type4Fastener Li4G" Length ._.6„ Spacing: 24" F Type Fastener LAG Length 6' Spacing 24"Walls POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD i rv, Roof ;Type Fastener GALV Length. Spacing~ For used homes a min 30 gauge, 8"wide galvanized metal strip - - - 1. Test the perimeter of the home at locations +will be centered over'the peak'-fthe roof and fastened with galy.; "! roofing nails at2 oncenteron both sides of the centerline _ ._ . 2 Take the reading at the depthofthe footer, i'- t � + ( P 9 4 omont) i 3. Using 500 Ib increments take theaowe' Gasket wo ro `uir " readin and round down tothatincrement. I understand a ro erl installed aasketislare uirementofall new and used g-_ ,_.... _--, , 6 p- p y 9. _ Q.. f homes and that condensation mold -meIdew and buckled marriage walls are _r - - a result ofa poorly installed or no gasket being installed I understand a strip` X 15QS k 5fj k15Qj oftapewill not serve as a gasket` , + ' Installeis initial TG TORQUE PROBE TEST _ _ `. __ Type gasket FOAM Installed The results of the torque probe testis 285 " inch pounds or check Pg Between Floors Yes X` 'here ifyouare declaring 5'ancliors withouttesting­ Atest " - t " Between Walls YesX showing 275 inch pounds or less will require{ 5 foot anchors. F _ ' Bottom'of ridgebeam Yes X Note Astate approved lateral arm system is being used and 4 ft anchors are allowed atthe sidewall locations I understand 5 ft VVeatFerprooting i anchors are required at all centerline tie points where the torque test ' readin is 275 o�'less and where the mobileliome manufacturer ma The bottom board will be re aired and/or to ed Yes X` I'g 9 Y P p. requires anchors with 4000 Ib holding capacity. Siding on units is ins-falled to manufacturer's specifications Yes X - TG Installer's initials ' Fireplace chimney installed so as not to allow intrusion of rainwater. Yes X -. _. . . - -- r ! ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED BYA LICENSED INSTALLER s ' _. ' ` . ., __ _w... t._. ._ .. _ isc an out...:_ Installer Nam RIJNDEL I `i Skirting to be installed Yes X No- ..e ,THOMAS.G _ ;Dryer outside ofskirtm Yes N/A R ry _ `{ _ an`e downflow vent installed outside of skirting. es X N/A L Drain line's supported at4 footintervals Yes X ctrical cossove rs pro te sr Otier - - - a , ectrica I onnect electrical conductors between multi wide units but not to the main power+ .., ...._ I. .,_, ,. a , , •_ _. , nurse This includes the bonding wire between mutt wide units Pg _ t-, r ., Installer verifies all information given with this permit worksheet Plum mg -- - — - --- - — ----is accurate-and-true-base s!-m ----- - - :.:- ..a ,.., ._:. a. ° .'",. .,: u ions an r � 2 onnectall sewerdrains to an existing sewertap orseptictank. Pg, manufacturer's snstr w _. ' alter Signature Date onnectall potable water su I i 'in to an existing water meter,water tap or other f Installer _..M..- PI?Y P.P. 9 .... ., _.g..... ,iJ e� en'do of nio+or cnnnhicvc 4omc Dn - ,. i I •. PROPOSED PLAN I ALL-DIMEN�TOh�S —ARIA 4tffa0XJMA- ; 6'-2"-- �=2'_8"= I — PLAN AS 5 YqN I IMBORDINO-CENTRAL q' PLAT GEIL1146 ---- - --- 2eaGDH- - - - 284arH - Ob's&�.t're - — - -- -- - - — { N q'-3 1/2"-- PORCH I BEDROOM#2 a ° �160..Urrrry ps a ✓ # 1 FRE? 2666 1STACK IMPACT lNINDOW5 5,up . - 2468 i 2t69 Pot Drub �tdww i o �I m 5tk i 5 up � BEDROPM# 1 w I } Linen l I f �1 ` #2 _wr 41 n D�stcsherf;7i rr I 5'U 112"- �,Pentry 10'-11 112" t " - i ,,,P C: tK 3 , 2650DH 2630H _ 3;5GDH 3CF.ADH 1234DH Obscure I I k _ _ --136-sc{-ft--3q` - - �'� ��: ,-a •_ z. w,z��,,_ems•.