HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeotechnical Engineering ReportDecember 3, 2014 Attn: Mr. Ted Ferguson 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84 Jensen Beach, Florida Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed 2-Story Residence 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 Dear Mr. Ferguson: Blascom Engineering, Inc. (BLASCOM) has completed the geotechnical engineering services for the above referenced project. These services were performed in general accordance with our proposal number PG14018 dated November 10, 2014. This geotechnical engineering report presents the results of the subsurface exploration and our geotechnical evaluation. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, BLASCOM Engineering, Inc. (Certificate of Authorization No. 30144) Julio De Bias, P.E. Principal Engineer Florida License No. 64653 Cc: Addressee (1) - PDF BLASCOM Engineering, Inc. 1 240 Crandon Blvd., Suite 106-D I Key Biscayne, Florida 33149 P: 786-548-4990 F: 786-504-9420 1 www.blascomusa.com Geotechnical Engineering Report Page i 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................... 1 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION............................................................................... 2 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE..........................................................................2 2.2 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION..........................................................................2 3.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION................................................................................. 2 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING................................................................................. 3 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS........................................................................... 3 5.1 USDA SOIL MAP...............................................................................................3 5.2 GENERAL SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS........................................................................3 5.3 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS.................................................................................4 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................. 4 6.1 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION.................................................................................4 6.2 SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS...................................................................................... 5 6.3 GROUND FLOOR SLABS........................................................................................6 7.0 CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................... 6 7.1 SITE PREPARATION............................................................................................... 6 7.2 IN -SITU DENSIFICATION OF SOILS............................................................................8 7.3 FILL MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................8 7.4 FILL COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................9 7.5 GROUNDWATER CONTROL.......................................................................................9 7.6 ExCAVATIONS................................................................................................... 10 7.7 OTHER CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................. 10 8.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS................................................................................ 10 APPENDIX A Exhibit A-1: Site Vicinity Map Exhibit A-2: USDA Soils Survey Map Exhibit A-3: Field Test Location Plan Exhibit A-4: Boring Log Profiles APPENDIX B General Field Exploration Procedures Soil/Rock Classification Laboratory Testing Procedures Geotechnical Engineering Report 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 1 A geotechnical exploration has been performed for the proposed 2-Story residence located at 10851 South Ocean Drive (Lot#84) in Jensen Beach, Florida. The subsurface exploration consisted of performing two (2) soil borings to depths ranging from 25 to 30 feet below the existing grade. The following is a summary of the geotechnical subsurface findings and engineering evaluation: f i,,s Item' roscriptn - �De The subsurface conditions generally consist of surface pavers and a concrete floor slab. Below, very loose to loose sands were found to a depth of 7 feet followed by medium dense to dense sands to the boring General Subsurface termination depths. Boring B-1 disclosed a sand layer with few organics Conditions from 7.2 to 8 below the existing grade. Also in boring B-1, a natural limestone stratum was found from 22.5 to 24 feet below the existing grade. The