HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval - RECEIVED MAR 0 8 2021 RECEIVED Permitting Department MAR 0 8 2021 I M 100 I me ri Lok St. Lucie`ountY Permitting Department Lucia C &'tY 26 gauge (min) 16" wide nail strip panel over 15/32" plywood Florida Product Approval Number 28113.1 f, 2N } ComptianGe low"tatement This product as described has demonstrated compliance,-with"44 , •i+iy..�.yyr'4 .ty yy Florida Building Code 2020, Section 1504.3.2, as requiredby Rule; .61G20 3, method 1D ' z f Manufacturer Integrity Metals, LLC 12640 Piper Dr, Ste. B, Vero Beach FLU ' � } 329601 772=584-2654 1 www.intregritymetalsfl coma ¢x `1l ` � IntegriLok IIV1100 is a nailstrip panel with a 16! maximurnspanel �-� F � Producf ,� width; and:nominal nb height of 1." 'n r r sgr 1 u f s Material; This product is manufactured from 26ga or thicker steel�wih yield Yt,, { t 3 strength of at least 50ksiandy corrosion resistanceper"FBCh 3A, A 1507 4 3: tT t 4Fastene 410 x 1" low-profile style fastener compliant virith EBC'1506 6 Y s J Larger diameter and longer length f asteners are acceptable ' Stainless steel fasteners'may{fie used r h { r Substrate/Deck: Minimum 1`5/32"th ck`plywood a} : t Underlayment Comply with FBC41 5071.1�virhere applicable 1 F? Slope .Comply with FBC 1507 4 k2�where applicable Techrncat Documentation "This product has been te' td, the UL 580-06 standard by v ,� r ' Intertek>Testmg(TST-1527), report 17726.05-45044 RO report is used with permission: • 1 'tr i r� y� Syr E S�Ttiig product has also been tested to UL 580-06 and UL 1':897 f5 ° 'H- s by.tntertek,'-report K4846.01-45044 R0. Max.Allowable Loads & Method A: 78.5psf I Install fasteners every other hole (±10" o.c.). lnstaltatio i_Regwretnents-Method�B 108.5psf Use self adhering ua� Omen an install , P „ fasteyners in every hale (_5 o-cJav ) � , In Factor of Safety of2.0 appliedo calculate a110 o" loa .�v .uvr Evaluated By: David Eng, PE Timberlake Cove, LLC \�• PJ\D•.E. 3324 W Univ. Ave#206, Gainesville FL%�607 O.• �,tCEMSF .,C PE Lic. No: 81377 ���r,�.-'•. � CA Lic. No: 33344 t • 81377 www.timberiakecove.com pO.• STATE OF �'/s7�IVAL E�� www.lntegrityMetalsFI.com 9 INTEGRITY 2604 Piper St Ste B METALS Vero Beach_FL 32609 METAL ROOFING MADE HERE (772) 584-2654 Panel Accessories: The manufacturer does not require the use of closures, RECEIVED sealants, butyl, or other similar accessories between bottom MAII 9 S 2021 edge of panel and drip edge, or in other locations. The use of closures and sealants may be advisable in some cases, Permitting D�Partment however that decision is the discretion of the project owner Luca County and the installer. { ' �Certlflcatl mof Independence David Eng, PE and Timberlake Cove, LLC do not hate, norm w will.acquire a financial interest in any company h4 4 3 ;manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation x TK4 The same entities do not have, nor will acquire, a fnaricral � tt 4S interest in any other entity involved in the approval process T Y55 { x` Y 11. `y .• 9 of the:product. �y t r� Ex Limitations ek 9 Desi n of de ,and roof structure to includeyattactrnent of r plywood.or-wood plank)shall be completed by others Fire r classification and shear diaphragm design are>oUtsrde=the r � ":scope of this evaluation. ` ,r Thin report is limited to compliance wrfh structural wrnd load 4` requirements of FBC 1504 3.2;.as required by Rule 61 G20 s 3. Neither TimberlakeyCove nor the manufacturer shall be f responsible for any conclusions;interpretations, or designs made by others based on1this evaluation report This report s h is limited solely to?documenting compliance with Rule 61 G20 3, anctmakes noexpress or implied warranty regacimg performance of this product