-"—.�_—.,__._ OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES,INC. revision!6l07 FLORIDA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MODE• 1191 "W'4tiFI2! C A i STEE1 FOLIPtt MIGN SYSTEM J MODEL 1101"v"(STEPS 1-15) LONGITUDINAL ONLY.FOLLOWSTEPS 1.9 �I FOR ADDING LATERAL ARM:Fortow Steps 10-i5 FOR Cg6►CRETE APPLICA77ONS.fellow Slaps 16-19 • a+cInrEEas STAMP _ ---- ENGlNr;Eits srn.Mp'�"' �y 1. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES:If the following conditions occur-STOP! Contact Oliver Tochnologias of 1-8O0-2B4-7437: a)Pier height exceeds 48' b) ,Length of home exceeds 76'c)Roof eaves exceed 16"d)Sidewall height exceed 96' e)Location is within 1500 feel of coast INSTALLATION.017 QROUNQ PAN 2-Remove weeds and debris in an approximate two foot square to expose firm soil for each ground pan (C). i3.Place ground pan (C)directly below chassis I-beam. Press or drive pan firmly into soil until flush with or below soil. x. SPECIAL NOTE:The longitudinal"V'brace system serves-as a pier under the home and should be loaded as any j other pier_It is recommended that after leveling piers,and one-third inch(113")before home is lowered completely on to piers, complete steps 4 through 9 below then remove jacks. r INSTALLATION OF LON91'lff JNAL'M°'BRACE SYSTEM t NOTE: WHEN INSTALLING THE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEM PBLY, A MINIMUM OF 2 SYSTEMS PER-FLOOR SECTION IS REWIRED_SOiL TEST t PROBE SHOULD BE USED TO DETERMINE CORRECT TYPE OF ANCHOR.PER SOIL CLASSIRcA-nom IF PROBE TEST READINGS ARE BE Kii-EN 175&275 A 5 FOOT ANCHOR MUST 8E USED-IF PROBE TES READINGS ARE BETWEEN 274&350 A 4 FOOT ANCHOR MAY BE USED.Usf GROUND ANCHORS V&H DIACONAL TIES ARID STAiBILIzER PLATES EMERY 6w,.vERTiCAL TIES ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED warm VERTICAL TIE CONNECTION POINTS(PER FLORIDA REC.). 4.Select the correct square tube brace(E)length for set-up(pier)height at support location. (The 18"tube is always used as the bottom part of the longitudinal arm).Note:Either tube can be used by itself,cut and drilled to length as long as a 40 to 45 degree angle is maintained. PIER HEIGHT 1.25'ADJUSTABLE 1.50"ADJUSTABLE (Approx.45 degrees Max.) Tube Length Tube Length 7 314"to 25" 22" 18" 24 3W4 to 32 1JW 32 18- 33"to 41" 44", 18" 40"to 48" 54' 18" j S. install(2)of the 1.50"square tug ,insert carri age s(E (18-tube) )into the"U'bracket J} age Wit and leave nut loose for final adjustment. 6. Pi90e I-beam connector ff)!oagely on the bottom flange of the I-beam. i T. Slide the selected 1.25"tube(E)into a 1.50"tube(E)and attach to i-beam connectors(F)and fasten loosely with bolt and nut_ 8. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the"V"pattem of the Square tubes loosely in place.The angle is not to exceed 45 degree and not below 40 degrees. 9.After all bolts are tightened,secure 1.25"and 1.50'tubes using four(4)114"-14 x 314"self-tapping screws in pre-drilled holes. INSTALLATION OF LATERAL 3ZLES C OPIN T AltVER4ffi AM MEM t THE MODEL 1101"V"(LONGiTUOIML S LATERAL PROTZCTIOM)EURArNA-MS THE NEED FOR MOST STABILIZER PLATES a FRAME TIES. NOTE:THE USE OF THIS SYSTEM REQUIRES VER T ICAL TEES SPACED AT s FOUR FOOT(d')GROUND ANCHOR MAY HE USED EXCEPT INHERE THE HOME'MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT. 10. Install remaining vertical tie-dawn straps and 4'ground anchors per home