groundwater was found at depths ranging from 4.7 to 4.9 feet below grade at the time of the field exploration. proposed 2-story structure can be supported on shallow foundations GeotecThe provided that the design and construction recommendations presented Evaluation Eva/uation in this report are followed. The proposed structure can be supported on shallow foundations bearing on properly compacted existing granular soils or on compacted fill. An Foundations allowable soil bearingpressure of 2,500 psf can be used for shallow foundation design. Construction of floor slabs directly on compacted existing granular soils Ground Floor Slab or compacted fill are considered acceptable for the project. A modulus of subgrade reaction value of 130 pci can be used for floor slab design. This owner and/or designer should not rely solely on this executive summary and must read and evaluate the entire report content prior to utilizing in the preparation of any design and construction documents. Additionally, the general conditions section at the end of the report must be read for an understanding of the report limitations. Geotechnical Engineering Report 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 Project Description and Scone Page 2 The project consisted of performing a subsurface exploration and Project Description providing foundation recommendations for the proposed 2-story structure located at 10851 South Ocean Drive (Lot#84) in Jensen Beach, Florida. The scope involved performing a subsurface exploration consisting of two Project Scope Standard Penetration Test (SPT) boring to depths ranging from 25 to 30 feet below the existing grade. 2.2 Site Location and Description Location 1 10851 South Ocean Drive (Lot#84) in Jensen Beach, Florida. Current Ground Cover I Concrete Floor Slab and Pavers Observed Site I Lot#84 is partially occupied by a motorhome. The lot has access to a canal Conditions at the south side. There are 1-story homes to the east and west of the lot. Existing Structures I None Existing Topography I Flat 3.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation consisted of performing two soil borings (B-1 and B-2). Boring B-1 was performed to a depth of 25 feet and boring B-2 to a depth of 30 feet below the existing grade. The SPT soil borings were performed in general accordance with ASTM Test Methods as described in Appendix B (Section A). A field test location plan illustrating the field test locations has been included as Exhibit A-3 of Appendix A. B IASCOM Geotechnical Engineering Report Page 3 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING Representative samples collected from the test boring locations were visually reviewed in the laboratory by a geotechnical engineer to confirm the field classifications. The samples were classified using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) in general accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) test designation D2487. USCS Group symbols and soil descriptions are explained further in Appendix B, Section B. During the field exploration, a portion of each recovered sample was sealed in bags and transported to our laboratory for further visual observation and laboratory testing. Selected samples retrieved from the borings were tested for moisture content, organic content, and fine particles (passing the No. 200 sieve). The laboratory testing procedures are explained in Appendix B, Section C. The laboratory test results are summarized in the following table: 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5.1 USDA Soil Mao The Survey of St. Lucie County, Florida, published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) was reviewed for general near -surface soil information within the general project vicinity. The USDA map is presented in Exhibit A-2 of Appendix A. This information indicates that there is one primary mapping unit for this project. The map soil unit found is as follows: Arents, 0 to 5 percent slopes (4). 5.2 General Subsurface Conditions The general subsurface conditions disclosed by the borings are presented in the Boring Log Profile (Exhibit A-4) in Appendix A and generalized in the table below: Geotechnical Engineering Report 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 Page 4 - - Concrete Floor Slab and Pavers - 1 5.7 - 6.0 Light Brown to Brown Fine to Medium Very Loose to SAND SP Medium Dense 2 6.5 - 7.0 Light Brown to Brown Fine Sand, Few Very Loose to Loose Silt, Occasional Trace Organics (SP-SM) 3 7.1 Gray Fine to Medium Sand (SP) Very Loose 4 8.0 Dark Brown Silty Fine Sand, Few Very Loose to Loose Organics SP-SM 5 15.0 - 22.0 Light Brown or Gray Fine to Medium Medium Dense to SAND SP Dense Light Gray to Gray Fine to Coarse 6 22.5 - 30.0 SAND, Trace to Few Shell and/or Medium Dense Limestone Lenses/Layers SP 7 24.0 1 Light Gray Limestone with Fine Sand - Stratification limits in the Boring Log represent the approximate location of changes in strata types. The actual in -situ stratification limits between materials may be gradual. 