F x ,. r v L k z Desigm. ,r640ss: es rn#his report provides one prescriptive option for the fastening requirement for the applicable wrnd loads',for roofs within theparameters described For•roofs outside ofthe listed parameters, design wrnd loads=shall be ' k fdeterr mud as required ly FBC 1609, ASCE 7, or other Lt design code in force, using allowable stress:These load ` tables are based on ASCE 7-16. Use of these tables A assumes'#hat the structure is: f Enclosed and conforms to wind-borne debris provisions and is a regular shaped building ■ Is not subject to across wind loading, vortex shedding, or N. b v m_stability,nor noes iffiz ave a4td4ddbtion for which {� r� s channel or b iffetin warrant coftideratian aR r;; Enfneerin analysis�m y be,completed bygothe licensed z' engineers for project specific approvaf,by local authorities having jurisdiction. FL28113.1 www.integrityMetalsFI.com Page 2 INTEGRITY 2604 Piper St Ste B METALS RECEIVED Vero Beach FL 32609 METAL ROOFING MADE HERE (772) 584-2654 MAR 0 8 2021 r Design Load Tables; y� ermittirg Daaartment � S'. Luci!CcuatY 2 2 3 Select the appropriate load table that applies to the a structure in question. 2 1 2 Determine the design wind speed for the project 2 i 3 2 2 �aa {{ location. 2 1 ,., 2 2 3 Use the attachment method indicated for that /y_ / winds eed.Md.,in each roof zone. 2, NOTE ASCE-7-16 and FBC12020 adopt a 7-zone a 31 3 conce t For load the tables;below,tho worst case was taken:for:each zone and reported using the �-"}a HIP ROOF GABLE ROOF a � standard zones 1-2-3: a:10%OF LEAST HORONTAL OILIENSIGN OR D.aIL WHICHEVER IS SMALLER.BUT NOi LESS THAN EITHER 4%CF LEAST HORQONTALOWENSIONOR 3FT SO 4l1F." - Zone 1 includes Zones 1 and'1'- OR AS DETERMINED BY DESIGN OR OTMERAPPUBL CAE CODE Zone 2.includes zones 2e, 2r, and 2n ROOF ZONES FOR GENER(C':BUILDING Zone 3 includes zones 3e a'hd 3r Combining these zones creates a.clear, simple scheme, at-the expense of some design efficiency Contact the.manufacturer:for.further information,or consult Mid design professional - Method`A: (1)#10 x 1"-(min)fastener every other a hole(+10" o c ) Method B =(1)#1.0 x.1" (min)fastener every hole q t (+5`'.o c )with self:adhering-underlayment Nl onsult a:design orofessiorial to assess the r0posed installation Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: Are located in Exposure B area Are located in B,C,or D exposure area Have either a flat roof,or gable/hip roof with max slope of 45° Have either a flat roof,or gable/hip roof with max slope of 450 Have a mean roof height of 30 feet or less Have a mean roof height of 30 feet or less FL28813.1: 26 a IM100 1" nail strip on 15/32" I ood FL28813.1: 26cia IM100 1" nail strip on 15/32" plvwood Wind 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Zone 1: A A A A A A A A B Zone 1: A A A AB Zone 2: A A A A A k-'g B Bs Zone 2: A 8 Zone 3: A A A A B B_' Zone 3 B BI Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: Are located in Exposure B area Are located in B,C,or D exposure area Have either a flat roof less than 7',hip roof with Have either a flat roof less than 70,hip roof with rnax slope of 45D,or gable roof with slope between 200 and 450 max slope of 45°,or gable roof with slope between 20'and 45° Have a mean roof height of 30 feet or less Have a mean roof height of 30 feet or less FL28813.1: 26 a IMI00 1" nail strip on 15/32"Rjywood FL28813.1: 26cia IM100 1" nail strip on 15/32" Plywood Wind 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Wind 120 130 140 '150 160 170 180 190 200 Zone 1: A A A A A A A A A Zone 1: A A A A A B > Zone 2: A A A A A A B Zone 2: A A B B _JB.;-= Zone 3: A A A A B ,,.rB r �' Zone 3: AB B=F FL28113.1 www.integrityMetalsF].com Page 3