manufacturer's instructions. NOTE:Centerline anchors to be sized according,to soil torque condition.Any manufacturer's specifications for sidewall anchor loads in excess o{ 4.000 lbs.require a 5'anchor per Florida Code- ' 11_NOTE:Each system is required to have a frame tie and stabilizer attached at each lateral arm stabilizing location.I his frame tie& stabilizer plate needs to be located within 18"from of canter ground pan. 12.Select the correct square tube brace (H)length for set-up lateral transverse at support location. The lengths come in either 60" or 72"lengths.(With the 1.50 tube as the bottom tube,and the 125"tube as the inserted tube.) 12.Install the 1-50 transverse brace (H)to the ground pan connector(0)with bolt and nut. 14.Slide 1.25'transverse brace into the 1.50"brace and attach to adjacent 1-beam connector(I )with bolt and nut 15.Secure 1.50'transverse arm to 1.25-transverse arm usin four 4 11IA'-14 x-314'self-tapoing scre vs in re-drit ad holes. O►LI+,fER TECFlAIa;DLOGIES INC_ j Telephone:931-798-45S5 1-80tI'284-7 7 Fax 931-796-8811 www.ofivertechnologies.com j I � ' 4 3 pain 2 INUALLATlON U51NQ Q2NCRET RUNNER I FQOTEii r"Moa sfo7 16. A concrete runner,footer or slab may be used in.,place of the steel givund pan_ I Y: a) The concrete shall be minimum 25W psi mix b) A concrete runner may bs elrher►ongitudinab or transverse,and must he a minimum of 8"deep with a minimum widen of 16 inches longitudinally or,18 Inches transverse to allow proper distance between the concrete bolt and the edge of the concrete(see below). = ' c) Footers must have minimum surface area of 441 sq-in_(i.e.21'square),and must be a minimum of 8"deep. d) if a full slab is used,the depth must be a 4'minimum_ Special inspection of the system bracket installation is not required.. Footers must allow foe at least 4'from the concrete bolt to the ad-qP_, of the concrete. NOTE:The bottom of all footings,)ads,stabs and runners trust be per local jurisdiction. LONGITUDINAL:(Model 1101 LC"V") 17. When using Pa #11 1=V CPCA(wetset),simply install the bracket in runnerlfooter OR When installin a In tired orimte use Part# 101-D-CPQ6f et).The 1101 (dryset)CA bracket is attached to the concrete using(2)518'x3'concrete wedge bolts(Simpson part# S1623QOH 5l8'X 3"or Powers equivalent).Piave the CA bracket in desired location_ Mark bolt hole locations,iertn using a 5i8'diameter masonry bit,drill a hole to a minimum depth of 3'. Make sure all dust and concrete is blown out of the holes.Place wedge bolts into drilled holes,then place 1101 (dry set)CA bracket onto wedge bolts and start wedge bolt nuts. Take a hammer and lightly drive the wedge bolts down by hitting the nut(making sure not to hit the top of threads on bolt).The sleeve of rancret W2do bolt needs to be at or below the too of concrete.Cornplete by tightening nuts. LATERAL:(Windet 11a1 TC"v") 18. For wet set(part It 1101-W-TACA);installation simply install the anchor bolt into runnerMooter.For dry set installation(part#1101-D-TACA) marts bait hole locations,then using a 518"diam.masonry bit,-drili a hole to a minimum depth of 3". Make sure all dust and concrete is blown out of the hole_Place wedge bolts(Simpson part 4S162300H 5/8'X 3"or Powers equivalent)into(D)concrete dry trartsgefse connector and into drilled hole.1f needed,take a Hammer and rightly drive the wedge bons down by hitting the nut(making sure not to hit the top of threads on bolt),then rejnove the nut-The sMye of concrete wedge bolt needs to be at or below ttte too of gQocnete 19.When using part#i,1101 CVW(wetsef)or 1101 CVD(dryset),install per Steps'17&'I B. Notes: 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL 13OX SIZE 2_ e '=STAR PLATEAhD TE LOGATIQN (r)eeds fD beltxai9dv*ir118 irtesc fow-isrofg uncl part argon) 3. K3= L0CATK)N.0FLa4C4TUDkAL&RACNG ONLY 4. 