5.3 Groundwater Conditions The groundwater table was found in the borings during the field investigation ranging from 4.7 to 4.9 feet below the existing grade. The groundwater levels are presented in the Boring Log Profile (Exhibit A-4) in Appendix A. Fluctuations in the groundwater level should be expected due to seasonal climatic changes, tidal conditions, rainfall variations, and surface runoff. Therefore, at any time of the year different from the time of drilling, there is a possibility of a change in the recorded levels. 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Geotechnical Evaluation Based on the results of the subsurface exploration and our geotechnical evaluation, it is our opinion that the proposed 2-story structure can be supported on shallow foundations provided that the design and construction recommendations presented herein are followed and the bearing soils are tested and inspected by BLASCOM during construction. Geotechnical Engineering Report Page 5 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 6.2 Shallow Foundations We recommend that the procedures described in Section 7.1 (Site Preparation) of this report be used to prepare the shallow foundation subgrades. Design recommendations for shallow foundations for the proposed structure are presented in the following table. Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure: 1 2,500 psf Minimum Footing Width 24 inches 18 inches Minimum Embedment Depth Below 18 inches Finished Grade (1) Approximate Total Settlement (Z) 1 <1 inch Estimated Differential Settlement (Z) <1/2 inch Ultimate Coefficient of Sliding Friction (3) 0.4 Compaction Requirements 95 percent of the materials maximum Modified Proctor dry density (ASTM D 1557) Minimum Testing Frequency One field density test One field density test per per footing 1 100 linear feet (1) Relative to lowest adjacent finished grade, typically exterior grade. (2) Compacted granular soils that will provide support to the footings have very low compressibility and any settlement due to pressure applied by the foundations is likely to occur almost immediately upon application of the loads. Therefore, nearly all of the settlement of the structure foundations due to dead loads is expected to take place during construction. These estimates are contingent upon subgrade preparation being carried out as recommended herein. Total and differential settlements of these magnitudes are usually considered tolerable for the, anticipated construction; however, the tolerance of the proposed structures to the predicted total and differential settlements should be confirmed by the structural engineer/architect. (3) Sliding friction along the base of the footings will not develop where net uplift conditions exist. 0�11 Geotechnical Engineering Report Page 6 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 6.3 Ground Floor Slabs We recommend that the procedures described in Section 7.1 (Site Preparation) of this report be used to prepare the concrete floor slab subgrades. Joints should be provided to help control the location and extent of cracking in accordance with the Florida Building Code (FBC) Section 1910. Joints or any cracks that develop should be sealed with a water -proof, non -extruding compressible compound specifically recommended for heavy duty concrete pavement and wet environments. A 6-mil thick polyethylene vapor retarded should be placed between the slab subgrade and slab concrete as required by the FBC Section 1910. Design parameters for ground floor slabs are presented below: Floor Slab Support I Compacted existing granular soils or on compacted fill materials. Modulus of Subgrade Reaction 130 pounds per cubic inch (pci) Compaction Requirements 95 percent of the materials maximum Modified Proctor dry density ASTM D 1557). Minimum Testing Frequency One field density test per 2,500 square feet (or fraction thereof). 7.0 CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Site Preuaration Based on the results of our field exploration we anticipate site preparation procedures to include the following: 1. Site preparation should include removing the existing concrete floor slab, pavers, any topsoil or vegetation, and any other unsuitable materials that might be found at the site. Any other structures and features at the site should be removed within the footprint of the proposed structure. 2. Topsoil and vegetation may be reused as topsoil only, if desired, and should not be used as structural fill. Any unsuitable material as well as topsoil not used in landscaped areas should be disposed off -site. Geotechnical Engineering Report 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 Page 7 3. The location of any existing underground utility lines within the construction area should be established. Provisions should be made to relocate any interfering utility lines within the construction area. Abandoned utilities should be removed or grouted to reduce the possibility of subsurface erosion that could result in future settlement. 