HomeMy WebLinkAboutCopy of Title (for relocation only) I--'Alien E.atisfaction to:Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles,Neil Kirkman Building,Tallahassee,FL U3910-11auu lde,niifieation Number I Year — 8t dy(— tiJT-L-BHP Vessel Regis.No. (— Title Nurr , t 1987I61ERI i E95 r Sal � I 443474..o Registered Ovvtier: Data of Issue OSJ22/2016 ) 7 II [Jon Release WYNNE BUILDrNG CORPORATrON Interest in the described vehicle is hereby released ' 8000 5 US 1 STE 402 ,�f PORT ST LUCI E FL 34952 `Title � l Date i1y r IYIPORTANT INFOFd-7ASION 'i! a5 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is i l transferred,the seller MUST complete in full the a$ u Transferof Title by Sellersection at the bottom of L \•iail To: M the certificate of title. : 2. Upon sale of this vehicle,the seller must complete i K.. the notice of safe on the reverse side of this form. WYNNE BUILDING CORPORATION' r 8000 S US 1 STE 402 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. '� ?; PORT ST LUCI E FL 34952 4. See the web address below for more information and .1. the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle,mobile home orvessel: l° hitpgiwvAvJ[hsmv.gov/htmi/titlinf.htmi "a: w 1�4'ia,*•.'0•;?�,9 47;t':'�=.a r�•s` , v. (,s cii S,+.!::��a-,'�l�%'�f.t.�`ym'�f.—r,"`"-_ ,.?} ` txv¢ � ro`,�;.?'•u�LT��"+�T x'. J''h+4.i`'�'^t^FT.�9~ fi. .tr,`.'Ce,h%?'.",4�''�"' i�:,i,�,��.�.`f'x:f�?e{•^a'i..,`tq,".,.,k�.j:,i.:o''ti ro 04 �rr p7 .!, ;.•.ee:?, :? i,{^d h 1 E;I f c ti. rr; , t9 }�'' �%, '•°,`°• :.r.....�, , ?u_".t,� -�" tii"�"r h".. �'�.`s•t!.. { _+ b.; ..,r J{ 9wya' •tY 1 l` .11 hi tdentFScatidn Number ; Year Body 4vrT-1 BHP'—= Vessel Regis.No- Title M1F�tnbei { 37 l i Uen Reteme q� 3 .T249P23216A { 1987 I MERI � HS ) 56 44347465 ! hderesf m•he cescnbed nett le 6 hereby released J;Y Prev Cblcr - Primer• Brand Secanoa Brand No cf - " - lr State 1 f l 8ranee i Use.--Prev Issue Date i . FL (.UNK PRIVATE�03/01/2616 Title. Odometer Status or Vessel Manufacturer or OH use � Hull Material � Prop Date of Issue — 1 ="•L i ! Date _ 03/22/20161 Registered 0%vtier ?l; WYNNE BUILDING CORPORATION 8000 S US 1 STE 402 PORT ST LUCIE FL 34952 jL 1stLientiolder NONE T_ ae �y DUISION OF 1+50TORIST SERVICES ,TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA DEPARTru UFF OF HIGHVVAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES ,ti2r; j! f!•i f Robe rt R.Kyncch Terry L.Rhcdes Director Executive Director 0 TRANSFER OF TIT LE BY SELLER(This section must be completed at the time of sale.) -_ FedcrJ nnfpor-tale tar:rr uire lhsl ib2 re1117>la'e lire milege, urclias- 4 P a�er'snanir.setlinepricranddutesoldinconnedionvills?hetransierafauner:Jrip, Failure In cor„leie or rrmidinga aiav re=,:1t in fine;anuor itupri3anm et. 77iii title is n.zr ftd+n be 2iee frvm ana lien•eScrl s::aw&d nn the fxe ofdn cerrifir.:e and the malor teldele ar ve-set described is,`,crabg Iran=fared to: -!� Se1ler;{la=t Error u:¢xl;,rer'st.rae: Mii Seller�fu3EntcrShcing nice[ ll Seer ltn=l Ester Data Sold: -- - -- 3s t . 