93-_ &LONGITUDf W-LOCAT)ONS j i 89QUIRED NUMBER A L®GAT-10N f)<�DEL I101 "V-OR J 01 !9"Vi" Jq� -U EO R.UP IQ 4112 BQQE PffCH ALL WIDTHS:AND LENGTHS UP TO 52' i 1 ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS OVER 52'TO 80' � s I AL LT s w s • �? HOMES WITH 5/12 ROOF PITCH REQUIRE: PER FLORIDA REGULATIONS ! 6 Systems for hom-a lengths up to 52' and 8 systems for homes over 52'and up 80'. One stwdizeir plats and frame tie required at iswh lateral bradng system. i i Ffarid approved 4'ground arr..hors may be used in all __ revision 6/07 losafions mccept Where home manufacturers sped- ficaGons far sidtxvall strapsi. are in excess of 4,000 lbs. �t-Transverse arm 1-beat; These fotatiaits require a 5' connector anchor.Per Florida Code-- <H-Transverse amT z Top(1251 bottom(1.5•) _ -� C=GROUND PAN D=GROUND PAN CONNECTOR D-Ground F-='V'brace I beam '- U BRACKETS TRANSVERSE pan connectors E=TELESCOPING V BRACE transverse TUBE ASSEMBLY W/1.5 BOT �� N conncttors J_ground pan TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE u !_ V Bracket INSERT F='V" BRACE,FBEAM C +- :a TORS ASSEMBLY.-• ,;,4 l E-•V-Brace Tu ._" a� H=TELESCOPING T> 1NS• E '•;,- r; Top(1.z5-) j� ARM ASSEMBLYc �' lv:=lrs3BG ;i I=T RANSVERSE A aEAM _ _Ground Pan. + = l CONNECTOR .' J=V PAN BRACKET�`Z-` Model# 1101 "V" �rfoe rir as - =d Longitude dry Fear, a concrete bracket All � g part 4 1101 D-CPCA - �� - � Wet bracket part# 1101 W-CPCA not Model 11-01 CVQ _ ` � - , • <'l;:r shown — Carriage Bolrt?<Nut Aw '°`-'-=-1-BFAM'EOIJNECTOR'SHAGKET Mode!1401 CVW not shown ' Florida approved 4'ground ' C=CONCRETE FOOTER/Rt1NNER anchors may be used in all _ D=CONCRETE U BRACKET TRANSVERSEI orations except where home -r-- i ; manufacturers spedficadons �- '� CONNECTOR(connects m ith grade 5 A 2-x 2 I for sidewall straps are in f 1i2=carriag k 1- Transverse arm(beam t e bolt&nut) 11 excess of 4,000 Ibs.These i r a r t r:ftt r F connector t_ _.r E=TELESCOPING V BRACE € IopGons require a 5'anchor. �' � ,� i I Per Florida Code. / <H�Transverse arm TUBE ASSEMBLY W/1.5 BOT- / Top(1-25") = TOM TUBE AND 125 TUBE / bottom(1.5-) INSERT / F="V' BRACE I-BEAM CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY f -Concrete �� • u bracket F---r brace I-beam , - - (connects with glade 5-1/2 x 47 carnage bolt f l transv_ connectors &nut) connl ctots 1 `ter H=TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE ARM j v J-Canerete �r ASSEMBLY i f� •\f'Bracket I=TRANSVERSE ARM I-BEAM CONNECTOR t (conneCts with grade 5-11T x 211l'carriage Bolt I $nut) E-T p Brace rub r J=CONCRETE'V o' BRACKET(cnnects with r `. : 7 Bottom (1.57 grade 5-1/2"x 47.carriage bolt�nut) � t I Concrete t FobbW Runner Model##`1101 C"\r j 9LIVgR TECHNMOGIES,ING. Telephone:931-7W 4555 4 1-800 284-7437 Fax:931-79&-8811 Www.ollvertechnolobles.coin i - I I VERTICAL VINYL SKIRTING E components installation MALL dj Pik r , A1I:TA4tH9b Lat TO MCM SGROWS 16*ADAeT ar a �I "rop 4R�� F t_aoR KJOSS SCREWS AtJD PAeaEt cv's� V r'TM PAVe 3.9 m4ti" Ose cmT SE,C�JIi¢,Ip �',(r �EH'i'itATktkV � ��®14G►C'ApTD i rA Lt ftM*LS 4$6 q CKa 4,3Le SY ftMaV ttss G 'MP Vobuv 4&h Pbt�.11y A`rT+tGHEa 'TO G�pv►vIb \9•' weTK Trncn GA HVAAJIZ6IC�MML 19vo& �{- �'!F 1 II 1 I i Page 1 Residential Heat Loss and Heat Gain Calculation 8/29/2017 In accordance with ACCA Manual J Report Prepared By: , I Central Ait Systems Inc. For: Imbardino 949 Nettles Jensen beach,fi Design Conditions: Fort Pierce Indoor: Outdoor: Summer temperature: 70 Summer temperature`. 