4. The cleared exposed subgrade should be densified as specified in Section 7.2. Densification of the soils should be performed within the proposed footprint plus a 5-foot wide perimeter extending beyond the outside edge, where practical. Densification operations should continue until the subgrade soils are firm and unyielding. 5. Any fill required to raise grades should conform to the recommendations in Sections 7.3 and 7.4. 6. If unsuitable bearing soils are found in shallow foundation excavations, the excavation should be extended deeper at ratio of 1 horizontal: 1 vertical (1H:1V) starting at the foundation bearing elevation downward and outward until suitable material is reached. The limits of over -excavation for the entire structure footprint should include the footprint plus a 5-foot wide zone extending beyond the outside lines of the structure, removed at a ratio of 1 horizontal: 1 vertical (1H:1V) starting at the ground surface downward and outward until suitable material is reached. The over -excavation should be backfilled to the footing base elevation in accordance with Sections 7.3 and 7.4. 4 MCOUN Geotechnical Engineering Report 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 7.2 In -Situ Densification of Soils Page 8 0 F Parameter �� Descriptro .. I Compaction of the in -place granular soils in the proposed foundation Granular Soils - General footprints plus a 5-foot wide perimeter extending beyond the outer lines of the foundation area, where practical, should be performed. To minimize the effects of compaction induced vibrations on adjacent existing structures, the compaction operation should be limited to a maximum distance of 25 feet from the existing structures. The Granular Soils — maximum drum roller weight to be used between 5 to 25 feet from the Adjacent Structures existing structures should be limited to 4 tons. For distances of less than 5 feet, a walk behind vibratory sled or rollers should be used. Compaction of the bearing surface using this equipment should continue until no further vertical settlement of the surface is visually discernible. At least 10 overlapping passes (5 passes in an east/west and 5 passes in a north/south direction) shall be completed. Any area of the exposed Number of Passes surface that deflects excessively under the weight of the compaction equipment should be excavated approximately 24 inches and replaced with compacted fill material. Density control should be exercised in the upper 12 inches of the subgrade. Soils in this interval should be compacted to 95 percent of Density Control the Modified Proctor maximum dry density determined per ASTM D- 1557. Frequent wetting of the subgrade may be necessary during the rolling operations to prevent drying and loosening of the upper six (6) to 12 inches of soil. 7.3 Fill Material Reauirements The fill materials should meet the following material property requirements: General SP, SP-SM or GP, GP -GM (fines All locations and elevations above the ground (Above the content < 12 percent, maximum water table. Water Table) particle size < 3 inches) General (1) GP, GP -GM, GW, or FDOT #57. All locations and elevations below the water table. This material may be placed no less than one foot (Below the Stone (inorganic, non -plastic, above the water table and should be covered with Water Table) and free of man-made debris) a geotextile filter fabric. (1) When GP, GP -GM, GW, or FDOT #57 Stone is used as backfill for foundation excavations made below the water table, these materials should be placed up to the foundation bearing elevation. In addition, the stone material should be compacted above the water table with a minimum of three (3) passes with a vibratory compactor. _1W Geotechnical Engineering Report 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 7.4 Fill Compaction Reauirements Page 9 Heavy vibratory compaction equipment: 12 inches or less in loose thickness. Maximum particle size should not exceed 3 inches in a 12-inch lift. Fill Lift Thickness Hand -guided equipment (i.e. walk behind vibratory sled or rollers): 4 to 6 inches in loose thickness when is used. Maximum particle size should not exceed 11/2 inches in a 4- to 6-inch lift. Minimum Compaction Soils under foundations or the structure footprint should be Requirements compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor Test (ASTM D-1557). Moisture Content [11 within f2 percent of optimum moisture content as determined by the Modified Proctor test at the time of placement and compaction Minimum Testing Frequency One field density test per 2,500 square feet (or fraction thereof) per lift, with a minimum of two field density tests per lift (') We recommend that fill be tested for moisture content and compaction during placement. Should the results of the in -place density tests indicate the specified moisture or compaction limits have not been met, the area represented by the test should be reworked and retested as required until the specified moisture and compaction requirements are achieved. 