HomeMy WebLinkAboutFilled lands affidavitPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building & Code Regulations Division 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772)462-1553 FILLED LAND AFFIDAVIT I, the undersigned, am the owner of the following described property, 7312 Commercial Circle, FT. Pierce FL 34951 ID: 1335-801-0040-000/3 (Parcel Id#/Legal description/Address) for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number 2103-0026 , I acknowledge that as owner of the above described properly, and in accordance with Section 7.04.01(D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. i Prop er Name (Please Print) 9- Sign tore Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF w f ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF &J_-0—r—C `' 20 a I BY � � f F' C� WHO IS jOERSONALLY KNOWN ME Q OR WHO HAS PRODUCED SLCPDSD Revised 04/11/2011 AS IDENTIFICATION. (SEAL) NANCYHERRERA Notary Public -State of Florida Commission 41 GG 189748 My Comm. Expires Feb 25, 2022 Bonded through National Notary Assn. PLEASE H 4VE THE FL.UWING ACKNOWLFi3(' ...NTS NnT ZED T CERTIFY THAT (CHECK ONE) A. ! ) I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABOUT DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND WILL BE CONDUCTING TUE WORK AS OIVNETLBUILDER. Disdosxrre Statement. State law requires construcborr to be done by licensed contractors You have amliedfora permit under an exemption to that taw. The exemption allows you, as the owner of your property, to act as your own contractor with cettain rest xt7bns even though you do not have a 11cense. You must provide direct, onsite supervasion of the canst7utKlatt yourself, You may build or improve a one -family or two-family tasidence or a farm outbur rng You Maya/so build or improve a commercial building, provided your costs do not exceed P5,000. The building or residence must be for your vwn use vroccupancy, It maynotbe buritorsubstantrallyimprvvedfor sale orleast Ifyou.setlariease a 6ulldirt t yr7u havebuiltor�ubstantiallyimorryour yourself wrthta 1 year a $er the construction rs complete, the law wi// presume that you !wilt or substantia/lY improved it for sate or leas, which is a v/otation of th/s exemption. You may not hire an unlicensed person to act as respensib/lily to make sure that people em /o ed b Y�+r rntrador or to supervise People Woking on your building_ It is ye�ur not delegate the re P y Y You have licenses required bystate Jaw and by county or municipal licensing oroinarues youmay sponsicen-& far supervising mrk to a'tenser! contractor who rs not licerssed to perform the work being done. Any Person working on your building who Is not /!tensed must work tinder your direct supervision and roust be employed by you, w/rrch means #rat you must deduct f.I. CA, and vvlthhold/ng tax and provide and zo rs' compensation for Mat ernptoyee, all as prescribed by law. Your construction Must at YOU + all Uct i cI C id ttS, ordinances, t7dtnd codes, and rers' c mperttons B. I AM NOT THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABOVED DESCRIBED PROPERTY; HOWEVER, I HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT AS AGENT FOR THE OWNER OF RECORD. (St. Lucie County Cade and Compiled Lrnvs requires that this t1Pe of -work be done by a licensed contractor. PLEASE PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION1 I T Y THAT ALL INFOR I N SUBI;'IITTED WITH T E T. OF M O ED E. LICATIO RUE AND COMPLETE TO Vi7NER/ AGENTS N C TRACTOR SI NA E STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this i .) h day of "Q!`Ch, 24 by 1�C� ( _.� k, FC who is know to or has produced as identification. Signat&6 of Ncitiry Type or Print Name of Notary Notary Public Title P7 C7 C-2 / 09 7�j A Commission Number STATE OF FLORID< COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ine this day of �1QMC h, MA by 1 { I IlaQ t2 VY l0 tc1C , who is personally kno!0 to me or has produced as identification. 1� Signature of Notary _-Allison, Type or Print Name of Notary Notary Public Title C-At,_Commission Number (SEAL): (SEAL): 90% vvwwwNANCY NERRERA NDior Public State of Florida Notary Public - State of Florida t lOWn K Downie Commission x GG 189748 Hh Commission GG 952547 My Comm. Expires Feb 25, 2022 bzr2Br2(}2a 6®nded through National Notary Assn, APPROVED DENIED FOR OFFICE USE ONLY REVIEWED/ APPROVED BY: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT / DATE UPDATED 8/29/2019