90 Winter temperature: 70 Winter temperature: 42 Relative humidity: 55 Summer grains of moisture: 127 Daily temperature rangeMedium Building Component Sensible : Latent Total Total Gain Gain Heat Gain Heat Loss j (BTUH) (BTUH) (BTUH) (BTUH) Duct 0 0 0 0 Floors 983 0 983 1,747 Walls 1,057 0 1,057 1,255 Ceilings 2,265 0 2,265 1,441 People 900 690 1,590 0 Fireplaces 0 0 0 0 Misc 1,200 0. 1,200 0 Windows 9,020 0 9,020 3,912 Doors 1,058 0 1,058 1,256 Glas6doors 0 0 0 0 Skylights 0, 0 0 0 i Infiltration .1,144 2,369 3,513 3,652 j Whole House 17,627 3,059 20,696 13,263 (1.5tons) I I , HVAC-Calc Residential 4.0 by HVAC-Computer Systems Ltd. 888 736-1.101 Load calwlalions are estimates oro actual loads may vary due to wsaww and constnictlon dil(arenos& i I i I I Scanned by CamScanner I Certificate of Product Ratings ..�.- ANR1 Cart)tied Rafa mcc,Number.94=61 Date;4JW01T Product Spr4 System;Aar-Co led Coddet5lk0 Untt,Coil Wd lb glower Outdoor UW Model Number.NXA424Pk.GWX" i Indoor Unit Madan Number.FF-LIAP24-AL Mint:lactutar-TEMPSTAR TradslBrand name:TUMPSTAR Region:Southosrt and Notch(AL.AR,DC,DE,FL.*A,N1,KY,LA,MO.MS.N-C,OK,SC,TN.TX-VA O0ft,OR. A.R[50.UT.V T.WA. V,%V4 WY.MO. .S_Terrritt�caj,N'1r i Rog"NOW;Central air conditioners rnanutacturad prior to Jentnry 1,2015,sm eligtbla to bo frtstalItd In let fogio M tldltil ttitiR JQ.YD70 8oglrming JutT 1,201 E.COMM e V cord um-trs can only bs lastailad to mglor4s)for"Woo t1my meat the rugtonat oflf®te CY requ mm*nt_ Serifs ttamo:l4 SEM ff SEPJE5 R4tGA AC_- Manutamurer responslbla for thv ret}ng of L°ita system corn bhmtlon is TEMPSTAR Rated as to In rceaHirea Wltt�AtiRtt3tandttrd 2tQt2dt1 E for UnAlry Ak-Cont9t5ca3ng fl llotirs d Air-Source Pump Equipment pnd"surh}cd to verification of mftf;aecur=y by ANRt-Spomared,indepCndont,third Coc.Ong C*=—ty pu3 T: rQco �' EL•Ft Ra;aea t��9k. t i;o- SEER RA3rla(ca): 1,903 LEER (COOUV: � •uYw+ata.'..rr"-s at�vP9rss-afe�•�tsvr'�assdosrtat�rs!wh��+en.arc�rner.a r�t2,.rw ec_arrss.+susxnt�+ ; o=t uxt9 A.06 tun tub-•3a en Wms_@u Wad w ua Cvtw-vit&mn0"=wlcamtrta+k--.tW-6"OkwAth tibs.sa5 Yi.-ft A ftv'h %.. 'rM P`ia erg Wu1"Ki r/t+t'..7rrL tu5,7 t yrastPe+ns--+mlaSNyE•i bawgr^-d W';m Ar jtint.Nti,/W NMrtae.ae[e citr5 iwkt4sl o,t+n at,-Sp-M Etlt 1L.1-H Meet Dnwztr.zw'_wr"Z&yr-4 tavr ru—me.amr rat!tach,o sum ben cfcs�ar d rw.at+d�.�tga4 � 7M rsrtyStN tnd sfi+Jm+ti at R'-`kfl'/IDJ:fY7Sr!3r'iB.7t'+3 CA='aMt4WeasM YN9 tN we1. `let.�!tY+P�1 Y4 ..--�� �� `` er._t tw'snwo t•+rwa+:reco�r>5tlnteexc_E.rst.esajw.ta wrb w�e:mh.rgadr+'tG.c�n'diwm6ala ACM uWni s:4a tff°7d!.BrttLaET,wtic�-e sFrixf,la salR umm.aA�'i.^eaAf c.cu--utw[tan�M1l,5FaEi, _ w __ I 121 Wit Q�0 GmS".+tP71st wk�iRY. a[fQCG'a0C7N?-Fa1�1[9si CtAttitC�Tt pratrtCanoN •ovmcaut�rrt:-r f»��setric faf e4 Ptltd3ltttr W�tcrb rtitre tera27d Y tivr.a.9rkL#/!r!e:4�tr°y-tilt 1:at�Jft'Rnt� ..,sv"u w t...,.- araasr±r4CAY+RC[trd;laPt+l�t o hall. o LYaIftwc7r Nr Etn&91P Aoaq �*�h�1aP:e��sftfa rr�ldzh3.V+1'4.15�w''ttA�Yfa-rytt.. _ - .- 02014 Atr,Gxtd"Jor inp,FleisC m>t,and Wri;,t;rttion fmmme CEf2T1FICRI7E No,: ter srrsrresr�stt i i i I i i