111Ve state that this[].1 or1 6 digit odnmstcr now read-1 11 11 I.1 It II 1.1 X 1(aa Iendul miles•dale read and I hereby certify that to the be army knowledge The odometer rending: ij — ;x is L 11 'UAI LEre:lec!s\rTil;l_\VLF_4GE. F FTNN\ .AL . . rMI4GF. 1 t: ^? UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY,i DECLARE THAT 1 HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. ` F SELLER Xfu-t C0-3ELLER Mug 1_�r Sign Herc: Sien Here Print Here; Yrtn!Here: i? -- �r- Selling Dealer's:men;eNmn ber. Tar No.: Tao Collected- ,:<a -- '•:'' Amlion Kamc Liceuse Namhcr:_ --- 'L<'RCHiS=7.;tu;{ a CD-FLRLZi eE31!c=t' r g � Sicpy- va Hc;e:---- __ Si sT Here: !i,'& - print Heret PtOTiCE:PENALTY IS REQUIRED BV tAbV IF NOT SUBMITTED FOR TRANSFER VJITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER DATE OF PURCHASE y; 5�'3•'rr, �vr .� a - .,..c.... l., u; _.�-.,;�d,._...�. -'��..�1P 4 5- �-21-�::�,"r r..+,' Lkr 1.'a*. r�,,'.,S•ss✓,. J� I Mal- lientiatisfactiento:DeptofHighwaySafetyandMotorVe Ides,NeilKirkmanBuilding,Tallahassee,1-L SZ31110-U31111 Id* Vessel Regis.No. Title N r .0 IfficatlDnNumber Year VJT-L BHP IT249P23216B 198 HS'y F 3 T44365b;j2 7 IMER Registered Owner: Dte f is.. 02/22/2016 Lien Release n Interest in the described vehicle is hereby released WYNNE BUILDING CORPORATION r 8000 S US I STE 402 PORT ST LUCIE FL 34952 Title Date TI-I[PORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred,the sailer MUST complete in full the Transferof Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of title. �Vfail To: 2. U gon sale of this vehicle,the seller must complete M 9 notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. WYNNE BUILDING CORPORATION 8000 S US I STE 402 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. PORT ST LUCIE FL 34952 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser,to1! j - title and register the vehicle,mobile home or vessel htip://www.flh'smv.govlhtmlltltJinf.htmi 0011 _Le.0 el tR q Idintim-cation Writer Year hllake,�—;Body UVT-L-BHP Vess d T24SP23216B MS 63'1987 i ME11 Prey = Color Primary Brand Secondary-Brand. &o of Use pr�Is Date State nr FL UNK PRIVATE 103/0,572011, Tale Odorreter Status or Vessel Manufacturer or OH use Hull Material Prop Date of Issue 103122/20161 Data Registered Cmnicr WYNNE BUILDING CORPORATION r 8000 S US i STE 402 PORT ST LUCIE FL 34952 1st Lietiholder NONE 4� DEPARTMENT OF HIGMNAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES ti DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERVICES TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA M21F A! Terry L.Rhodes Robert R.Kyricch Director Executive Director TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER(This section must be compieted at the time of sale.) Fail"--.]and.or,:zSa Imurq.4a flat din ellarMate iheinilage.Purchasers naine,ielline price and date sold in con nection,-Ath ihz t=sfar ofo%marhip. C: 11ii iifle is =nted in be free f,-m an,liens e�cepl as noted on the fit—a of,.h.c-fificale mid ffi--mato.vEhicli,or vessel dear,ibed is hereby transf�rd to: Address:_ Price: Sell,,,'Must Enter Date Sold: VW.At, ❑Lhat thi,Ej or E16 dieit odometer now i.ml,1 11 It I,i u 11 1.1 x I(..!coda)miles.date read_mid I hereby certify Ihat to ilia best ofmy I:no%l-ledge lbeodonneferrai ng: 2.i,-IN'F-XCUSS OF ITS MECHANICAL L%11T.S. -1 refl, El 3.is N(yr TIM ACITTAL NflLEAGE F -0,Acrum,r,4rLE--x F UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY,I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUIE.CO-SELLEER111iif Sign 14CM: %i-Hcre: Prim-T4,,a: ?rinll-fere: Selling Dealers Li can er: TaxCollact.d: 1-i—seNunber: PUF.CR2kSEP11t2f Sign H--. W-- Si en Here: 1-4int Here: 13rintHuv: a