HomeMy WebLinkAboutWind Report r-r, mec&Wind Pr® v2 . 2 . 7 . 5 per ASCU 7 3 y Developed by MECA Enterprises, Inc. Copyright www.mecaenterpr,:sies dingy, Date 6/9/2017 Project No. 12416 r Company Name Robert G ishman PA Designed By Engineer Address 2117 Hollywood blvd Description Addition City Hollywood Customer Name Owner A State Florida Proj Location 12416 s.indian rider-zdr File Location: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\hSecaWind\Default.wnd Input Parameters: Directional Procedure All Heights Building (Ch 27 Part 1) \ Basic Wind Speed(V) = 170.00 mph Structural Category = III Exposure Category = C Natural Frequency = N/A Flexible Structure = No Importance Factor = 1.00 Kd Directional Factor = 0.85 Alpha = 9.50 Zg = 900.00 ft At = 0.11 Bt = 1.00 Am = 0.15 Bm = 0.65 Cc = 0.20 1 = 500.00 ft Epsilon = 0.20 Zmin = 15.00 ft Pitch of Roof = 4 : 12 Slope of Roof(Theta) = 18.43 Deg . h: Mean Roof Ht = 20.83 ft Type of Roof = HIPPED RHt: Ridge Ht = 23.67 ft Eht: Eave Height = 18.00 ft OH: Roof Overhang at Eave= 2.00 ft Overhead Type = OH w/ soffit Bldg Length Along Ridge = 46.00 ft Bldg Width Across Ridge= 30.00 ft Length of Hipped Ridge = 10.00 ft Roof Slope on Hip End = 15.82 Deg Gust Factor Calculations.' Gust Factor Category I Rigid Structures - Simplified Method r Gustl: For Rigid Structures (Nat. F eq.>1 Hz) use 0.85 = 0.85 y Gust Factor Category II Rigid Structures - Complete Analysis Zm: 0.6*Ht = 15.00 ft lzm: Cc*(33/Zm)^0.167 = 0.23 Lzm: ,1*(Zm/33)^Epsilon = 427.06 ft Q: (1/(1+0.63*-((B+Ht)/Lzm)^0.63))^0.5 = 0.93 Gust2: 0.925*((1+1.7*lzm*3.4*Q)/(1+1.7*3.4*lzm)) = 0.89 Gust Factor Summary Not a Flexible Structure use the Lessor of Gustl or Gust2 = 0.85 Table 26.11-1 Internal Pressure Coefficients for Buildings, GCpi GCPi : Internal Pressure Coefficient = +/-0.18 Wind Pressurs Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) - Ref Figure 27.4-1 ' Kh: 2.01*(Ht/Zg)^(2/Alpha) = 0.91 Kht: Topographic Factor (Figure 6-4) = 1.00 Qh: .00256*(V)^2*I*Kh*Kht*Kd = 34.32 psf Cpww: Windward Wall Cp(Ref Fig 6-6) = 0.80 Roof Area = 1849.35 ft^2 Reduction Factor based on Roof Area = 0.80 Normal to Ridge - Base Reactions - Walls Only +GCpi Description Press Area Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz psf ft^2 Kip Kip Kip K-ft K-ft K-ft ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Leeward Wall -20.77 828 .00 17.19 .00 154.7 .0 .0 Side Wall -26.60 540 -14.36 .00 .00 .0 129.3 .0 Side Wall -26.60 540 14.36 .00 .00 .0 -129.3 .0 Windward Wall 16.45 460 .00 7.57 .00 98.4 .0 .0 Windward Wall 15.60 368 .00 5.74 .00 23.0 .0 .0 ' Total .00 2736 .00 30.50 .00 276.1 .0 .0 Normal to Ridge - Base Reactions - Walls Only -GCpi Description Press Area Fx Fy Fz Ms My Mz sf ft^2 Kip---- Kip---- Kip---- K-ftr--- K-ft--- K- 11 00------ ---------p------------- Leeward Wall -8.41 828 .00 6.96 .00 62.7 .0 C0111Y Side Wall -14.24 540 -7.69 .00 .00 .0 69.2 Side Wall -14.24 540 7.69 .00 .00 .0 -69.2 .0 A Windward Wall 28.81 460 .00 13.25 .00 172.3 .0 .0 Windward Wall 27.96 368 .00 10.29 .00 41.2 .0 .0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total .00 2736 .00 30.50 .00 276.1 .0 .0 r Along Ridge - Base Reactions - Walls Only -GCpi Description Press Area Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz psf ftA2 Kip Kip Kip K-ft K-ft K-ft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leeward Wall -5.30 540 2.86 .00 .00 .0 -25.7 .0 Side Wall -14.24 828 .00 11.79 .00 106.1 .0 .0 Side Wall -14.24 828 .00 -11.79 .00 -106.1 .0 .0 Windward Wall 28.81 300 8.64 .00 .00 .0 -112.4 .0 Windward Wall 27.96 240 6.71 .00 .00 .0 -26.8 .0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total .00 2736 18.21 .00 .00 .0 -164.9 .0 Total Base Reaction Summary Description Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz Kip Kip Kip K-ft K-ft K-ft -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal to Ridge Walls+Roof +GCpi .0 30.4 47.5 330.4 .0 -0.0 Normal to Ridge Walls Only +GCpi .0 30.5 .0 276.1 .0 .0 Normal to Ridge Walls+Roof -GCpi .0 32.9 18.0 312.2 .0 -0.0 Normal to Ridge Walls Only -GCpi .0 30.5 .0 276.1 .0 .0 Normal to Ridge Walls+Roof MIN .0 9.6 .0 105.6 .0 .0 Along Ridge Walls+Roof +GCpi 16.7 0.0 43.2 -0.0 -290.4 0.0 Along Ridge Walls Only +GCpi 18.2 .0 .0 .0 -164.9 .0 Along Ridge Walls+Roof -GCpi 16.7 0.0 21.6 -0.0 -2?3.1 0.0 Along Ridge Walls Only -GCpi 18.2 .0 .0 .0 -164.9 .0 Along Ridge Walls+Roof MIN 6.1 .0 .0 .0 -64.8 .0 Notes Applying to MWFRS Reactions: Note (1) Per Fig "27.4-1, Note 9, Use greater of Shear calculated with or without roof. Note (2) X= Along Building ridge, Y = Normal to Building Ridge, Z = Vertical Note (3) MIN = Minimum pressures on Walls - 9.6 psf and Roof = 4.8 psf Note (4) MIN area is the area of the surface onto a vertical plane normal to wind. Note (5) Total Roof Area (incl OH Top) = 1849.35 sq. ft . j: Wind Pressure on Components and Cladding (Ch 30 Part 1) All pressures shown are based upon ASD Design, with a Load Factor of .6 Width of Pressure Coefficient Zone "a" _ = 3.00 ft Description Width Span Area Zone Max Min Max P Min P £t ft ftA2 GCp GCp psf psf ----------------------------------------------------------------------- door 6068 6.00 6.70 40.2 4 0.89 -0.99 36.84 -40.27 door 9068 9.00 6.70 60.3 5 0.86 -1.12 35.77 -44.77 window 24 3.00 5.00 15.0 4 0.97 -1.07 39.43 -42.87 window H32 2.20 2.20 4.8 4 1.00 -1.10 40.50 -43.93 window T25 9.00 5.00 45.0 5 0.88 -1.17 36.54 -46.31 Khcc;Comp. s Clad. Table 6-3 Case 1 = 0.91 Qhcc:.00256*VA2*Khcc*Kht*Kd = 34.32 psf