7.5 Groundwater Control Groundwater control may be required for construction excavations at this site for either excavation dewatering or removal of temporarily perched water from a rain event. Such water can be controlled by pumping from sumps located in ditches or pits. Groundwater should be maintained at the following levels: Excavations I Minimum 1 foot below the bottom of any excavation made during construction operations Dewatering with well points might be used for deeper excavations or when required to facilitate construction. Dewatering systems should be designed and operated so as not to impact adjacent construction. Additionally, the discharge from dewatering systems should be handled in accordance with current regulatory criteria as related to the same. The dewatering systems shall be evaluated and designed by a specialty dewatering contractor. Geotechnical Engineering Report Page 10 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 7.6 Excavations In Federal Register, Volume 54, No. 209 (October 1989), the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) amended its "Construction Standards for Excavations, 29 CFR, part 1926, Subpart P". This document was issued to better insure the safety of workmen entering trenches or excavations. It is mandated by this federal regulation that all excavations, whether they be utility trenches, basement excavations or footing excavations, be constructed in accordance with the. OSHA guidelines. The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. The contractor's responsible person, as defined in 29 CFR Part 1926, should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case should slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depth, including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal safety regulations. 7.7 Other Construction Considerations The geotechnical engineer should be retained during the construction phase of the project to observe the earthwork operations and to perform necessary tests and observations during placement and compaction of controlled compacted fills or backfilling of excavations. 8.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS The geotechnical engineering services presented in this report have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. BLASCOM is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions or recommendations made by others based on these data. No other warranties are implied or expressed. Site safety, excavation support, and dewatering requirements are the responsibility of others. Geotechnical Engineering Report 10851 South Ocean Drive, Lot#84, Jensen Beach, Florida Blascom Project No. G14014 December 3, 2014 Page 11 The analyses and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the locations indicated. This report does not reflect variations that may occur between borings, across the site or due to the modifying effects of construction or weather. If any subsoil variations become evident during the course of this project, a re-evaluation of the recommendations contained in this report will be necessary after BLASCOM has an opportunity to observe the characteristics of the conditions found. The applicability of the report should also be reviewed in the event significant changes occur in the design, nature or location of the proposed project. The scope of our services does not include any environmental assessment or investigation for the presence or absence of hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, groundwater, or surface water within or beyond the site studied. Any statements in this report regarding odors, staining of soils, or other unusual conditions observed are strictly for the information of our client. - END OF REPORT - APPENDIX A Photograph Source: Google Earth Pro. Project No. G14o14 LOCATION w SITE VICINITY MAP Exhibit Drawn by. 1B B AA SCO 1 , DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCON FOR by: ENGINEERING G I N E E Ri N G 10851 S. OCEAN DRIVE (LOT#84) A-1 ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED R �e JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA CONSTRUMON PURPOSES Data: 11/24/14 Mao Unit Symbol: (4) Arents, 0 to 5 percent slopes Photograph Source: USDA Project No. Soils Survey G1ao14 Drawn by: 1B DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION Chedced by: ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR 19 CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES Date: 11/24/14 BLANSCO.I Y 1 ENGINEERING USDA SOILS SURVEY MAP 10851 S. OCEAN DRIVE (LOT#84) JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA Exhibit A-2 LEGEND -qT SPT Boring Approximate Location (B-1 and B-2) Photograph Source: Google Earth Pro. Project No. Drawn by: B' SCOM DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION Ched:ed by: ENGINEERING � ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR ]a CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES Date: 11/24/14 FIELD TEST LOCATION PLAN 10851 S. OCEAN DRIVE (LOT#84) JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA Exhibit A-3 r. rAarr MmM m ewv.' cMf m v£B•a sAm rsn L L4Hr amv m MwrN Faf swB, rzW sar /sP-sn fYm FME m YEUm Sw0 r5P/ .BYM Mmnf San cMf sw0. FEY McwEs rsP-sn 2 I.TYIT M'da• m M•YY FME SAM0. FfW SILT ISP-sA 6 Lf IT MW' m WY Faf m L9KLSE Sw0. rRK'f m fEV SnfLL wNIM4 uYesm¢ 1EMSE3/(.O'ERS rsP/ 6 >.GNT MW UY£si(a£ Ilm FME SAm s/cvr MLo' m Mw FaE m mxasE swB. rRAfE m FEIr S/ff4 A•dMR rMESHII£ (ENSES/Wf/S EpaA TERY.Y SB' LW �11/ a EJs' B°P/m pli/EUiO-EI-N BORIAL' Nw 2 A -NM P nE -- LC6 La�rn£rf rr Tnw LL•a/r Mmw m asWv FMf m Y£BAY sAm aP� L GYIT B/AIx m emrx FME SWAFEY S/LT. TAKE S GMTp mp FMf mmwmS l fwN FOE m mA� SAM0. rRKETm FEY Siffft A.m/p IaETTdE IEAYs//q'E%2^1 n awrAs rERY.• svo• CAS/NL ''PTH a NS BURnA pIMEMR-N-N lELExB SwU MGVA' Sw0 MY£SRWE bxfflEB SUIL CGSSIFAATAa fYNP LS ISP! SIYM)L S EMRAfrERFB LM1xpATER (EVE[ A6-N !BATE p REwMLI S NANAAL Y96mlE mVTExT to -20� Fa6 PASSaL Ab. A'l S/EYE ril ¢.a MN' A: mvrEYr z rs srwUARU PEN£TRATAM RE56TAKE M Y BUM P£R FUpT UxlLB UTnfNISE MDTEU �E. wYBER M• BIMS REMfIxfD (EM m A plYf SwP[aB 5Fm'/ rS1 aL/6 fL� p/ILAL FW0 LUYLGTp ia5s MJ Wp FfIL Uxpw Tnf M£A:YT T inE HAYYfR � HAYY£R TTPEIAVRWATA RA nPE pEriS pltlEO MHA S NRpxTA Hw Is STw PE Umrw TEsr BATH SImY MSYY: BIK / 2 Iti SIVa WTSAE BM. 2 In wTY sTKVBYA MR]^ AUm HAYYEH g AW.NAYYER MAP .r0 !n nwYfR WfA:HT IrU an GPwt/LVt YATERIAIS YS REGTaE S BENsrm rewsEFpn vERr imSE 1Ess rnw .r imsf Y-e 5 YEOAY rcr<c B-N LwYSf N-Q YERI KMS£ pEATFR TNw O VS slLlS AND CGTS mVSISTEM?' SPT rBmYSAFmn vERr sd•r iEss rHw l ° s SE STffF E P vEm STIFF HARD TREATER TNw 21 A°TES WM MS AAE APPIAIMATE wU REPRESENTT WSBILL WERS NT EAp TEST ID1E fLGTAM pit. SUBSURFA2 VwIAfOYS BErWEEx B°RrMS SibllD BE wTA:/PATER 10851 S. OCEAN DRIVE (LOT#84) ncEr"'err"o'` JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA BLAscOM RwnGma ,nH >ol«H- BORING LOG PROFILES APPENDIX B 11,13 RENOWN APPENDIX B A. GENERAL FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES The field exploration might consist of performing different field tests as described below. The test locations are laid out in the field using one or more of the following methodology: aerial photographs, existing landmarks, plans, other available documents, or GPS coordinates. The location of the field tests should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the means and methods used to define them. The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) - ASTM D1586: After seating the sampler six (6) inches, the number of successive blows required to drive the sampler twelve (12) inches into the soil constitutes the test result commonly referred to as the "N" value. The "N" value has been empirically, correlated with various soil properties and is considered to be indicative of the relative density of cohesionless soils and the consistency of cohesive soils. The SPT borings were performed using a CME-55 or CME-45 truck mounted drill rig equipped with an automatic hammers. The recovered split spoon samples were visually classified in the field and placed in sealed containers and transported to the laboratory for further review in accordance with ASTM D2488. Auger Borings — ASTM D1452: Auger borings were performed in general accordance with ASTM D1452. Portions of the samples from the field tests are sealed in glass jars/bags to reduce moisture loss, and then the jars/bags are taken to our laboratory for further observation and classification. Upon completion, the boreholes are backfilled or grouted, as required. The field boring logs are prepared by the drill crew. The field log includes visual classifications of the materials found during drilling as well as the driller's interpretation of the subsurface conditions between samples. The boring log included with this report represents an interpretation of the field log and include modifications based on laboratory observation of the samples. Exfiltration Tests: This test is performed in general accordance with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) procedures for the "Usual Condition Constant Head" Percolation Tests. The test is performed in a 6-inch diameter borehole to a depth of 15 feet (Miami -Dade County) or 10 feet (Broward and other northern counties) below the existing ground surface. A 4-inch diameter perforated PVC pipe is placed in the borehole. Water was then pumped into the borehole in order to raise the water level in the borehole to near the ground surface. Once the inflow stabilized with the outflow rate, the average pumping rate and the relative depth of the water obtained with this stabilized flow rate is recorded. The hydraulic conductivity value is then calculated from the test results. The hydraulic conductivity value is reported in units of cubic feet per second per square foot of seepage area per foot of head (cfs/ft2- ft head). Rock Coring: Four inch diameter rock coring is performed using a conventional double wall core barrel or a wire -line system. The length of each individual coring is 5 feet. The cores are removed carefully from the barrel and placed in core boxes equipped with longitudinal separators. Spacer blocks are marked with core run and depth and inserted into the core column to indicate the beginning and end of each core run. Core recoveries are calculated for each run, which is defined as the total length of core recovered from the hole as a percentage of the total length of rock drilled during the coring run. In addition, the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) for each rock core sample is determined. The RQD is defined as the sum total length of all pieces of core exceeding 4 inches as a percentage of the total length of rock drilled during coring run. The RQD value is intended to reflect the in -situ fracture characteristics of the rock. SPT DENSITY CHART— GRANULAR MATERIALS STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA SAFETY AUTOMATIC RELATIVE HAMMER SPT-N HAMMER SPT-N SPOON INSIDE DIA. 1.375 in. DENSITY VALUE VALUE SPOON OUTSIDE DIA. 2.0 in. (BLOW/FOOT) (BLOW/FOOT) AVG. HAMMER DROP 30.0 in. VERY LOOSE < 4 < 3 HAMMER WEIGHT 140.0 lbs. LOOSE 4 — 10 3-8 MEDIUM 10-30 8-24 DENSE 30 — 50 24 — 40 VERY DENSE > 50 > 40 L7L1i SCO. Y 1 A. GENERAL FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES (CONTINUED) SPT CONSISTENCY CHART— SILTS AND CLAYS ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION SAFETY AUTOMATIC CONSISTENCY HAMMER SPT- HAMMER SPT-N R D % DESCRIPTION OF ROCK N VALUE VALUE UQ ALITY (BLOW/FOOT) (BLOW/FOOT) 0 - 25 Very Poor VERY SOFT < 2 < 1 25 - 50 Poor SOFT 2-4 1-3 50 - 75 Fair FIRM 4-8 3-6 75 - 90 Good STIFF 8 — 15 6-12 90 - 100 Excellent VERY STIFF 15 — 30 12 — 24 HARD >30 >24 B. SOUROCK CLASSIFICATION SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil: Classification is in general accordance with the Description and Identification of Soils (Visual — Manual Procedure) of ASTM D2488. This procedure employs visual examination and manual tests to identify the soils characteristics. A detailed soil description includes color, constituents, grading, relative density or consistency, moisture content, particle angularity and shape, and additional descriptive terms. Constituents are identified considering grain -size distribution. Secondary constituents are generally indicated as modifiers to the principal constituent. Moisture content is described as dry, moist, or wet. The most common soil classification system is the Unified Classification System (ASTM D2487). Another system is the AASHTO Classification System (ASTM D3282) which is only used to classify soils for highway construction purposes. ROCK CLASSIFICATION: Florida's sedimentary rock is classified in accordance to color, constituents, weathering, grain -size, cementation, and other additional terms. The rock hardness is determined using indicators such as SPT- N values, drilling time, down pressure, results of rock coring testing. GRAIN -SIZE TERMINOLOGY RELATIVE PROPORTION OF CONSTITUENTS TERMINOLOGY PARTICLE SIZE TRACE < 5 BOULDERS > 12 in. FEW z 5% to 10% COBBLES 12 in. to 3 in. LITTLE > 10% to 30% GRAVEL 3 in. to #4 Sieve SOME > 30% to 50% SAND #4 to #200 Sieve MOSTLY > 50% to 100% SILT/CLAY Passing. #200 Sieve PARTICLE ANGULARIY AND SHAPE ORGANIC CONTENT (FDOT SFH) COARSE- GRAVEL, COBBLES. ORGANIC z 5% but < 20% GRAINED SOILS BOULDERS MATERIAL HIGHLY ORGANIC z 20% but < 75% ANGULAR FLAT MATERIAL (MUCK) SUB ANGULAR ELONGATED PEAT z 75% SUB -ROUNDED FLAT OR ELONGATED ROUNDED BL1A SCOM UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (Ref. ASTM D2487) Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests^ COARSE -GRAINED SOILS More than 50 % retained on No. 200 sieve Gravels Clean Gravels Cu e` 4 and 1 < Cc 3° (More than 50 °! (Less than 5 a fines° ) Soil Classification Group Group Names Symbol GW Welkgraded gravel' of coarse fraction retained Cu <4 andtor GP Poorly graded grave! on iCc < 1 or Cc > 311 No. 4 sieve) Gravels with Roes Fines classify as ML or GM Silty gravel, (More than 12 m fines° ) MH Fines classify as CL or GC Clayey gravel CH Sands Clean Sands Cu ? 6 and 1 :� Cc = 3 SW Well -graded sand (50 % or more of coarse (Less than 5 °i finesH) Cu <6 andtor SIP Poody graded san fraction passes rCc < 1 or Cc > 31' No. 4 sieve) Sands with Fines Roes classify as ML or SM Silty sand 3x' (More than 12 % ffnesH) MH Fines classify as CL or SC Clayey sand'• FINE-GRAINED SOILS Silts and Clays inorganic PI > 7 and plots on or t above 'A`fine' Liquid limit PI < 4 or plots below `A° ML Sift less than 50 line' organic Lr4`Gd RIM- 0 Ow BC��&!St OL Or anic cEa 50 °l or more < 0.75 9anrc s t passes the No. 200 sieve Silts and Clays inorganic PI plots on or above "A' CH Fat cla •L • line Liquid limit PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic silt"-,' 50 or more organic u41" OH Or anic cla < 0.75 Organic silt —,- HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat A Based on the material passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve. E If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. c Gravels with 5 to 12131. fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well -graded gravel with sift GW-GC well -graded gravel with clay GP -GM poorly graded gravel with silt GP -GC poorly graded ravel with clay D Z DCurD6dD9L Gc=D{- ' If soil contains -15 % sand, add 'with sand' to group name. F If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC -GM, or SC-SM. S if fines are organic, add "with organic fines' to group name. HSands witb 5 to 12 n fines require dual symbols: SWSM weff-graded sand with silt SW -SC well --graded sand with clay SPSM poorly graded sand with silt SP-SC poorly graded sand with day r If soil contains z-15?m gravel, add `with gravel" to group name- ' If Atterberg limits plot in hatched area, soil is a CLdvIL, silty clay. KIf soil contains 15 to <30 % plus No. 200, add "with sand' or 'with gravel," whichever is predominant L If soil contains ---30 % plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add 'sand' to group name. MY soil contains _-30 1Y. plus No. 200, predominantly gravel,. add `gravelly' to group name. H PI y 4 and plots on or above "A" line. ° PI < 4 or plots below *A' line. P PI plots on or above °A' line. ° PE plots below "A" line. 60 50 Ov. W 40 CI Z 30 U 20 10 7 PLASTICITY CHART For classification of fine-grained soils and fine-grained fraction .`Q0.—i of coarse -grained soils .—(' �.,. Equation of "A" - line Horizontal at P1=4 to LL=25.5. ' then PI=0.73 (LL-20) Equation of "U' - line Vertical at LL=16 to PI=7, then PI=0.9 (LL-8) <O r MH or OH ML or OL I i 3 GL _ ML :: � _ 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) 8o 90 100 110 C. LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES The general ASTM testing procedures for geotechnical soil classification and corrosion/environmental classification are described below: Natural Moisture Content: Moisture content tests consists of determination of percentage of moisture contents in selected soil samples in general accordance with FDOT Test Designation FM1-T265 (ASTM D2216, titled "Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil, Rock and Soil -Aggregate Mixtures"). Briefly, the moisture content is determined by weighing a sample of the selected material and then drying it in a warm oven. Care is taken to use a gentle heat so as not to destroy any organics. The sample is removed from the oven and re -weighed. The difference of the two weights is the amount of moisture removed from the sample. The weight of the moisture divided by the weight of the dry soil sample is the percentage by weight of moisture in the sample. Organic Content: Organic content test consists of determination of percentage of organic content in selected soil samples in general accordance with FDOT Test Designation FM1-T267 (ASTM D2974, titled "Standard Test Methods Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils"). Briefly, the organic content is determined by weighing a sample of the selected material and then burning off the organic material in a hot oven. The sample is removed from the oven and re -weighed. The difference of the two weights is the amount of organic material removed from the sample. The weight of the organic material divided by the weight of the dry soil sample is the percentage by weight of organic material in the sample. Grain -Size Distribution: Grain size analyses were performed to determine the percentage of different grain sizes contained in the soils in general accordance with ASTM D6913, titled "Standard Test Method for Particle -Size Distribution of Soils Using Sieve Analysis". The grain -size analysis test measures the percentage passing each of the selected sieves. In this manner, the grain -size distribution of a soil is measured. The percentage by weight passing the No. 200 Sieve is the amount of silt and clay sized particles. Atterberg Limits: Liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL), and plasticity index (PI) determination was performed in general accordance with ASTM D4318, titled "Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils," on selected soil samples that exhibited plastic soil characteristics. Consolidation Test: The consolidation test is performed in general accordance with (D2435-04 Standard Test Methods for One - Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils Using Incremental Loading). This test measures the time required by a sample to complete primary consolidation Corrosion Series: The tests include testing for pH (FM5-550), resistivity (FM5-551), chlorides (FM5-552), and sulfates (FM5-553) in general accordance with FDOT laboratory test methods. 0AM V 1